HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-10, Page 22—Thneedry, July 10. 1019. itehhionl THZ .SIGNAL CUE SIGNAL PRINTING CU.. LTD. Post.taatttta Thursday, July 10. 1911). e. NIR. FINDIL15D"S ADDRESS. In gfclug • his address at the Point Feria ou • Frf.:,y Inst Mr. 'Fiudjry, JCL president of the M:tss•y-Harris Co.. nultuitred that he was expressing views with which wally Of those pees - eat ...mid out agree. In this reslar•t 11 Ju•lguie t was torre•t. Ile tea- chasms .d prutitr.•rfng that create.. TO CELEBRATE t' :Al EN DAY. obeli Int Have You Ever Thought of This? —That a Cup of 11 1 BSN properly infused, is one of Nature's greater: blessings as a harmless stimulating. bevera:e. • OODZZIME, ONT. ['the circuit and enjoy. its wonderful and; inspinng programs lrom year to year. The stellar quality oI the talent was maintained throughout the whole engage- ment. The sweet melody of the singers and musicians still lingers in the ear and the wads of wisdom. eloquence and in- piraison uttered by the various lecturers have tired the soul with a deeper and fuller reahzsuon' of the cardinal things that make for better citizenship and higher national life. „ - hear•1 with tlw great,•.[ cuilrtesy, but unrest : o` the a nlTrury.' ( Saturday, urs tgth to Be •Gala OC -i dhrrtly au.l indirectly The Sigttwl lune lyes the ,w, rhe s • grouu,l tar hr i casioa is Goderich. •stow learned that a g.s.l muac of lIi. alh•ving that at last sauething i. gong At the cad of fits Worship 1layor fanners who were present err _unable In ow dune shame It. What maker Wilde. a Pubttc muting was held in the h, nea•Pt teen.. of Itis .tatew.•uts awl nif,•st 1, the feeling that the {sash)'' town courted chamber on Monday even- ',conclusions. ven- ', onclusions. are in some d-ny or 'Other' lasing (ray` �dt cuss the - h -'ly bsJervanx th) in ie. Peace. It was n unique +iptMernudn for a plMndrrel awl that elle uutlortti,s are The Mayor acted as chatrman, and after aralnfactur. r of agricultural 111:1111.- slatting their eyes to what is cluing 00. a ernerai exchange of suggestion tt was MOW s-fiti prevent -the i-a+w fur cant nitwit . qtr. _£iutlhv's dlstiw'th.0 tw1M,•p•u dtton+t the to da�n:ze t.,r a atria; telt a- t iriff protection -before, 1111 aud1r11re ; n;iter„I sn1•k 111111 nest nndatel prones Ai executive committee was forme" r comis:wil timely of tatnv who ossa•, i. quite valid, 'admire BY sltetkiea: with"'la)Jr Klg1e as chairman, air• efal larw implements, awl +Mr- Findley but why should n ,a.e*4jany )lave su''li `C..odea sa-errtce. panda the Ifallowit . ' quite pro111•rly talk the fullest use of Limo .pr.nts ue to seek to cout+•al thelia additional members: Rlr. William 11x1• Iia opisrr 111111y. Whether' by pre- ;! nti to have it divulge)-iddy Moon lace. bta;ur H. C. Dunlop. '.1r. J. S. itrrutete u•ut or not. there was 10 ! madly' invest lent ion that• they have 1 Platt. cumntittees were [tam d as (pl p.•r,.•u preaeut Y.! follow Iiia addr.•ss l Mem .piling ap year aft.•r year! The lows- _ _ with_. statement from the sten•g..int'tutu al. seeks to defend abnormal Special FeStatures Capt. `Cooke, of- Hie farmer, and it may 1. that a .nue profit. in these "says is not doling' a SePar Knox and apt. Stu. \of hi. heat -era went home wale their I it.ask service to is taouytry. no matters Musical CA mmittee (for atternelorll- 1*41111/ maw -what distnrtietf. As air. how highly lie may Iniad the hire•. Messrs. A. M. Robertson. F. T. Egener Findley slnHal, it la will to b.'.ir both I who. g:rvr Ilndr, Ih'rs. and the fathers , and c'n Committee — Messrs. W. eat... of i cane. and with this --tit mind land mothers who gave their sons, while Walker. Carey and A. Saunders. senate, the officer" of the'Fatlutrs ,.at the sane time them- fu,•atiarnble C noon, 1 • K nce Committee- tttetihl td. K. H. 4 lids will nrrning,• to heti another ' •rrcritir.•s teem lasing iiculr tuan}' of Rooertson and T. H. bhtche.1. vitiate' gatla•riux lye olden, a IVIIy those alio stayed ut house were usi11. sports C ommittee—Messrs. W. Bar. ' quail:et -speaker ma, present the ,heir opia,rrimities for the waking of low. B. N. McCrea' h. T. Guidry, Georgi Price. H. C. Fast and other* tariff gM.?stb.n from tier pspint of clew :.iiia. l'• l• has no it f.�r ,node whom they may desire to add. 1 of the faruwr or the m'tarral 1511.1.11 Mei. ,h.•V1.u,: bio the people are fur front Fireworks Committee—'xtessrs. J. B. I Mr. Findley mash,: eatk a. pwsi.ing--.tfsti.••i oit9 present cnnditi.nns, and Kelly. A. J. Pad.vige and W. T. Millar.' Some suggestons were made in refer refers e• t . the fart, that the agricul- auny. nubile man who fail+ to re•nlizr' ence to hiving a 1dttiottal stats for the CEC 1 L B• DE Ml LLE S Dinh implement Indo -try it Ie..s pre- this is z,,iug ahi,ut with his 'yrs +hut. park. and th• meeting adjoined to meet - -- again on hear the July'.1s at K o cluck p R O D U C T 1 0 N ss p. rte. to hear the reports of committees w and make any further arrangements that I THE WHISPERING CHORUS may be nece?sary. _.rrrrnstrrt,�� 1 he desacs committee at once got to ; Donations to Hospital. The followirg donations during the months of Ma. and June are gratefully acknowledged by• the superintendent ut Alexandra hosp'tal: Three pints mar- malade. Mrs. Murney: old linen. Mrs. Strachan and Mrs Williams: jar of maple syrup, Mrs. Pro•Jdfoot. Red Hut July Days hardy on the Baby. July—the m trials 01 b;rireasive heat red hot days and sweltering night—cif ex tremeiy hard on Itttle ones. Diarrhoea dysentery. colic and cholera infantum carry oil thousands of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles. ur if they come on suddenly to tight them. Ne other medicine is of such aid to mot hers durtnit ttjj��,hot summer as is Baby's Own Table(Mighey regulity attic bowels and 'stomach, and an occ.t stonal dose given to the well child will prevent summer complaint, or if the trouble does rome suddenly will banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealer, or Williams silat Med5 arc ts a box from the C Co.... Brockville. Wnt •••*•••••••••••••s••••••®� Model Theatre fouled 1leu1 11141 ay oft.', 1941151 1148. III 4'.4411h. No 'doubt th.' farmer. If. challenge.' as to 'the fatness 111 this. WHAT OTHERS SAY. would 'reply that 11s farming h• the ••Armtst.ce Day," November tr: work and in (w minute. had arnnsidrr- great • fuu,Inme•utal Industry of the From • t..,ard'. a pth.�Pthe..D.,ay" n the 10.1) able amount aubwnted. A general can- . country —as euhilUot by Mr. Findley Whenever the treaty is signed. be it' [-ass ii, being made of bus.ars-s men and ! The man who made "The Wonsan God Forgot.' has • --tt should not. he 1101110 iw.l by a . thy. t,,morrow or next day. it matters, manufacturer Ind if anybody is missed I feeling. It tedl not tie sh•Juld not afk.w himself to �► another great picture for you, unsurpassed for depth of plot f t1 tt}are :et 1 Day—November 11 else urs ere f d equal to theamount r:,icecl t7 then roan- Wednesday. commencing at 8.3o fast tlme- units tlmt the ,serif( iurre:+srs the cast elevrnlh month (e;eventh hour of ethfevy'rar day thr the xa•s• that is d the committee rnIkeit. tariff wtdrh, bier. rses the cast of the t little `ecelleb popular n history as ending slighted. but sh,wki hturl his adttrr - Itt,1•1,•ineat. ter.$ Ir' for . ca the he war. t a mrmhet d the committee it is and pictorial finesse. Three nights, Monday, Tuesday, understood 'hat the town council will ' ,nn o: that fudustry. Mr. Findley a' - Armisticemake a grant to the crlrbraton un of nuundarnirlug hu; ' - 'its. uu. ' , hurrah day of the future. $500 the council will add $.i00 to it and admits that priers of implements am Waterloo. not the subsequent treaty naked a thousand lower lit the lathed States. thou In :day which nobody e mtc wars. It is hoped that a spec ,bod t membe rs. ended the special effort will ' twenty years of Napoleonic be made in the way of decoration for e .t.d.. • 4 only slightly low•e•r• he seta's: I Yorktown• not that day two years later P• • • • • • ••• • S ••�% i while figures presented to tiw farmers (when King George actually signed a piaci the day—that -coats citu.ns will hams mit flags and bunting and that the nom ., i other .arisen show a cuss ideral,l,. treaty. finished the American revolution business houses - will be dee rated ' and lives in hist ry- Make the town look as Rey as passible. ,ur ditrerrtsr in priers. Tldss Is tow iwohn Sedan Day is a national holiday in ,P7i ou w114011 11 wvIlga,sh,1 bleaker eight Germany, for that was the battle that in Contrast with the appearance it would present if the other fellows had clear up any mwertatbdy that exists.' made -the Prussian master in the War of won the war \Ir } in.th•c quite ladetwlll teat.... ✓event?. It was a year before the peace treaty- came. Prices 15c and 25,c tat if protection were Withdraw 11 ' Next to Christmas and Easter. Novem- tbe i11dnstry whi l he rep,res 1 s obttt red fete day in Christendom. About Chautauqua. industry would rrmom from r'u1t i ha 1 ter 11 1• destined to be the most widely What They Say t no 1D: u,l . u•.tnr:n Tiw SI rniunte I the tease • llluetrn1hat. r. ga bl. lt' h.•u siy,sra tors was wuanfzo1,,r • b1 (' Not tit :dl. len the . far mare of them at tinder fro}• tnlh• than made meter prof.. tion, Ir. Findley Years. i could hardly stand up straight. qualitud speakers and aft• r the jar Ipven hiws•If n•ferm,l to the slrrttiging oho ..f I tried all kinds of medicine bac stone of be Ur. Evans they are indeed scarce who uric fnrtorf•w for nr tkhug cr.mu, them seemed to qtr's me reties. My back admit not having a place to put a lecture.' seemed to get worse all the time. Thep I are receiving new messages and invalua )le separnh.rs elm* the I!rute tion was decided to try Dodd's Kidney. Pills and presentations ,of old end new subjects. discontinued. He says that the Klee , sent for two boxes. I used one up and white the music -loving section of� the of 'these t,rti.l.•.' is • atilt%too high In , my back improved. I used four boxes W1 community are hactnq 'uch treats as it all. They cured mea completely." has Seddon fere n then privilege to env,. c•,mp:u•isou with the prl•e of mowers.: DIr. K'e:dman's lame back was caused in Coll seldom bed. The series conclude but why tl� l sa he doe not explain. by sick kidneys That's why he got such morrow (Friday 'evening, w-tth the Fi•I Tlrle Is another leant dawn which a Prompt and permanent relief from Dodd's Jubilee Singers and a presentation of tees htdney Piles• Uadd's Kidney P.I's make• (Dardanelles campaign told in a new say speaker familiar with the facts aright i good stealth by removing, the seeds of by. Serge- Tom Skeyhitl This Australian give enlightenment. I disease. } soldier fought through many of the' a another •,.tonere. 1t Is finite for Mr. Findley to sae rids. Mut el. for ,4 Me ds• e+ not for a TWO) YEARS OF PAIN!Winner. Says OHM* Parket. THEN QUICK RELIEF The Chautauqua opening program cern it. Mr. Findley iasis i' surely was a winner. Old Home Singer Jahr Weidman Used Dodds Kidney and Evans. Evans was funny and had a.I 4•15.3uu seiana,,.,s a ap Pills.message. He was fine. t will ...rye the mime... he tariff on creamSpri";side• Sask.. July 7 ,Stecialn.— Dodd's Kidney Pills are worth their Lxreptforwlfy Eine. Sollahed. w•as th.•lr I weight in gold.' This glowing tribute -to This is Cha al:aJa werl: and it !• oda diw•ontitiuwl'r ; the go• d old Canadian kidney remedy proving very ear ,y::bee and prune. ,orrery, their are "711a ur-.es from the lips 4f Mr. Joon Weld- able. The • program has been ea; 1 rosea, a tgedl-known and highly respected ceptionally fine and the talent Hent here Mfr in r'nu,+de resident here. And Mr. Weidman justifies nlea•rng cry every detail From three 'pre few mercy the tribute 0 it of his own experience. g-ttiet;ngs much is to be gained intellect - "1 was suffering from backache for two ualfY. Those interested in addresses by again. Mr. Findley It;U.•1 that flea NII 1,• fiercest and bloodiest struggles of the war • tae ort trade Is where tlw agrMnllMrnl 'and was twice hada woo lded. Not only TUESDAY. July S• this. hut he was blinded and for two years , inipl••nn•ut utanufnctura•ra make their PRESENTATION.—A very pleasant and lived in a land of darkness. As a speaker money : show• doing bn.lnret in t'ansida jo.011S evening w44 spent at the h.me -of he is said to be one of the great produc- uull ba yr host money. Why not. thio.j Tueadayndlast. rwh when ales McPhee on tions goodly n number masted of eloquence e AandV a ta1 Mtchle s I allow the Canadian ftlnnrrs t.. hay of friends and netghhnrs assembled to orator. The town is to be congratulated' their in,plrnn•nts tariff -fro• from tie- greet Pte. A. 11annall. and presented•him upod tbe ambition of our citizens behind 1'101.41 states noel conftn.• the ui:ii10 ' with a gold headed umbrella and a beau- the lnwemnt which brought this week f;n•nnr In Canaan to. the export erode tautset of siker knives and forks. Mr. of education to the citizens.—Collingwood Mannall has just ret urned from Bulletin. only? Tills wan'', please ilia firmer.. 1 oronto after getting his new foot: — aud it aught surely to hr to the ad- he has learned to walk twice in life. Pte. What Si. Mars'. .loans) Wld. v:titage of the utnnufnrtnrent. am It Minolta it is said. was the fits( of the 1tiBattaiic)n to win military honors. Last year was the first year of the 4•,44,4. cit tat the unprofitable part of At thelst ck,se of the pr,�ram, consisting of Chautauqua and we were delighted 'with ell, ix Nude...a. The .,wii•Inshrn oar is solos. musical selections and addresses, it. We secured its return (orchis season and dri,r•n to M, Mr. Findley', statrinrnt the (ollowtng letter was read to the re- now. after.participating in the great feast turned hero:offered of the hest things prncurahle n 1s the he wants the tariff (n -be con- Dear Mr. Mannall.—We are assembled the musical. d•amatic and lecture world. (honed s., that he may sell impletn•rnte here tonight to welcome you hack tD the' use are forced to the conclusion that the homeland. We greatly appreciate the Chautauqua is a mighty gond thing fir 5 to a Lis to the f an,ofinn farmer..s nice you have rendered to King and any community to have and it would be a We Innrgine he will have a herd time country. We sympathize with you in pity if St. Marys were not to remain on per•eadiIg the farrners that he is sin- your misfortune of losing a (oat. and yet we believe you would gladly have given yen- In flit.' contention. not only one member of v,ur hxiy, but TI!la queati.dt of the tariff o11 Maple your - very fife. rather than turn your meins may be left to the farmer. and hack on duty. We wish to ea rens our anecjation not nniy' in woeshut in , the 1uu4,tfieetumrs : hut the eanel.ipe n ng , deeds, and to we ask tnu to accept this par,r•.n of 11r. Findley's addresti umbrella. also this set of knives and forks. ' tmufi.•a a snhjeet which cltell1 15111 a. a .light token ni our at you appreciatand ion and ewteeem. anJ trust thMrs. terns the wholi• people. and The marmot 1ltanna'I may long live to use them in, moat ',epees! strong dl.spgrroval ..f its your new horse in Canada. Wishing yore bath an en1ovable and prosperous wedded ease If there I! Ildsh.•rlsm• or nay- life. (Signed on behalf of friends ar,1 thing like 1t. In' t'alwtla. It festa mem neighMrsl. Wm. Camphill, 11. Kerr, 4 • plat -wuoli epe.vhret so this of N,r•. Currey. • Fintfle7'.'. ?be etrlke at \Ylwnit.ef Three Inindred years ago any man www hrfor. not after. elle sitting of absent from chnrch on Sunday - was lir. Trestle', IncestigatIng o'ommittee Into a shelling. What 1 war revenue' at Ottawa. It Is tint fbe public die flint email' prn4tev. today: 74M -BU Is is the best remedy known for sunbugn, heat rallies, eczema, sore feet, stings and blisters. A skin food! AR'D+rs+ owl .-SA.- June Bargains Prices that will snake very easy selling for most desir- able and seasonable goods. Bathing Suits I,a.iies' Navy Suits, "limmerknit" make, white, trimmed, half sleeve. Attached bloomers and skirt, Anettc Kellerman style. Regul: r S2.(X) for t)l.'21. Wash Skirts White piques and gabardines, well made. spleudid styles) d qualities. Sizes 21 to 32. Special, each $2.00 and $2.n 5. Night Gowns Men's large site. Best make of white t will cotton, )crawl fully made. $2.110 for $t.25. Balbriggan Underwear '.Imperial' brand, !,.,t quality shirts and drawers, :14 to •i4 Worth Al 441 At per garment. 7::„. Silk Poplin Skirts • Blade, navys, taupe', etc. Ladies' Skirts, braid trimmed and fancy pockets, etc., all latest modes and styles. Values, regular.47.70, P1:00 and $'1J.00. At each, St:.511. Congoleuln Squares ,.. - .\t per square yard, $1.•57). Gossard Corsets Are unequalled by any other make for comfort. style and service. They lace in trout. Styles for and fagiires. Prices range, $2.50, 33.(10, $:1.50, $5.00, $6.50, and up. Cottons 3ti-inch twill pillow cloth, sheeting, or nightgown cloth. Free from dressing. and a beautiful, even, hetv'v thread. Regular 414c, for 'Sac. Sheeting • 72 -inch, extra heavy.: flllc. Towelling - 1 s tuck, all pure linen. roller or ted To vc,ling. At ler yard. 311c. Floor Rugs Special prices .on al! Wilton, Axminster ant Bru.aels Rug- Kvery-size in stack for June Sale. W. ACHESON & SON sill "To the Victors Belong the Spoils" VICTORY in the GREATEST WORLD -WAR TO BE FITTINGLY CELEBRATED AT a GODERICH By a GRAND SUMMER CARNIVAL ON PEACE DAY SATURDAY, JULY I9th, 1919 A Day of Joyous Freedom Huron's Golden Gate Wide Open A Willing Welcome to All Calithumpians—Street Carnival --Sporting Events—Rates—Band1:ir( \\'<>rks Illuminations -=Continuous Entertainment for All EVERYTHING FREE Ala