HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-17, Page 4a
4 Thursday .111 y 17. 1f1In
'c.71ortimp' .101110""
Clothing for
Hot Weather
Nice, cool Combina-
tion Underwear, "Ar-
row Brand Negligee
Shirts, Wash Ties,
Hokproof Hosiery.
white duck and flan-
nel Trousers, Straw
and Panama Hats,
Lustre Coats, Palm
Beach Suits.
We have been taking a
number of orders for nice
two-piece homespun Suits.
Let us take yours.
Walter C. Pridham
Phone 57 Goderich
MR. N. F. WHl-ARD is the
agent for THS SIGNAL at Dungannon.
Orden left with hire for subscripuoas.
advertisements Lir tub twisting will recto/.
prompt attention. Telephone (Goderich
Rural) rat.
COUNTRY WOMAN's CLvs.-At the last
regular meeting of the Country Woman's
Club a deputation from the board of 1
Alexandra hospital attended and stated,
the requirements of the hospital. leaving
the matter with the Club for further ,
consideration. Interesting papers weft i
read by Mrs. Ross and Mts. A.idrewa,
relating to the early days in Goderich and
vicinity. Miss Salkeld gave current
,-rents. The Union church Women's
Missionary Society had in a kindly man-
ner combined their meeting for the month
with that of the Club and Mrs. , Revd.
Hamid on introduced to the meeting Mrs
Gilbard. who gave an interesting talk
abut the work she was engaged in
amongst the Ruthenians in the North-
west. The nett meeting will be at the
home of Mrs Curwen. Huron road, July
24th. 2.30 p. m. (old tifne).
Null -.rite for The Signal now.
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Commfs,oner for Aff,da/io
and Conxeyance:
Wits Deed.. Mortgage, Agreements.
Carefully exec sod and Money Sup•
p1 Ad far Mortepn.
Fin. W.nd and Life Inw.lima. .n ewe be..
Compan.., only.
Emery IOc
,Pticket'bf s.1.
will KILL NW eklE TNAi1
C'ean to han lc. Sold ilrrll-
K>ts, Graces _,'S C.n. rel Sturge
W'e,In,,tiay, July It..
Mr. Jack Roberts. of Gederteh, called i
on frieuils here last Thursday. this •
Iwtng his first visit to his native vil-
lage sloe lila return from the front.
Ne.11rss to soy. his many friends herr'
were clad to sow him.
Leo. Westbrook visited friends here
lent Week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. S. Loyties, of
t:talrrh•h. and their friends. Yr. and
Mrs. Yahoos. of Toronto, .ailed to see
friends here last Ilnnday.
lir. J. It. McNabb. Mr. 1t. J. Craw-
ford and Mrs. ('uwforl motored to
Clinton • and Seufurth last aunday'
Mr. and Mrs. Beringer and Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Jackman motored to Tees-
wuter on Sunday.
Miss Gladys fowler is home from
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris. of Strat-
ford.. spent Saturday and Sunday at
tlw bottle of Mr. T. U. Allen. They
returned on Monday. accompanied by
Mrs. Allyn. -
Mr. and Mrs.'t:eo. („sego, of Rfith.
stent Saturday a0d Sunday with
• friends Dere"
We ars plisses! to report flint the
I sit* in our community are slightly
Miss Laura Pentland, who has been
4ea ching at Amherstburg, is home for the
olidays. Miss Bailey. of Amherstburg;
is here at °resert visiting her.
A Coming Event. -A garden party
under the auspices of the Presbyterian
church is to be held on the man.'.. 121w0
1 on Friday eveniug. July Miss
Alice Uunl114r. of London. a clever
twweli:ul and humorous entertainer.
w111 lw present. Thr Lnvknow brass
band w111 furuish music. Tea served
Iron It to s p. w. Tome our. 00111e all
-the lust garden party of the stetson.
Admission :glee. elafldrrtl nutter 12 y-eurs
The Orange Walk. --Thr 12th.uf July
was a notable day in Ihungautaua Iti'
streets from morning Pill evenfug were
scenes of liveliness and Veal cheer.
Tete lodges arrived in (Ise uwrni0g. MH
the attrudnfl,•. from the surrounding
liwality Iw.urw1 its early lis the :after-
noon. until flie 11ssrwhlage *4114 0011*
sufficient for our hurt to at.owwatute.
After t.ansidrrable marching and drown•
ming the pr wrssioa marched to elle
Agricultural Hall. where spt..•hes wrrr
wady. This was followed by a lively
gamy of lo*iwhall ttrfweraBelfast and
i►nnmttatnon toques. the result (wing 7
to (i in favus: of the former. Meet -
were proridesl by tlw Auglhan au l
Methodist churches to the aatlsflaetfon
of all. There wen. plenty of booths
and refreshments were to he had oar
every to111er. lis the evening a granil
.ou.s•rt w -as gicru in the Agricultural
Hall. A lull 1 se greeted the enter-
tniners. it was considered Lifter all
Was over that a very- enj.,v*Ide and
sueesslul day Imd Iwen spent its the
gm NI 014 village of 1hutgnuuoa.
'r,ytiae"" -.‘111.1111.11111.111 (IODEBIt'>s O. - Awe
XX■I...aalA/1N/XaaaItmmomaaammaaaa ansa moima,
Greatest Rule ■ I
of Health.'"
b•il i D M I LLAT SON h :.fit
r a r'y•
And How it May be Carried 1 b .
Witk Dr. Cuss's
Kidney -Liver Pills. ■ Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. i
■ On Wednesday (during July and August) the store closes at 1 o'clock p. m. X
■//10) XI NIMINNIXXXlelNX•• />•/t11•i//I•/\1•••••• ■
You sometimes hear it said that
the most important Hulse of Health
la "Daily movement ut the Bowels.'
Conattpatiori begins with the
bowels but It loss not end there.
You must also consider the way
It effects the liver, the kidneys, the
dtgesUve system, gad in fact the
whole human body.
Headaches, backaches, aching
Limbs, ladtgestion, blltousneae, kid -
Rey deranteme0tn, appeadicsus, and
the most serious diseases &niacin-
, able often have their beginning with
cons 1pauen of the bowels.
There ls one treatment which has , 1
a direct and combined acuua on the
bowel,e liver and the kidneys 1:
and gets theorgans tutu good
working order la remarkably Quick
Lime, and that Is Lk. Chess's Kid- ■
soy -Liver Pills.IN
They afford rebut quickly, bet
thsy de mere than that They pod -
Uinta' cure coosupation. and tamers
laaUna regularity art the bowels by
betting the liver right
Mr. Y. Luck. 30 Home street. milBrockville, Oat, writes. "For many
years I have Nan troubled with cos- 1
supauon and have tried a number
of remedies. but without obtaining IR
mutt benefit About a year ago 1
started using Dr. Chase's Kidney- R
Laver Pills, gad have found them to
be the beet medicine far conaUpar 1
•Ion that 1 have ever used- 1 would
strongly advise anyone troubled
with this complaint to try the samo
Yrs. R. Childs, Harriston, Ont.
writes: -I suffered from constipa-
tion and kidney trouble for some
time. One day I bought some of Th.
j Chaos's Kidney -Laver Pills to see if
they would help me, and to my do -
light, 1 received Brea. Denent from
them in a shiQrt time. They are a
splendid median. and I always' keep
then. oa hand as a household
Dr Chase's Kidney -Liver Pitts are
ae Universally used aa a treatment
for constipation and liver and kidney
troubles that you ran obtain them at
any loom were medicines are on
sale one MB a dose: 21 tests a Ism
eldwtani ti. Hates & Co, Ltd..
- K1fVTAiL. .
MONDAY. July 14.
Miss Eva Drennan is home from Tor-
onto for her vacation. '
Miss Lily McKay returned last week
after visiting relatives at Duluth.
Mr. James Wilson of Guelph. is visiting
at the home of Mr. M C. MacKenz.e.
Mrs. John P. McRae and baby son. of
Toronto, are visiting . at Mr. Aibeet
Fox Farming on Prince Edward island
04 • 1i, 'fi `"
es •
A!'EW years before the war. silver
fox farming suddenly 'prin'.I
into the list of Canadian Indu-
tries, aid from Atlantic to Patin'
travellers In the observation cars of
the C. P, R. used to have pointed out
to them fences where thousands of
dollars wo.'.h of animals were said to
be peened up. Companies were
formed to exploit cox farms, and the
speculation was about as great as
that In the Calgary oilfields. Aloes
tbs outbreak of war less has been
beard of this boom and yet 'e certain
districts it soot seems to flourish. Pox
furs ars st11l in demand and are worth
a great deal of money
At the beginning of the pelting
aeasoa In 1917 the number of foxes
en the ranches of Priers Ed-
ward Island was approximately
10,000. From December 1st. 1917, to
January 31st, 1918, 2.500 foxes were
killed and tbelr skins sold. In 1918
there was a pup production of 3,504),
thus making the number of foxes at
the opening of the last pelting season
11,000 Allowing for a kill of 3,500
during the past season and the .hlp-
meat of a small number abroad the
'season of 1919 will open for ranch
'breeding with about 7,000 Retorted
,foxes u a breeding stock.
Good sliver fox furs aro of great
va;ue. They are worn by real queens
.and movie queens. Vrken the daughter
of the Duk. of Devonshire was marrt-
ted not long ago a sliver fox fur was
,oto o' the moat prised gifts she re -
One of the hest known fox ranches
tlarl centrapassage 1 through which (1) Coaxing some paps with tempting morsels.
.. L
1. 'Arvid the resod to be dt.tribut.!d 00 (2) Black beauties watching the photographer. This pair 1n mks ,
either aide and which to aid used for last three years have produced fifteen beautiful pope and are big '
car•rvtag away IM refuse from the earners.descendant
pens. A guard roses nine feet high is a
wlr *Vndl a intoegrown' en owe whose pelt brsae (3) A noble o re. This nght the world direct
$2,700.00. of a fox
the reach proper. This glues prtvaey,
protection and prevents thio fexas e► titian were provided. The wire net- roof to *fable rimming and ratshlsg
raping should they get tut from the tag tuna down Into the ground about foxes
r.ntral pens nwtside of the Nom' nr four feet or to the hard Amerleans bought 21.3 Island maga
fames Is a twisty Not watch teff aaRh, which Is hasten aa hard-paa. in J1,11s a are used by the keeper to keep &.russet. Tae walla ars nine er ton fest high fez hawsding _
records Biotin[ sating 1.51401 ae aad bare overhangs ref netting atssed' aeries tent i• island tams last year
germy swperrlNen tbrongherit the lag two Met on either aide of perMs- Japan prices
,year wltbewt nenwewssarlly 41.t.Il bkular walls to pmvent the fe[M videNorway rw lsud.took II. Gond y(naglwg abewt else
lag the teles hash pen is of a ;argot fes. getting tot or ether Neva. get-
wssxer Me to give ag *areal page flag twig-M+sew. etas bale tha M seek geed tint. to slain a fox rear&
elf .haulse and ar cssa are any est, M whom the rests se
« that the ke.por eon g( any paltrlasd the ether the living rete with a M In the spring
.are hull use of two large Pees Tie ebnts r'ewwewtleg gad ametber .hue an telae gra tweets* their beat. fees
pegs are dlvia.e at double partiflsrl ter .atreeee true" otRalde to tion Ili. papa am nwalll bees if Mari* w
whish armrest eke animate Iso[ h
twree T1esse ewa,r are MIA I. mature to fa:l growth by (ids
vit Mee sad Predate.
solei Ing and ? ooi,wg themselves ahead fear fed tong. two a Mwi dI w Pirrember
r *awes If only a Biagi• par , mad eighties' ls Illi I1 Ma [M
Beckett's. i 1
Mtss Louise McDonald. of Toronto. is 1
the guest of Mrs. Duncan NkLennan
Dr. Hector MacKenzie as visiting his lei
uncle-. Murdoch and Roderick Mac- j
TUESDAY. July 13.
Miss Helen McMillan, o London,
arr,vec: on Saturday to stay wlth her
sister and brother in Lorne Cottage.
Rev. Jas. Abery and family. of nd•s-
bno.' are summering in the Grove.
Miss Maude Stirling arrived on
Saturday from England to spend a
couple of weeks with retatives before
returning to Toronto to continue nursing
in a military hospital for a few months.
Miss Josephine Stirling leaves this week
for Pickford. Mich.. to spend the
remainder of the sumer.
Miss Jessie McKenzie. Mise Kathleen
Elliot, Miss Bessie Tough. the three girls
from the neighborhood who attended
Stratford Normal last year. have all been
successful in their examinations, and
nave also succeeded in securing schools
for the coming term: Miss McKenzie her
home school. Miss tslliot. No. 4. Stanley,
and Miss Tough. Cromarty school.
Mrs. (Dr.) Elliott and Miss Winn:fred
are spending a week in Mr. Fraser's
The O'Neil family, of Clinton, are
summering in J. Johnston's house.
Rev. C. T. Tough, of Shakespeare,
spent Saturday with friends in the
Rev. R. 13 Steverson, of Stratford. a
representative of the Lord's Day Alliance
will preach in the Presbyterian church
both mornine and evening next' Sabbath.
many friends of Mrs. Spackman will
learn with sorrow of her death. which
took place on Monday evening. Mrs
Spackman had been ill and practically
bedfast for over a year. gradually growing
more helpless, and suffering intensely
almost all the time. but until a few days
. before the end her mind was perfectly
clear, and her courage and brightness
were wonderful during all the long, trying
months. Besides her husband she leaves
two daughters. Mrs. Pollard of London
and Miss Edith at home. and one son.
Robert. The funeral takes place from
St. Andrew's church tomorrow (Wednes•
day) afternoon.
Peace Day ---Saturday, July 19th
The greatest of all wars has been fought and won by Great Britain and her
allies. the peace terms have been signed. and on Saturday next we celebrate the be-
ginning of a peace which we hope will lau until the youngest child in Goderich shall
have grown to old age and passed to a quiet grave Never again in the lives of then
now living will there be another day like the one we shall celebrate this week It will be
a unique occasion: let it be a unique celebration, and while relating over the great vic-
tory which has been granted to us let us remember the men who made the victory
possible. Some of them will not come back. bur in time we hope to see erected in God-
ench a monument which will tell their story through the years to come.
For the present. let us make Peace Day, July 19th, a day of loy for young and
1 -e- fir.
Georgette, Crepe de Chine,
Habutai Silk Blouses
The smart new styles will delight you. We men-
tion three new waists deserving of your attention. sal
large hemstitched
ch. X
hemstitched sailor :
Super -Quality Habutai Silk Blouses, beaded and embroidered,
sailor collar, colors white, maize, pink and black. Special $3.95 ea
Handsome embroidered Crepe de Chine blouses, round neck.
collar, colors maize, white, flesh and black. Special $5.50 each.
Lovely Georgette blouse, round neck. bib collar, beautifully embroidered. tucked
sleeve, a very attractive blouse. $9.00 each.
1 A Special Purchase of Pillow Cases 37 1-2c each
A good quality pillow case. We bought a
large quantity at a clearing price, in sizes 40 -
inch to 46 -inch, at 3; is each.
,s'I'. .5 1-(11 UTI N E.
TUE*DAY• July 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Rohe. Reid. of Port
Elgin. visited the fornmer's sister, Mrs.
Mason McAllister. recently.
Mr. Wm. J. Smyth. of (Ottawa. Is
'letting his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Roht.
Smyth. at pee.ent.
Miss Annie and Mr. M. Staffi,rd. 01
Goderich, are visiting friends in this
Mr. G. Thompson. of Minden. is
holidaying at his home here.
Mies Resale Smyth is visiting friends
at Toronto.
Mr. and Mr..' f). Radcliffe, of Fargo, I
N. D., called on friends In this vicinity
last weak.
Rag and Pleated rata
R e, end Pleated \fat or liedrootns and the
summer home. These dainty mats come to'
ns all the way from Japan. They are .o cool
looking they are ideal for liedrooms and sum-
mer cottages, in square and round shape., and
arere+u low priced as $LOA to $S,OO each.
X1> 1I1XXXXXXINl• ■i/XI>11XXX/11111•11 INN
!t/Iillars Scotch Store PHONE 56
Albert flunkey. 1'trnit, Mich.; 'Mrs. alwmt in a few days.
.11111 4.s. r.•:u1. Getr.iit. Mich.; Mrw, Geo, This hiss IM.•u ,• bll.y wiwk with the
farmers. Th.• 1010 1111 will be pretty
1 writ finished this week. and the i•rnp fa
turtling 1111 better than was expecte}.
the Inst rains having made it wonder-
ful Impro'enient.
Mr. Murray Voting. of t'w'•hrr.no. Iso
spend ins it week. hotldays wltll his
relatives its the tow 0.hip.
There is not inner fall wheat in this
million. but whnt there is le extra good.
Mr. James Young of Loyal has cot a
field which I. ulwart a Mie a *.ample as
w't• ha ye ever well.
There %fas a good turnout for the
s nailai 3Ii,1nbe eert-1,.' held in :Smith's
Hill church on Suitably Is.t. Reside',
member. of Morning `star a nil Mait-
land ',raker.. visitor. were prsent
from itly-th and L tele.IN.ro kwlgew.
The sermon by Rev. it. 4'. Melh•rinld,
jof Galerich. was heard with great
1 wppr..•iation. A special mn.lcul mar -
1 Nee *Ns given by the Maannlc
t'Iark. Iwtroit. 31i. h.: Sirs. John
Dineen. Tian is -k. Mich.: Mrs. John
T.•wpl.•I,o.. 11.M,s.•jaw, Sn.k.: Fred.
Kina.hridze. brut.
4'AftI.(IS .
Wrlm•s.lay, July 16.
Miss Florence Young is at the OM-
Iari. Agricultural ('nlhege. Guelph.
taking the• re:where,' summer coarse In
Mrs. A. Y. Henderson. sof Pittsburg.
Pa.. has arrived to spend the summer
with her relatives h,•r•.
The bot weit.lw•r one too much for
onr old friend 111r.Janie. McBrkl* ■mI
he has been feeling unwell for mane
Miss Edith Glen les rrtnrnpd to
Detroit after spending her holidays at
her hunts here.
SVe regret to report the illness of
Mrs. Ales. Young of Loyal. 11be Is
now improving and we hope will be
Kb N(1111t111144 I .
Tuesday-. Jolt' 15.
(Obituary. -An aged parishioner of
Ht. Joseph'* pariah. Mr. Petri' -L Mc-
Glynn. pn.w'd :.wry Jnly 1*h at his
hate on the nth t-owceasIon of Ashfiekh
after an Illness of about three week*.
The deees•ed was born In ('onnty
Mayo. Ireland. la (letoh'r. 1i433, and
wits thus In his e4gtitt-.11th year. At
the ago of eight year* he came with his
parents to Canada. At the Dawe of
twenty nine he wsa united 111 marry*[e
to Mary Mostfr0n. who died In
Fehrnary, 1911. To them were Morn
thirteen children. of whom the follow
leg now .aryls.: James. Detroit,
lllch.: tlenrge. 1)e4ydt, llh•h.: l'atrlek
Jww'ph, l9trrtt• iflrh.: John, i*trolt,
Inch ; Louie. Ifetrelt, Mich.; Mrs.
A few pretty
models of ex-
ceptional val-
ue to clear at
greatly re-
duced prices.
Children's Hats
Half Price
"40110 -
lies M. R. MacYicar
This is going to be a busy
year in Godench. There will
be many dwellings and
business places to be refitted
and rewired.
Get Your Order in Early.
A full line of
Electrical Goods
always on hand. We are ex-
perts and can help you get
what ycu want. We are not
ned to any particular make of
Call and see us.
Robt. Tait
Yea 5.1e., N.xt Powoffica
Phones SMp 2t. Hodes 113
and everybowh wears shoe*, so every-
body who has t.t economise or con.ldee
the money que*trends Interested Is
• We are experienced and our work M
always satl*factory.
Try 0e on that pair you thought were
not worth trending.
I ..*t Street (loderieh
Do You Realize
what it would cost you to
replace your property at
present prices if you had
a fire ?
That the fire losses in Can-
ada are higher propor-
tionately than in any other
country in the world ?
That the cost of insnraace
1s ridiculously low
Protect your hank account
Do it now
T. R Harrison
Pee, Accidewl, Asteseehile
and Life
Phnoe :its, omen (Yor. west 14traet
awl Sicca
R • u