HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-10, Page 7GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY s EM
"BEST MEDICINE ' a a great irghjass, and t1,. in' charge
I I their eldest daughter, Nellie, was united +> being congratu.a yid upon the good
in marriage to .1'm. S. Shepherd. The Int being
of their hard wed
COUNTY AND DISTRICT crrernuuy was performed by Rev. R. E.
l;arrctt, rector of St. Paul's church. s'i'. HELEN s
W. J. Wraith, who a lee months age
FOR WOMEN"J•,tsten ti tut last week.. •
p hased:Chr Tees eater N•w hi, $oli TUESDAY, July 1.
Mger LAURA JAI'K$4 X. pupil 'id' it o G. K. Brown, of Bn(lggeburg. who
Mr. I. T. Egeuer, alias. Rats, ht pre• has already taken possession. Mr
pared to-r,,-vlye- pupils on Ow piano. j Wraith's dttticutttee in procuring heSs
Pupils eregwreel for Toronto 1'011- were the reas•.n for his Belling out.
wrvatory exaiulnutiuus up to and in- 'Dr. Alex. McLean. son of Henry M.-
cheilug Intermediate: For terms apply Lean. formerly of Brussels, now of North I
h N LAURA JACKNtIN, Auburn. •
Dakota.ork. recently
vitoains�hipis undo. Wm.
A new eboro%o lodge has been installed recently graduated in medic ne at Chicago 'I
at ronderred . and is now taking a course in New York
ProL'Fred C.F.If,rd. o[ Ottawa, visited hospitals.
oldfriends it Holmesville last we:k• On W'ednes9 y, lune 25th. at the home
Harold Hotmeb, who has been teaching of Mr. and Mrs. Ge urge Bell, Tucker -
in the Londeeborn' school: has accepted a srliith their third daughter. Myrtle Anna,
position at Heamsville for next term at an was united in marriage to Andrew J.rtous•'
increased salary. ton. of the same township, the ceremony
Amus Cartwright. of Hulett, has being performed by Rev. S. McLean, of
bough; a farm near Bruceheld end movedE.gmundvdlr.
to it last week. A Lon ion man has pus- On the closing day in Ethel public
chased Mr. Cartwrik�l;'s farm. school the pupils m ode farewell present -
A wets ome vieitor in Morris township aeons to Mrs Bolton and Miss Rattan.
ie Will Hanna. of Keys. Man.. a former tyre, their teachers. who have both res•
resident who went Went twenty-two y ears signed . their• positions- Mrs. Bolton has
ago and has prospered. returned to her home at Wiarton and Miss
Wm ;Stephenson, of the Babylon line, i Ballantyne hale gone to Brussels.
Stanley tonwehip, died at Almont. abets. I The home of -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
where he had gone for hospital treatment.
TheMuntgtxnery, 10th concession of East
He was ,Sixty -he years of age and was nvsh, was invaded by death on
unmarried. remains were brought VawaSaturday. June 2` th. when their sixteen -
home for burial. year-old daughter. Maggie. was taken
1. The Misses Readman and hrother. aho away. She at.ended the Wingham High
recently sold the:: farm in Grey. have School until a few weeks ago, when she
purchased a property of eight a res ad. contracted a fever whish gradually sapped
jotning Seaforth and ail' remove to it in her strength. -
the near future. r At the home of Mr. and MN. George
On Thursday. Jung 2tith, the wedding Proctor, 1-t line of Morris. on Wednes
of Della. • Nest daughter of `.Ir and Mrs..
oho Smith. Crediton, t• Clayton E. ; - - - - ,---
_ ms o the same goes ity pas s. icmnized
Nice workers should
use Lifebisoy Soap
Thiole of the hundreds of
dusty germ laden things you
must lunch every day t Think
of the Danger to your skin.
You need the hest solip-
sist, mire the hest disinfect
•,tt 1 ked hath in
R ass erre �3 P
t 4
H:ALr -1 5,O A
It . •ie•:Iinq s: ae:na airs end
grateful Jr.m.rct.nts :hnr
outhly cleanse %NJ distal',
particularly u.efta . tor
bruises cuts. rrini surfs. etc
Ta. raeea< deer a I..M.. es a
MIN of ,er prom. �.
ee.1.5..: .1 ear
TORONTt, u'sI.
The Double Track Route
i� 1\,1•• 11
ueecelli-d tliuiog ea: srrsic••
-lecpiu_ cat • un nidit train'. .Un''
parlor ''ptsou principal day trains.
Full information (hour any grand
Trouk T*' .:et .Aceta. or 1' 1?. Norq.
Ing. 1)i•.tritt la•.cn er .14eut. To -
1 i. 11. Lauder. 5(tatton Agent. phone L''
Town Agents Phone -
Hard Wood
Light Wood
From $2.00 to $5.00
per cord
Delivered to any loot •�1 tlti
Also a quantity of
Phone 165 '
Robert Wilson
t Rev. Mr. Hauch. `Weak 1%others
On Sunday, June .isllh. Agnes Porter
w ife of Robert Hogg. of Turnber ryis • Regain Health
Pa survived by haway in er fifty
husband, three sons
and three daughters.
Stanley W*;htman. 1;. A.. of liradfoui,
has been appointed principal of Mitchell
High School to *waved J ,hn Elliott. B
• who is retiring (rem the profession Mr.
W ightrnan is a nat ve of Essex county.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1f.
Gainer. of Crrditen. was the saltie of
a happy event on Satur•lay. June 2e:h.
when their .daughter, 'Elsie May. was
united in mariage to Dr. J. Elmore
'Cruemner. of Chesley.
On Saturday. June 'L`• h. at the home
d Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M:liay. Ilensali,
Ilannt��:i �.
1(111 Trouble
with a leak in your plumbing,
call us an,' let us mend it.
I)ou't put it toff until it
becomes so Lad that your
place may he flooded. "A
stitch in time saves line."
Mamiiton Street Phone 135
Plualeing ' Heating
Encestmughlog Metal 1Cot k
The teachers and students are all re•
r ! turning home,for a well earned rest.
What Lydia E. Pinkham s Mr. -a d Mrs. Ei. Thom and family
Vegetable Compound Did
motored hoFor s' chbr th sunder and
visited Mr. Thom'' brother.• •
For Ohio Woman. Mr. avid Mrs. Marvin McDowell and
family,, of Westfield, visited at Mr.
Clarti'e on Sunday.
Portsmouth, (Shin.—" I suffered from 'Alr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramage and family,
of Asquith. ssas►:., ate spending the year
irregularities, pains in my side and was visiting .Iles R tmJge s m othCr on the 'old
so weak at times 1 h mestead.
could hardly g e t s1r. and Mrs. Lavis wish to thank
around to do m° the many Lind friends tor the letter of
work, and u 1 had sympathy and for lbs present received
four in my7 family and also for Inc ;boxes sent while uver-
and three Wanfers
it made it very hard `es'`Iles.. T. Todd. after spending the
fur me. Lydia E. winter at Wingham with her daughters,
Pinkbsm's V ego- has returned to spend the suntmet 10
table Compound her own home.
was recommended Ma. Pentland. of Dungannon schael, is
to me. I took it presiding officer at St. Helens for the•
and it has restored entrance rx3rrtinatwn and Misr Mc-
c -
my ,cult,. it is Laughlin, of et. Helens. itfat Dungannon
certainly the best.. for the same • urpose.
medicine for woman's ailments I ever 11r are gladSo ser Mr. Elliott Aldler
saw."—Mrs. SARA SEAN, R. No. 1, out again atter his seism illness.
Portsmouth, Ohio. The. Women's •Institute held a very
Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this pleasant meting at Mrs. Rutherford sun
etedicine and wrote this letter in order ' tt einrsday. A paper was read no " Gees -
that other suffering women may find . tip,' and music on the new Edison was
relief as she did. much enj,sed. Ten dollars was donated
Women who are suffering es she was to the rest room at l;•tdrrich.
shosld not drag along from day to day Mrs. Chas. Durnin visited her laugh-
without giving this famous root and ters at 1lingham during the
herb remedy, Lydia E. Yinkbam's Vege-
Mise Jessie 1)a' . of near' Irtrlph, is
to Ie Compound, a trial. For special visiting her croon, Mr. D. C. rilcDonald.
advice in retard to such aliments write •Che , McKenzie coueiie br,thers are busy
to Lydia R.FinkhamMetdicin' Co. ,LY^rs. Fulling • own mels ba. of n_. preparing to
bass. The result of its forty years bald a rg h i. n and experience is at your service.The g
theugh th
crowd gat,
the gate: 71
vier overseas
day. June 25th. their daughter Florence
was wedded to Ri: hard pordnn Bluing.
of the same tnwnshi' . Rev. Mr. David:
Tnrough the New Blood Wm of Belgrave tied the nuptial sprit.
. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Mr. and Mrs. H gains will make their
home on their farm on the and line of
Actually Make. Morris. The groom's parents have moved
• from the farm and taken up res dente :n
• No mother should allow nervous weak-
nes' t• get the upper hand of her. 11 she The death of Mrs. Sidney Bissett. of
does worry at I near her week i•t the Trowbridge, was a, great shock to the
home and t relent her in body and mind. community. During her husbrid safisrnce
Day after day -pent amid the same cur- from the farm Mrs. Bissett was prostrated
' enough to cause fretfulness by the heat. and when he returned Name
depression.But there are other for dinner he found her Ling unconscious
causes. a
to make her nerves rundown. A change nurse were secured. but she died without
would benefit her iad.d system and rest recovering c msciousness. Resid.- her
evermother knows, that tend on the kitchen floor. A doctor and a
the husband, she leaves IRO small children.
renes a better tune. -But. rest and I deceased.wtioi wasin her thirty eizhth
m y ht improve her blppd se as • o give
change are often impossible. and it is then veer, was a"daughter. of tee late Jabez
that all worn-out women should ta-e a Foreman.
short treatment
iha hmemake inew blardWilliams' wrath CLINTON.
Pills, Miss McLeod and Miss Ord have re•
the eiemen s on which the nerves thrive. signed from the Collegiate instituter 'tali.
In this way these pills rester • regular" s
health. increased energy. new ambition and Miss L. Stevens of the Anode' tithe i
and steady nerve. There is ales on for has applied for a year's leave of absence.
other women in the caee of Mrs. Harry P. The Jackson Mfg Co. last week turner'
Snider, Wilton, Ont.. who says: "Five down the offer of a contract for makirg
years ago my twin babies were born. and , ten thousand suits of men's clothes. The
1 was 1-11 very weak anti very misefable. Company was too busy to undertake the
hardly tit to do anything. The doctor work.
gave me medicine but it did not help Major M. D. McTaztart' has returned
me. Then I teed another doctor, but i to Clinton to resume civil life. Since re -
with no better resoles OnedayI went t ning from overseas the Manx had
home to my mouser, telling her how 11r
miserable I felt, and that the doctor's I been pacmaster at the demobilization
medicine had nut done me any good. cam, at London.
Mother asked me why I did not try Dr. ! BLV"TH.
11 dliams' Pink Pills, and as I was glad to a ins Carrie Sims, who has been at- MINUTE I �T T. TI T E
try anything that might help me. t got I tending Stratford Normal School, is home 1 V
three boxes when 1 went back home. By for the holiday&
the time these were used there was no I Miss Sara Milne is borne from Toronto.
doubt they were helping me. and 1 got' where she had been attending the Con.
servatorc of Music. THAT is your doctor's sea
three more b xea_r Bur I did not need
them all. for by the time The fifth box The Blyth flyer mills have commenced question? tVhy does.he sus -
was used. 1 was entirely cured and never
the erection of a st 'rehouse, 30 op +tU pest constipation?
kelt better in my life. Now when I heard
bo feeling weak et miser mill. -
1 I at recommend
- stables.
Men 'party held on Friday
s a decidedsuccess. Al -
evening uas chilly a large
rd avid IIJ O was taken at
teas who had done ser-
ere presented with a 310
gold piece each. Mr. J. Joynt ha d the
h. n r ut making he presentations.. The
au'oeraph 'quilt et up by the Harris
Purvis and a73 boo • t by �1r. J • J
RAISE RABSITS Wooers'', = \\T 0 0
1'hnrs,lot). July 10. I91'1. 7
You Don't Need
to be so Hot
Buy one of our cool and comfortable
and put away your heavy clothes until you need
We have also a full line of -Cool Summer
Underwear. t. -
...wows. -.NINO.
. -
Call and get a sensible outfit NOW and
enjoy the rest of the summer.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
EASY PAYMENTS and pay yos $7 a
par for all you raise tram our stork
Valuable Itteratwa,contract lOc can
A quantity of dry summer wood, l2 -in. long, at
$1.50 per single cord
or $2.00 delivered. Terms cash with order or
C.O.D. We will sell only on cash terms.
Orders may be left at house or store.
'Phone 155
Dt• r (just entered)—"Ilello Jim!
, Anyt ng new on the hill of fare today'''
The her --"There's a grease spot 1
didn't tice there yesterday.''
K, to the west of their teacher Because 90%, t his patients arc
people talk about ce t d Williams' Raymond Redmond. at West
able a • !field,�arnta an e left last week via d th suite-finefrom ailments caused
Pink Pills. and tell what they did for me. Lakes for a trip through the West. redly or inf
irect I y h
y t e action o
and in similar cases 1 shall continue to poisons fur ed in a sluggish inter
recommend them." On Monday of last week Mr. j. T. fm Pi
that the blood is out of ; McCaughey. of Morro. and Miss Mary I Anal tract.
Al. Inc ilrst a1K..
order take Dr. Williams Pink Pills. and McQueen, of Asherton. Wis.. were
note the speedy improvement they make united in marriage by Rev. Father
in the apatite• health and spirits.you Hogan.
Ills through any medicine Mr. and Mrs. James Woods, of East
can get
1 dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or sir W aa•anosh. have received the personal
their s m. the tate Pte. Russell becomes infected and -refuses to act
boxes for $2.:•0 from the Dr. Witham etlects .d
Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. • Woods, who was kilted In acaon about a properly. Unfortunately it is usually
year ago. not until then that the doctor •s eoa-
These body poisons are absorbed by
the blood and carried all over the
body until the weakest organ, unable
to withstand the poisonous contact,
Leave Toronto 7.1.5 p.m.
.arrive Winnipeg t).05 p.n , And day
•' ('algery p•
" Paula 12 411 p.tn. and slay
Vancouver 10.151 a.m. 4th day
First -claw i Ieeping=Car Pansengeers only
Full pa eticnlale from any agent. _ J08. C. P Ageat, 6txlerieh.
Mr. and Mrs. Al.fs,•tn. if Nee Toronto, suked and asked to treat the diseased
1 are visiting in town and at other pointe organ.
the county. The Doctor has been
quite successful in his medical practice in The surest way of purifying the
his new location. blood and preventing the formation
NEAlsoltTil. of these destructive body poisons is
Customs Officer F. G. Neelin. who was to prevent stagnation of food waste
at Toronto for some time recuperating in the intestinal tract—to prevent
.from a serious illness, has returned to
town. e
Stephen'Godkin has returned from a Constipation is not a matter to be
trip to the West and leases again shortly taken Tightly or neglected. Nor is
tor Calgary, where he has pdrehased a it either sufficient or safe to tale
farm o1 400 acres. trod pills salts mineral waters
C c east A picnic heldin Case's grove. jus ea. .
WOULD you experiment with such
an important thing as the heating
of your home ?
It is a job for experts. The comfort of your
home for years depends on it.
You can call on us to sell you not merely
a furnace, but COMFORT — guaranteed.
McClary's heating engineers will advise
you and pins your heating system,
without charge.Ask e.A
FTMAN 111•1
10 m the ArA. tmr,a
.1 •eete wn
hem tnetr•.a>r.
Sold by
1300 and SI 10E
onierssdicitcl exalt kinds to
Footwear ' epairs
(i,..,1 work and rea able prices
Sana. Ward Son
IInuliltnn ti.,** stand 1.,liuerly
1 erupted by the late Thee. :guilt
Budding. Contracting and Genera
Carpenter Work
The mulersignrtd aro prepared t„
take contracts and execute otab
for any work in the alinvu lin, •
it svinit hal years u( e•sperienee, the
ern Isamu.:Isamu.:the public of Orst-class,
dependable work.
All orders will receive prompt
attention. '
- le hal, �VEMTAR(►0K.
'Trafalgar I{trcct.
al. JIo�V LER,
Napier Street.
cas a
01 town, on Dometc., in order fo "force" bowel
mto Day.ts,,.yewunder ytheas the action Such action does not cure
,auspices 01 St. James' perish.
greatest success of the kind that has been cons:.pattoii, It makes constipation
seen here tor many years: a hab.t.
Mrs. McEwing, wife of James McEw• Nueol 11 entirely diAerent from drugs as
ing, ex -M. P. P. for West 1lellington it does not force or irritate the bowels.
whose death occurred at ihaytun on the Nutol prevent, .t:ggnatton by softening
2nd inst.. was a daughter of the late the food waste and encouraging the in
teainal m•,seles to act naturally. thus re-
ing the cause of constipation and self-
prim/minx It is shsolutely lurmless and
pleasan to take.
� Thomas Atkinson. former�y of Seaforth.
and resided here dor a number o:. years
The Twelfth of July will b • observed
in Exeter by abig celebration
Two Exeter bowlers. Major W. J.
Neaman and. R. N. C.rexh, brought
home the London Free Press trophy from
• the recent tournament in Scotch doubles
at Lond n. this is one of the coveted
prizes in the lawn onwling game.
Mase Pearl Dark, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dark, is home from a
two years stay in laskatchewan.
I Miss Juneve Tayiur has returned home
from Stouffville, where she was teaching
school.. She leavershortly for Rosetown,
• Sask , having been engaged to teach there.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ewan, who have
been residents of Brussels for the last six
years. are removing to Londesbnro', Mr.
Ewan having purct.ased the blacksmith
busiteecs of W. G. Armstrong at the
latter place.
IV IN( 111 A M. •
David Bell. music store keeper. died on
Friday evening after a lingering illness.
He is survived by his widow.
The old bele' and girls' reunion. which
anunued for four days last week. was
condoled nn Friday night with scenes of
hilarity. the excitem nt being kept up
until long after midnight. The reunion
Nup1 helps Natute titahlish easy, thor-
ough towel evacuation at regular intervals
—the healthiest habit in the world. feet
a bottle from your dorauggeisst today.
rIarninh .Nbeldis
f iuiol Trade stark. A5 druggists 10-
11.1 nn Nutol. You may safer Iron
soba Purrs.
Men's fine sntiiner iUnderwear, $1.75 A snit, worth
*2,00. •.
Men's Overall,, some e;lt1
stock at old price, *2.00.
Men's Socks, from. 1•ic up.
A tow piece' of nice Voile,
just' tight for '
dress, at •)Oc yard.
1.atlie; summer !lose. :Va. .1
pair, 3 pairs for *1.00.
Ladies' summer ..Vests,
or :1 for *1.00.
Some light-colored Punts
clear at 21)c a yard.
wee have ••tine -nice Nei
\tiptcarls at sl prices.
J. J. McEwen
.%Gens.• N. It-ih4.l
Change of Lawn Service
()wing to extreme hot weather,
11:e hirge (Me of water hos statl
ttrulitions that the town 1, ps
ste working to capacity, unit tille
persona found using water entitrbi
to any rules anti regulations will
lie prosiecute(1. Hours from 7 to }{
Lawn service nerve are omit -grit
to 'save the water as muds ete pos.-
',.So person 11 ellowed to vise
eitiOn for same has bet'll mole
Pay 'Idle water rates for the nest
wiener before July sase
An water and light ratessfayable
Water aria Light Cnimmiseion
leiwu of God erich.
Famous Corner
Grocery Store
'Phone 164
or give us a call.
Robertson & Moir
Cor Hamilton St..and Square