HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-10, Page 44- Thursday. July 10, 191!1.
Clothing for
ilot Weather
Nice, cool Combina-
tion Underwear, "Ar-
row Brand"; Negligee
Shirts, Wash Ties,
Holeproof Hosiery,
white duck and flan-
nel Trousers, Straw
and Panama Hats,
Lustre Coats, Palm,
Beach Suits.
We have been taking a
number of orders for nice
two-piece homespun Suits.
Let us take yours.
Walter C. Pridham
Phone 57 Goderich
August 13 acid 14—remember the
of the Golden Gate Midway and Street
WeeaszwAY, July 9.
The ram on Saturday was welcomed by
aft, a' it was much needed and has had
the desired results. Haying is in full
swing and the crop is good.
C,unciflor J. B. Young has had his
house in the village raised and a founda-
tion and cellar put under it.
Mrs. W. G. Crawford and children lett j
Friday last for Toronto.
• The raspberry crop is being harvested
I and is a heavy one, the berries being of
good quality. The mosquitoes. too. are
large and numerous. and are of the
friendly vat iety.
The loose Stones have been raked off
the road upMain nt-and nottthanksg a much-
needed impr
the "good roads system."
Mr. Thos. Elliott and family ate mov-
oto ver . Rivett has
Elliott's mail route.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Walkom and Mr.
and Mrs Devinev. of St. Marys. ted
ar more effective than Sticky Fiy
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sol.( by
Druggists and Grocers everywhere.
TUESDAY. July t3.
in the village this week. Nursing Sister Kate Scott. re Clinton,
Mrs. S. E. Sanderson returned h9me arrived fr.
mth heoverseason ots at Tuesday su mer I t Ilre i:.t Its, t Varlet..
was in tort
for x
this week after a visit to Presbyterian
staying the village. few tiny* this week un her way to
A Society
meeting of the PTuesday Ladies home papers ut the illy read r u-
.4id Society was held Tuesday' afternoon The thanksgiving service on the Square Toronto, where she will read exam -
at the home of Mrs. William McAllister, I on Sabbath
Tolmie, i g was Largelygae e attended.moet ''nation
4t on hili• its of a she was tof
St. Augustine. the members motoring Major
over. 'inspiring address, briefly reviewing the Kar*[ or Mr'. Jame: Yate*.
Mr. Chapman and family, of Olean. 1 events of the war and pointing out the Dr. H. L. Hickey arrived in town a few
Mich.. called on Mrs. Dreaney this week. duty of loyal Canadian citizens during days ago to join his elle. formerly Miss
Athena Clark. and it now visiting at the
Principal Ross iseonfined lits ome the reconstruction penes. The collection I hone of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
with a severe attack of sciatica. Fred, which was in aid of the soldiers' meawciil R Clark.Dr.Hickey hay been released; this is no place to spend your holidays fund. amounted to nearly 530. fry active duty in the United States
Mrs. Cram.. Mrs_ Chas. Thompson. Messrs. J. and R. Reid, o ,the Front road, l navy, in whish service he was medical 1
Mrs. J. R. McNabb and t1Lss Betsy recently purchased a Chevrolet car from I officer oa the U. S, S.e was
The i
McAllister motored over to Lochalsh Mr. Laois of Clinton. oung coupletexpect to .cave shortly far
Presbyterian church today to attend a who w sr kedsson. of b} a hobe eBronson line, ;Denver, Colorado, w here they will make
missionary meeting their home
/iii/ii/i/////tii■i■■/■/ii■ K
Hamilton, visited at the home week.!odes
and hers. 1• E. Match the Bart
Mr. W. S. Feeley. udvaule agent e
the 1'hruhno,lta, is its town Dile week
utak ins Midi sriongemrnts for Chou-
ween a %eel. iu i;,Mlerieb. July 1s -t0 24.
Misses Mary Clark and Ethel Nairn
have returned to their homes from Port
Arthur. where they had been engaged on p.m • .
the teaching staff of the public schools of Saturdays 8 a.tn. to 10
Misses Ivy Elliot, Isms)' Thompson i l Hours of Bu•
siness 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
and Lisle Adam:, of \•icttuia street 1u1 and August) the store dons at 1 o'clock p. m
Methodist church, are attending the Lon- ■ On Wednesday (during yi / / / / / i / /iii
1 t lays in town with Mrs. T 1 I
; that city. I l
don Conference *,unmet school at St I l
Thomasthisweek. ilii/iii/ilii/■l■■iiiii
Mr. W. I . ('u' MINI drughten'
woaerel yesterday frier levisingtuu 1
111 e•(M•IN Y few 1
epee anti Miss )Lillie. wl •' had arrived l
Maud Howell, Mrs. H. N. Allen, Missal v 1
Rose and Marione Aitken. Messrs. Chas. i
Barker and Wm. Thompson are at St. l /
Thomas this week attending the London
Conference Summer School.
\'111►sw X.
Mrs.M.W•How•ell. the Muses Mary and a
From All Departments of the Scotch Store
last Wednes-
day a d badly hurt. is improving and is
Rev. IS Anderson
Hamilton lido resigned
her Me'itiou uu . the 6ineanliur k{lXh
Mr. W H. McClure. our coal merchant,
Mies Ague.
H.I to 11 i ed ]L
building a coal shed at McGaw. able to be around again preached to the
We regret to report that Mrs. David s1 Plat*
Orangemen on Sunday evening.
Sete" stntT "'lug a p
dates Sproule. 2nd concession of West N awa-
nosh. is senously ill. brother. hie A Armstrong t t After apes -
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McNabb and Irtig a few Ilrys at
family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones t J Hamilton and *
motored to London. 5t. Thomas and 1 Ian• (Otte to >i
Aylmer last Saturday. 1111
• New Liskeard; Tb s a
1 Mr. Will Elliott. down to rep H 1
dart• tlewrtrr•mastt r \\ .
range.v h r
Miss M. Armstrong. of London. is the I Se I'thl staff of dug a Collegiate 8 In-
quest of her rot er. as filcher ,. Krt. f her
The Golden Gate Midway well be the
event of the season—.August 13 and 14.
A few pretty
rpodels of ex-
cee'Ptional val-
ue to clear at
greatly re-
duced prices.
Half Price
Miss M. R. MacVicar
New Jewellery Store
1 High-grade
Watches and ands
Clocks Except
of the Bronson hue.
Edwards' homemade candy has
reputation all Ifs own ere
,neuron. Try it an .
the. home o
parents. tev. amts
Mrs. Havel ton. r u•
ronto to read exawhiatlon papers.
wen of County Clerk Holman. arrived
its hevcli be the teem train today aft„
is visiting here. He came
tit d the Caesar Ryan wedding last
a es ♦ .
W th lite hogs 3''3 a hundredweight urerh per vent ., r i enlisted
r ,e with the L
i -price of that l Holman
and eggs 40c a dozen. the WEDNESDAY. July Q• adieu fon-es. V 1
dish, ham an' egos• brings a Ike v 1 . Telford. of ltlyth. wvupiw( lis the. tall of 11514. went eve w'a* early
squeal from the man who has to settle, the pulpit of Knox church uu Sunday ; in 1915. and served in the Canadian
rather than from the Ilog•
CAM' ALLISON RETURNS.—Capt. (Rev.) attrru,i u. in; I u
wile has gone tou a invaalided h y inffileuro hout the
,n only
war. lanes
► w
vers slgrwetl
Allison returned home from overseas on R''t'
fight kind was accorded a hearty miss(/lis nrld 1u the West for four He weeks 'whirr
R tthroughawitbout umv being ■
,albs w-t,WMlrlt.
1 Moossy n
reception by the citizens. He was met we
at the station at Godench and upon his Iter. E. t 1. root.- addressed the
`artital here was received by `citizens ati ire pngeme Lela he Baptist church on
the Anglican chorea, where addresses Rev. A. E. elillsun. the new ]tie h
PREPARE FOR Pi: U is nil . 4 MI Rev to
MPCa¢ .dist pustor 1[t be lit
I 1
were given by Rev. r ' tie Ilirnitm rce '
Hake It a Day to
T. A. Steadman. Dr.
nCase resen as 0h Nu111htT evruing umlhereatel a good I Gsderkb l
chairman cheque
Allison was presented
with a cheque a525.vicinity have received Mrs. R. J. Ross and bliss Lila Howatt The various
AU the returned I lwprr. ua committees arranged to /
n from this mils tY 1 r peace celebration in i
e m ( for a similar amount . their ; are attending the summer school at I Godes prepare
Saturda July lb• are wark-
reeurn from overseas. and Capt. Allison Goderich this *eel:. God
is the last to return. Corp Cvrt, of Mr. and Mrs. John Smylie and family ins hard, and it is hoped that they will la
Dry en accompaniedAllison to have the fullest cooperation of ill the'
Capt. arrived .•n Saturday night from the West I will be t what Dun anon and is spending a few das - 1OMrs. visa tHahe fzen andormer s child have arrivther. Mrs ied , the people make i
at th eatery. Corp. Carr went over- parations and suq
ittll Capt • Allison and was in hu from the West to visit the :ado's brother,
Infants' B..iwb from Z5c.
A collection of Infants' Embroidered Mee -
lin and Silk Bonnets marked for speedy clear-
ance. Sec value for 2Sc. 7Sc and 81.10 for
Special Value Habutai Silk
Extra Heavy Quality Habutai Silk, will taut
cut. In all wanted colors. Regular value
$2.00 for $1.5O. .
Women's Allover? Aprons $115 eack
A splendid value in women's good quality
l'rint Allover Aprons, large size, in light and
,lark colors. Special 81.25 each.
Women's Super Quality Lisle Vests
Wot►en's Super Quality Lisle Vests with or
without sleeves, Cumfy Cut. Special vale
",(k each.
Woolen's White Wash Skirts $2.2S
Smart style \Vomen'4 Wash Skirts made
from good quality material, trimmed po-kets
and pearl buttons. Special $235 each.
Palm Beack Suiting' 7Sc a yard
Palm Beach Suiting. ideal for summer wear,
washes splendidly, in colors of white, magi" .
copen and rose, :16 iu. wide. ;3c yard.
Women's Silk Poplin Dresses 511.75
Women's Silt Poplin Dressed in season's
most favored styles in green, taupe, silver.
black and copen. 'Sizes 16 to 4t1. Special
gll.7, each.
Our Special Hair Net 1Oc.
My Lady Real Hair Net With or without el-
astic. Colors light brown, raid brown, dark
brown and black. Special 1O c each.
.15J-.51 -6F-CT • '61461 a
townspeople. The day we Jus i
k it: the committees can
only mate certain pre Complete stock of Bunting
gestions Leis pre b0dY Tanta at once l Everybody should decorate on Peace Day. D
« decorate his premises and to take what Special cleariwg lines in all departments during i
ever part he can insthe doings of the day. i and Flags. Buy early. SPS l
A program o sports. c- and
teas w Mr. R. Lockhart.
battalion. garden party at
CAaSAR as the M . 0. E. Frena on Monday
dist church as the scene o
0.30 o'clock Ssturda}' night. All report a good time• Proceeds
R Dungannon Metho- The Methodists held a Pa
r fan interest• the home of r f t parades specte
,m wedding
ell at to g ulareverts. etc, concluding with a big at July August. per ball i
morning, when Luella. dauihter of MIs. _at might. is being d v
J. Ryan, was attired in marrtage ndiand • iof fireworks display ad r Monarch Floss, all colors, 3 e
• din the holiday with 'pared with the view of
l tram r.1 tn.
a e to is r Mrs O Mete/ten ,riaklnq it s i
-lam a Cattier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Watford, are spending
James Caesar. The church was prettily ; Mn. Mcltveen s parents. M and M that will be remembered to the e
terns. daisies and g adi- j A Asquith. :their lives by all who witness t. There I of M
dm son fees for any of tete 1 $
decorated with e
plus. and the ceremony was p. rformed I Mrs. H Mogrid¢e has re' urned trtxp w•th tx ren a )' '
b . Rev T. A. Steadman. The bride.evho London acn mpamed I c her brother, j events. and our country friends are
nd tree dray
and baby iall sinned to come and six
was gnrn Awa)' ) to town lot
R wore a taupe Berg suit with picture 'Loiof that cite. i• era bath
XXX ■/■■l//l/■/■l/■■■i■■i■■/i■i■■■ Il■ i
y M H 1 I Mr. T E M mm g and w de )
Illi PHONE 56 lar s Scotch for
b her` suit r r a j and n in the fun.
e PHONE 56
hat, her corsage bouquet Ing of Ophelia', The ,.lost /
roses The wedding marc -was played ,„.,.„,.,.,,j ou nods y „f
resident of Rist
The many friends of !vtrs. pleased
H. i /ltil////////i/ii/iiillii//infill
immediate friends of the bride and grtv,m The derawvl had hew] leased to
were present. sir. and De Caesar left health for the I aiithree year*, He King. of Phe wilt o'• will be
street i / / /
on their wedding inn to Detroit,\Cleve I *us not married and lived with his ; know that she will sing
land and Aknm, t)hu>• brother Andrew. ,\nether brother. 1 Methodi Lordship Bishop Fallonchurch next . London.
Hamilton 11 pr'. of Empress. Alberta. His
is here at pew ot: and Mrs. taro. visited
n Seiendathe aoderch and st. mndu ding colnhrmat on
rhumb f West W awanosliH a sister. at each plat
I hMek glee" to 'bite ' ser
by \Liss Daisy Ryan. *ester of the bride.
1,•tI Za n. 11 tit ,•11-kuowh r' I ,
After the lurcheon, at which only the w„wano.h. in his sixty-ninth year.
in titling 1
It HelpsOthers
Will Help Me \ , iMe.
With This Belief Many Thous- .Ir 1141'
I.. it
Have Learned the 1,•1'i-11 "i'
ional Value of Dr.
of great encomia.
A meeting of the members of thetcotm
'' ° roue■ rices interne
til, t,•r' . Golden
e and all otherswill be bald 1
terse»•ry ou '1' n•oluy. Iter. J. W.
Mr. Geo. H. King. of Peterboro . will Gate Midway'
lse ;v of Nile conducted the services• ;have charge of the choir and organ in jun' room of the court house on TuewlaY•
til ,, 1" eters were John 'O'• N th street Methodist church for the July iS at 4 p m•
r . . ► •mesa Hen y Ntnerr' neat threeSundaYs• Th L T T will meet m
Ia ..Met 0r
Jobe "ere ' C. the Tem-
ein 14. at 3
Jolty aTaker and Jerry Divine services will he held in Knox perae Hall on Monday, July Terre was l n large * niemIs'r church next Sunday as usual. In the m. All members anrequestedJulyto
• -
neral. Including the t taw the
morning Rev. R. W. Dickie. D. D.. of; p ese it. After the devotional half -ho r
N,,. 9;t.. o,f which the de Montreal, will preach. In the evening the election of officers will take •
a member. the service will be conducted by the Vtsi rs always welcome.
lit may coin` North street Methodist
Repairing done to
your satisfaction sass.• cry
advent It lilt
n tha newepap er . In
E C Robertson wonder ►f k would benefit you. Awl I )(int* Jrssir Ford lin
h ars a Mvisit J4 her brother u
Tli.' steel p
ithtekstotn s p
Chase's Nerve Food. i
Tou hear people talking about De. PERSONAL
Nerve Food. You read I
1 pastor. Rev. R. C. Mcl cant .
• ort—but
re hr creain is always The pulpit of ,r h Sunday Methodist
the the ate a of the j
t Rev. H D Mover, whoj n will he a patriotic bazaar
csc esa sc,
Goma Away?
Going Away
Why not leave a •
good photograph when
you go for a holiday ?
It will help make the da)-.
pleasant Inc the 01145 who re-
mains behind, and will Make
yon feel that you are present.
though ailment. Our Iehotoe are
worth having to keep yon in
the mind of the one who "toys
at home or to give the one who
goes away.
Ichurch was occupied One of ere to be
'TiON. 1 be
new pastor. g lVrdnes
preached two excellent the
ni He pre- I h held at Menem -wag Park o11
f sed his sermon in the morning by a' day next, July 115, Never before have
f this community
a ' of
graceful reference to former I,peasreceived the people o mel of getting to•
returned from II tee church. from whose ha
trttaw:a. 1• the torch which it would be his ambition
• to to bear as to light men to the Christ.
given the oppor$n t eve to the boys i
gether In this way to p
who fought and won how mucht ewes 1
wars hesitating others The flg
e ( i their bravery.
Corner East Street and Square T Aloud and nerves t e- Leamington. a work in th ; V n@nv last, and followers will be al"' '
g it
warns it w great advantage. Mi -s Grace Hoggarth. Toronto, to
1;1•c. J. E. Keycrsft commenced ids appres air
This treatment for the rectors- 1 tisdmq at her home. Hayti ad. ,. ml it of Victoria street will be present: It is ho that rlll 1x 1
tion or the
— al/stent to moat medicines that you Miss Vera Cox. Of q Methodist ehnreit on 8n
Is so
mag not realise why you can be w vieiting her friend Miss Edna Pridham. klv 1:,,t Into close tench wltb his I booths on the grounds for tan ahe nd Coyf
ee.taln of benefit tram IMa we. Miss Norma Crews, of Tor to.' is t'nnzrrgnrioea. His sermon" were homemade cooking.
pahnist, and w
in order to maintain the vigor d 'tisitinRat the ht me of Mr. and s heard with much ifeltvt and armee- geode.
the serer Prince Ada the . the paenitit and
The Highest Artistic Skill will
not avail unless the artist hall
the proper materials with which
to work.
Our Artist's Supplies are the
best we can procure-- Windsor &
Newtons Oil Paints. Water Colors,
Brushes, Paper, C . etc.
Phone and mail orders
promptly filled
Smith's Art Store
East St Phone I `IR
the nervous system an abundance of I Nr, C. Pridham. ;end h1 Is felt that r
pure, rich blood is necessary. When 1,,,,e ,r ie has commenced with promise magician, will he there. The athletic
sports include races Inc the old and
the nervus system becomes exhaust- Miss Lucy Sherwood, of Stratford. young, handsome prizes being donated
ed as youeasilyu d ani suffer Spending a (eve• weeks' vacation with h
i t nd M ss Florence dell h)• the include
d are re ants.
trete hea@achea, sleeplessness, r- ne There will be a baseball match be -
or indigestion, it i■ because s Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Colborne motored
the i ti od to failing'to supplysst.m. o Parkhill on Saturday Mid spent the I t The the 11 herlchand Clinton veter-
nut y to toi the nervous system. I week -ted with friends there. ons.
By ferning new, rat blood, Dr, AU the hers asci'* In the dlatriet
Chaney verve Food natunu> and Miss Rettaw Clark leftachu Monday T to !. Have been a engaged for t► grand open-
certainly restores the vigor of the '` resume her work at Grace hoespital, or- air concert. In the evening.
beeves. Bence it works liana -I1 veto, after a holiday season at home. There will t dancing ng In the band wtth benefit,nature, ft ea s nt tall to
bey twiland then u no u rsas 11 1 Mr, edWm. 1 amI ll was sufficiently his
dints!' room, with the Blackstone-
why It will not help You lust as It 1 n• •oyrnd from his Illnrrs to be at hi* Buckley orchestra.
Blackstone -
has the writer of this letter. 1 nils• several limes this week. A jitney heroics will 1)e run from
Nn. Stephan r1 T tiwaltea. Bon 1 Miss ireee Pridham is Home Inc the corner jitney
street end tog from
HIS, Jordan. 1)nt, writes: with holidays from Seaforth. where she it on iwgter H i of0 p. tut. Return ate,
nervousness, and took- y; • 1'nnd,•v 0f t'hlergo. e
eds well
Maria ttws Specific
e move$
24 Moors
shoot a Year t was troubled o ,the Collegiatelnstitutesta 25e.
Th G.W.V.A.nefro your Ill 1*
medicine, but it did not sevum be re- Miss ars k tial asviatance, so all ploee
(loan -
terse me i could not sleep nor con- Visited her ',rot her. Mr i Thomas I I handed over to the \sterns. ill b -
tent myself to d* anything. Histweek hal is over
to g
Every -
sever: beet ache , wen rte Mi
flews, and afraid an May alone. I spent an tale . 1 had wiry, river the rno . Hein kis (or her)
a all the
apes Belle and Lilies MacVicar Y
k. owe basket and enjoy a mal picnic 1w
I dirins• pe several days at Buffalo and Ham- I the hi. ketans.
Never -Failing Remedy for
Moo tried several nerve int
Hain -
amen almost d, r*uraged. As Iaat 1
burg, N. } •. and Toronto last wee The basharp
p• m•
sr will begin at 4
dseevered Dr. Chase's Nerve Fool. Mils Mary E. MacVicar. of Toronto. sharp ands will ed all at 4 p.
and teen@ relleteln this i heel Indy and Miss [Alias MacVicar. of Welland.
ndinQ holidays at their home here.
Indigestion, Stomach Disorder.,
Appendiciteland Kidney Stones
ars often caused by Gall Stones,
and mislead Ile until those
bad attacks (:all Stone Colic
appear. Not one Its ten Gall
Stowe tliiiferere knows what i.
the tremble Marlatt'e Specific
will cure wititewit pair or oper-
Fnr sale tiAnolvely In (tode-
rich by
(pet common. TOB0NT0 OIIE
taken one hos when I began to fed up
better. i continued ag this treat-
ment until my nerves were re-
stored to pertwct health. i think the
1 serve Fsdd soionoid tar nervosa
troubles 01 any Med, and cannot re-
ssrmmend It toe htghl> e Vlntlate ,
Mew.A. F. Coffman.
Qct.. states: 'This la to nectar that
1 knew lies. Thweiten. and Mt
staltemseta aro :errant )
Dr. Chases Nerve Feed. 55 resat.t
a ea, a iwit tram/went e1 t tows
ter 51 14, at all diadem es Memo -
Sates ! Ce . Limited. To•
Mena. Ds vent M tedkwl telt* J Bel.
Minta• a onbautfMs imimeses• en* Mr. and Mn. W. J. Aitchi.0n, nt
M Sarnia, and Mr. Thos. Aitchison, of
are lye
Mr. rind Mrs. Allan Purvis. of To -
teeth), were si••itors over the week -end
at the keine 01 Mr. and Mrs. T. ti.
Connell. Lighthouse atrcet.
Muss Minnie Campbell
l m sdY s taking
Kingsto a
course at Quer yon the
She has resigned her position
Collegiate Institute staff at Sarnia.
Ptes. John B. McKay, Geo. Carrick•
M. Lawrence and Mitchell arrived home
from overseas Friday evening. Other
recent arrivals are Pres. P. Johnston and
The t:.tderleh Irsveha11 . club 1a ,ar-
relight( to have n game at the Agri -
4 Park next Tnewday evening
with mime outside Mali. 1t 1. intended
to hare such • @Mine on Tlaeelay night
of each week during tile aM
e .att.
tete) ub would like to arrange
games et ontsldpoints elnts for Thurad•y
ulglitw whenever possible. on Thurs-
day night's -alum they am tit home the
boys w 111 profiler. and anybody base-
lainInelimd Is hsrlte•et to go down to
the grounds and take n hand The
manager Is always gtklsg toe *sate iu3
OI the right Wert. \ a
This is going to be a busy
year in Godench. There will
be many dwellings and
business places to be refitted
and rewired.
Get Your Order in Early.
A full line of
Electrical Goods
always on hand. We are ex
perts and can help you get
what ycu want. We are not
tied to any particular make of
Call and see us.
Robt. Tait
Wet' Street :-: Next Powofhee
Phone, Silep It, House 111
L.A. -,'...01f4S
Irl i:Rl ltOt)1 W.t1.KS
and every boil) wears shoes, so, every-
body who fens to ern 1z4' ", consider
the money eneetl0n is interested In
We are experienced and our work is
alwaye satisfaotory.
Try ns on that pair you thought were
not worth mending.
1' East Street tiplerlch
Do You Realize
what it would cost you to
replace your property at
present ptices if 4•ou had
a fire ?
That the fire losses in Can-
ada are higher propor-
tionately than in any other
country in the world ?
That the cost of initnratttce
is ridiculously low ?
Protect your bank account
Do it now
T. R. Harrison
I merest,
Fire, kecident, Automobile
sad Life
Ph „we 'Ate,
°Tee Cor- West *teem
and Rllnrur