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The Signal, 1919-7-17, Page 8
ea. • R TYorsday. 'July 17, 1AiA. • eY e!ebI! ,.rte Vict©ryD.=,y JULY 19th Balloons 2 color and Old Sambo only 5C each. Serpentine Confetti lots of fun without a [truss, just throw it, It is tit the fonn of a ribbon, IOC per roll. Electric Sparklers - the safe and sane fire- works, 12 in box for IOC. Flags - all sizes, 5C, 10c, 15c, 2oc, 35c and 50C. MANY ARE NAMED. ! shown by him during ph.• late *evasion were undimmed by age, out auyuue 1 who uudeteatiuwtes Rim t. ranking a f3POtl'LATIIIN AN TO CHOICE O!t $bra mistake. Nor is Wou. Mackenzie LIKM:K.A1 S 1'1/R OTTAWA of recites h.• lots made h, lIuebee, -- ' ow ce•r, may work against hill* fu • King to be r. Lofted easy lb defeat i. tl/1Jt 1.'.n 'e• of his youth house report+ • TNZ . SIGNAL a�/a�t1� t�s�ttc NOMOREN[RVOU$ 'Pb.lae St•re 81'66.1e THE COLBORNE STORE H,ose230 NI 0ODLRICH, ONT. HFADACHES 1 ULI SALE 1111[ Fielding alai tiair'tin Are 1 rurtrtnrntbr l ]� ('onsiIlrrrd, but There Are Several let i Other Strung Men hi the Kunnlltg- gig u ,u' u. Attendants. Assured. barge Attendants" Aasttied. The eunventfo11 is likely to be the la Il1 largest paliti.al gathering -ever hest in ... . 1/HAWN. Judy 1:{.---Bec1use of the Canada's history, If old issuer du tit 1 utlidal attitude of the Grain Growers'idiiid the window of the dehgate.l, and II l tl thee! i great speculation if the ur.rl>+ of the country be placed it . will eome to the Liberal ton%eatiun 1n may easily' le the cord imtrprsaut as II August or not. There was some , well. Pxgariat 1.• that Ir is .. ■ West might send as many fainter tele- ; Ottawa, July I'. Two new am,meli, Association Since Sim Tried "FRUIT-A=f7VES . Die Famous Frtat M.diciw. JUST ARRIVED y, Holbrook's Pu;Malt Malt Table inegar 20c and 30c per bottle Robertson & Mair 'Phone 161 Coe Hamilton Si and Square, outs• s a ry here as to whether Hon. T. A. ('rt••ear I high above se•t tiuuxl coltsldrrathtus, t t t tl t rw r of the ' Two Additional \antes 111 gates loom emeh runstitueucy as they it las been learned 111 Ottawa, will be ht i r o cam c ac (hon Mr. ('rerwr for the liberal lead- yeutiuu. tine of th•••a• ►s \Ir. W. W. It. i, t t IN could. w 1i 1i tits, t 1 lit y of put up for the leadership at the oou 1 f tl I'M - might have we sn,..•.. t these with like-minaled delegates from the Court judge, a gradputte of the I'M- rrsl1ip would tout only Iw a fart, but Melina*, K. l'•. rx-Goyern,r a tr A y\ I. had 'f tl nutted Yukon .x-11 1' 1' former County ,. Fast. j vtrsity of Toronto, ono of the most ■ It is out impossible that Hun. T. A. forerful platform orators of caned*. 1 t'rernr nay atfll .vine as a LllwrtI. slat a lawyer now practising in Vau• though 11.14 as a Grain 1;ntwer. It is i ruuver. 1Ii, other is Mr. A. H. t'larke, not iwtessarJ for hint or any utter I former 11. 1'. Ger Smith. Essex, but now Liberal member to have envientlals in living in ('algary. cloth- hare been oder to lea a delegate at the alerting active h, the Literal cutis• in the Nest. Presider Martin Mal' N'in West. ; This =Lee a .Iose11 names. even if 'arvell dts•ider not to The names in the bring tbe• greatest following will be Iarrua uuw are: Hon. W. N. Fielding. Premier Martin of sirskatelwwaa. It. I1 McKenzie. J. A. Hebb, F. F. Par - Hou. A. B. Hudson will have strong kw. Hou. M,,ArUZir Klria, Hen. Geo.srr suppt but ,farmers .n(41 city Liberals P. e;rrhaw. Neu. Sydney blither, rein, Hon. A. B. Hod - 1t grows plainer from day to this. ; Hou. i''rauk 1t. 1 that the eau from *fie West who will i take the pinup.. alike are lining up fon Premier Martin11'm-slier WuI. Ma in such numbers that he will almost !son. Hon. T. A. 1'rerar, A. H. Clarke e.•rtaiuly 1e the man who Will be the and W. W. H. MtIIlII s. ultinIxte choice of the West. He 11as Iain strung in his advls•tu•y of the REV. ALENANI►ER MILLER DEAD. West remaining by the old partite and It"1 dividing into political dames. Furutrr Ml[tieter et %abtkld Fretif►I6 Thr 11111x1011 of the Grain Oros -era not tertaa Chung'. to scud delegates to the Liberal con- I The following obituary reties is vent ion may horribly indicate that the , taken from The Northern Ensign. • Sulu. view• 1$ being incr•usipgly held ilea! pater published in Scotland. It by ueud•.rs Of their organization. will 1* of interest to readers who knew $peeulatien as to East.,Itev. Mr. Miller during the thirteen When Ilan. tt'ua. \lartill comes to years when he was minister of Ashfield the 4-mo-eatioli he will probably diad 'Presbyterian visored. Hr lett Ashfield his strongest opponent ent 111 Huu. W. N. Italie years ago and weut to Scotland. Fielding. with his high rt•putatiun and I '•We r..•onl. with kerb egret. the great political gifts and 14xtwrienr.;death on the .'Mth {est. of. the Rev. MI141 Hou. Maek.uzie King. wlu. will111.xauder Miller. M. A.. !lilted Free hail- returned with fresh ideas r•ganl- Church minister of 11,!:ett. HI* health tion from •EmR- .v :es out salisfaetnry for *nue time and The Highest Artistic Skill will no1 "avail unless the artist has the proper materials'With which ,., w•otk. dor Artist's Supplies are the 1.•.1 we can procure --Windsor & Newt•: s Oil Paints, Water Celan, R,'ualtes, Paper, Camas, etc. Phone and mail orders promptly Filled fug industrial loustruc land. The 1'nlnuists butte tfuat the r.,ently hr developed symptoms which __ - report of the industrial relations e.,ua',•oold out lietuistaken, although only eYm,,ign will lie held ill the_Metbodbrt mitre*. will have stolen his thunder. 11r. Irvine and those hi eine. touch ehnr.ti HI,'m•••'idle, Friday -evening. MU 141114 never knows. Huu. Mr. 11.4d- s oh him I•s.keti for the cud quite 00 Jul'. ".t h. ,rt s "'el.. k. A11 Interested ins will probably rind the aline/owe soon. He was a tower of phyah•al a:INI are asked to attend. - of the \tarifa..• I•royllays divide.) iuteliectnal • strength. and . Ids your - MISS ANNIE WARD 112 Hama St., St. John, V.B. "It is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great beoeat I received from the use of your medicine, 'Fentil-a-Ii: n'. I was a great sufferer for many years from .Ver•t'ors /had a bis and c ilex!! f atsoP. I tried everything, consulted doctors; but nothing seemed to help me until 1 tried'Fruit-a-Lives'. After I had taken several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since." Mies ANNIE WARD. 'Fnsit-a-dues' is fresh fruit juices, concentrated and increased in strength, combined with finest tonics, and is a positive and reliable remedy for 1{eadacbes and Constipation. hoc. • box,6 for $2.50, trial 111N 'net. At all dealers or Fruit -a -ti a es Limited, Ottawa. Smith's Art Store FiGi St Ph )ne 198 beret -en himself and 'Air. Il. it. Me• ;ageotoi. indomitable spirit lore him up Kenzie. Quebec will g1*.:a strong vote ;bravely against great physical ollrllt for lir. McKenzie as well. though Hnn. 11e shuwe+l stni.istu illsl endurance. to Ilitekenai14 King is nisei la,ptilxr i1, tin• rust. worthy of it military leader. (luel.Y• and cent expect it goal cine Mr. Miller. w11, was a native of bona, there From Iontariu will cows some inverts--.. theism of a large iuilding Aroug supporters of Hon. W. N. Field- contractor. began lois prof.sskonal beg. 1 11041 1 there silt I. many adr.r .neem as a distinguished normal caring lion George 1iraahaut alai Mr. 'trained teaser, serving under 1Ir. F. F. Pardee a'gtivie. the fanM(1is educationist. in British 1'uloiul,ia ,!,legates sill t;.orge Watson s ...teed. 1•:•Ituborgh. divide their vote at first among the Suletetm.'1,tly he entered :h. Fre odd Lawler lieutenants. c'hunii I,iviuty Hall. where h. 111.4• lir. Fieldings PesNkon. his mark its it. ,Isar wagiva1. ban - Liberal llai,uists silo attend the p.-oeb.•ut thinker. He 141,.'• 11w first c011'..•ut 14,11 sill tiot think *lir worse ; seven years of 111s ministerial life *0 of Hou. -W.:(. Fielding for bb accept- ! the Fits. 1'hur•h .••ngr•eation of Heli- um*. of 11e view that eon.wripthra was !ton, un [lir Clyde. 11 IP bf 111* twenty- l(4•ersNtry' In order that Canada al{ould ; fire years sueeessfal ministry lit'('wn- put . forth Iwr full 'strength. mud many , Iola. however, that he w111 be Nest sntI•cnitecriptlouists will admire the 1eviwmtwnrl. The beautiful edifier 1,1 independence with which hr has acted $ Ashfield. c rntario. the result ..f his un - throughout. In (,fuels, it lax lost him tiring art les. op•uw1 by hem in 1'1,7. 1411(4(1114 the younger NMI more fiery I f. a cl,ur•b b8( whi•:h any person might Nationalist eletueur considerable the proud. au will be ever aseielattr•1 support. SuMe tviculate that In an $with his tutor. Mrs. Miller, who sur - elimination, enotest he tinny '.our I v ives'him. le the third eldest -daughter out first. His alto' -may be considered of the kite Itev. Mr. Misdate of Inver - a handicap: suet it will be urg.sl •pinion. •The lnuerxl serine. t.,11- agiainit tweepting hint by his 0pptn ducted by Res-. Mr. Ma••kay, clerk of cots. \int' the clergy and icapHeity the IT•shytery, and H•-'. Mr. Mace \ dnuald.'Moos, was larg•-ly attended.' THE TWELFTH AT EXETER. South Huron Orattgeeten Celebrate the i Battle of the Boyne. `.lath Huron ltrahg•-mt•n had their 121 of July .elrbratinn ill Exeter. t l.,nr a w+,r14 0f lodges took part and I there ens a big crowd in the I11WD. I•.•rhaps tlie oldest ltratigemau present a+ S illixin 4 r..uks, of 1.. u. I. No. fsil, G•sleri. 11 township. This was his sixty-seventh parade. County Master •;.•urge Vandert.erg led the pro•vywiou' to [lir park. whir-, address,. were given hy' Hevs. l'artwty of HlimeilIe, \IcKrgu.y and .Moulton or 4'linton. 'frump. r of Exeter, then sial yisrrrtt ..f HensnIl. K hero. Foote and Medd of Exeter, (taker of t'reslitou. Anderson Marlatt' $pecific Demo, es all $fore 24 lillours THE Never -Failing Remedy for Appendicitis indigestion, Stomach' Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt's Specific will cure without pain 04 opens ation. For sale exclusively in (;.de - rich by ...JAMES A. CAMPB11I.1... . J . W. MARLATr & CO set ONTARIO ST. TORO$TO Gtr, -Y M XXXXXXXX5=CXXXXX erjch Board of Trdc .Pea cepay at Goderich Saturday, July 19th Get up -and forget your business for the day . Spruce up -male the t 1wn look gay Trot up -and encourage others the same way : Loosen up --and make it pay --this is YOUR day. BLYTH. Misses Ashton and (;arbutt have re- s gned thea ptnitlons on the Blyth public school staff and have gone to their .re- aneccive homes in Howlck and Lucknow. They intend going to the Wadi Rev. W. IS. Hawkins is tol►daymg in the States. The death of Mrs. Albert A. Brigham PA -Ig on Monday last removed a highly esteemed resident of Hullett. near Blyth lite deceased was thirty two years of age and had be.'" marned only two years. A quiet wedding took place in the Church of the Nativity. Dutton. when Miss Sadie E. Smith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Smith, of Dutton. and Rev Walter Bennett Hawkins. rector of the Anglian church at Blyth, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Colclough in the presence of immediate relatives. After partaking of a wedding breakfast at the home of the brides par- ' ents, the happy couple left for a wedding top cast. motoring as far as Niagara Falls. Starting Friday, July I8th, and continuing until Saturday, August 2nd, will be big Sale Days at this store. It is our intention to make this sale the biggest event of the summer, and to make it a real success we are marking the goods on sale at prices that will make them easy to sell, besides giving you real values and big reductions. This is the height of the season, but we must clear all our summer goods to make room for the fall goods that will soon be coming in. Just look at the seasonable goods that we have on sale. Everything has been new this summer, for we do not carry goods from one season to another. iN K 1 1 1! ■ 11 ■ REMARKABLE SALE VALUES iH VOILE AND GINGHAM DRESSES II IN 1 These gowns have just been put into stock this week. They are dresses that were bought oar al for early shipment but have just come to hand. Many have been sold, but there is still a largeWI ■ range to choose from in light and dark patterns in the newest styles and cloths. The following are a few of the reductions in Voile Dresses, but we have a range at each 1 I price: $19.00 for $14.95; $18.00 for $14.50: ' $17.50 for $13.50; $15.00 for $12.25; $14.00 for 111 1 $10.95; $1:3.50 for $10.25; $11.50 for $9.00; $11.00 for $8.25; $13.00 for $9.75; $9.00 for $7.00. xII ir We have many gingham dresses in all sizes, large and small, and they will all be reduced a in price for this special event. $6.50 for 14.95: $6.00 for $4.25; $5.00 for $3.90. x 1 Every bass, dress win be reduced in price 11 t:%.4.r W.\WANONH THURSDAY. July 17. A mee7ing to organize the township of East Wawanosh for the coming referendum, campatlrn will be held in the Westfield Methodist church. Tuesday evening. July _Nth. at 1` o'clock. All interested are asked to attend. Su oEN DEATH. --Joseph Smeltzer, of Whnechurch. was fatally injured on. Monday last. He was drawing in hay when the horses became frightened and evidently whiie attempting to control them he was trampled upon and re- ceived injuries so severe that be died sin a few hours. He' was in his sixty-third year. Besides his wife. he leaves two sisters. Mrs. Webster, of West Wawa - nosh, awa- sh, and Mrs. Irwin. of Ashfield. The funeral was held to Wingham cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. AUBURN. d itryfit.ld. and Davidson of Retire ve. WEDNESDAY, July 16. ,'apt. *Her.) 4. E. M-Kegbey. MienJanet and Emma Dobie, of- clime's, f c'lime's, -Ileum's-4.d the aim, felners Portland. Oregon, are visiting their 1 of Ireland. alld rebuked the United brother, Mr. Wm. 1)obie. during their RI - States Senate for attempting tai inter - if iti the-Irioti home rule question. re .4. A. Truu,per, of Exeter. at- , natio" the Knight. •,f (blumhus sol- McEwen s , 1 nt fund and 'declared that not 1 G 1.. PARSONS. W. S. BOWDEN, F, President. Industrial Secretary. turn a doll*. !for tli'• of $1M• motley raised in a anada td towards the Med of the weer ey.•r ach•sl I'n,ts•e i1.• declared it it dlsgna that the Huron county cotin.Il had atind,4 money to this fund and refused it to the Y. \I. s'. A. this year. TO 111%10II\ 1.1KBR•A1.S? `An Interesting Story from Ottawa Names Mr. Pnudfoot. The ohm.. p•Ihll+h•'N ,the following froui Its (ttana corresprgdent, [wider date .1t July 17.: smtarlo. the Prairie t'rotinxes arid s)il.l.s' are .ompll.'ting the •task of Premier Borden in forming the first tw'rmauient 1'nb til t cabinet, aeel.rding 10 resorts in well-I11torno•d circles. The prold.m in Quebec is finding and ells•, Ind 1'nlonist Ministers. The problem In elntario and the West 1w to stay the get-together movement on tie port Of tooth w+•tions of the 1.ib•ral pwirty which set In on the termination of NH 1, n 4ttl the nwvwlty for twitting the ee U1 I+'n s of pears. lin tilt. prairies 11 Is believed la f'Idnnist air -les that prlllk•xl organ - ,tuition by the 1;rHIn tirow14rs w*N pre- vent the formation of any united 1I,I1.•ral front. but it is mild that a dramatic mart. is ...ntemplal.d ti, "Kate the situation" in 4luta rio. I1're.•snre is to le lit .nght to bear on ('1 ,,.- ,1 I'r••nd•'r He•(4nit to establish '•1'ulunlsm" in ( Hit art, by taking Mr. , Wm. I'rondtna and probably two other Lllw•ral 1'uinnlst's into his Cabinet. Ry this action it Is believed that the Liberal forces of 11w Province may is, !ke'pi divided amt the shore's of la. 1'ni,nists assun'(I duly 17, M1A 1;111/Eli ll'H TI)WNNH1)'. A nwetitg to nrganlze• the township d (k,dcrk•Il for the voluble r,senoeIuI* 1 SPECI ALS Boys' Caps, new supply to hand Boys' Overalls, Sac to 11,25 Boys' Jerieys, white. navy and red Bnye' Braces, 15c up A few peices of curtain material, to clear from 25c a yard up A nice fine of Bath Towels at right prices We stock the Crompton Corsets, all sizes a n d different styles Lime Jnice, Grape Juice, Rasp. Vinegar, Lemon and Orangeade it bottles, also Lemonade and Orangeade Powder. Just right for drinks in the hot leather Try sate of our Amnia Bran Tea. With tee lbs. your get a Teapot FREE Mint Tea in stock.Vou wil find a sroou in each Pack age J. 1. McEwen I,ieenae V„ A-794 1R 1/ FANCY SWISS HANDKERCHIEFS Fancy Swiss Handkerchiefs at 25 per cent less than regular price. These are samples of next Christmas handkerchiefs and there are no two alike. Each pattern is distinctive in itself and many are embroidered by hand. They range in price at 1:,c, 20c, 25c, 30c, Sac, and 45c each. This is an opportunity to buy real handkerchiefs at little money. BLACK SILK GLOVES 4* We are putting on sale a number of lines ' of black silk gloves that are not complete in sizes, ranging in price as high as 11.25, to be sold at 49c. BLACK LISLE GLOVES 2$c These lisle gloves range as high as 11.00 a pair, hut for sale days they will be clear at 29c. SALE CORSETS We have three lines of corsets that we are reducing for this sale and while they last. These corsets are this season's models, but we are overstocked in these particular lines. No. 254 comes in all sizes and is sold reg- ularly at $1.75, on sale at $1.29. .No. 448 it: all sizes, regular $2.50, for $1.99. No. 520 in all sizes, regular 12.75, for 12.29. These lines are all D. & A. and every one gaaraateed BATHING SIITS 'We std l have a few bathing snits to sell in 1.!ack trimmed in white. These garments conic I, all sizes, regular $?) tX), for $3.914. LINOLEIM . 2 -yard -wide linoleum made from felt rubber and wool rags, regular 81.25• for $1.00 a square yard. BIG SALE OF BLOUSES For these sale days we are reducing every blouse we have in the store in Voile, Crepe ale Chine. Georgette and Hahutai. The Voile blouses are all this season's make and every one is in perfect condition, but the lines are broken and we have decided to clear them all out quickly. We have just received into stock a large number of Georgette and Crepe de Chita blouses. but to make this sale a success they will all be reduced in price. This is an oppor- tunity that one very seldom meets and we ad- vise you to see them early before they are picked over. The following are some of the values that are being offered : $3.00 for 12,60 $3.50 for $2.98 4.00 for 3.25 4.50 for 8.65 5.00 for 8.98 6.00 for 4.98 7.00 for 5.50 8.00 for 6.50 $1(100 for 18.25 This is Italy a partial hot *lupe vans we are offering DRESSER SCARFS AND STAND COVERS 8Sc This is special buying we have just received into stock and is wonderful value. Tbey are made of very fine material, neatly trimmed, 89c each. HOMERY Ladies' silk boot hose in black and white and all size*, regular 90c, for 75c. Ladies' pure silk white hose, regular 11.79. for $1.49. Ladies' white and black fibre silk hose, regular $1.75, for $1.49. Black lisle hose in all sizes, 8.:c, for 70c. White lisle stockings, regular 45c. for 39c. Children's white ribbed stockings in all sizes bOc, for 43c. Plain white stockings in sizes up to 71, 35c, for 29c. DRESS VOILES Every piece of figured voile we have will be on sale. These voiles all come in dress lengths of five yards each. They are all this seasons creations. Figured Voile, regular 11.50 for -1l.25; $1.40 for 11.15: 11.25 for $100. t+Mt This sale starts Friday, July 18th. The items that have been men- tioned are just a few of the values you will be able to get. It is our intention to make this sale a huge success and each day we will have special features. Watch our windows, and see our displays in the store, where everything will have tickets stating the reduction. XX THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY J H. COLBORNE Standard Corsets A. Patterns. 1111111111111•11111011111111111111NNIMSNINNIMOHNIEMMUMBIINM holidays. of Stratford, Mr. Stevenson, preached in Knox church on Sunday in the interests of the Lord'aDity Alliance. Mn John Ball is on a trip to the Prairie 1 Provinces. «here she will spend two 1 months visiting relatives. Mr. Murray Patterson and family, of Monkton. spent Sunday in the village. • The Auburn Orange Lodge celebratstd the 12th with the Dungannon brethren. �Ma and js ting s. the llJoseph ter's cousin. Miss A. Sturdy. !invite Alfred Rollinson and Mrs, Roflmsnn have returned from their visit to Windsor. and we are pleased to state that Mr. Rollinson has de- cided to open up his harness shop again. Ha has bought the stock carried by Mr. James Johnston and is now prepared to i attend to the walla of the community in ' the harwew business. We (bespeak for him the patmnage of the people of is e (nets who can thus stow their apprecithdia- tinn of one who neve up blsinesa to fight fob King and country and has returned to Ilia town spin. rest Fern Symington. of Toronto. is spending her holidays in the village. Mn Ne'bon, Mia Jessie. and Mader Russell. -of Stratford. spent Wednesday renewing acquaintances here. Miss Jestde is remaining to visit Miss Sadie Carter. , PORTERS HiLL. THURSDAY. July 17. Miss Florence McDonald. of Detroit. is making a three weeks' visit with her brothers, James and Colin, here. Mr. and Mra Perdue, of Texas. are spending a few weeks with the former's stater, Mrs. Dal Gardiner. Mrs. S. McPhail and Mary are at Kip- pen ippen this week Major Tolmie, M. P. P.. wife and fam- ily spent Wednesday at S. McPhail's. GAMOW PASTY Arco Rgartmow.-The ladies connected with the forward nnove- ment"o( Bethany church are arranging for a garden party at the home of Met S McPhail on Friday evening. July 26th. and have swum] for the evening Major Tolmie, lately returned freun France to one e of his stirring addressee France, will be served during the evening. Admbainn 26 ants. Also at the tome time and Alice a reception will tee tendered Corporal Alfred Mc(:regor. M. M., just tome from France . • iYa:r1 L... (10111•11111011IMP sew --rllmet� The Veteran's !Jewellery Store High-grade Jewellery Watches and Clocks We wish to serve you here as we . did in France. E. C. Robertson Corner Pant $street avid Square ssttt�tl�t� The: next iagsvent-the Golden Gate* Midway and Street Fair, Augttat lit mad 14 a