HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-10, Page 6a fi 'Thursday. linty 10, 1 .• ea< t*+!kyr 3.!'r"` :i How old are YOU? "A woman is as old as she looks - a man as old as he feels." Stay young! Pain wrecks you in the prime of life and wastes vour best years. Fight Rheumatic pains with T. R. C.'s. Sole %geY t H. C. DUNLOP P B. l Iwmia and for Luikrirh , Druggist Nisi' $1.01 to thi. address or to Templrlon., 11': King St. 11.. Toronto and T.K.C: s will Its sent 3..t paid. "Just Wright" li ust Wright Shoes for men are RIGHT IN QUALITY RIGHT IN STYLE RIGHT IN PRICE RIGHT FOR COMFORT We are fortunate in securing the Agency for this high-grade Shoe for Goderich Get tLem at HERN'S BOOT SHOP XII" aF • •Illi RR1' X u:Jus School of Commerce Cliw oil and Goderich, Ont•=; riio. )C Offers the following courses : 1:1'SINK.CS ST1:•,V(H; ,CEC 1E7:11i 1.1.1. •CI1'IL .'Eh1'iCR at:d arran¢es ,Cp((-ia.l (',ursrs f'ur.5trfdeitts X The following advantages : Ilit(hI!, qualified Teaehi,' .Wal/ ' actual l:u.•rineas System of Ikrokkeepiad ('rlduttial Typewriting Tess Positions (;rutranteed x - TER .$IGXAL THE FARMERS' PICNIC. St 'CC ,F'l t} EVENT HELD UV (O1J ttKNE ('I.1111. )lie.. Mahal Rollie Speaks on Canadian Citizenship and Mr. Thuntrs Findley. President ut the Massey -Harris Co.. on the Tariff and " Otht•r Public Questions. The, 4 .,1t4,run• Fanners' flub plonk on Irtday hist pl. 1 he Point Fa rw WS. fairly well lacnded. Many farmers were tun busy with .1/1•• haylpg to take the afternoon off, but theins who Were !present with their wives and families multi, up I1 ga(horiiig of several Ioun.Ire41. Eddie Lynn els there with a supply .f i..• '•17•a1111 hull other re - (nal •14;4 ;t11.1 his 1'NIt1a %taw yule• s I'opuhu• place, especially with the 10U1gst.r.. It WAS weld 04- iu the iftei noon when the speaking emu - ; newel, ,um1 whell ..it e,e• elltlelude1 the gatl.riug -' 3 lute; into Knife. 441141 I111d 111111111. deems 1'm•hi..il, on the big lawn. . tter14l,rd. a prugruu of 1.11,,;4 W114 carried out in front hotel. The central feature of the day's proceedings was the delivery of ad- dress.l: by members of the 1'1111, and speakers s-vur,ll for the eecasion. Mr. N'illi.uu Young. Jr., president of the Paru.,r% Club. titled as 'Iulirntan. Ir. .1ns•p11 M.•l'aan. councillor of 3 ,.lI. ortle township, extruded r wel- Mioue to all present on behalf of the council. • Mayor Wigle of ti.alerich. lwhlg called upon. 1IL111411nixl any intention of offering any ail vie, on 11014 to farm. but instead invited the iw4,ple of the towidliip to give their advice and as- 411.talae it. Masking 1:,Nlerirh a better iown, asps hilly in its favilitiem for shopping. Ment' nig the "daylight - moing- dlaylight- moiIg" motion lasse1 by t1"' (soya' council. 1. sni11 it W14 Jour rather hurriedly and before 'ally expression of opinion had -t-0we iron the 1.3WD- wlnlps. Zhu) the iutiuwNun from the 1'01110nu• Farmers' flub of opposition to tie- move beefl receiv,,t a few days earlier' he believed the ....wail w'onk1 not have taken the action it did. Mr. J. N. K.ruighau introduced the principal speakers of the .lay --Mr. 'Flom:is I-ilsllry, the IeaJ .1f at great htdustiy, the• ylass.•c-Harr;.. co. of Toronto. and 11 134.4 Sl:llwl Raffle. "a product of the farm.'" Mr. Kerrdgltin also lntl•.Nltasl the.representatives of other clubs present. iticlli,1tlg the 4'hib.4 of Kint.1U. ,King -bridge. Lanes. Mt/rave stud Fahel. Mia* Bailie. .%ddrr%l.. Miss, Bailie e'xprssed a,ulirlr i.n of lir, effort,. of the l'oilrorne Farmers' ChM' to ,.midis!' public sentiment .hong beneficial lines. They 14ere pr 1 of Itnrou ,.misty. but %Le was .sorry td (note the .I.•-reasr of the county's p.,pl.l..tb0.. n 110111111 Iiig to I hi rl r ht. -p.•:' emit, .f the genera 1 N t forty N' -c . e p r3. ILt lou .ant f .rt, per fit. f th rural population. Seeking the real.".s fur thio loss. she said one raw", was the lack ..f prlgr.•ssiVeltet4 h, the agrf.ult.lrxl district.. The people had Iwo. t.... backward In shaking Moir.'. mews: (heir lu.tt., hail been "1'14 Iia‘. and to hold." rather than "1., have :nal h, share." 1'o-a1.'1i41loll. sa1.1 Miss It:i111.% slantl,1 la• the wst,he.r.1 of our people --co-operation ill rhe ru1-11r114 1011%13 h.. of enin.t•y• lif.•. that the young people nlay r111iz, tient the (ton' is a goe.d plate to live. con- solidated "4•...14.14 would 1N• a heli,. .lifter al high w•heJ in the town ilw young p••,pl, till,,' find It hard to weld.- duW11 111111 Ire sllistiel With sem, .10111113 1011. /111 the Liras. The I•nns.111datel s•hrred W0111.1 aR.nd 1 h advantage of high school tra11.1ug, and It V1 0111.1 Is• a training for the 111e of the farm. Moue life must b, made more netraetiv.. 'there should Iw lectures and 4,1.1ra4rs .f 1,1 441n1.113I *. 1.114 r•vt .1'. Men ru.•h N. are heard in the cities until towns s11.all I.ring their talent . to the young Ie.ple it. the .1,111. t'y. Canadian ('itizenship. 11 was *.1111 there were a million 1'r11a11ixm. in the 1143,.,1 settees. Per- haps one reason for tits is that the people of this lllll try have 1101 yrs sm1t11•i.ptl). 1ea11re41 that they are can= A Business Education pays for itself in a few months. > mile lie. a'it 11 a enlit17 of their own Ire devi•IIp. lu a few nvutlls celled* Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an -' 14'"111'1 Iii.1' 1' 111 rg'• itntiltgl•a sten. Ilan a lN1l1Ie 11111st make them good 3'11 neaten investnrent that will give splendid returns in the years to come. rltigl•ns hy giving Ihem is gu.! example. For terms. etc., write B. F. Ward, M. A. Stone, R. A.. M. Accts., COM. Specialist. Principal. Vice -Principal. • ■ Phone : : 208 ■ ■ :school opens Tuef clay. Sept. 2nd. - ^r11Ilr AUTOMOBILE OWNERS TAKE NOTICE and We have installed an up -tel -date Steam Vulcanizing Plant arc prepared We -alto This n done by la the fabric for the Instd. but rim cut or blown stitched on with a pate you from 2000 to 5C pdncture- proof . Cap and ask us al- and suggest a remedy TERI1., Hamilton Street all kinds of tire repairing at nahle prices. JBLE-TREAD TIRES the which has the tread worn to another which has a good tread n the side for the outside and stitching machine. This will give les of sel'vice and is practically your tires, and we will advise you STRICTLY CASH H. J. FISHER Goderl< h 31 'R1,'• hum,. the church and the whim' were the three great factor.. Th.• mitare and cb31r�•h wens handhalppwd r tri .oma resp4'Is: the whls,1 was iiwmeirttt.: there remained the home, In w11it'll existed the greatest opportunity for the making of eititetiship. F.du,atiln In Canadian n citizenship should commence Id 1311 rally age. The y.ung ,hil'1r•n should Ise taught to 1e proud of t'an- ada. Its [nutty Canadian 1 •s there were port ra its .f Lin,,li, atld (:arnl•Id: there should As. 'portraits of great .4,1144114 .111 1111• walls of ('NI14111an •homes. The history of Canada should I 11. taught the '-11114ren, so that they may know there have 11,4.11 greet men. and great women in their own emintl•,v. Miss IWili'• then spoke of the cooling prohibition referendum, and espr•iItIly urged the women, now that they hare been glr.•n the Irus•hise, to he careful In using if. She ,omuleuded the cel horns. Farmers' clnh for the action r had taken on the refer•ndutu. Nod asked the w'.uN•n 10 stam.1 shoulder to shoulder with the ('polo and help in every possible Ivey ilk the r,-oI-(IIng of :. 11)1.13,1 I,1, cut,. Miss Bailie was warmly applauded as she ,.14,•1n.Ie) her ,' epil.•nt address. I're%11knt of Masary'•Harrbt Co. Mr. Th... Finley, of Toronto, press• lent of the MatowyHarris ('o , was the .ext speaker. He said he [vas Unite at I borne to a gathering of this kind, hav- ing spent the first sixteen years of ilia lift on the fat,,, He appre elated the opportunity extended to hie, of uldreaa- ing the Colborne Chlh, The °Moore of the ('IIIb had taken a chance. in Inviting him there, and he realized that mimeo? the view, he would .';pr.''s might not sleet with their approval. 1f ever there aria a time when the pPOple of all classes in this country ahonld meet, exchange views, and try to get together, now Was the time. Canada had penned through a great trial. Very great sacrifiowsi had been made In the last five year.; almost every family had been directly affected by • GODEPIWH, ONT. things worth while hal again been re- 11114 1111611•1 litv. deemed for ua with bloat. The people 11'ould Leave It to Farmer*. pl Canada should realize this and Th.• .pewk,r said he mould he wllllujf should wake the beat use of the liber 10 abide by the verdict of the farmers tiworld. es prusrrved to thein to wake of i'au• ads tl:c very notal country in the *IOW' us hetwero ` t ou p ilet'1114.1 1144• trade if lw were suer' the fanners It is a good thing tbere are different I wen• fulIy ikturwwh 111 the 1114411 . classes in the country', said the morainic,dur. He u 1 there 11.3,1 I've" 1uh Wirt. agreed with the *tau -meet of , tvpres•14lxtlou nit the tariff glom - Wirt. previous speaker that farming was the dun in the West, and particularly ' great ftawlaweutal industry. 1 h.0 there it. the altrmeuf trig iwpMw.•uts wrro were the whnufaclurers, the financial M11141 ulyr.wd Cur h'ss than at bows. ria s, the lal.utlnt( Class and others. I'oi., .e said, was absolutely untrue. He hol*0 that [brae Yat?/1114 ClaAet'ti' 1'I he fact was that the Auamgfacttlr•rs `would ulake as little as ptwsible of the .f iwldeal^14144 nmol.• their• prunes things that Ju not [natter and as muchIrrg.•w from ,spent erode, and. as u as p.oible ut the things that du [natter. •rlu1e p31rlaw could sr{I more ch.wply No one class alone could rule; it Would at bene•. Imp1,umnts wt•r,• ..dd tu..r, . i be foulish to make any such attempt. ,Iw*ply 111 ('una,ia than In x115 0(11,1 The speaker here toll the story of the MUM I'S it. the World, ,xlwpt thi• Kilkenny cats to ihnstrate 1114 view of 1'nit, h Stilus.. IwpIemeits 11.41 w)11• What happens when the classes tight a. wu14nW,tue hi cruuda than to the one auother. certain uewipapers sea Mates, owing to the duty that lied to cheap politiciaus were. trying to'set1141 Paid 014 ah, 111441,'rial for tu4uu various classes an this ronntry against fnctllring.• He• ,luimerl, howrc,r, flat 0110 another When, instead, they in some places in lite -slates prices should I o -op.' 81., were higher Ihou in Canada, lu els' Mr. Firklley went on toasty that a* a I Stites !Isere was 14 1liR.•reut Wel 11011 'manufacturerhe Would express some of distibuNeu. '!'here the ulauo- views from the manufacturer's stand- tfacttuer sold n. the retailer. who madeepoint withoi+tln eking that his bearers Ills ...Will price for sidling. 114 Canada should agitOrth everything le said. 'he =igen' sold ou ('.iutuissiou. The Possibly what lie might say would lead "'lilt was 11111fnrwity •.r pri.w ht c.ul- thew to untidily their opinions: at any ,.ha, Whin, ,u•ross the Ii14r Ity- pri. rate, an interchange of opinions would', 3:.:I, 1.i..,1 it. diR,r,tlf parts of tht•re be beneficial. ' e' ry. The ,Ion• reI,I1.11 1.1we41 ' l'au31e* of Univ.*.! the manufacturer and thetamer 114 4'Itna1111 1u:1bled the u.uuuf.p.•tnr•r. '1 he grout unrest prevalent through- w fth higb•r costs. t., sell NI low price.. I out the country at the present time was V,r.ng Iwspre*wlima. on I'ru$teering. largely, in the speaker's opinions the' Fen F'iu1i1.•y then result of reaction from the *train of the'. gave some attention last n1 -e years. and there was *0 clic- ' t0 the .wt.ry .urilhe4 pr.ntM•: ityg. Ile. neem in'this country. rad radical that ,it 'aid wru111g iwpreselone Wel got t would like to up.et camstttlted author- i abroad. 41141 he t.w.k exception 4.. Ila• I J i[y, that was lucking to the rxan.p'e of •us•1h,s1+ pursued) "ill the res•bt Invest. Russia, where there was class govern' 'gallon at 1MAN al. 1141 this point he I iuent of the worst possible kind. These , "id I• + men wantedto take "sdYantage u( the The roan who is before the coty- work and thrift of others. Hr believed ; mission is asked for a sla.' tr•wut of that. an attempt bad 'wen wade at I the alapital put into the buau.•ss. 11,- • Winnipeg to upset the I:overnwent of ,iye4 ('4at stah'gt.•nt h. Mr. Pringle Canada and to set up a new kind of ags the ,a {deal wfth which h.• slarterl. • I:overnment, Anil if that attempt hail I Tlw original investment 3.311 into the ' succeeded very seri. useituation would liuslh,.. ten ..r. artery year. ago I4 ha1-e been br.aght about In Canada. ' tullowel by the question 14lwiher am- ' The steadfast courage, and determine- 11".1a1 wit* {lilt WI" the 1,11411,.. tion of the people of Winnipeg had shine- H, s•iy4 no. nut h.• pmt 1Au - possibly averted a civil war. pronto year by fuer. flat "rhe original Behind the littlest may have been the 1n" 111.•111 is. andIP..a WI .a•,orilltee hope held out that after the wat'there to hes profits '111 the last year of the •1r Bring back the joys of your vacation with a etrone Vit KODAK Developing and Printing Campbell's Drug Store TFtI I'LY$LAIt $TORE North it. • 21111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111HMIIMINIMI111111111111111111111111111-14 MIMED .111 WE KNOW % A, _ was to he a transformed Canada. The war he I+ shown u. 111. V" Made n ' speaker's view nes that manufacturers profit u( two hmulral or three and * lop .yrls.generally were favor- hamlrt'l INT rent. swots ow (frightful able to the improvement of conditions , investment. i way that when a- 211:.11 for workmen, belt they require time fu,' is asked questions it. that way it bring about the desired change*. A mhoWs either r peek of lntelligenee ..r royal comulfssion had reported favor- "f hu1N•sty. Sorely ilie way to alien ably ons the .chemo for the estab- I late profit lipids 17.Pbtal is 'tip tak. lishiog .f industrial conncils, by !them your by year. sod commit the twines of which the ween w.u1,1 hp rwuuuts. It It is d.atrell 10 lark ;it gice14 mottle way as to test 44,11,li I..it*. the profits of the ,mpa urntrw fairly, it Mader 1chi. h they' - shnnld wi,rk. hull ; is 11.1 right to 'pr.a,1 wi*4tatelri,'lts which would afford au opportunity for broadcast oter the ,.um ry the l'x,hauge of 3-11-w. IN•twe.11` rm- I-tefulaulated Proffitt nit "Water. pL,y"tw sod empleye4 s, .o that notch . In nines Eike this. in the very nature of misunderstanding would 1N• avoided. ; the time-. large profits are made; but Patten,1. And miun,11 f.rlwaru,c• these profits carat( be hgurrc open the :well, h. the s•ttl.•ineut uC th.+, , small Latina; hest put into a business that •pt.••ti.orna.I ' has made aormal war Profits. The) The Tariff 4bulotion. sh*bn tzd 0e hgurtd upon the turnover of The -speaker tl,•...lieu.• to the tarifa t the dear. 11 hen it 14 found that trim- g11es1i.r,. tie 4si.i Le held no 1.1'1.1' ' panits'ef tar kind or another have fawn for high! pr.te•rion. but the ,.(futry so much of their p ()lit into capaal. where 11111441 have revenue, and he thought the- ,s the tense ,n calling that water' Is it .easiest way to get It w'ss through the not profit capital:' If there is one thing 3:u•IR, at the Mlle' tin, giving r1a+1111- iin the world to be approved it is the Nide pest. -tion to industries. Theretaking of profit and adding it to capital. 4i ere mor' thou rhe imaier•�e of factories 1 and 11 that were universal in our cum - I interested : there were the ru.ploye•4, - pain i.oth,cg wcuid make mere for the the people .f the towns In which the . progress of the country. Surely it is not • factories were hwatel. and the faruwr prrlerred that it should all be taken out 14.11r IIle towns tol whom they p:.vii..l ' and distributed among the shareholders. a hone wurk,l. N'ithont the Iarin' And when profit is taken out year by i. our eotiil*luy wou141 pose fie 111011,5. 'year, and added to capital. it should be soil 'pie speaker: we W.111141 .imply fig,ued'sthe capital of the year upon mer, tit of thk connrry- to the e.uttry- which profit is earned. It is legitimate where we could Inst make 1nlr goods. capita, when it is taken out of peens and lu dis•uwsiurs of the tariff the Agri• added 30 the investment• cultural implement industry. which In talking of water in capital there i4 vy.ls the heist protected. vyss the first , one obnoxious thing to wht.h 1 rpt op- t atta•t e',rl. ,\I eijw tiro, w there as a posed, and which was done to h ver} tariff of :t, per cent. .n implements. large extent before the war where out -.dr n1s1 trhtetlrn erowpinl•4 Were making capital was taken into a company. The holders 'her,•, as compared with nil,, stock sale of preference shares carried a 11114' Iurgee•t number In the' t'nit.vl bonus of four or five shares of common States. Nearly all of them lost honey : I stock in addition which was intended to the .nly eon.p4lniw which null.• i .r , be figured a! the 'capital of the company. were these that NM uu export trade. ! That was water, and it is right to kick The farmer. of Ontario had bud about it in hyuriog an actual statement cheaper implements thou th,•y would , of operatiops, as it would not assist the bene had with.,[ the tariff. Thi. 14144 reomoany'sdeveh.ptnent, because it was leeuuse .f the strong h.s•,al eump'ti- to figure in after years as the company's ti.n. ; original capital. The only fair way for ['ream separators were ,,r1 eta mple the investigators is to look at results over of [Nein reenits. There WN'. no duty a series of years, comparing profit and on cream weprI ata•., Anil a :AMI-Ihe investment this year, last year, the year wIN,rstor said for x153. The prise before. I do rut deny Chit ebrlortrai was ,Iftervards ant it. trv;, by ...mi. profit; 1'ave been made even on the furl petition. but x separator tit& sells for , over Ler a year • - n.ar, 1,01 11 11 mower and costs less t. ' Shit 14 Not Derry Sorrel... 01111110. weWE KNOW what A Shoe when see it, oleo it is made of and how it is made. Our stock is composed of Shoes made of the finest leathers. by the best Canadian manufacturers, and by the most up-to-date methods to ensure comfort and durability. We should like to show you any of our Shoes. Oxfords or Pumps, in the newest de- signs and styles, and WE KNOW that our prices will bear comparison with anything else you eye!' saw. Special We have on sale some broken lines and odd lots in White Shoes and Running Shoes, spec- ially priced for quick clearance. They are in = Men's, Ladies', Boys', Girls' and Children's sizes. Be sure to come early while your size is here. YOU KNOW that WE KNOW hots' to repair = those part -worn shoes, quickly. neatly. and at u moderate COSt. the Indian The Indian newer liked work hut he wanted his squaw to get well as soon as possible so that she could do the work and let him bunt therefore be dug papoose root for her, for that was their �.. 't, at remedy for female weak- nes31ea. Dr. Pierce uses Co - the same toot- 91e- honh " called Blue Co- -in his 1t t "Favorite Pre- ys � � Ivnption" alkill- • fully combined A!.. with other 1M * is. agentsthat make it more effective. Women whp are worn out, who suffer Ifrom pain at regular or irregular intervals, who are nervous or dissy at times, should take that reliable, temperance, herbal tonic which a doctor in active practice prescribed many years ago. Now sold by druggist*, in tablets and liquid, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Bend 10e. to Dr. Pierre's lnvalirlr' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package Weonsrnea, Ow*. --1 rennet Dar 64N111ato b pram. of fir. Nome • M.dIHn.a t had ner•aa• prostration and w81 eanpl.t.'ly 'down end out.' 1 was mho., fire doe tore een.M.n1 min. • I.or,.- 3... .•w- 1 was noreA diernanoml end was pea, to IOWA up who• 1 began taking the P.vortt. Pr..er1ptloe mod t1. (bId.n M.dh•a1 Dl*-oy.rr Thom moil -Ina, pot no, on my 3.44 eras. and 11•...4 th..mry real relief. Rein, . Purse I M.. moonomoretwri IT. Pi.re, s Makes,. to Mew/...p.eIalty th. • F.wx4t. Pm.,•rlptMn.' 1 kaon of mane • vomit mott., M whom I M.. r.+.wnm.n.I*4 Fmmrit• t•r..er4,)tl.N. that AY leen w..,i.rrnnr helped. m I a . m nem. a r•w,n W,1. •the losses of the war. Onr sewing 1200, n. Ie,....: si.41 .... 31 stem• hn. .•^•Id tl,.p had endured everything, and all the' are- M.. A. I. Waa.lra 11111 J !• Stint • There is the factor of the times: ani: some companies have an advantage ,n earning more in these times than other companies. We have to take initiative, energy. good management and the like into account, for if we do not we would only demand of the successful companies that they come down to the level of the' others. is It not your own e-:oerience Let any Lumber of you get cattle in the fall and sell them in the spring and some wi make more profit than others. It is a mictaketo attack profit-making wherever 1 it appears. because we hear only of the I successful companies and not of the un- successful or inefficient companies There ; rs too much tot talked about profit. it is a actor 'in the very success of com- panies it. which the public -hares ton, because by success and competition I' prices are brought down. it is unfair to i inflame the nubile upon the question of profit and very often it will be found that those who do it are quite willing that should he the ohly result for the notor- iety it brines. I say it is dishonest and want to protest against it in the interests. . of the industry of the country. i yield to no man in my opinion M the high character of the citizenship of Can- ada. We have the finest country in the • world and it. future must depend upon its citizenship. Make Canada Great and Safe. I have no doubt of the solid good sense of the people of this country of every Class, and most of all have 1 every con- fidence in the rural population. Hut in the storm of unrest that is passing over our enuntry, and not aura alone, we will he called upon to put forth united energy in the fight to make Cana' a great and safe forp�p{e of all classes. Mr. Findley concluded amidst 110:j3)144113141. Brief al,1resse, were Orel A Messrs, (1. L. Iamb, William Bailie and Morgan Ttalton, and 'a vote of 'thank, was tendered to all the speakers of the day. ` Yes. Thelma. there would he flit div."rres in thee vale of tears if there wife mole grind woks. 1 mom WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN ;1l IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIHhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflfHHIiIIfi� �y/trriI����t1�.�tt��<r t\rirlttfMIf1 xx/1c IArrt5ucx tansV1rfvxf1txx Board ofTrade Goderich THE Citizens of Goderich are arranging to hold a Grand Peace Demonstration on Saturday, July 19th, and all should keep this in mind, and as far as possible prepare to decorate their homes and places of business, and assist the committees that have been appointed as much as they can, and thus help to make it a day unique in the history of Goderich* Let all rejoice in the peace that has come, and prepare to enjoy the lasting pros- perity that is hoped for. G. L. PARSONS, W. S. BOW DEN, President, Industrial Secretary. y 11,,11191')..c Pilo• XXXXXXX2ftl X XXXXXXXXXXXX Xrrl XX rtfll rtStte5rttk1ar11'tI\oltti11r1ltfltrAr�Ilnf�ttlpfltrtlr� -- We aft: pleased to be at.le to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also any' qukntity of soft coal (or domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our old•time service and prompt delivery' , ANNOUNCEMENT The Saults Coal Co Phone No. ;r, !i J. Saults' residence W. \V Santis' re-itlence `. 27.") ,) No. 202 xxxxxXXXXXxxXX�XXXXX