The Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 5•
sessillellatemageweameasseters•ssiellet moor
(two ladies! and two gents')
Regular price, $60. Special price, $45
them up.
with half -ton truck body. $325.
to clean
East Street Garage
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man-
Artkar M. ,falayse
George Cohen's Greatest Comedy.
Red Cross Meeting.
A nisi Prows meeting wilt he held on
Monday. June 30, at S p. nt.. iu the
jury room f tjas court Mow. All
eollectors awl coat ributors are re-
, spieutea to gelid their rhogitioUs flit
Ward treneurer 1.y that date.
Harbor Niles.
Arrivals at the Iturlair the peer wisek
wisre the Diettlyon. with 170,001 bus.
wheat. outs awl hurley ; the Saritiati,
with !Otiose toes wheut ; the
llaARKI t,us. what and eats -all, ter
the t:islerlivii Elevator ro.-and ttie
R. 1'. Fitzgerald with u cargo of about
2.000 tons of stoat for the Western
Canada flour Mills co.
The Reception C3hatittee.
At a meeting of th,ise interested in The
Golden Gate Midway, to be held in aid
of the Alexandra hospital. it was decided the world made from fruit juices.
to ask the Mayor. the clergy and the It is composed of the medicinal
wives. the principles found in apples, oranges,
matron of the hospital. and the hospital
board to be the reception commi.tee on Ilgs and prunes, together with the
ExtraordinarySuccess which
"Fruit -a -tins" Has Mined
0..reason why "Fruit -a -tavern"
Is so extraordinarily sueeessfut in
giving relief to those suffering with
Constipation, Torpid Liver:Indica-
tion. Chronic Headaches, Neural:Jo,
Kidney and Bladder Troubles,
llkesonation, Pain in the Bock,
1.0teima and other Skin Affeetioos,
is, because it is the only medicines la'
+4•41•1144^14• .4see•SIMISIS•e•---
turned from overseas.
Mrs. C. C4 Morrison has returned to
town for her summer visit.
Mrs. Newton -Brady, of North Tipper-
ary. Ireland. is visiting her parents. Mr.
o and Mrs. D. Macdonald.
, Mr. W. H. Hutchinson. of the National
I Shipbuilding Co.. arrived in town on
Monday after several months' absence.
! Mrs. Hutchinson and family have taken
up their residence here for the summer.
Miss Artois. !nosier, of Mercy 1'4.'4-
'00. Juel.seir. Mich.. Is 01...Oiling holi-
days Wilk fuer parents. Mr. iits1 Sire.,
' M..1. Bowler.
Miss IA1%4C
.4,4111, Mks asette now-
ter. Messrs. Siegel. Whalen. nigher mad
Jmek nowler. pf Detroit. saine_up on
the stisSmer 1 insylosinia last week met
.tvere guestsr. of. Mslid Mrs. M. .1.
Ito* le r. Napier street.
Mrs. W. A. Walters. 4.f Sanford.
lefi this week lot It visit to the iVest.
She will visit tier daughters, Mr.i. D.
Ashton. id Saskatoon moil Mrs. B.
M•ski.11. of Stritsboomigh. Sask., also
doctors. together with their
her sou Iteir. of Sgskittooli.
Mos Skimings' eightieth birthday anni-
August lith and ltth. alien the Midway nerve tonics and autiseptics of veroiry. noted •by• The Signal some weeks "III Union. All Promelit fell. More 1
to I tat t .. it r g rtm net%
iS to be held. proven repute. • dEinstgalanndt as .,'Irts,g,miniat.heU
ago. brought messaiges from places as far tl I no i I ( r ti 4 lt • la
tiiissed it trent. It' we eon's! only catch
si 217. t..era and ai.e TlintEe wito did hear M rs. Elliot t
New Hardware Store. 50e. a boot, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o. ' the euthusiesui Ili Which the report
Mr. R. J. Howard has opened a At all dealers or sent postpaid H %%
utchison rote a very Sind letter..
s 1111 t It into practire ha
hardware store in the stand by Fruit -a- Oyes Limited. Ottawa. , Shu IT -serer. neg. Platt arrived as ltiVell 11 lid HI
lir moiling eauttinign we surely would
, on Kingston street next to Dr. nwi is .,ximm.t...1 bum.. t..„„.rrim, guilt the victory. TN treasurer re -
Loudon Tuesday night from Siberia "
introduction to the people of Goderich wended the stairs to the strain, of the ....suing. ,%fter serving in France, lie ,Isirted the last yell r. work sattis-
factory and fire 114.1% 1111411111141r. .i0f1/1111
1 '
Whitety's office. Mr. Howard needs no --- - - - - ' - -
and vicinity, haviog been connected with , wedding march played by Mn. Jack Iefr Goderich for Siberir. ot. the 1st of
Th tt reties , lotte..2fejit -N
Capital wad Ilikseerves. - • • flifs.000.000
Total Alibeds, Nov. 90ib. 1019, over 11193.000.0o0
!Sending Money Away ?
Nothing safer titan* Union Bank money cooler
Of draft for making remittances. No his., no
bother, and only sufficient formality to eusure
your money safely reaching the party for whom
it is intended.
A Union /tank money order really .s the bet
way to rewat any SOW up to $50 throtigh the
Marls. .516
E. WOOLLCOMBE, . - Manager.
Au announcement that will create tremendous latereat tor Chautauqua „ „„1„, mok,,tot pmph„ art
Week wilt be th• fast that we hare weaved the above play for the eth day's
its...erstorml toP in the fate
programme. Everybody knows tbat recorded as Mr. Cokes** greatest of the smodard
uccese It was presented at the Royal Aieleadrei Theatre in Toronto. and ! 4,_, _
Tete- Fanners' Club Picnic.
the hardware trade here for ninny years, McNaugbton. aunt of the bride. She september last and was 111111011M 10 to Sla 11 the Imo yell Y. l'ress sum.
and he will no doubt receiss a fair share was attended by her cousin. Miss.K tth- 1 the Hell 14311 Otos..
of the public patronage. I leen McNanghton. as bridesmaid. The I
Wine Honors at Alma. 1 lieut.-edit 1 Dr.. A. Ha rola Tayissr.
I ceremony was performed beneattean arch , IL 4.., wh., ,„.„,„ „tb,,r oollilli;alltilllt Oil
The many friends of Miss Nellie Parry of orange blossems, wood ferns and held l
tlw hospital steamer Essisplibo. left
ham, who has been attending Atma Ladies' ;
' daisies. The other decorations were sweet- i
; the ship lifter its arrival at Portland
College. St. Thomas, will be p„eased 10 4 heart roses and annus other tune Sow:- I
t swortriturolay sopa is now tit the It ttttt e so(
learn that she has completed her course, ers. N'ery sweet the bode looked. wearing 4 Isis p„.mut,.. or. A. hod sit,„.
Besides this she received the principal's , seed pearls. She Wore a veil and bandeau l'i"1"."1 TaYtur liflEr ItivillTgaY'lllib%r:
tiogoislies1 .service rIttrIlitt the war 10
haying passed with first-class honors. a simple gown ot white georgette and
prize for general proficiency in the lower ; of orange blossoms and carried a bouquet ..,.... rotting t.. chit He,. Him pm,
school work. Miss Nellie will accompany of white roses. The pretty little brides- ""
. ti,i,...tiotl to the rank' of lieutenant -
her mother early next month to Los maid was gowned in palest p nk georgette
and taffeta with black ,picture hat and " '' "I's IP"'"Il.v Hun."11"ssi• '-
Supporting LOCAL roma im autar.
'ill Middleton.
Tile $14411111/111 1611 billet` 14/7411 I 'OM- i ship. cousin o t • irichehkIu7tinai iuntelt Mums.. formerly u . c. P. It.
Islay. or Toronto. is. neinit ottititti up. I knot was tied bY &es• A. Ls G. Clarke. cinaloctor Wing ill 1(1111141411. died 13..
111•1111: got hem slinlenithe through ', rector of St. Georges churcherdench. ! sently at 'roomer
I Following the ceremony a \ wedding , M t., .j. 11. ',unfit. grieve pus 'waved
• guest,. to the Nt111141 Ili 1 11,4 1st WIWI' Of M011t Mil
taupe St !Vet 11114 the Square.
atch. A drenching ram came Wednesday
221 night. lasting for several hou's. it was
l'• very welcome both in town and in mun-
The senior Guild of St. Georges church
will hold their annual warden party on
rectory grounds on Thursday. July
lawn social under the ausoices of St.
's church will be held at Harbor
Tuesday. Aussys S'S An at- ;
program is being prepared (or the 1
Angeles. Cal.. %%here they intend makung carried a sheaf of pink r
their home. !the bridegroom was Mr.
1 Financial Mishap. , of "Mount Pleasant."
' ne ion. 0
red btu t Ion of t lw assets will ellgtole breakfast a as served to some fort
twyturtit riot to depositors and The bride travelled in a suit o
debenture -holders. rind Mit least part tricotine with blouse and hat to
payment to shareholders. The Stand- Mr. and Mrs Middleton left on t
artl Reliance took over the Mit Soma. , train for the.St. Lawrenceand Sague
, lira isseu co.. which had pr,.%.6,,ty Among the guests from a distance s'
aissortasi Home mut ors,. Isms !-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Blyth; Re%
met Ineestuosur co. of litelerielL awl J. Foote and Mrs. Foote. Exeter. an
! Mrs. E. A. Sharman. Lethbridge. Alberta.
The gifts were numerous and beautiful. ' 3
45 ia wag easolgto hare to response to a mitealinous ema PERSONAL MENTION.
gram quoted tt "Me most popular comedy ever produced TorotitoSt Further particulars are announced this
10 Th. Evening Mar called It "The most contineous Laugeing Carnival of week of the Colborne Farmers' Club G llllll er Bisset returned home tractiv
It preempts two-and-one-hait hours of Myeterh, Thrillo and picnic to be held Friday of next week at this "st'k•
• • Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich. of Flora orcas
the Point Farm Besides an at rac iv
list of amneements, the program wil, in- di e. are visiting in town.
dude a discussion of public questions Mr. Fred Shannon, of Ottavia. made a
which should be very interesting. Mr. brief visit to town this week
Thos. Findlayspresident of the Massey-. •
Harris Co.. and Mr. F. S. Fulthorp. of
the Farmers' Co-operative Co. in addi-
tion to local speakers, will take part in
this d 5rUSsiOn. A general invitation is
extended to the public to take 'heir
baskets and enjoy the day at the Point
To Open Satarday.
Mr. E. C. Robertson announces the
opening of his new jewellery store. corner
East treet and the Square. on Saturday
of this week, He has purchased a stock
od the most reliable goods in has line. and
nitrites all to give him a rsil on Saturday Miss Dorothy Whitely. of New York.
lor on any other convenient occasion. Mr. is visiting her uncle and aunt. Mr. and
Robertson had several years' experience Mrs. J. A. Rabertson. East street.
in the jewellery and repairing business Mr. and Mrs. S. Curran. of Howell.
returned from France has decided to former'', noother. Mroo. Webster, New -1
before going overseav, and having recently spent a few days with the
wine down in his native town and en- gate street.
pp 'WOt)11 issgbier.- It is a Master Mystery and stands at the very ea
Farce Comedies,
Mr. Percival who wad at the head of the Ben Greet Players
Iasi year. has been secured as Manager of this also and will present 'the
;rioting roie. lir has phased In leading Plats and theatres to NeW York
and Chicago. me past season he spent pias11I with Meekly& Arbowkle.
sod terWollfe Hoppg in Captain Rairstather's delightful comedy "The
Better 'Ole." Tas7tact that he is ta play *mires Its comities,
New Jewellery Store
We ate pleased to be able to announce the opening on Sat-
urday, lune o( our new jewetkry Store. We have
put forth every effort to make it One 41f the most pleasant
places in which to do your shopping and we extend to you
a welcome to come and see our goods. We have been fortun-
ate enough to secure the highestgraale goods made. such a.
Roden Bros.' Cut Glass, Standard Slverware,
Waltham Watches and G. L. Panes' Gold
Goods. We have the best in every line.
We want to give you the best service here
as we served you in France
Repairing done to your satisfaction
Bo R bertson
Corner East Street and Square
Goderich Board Trade
On Saturday, June 26th, the Ratepayers are asked
to vote on a Bylaw to transfer the Wheel Rigs prop-
erty to the Goderich Mercantile Company, of which
Messrs. A. F. Sturdy, W. T. Millar and Thomas
Pritcfiard are the principal persons.
The Goderich Board of Track has passed a reso-
lution pledging its support, and it is hoped that every
make it a point to come out and
vote, and support the Bylaw.
property -owner wi
The pr perty til the corner of North
street. tes u the Hydro store to the
rtiguai Ottil 1, both inclusive. lots been
lotirsitosed 1.; Mr. J. W. Craigie from
Mr. 1,1..y.1 D. 5 urrell. of . alt ar:). i . M rs. E. 5'. Al le$011 of Tomato.
visiting iit 'formats. this week. The regular thly meeting of the
Mr. and Mrs. W. A Dietrich all son ; Goderi ich branch f the Womews Institute
of Toronto. are visiting relatives here. - 1 home of Mass M. E.
Mr. Tom Gundry. jr.. is home from eltitIceled on d1'hut rtelda . July 3rd. at 3 p. m.
••Advant4es of country Life ''
Upper Canada College. Toronto. for the -ubject:
summer vacation. Demonstration: boning\ a fowl. Visitors
; always welcome.
Mr. G. al. Elliott was at Toronto this
At the niecting of t
week attending a convention of Children's 4.„ monitay „ g.„„tiy „
Mr. Earl Elliott. of the staff of Upper 1.7nre.snothr..t.ii"g'rity;:lir 24ths 111rs.
Aid Sasety agents.
Canada College. Toronto, is holidaying at, who was sent HS 11 114•144f1
e '1'. I'.
tuber Wet to
sul Torten°
E. Elliott.
I' by the
the parental home here. -
deavor to build up a business on the
lines of reliability and satisfactory aervice.
We bespeak for him the generous patron-
age of the public.
The Wilkinson Ward.
1, 'ones years ago a ntemiwr ef the Wil -
1 kinsen tenilly. forearrly well-known
restalents of liklerich, tient the sum of
$1:0 to be used in. furnishing a ward
In the hospital %violet' was tieing talked
lot at that time. As the new hospital
‘111111. Ma fIlfthelltilfIllf it V1711,4 11O41114441 NI
furaieli a room le the Akeirsuden. Nit
for Men' time no room was available.
F.arly this yeorhoweverthe rs*sln that
had been set aside for•tlie etithlren's
ward wits chosett-for the 14 hove par -
pope. It it:,' been i LOMA) fiintiatiell
ii De anir the "WlItinsim ward- k one
of Ibe hest equipped rooms In the
.kbparimira general aril uterine hos-
Mrs. Frank Riley and children have
left on a trip to Calgary. where they will
visit the lady's sister. Mrs. Shore. They
will be away two months.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graham leave this
week for Stratford. where they will re-
side in future. Mr. Graham having
position, the McLeod Cos eal Co.
there. •
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Blom and baby
Marion, of Detroit. arrived on the
steamer Greyhound. Mr. Blom returned
next mooting. but Mts. Bloor visit
her mother, Mrs. Geo. Morrow, for a few
0 Tuesday morning. at the home of
live Eva Bates. Elgin avenue. the mar -
as look place of her elder daughter,
Shot Sadie. to Mr. Allan Manchetter. of
Toronto. Rev. Dr. Medd. of Exeter.
performed the ceremony at 11 o'clock.
The bride was attired in white georgette.
with pearl trimmings and veil, and car-
ried a bouquet of roses. She was given
away by her brother, Mr. Ernest Bates.
Slim McClinton played the wedding
marek. Mr. and Mrs. Winchester after -
war& left on a trip to New York, the
bride travelling in a suit of jersey with a
milan hat. On their return the young
coyote will make their horn at Toronto,
where Mr. Manchester is in business as a
maau fact urer.
iasserased by Belgian Government.
A New York despatch announces that
levered members of the Fond Administra-
tion and.COmmistion for Relief in Belgium
have been di corated by the Belgian Gov-
ernment for their services during the
war. One of the recipients is Mr. William
Anderson Glatigow. of Philadelphia. chief
counsel of the United States Fond Admin-
istration. who has been created a Com-
mander of the Order of the Crown. Mr.
Glatgow is the brother -in taw of Miss
Macara of Goderich. He is an eminent
Philadelphia lawyer who gave up his
private practice and for fifteen months
served with Food Commissioner Hoover
at Washington. his work and that of his
, associates in the Food Administration
' beta, responeihle to s great degree m
Retesting the food situation in Belgium.
Mr. William Camsbell.- sri'30 his been'
confined to his bed for some day s. is
reported to be improving. Next Tuesday
(Dominion Day 1will be h $ eighty -f Ith
anniversary. -s
Mr. Arden Aitken was borne from
London tor the week -end. and was ac-
companied by a friend, Mr. C. E Dow-
ling. of Edmonton. who had recently re -
1 A thermine +residing took place at the
Industrial Secretary. \ now of Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Johnston,
Chaimaan of Inaustrial
, too. Isith, when Mnriel Katherine. only
Huron mod, at 10 o'clock on Wednesday,
di Ater of Mr. and Mrs. Jes. Johnston.
the bride of Mr.PredmlCk
Mitkraeton. youngest son of the late John
MidiMeton rind Mrs Harriett Middleton.
of "Whitehall.' ' Goderich township. The
June 2$. UM.
bride. acciwnpanied by bar father, -
are given special
attention at the
Famous Corner •
Grocery Store
'Phone 164
or give us a call.
Robertson & Mair
Cor Hamilton Si and Square
One of the most danger-
ous and repitis.O e lank of
Kidney Disease is
1 for which Dodd's Kiley
Pills are the only certain
cum In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actuate dammed
u t. .7121dbether xv(4117.1.- i71'";..le'
.ta°.°•:1 fr oftguer: Ise. itii.-"7en A th'Lltk.
ttse skin. Remove the filth
which plugs up the dram.
Restore the Kitinevs to
health. There is only one
Kidney Medicine
Vomit:and Chutes sic.
1. noted throughout CAnsig It. heeds 11,1•144
bUss nes.. (144410 At Wit UMW, 51. 444
..Atalogut. b. lit.t.tor
New Hospital
for Goderich
Bright, roomy apartment, with complete
outfit, and managed by an expert in his line.
This department is situated at the rear
of our store and is fitted with an outfit to
build up and restore new life to your old and
sick -look in g Boots.
We guarantee to add appearance and
length of life to any Boots entrusted to us for
repairs. All repairs quickly and neatly done.
Don't forget the spot Hem's Boot Shop,
next the Telephone Office.
New Lines Coming In
every few days to assist in completing our
already large assorted stock. Every pair in
our store new and up-to-date.
LOOK for the
sealed package. but
have an eye out
also for the name
Style and quality -these two
predominating essentials to
good footwear are most pro-
nounced in our Oxfords and
Pumps for these seasons.
It has ever been the policy of
this store to embody these
essentials tale utmost degree,
consistent with price, and so
strictly and successfully has
this policy been adhered to
that the footwear we are now
showing represents the true
essence of good value.
Tennis, Outing and Bowling
Shoes are now in stock.
That name Is your pro-
tection against inferior
Imitations. Just as the
sealed package is Pro-
tection against Impurity.
Geo. MacVicar
North !title Sqnare. noderich