HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-24, Page 6r Thursday. 11117 ^_t. 191e. THE SIGNAL OODEBICH, ONT. T EMPL TO Sit C R�UMA� °" ns.�iTl� ES MATIS.adRl God„ En. RUM pI ff m�bi+0 A SUS �_!.' 15 sup as "Goodhealth is priceless." If you suffer from Rheumatic attiictionsT.R.C.'s will remedy your condition and remove both pain and disease. ' Sole tent H. C. DUNLOP P HSI. D 1 hrnli.t and for (aderirh r D Druggist M.iI it.ilt 1.r this address or to Temp leione, 11t King Sl. N., Torous. and T.K.(':,-wilt be sent post paid. THE CRiNE.F. THEATRE WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION Change - of Lama\ (iwmg to extreme hot wrath tee large u,e of water Ilk, slue conditions that the town pumps are working to capacity. and any pr►son.'founel using water coot!. try to any rules and regu!ttitnirWill he pro.ecule1 Hours from 7to 8 a 111., S to 111 p m, Lawn %cr\ke user. :/re r.'glieet.rra to hate the water as mush as pews siMe. 'NO person is allowed 10 welter for (nein service until appli•. , mem & for .same has been made use Hydro Sto•e closed evert Wedh.es- day afternoon during JiIy Led August All weer and light rates pay able, J. B. KELLY. Collector. N tiler and Light Ctommi,swn levee of Goderich. Drama of the Or' 1. Quaint and Naive The theatre of the Chinese is owe of the most delightfully primitive 1.- atitutiona extant. Too naive tat ac- cept change. its real charm seems to Ile In Its very artifleialities and llase tatioos. Looking at Chinese plays, Chinese audiences, Chinese mimeos - scenes. and Chinese actors Is like gazing upon some game of make. believe played by llietriuni/•ally Ji1r- cllned ebildrrn. A schoolboys draw- ing of the blackboard order could hardly be cruder or less true to the bject whish it professes to repre- nt. There is; for instance, no seen- , as commonly understood. but a to:.oration of stereotyped ob- for use •'opts." if the actors to re eat a mountain, a a civ r, they pile up drabs, d be rhes, and lo!-ibe scene ts net; Ik t y want to climb that mountain, o sleep in that bed, or swim that ver, they have recourse to pantomire • actions which are per- fectly understood by the patient and tolerant audie c'e. Whilst Sheht- sgware at least ode a passable ef- fort at creating ,edit of Illusion with his "propert s," the Chinese actor of the tweatl th century still relies upon pantomi ;o represent definite action and m acing. Tbe actor, for inatance.keek tele convey the idea that he is un a jo rney, must prance round the stage li a horse, brandishing a whip! The performance Is us ally a 1 2 -hour affair, For that res. to the members of the orchestra, as well' as the occupants of the tett seats\are provided with dishes and eatables\lo preparation for the lung dramatic siege. The typical play itself lived in the past, its interminable plot and counterplots being based on histori- cal fact or legend, and representing the two greit, divisions of national life, civil and military. The average boy finds the events -portrays „ in these playa in his school books, and this 'circumstance may account for tbe presence of the theatre in nearse every village throuehoet China Tee play is Bor11 standardized like an automobile or a toy. A play must be acted in a certain manner accordiny to its genre. Some are presented to the form of song; others are of the acrobatic order, but both kinds are usually Intended to stir the deepest emotions of piety and patriotism its the beholder. The actors must scout, dance and jump, and clash their swords and knives, because the cue tom of the play prescribes 1t. The comics must wear masks, and their gestures must be according to rigid • etiquette. The actors must—always str ve to strike effective poses and express pomposity, and, ifethey can Impress their audirecea, with their adroitness is sword play and 'per dances. all the b.•tter. No actor ever has much of an entrance," and there 1■ no curtain. The play will prop ably open with the appearance of an actor wearing a ;orag• black beard, a gruesome -looking mask, and carry lag a bright hear, sword. He will atrlde to the centre of the stage, de- liver more of his lines to the audi- ence and then inform his hearers that he has arrived. For -this per- functory and stilted kind of acting he may enjoy a princely salary. Yet be invariably strikes the foreigner as being somewhat of a mountebank. The fact Is that the actors are usual- ly recruited treat a class little bet- ter than slaves. Pe ; can read or write, or have escaped an early 11fs of cruelty and hard: iiip. The hope for a modern ata: a in China that shall be national in char- acter seems to be a !ung way from realization. A certain type of mod- ern play It performed it is true, and women troupes have been admitted to the stage; but the cut and dried types, tbe archaei 6hures, the old pompous attitudes, the mechanical devices, the absurd 'propertlea," still mien atter aura Pleun Hon WALKS and eelerydh.dy wears shoes, so every- ' body who has to economise or consider the money gnestonet+ interested in OUR SHOE REPAIRING. We are experienced and oily work Is always aitiafact.wy. Tty ne •w that pair )oil thought were sot worth mending. . S. SMITH );nal Street (, ,.6 •rich A BUSY YEAR This is going to be a busy year 111 Goderich There will be many dwellings and business places t:y be refined and rewired. Get You- Order in Early. i A fullln•e o� Electrical Goods always on hand. We are ex- perts „gild can help you get What ycu want. We are not tied to any particular make of goods. Call and see u. Robt. Tait West Street Nese Pi:Maier Phones -Stop 12, House 111 ellinIngne Feel. TERM OPENS Feet 2nd. E'�LLIOTT Yong, and Ch*Ae. Sas . Tornnln Owewwer&.tor ;Seems penualay ermnetly is puollen" have revrr hese eurpe.a.rd Ceasda. Cur thorough Ovens, It wen *hr.w.. weer to -day for Iarse [Ostrow. W l IILLIOTT. Prowler! The Milliary Salute. The form of the military salute of isubordlnates to officers — the hand (lifted level with the brow—is said to date back to the time wben •'keight- i hood was in Bower" sad Ores rode In tournamenla for empty but brie inane social honors. Tbe contestants, upon entering the arena, rode up be - tore the box of the "queen of love and beauty," and veiled their eyes wltb lifted hands. as tbough shielding them from the radiance of ber charms. Tbe explanation may or may not be correct—very prubably it is not, but it is a pretty conceit and tits in with the glamor that gives a tinge of romance to wat. (Irern In llarpttats. Green uniforms recently replaced white ones among British hospital surgeons, and British hospitals are also being fitted in Breen instead of white. because- obis color is easier ors the eyes of patients. At Ment a'A.ng Park. . A comer masquerade dance will to held at Menge;ung Park Wednesday evening. Jul)' 301h. 7 ao prizes el Si and Se will be given for the best comic costumes. Masks off at 10 30 and everbody can then dame. Special jitney service. Special Sunda) evening chicken dinner as usual at the Park. Ask the man who ate lite' M xRemo�Spcpfic GallS#one,s 2- 4 Hours THE Nater-Fs"::c Remesty for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stoma' h ✓isoreerc, Append is itis and K k'. n eel Stones are often cannel by Gall Stoohs, and mislead Atonic nnt:l those had attacks at Gull Store Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferer; knows what i. the trouble eft rlatt's Specific will erre w'ith:.ut pain or opee- otim. For trete exrluslreiy'!n Gode- rich by ...JAMES A. CAMPBELL... J. W. MARLATT S. CC Rif ONTARIO ST, TOROIfy Oln hulls -seem" itabeaartnes. "Seagulls, like the land birds on the western front, do not appear ti; fear the sigpta and sounds of war. Tbe booming of cannon and the tui% Mull of conflict du not create any alarm In heir feathered breasts. From time immemorial," writes a eon espondent to the Scotsman, "sea birds have apparently consider- ed ships as universal providers of food, and observers have reported that after a heavy sea -tight the sea- gulls collect in bousands and dash down., quite undeterred by the con- flict, to feed upon the vast quanti- ties of small tabes that, killed by the concussion, float upon tbe sur- face of tbe sea. Even before the battle is over the reaming gulls settle down to their feast.antid the drifting wreckage and !errors or a sea -battle. Seaplanes and airships cause them no Peers, and atter the battle of Heligoland the British rescuers of the German sailors said that overhead the Zeppelins floated la mid-air raining disaster spire their boats, while all around them the gulls fought and struggled for the flab that dotted the surface Oi the *ea Quite unheeding the boats or airship.. 1f, however. airships do not alarm the seagulls, they are conalderably perturbed by the pras- ence of submarines. In fart, It is possible to tell by the behaviour of gulls where a submarine is pass- ing under water. Their greatest dan- ger Iles in the depth of the sea from Ebert. and such marauders of the deep, and no doubt to them a sub- marine is an enormous shark. A Seek of gulls will wheel and scream over the aper, tying off suddenly with every et id. ne-e of dismay, and will not return uot:I the intruder has departet.." bparyow xi. Firebug. A smouldering cigarette picked up and carried by a sparrow to the bet - try of the mete hall, on a university of Valparaiso, sod., set fire to the structure, and almost resulted In its destruction. It was only through strenuous efforts on the part of tbe Are company and tbe' atgde•ts that the building, an old landmark, was saved. The belfry was used by a large number of sparrows as a place to build their nests. One of tbe Mu - dents tbrew away a lighted cigarette, and an tnqutsit:ve bird; searching for something witb,wbicb to line bar nest, picked it up and flew to the tower. A few minutes later students pausing the building saw several of the nests ablaze, and the birds were dying about ii.reaming. — E. Suffolk Gazelle. • Advertising Cheapness. An advertising a:ent says that you could print a c lu'nn advertisement in all the daily papers in .2menca for 1IX.000. It Mond that 40.000.000 peopie regu- 1 d Nervous Mothers • Should Profit by the Experience of These Two Women Buffalo, N. Y.—"I am the mother of four children, and for neadly three years I suffered from a knurls trouble with pains in my bat k and side, and a general weakness. I had pro- frional attendance most of that time but did not seem to get welL As a last resort I decided to try Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which I had mesa advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed s marked improveme t. I continued its use and am now free from pain nd able to do all my house- work."— Mrs. B. B. _Oa Webs Streets Buffalo, N Y. Portland, Ind.—"I hake dbplaoement and aclfered so badly from it at times I could not be op my feet at all. ' 1 was all rim down and so weak I Could net do my housework, was nervous and could not lie down at night. I took treatments -from a physician but they did not help me. My Aunt recommended Lydia E. Pfnkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 tried 1 it and now I am strong and well again and do my own work and I give Lydia K. Pinkham's • (bmpound the credit."-- lits. J o s s r a i s a K mars, 935 West Race Street, Portland, lad. Every Sick Woman Should Try LYDIA E. PINKHAM!$ VEGETABLE COMPO LYDIA LPINKMAM Mr.DICIN[ CR. LYNN. larly read these daily newspapers. Do you see what hat means' For lei. than the price of a three-cer t postage stamp you can talk to the extent of a column bS times a year to each 01 that vast army e.6 readers. Where can you wet another saletmin at a salary solo& as that.' No wieder a hie chewing gum firm which now use; S70 ;rapers says it add- to the number each year and thereby in- creases its eases very much, while reducing the cost of selling each package of gum. That's why adverti,wd products cret you less than the same products would cosi you if they were nut advertised. ••PickksIand charlotte ruse, hey~ These women give some queer rudere don't they?" "l'ea. sir.'' assented tie waiter. • W'hat•, yours.'" "Piece of hue • mince pe with two portions of ice cream on it."—Kansas City Journal. From Fighting to Fanning (1) A Soldier and 1 -Es Fn. -lily or. - ; l': 1'.. ,;; :,:1,' 1 (.".) A Typical Colony i�'ulmste:...i. -'f::} A 30.1ac: .t'C- ..e t -e Soil. Rot ninny months aro two men w• -e! Meru rr -r '• r 1•• •• . fie. tt•n in the same battalion In France--tbe ;de! 1 •e: t *It,: •:;.til' '•.:tit.t.:teal nnr an officer. Use other a private st r1 el..: ; •••r t •.cel to A Feline f'h.brr. They bntb were In at the end s•1 i; r......Ge and in the short inti Cats, It Is well known, have an •bsorblog passion for fish 0f any sort, and will hover about a room plain- tively mewing 'Ong titter the piscine substance. has gone and eIDly ties smell Is left; but It is net equally well known that they are expert *e- aters. A Hampshire (Rug.) sports- man whose garden borders on a well- stockade/see/tam stated last summer that his rat takes more trout out of It than he does himself. All ask love to bask in the sun, and, taking ad- vantage of this on tins summer days, Hr. Tom lies in ambush for hours together, concealed in the reedy grass bordering some beset pebbly shallow. He needs neitherce rod nor line; unlimited patien. b his sole atoek-la trad.. Not a move does be make. his quivering tall merely rustling the sieed.r bents as if stirred with the gentlest southern hre.se. Presently there is a splash and a Sounder, and a fine fat trout, huretine with eOndttlon, carnes flap- ping up to the shellns. far Its meta esti Ing can hath For an Isrtant sty It Iles there ront.ntedly tiiarptng 'n the soft warm air. but ,n that Instant the fent footed angler has mad• his spring, and fastened his claws Armeeid the girl�i1�lfPrperjna Peck. . - • • rval duct• the ; e ccs. armistikP wad a:gnrd have coin* !raft ••r st•M:et ac':' ''i felon to tvelstrrn Canada, r.rclv.rt their eft !it, .1 hoe nd a •, , ^ret r:ry discharge from the army. and ate mate kr:••I, Hi- v p: :, tt. to ..t now occupying neteht'oring farml in n •omfuI ,b'e '•flu•c r.' j - !en, • r, I one of the farm colonies prepared for move leen w'"' bin rave" • '• returned soldiers by the Canadian There i' .a rend tarn fe,r . 'a Pewee,. Pacific Railway In Southern Alberta lied roars. h'e watet •taps.! is 1•re Here la thea. colonlem are soldiers wee/ for. fel faro le 1,rrre net!' h• let all ranks• a number of whom were bas forty merits of land broken sine is the tiring line up in the sl••n!ctt MAY for ernfl which will heir•' hen of the enmities -le what surp•-lens a reventr Anr'tlg hls f rat rewaon nnr mn.t is that o mast rat them For then farts he 'e not i- qn:rod to ham M soon gni back !o practical pay anything for three years: time work again atilt the e,anadtan Pantie ennugh 10 glt' a men ran npnn ulna, Rallwae is to hr congratulated on' 60 brine hilt farm to s line e'stn of having bad tbe foresight to adopt a drvrinpm.nt 5.1 wrege luck to hate argntrrd 1 ith fatsavrstand bash aces -runt as well. Mnrreter, if he la usable to pee - chase live stock, farm implements and c...1 he is rrnvttled with a Name of horse* and harness, two come a "r sorsa poultry, eons necessary fmplrmeeta and small tont. and seed farming, and its .nldlers' settlement 'or ber forty arm. fnr weletb pay- sed,etwl* ie nal, art .tahnrsenn of Its mint 1. to he merle meter an agrees. genes.' -Ready Mad. rime and, et entered Mtn 'nr the parpnse. settlement plana• by means of which; tlnm. 01 th. Mere* Itnplcinents are tlmay a< wn.(.re (allnads's ,nest j .rtttehla for nae by the .ninepin. In practical scheme which bee made 11 possible for a large number of mea le begin farming on thedr own ae- Ilawnl 11 so abort a apace of time after their release from militarye- dirties. But tab cn•npany has a r InstelIon for making it racy for the Mad ad of men tan get a start at WaleMewa farmers won enabled to e°1••'°••tr, • eei being allettd b • retry three terms and rap ',w them s :ern trader tbe d'rereon of lbw eo:ony sup':'ttendent. A tiled cherge per say Is made for the ass t.f these implements. Tbe rclony supe: nt.n9ert b ern pert eerteultnri•t and It 1• his ditty to a.eIst the eolonlats fifth adv'ce the beat towner of conducting their fr:ening operations. His baa.A- rt s 41 the eentrett core el f=T1, !aril mewbat larger than the not o! the le a in the corny, which fa ,rid largely for dcmonrtratien per - pores, and arn.mg other functions, ...ewes as a slimily depot for reale live .•n -e:. The eentral control farm is 'netted at a point Hort a netrrn- rntly reached by all the settlers 1n the eoloay and will no doubt Ix am* Omit chief m.ettng plate. A wire eathna'astie mmmnnttr of farmers will he hard to find *are "bore than those In morose of tnesei- atlen hi these meatus' member he Alberti To see the men at work, rnr themttealma. ea timer eon farms, their what they haws gems thrum;" 1a an Inapirtng sight. The apish et mutual • help and wanerw1M that Is seerywhawe .wldsat, speaks well for t el etinneas or Me wester. Thew farm onlonte* am sore to bqeRffe (weev r et ee.atldsewals saslaslffille ) "Just Wright' Just Wright Shoes for men are RIGHT IN QUALITY RIGHT IN STYLE RIGHT IN PRICE RIGHT FOR COMFORT We are fortunate in securing the Agency for this high-grade Shoe for Goderich Get them at,. HERN'S BOOT SHOP sxsxxcsaeccsxxxxxxssxsexxsaoc ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to be able to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also any quantity or soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it bas been relieved we will give our old-time service and prompt delivery. The Saults Coal Co Phone No. 75 B. J. Saults' residence W. W. Saults' residence No. 275 No. 202 1 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS TAKE NOTICE We have installed an up-to-date Steam Vulcanizing Plant and are prepared to do all kinds of tire repairing at reasonable prices. We also DOUBLE -TREAD TIRES This is done by taking one which has the tread wom to the fabric for the inside and another which has a good tread but nm cut or blown out on the side for the outside and stitched on with a patent lock -stitching machine. This will give you from 2000 to 5000 miles of service and is practically puncture -proof. Cafl end ask us about your tires. and we' will advise you and suggest a remedy. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Manahon Sweet H. J. FISHER Goderich