The Signal, 1919-7-10, Page 3) OEM tee 11•1,•.r, tK- r.,e•h 84)3A 0AN LINMEACB 25 Cts, LINiMEHT – u►vTso -- T n C C RI C1APRS t A S d lis THE Thurwlay, July- 10, 19111. EX.HURONITES HOLD PICNIC. ORIGINAL Three Hundred from This Couqty Get AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OE. IMITATIONS SOLI) ON THE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT MEDICAL. DR. GEO. 1I ILEM1ANN, OSTEO-iJ PATH, wreaths/ ,n roman's and child, ea* diesaars. acute, chronic and nervous diseases, eye nor and throat. panel deeluew, lumbago art rhrumaeccondi( Adenoids removed without the knife (hose ■1 residence. cornet Nolen and St. Andeev'. struts. At home office alsadays, Thursday. and SasudaYs: any en11131 11 by appointment. DENTISTRY. MAcDONELL.-HONOR Graduate Toronto Crnvrrstty. Graduate Calker of Meatal Surgeons. to the late Marrs Sale. '.dikes cornet sgsew sad West street. t ettler ah. AUCTIONEER. Together at Calgary. A Calgary paper gives the following account of the picnic of Huron county people at that city: One would have almost thought St. George's island was Huron county for a few hours yesterday afternoon when it was besieged by some 300 lieronites, meeting for their annual picnic. it was a real '•get together" time, when every Huronite made friends with every other Huronite and old friendships were re- newed. The gathering was alive with reminiscencesol old time, while speeches, games and plenty" of goad things to eat were the order of the day. Mr. S. Y. Taylor, president, presided. the speakers being Rev. W. A. Smith, Capt. Robert Pearson, R. J. Deachman, Dr. Armstrong and George Mason, the latter being a vitntor in the city from Wingham. Ont. It was a surprise to many to find so many from the samg,count yy, the uty. and the meeting proved thaF'T'lhere is only one place better than Ht ron county and that Calgary. This society was organized about three years ago, the officers bring S.Y. Taylor, president; Rev. W'.A South, vice-president: D. M. McCaul, secretary - treasurer. On account of the war the reunion was not kept up. but the activities. planning for an annual Huron- ite meet. have been reccrrrnenced. The officers elected yesterday for the present year were: Rely. W. A. Smith. pros:dent: Capt. Robert Pearson, vice-president: David McCaul. secretary -treasurer. THOMAS GUNDRY. AUCTIONEER. See sr, Godericb. All instructions by mail a Ids atStgnat(lace.dl be promptly aueededl reeideetre tekpbunt 115. um— • LEGAL.' - ANDERSON TELLS OF BIG CHANGE. Coffee Without Spilling 1t-taranes Taolac. "My wife's wonderful improvement is the talk of all our neighbors." said G. Anderson. who lives at 2550 Norton ave., Kansas City, Missouri' in cunversation with a Tan,ac reptesentative a few days ago. "When she began taking Tanlac." he Continued, "she only w,elghed 110 pounds and hardly ever enjoyd a well day, but now she weighs 147 and is enjoying better health than she has in ten years. For years her stomach had been in such a bad The acc dent will lay him eA for some condition that she couldn't eat without bloating all up with gas and suffering ter- ribly with pain and palpitation of the heart. She was badly constipated and had headaches and pains in the back every day. Her appetite was very poor and what she d d rat seemed to do her no good, as she was losing weight and strength She also had an attack of l e Wife so Nervous Couldn't Hold Cup of council adjourned 10 meet first Monday in August at 140 p. m. ADAM CANTELON. Clerk. LUCKNOW. tlntet;lled for last week TUESDAY, Ju'y k Pte. Alfred Mitchell arrived heme on Saturday evening. He was arth the Siberian Exl rditionary Force. Signaller Arthur Newman, of A\ing- ham. was in town over the arek end. Arthur was a signaller of the S7th Batta- lion and saw atout three years contin- uous service in France. Jack MacDonald had his hand badly mangled one day last week by its Coming in cuutact with a saw at his sawmill. time. On Wednesday last. in the Roman Catholic church, Miss Mary McKinnon, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Angus Mc- Kinnon of Lucknovee was united in mar- riage to Mr. Lennard J. Letane. of Pem- broke, Ont. The nuptial mass was cele- brated by Rev. Father Ls tang, brother of -flu" and this left her 1n a much WO .e the groom. condition than ever. Mr. J. Bell. of Rip'ey, has been en - "She had turd every kind of stomach gaged by the village eountil to take tinge worsewaunt lea tladyutfriend kept heers. andracttiasticaretakerwoofkthe )toar nhhall whop had gotten Nell by taking Tanlac etc. pertivaded her to try it. ' He fore she had finis the first bottl: she had a good appet e and aas able to digest her toed better. Now st,e. can eat lust molting and ea she never feels a sign cf leas. bloatir:g or pain afterwards. • She was so ' nervus befure ta. icg Tanlac that she couldn't c'erry a cup of coffee without spillmg it apd Noled sometimes drop the SHAFT OF MARBLE cup. But n1 w her nerves are on gond A SUITABLE MEM3HI.AC. shape and sfu .sltepsevery night Mat "like a child. Her \headaches and backache TM Lasting Tribute Which Comrades at I have left her an her housework seems to Fallen Heroes Would Appreciate. be easy for he'. If anyhodt had told me Tanlac could do much for my wife 1 Since the armistice, the phrase "War 'wou'dn't have be'ieved them. It cer- Memorals" has been tossed about from tainly is the (nest tongue to tongue and paper to pap:r un- am glad of the op til it has been discussed.` it would teem. public about it.' from every angle. Almost everyone s I l':udne is ,.odd divine made and I tunity to tell the alerit•h by E. H. o,.inion has been asked and varied sue- wigte. In seururth by t'. AI.rrh agt, fu gestions have been put forth. Patriotic wiul;lutm by J. Warn McKfhtani, in societies have said their say, councilshave Ili -moult by A. M. E. Hentt.hltl, in Blyth discussed it favorably, the schools uphold Loy White City Drug store, iu W'roxotett it, and public opinion is its strongest I,y j, N. illrn. In kookiest ro by John backer. Catalogues have been, sent out. to. Loundste n•y. in Exete by W. S. suggestions from other towns cote: Matey. In ltrueenehl by Ise •r Itowcy, adered, pr.vate individuols have offered' its 'Millwood by Tleutun i E ighuf er, large sums to have it done their way. and in rredituu I.o J. W. tonne, a Cline public improvements which a corpora- tun toy W. N. It. llolmw, In -sl man!. lion toitnerly could not, or would not. tun by .1.11. Simpson, hu .;orrle y H. afford have been labelled "War Memon- , V. Armixtruult, and In F-urdw(ch els" and pushed to the fore. So Km is. uu G. CAMERON. K. C.. HARRIS- thoroughly and with such vehement I toe sretADVT. CM. TER eohcitur. notary pub+' - Unice argument hay.the'•subject been threshed; (.aderah. thud ilea Iron ' i•nsra Trust go N t hands to loWaist rata . 1D C• ,HAYS. A. Mee SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIL, SL. More- Strrhnekank' bk. k, Itanlnoo Street Gedlera.h. , Telephone ^• Rs Eatatr. Loans and Insurance. PROCDFOOT, KtLLC:RAN 1 CCOKE out that it would teem sol to expect a follySCHOOL REI'ORTA new opinion from any source. The war memorial,. whatever form it - g&JIIS1ERS. SOUL I1ORS, NOTARIES PUISL IC, ETC. - Oaar on, the bVuart. staved ,door Iron Hand sS beret. (, dera b. IPrtvate Junta to loan at lowest ntesj 'p1 W. Paut.wuuT, K C . 1. L.KILLUtAN ti 1. U Coosa. UI)EIARLES GAKROW. LL. B.. BAR - um: att..unay, wlann vr,ctc..Godecb. Matey loaned it bars* rani. g' SEALER, BARRISTER. SOL- • 14410 marry. public and conveyancer. e- l our Ilousr. GodniNb. / -12m I1►sURANCK, LOANS. &TC. -- was buried had a short while ago been in 171 ANL !VICTUAL FIRE INSUR- Di NLECO.-tarreandisolatedawnpop- My insured. O res- Ja- Connolly. Pres . Godeneh P. U lea,Erma. TreaboortrigSeath P P.O., lierchoviod ThomasI1ye, threcturs- D_ F. McGregor. R. R. No. S. Sea - rads. John G. Grove. No. L ',Salton: onium Roan. R. R. No. 2. Soalotth, John Itennewoea. Brodyagen: Geo McCartney. R. R. No. $, Ser uh. Robert Itins. nJames Me - line., Clinton; James byBeeehrood (:or.notly Gottkrich. Agents( J. W. Yeo. Goderrch. Ales. Leitch. R. R. Nu 1. Ciento.. Wall -at l hraney. Sealorth. E Hata hlry. Seaton) h. Poli. y -holders Lan pay all payments and set their cards receap.ed at FE J Morrwh's Clothing Store. (-Union. R.H. Cutt's Ktn`ston street. Guderah, or J. sajurs General t 'ore, kiaynnd. MUSIC. takes. is to be an everlasting token of thanks to the man who threw down his tools. climbed dawn from his office stool or turned away trorn his plow and aent to war. To the man who bore the stud. withstood the shits. grinned when he went down and came back twice as strong: to the man who for two. three or tour years did all these things but tell ere the task was finished -to his honor is this; pillar tat stone, this row of trees or ver- dant park to be dedicated. 1 here was another, man: he left the shop. the tarn and the who, and' weo' away, and he too saw the mud. the shoals and the war with all its, horrors. ne also went on and on and with God's help saw i it through. He doesn't claim his Me .as I his own. When the last gun fired it. last aLell he lifted his ryes heavenward for a brief moment and uttered this short prayer. -God. 1 thank Thee;'' and his t eyes tilled with tears and he thought of a ho. a day, a week or a year ago. ' had marched at his side, dear old laugh- ter -loving 1iill.' The ground in which he FREDER1C T. EGENER, Mus. Bac. SINGING PIANOFORTE PIPE ORG4'N;', Studio next to P.1. MaCEw•an's Garage possession of the enemy and oh' God. H. S. S. NO. S. CULHORNF The following is the report of S. S. No. al. Colborne, for the month of June. The names are in order of merit: Jr. IV. 10 Sr. •]A' - Kenneth Allan, Clive Allis, ,11. to Jar tn lV.-lanrt ancThem. Jr. II.Sr. t ISr. 111. -Worthy Fowler, GI: dys Treble. ! Clifford Arlin. Sr. 11. to Jr. iII.-Dorothy Robertson. MargarZt A lin, Luc> Hard' Wilbert Thom. Jr. i1. to Sr. 11. -Oliver Attie. Willie Treble. Minnie Vi;lian. Jesse 1laacre. W,lnitr Molly Jr: I. to sr. 1.- Frrr.e Thom !fines,' Are. id A!L: Douglas Feagan. Frank A'.hn. • Prime. Reggie Min. Those prestlit every da; Kenneth Arlin. Carman Feagan. Glaris - Treble, Margaret Ailin, Lucy -Harr.', 1 Dorothy Robertson. Oliver Attire %In:'.. Hardy, Douglas Feagan. Number on roll, 21: average, 114..h ILA M. HowATT. Teacher. Strawbprry Crop. There are several' important insect- which do severe damage to strataberr plants and greatly reduce the crop every Year. In Bulletin No. 92, "The Straw berry and Its Cultivation in Canada. - prepared by W. T. Maccun, 1J.rmfnion )kroculturist of the Dominion Experi- mental Farm, and obtainable from the Publications Branch. Departmerd * 1 , A;riculture. Ottawa. information on these 'insects is given. along with melted, for their' control Common rtrawheny dts- eases and remeeial measures as well as general instructions for (he gardener ahu is interested in growing this fruit are alstl included in this bulletin. Occaswnally.ahe yield of fruit is sevelet.; reduced by the strawberry weevil. This is a small dark snout beetle which cuts off the blossom buds. Early varieties of straabernes ap- pear moat subject to terio:ls injury. 1n aEdition to c.ean cultivation protect' ' may be (obtained by cogting the pia: with a dust etrnpoted of or.e part .1 weight) arsenate of least end use psi frnay-ground sulpbur. • Gentlem i to ser you." “Tell him 1.'11 ate him in abt.utt hall an honor." • "tie says he won't wait a minute." "Shut' him in instaet.y. He n.0-t.be worth seeing " - Louisville-Cc..rier- ournal. MCN1fci1P.4L COU els. j ta►I)ERI(H Ts) NSH C:oderich tnwn•hiu ceurice how he had fought to n gam the precious Holmes hall. Holmesvilie. Jury 7th. transportiAnd as he the merrimented rime on the all members present: Reeve N. W. T amid the ovof ea wartha in the chair. Minutes of last thousand hearts• bubbling expec with the ! meeting as read were con'rrnrd. A dele- felt the tears, stofart happy more;eandon. he I ation of seven. four ladies and three the the tears start ones and across gentlemen. from the west end of the, the moonlit waters he saw again a mound i {uwnship waited on the council asking for; ■ of earth. a bunch of wilted flowers, and a i its sanction and co-operation 1n tits erre- ! small radiant white ttoss,and a all meant"; tion of a community hall to he erected in! -11111 e discussion the' NI following committee was app iniad by t.10 ith KEEP STRONG As an aid to robustness, thousands upon thousands use $oll's Emulsion as regular as clock -work the year around Ai rich tonic, Scott'a— abounds in sterna* that con- tribute to the up-Tittilding of strength ' Bs aalre that you buy Scott's Emadaion. noun & Dowse, Toronto. not 19-3 Hard -Wearing Stockings that Require Less Mending That's what Buster Brown Stockings are, for we designed them specially to stand the boisterous games your boy loves. Made them with a two-ply leg and three-ply heel and toe. Made them from extra -long yarn spun in our own factory. - Our employees have had years of special training in knitting Bustler Brown quality and good locks irt(:hosiery. Your boy will appreciate t heir snug -fitting comfort and neat appearance. Buster Browp Su ckings are young gentlemen's stockings—suitable for all occasions. And you'll find they do wear longer --they require less mending. You'll find it takes less money to clothe your boy. Ask your dealer for "Buster Brown" durable hosiery. Sold everywhere. The Chipman -Holton Knitting Co., Limited Hamilton, Ont. -?Niles also at Welland BUSTER BROWN'S SISTER'S STOCKING Rueter Brown's Siater's Stock - Ina for the alias 1. a splendid loot -nig a,tr angat a m.Jerete price. A t..o , read English merrerlied 11.1e stocking. that Is .bap•d t.. at and wears .rr) ..•11 indeed. C.d.,. dor. Mack. Leat her Shade "I.n. Pon'.. Itlur and white. U --he he ia a A WN SITIOCKINGI Ji111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 t silt s)iflll)• 1[ •• e Ix The Singer Store ▪ Ladies' and Child- r req's Underwear ■ be New Collars h pleated effects • just it] And now he sits at ht desk. a thous- I 1 and miles from war. and yet -once more comes, no Ionizer tears, but that far- t away look which no one but himself shall ever understand. True. it is sentimental, every bit of it, but is there a man living who dare ridi cule such sentiment :' I wonder: Would this sentiment ha considered when you erect Bill's memori- al 1' Would the suggestions and the de- sires of the man who came back be con- sidered when you decide what shall be Bill'weverlasting monument ' Will you , for once forget to be practical and let sentiment direct your choice.' A park would be a splendid acquisition to any town. tobe called Memorial I'ark would also be praiseworthy, but it would he useful and practical. and some day someone would forget that it was a mem- orial and would think of it: only as a lovely park. The planting of trees in loving memory of sleeping heroes is commendable and has been adopted in more than one town; ton, is that not practical:' Ten years' from now. which will you do: lock in reverence upon them as you pass and think of the ones they represent. or. admire their stately beauty and enjoy their shade without a thought uf' their true being" Be honest. Great Britain has had many heroes. men dear to a whole nation, soldiers, sailors and statesman. 1 heir -memory rests forever in the hearts of every Englishman. But their material memori- al in almost every case has been a simple pillar of rock which will stand for ever and ever and which presents by its sturdy, steadfa,t front the quality of the service rendered by the man whose name it bears. This is the desire of the men who came back. it is not shouted from every platform. Modesty has laid a quieting finger upon many 'tips that would speak. but he knows this veteran, what he would have for Bill's memorial. He knows that Bill's memory will die only in his own heart when he breathes his last, but to ser a simple monument in the heart of a huffy town. tearing Bill's name and dedicated to Bill's memory, which be can pass reverently eechi day on his way to work- this and this only will be worthy of Bill's sacrifiee. Let senti- ment guide us in selecting the worldly' reward - such as it is.- From an Exchange. he township. ' After Rom the council to represent the council and other societies interested: G,dench township: count', Reeve Trewartha and Councillor Sa1:.t:d; Farmers Club. Der- mot McEvoy. Isaac Salkeld and H K. Revell: Country Woman's Club. Mrs. Isaac Salto Id; Geed Cheer Club. James McMillan: Mr. S. H. Stothere. district representative for the county of Huron. was present. representing the Board of Agriculture. for South Huron. Mi. Stothers stated that a grant of 110 was needed from ,each municipality in the district for expenses for literature, travel- ling txpenses for delegates attendin g Farmers Institute meetings, etc. The council gave the 'rant. recommending That a meeting. -of the Institute be held o -ma time this fall in the village of write to the telephone commisaonlrs re I questing them to have removed all limp, of trees. h-ush. etc, from roadsides th;r had been tut off trees by telephone em- ployees. The council .was unanimous in passing s motion that any person known to dump garbage or other waste matter any kind on the side of the road ens., from town or ccuntry would he prosecuted according to law. 1 he following accounts were passed and orders were drawn on the treasurer for the payment of same: Bert Murphy. sheep killed by" d -es, 1150: Chas. Williams, valuating +creep, 14: Henry Hibbs, gravel for 111114 11: W. H. Elliott. sheep killed hy dn'{ER, 1241: Clinton New ' Fre. printing . 14 on; Signa'. printing, 12.10; road, commissioner'. services. 1123: South Huron Board of Arricul Lure. 110. (Jn,motion of Councillors Cox and Lindsay Brophe) Bros. 1 tae Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ordera at 611 ewrefully attended to 11,nlrm. night or day. (4011F:til('H END STOMACH TROUBLE, • • GASES OR DYSPEPSIA ',papa's Dlap'paln" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surly fade flee In flys minutes. If what you just ate Is souring on ymlr stomach or lies like a lump of lead, or von belch gas and eructate astir, undigested ford, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn. fullneaa, nausea, Md taste in month and stomach head- sehr, you ran get relief in See minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to nreh stomach distrene now by getting • large nfty-eent etas. of Pape's Diapepsia from any dnig store. A You realise la ase minntes how seedless 1t is to suffer from imdigeetlrm, dyspepti• or say stom- aeh disorder. mused hy fond ferment*tloS AK to estrsaive acid is etnmach. 1R 1 ■ • Stamp d Goods • of all kinds or ladies' ■ E iN g- = = a ■ A call solicited. t fancy wo reshing Time= all MO Mk A time to look forward to with pleasure and a time to look back to with satisfaction. That is what you can make of housecleaning time if you visit WALKER'S TWO BIG STORES, where you will find countless ways of brightening up and freshening up your home at little expense. Since Christmas time we have been selecting and preparing for the spring rush and we have two stores full to the doors with all manner of merchandise for the spring trade. RUGS MISS S. NOBLE) . = JAPANESE MA ■ East aisle `rlll'Ite ■ = CRETONNES STATUARY Few Lines in Store No. 1 FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS INGS OILCLOTH LINOLEUMS FURNITURE COVERINGS SILVERWARE P. PICTURES ■ ■ = ELECTRIC LAMP CLUB BAGS TRUNKS Mal" ■ $ ■ e ■ ■ $ * ■ = SILVER CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS TRAYS LACE AND MA a RAS CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS JARDIN'I,ERES, iN BRASS AND POTTERY holmesville. The clerk was instructed to A small boy's idea of a board of heal:h is six meals a day. , Any man who has p'enty of push can get along without a pull. QUEEN'S URIVU.SITY .L INOATON. Osreaarn ARTS Pert rt the Arts rrmeee (hay he covered hg • correspnsdeace. MEDiCINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil, Meehenieal end Rlestrieal Hntineeriad 11111111111101 11113111111. YIIN*TMU SUM )w), awl August nere,nker In April aA GPO. Y. CROWN, Registrar. I SHOES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Style and, quality -these two predominating essentials to good footwear are most pro- nounced in our Oxfords -and Pumps for these sestsons. It has ever been the policy of this store to embddy these es,t to the utmost degree, c'•hsistent with price, and so strictly, and sticcesihllly has thin policy been adhered to that the footwear we are now showing represents the true . essence of good value. Tennis, Outing and Bowling`(' Shoes are now in stock. REPAIRING-- • Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich = Store No. 2 FANCY CHINA OF EVERY D RIPTION NOVELTIES HONOGRAPHS PHO OGRAPH RECORDS, CABINETS, Etc We do Picture Framing neatly and promptly. A visit to our store will be very interest pg—no obligation to buy. it is a pleasure to show you through\our two stvfes. You can be the judge as to the best place td spend your money. Wesley Walker Nouse Furnisher • = mamma nimm Often the Cheapest Always the Rest Phones : Store R9, Res. 197 Undertaking ITIIII IIIA mllnluluunlnnnlnnnluuunuluununlnnnunmulnuulullluluullenulnnnnuuuuulmnlnll