HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-24, Page 4J.
4 'noir- I Lt .I alt '.1 Po.,
«.•--"•'.qac'.- -•."" t,...�.-.•w,►,.....,....wr�.,...--�...�..-r�, --011sme- -.I,. .1 1.111111111111,11111 ,1}
Our Policy
i+ to "r.elr satisfaction as well /l -
This principle -the idea of pi.
ailing clothing that gave n •
chance for dissatisfaction. than
either proved right. or "no sale
-decided us. after due investig:t
tion. to stake our chance for
good -will upon
Up to -the minute in style. these
clothes present the highest accom-
plishment in good t o i_I o'r i n g
t hroughout.
The prioea are scale[ to shit men
of varying idea% as to cost. et in
every instance the value is
Walter C. Pridham
Phone 57 Goderich
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon.
Orders left voth hos for subscriptions.
advertuemiitts or lob printing 11/1l1 receive
prompt attention. Telephone • Goderr h
Rural) rat
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Commssoner for Affidavas. etc..
anJ C'nveyancer
W,IIt. Deeds. Nwneyn. Agreement. te,
Carefuav east tet and Mons,
pbed fox M.os...
Fie.. Wind and Life Inurance .n ,h. ben
Cam.e.n.. on..
Thursday. July .4.
t'onerntulatious to Mr. David Iarvin.
who Inst week celebrated his eightieth
• The %1e111.■lists of Dungannon MIDI
4'rewr are holding their annual Sunday
1 school iri.•iiir at fort Allaort today.
Capt. i Rev., Allison and family are
:camping at Port Albert for a m h.
We understand that I' apt. Allison w111
remove from 1ruu'cannon shortly.
Mr. .Anson 4:Irvfu, of Saskatchewan.
- visiting .ol.I friends herr. He is a
-„n of the late Hugh I:Irvin.
.Ir. O. I•:.
. Augustine.
ti Ist+
ine.o, Brantford.
Mrs. R.obt. McKenzie is spending a
few days at Winglaw:
' Mr. John Hyatt and [madly motored
to Loudon for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. elute. Brown NIDI fam-
ily motored to 'hetet. on Saturday last.
$,S Ev ry ro'i
packet of
TIES .1511:11111.7.
Clean to htndle. Sold by all Drug-
gists, Grocers and Gcner.il Stores.
gratitude for what you have done for the
cause of Liberty and Freedom, we ask
you to accept this little present from cs.
May God. who guarded and guided you
I through all the perils of the past. pro-
long your life in usefulness and happiness,
and may you render Rim as loyal obedi-
ence as you did •your country in her hour
of need.
Signed in behalf of Benmiller church
and Sunday si h ool.i
Benmiller, Ont.. July IS. 1919. '
TUESDAY, July 22.
The rain on Monday was a welcome
Quite a number are attending the
Mr. Will Chisholm mono ed to Stratford
Akron. Ohio. are visiting their parents. on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walter Mrs. D. Millar and family. of Niagara
The a• nual picnic of Smith's Hill Sun- Falk, are visiting at Mar nd Wmfamily . Cook's•
Aar. Rot• Ltnklatrr avisited
day school will be held Saturday after ,Mends at S[ratturd last week.
noon at the Point Farm. Bert Bogie. of Burlington, was home
Mr. Howard Walter. of Owen Sound, is' Ethel
spending the summer with his parents• Misses for the Week- el and Marion Fairish. of
Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Walter.Detroit. are visiting with their uncle. Mr.
Me. James Elliott. of Nile, is building a
John D Famish.
cement foundation for a barn for Mr. A.;
J Joe Kitchell. who has been' working
Wilson.with James Chisholm and sons. left on
Mr. Richard Let... u bo has been teach- Saturday for Sebringvillr. where he will
ing is 45 near Cornwall for the past work for the remainder of the year. Mr.
year, spending the summer vacation at Chisholm has secured the help of Philip
his home here. Bdgie for the summer.
Mr. Wm. Marlton. of Goderich. was a
PORT ALBERT. week -ons rialto• at Mr. Wm. Bogie's.
WEDNESDAY. July 23. smMr.e Joveras. D. Fairish is wearing a broad
ila young son that arrived
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cunningham and I lately.
daughter Betty. of Toronto, are visiting I The many friends of Mrs. E. Hi her will
the fotmer'sparents here. • learn with sorrow of her death. which
The warm weather is driving the people I took place last Friday. Their deepest
in Targe crowds to the water and as Port sympathy is extended to the bereaved
Albert is an ideal camping ground many (0mily.
are taking advantage of it. One thing we There was a large attendance at Lee -
are well supplied with- fresh air. , burn church on Sunday to hear Rev. D
Mr- Nels. Pearson has purchased a MacGillivray, D. D.. of China.Special
)Its. Gillen and daughter. of Duluth. Chevrolet car. • music was furnished by the char.
and Mr. John Boss. of Awlwrlry. w•ehrr Miss M. McCullough. of London. is Sunday's services will be conducted by
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F./Ross on visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James Hamilton. who wil speak on
saran's,- ,Ind sande,- Inst. Frank Willis. missionary work in the foreign field. Mrs.
• The Woraen's Institute will hold its Mrs. Churchill and children. of Tor MacGillivray. of Shanghai. China. will
regular meeting on Mrs. Girvin's lawn on onto. are visiting with relatives in the speak about the boys and girls of China.
Thursday. July 31st. Lunch will, be village. This will be o( particular Interest to • the
served. Dr W. D. Smythe. Dr. 1. A. Milne. Sunday school members. The offering
' Principal F. (toss and Miss it.
?it„thers. aselstallt at 1)ungan11uu pub -
lie school. are re-engaged for anotlwr
year at :aa Dillai me of salary.
We doubt If any Orange •rlchn.tion
riui show a llst 1/1 older men than [.sok
part in the walk at 1huieauuol this Visit with relattves-
yeYr. They 'wind*. John ItIack. •.i • The most o our Ashfield volunteers
[ s and are all
Do not suffer
another day with
Tubing , iueed-
ina. or Protrud-
ing Pile.. NO
surgical open
at ion required.
Dr. Chase's Ointment wtU�coreJrelieve you at once
rt todreier.. or lit tnwt+on. W.teee a Co. Limited.
Toronto. demote box tree 11 ) ou mention this
paper and eaoinee as stamp to pay posteee.
The Remembrance
of parting friends, the gift to
your hostess. favors when you
entertain -all these and tuany
other suggestions approptiate for
every occasiou will be found at
Our Gift Shop
Summer visitors and
vacationtsts are espec-
ially invited to call here
Smith's Art Store
East Si Phone 198
Capt. F. E. Humphrey and Lieut. Otway will be in aid of miss ons.
Hayden were weekend visitors at the The Leeburn W. M. S. will meet on
home of the Lieutenant's parents. Mr. Wednesday afternoon at the home of
and Mrs. H. Hayden. y Mrs. Arch. Horton. A large turnout is
Mr. Garfield McConnell has returned expected. ., NIX
to his, home at Toronto after a pleasant
I :I iI)Elt11'li T4)W'N$HIP. X
TUESDAY. Jury 22. X
Mr. Bert H. Sharman. Mr. and Mrs,
Proudfoot and daughter. MISS Dorothy.
years: John Jlaelutyre, !n soca. have returned from gyersea t
.1r.liv Johnston. !o:4 years. land Thos. I looking well.
find t arrive in 1 BEVMILLER of Chicago. *pent their vacation at the
wgauuun to ,w r err r UidSDAY, July Huron road. and are returning this weep.
.Ors. Sum Treleaven and daughtrr.I
le•ntion this seek• holidaying at Mr Jas.Jewell s Hupmobfle car.
Mrs. B. Strau fan and babe, of Atln
Parks. `t.i years. Ur. John Black Is
said to Iw 1!. rs man o
Iii I 1 t theday. 'r •
J I 2') home of Mr- and Mrs. W. F. Hick,
Master Kenneth Wilson. of Toronto. is They made the trip in their beautiful
Mho. Edith. are visiting friends at ,
,luite a tnuinls•r from here motored g The service in Union chu:ch on Sea
• to Owlet -Hi os. Wednesday ••.eninir and neapolis. spent a few days this weethe bath next will be in the interests of the
took In the play at the cliautsuqua- guest ill Mrs Wm. Straughan. Mrs H. W. M. S. The charts proclaimed by the
Mr. fD
rad r.
M H Itellamy. of Toronto McKie and Intoe Jean, Of Toronto, also general council will be explain d by Mn.
are spending a vacation at home.
'arricwi here .1f1 Jluucbas- night, being
Be .e and Margaret Million of Tor- Hamilton- The °Henna will be in aid of
oalle.l hoer Inc the sudden d.aat►4 of onto, are spending their vacation in the
Mrs. Bellamy -s father, hborhood.
Bold Y I a lost u valuable ?Steer rias Jennie CIuff of Dungannon. spetit
a efts o -
last week. Mr. Mel..an has thirty Iia few days with her sister. Mrs. A.
henry st.r•rs gris.ilil. on the Mclean 1 I ugtrn - .
1 term and be ennui out to Batt them Iasi 1 y Mr. and Mrs. Harry' IIaacke and
Friday soil fnuud on•• with { .
I•'g children. of Toronto. returned to Toron- spent the week -end with fnends in this
I rok.•n awl it had to Is.• drsrrne,l. It to on Friday last, after spendinga s. M. Schwanz,
was valued ,at ;1•w+. vicinity. Mr. arta ?sirs.
Mr. lied Mrs.t;Nat a'hyanl. Harty pleasant holiday at C. A Vanstone s and Mr. arid Mrs. H. Penang and Mr. D. F.
with other friends here. Harry has jut' Schwanz motored down w McKillop to
awl Itrrt spent tlir N"IY'k� Ilei at • return. d from oversees. when he anent attend the annual Children's Day festi-
three years.
{,uude•sls.r. . the
1 .i t 1 r brute Peace Day a tiod Toronto, are spending }
missions. •
TUESDAY. July 72.
MAITLAND Ct3tcEsstoN Nom. -.Mr.
Chas. Franks and family. of Kitchener,
Mr. and )ars. It. .1, c'nswf.nl, Mr. uK'•'•d rfleI ... _.. - - -----
Mad Mrs. A. h:. Treleaven and Mr. Itohl-. I Benmlll.--r turned out en masse to cert.- Misses Mabel and Willa Grigg, of
t each on Satur- their holidays under
Saheb mntorrvl t. )eon• on ,a im , l day.
-1. last returning on Sunday.
Mr. ilio,. ['ase was home over riun-I A note received from Mr. H. Mew, of
shay. Puslinch. lormerly ' of Benmiller, states
•4eeidenta.--Mr. Andrew Stewart. of that he spent Peace Day visiting the sick
-rid Mrs C. Pit'^'^
If in Trouble
with a leak in your plumbing,
call us and let us mend it.
Dolt't put it off until it
becomes so* bad that your
place may be flooded. "A
stitch in time' saves nine."
Maim Men Mr..t Mane ass .
Ph/uhing Heating
Harrrtmughing Metal 't 'ark
Illen's 11111. is tail up, AA the result of at the home
A -moos accident w fish hvfell 111111 a . Toronto. taking with him his grand- Get your supply of honey in early.
Raw dots ago. 1
He aloerotting up a daughter Violet May. Mrs. Pitman is
the parental roof Mr. Wm. Durst.
je.. is sporting a new rubber -tired buggy.
...The Godench Chautauqua is a great
drawing card this week Beekeepers are
camp Dining of a short crop this year.
tripod for stacking hay when one of the dangerously ill with heart failure. He also
µdes sprung and kn.t•ke.l hlm oR tht called on Mr. Alfred Pitman in the city.
toad. his atm
nkle owing severely hruised'I Mr. Mew and Mr. Pitman knew each
in the fall. The other day Harvey' other away back i -t the 60's on the Isle of
Welpster was drawing in hay and heti' W gat.
his hand on the ro{e when the teats 1 A Mix-a1P.-Mr. E. H Walters, our
ran away and he W11, pnllw1 ftp to tlw merchant. had tie mistortune to meet
ha -n. His left aro[ and hand alai the( with an accident while it1-G•uirrch on
Friday last. His horse. while left stand-
ing at the Big Mdi, walked away and up
the hill. A young fad, seeing it, jum7ed
on and .proceede 1 to turn the wagon
morning a r".iiert..i resident. in the around. crafip d the wheels and upset
•eurhu,d passel the wagon. scaring the hale. and in the
flnz.•rs of his right hand wen• Mtii y
he la
turn. As a result he will helaid
for a while.
(Math of ti Pentland -4m Monday.
iwrsu of S1'1111111.1 1
verysuddenly away et the lige or fifty- melee which followed the wagon was
,,tae years. The deceased had been hopelessly wrdcked. The lad escapes I
ailing for MODS' MID..hat hal 101.1.11with a bad fright and several bruises. i
11.-1115•• up to the Man' of Ms death. VERNE GLEDHILL HOME. -On Tuesday
11e leave', a wife. two moos 1111.1 two last a number of friends and relatives,
daughters. The two stool Ilve in 1 here drove intn Godench to meet the 7.10
Alberta. in the Peace River district. train which was carrying back to home,
' and the daughters am Mrs. H. and kindred one of the 'Original Firsts, '
Ih ILnuc, of Toronto, and Miot Lillian. Pte. Vrcne Ghdhdl, who. lacking one
at hone. The remains were buried 111 I month. has spent five years serving King
ilnntuumon cemetery on Wednesday 1 and country He brings with him a
afternoon. Otey. T. A. $t.wdman .ill• i D. C.M. presented by His Ma.esty King
elated. The family have the sympathy George for bravery an action. an account i
of the whole community in their of which can be found in "Canada in
xftlicriun. F1and:rs." We are pleased to welcome
htm home again and are proud that
CAROMthrough him Benmiller has become
• known in far-off countries. He is a son
WEDNESDAY. July 23. ' of -Mr. J. W. Gledhill. who owns the
Misses Ruth Young and Edith Wilson. woollen mills here. On Friday evening a
from the G. T. R. office. Stratford. spent large nutnter of friends and neighbors ,
the week end at their home here. met at his h,,me. and a very enjoyab e ,
Miss Annie Walter and Mrs. Agnew. of evening was spent by all in muic. etc.. a
bountiful lunch was partaken of and
before the morning hours the following
address was read.by Mix. Mauls Walter..
IIa11•XXX%$1XXXX andaepurseof money w4 presented to
■ ' • the returned hero: '
. Pte. V. G. Gledhill.
Is The Singer Store ■ Di.AQR VERNE. - In the general re -
loinn over the return of our heron. ,
Can Lan soldier boys from the front. we',
A your friends of Benmiller church and Sunt
X Ladies and Child- X day school de.tre to have a •peas) part.
ren's Underwear• We always have felt highly honored in
X having two of our Benmiller boys who
responded so prtrnptly+ to the call cif
King and country, and we rejoice that
you and also your friend have been
spared to return safely to hon* and
friends. Since leaving us in 1914 you
have seen much of the horrors of war.
and hate taken part in many engage-
ments. not without .rrirnn personal in-
jury. You hear the markt that reflect
honor upon yourself. your Battalion. your
Division and the cause for which you
risked you. life, and your heroism and
goodness of heart have helped to place
your awn name and the name of old
Benmill.r in the annals of worldwide
fame. We congratulate you upon the
excellent record yes have had all thr ugh
your long period of service. and we he,
lieve that record will he maintained by
you through the years of lasting peace
which has been earned for the nation by
our soldier Coysnn Europe's battlefields
As a token of ossa estrum and sincere
R The New Collars X
with pleated effects
just in
X Stamped Goods »
1 of all kinds for ladies' ■
X fancywork 1♦
X • VI
A call solicited. R
a East side Square 11[
In the Fight
With Eczema
You Can Depend os. Dr. Cuss's
Ointment to Bring
Relief and Cure.
The obetiMcy of ec'enes Is well
known. The fact that Dr. Chase's
Ointment has been able a cure be
even the most 'revere case is Ole
beat proof of the extraordinary heal-
ing powers at this standard oint-
Cures such u are described In
these letters glee you some idea of
what you may expect from this
Mrs. Frank Wedge. Midland. Ont..
writes: 'One of my boys rad as
attack of etymak and although I
tried differentlereparatlons for thin
trouble, as well as medicines Crept
four doctors. we could not get utile-
frctdre result. Finally. 1 tried Dr.
Chaae'e Ointment, and from the first
I found It gave good results. Wei
Med a good treatment of this oint-
ment.' and In a short time the
ecsema was cured. 1 have a4 need
the Ointment with great mecum ter
a roughness and rah on gay fame►-
which caused me a great deal se
trouble. After applying Dr. Chase's
Ointment I found Instant relief.
-1 might ala mention that Dr.
Chase's Catarrh Powder ha proven
of great benefit to me. r had di111-
Culty with a steepage In sty rine
and head, but the Catarrh Powder
relieved It, and 1 hare not been
bothered In thle way since"
mew 1'. H. Peale, Ill Welllara
Street. Hamilton. Ont., wrltee: i
can highly recommend Dr. Class'•
Olntrneet, haviwg need It with splen-
did results where an others *Wed.
My little girl, aged 2% years, broke
set In small yellow blisters, which
pined Into orale. They tawte cut
11 different places on her fare. anti
Although 1 treed • great many ealree
and olnt.n.nta nen* of thews std her
SHY good. 1 go4 a bot of Dr Chase's
.Olatment, end after • few aMlles.
close. 1 couid see the enacts of N.
Whenever 1 saw a new riper anyone.
Mr 1 would *petty the ointment. Med
before the box was untied ale wee
entirely cured e.f thorn horrid 'ores.
If you would like to try Dr.
Chaas'e Ointment at our ezpetase.
Bend a two -sent 'temp to pay post-
ae• ant we span mail you s maniple.
bet fres Fun Mae box 111 (vets. s.1
an dealers, or leAmia os. hates •
0... Limited, Tome**
Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
On Wednesday (during July and August) the store closes at 1 o'clock p. m.
0111111X■ ■11XXX■XXX1l1•11110XXXXX■ ■X1•XXXX1•X
Summer Sale
Exceptional values in clearing lines of all summer
goods in all departments to make room for the new
Fall Goods now arriving.
2 only Women's Black Poplin Coats, large collar. heavily braided. Sizes 36 and 38.
Regular S16.50 for $11.99- Regular
1 only /omen's Black Silk Moire Coat, button
$19.50 for $ 13.49'
only Women's Black Taffeta Silk Coat. collar and cuffs button trimmed. Size 38.
Regular $25.00 for $17.99.
.1 only Women's Handsome Black Silk Moire Coat, tucked back, trirlimedlbelt and
buckles. Size 40. Regular $27.50 for $18.99.
1 only Women's rich embroidered Black Taffeta Coat. Collar has deep silk fringe.
This is one of the season's most stylish coats. Size 40. Regular $30.00
for /21.98.
only handsome Black Silk Moire Coat, empire style. collar and panels fringe trimmed.
A most dressy coat. Size 38. Regular $32.50 for $2I.98.
and belt. Size 42.
9 only Women's English Poplin Raincoats. full length. belted high collar in Grey and
Tan. Sizes 34 to 40. Regular $7.50 for $4.99.
10 only Women's Silk Poplin Skirts in Navy. Taupe and Black. All this season's
Skirts. No two alike. Regular up to $8.95 for 55.99.
1 only Women's Rich Black Silk Taffeta Skirts. Newest designs. Regular values
up to $9.00 for $6.99.
24 only Women's Wash Skirts in Pique, Gabardine, etc. All
clearing from 11.50 each.
this season's styles
Clearance of Oddments in Children's Summer Coats. about one dozen all told, including
Pique, Repp, and Ratines. All marked at exactly Half Price.
Monarch Floss for Sweaters and Pullovers, all colors, 35c per Ball. Monarch Down.
the heavier yarn. all colors, 65c per 2 -oz. Ball.
+rScotch1VIillars PHONE 54
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drennan. Luck -
now, announce the engagement of their l
daughter. Mary Eva, to Mr. Edgar
Douglas Marton of Toronto. the marriage
to take place quietly in the early pert of
A few pretty
models of ex-
ceptional val-
ue to clear at
greatly re-
duced prices.
Children's Hats
Half Price
Miss M. R. McVicar
MONDAY, July 21.
Mr. C. H. Russell, B. A.. lawyer of
Wetaskiwin. Alta.. spent Peace Day at
the home of his former teacher. Mr. W.H,
.Iohnston. Aar. Russell went to Alberta
as a teacher. rapidly rising to be principal
in Edmonton. a public school inspector,
an instructor in the Normal School, Cal-
gary. and now a successful lawyer in
As Rev. Dr. Aitken is away on his
vacation. Mr. Alva McMahon, a Knox
College student, of Exeter. occupied the
pulpit in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday. Mr McMahon enlisted at the
beginning of the war with the artillery.
Service in the Baptist church next Sun-
day at 3 p. m. Mr. C. C. Crowaton, of
Portland. Oregon. will give the address.
K INt:$ItitIItl;E.
Miss Irene McCarth, returned horse
last week after spending two ne three
months in Detroit visiting her aunt. Mrs.
Patrick Finn.
Goderich Board of Trade
The regular meeting of the Exec-
utive Council of the Board will be held
in the Board Room, Masogic Temple
Building, on Monday evening, J
28th, at the hour of eight o'clock.
full attendance is requested.
July 21. 1919.
Industrial Secretary. •