HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-24, Page 1• WANT of your property, nt tor your house, y an article, procure find a situation, the and best way is to a small ad. in THE SIGNAL iona. acireekanaffireNebileeieseekekereees THE SIGNAL for the remainder of the pres- ent year (five mouths) for SIXTY CENTS -ASK OUR MANAGER.' Sterling Bank managers make a special point of Rath- .. ering information of value to farmers. Ask your local manager about some of the money matters which are puzzling you. Ask his assistance, also. if you wish to farm on a larger or better basis. MACS DAY IN GODERICIL GREAT CROWDS TAKE PART IN SPLENDID CELEBRATION. SHINGLES B. C. Red Cedar ---Two cars just Arrived AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD MR. D CAMERON list ask at bis retitle:ma Brock street. on TUESDAYAULY Alta ow at 2 o'clock p. al.. the following 2 parka chairs. 1 ;mike wait. 'i et. 1 mall table. :pricking chairs. and numerous other articles. . CHATTEL..., HOIJSEHOLD run - AND arraCTe. Gundre. auctioneer. him been in - by Use macutors of Use estate ol Ow late . to sell by public arc nom, st tbe the 'die,. ot Auburn. on TURDAY. AUGUST Met; MI5. commences, nt 2 o'clock sharp. tn. consisting of AO acme% is practically to green and is • good proposition. It sold on favorable term. 'which will be at time of sale. a kitchen chairs. 1 couches, 4 rocking washstands. 2 bureaus. 1 singer minor certain Poles. 1 rut sonic mots. carpets. other articles. One driving mare. lit • 1 Wavy mare. 1 cutter. 1 top buggy. 1 road I horse rake. 1 sets single harness '38 cords wood. - On chattels end boumbold effects. THOS.G1JNDRY. Mehemet. NOTICE TO commis. TO CREDITORS LAM OP 1111t Tows; ow Goomicii. "%hereby given that all persons having nt demo nds against the late Alexander who died on or about the nineteenth 11119. at the town of Goderich. in the of (Mtario. are required to send by '4. oe to deliver to the undersigned in 10r John Steelton, esecutor under the late Aletander Straiton,thear names end fall particulars Oil WrilIng 01 and staternentoof their accounts, and of the accurate,. if sow held by them. e notice that after the Mth day of the said JobnStraiton will- proceed to the sleets of the said demand the preemie entitled thereto. having y to the claims of which he shall then notice. and that the said John Straiten liable for the said assets or any part any permit, of whose claim he 4hall hsve received notice. Goderich the Rh day of July, 1 V1Y. M. G, CAMERON, Solicitor for the said John Straiton. 71-114 FOR SALE. Peeve isay--staturday. July 19, 1919 Iw rerneuilwreti SIN one of the The people mit togetlwr and eelebnite.d lit a fashiou that made the whole day taw of entertainment anti plesigure. Ttw proverdings begins at 7.30 the tiw sieging of bells. antl other !tutees, The tonk u was never no gaily decorated. This was the work of pretty a might as rine coillti follIrd in a day'. journey by aeroplane. Streamers of gay and varied color,. hung screw. the roadways and on the hneineee Meg" and ',matt* were in evidence everywhere, and ever- greens gaily deeorated added tie tile plettlreveltlelWarr 1.4 the seem. 'Muerte lantern. were hung at-rom the streets and .in tie. evening made a very pretty Illtiminat 'rile palm for the bust deetirated Work umst be banded to Councillor Wen. Walker's block. including the Hank of NIontreal 'tint flank of Com-. mere, buildings. The nielt liest was the Hiorton•Jorthin block. Aerons the roadway in front each block ou McIntire was hung a ha n• with the name of one of tlw battle. of Paeachencluele, Somme,. St. Cambria t. Amiens'. Tire grantl Wrath. at 10 o'clock woke Marehailled by Major Denlop assietants mod was a monster affair. belittling ri.relle %ell bountiful (impose' anal many comb- ones,. It wee preawrly about a eAle in length. but by crowd- ing and overlapping wait all apt on to the Swirls. together. ' Prominent feature,. of the parade were the ecintity Vietory loan flag borne hy tNelVe Orin with a girl iorporal at their bead. all dreasetl in a gay and pretty 'uniform : earriagei rontaitiltig the town coeneil and °M.' earriages eonveyiss veteran's of 'fel snit '711: a long proileision veterans of the recent war, scenes - panted by the rotor. of the letlet liattflion: the band of the :fled rOR SALE. -ONE MILKING COW. Apply in forenoon or alter •. ci,l.k to AVID Mt.PHERSON. corner Marinello street and Cambria road. R SALE. -NEW MOTOR BOAT. pply to ALEX. COLBORNE. Waterloo tweet Unlimited QuantAY of GOOD MIXED 'WOOD FOR SALE • THE CODER ICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angleseh St...) Phone 61. FOR SALE OR RENT. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. - One hundred acres, Colborne township. on main road Godeinch !Myth, hoe miles front Goderah. hall -mile from school, hall -mile from store •nd three miles irum McC.awritatIon. end CO110111(1 of a good slay loam, no waste land, solid brick home with good cellar: cement stables under lathe barn ar.d shed:cement hog -pen under ben -house. two never.fallmg we one with pump In house, well fenced, kilt 01 a; munIcipol telephoto", rural mail delivery. A. W. WISE. R.R. No. 3. Goderich. let -41 FOR SALE. -A RED BRICK HOUSE. ✓ with all modern convemences. Apply to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN, Gaoler. 72-t . 1919 GODERICH REVISITED An Evening Reverie by Donald MacGillivray, Shanghai, China car.. deeorated eoniie floats. 14 a long array of fancy •ad eumie lett tun,. lin feet attd awheel. Henrikei were borne be Liasteostrits I 14.4beriegton and A. V. Sturdy, with es ...wort of Sergt.-Major Jamie. anal 'Pere rarriagee bare tbr Fenian RAM veterans. Thry were: Wm. Swallield. Wm. remplw11, Time Aueebrook. F. If. , lowrence, Chat.. Mabee. Wm. Wyatt, Stephen Andrew's, eluto. Wells, anti Tin. moat eriumpletionsi Moat the parade was that of,the National Ship- building Co. The %reign wag st large yaeht, with real live **Addles- the rigging. The float wam draws with rope. by Iwo king Pttringh of employere of the Company, while behind If wits another long proreesioa of the Com - pato men isetrying the tools of their trade I The prize for the moot eonikal I feature .if the pared» wits *wankel to . (*has. :tlaok for hie menagerie, hirit Included on elephant an ontrich 7211 ere...1111re railed a .1 real as the elephant and the tiotrich. -gook,- which. however, war, milt» •Il l'Ate-wimiers la Pantie. • Tbe prime for the parade were awiinleti I,. follows 11 OUSE FOR SALA -A LARGE ek home with rood rn convenience', on Cam- bria road Apply to MRS. JACOB BALCHLER FARM FOR SALE. -173 ACRES, e Huron rood. (.10clench Townshp six miles Goderrch or Clinton. two miles Holrneliv,1:" Good name house. ten ropily. loth dower., and No041'60111, food cellar and woodshed Barn "ak'si, stabling full-size. sheep. pig aind implcment house 2414e, barn .6(030; silo inr2i.. woiderlin supplies house •nd barn. netrer-faillng opting creek. good gravel pit, conisderablie timber; 017, acres pasture and brush lend, lti acres hay, 15 acres newly seecled. mostly alfalfa. Possession after harvest. Ili.health remon of sale S. T. I WALTER. R. R No. 2, Clinton Phone le on NIL Clinton. RAIG1E'S RANCE AND AL ESTATE E`OR SALE. -A COM FOR TABLE U frame house. on St. [Mind's street. contain- , ing bathroom and enod double Celle, with cement I Anor. and two cement Cisterns; also • garden wall 1 fruit trees and .orm henhouse. Convenient to factories and G T R. station. Amoy to .hiRS. NELLIE ELDER. St. David's street. 7n et ORY BONDS ght and sold. TEACHER WANTED. -POR SS. NO. ▪ 0. Colborne. Second -clam onitelemeat ce, tificate. Duties to commence 484 Selrmtvartitrer urer. Coseerice R. R. 3. TEACHER WANTED. -FOR S.S. NO. 17, Ashfield and West Wswariosh Second- hrst September. Apply stating/ salary and ex- perience to JAMES SPROUL. Secretary-Treas. urer. Auburn. Ont. '73-W rilEACHER WANTED. -PROTEST - 7. ▪ Colborne. Salary Poe D. F. SCHWARZ. secretary. Clinton, Ft R. Ro V. 72-4 W AN TED. -LIFE INSURANCE AGENT for lore C anadian company for fort time ce full time. Salary w Uperience not necessary. Adele's. N. A. SILNAL OFFICE. 71-45 Best decorated tioat-le Mrs. F. C. Shepherd. 2nd Dominion Road Machinery Co ard Doris Andrews. Beet decorated automobile -1st Mrs Harry Hunt. 2nd' Mrs. Frank Saunders. 3rd Mr. Henderson. Best decorated bicycle -1st Fraeer Snelgrove. 2nd Mary Howell, ard Reggie Newell. Decorsited tricycle (special) - Albert Rooth. Best decorated horseman or her.ewoman -1st miss olive Allen, 2nd Miss /Aarion Lee. 3rd Kenneth Fleming. 4th John Most attractive fancy feature on foot - 1st Fern Humber, 2nd Lenore Craig. 3rd Wm. Lary and John Webb. MGM comical feature ol parade -Chas. Mo.t comical feature on foot -lit Donald and Leo Lynn, 2nd Howard Mc- Nee and liferbert Aitcheson, 3rd F. L. Most comical feature on vehicle -1st Seaith. B. Wilson, N. Wilsoa and L. Duckworth. 3rd T. Drennan. Best trades' float -1st National Ship- building Ce., 2ad Geo. Richardmn. Unclassified featuree-2nd Jk Mr, shall and Reg. Pinder, 3rd Mrs. Dry. ' I sat at sunset by the lake While old and young went to the play, To gee the scenes which man can make. Alone. 1-11 watch the dying day. Go hence ! Go hence,' In youth I roamed along the shore Nor dreamed of distant loreign land. Careiessil heard old Huron's roar Nor thought of China's outstretched Mind. Go hence ! Go hence ! We extolled Sol's glories in the west _ When sank to rest the king of day; I knew not of the future quest Beyond the sun, where China lay. Go hence ! Go hence ! God's hand led on by devious ways, His schools prepared for hidden end. At His set time. and for His praise, Hit thrust me forth my life to spend. Gu hence ! Go hence ! Returning now awhile to rest 'Mid scene* of yore to memory dear, With lace still pointing to the West, Once more, God's call is sounding clear. Go hence ! Go hence ! Great China's harvest white invites, Compels our service to the last, Content when Je.us' soul delights To eee His travail sore is past. Go hence ! Go hence ! lad nations' anthem loud of praise taVill China's m Ilion. then appear, Thor thankful song to him upraise. Abolished death and all their fear. THE sICNAL PRINT CO 71_151 ILI,. f turn eack were entered. The Med vow H 1110t1 W.eTSON ELECTRA/CI TED. test wait between the tlielerich Orrin -- trent. The organ faistory men won In i If m 4, A I Meet. Death Instantly While Work- ing at Saltfurd Heights. A particularly sad fatality was the 101Our 311110 eo. team and the National 1 death by electrocution cif 511r. Malty lithipbuildinc co. team got on 1 h.' n'iw• I Watson. of the town pew erttouse staff. II-- "4"--Y 1 which occurred abont .5.30 o'clock ou and the SWUM! after a hard mill ; TIwn a Goderich towunhip team faced -former wan being inetalled at Bisset winning in two oraight milk. ' Broe.' creamery at litalttonl Heights. the Goderielt tire brigade. the farmers, and XII% Watson was just finishing the This left the Weetern Canto* Flour 1 Job when the fatal mishap occurred. townehip "rants still in tlw emitted. i i He had Muck bin knife iu the top ef the pole on which he wise working and to 11w millers drew a bye, and the Gott, which lie wae strapSed and it is sup- Orli organ Co. and the illoderich tewn- !peeled that in leachiug for the knife his ship teatua were pill" agmill't "eh . arta above his glove cauie in contact other, the latter wiuning eaolly in tw" with the power wire. which waS (•arry- pulls. Tlwu calm. the final Aerie., be- tween tiloilerieh township alai lite ing 2.3410 volts. He fell over against the wire and hie body was afterwarde found Western Canada millers. mud it 'ironed to be burliest in several pewee. Is is to be a battle of Mode The fartner. believed the %hock killed hiui inetantly. won the toes atIt1 had ehtritv 44' gr.ound. but tido advantage was offeet by tie. filet that they had Just faced two teams tin stesseution. while the millers had hail a met. The teems were very eVeuly Imitated and when Hwy ring in It wait a liereuletin hod( for either team tO Midge the oilier. However, after a was changed, mud the melee. won the the dual trial, with the Dwain in 'their erigituil _position. They settled down McConnell. After . the preliunuary to 111 Itillg pull. alai It lowIttlar a lest ef proceeding.. an adjournment was made enduranis.. Each team had iite• or to next Monday evening at tr O'clock, at. More "riatelien.- and the epectittore the town halt. cheer:41 and yelled etwourageeneur to Mr. 'Wattion wan forty one years of their favorites, and sit tinwe the ex. ; age, a native of Gudench. lie Wan &Bement iweame wi intense that it wee ' married, but had no family. He wars a ' difficult to* keep the erowel within soe of Mrs. William N'atisoo, Elgin Newels. Minute after minute peewit. Avenue. and ia survived by teo brotheret the transit dug in deem.r -and thirster 1 Desiree and Fred, both of town. Another and hung ou, now and agein tusking a brother, William, a Ellaklr. Walt till,Wiled VII 4 II effort to pull their iipponente over !at Buffalo about eight yearn ago. and ' k. until. when nearly forty I him father died inuldenly a few years -sutillinlites hail elapse:I. the Judges de- later. He was a member of Court. tided to yell It a draw. Instead cif „Licalerich, C.O.F. , He Mel been on the dividing the prize money. the cum- ' powerhoune staff ten yearn or wore. mine.. awarded the full emount to emelt I lie Wart a steady. comicientioue worker of the two team., feeling that it had ,antl Engineer Kelly Plpeak4 highly of hie , been well earned. It was feared that ' ability and in:entry. Mr. Kelly says the Mell Wi111141 lie utterly exhatieted. . that (hie i6 the !fret fatal accitleot hut they appeured nut to he so il . tip among hia staff hillee lie took charge of 'rlie teams were : Weeterei Canada years ago. 10. M. co. -Rohr lioggerth. W. Doak, I The funeral will take place front the Centime -it on pew 5. , 410111e of the deceased. on Warren street, un Friday, aud will he private. The 110%1:U11011M. Wari communicated with by telephone anti the power wit* iiltut off and the betty released. takes down and renewed to the undertaker's Proceediume were taken for the holding of an Melte*, the tiro -itting of which was held the sante evening. De. Hunter is the 4rorotter and the Jurors are Janie. c anus (foreman 1. WM. McLean. Stephen Ysten. Roy McLean, Joretai Alton, Janice buchanau Alex. McLeod, Wm. saw VI/ We take pleasure in announcing that I - Dr. R. B. Aylsworth, eve specialist. of j mitrlotic melectimi by the hand. The Peace Day celebrstion was a Toronto, wi I be at our drug store for oriel Boothe Ile Great Business. week -from NIonday. August Ith. to I ratifying eticcees. and 1 wish on behalf may be fetid.) , Nil ailluisnion fee ,A 44. 4•11f1 riCe11 eii- Saturday, August 9th (*elusive ,-and we . or the. citizen. in general to thank tl.e advise any who need the attention of an i beads of committee§ and all other% who In few emcee tile judge* ha‘e not turned in t heir awe rile la ' proper faith inn. and t commit tee weight thorn te 40 411 In order that 'the prises LOST OR FOUND. ey pecialist Useensult hine hy their good work or anetstance helped antoorment enterprises 0111 tbe Square, ;); A 1st. rthit inneeexagiraenced o h- ta canyv.ing uut the varioy.ni:roir(ain. of spices hew tire imam from the bend- n.rn.sloopta issiths and a 00Mber Of 1 act 'I"° ehairmmu. ...Artrr Ihe da1108. ail under the moored et Ste memeatstaie, - . 4306thimode Does , „ , id the Natiolial Anthem. Igaiyor Wilda did • rush lousiness titbit the proffte. ' Institute Of Toronto. arid called tor cheers for the Euipire; for eamad,.. the "brightest KOMI of the' for the Allies. -1Aitieg and gi•ntleineu.- lie arid, "to- day tritiniph, frailty we rejoice tiVer we hope, all eternal pester. e took up tome to show to the world Iliat respected a wrap ef paper awl that the_wrotige inflicted en Belgium should he avenged U1111 the r*ht triumph." who wits in town Ill conneciion with the Chautunqua, next addreseed the Mithering. He said he 'would like to be In Purim celebrating melee with his own people. but, failing that. he was gicol to be in Canada twlebrating peace with the British. All had had a share iti bringing ahem the peace. The weituen steed leddiol the men. and a man was as good man and a fighter SFr good figlitt.r as his WOMen-fOlk 111/1111. 111. The n omen of All the Allied erimitries had won Hie war. going ha in 4111 431 in suffernig and imeritice. The tmis ahead of us DOW WIIP 10 go ahead nil work for pea,* as we hail worked during the war. PO Hutt the peace might he. a peace of ,lustiee. so that in the future our chil- dren could. look totek on a completed job. ineteutt of on one which had to be triteite to his OW 11 eountry, to whieh, Ile raid, lwlenged the palm of bulldog temteity in the war. Pritwipel Hume spoke In conntle4nd- a doe of the no PEI I i toraille. which he thonght would le. tie nue ite would be 'wen in tiny tiw else of (lode - rich or perhape in the chive. The Vietory ling. won by the tewn in emmection with the Vietory loan rum- ba len of last fall. wart 'invented by Pointing hi the eiders of the flee he 1411111 the red oymisilised !sacrifice. tile white pnrity and the bine truth. 111111 the vitriol). ',tripes teach one longer than the let.t r the various loans. 'May the Rag, he wnie over it greeter, bleger. HMI better tioderiele- titi- flee front Mr. Clarke's hands. nie the repreeentatit I. a the town, alai acknowledged if in imitable ferule. Dr. Arthur liVidwyn Evens. mealier fine address. emphasizing the brother- hood he hoped to .PIP trroW II Within URANCE -41 Life, Accident, tomobile and Plate Glass SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Dining the glimmer menthe we will serve a special Sunday dinner front I to 2 o'clock at QR BETWEEN GODE- A/ RICH and Auburn, lady'. black. Minim isereat-beiner porkMhOnli.conlen•ling fern df tort which pi to the Soldier"' Memorial late lecturer at the Royal College of F"tat• win read' a Win' 'IlIta"mt• Science. The Doctor uses the e test and The prize for the hero -decorated Ismail molt accurate methods in his practice and I . as we know there are many who cannot 10 the Upstairs empleyeee of the thaw- ' afford the time for a trip to the ctty to linotu 1 ; 3rd. te the downetaire mu- i with our policy °I.:tieing the best service ebouliton Ferret eolith 1. The prizes , octor to spend the week with us. for the booths making the largest ode,. , Obtain the advantage of the latest 'have not yet been swanted. Mr. H. ' scientihc knowledge in it. application to .1. II. (111101‘4' NMI High Coto:table I% hite- the eye. both in diagnosis and optical ',Mee conducted a Weight -guessing I service; and to secure prompt attention enterprise and took in a Mee little sum i and avoid delay, phone. for' an appoint - of money. although they eollnyteil only Telt, as the Doctor's time 1. limited. whe", 1111 .(811"1 4" g"e" 'Mita , tt," This is your opportunity to secure expert 111111111iS 11I t i14. person•e correct weignt. optical service at city prices. %i rite. A variety of tither Midway IIIIIII1CTlielitg phone or call early. Ie. R. Wigle. drug - all dhl a good bueiness. There was .. . turf a dull .lif on the Square all LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. ilinlYnittfil'igre. afternoon there was an IA - winners were itst follows: BOYS 50 yards race. 6 years and under-lao McKay. Victor Elliott, Albert Rooth. se 50 yards race, 8 to 10 years -Frank Barlow. Jack Woods. Donald MacKay. 100 yards race, 10 t 12 Years -Walter Hick, Donald Dale, WI frid Graham. 100 yards race. 12 to I 4 years-lioward Allen. Bill Haslett. Geo. Filsinger. 100 yards race. 14 to 16 years- W. 011erhead. Fred Ptice. Will Sanderson. 100 yards race. lb to Is years -Fred Price; Ed. Pridham, Albert Lawrence. Boot race. 12 years and under - GNage 50 yards race. 6 years and under - Beatrice Forden. Marion Farrish, May 50 yards race. 10 year. and under - Helen Johnston, Ruth Wilson. Evelyn 60 yards race. 12 years and under - Annie Newell, Thelma McAllister, Mary 100 yards race. 14 to le years -Mary Wilson, Annie Newell Viola Bloomfield. 100 yards race, 16 to Is years -Marion 100 yards race, 17 years and under - Beulah May Jardine, Thelma McAllis er, Catherine O'Neil. Adult Sports. ton sei rd. fool race Nlowit Me- th.. mitione as a result of the Wilt% grill.' Ernest Prifilinm. W. Torney. tairtleularly goial feeling It lug bread Jump S. G. Mckay • Remember the St. Georges garden party in the rectory grounds. Thursday afternoon and evening, July 3Ist. A public meeting of all those interested in the Golden Gate Midway will be held in the court house on Friday. August 1st. at 4 p. m. A large attendance is re- quested. The r ent and members of the General thank Mr. Lee for kindness in giving them the use of the Hotel Sunset for their card party. A social and bazaar under the auspices of St. Peter's church will be held on the Harbor Park grounds on Tuesday. August 5th. Various entertaining programs am be carried out on the ground.. All fres:ids of temperance are requested to meet next Monday. July 2/4th. at S p. m.. in the Temperance Hall, to or- ganize for the referendum campaign. eomen are specially invited to attend. line ice crotilll .111rd right ••• onr yotirsel 1 II. Edwards. Millions of men have used modern and sanitary methods of shaving for yea; s. Other nulkons learned the lemon during service in the recent war. This advance- ment has been largely due to the saiety buying any of the well-known makes which have won an international reputa- tion. Buy one now and join the rank of clean -faced men who start each day with a shave. We also sell everything else in shaving supplies.. E. R. Wigle. druggist, Goderich. A crank for a McLaughlin car was lost on Sunday last on the Huron road. The ovmer will be glad to have it returned. It may -be left at the Signal office. "Sleet me iit Illaelistime's,- they are all 'saying. -where tbey have the pure lee cream" 71 Astra July 29 - AuttrOn sate of household furniture. property of Mr. 0. Cameron. at hes residence, Brock street. at :p. m. HILLIER - In Goderich. on Saturday. July 19. Elimbelh hlOrlon. widow rit the Isle Jolts Hillier, aged 72 ,ars and 4 months , James Andrew,. 10efilefly 01 teidench. aged PENTLaNt).- At thingannon. on Monde,. ' July 21. Samuel lohn Pentland, aged nn yeses and month. dem,. Warren Oreet. on Friday. July 26th. Funeral prlvare NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -July 24. Page Cow for SMe- trasid McPherson Teacher Wanted - Horace Horton Moon Boat for Sale -Ales. Colborne Auction nate - U. Cameron . Eye Stasioalist Coming -Ell Willie Tea.. her Wanted -Jam, Sprout Auburn. Executors' Sale Thomas Gundry Pocketbook Loll- Leave at Signal Office NTREA between Canada and the Illited States. Itr. Adam. of \Iontretil. +4111 another of the f'hitm m Ina lectnreret mill wv' were reJoitint oder the KI't•nt.Mt Brent In hi*tore. .144411111 only to the birth of the 1.0tlI .lewn< I'hr111. not 0)114 M't'nn+e of what it nneine t0 nM but `t Y'allwe of Whitt It tiHM11N to genernflone yet tin- horn. The ket note for the fn to re was faith -faith In God. faith in onr fel- Iowa and faith in the fettle -v. Ailed. ing to what Limit. I'h•anl had *aid about Prance'* part i■ the Wile. Dr. Adam odd Freese was a hero a R the nations. ••L* ire la i'rante. Long Ilre 1'a nada. Nina live the Rreetest Empire the world hits eery ween." ('ol. Vareoe. onM of the veternne of 1111, was tea lied mein and In a few mtul- att word. said tlwe had done their little bit 1■ Ihone days. The program wee concluded with a PUBLIC NOTICE W. CRAIGIE 75 cents Ltd Bedford EVE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Lot Beast Aurgene York Ophthalmic E Hosposl awl Golden Square Thrust Roe eitersettint; . Stretford Telephone le. At Bedford Hotel caithette from Wedr- zwyallaJBEED OVER 11111 YEARS Mcloor•111111 11. Kay. Geri. Belmont, e. ridifit. I lack is rd co, ya Albert Mon, Ted iiilitiston. Beim T141'0111. 2:10 yards foot rave Shier:it Me - Relay rms. orlee aretind Square -ist Ted Johnston, E. Pridha in, E. clines-. IL Allen, 2nd W. Torney. H. Sotto relit -Lege. W. Roberta. F. Somer- ville. :1rd Thompeen, C. Darker. II. Barker, A. Barker. eilietaele race -II. Allen. 'W. Roberts, I irr. Oen. Price Ifolf-mile foot rine - F. Somerville, W. fillerhead. It Torney. For the tug-of-war six teams of eight A Joint Bank Account A Joint Bank Account enables man and wife, or two members of the same family, to have a Savings Account in common, and make deposits and with- drawals individually. Mae cornet, atterratat.. A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch. • • relt Wier