HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 8• 1 • �raa .1111224A1. Shipment, of Coalport, Aynt• lev, Wedgewood and Minton CHINA' fust received. Beautiful new pieces in (hie new canary and black and • pink and black, designs When you want the finest and best of China etc., come to . 1 McEwen's SPECI ALS Men's fine summer Under- ' wear, $1.75 a suit, worth . $1.00. Mill's Overalls, some old• . st'hek at old price, $2..00. Men's•Socks, from Me up. A kw pieces of nice Voile, i jtlyt 1iglit for summer dresses, at 500 yard. iadier summer Hose. ,35c a pair, :1 !stirs for $1.00. I,adirs' summer Vests, 35c. or 3 for $1.00, 9 Sgme light colored Prints to clear at 20c a yard. - Wr- have some nice Bell Spreads at old prices. 1 trh J. J. McEwen t,icenae No. 01-7M43 Iwo Wolf.. and w'ils.u1 streets were r ferrel to (Ie publf.• works ...wl14itt..• lir. 1VIIIIrw 4'ismps•II was reports" It. la• laid up 441111 ilhlr.. ,1141 til .ilecial '-"uamlltwr- w4.. ••wp..wertd t proceir.• .4ssIMt•111. for Ile. 4-4011i1116.1 10 of 1116• a.s..MW,mt roll. hemi Wigle urged that '.. start 1 I• T1lI' TOWN COUNCIL. Heitmin; ('Mlmin.iou Appointed- Sewer Work l0 ice Started al Ones. At the regular 1u1•eting If 4444• h, vltltwil nu I'rhl*y night the Ahw 1'haple•r, I. 11. 11. E.. relue.tw) per hot' to lute.. a "tag -due" 1,n 44umin 11*y. Il Ila* .144,1• Is•ew arranged. w' the permission of the Niue 11, flat ladle.. shall hu v1• flue ta4-•lay fur Ia•nret of the Soldiers' )leworial Fu An applI.:,tion from Mr. H. Towuw•ud for appt.iut44.•ut a. war welgl,w*,ter was ...rod to the mar tvinlwittee will' power to act. The 1h,tuisolon 1M)' M16.10111 14111 e [Nil was "4t.4k4w1" t1, $11M1, •lnuuul (1, he rctNlld from the wort) prised. of 1114. day. if ens. The w4. ter. light awl harbor cu eller r•ports"l that the Iwithilur-bo • Iqd s.•n roasts,. refelr14l aual. put j5,4141 rnnlit 4.1141 lira. M41.ea would xinein take charge: that Mf• I.4tA lull 116.•11 ,,Vowel Ill,' u.•• of part of the 641414 frtig11tN11w1.. x* r•frt.l.Wr1t I.N,th. •111 the 4444)1•• ter ii. hi% year. Ihut 411.• town .rr lighting chairs114.1 14•••1, refn.e.d ayr.,nhuhe• w 4444 1 he re ou.w.•udatf of lilt outs rt. 1I>1ho u•1•nnui,•,( making ia"'iI'le 44 11.111,11011 ..r apps Ialatel% $1,1MMh pw•r 1.:14' i4. 114• .free Il�tding charge. TIN• :special 1.11111111111..' fe'1.ww.•Ia11U11 111111 (he woviug (11.•1114'•• Iir.•Ily .1f N' I.nuder is. Ivutw..l. Thew• n•p.rtr were 11111.4.151 x. w 111.4, our 444 Ili.. titian., ro11111111, fa. s.hll; .,u * unW1w•r ..f ncconius. 1'efitl.Iss for ctoist leti.1 4.4 sew.. wa eek peon Ica o 1th tbr4 the ml. H. ket ked 1141- the nus -- OODEILIOH, ONT. A Scientific preparation which eradicates Rheumatic Troubles. Stay young l Keep free from pain. T. R. C.'s will do it. 11. 44' 1.1 X1,111'• ('1111 I t'h,'wi.t and 1lruggi-t. A,ten1 fur o.l.'rlell. .LnI x1.04 to this udder.. ..r to St 11 . 'I..'..no. and '1'. K. I',b will I.. .enc I...tpal.l. every trace of your best years Bedford Block, Sole Templeton's, 14 King teat in--- - -.---- - ---- - -- - .. _ 1.404 44141 4WIl ollwr• appointed by the ..mou- 'u ,e•il. Mr. t'. .1. N*fru was Iu,uliunted 'x for twv. ;tears .4144 )1,' II. 1. 1) lop t '.r ole year. nu.l the het-estar. byhlw 14 ler.74,.i. Tile colossi tl.•u a•ljouruel. •• ORITI •.151•. �TR.1ITrIN.--After •u rr,delroee ,..4.e thirty -right )-ears in lkderk•h , I.y*nl. r Straiton entered in as l rs B. D.. of Bayfield. will preach. Services at St. G. orge'a church. Sun- day. Jupe 29th 'St. Peter's Day): Holy communion. s a. m. Morning prayer, etc„ 11 a. m. -the rector. - Evensong and confirmation, 8 p. m.- the Bishop of Huron. Attention :s drawn to the change of of 'time of the tvening service, this being • necessary to accommodate the Bishop. (o eternal I,(.• ..0 Thursday. J1111I 19, at , -'til.• home of 11i. sou•fu-laws Mr. Herbert I 'e,we uud ear the l'iddisher and Campbell. 4:15111 4.c He wax horn Irishwuuuu. hate r wrap with the at IMunlius. Perthshire, set/tilled. In , give "prim,' donna- cud the is" L�41, and carne to r*mda 4.t the ear of 1 pre4s44rfo" i4. the • 41. 1'. It. A."--4411 144 ,.1•teutw•u. l4. lett Is" married Acta eNelume. Victoria n4writ House, Fri- w• i fir day evening. g. 1.ne 27th, and Tu.•,41ay rf ural . o4. the Huc k61 4treei w•wrr. 111141 11-1•*,• deckled to get 1.:01(10•44' JohwNni here at nude and t. arrrng.• n ..edit al the Milk for the' neee$4,ry funds. It woos d.•••kled to order .o. additional , quantity of taervi,l ..r other rued material to I.• phossi of .f the prheliwl "Ir,wt.. Deputy It..•'. Clark as f.,4 that the Pros iu4ia1 Ik•p 1t mem 4.t Highways w.111d build 11 pie. .,f rued a4 ao "44hje14.( 1e•s•111,- 11 11,1 hi• thought the Huron' road Inside tui• t,ttn WAN wonl.1 14. 11 gl$N1 Wilco for this. Tlw clerk will communicate with the De - rt rawent. councillor Howler said Thar hr bad 4 Iwl filch- youm5 11u•I. 1•,44fiug In front elf the Hi-Itdsh I:x.•4aul:t In�lrl on Sunday ,'told¢ 1.•tWeelt ♦ MINI 9 o'clock. The c6k•f of pwdie• was in - paneled to sew that this klud of thing Sit •stojgel. 114. the suggestion of Deputy Itwwr ('lark if ;1141,. ds" idol h'ae•ud n jotter of enIll.Ienee to 1114• fuu111y of the late .111•x. so -noon, the former fowl] trra4- Ilrer. Mayor \1'igle spoke i4. fitting terms of the lode treasurer, .expressing apprr• el ti of hr ailhful svn-iw•a 40 the i e.rl4.•utinu 14ud'tu the .•unnull►der In VH111111w 414 'Mei l i.... ,\rrnrlgements 'n1.1'1. w:141•• for tie attendance of the -• it nl the (uurrxl o4. NIt11114)' • Slee•..:11 returned soldiers having I ecpreswed a 11esir.• t4.• luny 1 w•,. erected miller the ,'nl.1iti.1. of the Ontario Honing slot, it w.,.. decided • by the eo11MK to 1'1411 t.' u housing 11 1nu4)issi•'1. under they provisions ref h.• Act. '1'Ie commission Is to be emu- . s, I4. 1st 5' Arrange to have some Iyr pictures taken on t�t�5,at, July 1st. X Our studio will be open al! day J.T.Fell Grant. daughter of the late Aima (:rant 441.1 Janet .l'rep•r Grunt, Whitby. 11saario. The children sur- viving are John, of 1i.41/41(h ; Thous Arthur and Ihn151as, .of British Co nubbin : ll rs. Pearson 4'11.•sury. Egnwnwlrill,: lir.. Luther Robbins aro Miss Katharine, of 4t.N•hust••r, N. Y. Mrs. 11. 1'. Whitely, of Ilrtroik. and Hrrlw•rt 1'uugol4•II, of G,Nlrrf,'h lror rlNnrt forty years lir. Straits) was •s.•i,lt.l with the I'll MI Tran Railway ,160 ug. 4.t at the .4111 14114. d fort Polon. IG•I1,v111.'. Seaforth, 4'Iin Ito.. HMI 1:..I't•i,h, 111 -health ceasing hi r.lireuteut from the railwuy,w•rvl. �s.w.. ulw•t•eu years ago. •►Ithous n•v'r ••uj:lr4ng perfect health .'l,we 1bat ria.', be calls it 1010411110 10 1110 1lw,sitha, of t.w1 tr•a.nr,'r and had tooled 1441 that capacity and as.nllertnr , of water 1111.1 light nates for several '.•,Ir+ H,. alsi serve) for a number ••f yeah us wy'r,•tyry of the public •, h,.,FT1yinl. . Hr load always been a i ui111dw•r .11 the l'rwbrte•rlao rhumb ,nil for alma.f. tie entire thirty-eight Itears of his residents. in 4.alrr44h had INr11 no •'.I. -r of Knox church and for 1144lly c.'*r. was clerk of the session. The funeral took plow.. on Sunday ufierlwa.,. The service for the fniufly .ut1 intimate friends was conducted by Rev. It. 44', Mclh•rmid. after whL•11 .tnitlall.l Lodge. N... 33. •1.. I', A A. NI., of which 1111. Straitnu nus a charter member. took ,'harg••. conducting x Mhnrt .'rvi•e at the hour /I 1111 the III11rn1 l w•rvie. of the 'lawnd4 Disler 444 tb.• gnnr. Mr. Stratton was also a member of the Sons of Meotland Iasis... The hearer. were Messrs. F. E.. Lawyeree. :\l. 4:, 1'nw••ron...- 1161. T. Millar. Alex. S,nuwler. and \1' t M, I- Welut•wluy. .lour 2.i. of i Itriut went in \EalKlamr hospital loThost • • were• t1, Is"• ''J.•rat•.I .n for append]. , rills, and died rally Monday woraiug. • ; We all regrVt the sudden ending of this n , bright young life and our sympathy I k woos out to til.• a5141 parents and miler 'f member. of the family in their 1,1144 of - .sen i 11.1 brother. Thr young ran nus 61 hi his twenty.fft)1 year. The fnp.'raI rake. 11Ia1Y t,Mlay 1 Wednesday 1 from , U h I the home of his father, Mr. Itolwrt l Hri.I. West. \1'44 wa nosh, to i hmgr orlon a•mr1•n•. .1ohu F•4•11111 1Z Is mo+int the tarn sought from it. \I••dd to this farm fhb. air. Arthur Ferguson is having a new roof and (rout put .n his furniture store. adding to if. aplwaran•e. Mrs. t'. K. Itluwt, of London. is to be here .0 Saturday to organize a brawl' Women's ,Institute. '••net Sunday 44seh•ot t'ont tbe ve,wI ,rl -Ti,,'enliat- ri..t. last week s";1. not as large as n.11ul. Tli. rrfa/res Prow the different . department. were ..eery en•ourrghig •1141 s1.44w'e•1 an iurr.•aw.1 interest In Shuldny w h.*d . work throughout .1.soelatduu. Ad11resse., were givane elle Itrt-. W. J. Knox, of L.onlnn. Mr. 11, by lana, of G.N1••rfe•II- and Rev, (4rorg•• Telford, of Myth. 1111 very instructive, interesting Baud helpful. Mr. H. N. 11111 has old his' frail on • ■1••i■1111•■■■xxxi*xiixx■I•I•■I•■■xx■x■■■x■ st0fe'ho'e T11E COLBORNE STOkE.1pa_�-�-�-�moo gs alo�ae r 014�t Blouses Blouses Blouses ■ These warn, Summer days make one think of cool clothing, and Due's first thoughts bring to mind light sheer Blouses. 'The styles have changed since last season, so it is natural to think of purchasing a new waist. We have anticipated your desires in this line and put into s�ck a very large range of Blouses. These creations represent the newest and best that Dame Fashion has to offer. Great 1 care has been used in choosing these garments so that our stock would have a large variety in style, quality and price. It is now your turn to criticise the result of our efforts to get 'the smartest display of )� Blouses we have ever shown, 1 aVoiles are the most popular at this season, and our stock comprises dozens of designs that are new and effective. These Blouses nearly all come in plain white embroidered fronts, and dainty trimmed cuffs. The collars are distinctive and we have very few blouses of each design. Voiles at 13.(X) are one of our hig offerings, These Blouses have been greatly admired and I♦ we know you will be pleased with them. They come in all sizes up to 44, at $3.(10. A wonderful range at 13.25, $3.50, 13.75. and $4,00 each. Each and every one of these waists is new and the styles are good. Be sure to see these stylish summer blouses. The Voile Blouses that are priced up to 18.00 have only one, or at the mast two, to a style. The idea is to make thein distinctive. We have a large range at these prise:, and they are wonderfully gotten up.: - Voile Blouses Georgette Blouses Of course we are carrying a big line of Georgette., for they are always good. A new shipment has just been put into stock in all the newest designs and etelotings, from 17.(x1 up. ■ Voiles Voiles Voiles r Every few days we are. receiving new Voiles for dresses. Each and every one of the Voiles comes jn dress lengths,(with no two alike. Every Olin is represented in our stock and ■ the patterns are the best and newest. A Voile dress is a necessity these days when the hl is so great. We are sure you will he tileased with our assortment. They range in price from $1.(8) to $1.50 a yard, 1 posed of three members. \\' T \I the Mayor 11,. 1,. Knox. The w.•ud.•rs of the (1,44.11 emoted, the pnbli.• school board anal the water and light connuh.sh,ll at- tended the f •cal. Floral tribute,. from Maitland 1M(414. .1., F. a A. M.. it,nl..f Scotlandtown i roue il. pnhlir well M,h board, teachers .•f p,ll,:4,. 111•114/411 61 MINI the 44..lerl.-ll Elevator I.44, x1)11 fr1,ul personal friends testified to the l 4..414•4•4), ill whicl, the hate M,r. Stratton was hold in they town •1111' vicinity. e p*z Every I0c Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN $SO° WORTH OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER ('H.%t'TAl•g1--1 NOTES. .Man) are Ih.ii:ins forward eagerly to 4'hanhlugtut week 111 G.wl.•rich--July Is -24 which pr. niw•. to he Int le•1Mt 414111,11 i4. ehJoyoldtlty to the delightful week last year. 4'lnrse tickets are already- being sold, et Ilniitel number being available at $2..80 ,.'It. 48.441¢ the attytbing in myline l shall beglad war tax o, .r children's tickets at $110, to have your order. The orbs. for the remaining tlekete • The New Hardware Store I have opened up a new Hard - appreciate a ea11 from old friends next Dr. and- lope to make Nome new ones. J I intend to keep the right kind 1 of goods and to sell thein at ream- onable prices. When you require y.utytytlut>�Ie�Iellrtl/c�[�1 , lean, to hau.11e ••.I'I by all Heng- will I.1' *2.7". Thr fb•k,'t. 'nay Ix' had lrrl[r,•�rrllalrrrr\Lt�trrlite'..../\kclhffkk�r\k1//11anA•r/l/IC _ia.. (:1,4-,'r. 114,1 •.•neral Stones. xt Mr. C. t', 1,4•..61 store. Those who remember the• tuxSniHrent 1111WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL on this year'.' ' programs• his wobj,rt being '•Itevolutionn..ry Eu rep..., NEW SUMMER FOOTWEAR = ,1 ft ill 1.• .•.pa1411. Interest wet_ men will Is• the 14.1..44•..4. 141 the fnnrth C day hr Dr. 1'..•141. r:1'14.1. who 1 message on lifter -war tll.k. fnr'wowen. Sumpter is here, 1Ir. (1-44.4 I. x woman iltelleal tJ,a'tor. I= The 41111.11,'1',. tickets 111,•11111.• privi- i= �e. and yht1 MIST E ; h•g4. for usn•uil,g. aft,'rllr.n, xud even• is hale those white = iilg• x11(1 the ,Innfor 4'hunhtllqua this 'year will he l..'u,r than ever. One of ct Shoes. \\ a hese ' the features 511 14• n cirenoy--and what (j then': rear y for ynrn,ist•r doesl ove a drew.? 1 1'44,,.•• x11,' only n few of the features = you, a most COt17- that will n„cke the 19141 Chautauqua x .�, ��'t► 1te range of !season of delight and profit, • R. J. HOWARD 1411111 11.6••6 given hist year lo i4r, wreak w• 2,1. t. .know that he 1* La' CHOICE WHITE FOOTWEAR tip -to -date styles in Pumps, Ox- fords and high lace Shoes for the lad ies,misse. and children, al- so a splendid line of high cuts for the men, and a fall range pf running, tennis and sports shoes for all, in both low' and high styles. 0111 ;nice, are always marked its plain figures, and within the reach of all. Ask us to show yon, and we shall he pleased to do so. Rem nher we clime Wednesday et I p.m., during June, July and August. WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN ll utltl gmINIHu1HIHllumnIIfIIInllunImnnulnnnluHIllllllal sr ," •401 1 "' MNIMM MIMO . Thr (:ederleh Sumner School. 411re•.Iy a gratifying number of registl'atl.11s hate been made for the Presbyterian .pmmer school to be held in I:n.lel'ieh .11hy 3 to 12. and the 'me - w•61,. of 11e school seems to be assured. The program 110441•. 'lI li WIMP. 11. Rev. .11•x. '1,-Mi11,,1, 1). 11., .f Toronto: Itrv. %I'. R. McIntosh, of London; : Ite•v. J. 1►. I'ulnlingham. ll. A., of \\'.IIan11 Kot.. D. ,1. Alelklu44ld, K. A.,'of Sone . Itee. R', J. Knox. M. A., t)1 ',nom.. !too -.1:. A. Woodside. M.A. of Draw 1 ford: Kev. A. E. .1rul4t'ung, ll. A., or Toronto; Rev, 1), C. Mel:reg,r, 11, A.. or London; Rev. J, 11. Ni.•nl. lis A.. of I.Istow•el. These mei' have 114w1i cheao•n for their spacial qu,1ife•atlons for this work, Owl the comnllttle eT1- gr*tllatew itself up.u, having g,,th,'r,d 1 together for the 4ie,I,'-4, i1 summer I milord NII towept lona l .• pal lly of ..trent, well-qualified 111.•11. I(e•e•n•atlo, features 11Iwo are well provided for. ('111'RCH NOTES, The •ervlces - in Knox church next Sabbath well he conducted hy the mini- ster, Rev, H. C. McDe,mid. in the morning the communion will he ohserved by the members of the congregation. in the evening the members of the Orange Order will attend divine eervi, c willesheie held neratMyFriday to heveningmuatn8 ochtk, •I,n F11, A.h.d ivIdar)ane • �1. NOTICE Robins, the up-to-date Gents' Furnif her, announces that the Store will be Closed Wednesday Afternoons during the months of June, July and August M. obins OP1iN EVENINGS South side of Square • THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY D. & A. Corsets J. H. COLBORNE Standard Patterns. a�yaayy[[1��1 tflgflioflt 1 * ■ ■)♦ ■■■immuc ■x/■■mair■assin■■■} CXX th0.lear 11140, Mullett. to Mr. Thomas Hallam. 11( Weal Wiswan o,h. Dadlt ani -A:11. eft SIL-TI....I.•uth 1*rrorrel um Thursday, 1940 'I11alt the house of his so •lie- 15, Mr .lnlw Doerr, 41,ue•+•4dm 1. East \1'nwauo.11, 01 Mr, •1. Her..,n Itu1N01s4. 40 his seventy-third year. The 110.4 041.411 NH.. • melte of Germv min¢ to 1 441 )' 1 1 'xil- ad• In his .-nrly years. 41.' live.; (.r wane time Iwwr SrratfnM 1414(1 afr,'r- warlM at Egmilnlvill,, before coming to East Waw'ano,b fourteep year. ago. He. was • Presbyterian In rrll¢fuu. His wife predecease.) him, and 1 i sow vI'.'wI by two (1•uahtrrM-34r•. h'llthrrland, of. Tuekersi Ith, and John Ihwrr, of East 1Vawano,lh • Ifl1*Tfl YrM, 1tTSRl$ODl N'AIJiS x of an kinds for ladies' It round! m( ■■■■■■■�■x/x■ ■ The Singer Store .a Ladies' and Child- r en s Un ■ derwear � I* The New Collars ■- with pleated effects x ■ ■ Stamped Goods jir Just in 1 ASHFIEI,D. e and ev.'rylr.rfy wear• shoes, so even• ■ fancywork Mr t Juu.• (, Johnstone.minutt rill- holy who has to economize or consider w•ur. Rw•cr in Clair. The minutes ,tf May .'lull were read and approved, o14 the moacy queatk,a IM fntereatod in ■ - - 1 II motion In Richardson and Jamieson. Oar( R SHOE REPAIRING. ■ A call solicited. Moved los H..1ke•it and Richardson ■ tl44at file Reeve and Junaies n f • ale• c experienced . ■ - --- r , w sad out work i through th.. anlh.* rNr..l fo a¢4. ,up' further 14¢14..- always.atiifacf„a),r ' 1 + ■ 11141ts ln•.,•.48ry to ..rnrr the deviation • Try its on that paiyou thought were ]♦ 1111 SS S.NOBLE x road to lake at Milted Austin and llrKtluie fare.. hovel nut wore ILendiug. IIIbr lda.k••tt and Jamieson that the n•- 1 44 t side Square If ynest of the Dungannon 1.. 4). 1.. for �. SMITH ■ ■ permission to .ell tags in aid of their ■ `�.. ■. �. orphanage• nn July 12th, be grantwl I Ea et $trrrt (loderich ]♦ /WNW Nl,. 4, to 'wrens money til fay the interest 1V tl... (I a on the \Vest Shore H•IIwny bonds. was .1111y read and finally plowed. ,1gre nwnt. to buy the form of 1'. Adstln and resell It to M. A. McKenzie. retaining a rlradway, were signed. .tecounfs as follows were pass. ‘I. cl:•.-E. lis i1,Iton. w•rvf•es re Taylor 44; 4.1.'e. $21: 1'..141.0111, ;virulent on lo: 141 as per agreement. Lim; walls,-,', genling earn. 11, $43, rep. cul- vert coil. 11, $1, $46: H. Ittlwkfu., grad- ing con. 2. •110.50; rep, ..liter, on .'on, 2, $13, $25.314; E. Foley, rep. 1.111 road to 1./1 VP, lots 10 nod 11, $6; T. Strong, grading S. It. 1: Nod 7 F.., 5211; .1. Hotter. gravelling con. 12, $241: W. !Parrish. rep. 2 culverts alai wa.hnuta N, R.:1 • nd 4 W., $13; W. Quigley, rep. washout. eon. 11 sl: T. Gmm�, reps bridge, 14411. 11, $1.:44); R. Twamley, rep. e•ulyel't, S. R. 8 and 4 E., .Ake.; J. Devereaux, rea bri11ge, conn, fl, $1; R. Johnston. rep. washout and -bridge, 1). 1.,, $3; 1'. Glassier, rep. culvert, Iron. 0, , $1: J, Mec'srthy, rep. culvert. D. 1.., $3.70, gravelling eon. 6, 1.10. $35.70: J. Kilpatrick, gravelling S. R. 3 and 4 E., $410: J. tureen, rep, bridge. 1). I.., 11; 4'. Twaniley. rep. enit-ert S. H. 3 mad 4 f:., $1 :.4. Hogan, gravel, $1; W. Johnston, rep hridg,• 1,. R. (Torrey) $1: H. )141a•nu141, rep. bridge L. R. t(:ouutrl 22: 1►. Hill••, gravelling 1., 1t., $73: N. D. MhKenzie, drugging eon. 12. 8:1.2.1: F. M.•/iregor. dragging L. It., $3.73: J. McAdam, ditching road to hike. con. 11, $37.181; J. quail, grarel-i ling eon. 2 \\'., $44.04: F. Walls, gravelling I). 1... 4::14.1*: f 1k•nnett, gravelling D. 1.., $42; W. 1►rip•r, tithe( 1). 1., $15, posting D. i.., $141, $:i:J: J. Menai')', ripening ditch D. 1,. and positing, ete., D. 1.., $37.40: W. Draper. pirating r►. 1.., $141.511, grading D. 1... $4$), 270.30: S. Sherwood. snow•fen•e D. t Do You Realize what it would cost you to replace your property at present prices if you had a fire ? That the fire losses in Can- ada are higher propor- tionately than in, a'fly other country in the world ? 'That the cost of insurance is ridiculously low ? ' Proud your bank account Do it now T. R. Harrison Ilasuraace Fire, Accident, Automobile and Life Phone 316. Office Cor, %fest Street' and Square Snbs'rIbe for The Signal now, MODEL BOOT and SHOE REPAIR DEPOT Orders elicited tor all kin,'. • ; Footwear Repairs (11x.1 w.,lk and rr'fMonahle uric, Saml. Ward & Son Hanultpn street island fnrno•u1'. occupied hy the late Thos. 11,411) GC •E1UI rahtATsrORO. ONT. We have TELEGRAPHY. COM - MEM '1 \i, and SHORTHAND Departments.. We give intlividuil ins)ructi,n. Students are entering each week. Our graduates ael.ure pn11iti4i1a of trnxt. Get sur free r'atalogne now. It may interest you, D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal L., $21: T. Rlellirdsou, to pay !nen for - - resp, bridge *m) grading 44111x, $114: Thermos Bottles and Kits T. Shackleton, grading S. R. 3 144.1,4 $21: A. Gordon, 4ra1e wire for bridge, S. H. 3 and 4 E., $1.90: R. A. McKenzie, wire and nails far bridge N. it. 3 •4k1 4 E.. $4.09: W. Poster, grading N. R. A and 4 E., $10.00: T. lienglwrty, grading S. It.. $43,73; T. Dougherty, grading N. R. 6 and 7 E., $32.97; ft. 11. Pettman, rep. w*sh0nt eon. 2. $2.1M1; T. G. Allen, (, salary, $011. exp1'n*.s to Guelph I(rdrn eon- I venfloti. $4..10: T. J. Ith'h*rds,n, ex - primes to Guelph Hydro Convention. $44.1(4: J. Direr, huMperting grovelling, , i►. 1,, *nd eon, 2. 2111; tda1. $12911.25 ('oinell .44J.nrgr•/l to July 21..$ at 12.111 pix T. X Tll(►N. G. AT.LIMN, Clerk- Mope 90 r ft Keeps Hot 24 hours Keeps Cold 48 hours We are headquarters for these. See 0411 Targe assortment. Campbell's Drug Store TRE PE18SLAR STORE North 11}4, •••1 ..' 9W `'' • P