The Signal, 1919-7-17, Page 1Celebrate
{111111 lITT-PIRST YIAIt-N. 1711
More profits reward the farmer who makes a ^
of conditions. v
The Sterling Bank branch manager can help yo.�
materially in this respect. He possesses Information of
value to you. Call and sec him when in town.
In case you are contemplating larger production, you
are especially urged to call.
There is only one genuine Beaver Board. We
handle it. Write or phone for booklet, "New Rooms
within Old Walls." It, is interesting and will save
you money when remodelling the house.
on. 17
J.S. BU'L'1L N.\ N.
Manage r
X=rf't/1oOArfltflpfltrtftirtflYltolf lrrlolbltilflq/CX
9..7 to the undersigned and endorsed 'Tender
1•r Cool Ior the boo ., on Building•. Ontario
sad Quebec," w,11 he received at this office until
119 O'CLOCK NOON. FRIDAY. JULY 21'. 1919,
1•r the supply of cost for the Domom.n Budding*
tYrwwpout efts Provinces of Onuno and Quebec.
C.mbined specnlol.•n and form of tender can
he •,taand al the, office and Iron tet. Caretaker
d the dtaerewt Dominion Buildings.
Tenders will not he crnodered unless made on
Ow Isms .uppied by the Deportment and ,n
accordance with the coodaons set bath therein.
Each tender must be accotnpan-ed by an ac-
� of td he cheque
nmrler of Public hank
n a charter; d equal to 1t
p r. 01 the am.punt of the {easier War Laan
sand. of th I)omdmon wdl also h accepted ser
a.rwnly. or war hoods and cheques if req -red to
suite up an odd amount.
Ry order.
Department of Public Works.
Ottawa. July S. Pan.
One handfed acre, Colborne township on
main road (ketonic), to Myth, nye miles from
(:oderich, hall mile from school. hall -mile Iron
store and three man from Mc(... station. sal
tonus(, of a total clay loam: no waste land; solid
Mick good cellar: oemarnl stables
under larre�/iatn zed shed:cement hog -pen under tarvia, but is considerably cheaper in
hen -home, tem neyer•fa,hng wells one w,th pump priCC.
in hour well fenced: Mas of Ina. mumu pal
tefeeplions. rural mal dour ry. A. W. WISE, N.R.
I(t0.... Goderich. sa-at
Long May They Live and Reign Victorious
('hieices liner at Menem -tang Park
Sunday Evenings.
Anyone who has a longing (or a real
chicken dinner will have no difficulty this
summer in getting it. A special feature
at Meresetung a:I summer will be a
chicken dinner each Sunday evening.
Special chefs have been engaged. Ask
those who were there last Sunday. '
Keep your eve open for further an-
nouncements of the Golden Gate Midway
August 13 and 14.
The 5, of liquid asphalt
ordered by the town co it arrived and
the material has been pl on the roads,
mostly on East, West and South streets.
it does not make as hard a surface as the
Unlimited Quantity of
G'(Xt) 1141•7%2l) WOOD FOR SALE
at IR per single cord, delivered,
(Foot of Anginas St.) Phone 61.
E0R SALE. -A RED �21CK HOUSE,al with an modern conveniences. Appto
EPH C. GRJFFIN,Gaolr. 2-t(
11L boom with and rn conveniences, on Cam -
brut road. Apply to MRS. JACOB BAECHLER.
Ise mi u or int EyTATX w•moaa Huron road, Godel,ch Towrlah,p. use matte
Goderich or Clinton two miles s
es Hol 71
S.,Ai ran, LAYS M TIM To.s 09 600X11101. Good ,ram, hrnar: tea room with coach'aM
Ott &AMID.
stabI,n( full -sae
•{zeasp pia and tooppl1ement
bathroom. good cellar end woodshed. Barn %CU.
house 2414o, barn -Mar silo lase.ndm,1l
Nonce .s here ,y even that all nelsons having
boy dams or demand, against theta* Aleunder
Stratton. who died en or about the nineteenth
day M June 1919• et the town of Goderich. on the
Province of Ontario, are required to send by
goat, prepa.d. or 10 delner to Ow undersigned
sakcitnr herein lot John Stratton. esecutor under
lige "ono( the late Alexander Straton. the,, names
Mad addresses and full particulars en writing of
Oen clams and statements of their account. and
nature of the securities. if any, held by them.
And tate nonce that after the Seth day of
y. 11119. the Mod John Stratton will proceed tb
,,tote the assets of the said deceased
the persons entitled thereto. having
only to the claims of which tie skull then
had notice. and that the said John Stratton
not Ile bahle for the mid mash' ex any part
f to any perscm of whose claim he shall
then have received not ice.
Shoed at Goderich the nth day el July. 1979.
Solicitor for the said John Straiton.
71 -St
es the undersigned. a yearlong red roan Dar -
holt. Informaterm leading to recoveryr•of the
will fie suitably rewarded J. N. KERNIG-
R R. No. 4. Godench (Colborne Muni.
{Telephone ).
Bought and sold.
Fite, Life. Accident.
Automobile and
Plate Glass
wDWies hour ■nd tarn, never -lading apron`
ertek, gond [ravel pot; eoniaderable toma
bet: ,
acres pasture and brush land• to acre. hay; Id
acres newly seeded. mostly- alfalfa. 1'ossesut.n
after harvest Ill. health reason of .ale - S. T.
WALTEK R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Prone 10
,701. Clinton.
It's coming -the Golden Gate Midway
and Street Fair. August 13 and 14 are
tie dates.
Fdwaras horuetuade wady baa a
reputation ail its own. Therese a
r(wann. Try it and sees.
As the head office of the U. F. O. has
given, in answer to inquiries. July 25th as
a convenient date on which to hold a
general meeting for the riding o f North
Huron in order to organize an association
for the holding of a convention that
U. F. O. candidates may be placed in the
field, the undersigned have been author-
ized by unanimous agreement of several
Clubs to extend a hearty invitation to all
electors to attend a meeting to be head in
the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday.
25th inst.. at 2 p. m. At this meeting
President Halbert, of the U. F. 0., Robert
J. McMillan, Esq., of Seaforth. Mr.
Sanders of Exeter and other prominent
local speakers are expected to be present.
It is a matter of urgent importance that a
large and representative attendance of
both ladies and gentlemen should be
Chairman. Secretary.
frame Mane. on t.(. David's street, contain-
ing bathroom and good doable eller with cement
Aram. and two cement cisterns; also a garden with
frust trees and warm henhouse. Convenient to
factories and G 1' R. station. Apply to MRS.
NELLiE ELDER, SL David's street. 70 It
ANT second-class professional, for S 5. No.
7 Colborne. Salary *94)9. D. F. SCHWANZ,
Sarretary, Clinton. R. R..No.2. 72 .,1
two rooms and a comfortable home or
willing to 'here in a house wLLh • relined family.
Apply SOX 2S, (:derich P.O. so-tf
A Colborne. Second-class professionat cer-
tificate, duties to -commence Ant of September.
A stating safety and experience ill env. tel
D VID C. BOGIE. Secretary -treasurer. H. R.
No. 1, Sheppardton. 71-t1
AGENT for large Canadian company for
part time or lull (.me. S•Iary or commwum.
Experience not necr.gry. Adana. N. A.
In compliance with the statute and bylaw•,+f
the Town M Goderich I1 is compvMnry that 411
weeds be cut down or destroyed and not allowed
to aped
A11 nuance are respectfully requested to comply
with the town weed bylaw, by cutting down and
destroying all seeds forthwith.
Dated at Godetic% Ibis Mb day of July, 1919.
71.21 Street ln. 'ctnr.
1)R. F. J. R. FORSTER.
1..1, Houw Rowes New Yertr Op9thelmie
Aural Hospital assatant at M1xxeA9ld's
RyNominal and Golden Serowe riot Hos-
pitalnndon. /tag.
SS Waterloo 51 Strslfsnt. Telephone 1K.
At BeMord Hotel, (:orMekh, from Weans
day September 17, 7 p. m., to Monday, Yat,
et i p. m.
To the Citizens of the Town of Goderich,
having been fixed as a city for the
throughout the Empire, I hereby proclaim
the said day a public holiday.
All citizens are requested to govern
themselves accordingly.
(Std.) E. R. WiGLE, Mayor.
Dated at Goderich. July 15th. 1919.
Tuesday Evening, July 22
Zurich v. Goderich
EVERT 1101sy comps
1)urtng the .11111 HIP!' month."
w will serve s.1w'eiA1 Sunday
dinner from 1 to 2 o'clock at
75 cents
Hotel Beedtord
Big Crowd sad Sarreasful Time at
Mesesetung Park.
A large crowd went over 1.. 1Iene-
setu0g.1'ark yeatenlar and
evening, the special attraction !wing
the bazaar awl picnic tinder the
auspices' of the I:rwr \Vur Veterans
Association. Everybody had a gest
time, MWI It to hoped that the or. re-
ceipts w•111 make a substantial addition
to the funds of the Association.
A program of spurts cremtwl a great
demi of iutrrrut, not to say excitement,
esps•fally in connection with Oar tug-
of-war context. The (:(sle'rleh War
Veteran* pulled against tlw Clinton
War Veteesus nod won in two str.lght
pulls. Then a tram from the Ike
mi11tl11 Road M1u•hioery t'o. pnll(sl
against u picked Goderich tram, the
Iatter winning two pulls out of there.
Tiw Goderich Veteraus and the picked
e:.alerieh tenni were thea pitted
against each other, but the latter a1-
k,wed the 14't'ta s.r' to go by default.
The prizes for raw *ports were ecla-
t Mattis!
cla•trillts! by the local business men and
urn• 11 W/1111011 119 folItos's:
100 yu sh (Veterans only) -- 1st E.
Pridham, ' Chas. Barker.
Running road iump-Ist T. Johnston,
2nd L. E. Greg.
Married men's race-lst A. Kitton,
2nd Bert Mccreath.
Fat men's race -1st H. Blackstone,
2nd F. "r Egener.
Running hop, step and jump-lst E.
Pridham, 2nd L. E. Greig.
Throwing baseball -L. E. Greig, 2nd
T. Morgan.
Tug of war -1st Goderich War Veter
ons (J. Youngblut, Ben Young, Eddie
McDonald, J. Dean, Ben Smith, James
Taylor, Geo. MacEwan), 2nd -picked
team iron Goderich (F. T. Egener, R. J.
Rumball. C. Buckley. W. Thompson,
A. J. Cooper. H. Blackstone, J.W.Baker).
Standing jump -1st Bert McCreath.
2nd T. Johnston.
Boot and shoe race (boys) -1st C.John-
ston, 2nd F Price.
Root and shoe race (girls)-lst Helen
Cooke. 2nd Emily Halstead.
Potato race (girls) -1st Florence Grin -
rod. '2nd C. Ma. tin.
50 yards race (girls) -1st Helen Cooke,
2nd Mary Parsons.
.50 yards race (boys) -1st Fred Price.
2nd (unknown).
Soldiers' wives' race -1st Mrs. Cook
(Clinton), 2nd Mrs. Arnold, 3rd Mrs.
Ladies' rare (open) -1st Miss J. Baines.
2nd Miss Edith !gurney, 3rd Miss
Gladys Field.
Throwing baseball (ladies)-lst Minks
Schoenhals, 2nd Miss Laura Watson, 3rd
Miss Agnes Saunders.
A basrhu11 game betw'e'en the Vet-
ertl9 of Gimlet -WI' and Clinton wait 'won
by the latter. 15 to 7. The batteries
were \Ia411onahl anti Cooper for d'IIn-
ton: C. SV,'hd /11111 W. 1. Iy. pitchers,
111111 W. Bisset for Goderieh.
The concert program brought togeth-
er some lrsta•ate talent and included
H vomit drat h)• Miss E. Watson and
('rigrst.. A. F'.-1(farely', a solo h)' Mr. Bert
Cott.a rw�hltion by Mr. 1111ton of
Ie'troit, who gave ate ten ettivare a
humorous war story, songs by ,Mr. G.
1.. P,Iresins. Ilk' (mak g11Art'tte num-
ler, "11.1'.1{..\.." hy MIAs i)teksd.n, Mrs.
Mickley. Mr. Frank ik.ty and Mr. C.
Tweedy, and Illghlancl dancing and
piping by the Martin children.
After the concert there was dancing
In the hig dlningroonl, which was
t n -4tsl
with merry -makers. The
Itlarkstoln'-hock ley 111c1w0ra fnr-
nlshesl the music. and It was some time
Aftyr midnight when it was derided to
"rail It a tiny" and go home.
The booths were well patronised,
and the pelutirt and mtarreader en-
tertaln(sl many.
'111e committer regrets the confusion
In tr.nneettotl with the jitney merrier..
RVery•laxly WAN got hum/• finally,
flongh of considerable extra ,-.penal'
to the G. W. V. A.
The tug-of-war wax a real lice event,
fhentgh mom. of the pollees were nemrly
dead after It w'as over.
The convert Was a dandy. Many
thanks to the kited ladll'm and gentle.
metwho took part.
ea, there were mime wall -Bowen%
at the (telae. Inst they were not
p1ennanlals. There were an many
wanting' to deli a that some had 5
atalwl Ii and wolf their fern
The baseball game was ■D ere -
(opener. That man at third Wise 'wale
as vigilant as a sentry ou 1111,w duty.l
The fellow's were tis hated}- with the 1
iaat as with the rifle. anal chi• only
erasion the wells' w-4ant larger Is Haat i
the ('nlmdlan *oldie'. has never traria-ell LOCAL TOPICS iN BRIEF.
to run. tart that?
The committee asks Thr Signal to
tender the thanks of the 113. W. V. A.
to the Indies who had charge of the
Wattle,. to the nirn•huhts who donated
prlfa•rt, and to all others who aNSIat('d
towards the success of tlw day.
Hotel Building Seorrhrd and Other
Neighboring Buildings Have a ('lore
Call -Loss Seirral Thousand Del -
The townspeople are entering heart 11y
into the preparations for Price Day , aid
it looks as If Goderich were to Ave a
;great big occasion on Saturday. Al ready
! decorations are appearing on the Sq uare,
and various schemes are being worked out
I for the embellishment of the business
houses. It is hoped there will also be a,hb-
eral display of flags at the residences.
The program of the day is published on
page 6 of The >ignal this week. Read it
over carefully and decide to ,let into the
game somewhere..
Booths are to be opened on the Square
for the sale of various articles and for
various games, all under the direction of
the committee No booth privileges have
been awarded to private parties. The
Soldiers' Memorial Fund will benefit from
the proceeds of sales.
Sports will all be run off at the Square.
except the baseball match, wr,ich will be
played at Agricultural Park at 6.30 p. m.
The Lochalsh nine -a clever team -are to
meet the local exponents of baseball.
Everybody is invited to take part in
the evening frolic. There will bet a big
parade, in fancy costume or your old
clothes - any way you like. Tao platforms
will be erected, one on each side of the
Square, and the Goderich and Blackstone.
Buckley orchestras will furnish music for
dancing- Those who cannoshnd room on
the platforms can dance on the tarvia.
There is no admission fee for any of the
days events. The business people have
opened their purses and have raised a
large fund for the, expenses of the celebra-
tion -so turn out and enioy yourself. -
Lt. -Col. H. B. Combe, who com-
manded the 161st Overseas Battalior,
will be here om Saturday, and the colors
• of the Battalion will be carried in t)ie
• parade by the Veterans.
All returned men who have served in
the C E. F or under the Allied colors
are requested to meet at the G.'W. V. A.
rooms. North street: at 9 o'clock Satur-
day morning. in uniform, to take part in
the celebration.
Additions to the Ii.t of prize. offered
hair hero made as follow.: For the
best decorated booth.-I.t f.i.10, Sad
:3rd ti2.00. F'ur the booths mal. -
ng the large -t vales -1st $5.UO. ?rid
$:3.00, 3rd S2.110.
If there is something left old of tb.•
program that you wont. bring it along
yourself. The (lay Is sours.
No right -hour day 1111 feats' 1 lay.
Tie program heaths at 7.30 a. m. x1111
('1111+ alien .lack Iaaltder's drum hnuts
(ou Satn•duy night.
There will he 0 rest tett! in the 1 ',fort
Holier Replan• for the (vuventener -of
women 11111) thildn•n.
The stone 111 the hotfoot Mork
formerly nrupkri by J. H. 1.95411,
gnosis. will be the Meeks, Isceelquartrra
for the day, and the yi.)1715R $w*. for
IVNnwlltees, rte.
Thr Itrry.hhe." a pleasure yaeht
(rout 1Mtn(t. WO. in the harbor a few
days at the isyrit, itg of the week.
She left Wednesday en tbs• return trip
41own the lake.
About I1.1.; Thursday night of this
week the alarm was sounded for a Inc In
the Coll -woe hotel stables. The flames '
spread with amazing rapidity. the tire 1
probably having been smoldering for some
time under the roof. and an a few minutes
the old frame building was blazing from
Hamilton street through to Seagate •
street. Volunteer workers early on the
scene removed the horse', cows and prob-
ably most of the buggers.
The hre caught on the hotel building at
several places In the rear, and Robert
Wilson's implement warehouse on he
other side of the stables also was in great I
danger. Indeed. at one time the blaze
was so fierce and the heat from the burn -i
ing stables sn intense that it seemed as 11
the whole street might go. The hotel
was emptied of its movables. and the
contents of other buildings in the neigh-
borhood were brought out on the street
By midnight the hre bad been -got under
control and the hotel building was saved. !
though badly scorched and flooded with
water at the rear.
The loss is estimated at 73.000 to
$4,000, probably covered by insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McLeod are the pro-
prietors of the hotel.
Annual Reunion of Kallwayiiseo Held
at Stratford.
Stratford. .I(117' lu.--Thr third
a11nw11 retuthtu of the Old R.7. Buf-
falo a1Ml l:csle11111 ('Iub w'as 111.141 at
the (Ju fus hitrl today and was at-
tetali l I quite H, 1111tula•r of the old
railwa)'1 on the, It. S d:. rnu. After
diilwr it veterans load it 1.0111110. of
hours fe change of reminiseneent
and {leu owed a motor ride about
the city.
Shur tjwr 1591 reunion three mrmlwna
hare p..01 'tt away. llaseiy : J. U. Ham -
Ilton. Ittratfonl: T. Evans. Itrantfonl,
and .\..Man, l'htllidrlphir.
Among thews• present were: SIr. and
Mrs. 1'oleough. Itridgeburg : H. McKay.
aullgara : G. Hamilton, Stratford: M.
Dolan. Srrnlronl : 1+. Ituchunan. Wiwi -
sot : 1'. Frosts.. Buffalo: J. H. Ander-
mdu, 1'hleag•,: H. Hodlenroke, Brant-
ford : T. .%u)'s hrfok. : E.
ilawkins, Fort Erie: T. Buchanan.
Stratford: W. 1 Wmga it. Fort F.rie : H.
McIntosh. Stratford: J. Ikerr. Mit-
chell: F. F. I,utvn'ut•r. 6,alerh'h: I.
11arres. St1•atford.
telegram was revel from the
fn mons Thoum. F;dlwata, formerly a
dispatcher at Stratford. St. Marys, and
Parkhill, extending etas) wishes and
expressing regret at 11ot (wing able 111
be present.
The big rept is taring pitched today
on the gr,o, opposite the Hotel S1111 -
w4, 11 WI the. week's program opens
tomorrow t FrI(u)• 1, the (Nd Hone
Singer's miring the afternoon e,illl•t'1't.
111 the evening Ur. .\rthnr W111w'yn
F:v,l115, of Roles, gives his address,
-talon Western Ih'11ateraty Has Ione
for Jae." Mr. T. H. Ile. ni'isoib of town.
heard 11r. Evans at St. Malya ami mays
he Is n wonderful speaker, holding his
audience spellbound with his eloquence,
Saturday's program will he carried
out as already auuonnewl. S ' may
51141 their conception of Poise.' Ion)• 111
the (inlet of the big tent, listening to
the splendid tunsie and interesting
addressees that the 4'111106mgal' pro-
Mr. ler antionuces that people com-
ing from 11111 of town with lunch.
baskets may leave thein ha the hotel
and nfterwarda enjoy n picnic In• the
park or (o11 the bench.
A Jitney s,•rviee tufa been organlzest
to run fr 11r. Lee's hardware store
on the !ignore to the big tent. The
ser\'irr will he from 2 to :3 o'clock In
the afternoon and from 7 to 14 o'elo•k
111 the evening, earai day. Farr 111v
,veli way.
The Maple ('IIHpfer,
11411 w't'nnrl the refreshment privilege
on the grounds.
1.leut. ,lean .,. 1'11'artl, of France,
and 1 Ir. I;worm. -\dein. of Montrel,
the speakers for Saturday, Mice Iwo
1141.11 in speak est HIV 14•x-1• ilny cele-
bration and will tin (note do mo If they
arrive h, torn on time. (lo Sunday
evening the same two gentlemen will
sp e.a k and the Thus. Edward ('In rk.
1't,. will glue suitable muaio in the
rho Without, tent. eenlmenehlg at i+.:pl.
There will be no admission fee on this
,a'eas1(on, but 11 14111141 1011 w'111 be t*kett
for the Daughters of the Empire fund
for the is111c.1tor1 of soldiers' orphans.
This Is n moat worthy canoe tend should
he generously reeognlzi'A.
In th4 opinion of Ile,. 1)r. 1Hckie,
nor of IkNierleh'0 moat eminent snm•
mer residents, lir. George Adam is
of the greafl'41 plsff,rut orators In
('a nO/14.
1 will be away only a few weeks.
Don't let anybody "Ming" you while 1
am away. New fall samples on my re-
turn. Pridham the Taikr.
' Angltnt 11 and 14 -remember these
(arse and the Golden (late Midway and
Strut Fair.
1'h.' la•al uramg.•men eelrhrated the
Twv'Ir*I) lir Jlift ut 0 seI.'r.
Remember St. l:eurge's church
garden party on the rectory grounds.
Thursday, July 31st.
Mr.' W. T. Millar, treasurer of the Sol-
diers' Memorial Fund. acknowledges the
following donations: Mrs. Thos. R'ar-
riner, 7.5; Mr. C. Blackstone, 75.
A local tournament in Scotc1, doubles
will he played on Wednesday after-
noon. July Z'., tit the bowling green.
Draw lo 1a• trade at 2 o'clock.
The bii'a4 ell train hate two gunk..
w•Ii.•.hd1NI for the en(04,15 (vele. loth
at h,.mr -w'ith lea hulsb ou S,1rummy
1 I4v,cr
Day I anal with Zurieb neat
Owing to Ma Chautauqua the regular
monthly meeting of the Mimes* chap.
ter, 1. O. D. E.. will b. 9.Ml to etre
mint -rouse on Monday. July 2N, ta-
.tead of tile• 21st.
The block between the Bank of Com
merce and the Bank of Montreal is
resplendent in a new coat of brihiant red
paint. Why not call It now the Red
Block. to give it a handy name?
Balloons free for children. At 2.:11
!btunlay. Peace I)ay. tau
hnndrtst hall/roam will be set free from
the top of Dunlop's di•ugston'. These
are certainly beantlful b&bonns. l}e
wire to get one.
Postmaster Galt is on duty again after
an enforced holiday of ten days e r so He
stepped on a nail at his sufrf6ler cotton
and as he is not exactly a lightweight the
nail pierced his foot ro the bone. making
aainful wound.
Mr. Charles Quayle. late of Tavistock,
has been engaged hy • Mr. George Macs
Vicar, the boot and shoe man, to look
after repair work Mr. Quayle is a
first•class shoemaker and customers are
guaranteed good work.
soldiers w1141 have trrlil'ue'l gum,'
1111' Ia14 w•(rk 4,.'It111V Ernest 1 'rill•Ila ni.
Gest. 311•IepsI, .I,t,'k Roberts. Geo. Man'-
Ew'au, and Verne 91 .11,i01. A big Hen -
miller delegation was at the d:, T. It.
11* 00,,, hen' w, reeelve Pte. Iaeslhill.
enre-in of the •ewe{' earn intlell'.,n
St. Andrew's street 1111 1V..laes(lay
morning caught Mr..Iohut A. 1Llrrisl.b
and injured hint rather severely,
After 'wing extricate', (row his nu-
eomfnrlahh.' position he w•as laked to
Ills hl ', and lit. will be off work for
Take a tonic, increase your store of
stength. A sense of weariness a- d debil-
ity which is sr) often experienced at this
season is often due to lack of proper nu•
tuition. In such cases the nervous system
is not worn out. but it is improperly fed.
The nerves get their n,itrttion from the
blond. and the blood is formed
from the pro ucls of digestion.
iDr. Brown's i)iewdive Tome w:!I
readily replace debility and weakness
!with energy and strength. A rem,dy that
increases appel to aids digesti,11 and
creates rich. red blood. >e in at a d. Ilar a
bottle by E. R. Wigle. druggist. Go erich.
"Mart nem at PI,e'k-t'uw'(4," (11P7' 111'P
tell -toying. "where 1h.'y 1111 VP fhe pone
ler cream.-
Our Ice-cream 1a Just right -so otrr
eustom,•rs ally. Try 9 and see fur
yourself. H. T. Edwards.
MILLER -In Goderich on Monday, July H. to
Mr. and Mn. Raymrnd F. Miller. of Toronto.
to ion (Murray Lloyd).
BOLSTER-A0JSEBROt)K. - At Centennial
Methodot church, London. on July 1:. by
Rev. J. E. Holmes Eva May, only daughter
of Mr Thomas E. Aueehra.k, of G1alerieh,'
to L. E. Bolster, M. D , R.A M. C., of Barrie.
SILL111 -At Toronto, on Wednesday. July 10.
Sirs. Jane 5,11.1, widow of the tate Henry
S,1lib. on her •ty9 year.
ALI.IN.-In loving memory of a dear hushltnd
and father, Mr. Samuel C slhn, who went to
reit a year ago. .duty Is, I91m.
Short and sudt'i n .as the call
Of one so dearly loved by a11;
The Mow was creat, the oh ck severe,
We little thought hes death so rear.
And only these who loved ran tell
The pan of Aidd ng a last farewell.
some may think that we forget him
When at time, they see U. smile,
Nut they little know the sorrow
That *Tilt. hide all the while.
--Wile and Family.
'era. her Wanted .-S. S No. 7. Colhorne .. 1
Huu'e ler Sale -Joseph C:- (mem .
Western Fair. London . H
5e•m.-Ready Telk.. .. 7
House la Sao -Mn., Jacob Naechier .. 1
Hull ){rayed -1R•'N. Kermgban.........
Proctaauiti m - 1.. R. W •g1e, Mayor.. , 1
291AsLIasro ovist its TRAMS
Board of Director•i
111 y1R(7NT IRRIDITII. eau Pears&
S11 (895([3 GORDON. G 5 L 9..•P, *4 urs
a. AKIN r.,. LORD SNAUGNIESST. I C 9 0 C R. 110Ss[1. 6s
R. 1 DIUNNOND. rr a FOMES *805. Le ems a.UAsr[I. 1.1.
4. fel WNW ET 1101-S012 N C 08501.D I[NNSD1. Ey. 1 w Ya1r(lta1. 1.
40101 a. rsAS[I.' , COtOa[L NINII COCESNUTT J. R ASHDOa&- 9.,.
[ w KATTT. Ise I. C.
€II FLE,ERK[ ir1WAtflt-tATL01• Gem rJasape•
Capital Paid Up • $ 20.000,000.00
Rest 20.000,000.00
Undivided Profits 1,661,614.16
Total Aso.ts ( April 30th 1919) , • 019,271,197.13
Rnnehe. throughout Canada and NewNsndland , in London, England,
Ne. York. Chicago, Spokane and City of Masco, also 45.. Franeia,o-
drihsh-Arneriran flank (.ws.rd and eeslwW by Bank of Mewheal).
A. W. Strickland,Manager, Goderich Branch.