HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-17, Page 6-t 41sim1sw4.111-31 " ARE TR DAYS 01 MIRACLES OVAII 30.111141.11311141iMU LUICirt?-441172140,4Adolli AN e,..-tair 'MARIS for "1111114e.ruso t%14I WipellUtAta that She resiely must 11161,40•1111); It teller elliiirijOet N'tfiNtlyi _re rim!. of tffrVone litret West, Terea I ',offered ter several years with ietteh.ordlik y hesietall i( bet el mptry, ithoistattitai stip d•ews ot '• ithesomatic Capsule*, and aims& Auitiediately 1 felt relief. The men- ' Nes *tailedIs g4 alma mate bob. Aft. left my kweee. 1might say that ovirriparvirrozzr aril Of 41111. I la IV Pena@ sow.. mut I mineet *auk 1. Area @hough ,liar She at& T.R.C. 'e babe • �ve.Sataii I.. It's the same Mary. from Ws/1Mo e-,10 ether Ithisuatatic sof Barera.: Thep trtaa mad T &C.'. *Red Mem *.140. • If vita outfit. Sep Saans,.. \ I A Vhig. AU*/ . fk)le Agettli Eur.,‘sosteijeti. 4 .thls •difretta or to 'fetid Won 4Wing i ad sif A.-tva win be poittlitids -4 • • •' • • x•i • .* ai vols.'s', la C ad. 4.2# lottile 4111.r4.4 tci tIos.isitt retrreirtr 114 . cabriolet's that the these •psoi as10 workiag tea capacity and Pr•Th3111' 10414 "itust !a,.(fr 0..111 to. may . auks snsi regnints is Aril besprostouttd. • HOW/ framil to 11.111, 5 to 10 P m. atrr r roe • 'f )1"1f; .1inwilK water itfa.tvit‘senT1 4Stion017711111Oellito Versi maitre. ydso itote e4qi ewes, Wed9es- gigrifiAt; v‘inst )kit•iestifilbdS111110(11110111$01ahle 1 1 /:4 1IXisLT.• • • , Collector. Platc1r4Pd S..401 Cavolmi*,101,1 • • Icnttl 904e,r,i0 thillteidy t let anvotre phmetion'the name \fit's •ot depati ptive. tallti like kdOak, r.. Ly telive.:euts the pro- du4 of ant• tar hoose. 'Aeldom h anyone been cnught red h*nded in lug to ptrt over a aputiona iinitatia --because that's criminal. -hut al every day we hear of Ainytioth, 04r orb, to per- suade cusl0Stail -01`at a4,rearly' means (dished to the tr stage bat woindiSkkooliab-- ser,tip reloty clothes . a4. beeu' •tag, eket 0111)' *lieu soilati and (.100in no the tr Wbho4sj,ng ffas;,tif44. threads sleev'es all djggs. ' Ta ed Out lies are fer o1f, e 0 McLean Otos. THE TOWN COUNCIL,. - 101%3(700 TirnA-simiuttekif018 WIT• GoDElti *ONT. 14"71747. ' -Airlawer..."Pruumewire•e....'inrowlmoug= IIIS £m, • • : mit,t111411.1 ik1 Mint .o.. Reeve Ihivis to tlie,s air.for the tri aorsaggretgatatigigft 6 al a r meeting ot $ 1011Ifn.10 11041,„ps 1 the arrival of liAor VI awo iii.. Colborne nriters' 111 , -4F Vent dials tretertalteihered from the kigia44,,storto*ai),,C ria road, and i IllivaNialaitts4reet between rTiii idr muter 144711ttflts 11 the vicinity 41railladacalt4141GtintlatI4ahat the road - ed InAttesefsrgagangiir localities be watered .t.r olied. Mr t'. C. lAc rent in a similiir request for the roadway ItinielltNlipl Snalalt,114111*11. 1 nett. wfia ,4k6.. itilfria/halsitV4iI4* puldie works .... lllll uittee. with a suggestion that the roadways be treated with to -We. ,* i • , • - A request Troi'm the r.. W. Y.. ---A. for ..f Ss.. 1..‘serols a re mita ro- of .101saina...Inas. 1.,1f...“'A-11. 1u.....a1ist...litutare ..iiiiiiiitte.. A-utissaaisitahtliMm44 r111.14 :from the faintly 44 the late .. .0trixitou 11s1.110t40.111e' taxmen for Us Iilml .1X- 141511" . a 61Y1I1PatikT. ,.1V1 the aceasion q IIK .IIII011.br. tbvir hither. the' fiymer tfimr!or $b *IL ... . . - .• ' moit,tetsi, report* wen setsekred and ii. SstiVas , . tol,lows : - ,;• ' . wapiti. *wadi; ....rein4111er .le- Imilalkit re.o1uluvuding 'that lion fo- oitalistIon t./ sewer --Aertires 1 he Wes - On of asuMt.trous *twig ;inc. to nista .siptior. tie reeutaled npun iiejtor proBle: ,tfUst * varlosidolu. srer'er pipe with siouials Le orde stums.. and that the matter or rioakajoipg sewers be li ft s ith the public iron* committee a ith post.r to order all necesims7 inatscials•TAISI, To 111kre The work done le'Ritv 141Tell'e*:'thiit tile 'enisisioa•r rivort oh the twitter 'of, mows ruetiint * sewer an Inv Hli.n11 . nand from Elizabeth street I. boundary mud on„littron Pond foot' Einuthellt strei-t Is Britannia emit. Tor eta...suttee reported tleat ill 6.000-Selluro cur of liop000l rospliatIt rued 011 hold lel ordered (p.m the imperial the .4,,,. fur immediate delivery at A 1t1111.• Of .10 •IvUlir. it gallon f. o. b. Corterleti. • • 'Inn. rostol.tery snot parke .-onnwitkee row3osietriolle.1 that tiw sown perk atossuite the shier! Inn.' -II.. 44.041.11 Ilk the Ea111.,• vat, MIMI that niore Arabs .r bench., le Oared shrug flie.,lake and river looks : 111‘.., that a •Pultili. Park when be placed at Stnuieti Park. The hunter. ....Inutirtee reported the the Plank of 3toutreal would maven... *u1111' ii 14. $10,000 for ....mime/ion t. 14143 terprovionent si•were at• five am 0111•1ia r per orial ; surd 1333.itoiseroolet 11:11 an :i4111111110e.ilt 11411 11. 1111411.' 144 111, serktban oil* toward, 1111fluisine reptlpnumit. softtlelent 11( 3444 'equIpteetit rover lhe 1111114411,. 1.4•14.. /eft in tile itostedy thy, lifts ist tbs. chose of the ../14/11. /111. Mayer and a•lerk %Imre .auth/W se lb slob the patithin for a owwee 01 streel. 11•10114111 Maitland aisil Hhhin rondo. on Urinal of the towmas Meer of the Wheel •RlaA property. llw chnirsisio of the public snort. situndIjils. auk.. etuls.PCX.111 3..MWA.JP" *to i•iimpetetit ti Maim'. 10 tnake an tenured ince.. II.- 1 t rtripment s•toie its bei .sierieh Urn It Won, 1, Jill)'1 public Juilislai or dci sa •letwatiogo Or 'Malys uf tIiepuCe 4 IV 4 dot 484 • ‘,4! • PIW restuect of Pt. Peter's h for pertinssion to hold a Millet oil ea nleii port ys* In -Hamar Park Noll the fir.t \August wits granted. no mustliffint that PI shame 1e Asathi ,r mdruitte owe. 110-tho. grountil -1~ use ot to he 4114i .111141er 414I3WFI.4IlIll19ftb44 The Uy .voisti rad• right *Imlfurogliatrt of tbe retard to taw( ham tresins.\ sv latnetiod of Walt ierotelt ' Otreallhinny! TOPi , 1114. lifhttaplgi.,e West Shore itw 1,0)00 MOWN' 11 req. tims .4114 tin/ esninf w,iCht.lonrneil laalf.11tis.. 214a • make awe with be Min ry erernetery to florizIng the • meet *11.' a 'Dodds, ack 'N ta at a gh few. otkar.'' $ too bad Neith P)rn is old hat ottsakINmaketoyou yod sse:' ben the wallet (Of AIP,3 both Wealth thing I. 1 Ifient a artoir tor atT*4- rainy So • 10? , • I : 21(10T JA301 • bsirhat saT 'ft: • 4, • • liminimmumiiteiassat' , • 0,4113 .• 1 .1 , I h •111 • • Tit Sigiung of the Peace Terms will be celebrated in "13 - ri , • .4 -•; .; • toig wiisstit.in • tVIS 0 N hos • iol# Jaren • . L•11, ". • • r • .• L. •-• • • L•4 tr, - cr.)* its'. K., 014, C•ei 4 • 4 sal* I baknstli. friar n "03 lo Z./ t s air • - PEACE DAY I RY,&JMJ I J to.1 31 4 / GREAT,STKEET GRAIN MO A REgi. E. .. • !..:1..4..• -4.'1 ...I. .rt.'ne: iFROLIC ANIS FUN • -, . •• . _ .: • -..,-.1, ECORATION ,AN13.-1../ -1 ., : r .,4 I. 01 - LLIANT ILLUMINATIONS. - * - ' ' • 1 Piokiirrn of the Day 7.30 a.m.-General Alarm - Whistles Blowing-ael1a:Riaging-44. - horn Auto Parade all around the town. - 7.3010 9 arn.---Put finishing touches to all dacorationS at 3,06.1, hahre and place of business. 9.00 a.m.-All booths open.: 10 a.m. sharp --Grand Pam*. • - BA • Prizes or Parade. • ,.t/ • DEc011ATEL1 • , nest Deetirattel float , float rwer# Antomot,11,. Bowl Dreora ,4t Carriage Best Ihte.reted Riegel*. , Rout I have* t ,..) (11)th#10311111 fur itin4ew01134110 1. dltld 11011'10P Yost Aturaetivifi 3raq 11'&p, op..r,120% -r r, ... lat • 210/1 • Sid 112.00 47.04 VISO 10.00, .11.00, 210- 0.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 2-00 1.00 • SAO 2.10 1.50 .7.00 3.04 2.011 • •J . 7.!•( • • ▪ • . ..., . _ - _, _et )111.' SECTION • ‘ ..., ., Moat, Comical Pestnts tit'leatlitle-(Whitior• flarrtil from other Seiner p; -"..**A., 4 1. • • - ' • ' - fi3,11td" ' • Must Comical Feature aa Y I T.08' 13.00 $2,00 Moat a.:11k,111 Feature nn__Y le 10.00 5.00 3.00 Heir Ti.d.W ricer or Feattiti.r.!*.r.4! ...... t'oel!uisfoiml• Featurs ,„.:" 6 34 4, A15.00111101.01111. ISIS) oscio,•!pt, 1. .. 1000 0.00 4.00 • • • N‘JT}..-4o athlItion to the quality. lb* liseetse14 or deateu - and marouvr in whleb t 44 wort:oil out wait t..j c000ldowed 114 awardtan.nrises. I I a.m.-Platform Addresses- by Mayor Wigle and Prominent Men of. ' Huron County. A fiernoon .Program on the Square 2.00 p.m. --Children's Garnet. . •• •• BUIS PRIZES . 4. ; laL 2nd 50 yard* nice. d years and inoire $ $ yards race. • / years anit an, der la .76 AO 100 yords raeet tears end 410- : • der 111 ... • .75 .50 1013 yards rare/. 12 year.4 soil under 14....... 1010 •75 100 t•dit rare. • 14 year?' Brod ander In. ...... 1.00 .75 _.10 • 11R17.1314 ard hot 2od - 7m • yanils rsoss. I; , .23 • year* a ad linger $ .75 30 yards rate. 144 years end under .26 511 Int. rate-, .12 yea Fa "a nd nuttier .75 .30 UM yard* race. .115 /4 rs and nutter lei t00 ltai yard', roe ..7411 xeiirs&u,I iimlsr $ .310 irtHa11 ruaw. 1.011 .75 taut 2•VattitiM Iiiiii. , . T.114 f• ‘notror Mehl -hoes • 1.110 flO1ILffl IN* Sport& .75 .7r, 4111 75 .25 .20 II......o.1.............-....................... -„.„. „,,,,,,,,,..... .....„,................ ...-................................-... it 31A2 5101 t1541J 49". ri>1C 0111 1..1U1 to, I . q labse. (too' ••••••••• ,1s,43 199 L.P./ Ti40 - - ....••••••••••••• i, ... ri i mei 4 I 4411 1, ,.. is i -------1.4 4: " .' ' • . 11.4 04 .-144'./1).-itiii ill I •14 1.11A1 h . • ,,. , 4 , .. •••.. , 1 i.•3 ' " -.3-1' ' ... .., ' ..1h,I.n...04 itt. dds.,t 3til•,174 lg... I atir •tfiejoy.SIodY .' ..:,;.•644,'',11 . _ "CO re, 11t .0, . : ..I • •••1.1 .'141.• ;' ''' Mil. ,I''' 1 ' '. '•I ,. •"" ' "A Ilk' ' .. ‘' "I • r•'14 It •, . 1 • • ''' (JU.) • ,. • , •••••• /i ...L.._ KODAK :o sli • • . Degie&Ping and Printing • I • I • • - 1.2 Campbell's Drug Store • • .1 .1 •. t POIrieY0 . .1104b-iitsam04IftWw117 .... • A • • • -- ' ' ha - haw. - 3 _ 1111111111MIIMI A Shoe when we saliWNIEVial&dsliT 3ictzt fr ictlomf tandee. fi nOesut r l"s toc k theriss, by the best Canadian manufacturers, and by the '{j: Niro Eir 0371,146 Virl crf)itIciidei dtKabilitkr sho. "%lir/ 4r8A! ordecta# , stigie vs- 9t1SIgnil, aelEe ittosimod AritbviViat ojJ tria you ever Mw. •• 100 alls; root Race o 1... t, • 1t;i6.4-mii bilOt - 6 11 ti -11120.1111hAToot Race K. • 14 .1.1461.111 • ce s oi es f,n3s ft .lay Foot 11.*C-0 . IR of four.isari,041y$1111,440111y•ITetins must employed in A.11101?• lue.‘putme factory, or same line of busbies., or be War ye1eit.ures,s , . litnallPN-f ,1.w ys ews Race over ft.I.,,gliarsi .1.0000 • tot% 1141rol Race, r yad.4. . at* ,(iVa roteralo (ifity 1., . 440 3.4*) • , 2.00 - Tug ..(-War (8 men-nniat be p$lfL to"Me, factory. - •• • : sasummaamoaNs be mepilie.)-s oku, Mho!' •i • • 11 '1 titration.), ..... • • • • •. •• • • • • • ....•... • 4 114111- Mileone ''.' 5 •/:::), 3.00 .2.01; rcserveri rtglit nejlist raci.4 op prim*. eattiga- Isfaetory.'` • • • • • it. • rents 011.a tO..11 (13./.11At aPPI:011141: 10. twpaim 1.1.n. awarded mare titan tten prirrtM. t • • /•:. ! 3 i 4 4.411.1,-.4340 WW1. 8.00., -2.00i- 5.00 PAS Smi - • - .5410 •31110i 12.00 8.00 4.00 • - "Just Wright IT All Just riKh.t.Stioes for rti6n are 14141T4N WALITY inIGITITANMPTE -u RIGHT IN PRICE RIGHT FOR tdililFtsikT 3254)64 411064 93n9ti • BALL ihirAirt A 16.30 . Garich„autedguiturai Park . . . • .;:::8)3Q11A1t7tra P.v,,rytss 6,e every rtwa m securing tilt _rojavo)p3.4... Agng;Sbi tor •NO7 iLIVW7S291q hign-grade (item ?tes3 ult9E11 Get,tAgm at - T‘I'l TfIDIT 03J143'. HEWS; BOOT S vpmi an00q1311t nttboW la ?thrtorcinli9.; i4uuA bn .1c W. S. BOWDEN, 1111111iX1!1111111 ,-saili Itizi-t-1 -3-1-se IA Alaliiiii.xiiiitittiiii ( 1Y-4 411t3WUMscrOttii °16"-.'"-INArniiicro-i-^linric rc Men's, Ladie . 1 Ai c‘imxtb,B,3 to ffi earance. Girl Chil me early ligaldtp 4 ey are in 1.1::111 \arms tra&z:.&nrstrasedillltsinagarsi•zuwat ( "hes e port -worn shel, gum y, net moderate cost.- "4 : • WM-. 5 ANVNE9SPIOIE JOAN ffill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111N1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffi ••4 S14l4I14.3l3. UNC m EN3concocT are -pleasettro be able to in f the ptiblic that we in a position to supply any,s1antjty of hart . coal sie. 4lso any quantity of oal f940111eStilc Use. a, e wish to extend thanks to bPust very patient during the stress of the c ice the) it habeen e d prompt delive e;7 -..s: s rl;ivd vis, will i' •:* ' The Sa Phon ults' .residence o. 276 - • ,o • 1; 1:- • Parade and StreetCarnival. • 3,43113 in Prade:In filii,...y.00ntittos ostilaryotraro. Dwatilag , sly, with good oretiostre innate, • , ',.P.' • cl Pyrotecfsnie tisgatiy. . ace* anything in Fireworks that hammier INI3SOGIOYCIII-016Serlfs.' EvER.IrifthG Fik?Er „do RDAY:4',.-Ti, 041(1 i'.-"tiarti':ii4eip e C1411114!#Eireiii in your life. ..4., 11X,....tAV..lrefEt KO N 6 . • . . Fr Rt rift, m444 C106011' 4 C* . no .zpositor 3. w . In looking over The Expositor of week ,00prod ;atillin,611‘areount of liattle of G&rich in 14641. As t few alive today who will remember ablitglablarindeti•tt blakattled t mind the little pert I played in conn with the said hattle. The country 4 0 gy 1„.tti'404 4.141irt lookolft tke Fwwwwww %awe WM armed . With guns • nfles ancloaddie walWax asaatrappari. fel $, !came ost furl thl. or heavy c •One.iday Amnia fif the ,trot (as it. wasokl)eu ralld), t'ida,y we are would call it •elianitgdpf IQ) limy township, InyAJamas t1,c1,IV ion or Me others. %ANT. to ta • . •• 1 .• UTOMOBILE-.OWNERS 4( ' tild • sitancr. -If .• t! /. • " 411 1/iiti it'll/. • 1 it Liar 11.ii• UlOodioilip4-6,datt, 4311 lfru1rf we um, ,n: vAort .14 a Ar 111q ;:t 1c I • • --rI . I • Steam Vulcanizing Plant ..4vvit and iiilrFlPitrttiw-Ittrilthicilidr-4--__ lire JEa retriP/i1444 riT coma* in rota ten ,r the tow - dikes ht11. elipro Hay aid 11811altv to the lake shore and they put up at our place for refresh w A itiqf paftlt % vc;i °I rfatifilf ' 4, 'i y) tittillal gte 'this "istittt , t renflitis iltoll iaiid ' R.I. 11.1a#11elt. Herta'. July A. 1910. This doneltortailing -one vidlich has the tread worn to fabri the ±1e aruknother which has altood tread int e on Itia=tick-stittchVniigdmejacVnli." 70j? itta you from 2000 to 5000 millalhof service and a practically r"01141$ and piiNgis-prnofilly and sugitssa • arn Anadivicide ji 000-41M•••••••••••••1101/11delta aidierfinAsao Yik