HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-10, Page 8• l • • 1S 'f'n,,..lur .lu;� 10 ion +*.-' --•-•- -v-.rl►•• ,•.."*"'..q",, .. THE SIGNAL GoDERIca. ONT. Goderich Chautauqua, July i8th - 24th • THE DE MILLE QUARTET. . The music of the fourth day will be furnished by this well -knees Toronto Quartet, composed of Artists. all of whom are well known as Solo Singers, and ac'''companied by a Pianist of note. Their programmes will .aesalilute one of the great features of Chautauqua week. The repertoire of the quartette includes selections from the groat eratorma and operas, the choicest of the English, Scorch, and Irish veli► dies. standard and popular songs. Not alone as a quartette do they eorel, but in concerts. recitals, oratorios, and opera selections, each ta- dlvidual member stands distinct, having been accorded marked recognition because of his virtuosity. SEVEN KEYS T() BA I.I)PATE. George Cohen's Greatest Comedy.' A Wonderful and Inspiring Program FIRST 0%1 -Friday, Jul) 1•. %rt oro ouu I.unrrrl : The Old Horne Singer., featuring the Familiar and Fat "rite Seas. °l 411,1.-,. 11.0. 1.:,1.1111111 1 •er1 : I hr Illd Home Singer.. Lecture : "1% hat 1% ...tern Democracy Ila. Dom - roe , Me." hr. %rlhur %tritt),u I t,is -. of %Yalr-. SECOND DAA'-IialnNay, Jul) 1'1. tf4ermutn 1'uurret: the l barb. Edward fleets- Co Baritone .ulus: t iuliu coin.: piano. Lettere: "The 'spirit gn 1 Prarr." Lieut. %. Pirard, of France. Jrau Fa emus I:onrrrl: The 1 -ha.. Eduard Clarle 1'.0. Lecture: Dr. George %darn. of Montreal. •iub_ fret: "N ilk Harry Lauder in the Irench.•.." or "lint id Lloyd I.eerec." 44:hoice left to Local Cuounilter.) 1111111) 111\-11oeday, July -'1 %Ilernoon 1- •err : 11,r '. i...e h1 Florent iur.. 1 \"s til t Program. teal ileum the Ihann %rrurdiou, .till, reader. t hilin and pian°. Leo -lore: ''Thr Fiddler and Ihr lire." f -r. 4 4. Male, of 1 ulumbn.. Ohio. 1:,rnuug 1 -unreel: Thr % Flown l lnrs. Lecture: "Thr Fourth 1.inr of Defence," Fred 1.. Hair. of 1.,Iuntb.,-. Ohio. FIBRIN 1)111--lur.da), tui :_. tflrntuou 1: •err Thr IMllilIe Quartet -a wrll_Lnonit 4.aoadisu Male Quarles, tti11. .010 and ra.eta_ the wort of hiyhe.t merit. Lrrlurr: "3 Weutaa US the Italian Front." Dr. Cecile Grier. Et ening oneerl: fhe IMMij(r Quarter. Lecture: -Hewolulivaary Europe." Behom l IFTH 1111. %%rdnr.da. July '.• De. Frank k f ternoon Re.l %Grim tttttt, i° preiaral lou rut Ihr %.real Play in Ihr Ft ruing. Et ening Illy Play : kr). to Haldpat.." Gra. 1 °Lan'. popular play under maoayrmrol of Perry titian, Itelasro Theatre, \ria feel, e.ho will play Ihr leading rulr. 11%1. Thursday, Jo:y 1i Afternoon Thr J1111iur 11+au1auyua Pageant. 1 onerrl: I hr F'i.l Jubilee anger.. Wonderful melody. Delightful Irai urine of \rtru .uaos. F:'.rninll 1 •rrl: F1.1. Jubilrr .Inger.. Lecture, -Fighting the Iurk. rl Ihr pardon_ elle.." !lig. Thum SI. r>hill. the Famous •111. dirr_P..rl and Amiderl,11 Orator of %o.lralia. Afternoon Pregram 3:00 o'clock Evening Program 8:00 o'clock. Dashed Soviet Theo Season Tickets Senior, 52.00 ; Children's. 51.00. Traaalarallo w flu tL. find., Mt Gat ...L.A. Single Admission, Afternoon, 50c.: Evenings. 75c.: Children, 25c. and 35c. War la■ aldd,oeal to also.. Mmes • •'r Jean A. Picard. Picard ts a Frenchman. fought so •a Lieutenant is the first Battle of the Marne, was seriously wounded and has since been the Representa- tive of his country on this continent. telling of the spirit of France in the Great Contest. He is a wonderful Representative and Interpreter of this great people. and will tell as what the spirit of France L to be in the re-coostruction period. No mac on the platform can an- swer questions more satisfactorily than can Lieutenant Picard. We are placing btm upon the afternoon pro- gramme so as to give a.n abundant occasion for this. Be sure to head him. lull\ A. 1'14 AFti). SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE. d• An announcement that will create tremendous Interest for Chautauqua Week will he the fart that we have secured the above play for the Nth day's programme. Everybody knows that H la recorded aa•Mr. Cohrn'a greatest 41110114,144 I' wa:. presented at the Royal Alexandra Theatre In Toronto. and was hrooght hack in response to a unanimous demand. The Evening Tele- gram q"ot'•d it "the most popular comedy ever produced in Toronto." The Evening Star called it "The moat continuous Laughing Carnival of Ike Season." .11 present", two -and -one-half hours of Mystery. Thrills and intu;bler." 11 is a Master Mystery and stands at the very head of the Farce ('omedite. Mr. Pereiyal -Vic.an. who was at the hear) of the Ben Greet Players tool year, has Men aeearn.l as Manager of this play and will present the leading role. H. has played in leading plays and theatres in New York end Chicago. The past season he spent playing with Macklyn, Arbuckle, and 1►eWnlfe .Ilopper in Captain Halrafather's dt•lightful comedy "The H••I.... 'Ole." 'ire fact that he la in this play assures its complete success. e . tl +uA' til(iN .% LI, EI{ ►N1 SKEYIIILL. Theu.lrr- I:I...Pe'r1t said that he would rather appear on the public platfotgn with Toni Skeyhil) than with any other living man. Skeyhitl I. an Australian who came out of the Gallipoli Campaign seriously lnjur•-.i and totally blind. His sight was miraculously restored. Hr has been the sensation of the platform In London. New York, and other great elites. Ile will epee% on the lam day telling how they fought the Turk in the Gallipoli Ct.mpaign. 57 WORTH FOR S2 Ito) 1 our 4 ours, 1 o 6rl•. al Ileo r and Mair 1hi. Sating The euttree f•er the •i.elerirli ..hautauquie- offer -is Imre bargain 11 tit. Nay of entertainment, and edited_ lt..n. There are pee afternoon per. f..nuai►e.•« end Ilia evening .went If •e t boy separate tlekete for each .-vent ihr Best of the course would sure this war: Pfv. ath•rnoun, at In cent.., 02.50: ',DI evening, at iI sent*. xi 0: tubal C. The .=o+.t "f the rotifer It l.•1 if y.•'I kitty .)t 'on••'• h••for.• 1,. -iIi`t•iy at (114. pelt'.' i+ ••vhau•ted •ttl) •r2. 1.44 )"all a goal many people .1.;_ 1.•rr•'.1 b•lyitl4.e"ur,e tickets until after they lard .411.•nded one, or ('wit rtrrll- ul Ih. • roar+",ami tlteh, ditw••v•'run. thin the .eri.•,.vcas 4.•10* In he a reaiiy cu.dl ••car, pfjrrha-. d rouse ticket.. In this tvay they 1...1 part of the acne_ tit •.1 the rzeee.fingiy h•w pare "f RI.• course ticket. Huy. • now .and save money. The prier ha- been ..•t s.. low (hat you can afford to take the whole family. 4:.nrr•.e ticket, are cowl fur my member of your Irn►nediale family, that you ran always arrange to ,•.ike 11«.' of the ltrket: .•v, -n should ,.tie member of the family have In i•+ «otne .,f the. entertainment, .nether member ran use the ticket. The nunlh.•r .•f Iteket- to he .0«posed of ;.l at t+ limited, Bey al "tree ..pd avoid tltanppeintment. . By Myin►4 a tonne ticket at *, phis war tax 20 e.'nla. you get 11 entertain. ment« for *2.2O --just 20 cent, an en_ 1 -et ,inmenh any nn.• of which i. 1'1 the 111. largo'« tirkete at ;1. pati, 10 rent, tear tax, which entitle the hnlrl.•r to attend the Junior 4 114 itauyaa in the morning in 15.14444 .0 4.. 4) • afternoon Ind evening, is total of 11 entertain. meets, near 111.1 atria e.'nt« an enter- l.,intitent. Where ran you get ehe*p.•• -•r h 41.-r cdm•ation for your children a wonderful rb.trice )nu t .?nM to n, Dr. George Adam. i)IR. FKANK IU)iiN. The lecturer on the fourth day of Chatauqua will be Dr. Frank Rnhn, ,nn treated such a tremendous Interest on the circuit last year. 14 will P a great pleasure In welcome i)r Rohn to our town, knowing hi. reps slum a. s speaker and his knowledge of the great questions of the day Dr Rohn hes agent the year largely in Switzerland and hoe teen In *ttM4lanee at vertn,ia eonventlona of Soeisllsis, eombatting Rolehevlam and terve ',ding the Intereala of the Alllesilia subject. "Revolutions!' itlrnpe." will he of int,•na. Intermit IMr4nt the nap, year he hes eonlrlboted article@ to lite "New York -TIFne•" and other leaden? paper* and magarinea, and no one has hewn -.wortal mote frequently and runre copiously that has he aa sa authority . all great Int.rnatlnnal questions. Ti1E VISSOCII 1 FLOR4:NTINES. We have a contlnooua Novelty Colones, on the third day of 1-hamangoa. Viasnwhl Is known on all guest rirrulta In the State* as a wonderful performer upon the Piano Accordion He has a ..detaining Company composed of a Violinist. a Reader and a Pianist. and their work 13 of fiat popular ebaracter that will please the mullitudea. •r; One of the most recent argalsl- tlone to Canada from Scotland Is George Adam. of Montreal. He has been prominent In public life In the Britian Isle.. and has rapidly cum• to the ?tort here. He 47I a bosom friend of Harry iender'a and * very warn friend of David Lloyd George. Two of his hest lectures are en- titled "A Trip to the Front with Harry louder," and 'A Familiar Picture of ilavld Lloyd George." We are leaving It to the local rons- mllIeea to say whirl one of thews led tures they prefer to hear Roth via great, but the majority of the ioh- mltteee ere chewing to hear of th• great Rrltlah Premier who has play- ed much a 111.1 pert in the winning of the War A(2•11 Iartnrce cad the seeond •►11• - Ing of ilte'week. . THE OI.1) HOME ti1NGLitS. Etrr>body lute. Ihr song. of 11lden time.. and Ihr IIIA 11onu• .lagers Ione di -wood their energies In the erudition of 11tr..' us a manner that i. 1 fasrinal ins. No item ha• hero nrglrrtrd lu make the .rtllnp Ihr trr) brei. Thr• render their Bangs in old_linir ro.l°,urs. 1 heir toirr. blend Ito I.rrfrrl' Their entire program 4- strong 41141 animated. and they will charm all all" tiller them unit the la•auly of their perfurtaanrr.. \o Mitre Comoros eauld hate hero chosen for 111r •prulut day of 1 hootauqua than "The 441.] Honer Singer..•' Fred. G. Bale. No one V tetter qualified than Mr. Dale to carry the message of the new democrscy to the parents of Canada. As the youngest Mayor in Ohio. Mr. Rale received wide publicity, and he has been in public life ever atnee. Daring Um four yeah that he was prosecutor in the Juvenile Court of Col nm baa, a yearty average of 1,500 oases of children paas"d under his oltsery at lose_ At thio time he saw bow many eves were traceable to the saloon. and later, as Attorney for the Anti --Saloon League he wielded a wide infiuenee in the campaign that restflted la Obi() becoming a dry State. it F It1.L). lit• B.t.LE FISK JL'KII.EE SINGERS. These wonderful Interpreters of the Old Southern Negro Jubilee Song.. are the accredited Nepresentatitses' of risk University. and will present the Old Melodies. in a wonderful way. 4 ARTHUR WALWIN EVANS. The opening lecture of the week on "What Wast, ern Democracy Has Done For Me" will give the Tighe .wing to the programme. Evans M a nephew of David Lloyd George, a Welshman ter birth aad an American by choice. Hie comparison of the democracies of the Old World and the New, will he one of (be features of the week at this time when 1>emorrwry is at the fore, Ile i* wondrously huiaornus In his way of putting things, as well as convincing In his argumentation. EDWARD CLARKE COMPANY. THE ICDWAWI) CLARKE COMPANY. Territorial Societies, having recently appeared with the Apolo Club of Chicago, the Arlon Club of Milwaukee and many other Clubs of high v standing. Mrs. Clarke 1a a native of Poland, a country that has produced some of the world's greatest Violinists. Among others she etudled under Jacques Thlband. who Is considered by many as the world's foremost Vlolinlat. Ah• plays b.r way Into the hearts of her dlattCoe Mr. Prabl hu made a reputation Inc himself attas a e. mposer ant Planlat. They present a programme of the beat Iona* 1t) the most vows, „Th. The musical or- ganization of, the third day will be the Edward Clarke Company of Chf- cago, conat.ting of: Mr. Clarke, Baritone Mot. Clarke, Violinist Mr. Prahl, Planet These three Ar- tists hate made a name for them- selves In the Musti- est! World. Mr. Clarke is in eon - Mont demandisy the leading Musical and