HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 2411. Thut+sdny ..1 titre lei. 1919 - - -, TSE .1110NAL OOD> Veit, OII T. gionat { Keep your eye toir ; on this Brand ('BB OItiisiAL PRINTING Cu., Leo. PeattsIte.ns Thursday, dune 2-11. 1919. PROTECTION ABUSED. What is the Go�r^ernment going to d. about the protiteeLig revealed before the cost of living committee at Ottawa S. It asia cannot disclaim responsibility, A Gov• on a Sealed Packet is Your Safeguard. ernment that legislates money out of the pockets of the people by a protective -- -• tariff. on the plea that industry must be 1 of the U. F.. A. is a class orsa:azatton, ! A QUESTION OF supobrted. places itself under obligation eliminating all but farmers, and cannot QUESTION to see that advantage is not taken of the get very far in any great pr0gresbive --- rteform The action of the. radical Liberal protection to enhance prices unduly and tn e Csr fleece the people. The most rabid advu- Cnionisommonss idors nut ter am toadian encouraHuuge theof .d tate of protection evoushrink from formation of anthy strong y\„estern radical. attempting to justify the 30I) per cent. party. I( the Lib. ral party does adopt a• of the Dominion Textile Cu-, the 72 per progressive platform at the coming wn:entnon and selects as a leader a scene of the Paton Manufacturing Co., and man to put that policy into operation other gross examples of profiteering that the Liberal party may regain its fuU, have been revealed. prestige in.Western Canada. The strikes in the West and the unrest Il(/NT 1 FIIK ItETCRtiE1/ MEN. evident throughout the whole country are awn. ' h,uke•.ao•,1re• in a element ..t direct results of the shameless profiteering - l.o0ti.t t l mkipg said a - 11io w doll' that has been g•ang•on during recent C,: out the "Ah. Qui." and "silt vous markt• t•rrwurtls of us ell." Ht• was quirt years. What is to be said in reply to the Flan: peopleouknow you have been to w'roue. The lathst view. us put for- FrL)on without tangl [yard In• certain Cabinet Ministers 1111.1 s raker who declares: "Ne were willing Ihrn't say "dangle.' Dangling" -goes others. is that e,uecitutt doth make to keep things going during the war. even with'shell•holes• . • her,rs.• of its all. : if we d d not get what we considered a When leasing or buying house, uTake the Western members The one Tea that never disappoints the most critical tastes. LAD CO 10 keep his job until he-lul Y.011.11.Y.011.11.place ;sew to go. Mr. Calder gave every credit to Mr. 4 re,t tr's censtieiwe whirt. lade him go out earl' 1111:11.0.a 114.1.11 art 'dimwit all through the West, but be {refuted with pride to his 11411 1.1.11S4.10111.0wglt•It gave By H. F. Gadsby. 1tr this time the 'budget has been' eliewel to rags-uualyzel to its last u sums• but nue phase of 1in de•bute ne,y hove twmp•d the euriows.oleserver -I uwau theup•ratiriiis of emiscirne•e in 11.e nomilo'rx of Parliament. 1'ou- x,'1e•11ry bit• 1001.11•11 nicht[ glorified Iv air. Calder that tithe's.. It mar even ie. that cons•ienve is routing IMO its for ex- not necessary to examine ta e ce ar hest amph, t aus•iemv 1lNx needs hwl nes ••lie to r deal. Rut now that the war is over " dont bomb now. "f thew tvdlc, tNrlt� and iudiriJuull>. why Should we not strike in protest \\'hen'at meals, don't say "Shoot us [,tit on 1110 prairies, with tea• free airelm%ter. It e against the way in which our wages are', the punk," or "Once on the du pain." It( heaven ventilating their souls, they .'ih°est auyrhi•n being taken from us to heap up mer Neither is it good taste to ask (ora "dip." ns ver l'uow they lord a ernscirme. It 1 iu iii i t tl, it to wealth for the wealthy'" His attitude i Mtss•tins nerd not be brought to -the inuttioku,ne ns till itrurtliy sov,itst•irne•rs iu high t:trltr, 1 table shook', %%Rhino nuiking Itself frit. It I in"le"t, 11r•omr 11 may not be entirely logical -he may not hem 1 exprect to punch your late they rot Canada. but 1 be hitting mate right spot. or hitting Sergeant the moment you are out of woe that oiiii ieubegan tow[' like' ttholy Iabtvr "'"tnere whein the right way, but at any rate he is i uniform. You will have to fall in at the nailed liver or n boil Int the tack. Fut I tells n% that all obi. end f the queer i tieurt%thrulx.._Thin. HEROES BON(/REI). Medals and alddresset. Presented in Morris Tow1Inhlp. ltrusxt•b. .1 11.• _u: -.--Iter of 1114. Isrgt•s1 141441 uti».1-ucce,tful rt'it•pdiotis for returned soldiers was held 011 the hie the neural eterage to roam n Wlere xpaeiuus gr Ix 40 Ur. uud Mrs. ttl0h- he wax uud 11•1Ir the WS 111111 hr had lard I'rts•ter, Morris tow iiship. The rather than Hy to others that In. place was tastefully Je•arated with '.ottr•d not,of. air. Polder hex tit•-I1lumrrs, hug Hags, tool the icloit•d a ro,ms•le11•e 11111! would Wilke .preytraat wile untried eat iu •splrudiJ 1.alrlot Goblet Zook like u Mee,.e',• of form, s• w• chw:t•. ft will be a great surprise to Col. Conde. of Clinton. who the "[clack ('ai'dry" of Saskatchewan. utuudel 1ht• itilit !inflation. was chair - They will w01111011• w111'r0.11tu met 11. 11111111. 111111 rnlh•tl 1111011 Rev. Messrs. The feet rettlaius, nevertheless, that Hti.teklus and 1►avlw,n. and W. 11. Mr. Calder Itax It and that he Is proud Fraser. M. 1'. P.. for speeches. The of its behavior. lie wutdd love to most htterL•'tt1ng ft•t,ture of tIN• After - yield to his principles and I1• a wieder noon was the p11•w•utttt' of gold Western idol like air. 4'rernr, but hes metals to the ,vettn•uwl 11t1',sa, e:teh ev14st•iene• is of a sterner mould. Itttevompcuti,.1.1.v w prIuht1 address. bids hint Hing away ambition turd cite I Henry .1 ohus.,n 1it,kei after this duty affection of the chasers and ender.. the I In mood toren. turd alejor skew of the trouts that patient ,writ of the 1111- 11111st Huruu liatt:tlien made a fitting reply- en behalf of the soldiers. Iter. air. Hawkins presented medals to 11,t• mothers of seven heroes wht, $ltr•p "Ill Flanders fields." 'Au address was also also. •gh•ea 0at11 her. Two vett-t•xtrute'i Gutsy drills were gilen by twelte 'pupils of S. S. No. Morris township. and eighteen %rholers of Relgr:VI" s•11t101. reales-lively. trebled by' 'Hisses Pluton! and Isar. te•at•ht•rs. worthy Atka+. No weak cuutproutiww for Mr. Calder's i•ouscleure, which 10I114 111111 111:1! this is It evar year nod that this r _ try demands of him the satri- HMv which u Cabinet position entails, nx 14.ng as Union Government holds ttget lie r. Ye,t, he w111 stick to the ship until it p,► •s dowel. 1'ussabiaw•n 1'altlr•r't+ rote w4. qNY• stands on the buruintg deck. a'1 nee only a •, cwt hr, has thol. and tlu• it hounderuntil it sees ti soap or a & time spur ser a bar of stp u4. Quit ing else that will wash bite it asho n:•li' a- star ('alder's ton - t! Ott It situ nut long ago fu 1'rewlr trowln, hitt it tutus! out 10 be only Gen on the wave. Mr. Calder'scons Irnr surveys the battle wreck 1 with n err t4. but careful hark. Ht' will what hr tau get out of it. tri+rising eons•letke is Mr. chest to tlw Eastern i wilt to see .ttoNher . Rowel l's. -dew! It is. Of ll flexible to i abes retotit Nomltally a Liberal stilt ore' many virtues e•Iltt't'gt'IN•y it mien. • ,t 11.11. l'rutel't lolntst t•:tnwhile it soar% uselerati and wiriest Is flue to Mr. Itc rwv% "sit up and take nolle.'' 11'• hitting something and making people' Uon't retro to spurs as "guth(wks. toe Hrst time in their Ilcts ernes rue• ,,,,mseirue•, which is ev r dwllcawl to It might sound rough to the members or nuldr them uucuntfurtabli•: Hubert"1' lift, raise this budge debate to a had What is Inc remedy' We do not pre• the district staff who wear them. vN their etsi e•u:e cur tl tciv rn oar the P The System is Poisoned By Failure of the Liver and rlatte where only Lehr wn!'seem. a verse simple fool of nerd or wrong. •14. [ernes are rfftrth Awu� with the tend to say, further than that every' Dont if you happen to have e. pistol or a few rockets among your 119:44411chw ,a the diet 1110414,111P111111011 4.v it moist• and strife of photon' protiteetts industry that is proved to betaking undue • souvenirssend up flare -lights or "Red third 'iishtrhn iug teeter--expeeiey. � and striking workmen. Away with the it ix IN n s nu n{tst•ttiug all prnb- s with purr ills - Sir w advantage t ---the tariff, shouldbe de - towards curing the trouble. on the main street of your town, "Over 1:ott•ri'tt'r'It is On the job. And for 1 1 t th hefts' It 1s regarded as a gambling device. this pease --a {arty Government. L UMW paved of t e protection it has abused. over green oyer red" from your front t,xpet ettcy a runs mntrrtnlisw 4..f our p'itt lawn. It is more likely to bring the dish for coedit e, even when u ]arty :over anent is in whet.. but it b•eomes 1 h•urs and w-img til t4. wary itpw:lr lice officers than reinforcements. t w l e14 n 1'nlon air• It"will to the donmin o n•lawat w ere t le• mar 4.r eNu eis'*wi w•Ithout futerfsring a't J whether It does right u4. wrong. alec;nysJosephFIti1111•',. divi,hn,b. All Don't "bum' tau many cigarettes from shooting mrd the tumult and the di. your neighbor. There is no isrur in Hn.1s it rxpsllent to do stmething. but content and tau• high cost of living ur Canada. I5t 1'ulott Govrrumemt ester nstL It hew due to wharf -Mr. Howell says to Dunt (,eget to vote for the bylaw .4.n Above all. don't scratch. -Exchange. pooiirut to do n,uythi14g. ita this new• iwrvousness. This, it net explumttlon ,Ind IN• ,atfce• nspeet of ex{e limey that only air. Howell's .otts'iriN•e• Saturday. wld�h 11:10• git'ew 11110 West•r1 1101 - could elle. It rnyors the high cost ..f ,�y� `s•k•mv a stuuhu•h Ho . beThr l•:ashrn MtKIM'S UIRBCTORI. re'1111,w•Ie1N1• 10 nut affected the x:11110 w•:1y I"ring, 1.01111104.. Of rnnrs, when Kits-- 11011111110 the F.nxterl'tents h•n. t' is ser- ; get nervous they always too up in the New Edw.,Kltesrs Malay Changes, Ise.114., When Mr. Rowel1tt it tit d. air Publishing Field.phlstiruteil -11 waxes fret on es ten- FlNvelle, gets that jnwpc fe•I- The ranudbrn Newspaper hirw•tnry't,titrw• tublt-d'hote of Hsnl iorliele,. a IJos•ph . little• bet of ••ve•ry thlug fr situp t., ',1C I"' jawkx ba.1m up Hc,• 1vnt0 u for 1919. Pcu-t issued by the publishers. nuts, but fhr lyrarr14 lame irtwe bels 1",11[141 and wo cures his tn•rcou itt 1.01 A. Midi In. Limited. advertising agency, - -. •- . . . . ... .........:1711.• unrll it'. time for another x{ascot. In of al,titmul. Tiroutn, •Wlnuipeg and Germany accepts the peace terms. What else c maid she do? It will be a while yet h• -f we the trans- atlantic trip by aeroplane classes as a pleasant iohcily jaunt. If it should be decided to hang stmt of the "profiteers," we fancy there would be plenty of applicants for the tub of hang- man, high test of new'print-the total mint- •i,' through the session the \\ a stere 1 ng t ortong 1 ).•r of 4'niudhut pnblfentions iucrru%td ' e•toxritlwv has been torn between lore agents taking orders for rnlnrue•d pit• Fifty -Hee new '11111111 duty--Ioye of 11 quirt life as u tunes. Phos• a bo had friend u4. rela- bot dein. honwe•,.0ke1 free trade nod sn 'h manner l'1%. n,•rrunsu.»s act ern 1 Fnglnnd Ihdirxtr% greet[ 1 r•a1tn. dispassionate touts ienc e,. like acts it Hirst tax:item. Tho \irxtr[I1 eve- artlrity' in the publis11114g Hrld during ( air. ltawell'0 anti- [lir Jnw pd1's. Nee - the last year. scirue keeps. itself tit on a tow simple vousurss: 1'An you Iwnt lt't N•I•i1e 1110 her of daily papers Priticxwles.but the mlmnetFuttythfu e istern ,oundenot published lit 191", 441111 es from 1:1•r tf to 126- AM' wNiuly to the effect of the i have n dark eco,.. taste next mooting- I At the present tient there are travel - •i I art 1 rhe o.1 inter • dietrhis At a school board meeting in Toronto the other day it was reported that an idiot after a course of tratnin: was earning $30 a week. It wasn't stated which one of the Toronto papers he was editing. The Saltford Sage remarks that we should have the finest climate under the two if we could have the cold winter weather nom and shaft the present hot weather into January' and February. from l.Itsn n, 1.•0+-. surcease from the rarer of war, and , weeklies lune arisen during the {11st I,luty to Its clamorous constituent.. ryw'r• '1..111' II long time the \\'rstrrtt t.1tnscit•n1,• Altogether. the situation wire. r - ,tifftrrd in .flelev, but silent reoffering Reelinxlu of the wntndtxt ttnhirr, re-' didn't please the voters bark home. Reeling. as it 't4.•., the healthy tondi- h• toren Nast to They sem :dela feft•rgr•antx *eying. floe pr•cuiliug t ,nu•rnl • "Why im blazes don't you let conscience West of the 1e•:akY Get busy." Seo there erre Whewver exaalfu0s the page's of the •1 lit Kim 1lIrw'h:r - with the rare they rhetorical outbursts from time to 111110. 1 loot not umuy-not enofigh to Sutter a deserve e'tnuttt tail to 1e• i mineswe I'niuu Goverttuwut whew chief octal - Dation the great 1111..t. involved- iu glean.ation was sitting on the lid. 114 raiz[ Mg se many th,nisands of items df in -'slid the \\'[aero mrtule•r exphi iu tbxt I,' 1 tlo• eutirH•Id ' 1.1,11 ., i . of S'nttedlnn pubticettonte rove•resf bet ' Toronto has a street railway strike on for ilirw tory is it complete goxrttowr :ti ,!c ‘"i'''' t.hd 1:1:11 i; w :.s id Mad of every town :old City he I'iu:tdu and histo to nnege(rht,ne it xa it could Lr its hands -though perhaps they feel it in Nt•wt ihuld wheel o publk•attiro is bean! two t'acns:nml mile, :to: ay. Tln• their feet rather than in feel: hands. issued. 1 m0 may tune to [t fur in• ' t'"tern tel.;tr:tt'be•l b,ck. - 1. •t her roar. Toronto is always complaining abet its forutatiutn tis 110 ]reputation, county That's w(iat you're there for." street -car service, but it is easier to lents, reheats and wtUerwesee tele- 1 In Wetlle ttlw•s they scut silarlwr r graph. express and lacking- facilities. nt•ss'•g1•.. 1'etaw borne nt aure and grumble than to walk. with the ne•a• vunrllttom% ' we'll repair your ism:elenCe for you. formation. .41 on i x I e'en n , t ' to , .1 Si Sir Lomer Gouin is returned to power .S1101a - $eeiuethiug .e•uts to clave gale wrong •rising dully _-recan.truej, tt, expan- %itrn. development' -Ibis kW* hl its with the works." -1 neele •slaud that 1 With Rnrrlrs. familiar green and reit '1•nvert. attest Mnhnrg. irhox0 roast science IM sop{row�11 in Qaebec Province with a reduced caro Its Mice on even office dlak and to be one of the most ver•ul in lei ski A fami'y tree is sometimes the out - majority. After the prey out elution the 111 retry business IU.rary, I atclieweii. obeyed'. this xunuuogt tunlW growth o: a successful busines plant. House stood seventy•five Liberals to six Ask ('le,nenel' for Me('rarken. I''I"'le hack with It J•ous'ir•nce its g0011 as A tle.patcla (rem \\'iugh:nl, say . s; new'• - the motor jacked up. the ball - Conservatives. This time it is about bearings r0111114.1.11. NIA the record ran seventy Liberals to nine Conservativest'riewis of •Mutes 1'. J11,'rtickovi• eon• ming sweet Anil true etch aro r,aspiug. and two Labor men. Sir Lomer will ctrtwl oar aGnch 11. ' t.tlt+, of uuuu• Ir. aihluwl Clark 111$01 11011.1110.1 xnnt• slanghte•, 111111 .1•/itenell art Goderlrh i W fifteen yea r. in Kingston {wnlit:; , time age to let 1.1111.0•11.10.1. have its 11111L!4inry', have NAuted the 1lrrulatl„ii f niter ni t'iI over to. the cross bench,- w•hert• the Unit's! FN'cnters of Albert:, petitions tiu•onghout Htit•on county,lwonld hear It bnyz. addreas'11 to the atiuister of .lnttitr•, lint the !widget was the one ;trendxskfug for ronuuntation �f the ,.hence for the long-siefe•rin¢ Western live at the trent ere easily appealed to. and hwiulel to phare all order for sada nt 'l pictures, Just on what au- thority the•it• :agents e'itivass the coun- try we de not know. bot w-4. think they should be compelled to harry a lifrttse. Their work may be perfectly all right. end their pictures perfectly luttlisfru•tt,ry, but we have known wavy crimes when Niit ti hap not Iwr•11 flit' (caw'. hilt owing to n elected egreernent on the port df tlw rnstomrr-nn agree- ment they were not careful to under- state' the tt•rtux of before signing - they were bluffed into Inking an au- s.ttIsfatt0ry picture and paying et Irlg price for it. It 11 just as well to be Itareftel. The agent tae as mewl' right Its. trust you a% you have to trust him. Tell him when the work is shine. and if it is perfectly satIefattory-. you will take the picture, and only then. probably be able to worry through. A promise of the Union Government a election time which it has grievously failed to carry out was that there should be conscription all round -conscription of wealth as well as conscription of men. The revelations before the cost of living committee of Ottawa prove clearly what was suspected -that while the • soldier, gave up home. business. comfort, often life itself. to serve their country overseas. -greedy men at home were seizing the opportunities of wartime to make huge profits out of the needs of the people, while the Government looked on cr act- ually aided in the looting by putting up a e'Lti per cent. tariff wall behind whicft the profiteering was the more readily carried on. Newspapers which uttered a warning in 1917, that the victory 'of the Union Go•rernrnent would be a victory for the Big Intern 1, have been overwhelmingly justified by the subsequent events The Calgary Albertan. a Liberal paper which supported the (';tion Government at the last election, makes the fol owing Significant comment: Premier Martin has sent a , all to all the Liberals throughout the Province of askatchewan for domed united ranks against ,the Union Government. He refers to some of the shortcomings of the Gov- ernment and insists that the national Liberal party will adopt a low tariff policy. He shows by figures that tell the truth that Canada is carrying a greater burden of indirect taxation per head than any other nat•o n in the world. The LJbers! party is still the dominating one in Western Canada. The organization semiotic- hop/p..41 upon Met the pr .Lite[ t' freedom on 4'r:lt'ketl vies coin -feted t tit ueit.,tglctm by Mr. .1 sy11t•rasy. 111th sone -Aunt 111411q• - In I.1IIN114't1/.11 irf(h III killing of Me. 1.1.11,•11.11Ct took the form of speech : 4'1'u,keu's wife at h fmrin near diel -wen others it Nxwtmtol tlty guise of [(rote. Pardon for lee prlwwwr or his Ileuf •e0uh•ngd for the (:ovt•rnment'% pn•ole is N.kel ,n eke gronndx Ihe t milk 111111 0111[4. pr0iwsalx. Hath others prier to the o•4. n4. ,for w•hb•h he was again n vague uure%f--Ifke nbar-norm ae•mteNv91 he had been of geMd 11un•- Hy hwking for 0011111411111g better than nch•r and enn xepinry h:IbifN. (/[hes eta-:Ill'-it-Ittalf per scot. But most of petitions which have from time to time x,111 few western 1.01044•14.111*410(.11111.041been t•Irceilltted In the vicinity of Mr- itself on the vote. $4110101.011.44.10111141 1'rackodes home have not been largely rated for the atcalnsb•r umeudment on sigulrl. the principle that n half lett is better thou 11) bread: other rouxclelttis toted ` -nets lens• to cut hoose. and this It did : herot,. crime of r)f c- but in viertults w:aye according to iwr tire alNstrn the c.Doul teulp•ranieat ural fndicldttol 1.110- . You are more to nosed some bandy remedyfor Seeburn, Insect Attars, orn Scratches. Sore Places. Dem - Ruk has twee proved to be the beet. Tape a box with you. a amps al Sra 7AM.»BUK eatiowswilloptiewashessersesoressease- e •4 for the (lover •nt on the plea that there w'1114 nn impllesl K0111114r In the tariff ch:Mees: end mile. is few eon. sriewe't'x 111.1 not vote at ell. thereby registering disapproval of everything he sight. Itreadly .Iw'aking. the 11'extenl colt- stiene• found exprv.sion one way or another. 1'one bend', ns 1 said before, ntak••tt here... of it. till. voluntary or , involuntary. 1t rest. With the voters to sly which. 1 hail' 1111 I110:1 Clint the mntt'r the con./ienit' tits It's Hill tics it lens of getting Nee nomination. This 4111111011 fu the W10.1. In the East we under -demi that n el1 tlts'tpl Inti eon- eelenee 91.11•,. Ifs 1 or spelt. only one been nt n time. Conscience. like death .oh. ominous nnnit.gv- hires a shining murk. so We nntnrnlh• turn to the eilideet'.linf.ters to l/4. 1100 11 iRwr'terl them. It ,iinde theta brnee. Mr. 4'rerar it enh.ldenl•d t0 n•.tgn his portfolio and to tell why it' did 11. 4'nrionsly eh it acted nn Mr. ('alder In the directly npppate way. It fortified him In the retolallon Wash The Kidneys! After Bad Colds or influenza Look to Kidneys and Bladder] Owing to bad colds, overeat- ing or intemper- ance, qr to the after effects of influense-uric acid and toxins (poisons) are store4 JSp in the body find cause backache, lum- bago, rheumatic pains and stiff • loigta. It is moat es- sential that treatment be di - y rested towards prompt eastr'� Otte' of the poiaona from the body wh' cense theme pains and achy. This means that the excretory organs -(the bowels, akin and kidneys) - shonJd he excited to their beat efforts. Every one should clean house --internally -and thus protect one's self from many germ di/rases, by taking castor oil or a pies/ant locative such se Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which are made of May- apple, aloes and jahp. Take theme every other day. This will excite efficient bowel action. it you suffer from hackaehe irri- tation of the bladder and the kidneys, shown by the frequent calls to get out of bed at night, considerable mediment is the water, briek-lett deposit,paps rimming, headache in the youshould obtain at the drug store "Anuric" (anti- urie arid), int put up by Dr. Marne. To build op the.mtrwttgth and improve the blood, take an iron tonic such as •'imntic,' manufactured by Dr. Tiaras, to he had in tablets at dntg stores, or some good herbal tonic such se Dr. Pitrnw's ('.olden Medina] Dhiuvov�erytt made from wild roots and harks withal* alcohol. gad out aro io tablets or Ygdi Kidneys to Purify the Blood Relief Obtained by Use of Dr. Chawe's Kidney - Liver Pits. Too much eating of heavy, hithly- seasoned foods and too little out- door exercise are she most frequent causes. The liver r upset, becomes torpid and inactive, the bowels aro constipated. the kidneys are over- worked in an effort to get rid of the accumulating poisons and break- down. Headache, backache, aching limbs sound • warning note, and when thus u not heeded the natural development Is rbeumattam, lam - Dago, and painful and fatal forma el kidney dwaae. To best overcome thus condition De- Chase worked out in his private prscttce a prescription which has come to be known as Dr. Chase's Sdney-Liver Pills. because of their • • Med action on thew filtering o ns. No tt tmaat has ever pry en so mice ul m awakening the tion of the Idoeye, liver and bows and thereby cleansin the system\ at all impurities. F* this Mason `.Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have a world-wide reputation as the most thorough cure for rbeumatiamt lumbago, chronic in- digestion and, constipation. Yrs. Alex.\ Gordon, Walkerton. Ont.. writes: "'A few years ago 4 asft.red from Money and liver Isouble, with pal in my back. I Lad heard of Dr. Cbaes'• Kidney - Liver Pfila being d for this. se 1 commenced tak them. I had only taken a couple boxes when the trouble was all to owed." Mrs. M. Nickels. 92 Milton street, Sarnia, writes: "1 ve found Dr. Chant's Kidney -Liver P as ex- cellent remedy. I suffered nattier - ably with kidney trouble as back- ache, but after i had taken five boxes of the Kidney-1Jverr Pills gave me relief. Since then. w was about five years ago. I keep the on hand, and use them whenever lee: the need of them - Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver PiI1s, ono pill a done. 25 cents a box, all deal- ers, or Edmanson, Dates & Cs. Limited. Toronto. Substitutes will only disappoint. Insist on *stung what you sok tor. w - June Bargains Penes that will make very easy selling for most desir- able and seasonable goods. • Bathing Suits Ladies' Navy Suits, "Zittimerknit" stake, white, trimmed, half sleeve. Attached bloomers and skirt, Anettr Kellerman style. RegulSr 8'�.(X) for $1.'25. Wash Skirts White piques and gabardines, well male, splendid styles and qualities. - Sizes 21 to Special, each $2.0) and $2 ',. Night Gowns Men's large size. Best slake of white twill cotton. Beauti- fully made. $2.00 for 111,2; Balbriggan Underwear "Imperial" brand, best quality shirts and drawers. 3.4 to 4-1. Worth $I 00. At per garment. 75c.- Silk 5c.- Silk Poplin Skirts Black, navys, taupe', etc. Ladies' Skirts, braid trimmed and fancy pockets, etc., all Latest nodes and styles. • Values, tegular $7.50, $$,0l' and $9:00. At each, $6.50. Congoleum Squares In all sizes. At per square yard, $1.25. Gossard Corsets - 1 Are unequalled by any other snake for, comfort. style and serviee. They lace in front. Styles for all figures. • Prices range, $2.50, $3.00; $3.50, $5.00, 16,50, and up. Cottons 36 -inch twill pillow cloth, sheeting, 9r nightgown cloth. . Free from dressing. and a beautiful, even, hesvy thread. Regular, 40c, for 2lic Sheeting 72 -inch, extra heavy, 00c. Towelling 19 -inch, all pure linen, roller or tea Turvelling. At per yard. ;;plc. Floor Rugs Special prices on all Wilton. Axminster andBrusselsRugs. Lrvery size in stock for June Sale. W. ACHESON & SON let u basolall match b•eneen itru-+tis mai hleigtti't' the fnrut•r ants by 17 1.0 ' ,t football match, with the c1'iux• . hent High S h...I boys and le Junior eleven from llrtts+e'l♦ a• ...nate-Mors.. was wuu by Win0111tt1.:1 to 1 . .\ !splendid fres• hunch wn. s•rvel. anti a refreshment booth took in ott'r came. \t'inghnm bund dl.,,.nr•e.l N ¢leer 'intern w. told a melon choir saute .nitabh meet -'r,' ht ro14ne.tian with tit.. pre...Wetion•. Thirty nnolal. ill all on. twilit pro - oiled but mime of the boy. are still 4.r rsws, but they alit not Is. oi'••n Icor 011. The fifteen on V111.011 1111' L11.011 10 we•re ph etefb by n gat bt c y of l Fergenent. G. $hwb+tt..m, 5\'. Tont.- kin... V. $witwtlrtorrt-t. If. arid J. Tasker. W. $ti.tt. .\ Horn. Alf. 1'rh'e. 1 tablrens nmol .1 .int lersal. 'flew• N len tuuQe 1100 rupretur cumi- n.-.•. 511111 who.•• untie•- 11'111 ie•%e'r 111 forgot A•n. Art.' Jtnu.-s Mtt'nllnrn. 1tk•ii- not 1'it - .Isms* t'oultitt, 1Ir. Guilfoyle. 1'b,•.ter 3.1* 1.t'mn, Gurdon Moon.. 1%011 \t-iglituan, .\u.tlu 1'amltlwll. \\'illlmas Fordo„ aped .\. x1.4:ria,. A t,N•nwrlal h.bh•t lime 11 -en Weisel la 1{e•Igrave 1'n'.byt'rien cltnn k recording the • la nog of t err gallant fellows who tenthly did tlwir duly. Itelgnrt• .rrrutnttinity pus• sol f1w {a.e In ttlwwleeg rt -•p..1 to tho.t• 149,, Inynlly w•rvwi. W11110 .tool • idets were: I1. 1/ye. t'. 4'nnitht. 11. Itntnektn, N. I:e1.1mw." G. tlnlaw•ritie for The islgnal now Rates for Telephone Service THE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective Mar 25th and based upon air -line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de- creased charges. Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3 -minute talk to points most frequently called b local sub- scribers: Goderich to Clinton Toronto London Stratford.. Seaforth.. Blyth. Old Rate New ' ate 5 .15 $ .15 fol .7•i .90 .45 .30 .35 2i .20 .15 .15 The hours during which reduced Long Distance rates (night rates) are in effect are now From 8.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m., 60 per cent of day rate From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Night rata are booed on Standard Time LOCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscribers will be increased tees per cent, effective from July 1st next. Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from May 25th. great Ye11 T.lephona Is a long Distance Statism The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada r 1