HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-15, Page 8- .Tito splay, Mat 11. 1119 • TU . ATONAL OODERIQ$ OrR. Wall Paper rhtr every root in the house al the mica, moderate prices you ever heard of. Se• Our Ills• and Ia• tsa1V1101ett. . Rote Paper. Writing Pada and 1'nvelopes, We have the bast bulues 111 Nate Paper, etc.. to Io• bound aaywlori'. ':•:,•w l'rt•shyterian Ilymu Rork. 1.tt, qe steel. of 1 hr most pipula r 'stations. AVOID COUGH? and COUGHERJ'd e aeiQwtq Spreads //if, Otaeese • rite: 1 ; s q 1 LOH taro Dib 30 ORT- OPJ' MCA HI1 RALF it1Lr IV C1RLDRLII YREs.KITEA 01lit KON. 11tlaoriea) Committee .Ippainted-Rev. K. J. Kass Given Leave u( Abw•uee. The Presbytery of Huron held its regi ltr quarterly meeting on Tumidity, May Ftt11, nt 1'limtuo, with the follow- ing ministers and elders present: Minister.- 11r. Telford, incident tor, Drs. Fletcher and Aitken and Mestra. M.JIt•rwid, Rous, Macfarlane. McIn- tosh, .tbery, Corriere. Johnston and Hamilton: elders -Messrs. Lindsay of Clinton, Jarrell. of Kippeu, Gmtdiett•r• of Myth, Fitigltud of Auburn. Mitchell of GOderlek, Dodds of McKillop. Mr. Richardson, formerly of Kipper. was a visitor at Presbytery. Session records were ezawinetl. Mr. McIntosh of ltnoelieid was appointed to votive,* the greetings of Presbytery to the Presby- terial of the W. M. S. at its next meet- ing. The moderator and (clerk were appointed to convey by letter the sym- pathy of Presbytery to Mr. l'aniwell. The May ernferente was on the sub - j.4.1 .'l'he ('hureh and Reconstruction,' lull the dist uxs' of the quest t'ti was :begun by Mr. McLean of Egmotwlville, retry wewiei participating. A new standing (OWWitlet• was tppliwNel. to Iw ca pied the historical cowwittte, with Mr. Mit7•hed of (Role - Hell as vouve ter. and the following I meitl.•r's : Dr. Aitken. 'Messrs. Mac- If:ulane and Hamilton. Mr. Moss was given les ve of absence for the aunt- , mer for work in the West, to which apse. iy Mr. Fraser of liaylield lis , zone. mud Mr. Telford was appointed to act a.s iuteriw wotleratur of Auburn and Smith's Hill. A strong resolution against rale track gambling was p asasI un;auiuously and * Copy ordered to le scut to tittaw's. I The Slimmer Scholl in Go (rich, ,July illi ht t_Ih. 1919, was heartily i rotuuu•ndel to the wemlwrs by Mr. ,llols•rntid. J1r. .t. T. Cooper pre - !malted to the Presbytery the county work in temperance, of which he is secretary mud comweudoel the work to i the interest of members. The names of about twenty ministers were read for $i hum applleation is' lacing Made to the Assembly for leave fu rtreive Iheu1 as ministers of the PI-e.Itt tel•i11 it church in t'anidn. 1'lu• acct nsettug is 1.1 lo• held at Myth about tits• middle "f Septewlwr. uxxxxxxxxxmaddidbocxxxxxmc EVERY SATURDAY IS § A SALE DAY HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK OF Drygoods, Boots and Shoes and Groceries X formerly owned by McFARLANE fT MAIZE, at a rate on the dollar. I am going to make a xX ' Clean-out Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices x. Don't miss this sale to secure real values for your money and. in fact, get two dollars for one.dollar. Space will not permit of giving you a full list of x '■x' 0 the bargains, but below you will find a list of some teal specials : 2 pks. Seeded Raisins for 25c. 2 pks. Breakfast Food for 25c. 5 lbs. Oatmeal for 25c. Ladies' Boots and Shoes, regular from $2.00 to X $3.00, for $ I.50. x Men's Boots and .Shoes, regular .$6.00 to $7.00, for $4.50 a Ribbons, regular 25c to 30c. for I5c per yard. Several sets of Dishes, worth $20 to $25, for $15. Odds and ends at one half original price N. J. Treleaven Etytyt t t /r tt , D ungaanln o0n( t tt t (, t tr ,/1 ( t xxxxxxxxxxil xXXXxXXXXX '{iHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiII1111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIL ,NEW SUMMER STYLES in Fashionable Dressy Footwear E C 0 1 NO TROUBLE TO SHOW YOU g We have some very new styles in high and low-cut footwear for this season's showing. Styles that will appeal to you as a nice dress shoe. Our pumps are built on pump lasts, which enable us to fit you properly. These new styles we are showing in pat., kid `and calf leathers, in grey, brown and black, in pumps, oxfords and high - cut footwear. In white shoes we are showing a very large range, and as usual priced at popular prices. WM. SHARMAN ourruitimNIMittomillummiliam111111111111.0 THE SHOE MAN A LIFETIME Of SUFFERING Prevented by "Fruit-a•11rea" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine 1dAluONNaQva ,yr., Hou,, Qua. "In my opinion, no other medicine is so good as 'Fruit-a.tivea' for Indigestion ami Constipation. For years, 1 suffered with these dreaded diseases, trying all kinds of treatments until I was told I was incurable. One day a friend told me to try 'Fruit-s-tivea'. To my surprise, I founid this medicine gave immediate relief,and in a short time I was all tight again". DON -AT LALONDE 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2:,c. At all dealers or from Fruit -a -Uvea Limited, Ottawa. BOARD OF TRADE. Quarterly General Meeting Deals with Nan) Matters. The general me'tiug of the (board of '('rade on 'landau evening was well tittcudel and a large number of inter- esting matters were up for dieeuasiou. Mr. M. l;. l'ameron explained tlw steps that had beeu token for the re- organization of the 3ard Regiment laud and asked the members of the Roar! of Trude to support the canvass that was shortly to tw made for tuils. The question of a Provincial tax on mail order houses. to bt• divided a g the municipalities In proportion to the amount of business done by tlw nail order houses in the various municipal- ities of the Province. was referred. after • dis•tssiou. to the retail uti•rcluattscommittee. The proptsit' for tie takjng over of the Willi Rigs !halt by the Gude- rich Mml-1'ullle Co. was explained by 'Ir. '1'. Pritchard. wpu took (irasiuu to tor/Mt stns• false impressions lu (s,uuts•tiuu with 111t• ,1-111.1111. that 11114 gut abroad. '1'le scheme started among tut or three young men who were deairoms of lotus something to- wards the progress of the tows. and dceeloIa"1 later into larger proportions, \Ir. 1'1ttcha d's explanation- was well tre...het and it cafe wits unanimously carried in titvor of giving the prupo.t- McEwen's SPECIALS A few cases of GUiTO to clear at 10c a package. QUA1raER- CORN FLAKES, • to clear at 12ic. DOMINION CORN FLAKES 10c. DRUDGE 10c package for 5c. A can of good CLEANSER for 5c a:tin. Small can of good Salmon 15c. Small can of Red Salmon 20c. Can Pilchards, worth 20c, for 15c. Another kind, worth 25e, for '20c. Some REI) ROSE TEA left at 55c a Ib., worth 70c. J. J. McEwen License No. 8-7843 CLEARINGS IN Men's Underwear Combination and two-piece garments, Penman's, Wat- son's, Tiger brand, and all good makes. 75 garments, Watson's, make, in brown only, all sizes, to clear 95c 50 combination Tiger bland, heavy elastic ribbed, to cleat at 52.45 25 combination Pen Angle, medium weight, all sires, to clear at $1.95 M. Robins OPEN EVENINGS lion tlw support of the 'Ward. 1).' Macklin toll of the proposal that Naas 10 be plated beforl the e•oauty council at the Jams session for aldlug the .N1s1tug Iwsp)tals In the vomits mild otlwrs whit n may possibly Iw established mf points !Mt. Swfor(it and h:veter. The tsmtdy w111 be asked to grant to each municipality in which a hospital is situated a grant equal to the value of Its hospital equipment. This proposal res•ine1 tht• e•u(horsatbit of the Board. .t resolution was passel requesting tin. 11. N. W. 'l'elegrotpli 1'... to n•move Its poles trove the $tlttare. and auwtther resolution expressed appre•latluu of the recent improvement in the G. T. H. 1 lith. service. President 1'tirstm. and Mr. '(tore, chairman of the Industrial cawutin,., r•ferrel 1.0 some of the work that had IsY•11 engaging 1he at- tention of tlw executive sed other (•our mltttY•% shoe the prt'vious general meeting, and Mr. l'arstns pn•w•ut,'d tlw congratulations of the hoard Co Mr. Alex. Saunders upon his return fruw his trip abroad. RETAIL PRICKS IN GOUEKI('H. Dbieussed Amkably at a Meeting of Merchants and Maehinista. As a result of the Invitation extended by Goderich Lodge, International Awo- ciatioa of Machinists. to the retail mer- chants of town, a meeting was held at the Lodge rooms, West street, on Tuesday night which promises much for cordial co-operation b ,e..tea""een merchants and C onsumtrs in Godei lch. Mr. Alf. Bewick, president of Goderich Lodge, was In the chair. anpisthe proceed- ings were opened by a short address from Mr. F. H. Hancock, explatmng the object of the meeting as thedesre to establish a better feeling in Goderich„su that. instead of blaming the merchants for the high cost of living, they might come to feel that Goderich is a good place to work in and to live In. Mr, John Dry was chiefaspokesman for the rnachint$ts. Lhsclauning any intention of telling the' merchants how to run their business. he spoke ill some things which he thought shdhki be remedied. There were strange discrepancies between the prices charged by different merchants, even on standard articles; goods displayed in the windows were not priced; prices were not stated in the merchants' adver- tisements in the newspapers. He declared that when a woman bought out of town there was a good reason for it, for a asuman took a great deal more pleasure in personal stopping than in doing it by mail. Goderich Lodge intended to "boost" Goderich and its members wanted to buy their requirements an town, and they asked the merchants to meet them half- way. The merchants were then invited to speak. and there folhwed a very interest- ing discussion. Mayor Wigle and Mr. J. A. Campbell spoke of conditions in the drug buslnsd; Messrs. E. L, Dean and C. M. Robertson spoke for the grocers, and others heard from were Messrs. D. O'Brien, W. C. Pridham. H. J. A. M1acEwan, Reg. Shar- man, W. T. Millar and C. C. Lee. It was explained that a variation in prices might result from the fact that one mer- chant purchased while prices were lower and another after prices had advanced. Mr. Pndham told of the investigation being carried on by a committee of the nn i >IrIlNiN>R x>. »rr lltr>.> i >.IKx•l1lr l l ■ store rf 0ale THE COLBORNE STORE "°°"20`0 FOR SATURDAY SPECIALS a iit t vit • at att ••■ ■ AND MONDAY THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL VALUES ARE FOR THESE TWO DAYS ONLY. SATURDAY, MAY 17th, and MONDAY,' MAY Igth RAINCOATS for these two days will be all reduced in pricy. We just have about eight left and they are all reduced to clear quickly. • Board of Trade. which had ascertained on a comparison of prices that Goderich prices were more often below than above those in other towns, One member of the committee who had been inclined to com- plain of unduly high prices in Goderich hound on comparison that prices here were on the whole lower than those in other towns similarly situated. There was an argument on the question whether a merchant should take advant- age of a rise in prices to charge a higher price on goods he had purchased before the advance, or whether he should con- tinue to charge at the old price so long as the old stock lasted. Mr. Lee and Mayor W igk held that the merchant was justified in advancing his prices in such a case; it paces were lalling he would have to lower his charges no matter at what price he may have purchased his goods. Mr. J. N. Kernighan and XMr, William Young, jr., of Colborne, spoke from the farmer's standpoint. Mr. Kernighan said they would have to go further back than the merchants to discover the origin of high pr'icea. Mr. Young spoke of the tariff, especially of that on farmers' machinery, as a great influence in high prices. With cheaper machinery produc tion would be increased and prices would be reduced all round. Mr. W. S. Bowden. secretary of the Board of Trade, said he had lived in various towns and no matter where he went he heard the complaint that that particular town was the dearest place to live in. He suggested that the unions might by means of their lodges through- out the country institute a general inves- tigation of costs, including rent, fuel, food and clothing. As for Goderich, he found it "the best, the sweeest, the most congenial place to live in he had ever set his foot in." • It was decided to arrange a meeting of a committee of the merchants and of the machinists to go into apeeific instances in which there was complaint as to prices. Mayor Wigle ori behalf of the mer- chants tendered a vote of thanks to Goderich Lodge, and the meeting con- cluded with the best of feeling on both aides. The Best fledicint for Little Ones, Thousands of mothers state positively that Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine they know of for little ones. Their experience has taught them that the Tablets always do just what i• claimed for them and that they can be given with perfect safety to children of all ages. Concerning them Mrs. Joseph Therrien, St. Gabriel de Brendon, Quebec, writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medi- cine 1 know of for little ones. 1 thought i would lose my baby before trying the i'ablets, but they soon made him healthy and happy and how i would not be with out them." The Tablets are solei by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CHURCH MITER The annual district meeting of the Methodist church for Gotlerich dis- trict will be held in the Methodist church, Blyth. May 21st and 22nd Ministerial Three Raincoats, regular #5.50 for $:3.00. These thrieroats have been alightly soiled by being in the window but are good in duality. $3.00 each. Tweed Raincoats in perfect shape and the newest design, in brown and grey tweeds. Regular $12.00 for $9.98. Regular $10.00 for $7.98. One only poplin Raincoat. regular $6.50 for $4.98. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES We have gathered together large lot of laces and Embroideries in short endo up to 214 yards in Embroideries and 5 yards in l.aeei. These are marked at prices that will clear them (thickly. They will be displayed 411l a table iii the centre of the store. GEORGETTE BLOUSES Sin Georgette Blouses that have been reduced in prime for these two days. Two pretty" Georgette Blouses With beautiful pleating for trimming, in maize and' white. Regular $9.75 for $7.00. Two Georgette Blouses with lace -frill'e'd front, in goad (olorn. Regular $10.00 for 87.00. One only white and green Georgette Blouse. Regular :10.00 for $7.50. One only pink and nary trimmed Georgette Blouse. Regular $6.00 for 84.00, CORSETS A special line of Corsets fothese two days.. All size., 1) & A Corset, No. 414, regular $2.25 for $1.75. HOSIERY Our tock of hosiery is Row complete and the range of Stoekiiga we are allowing is the best we have ever displayed. Black and white Lisle Stockingst at 75c, 85c and 90c a lair. Black, white and colored silk boot kings, in all sizes, from 50e a pair to $3.50 a pair. In colored Stockings we are showing. all fa rated shades, to go with every gowu and pair of shoes. Children's rated Stockings, in blaell<, at 50c a pair to 75c a pair. Children's ribbed Stockings, in white, at 50c to 75c a pair. Children's ribbed brown Stockings, at 85c and 75c a pale-' We guarantee twrfeet satisfaction . THE HdUSE OF RELIABILJTY D. & A. Corsets J. H. COLBORNE Standard Patterns. ■Irl1 mma snit $amasas/X1 masa siva ansmi t 1 session on Wednesday, 21st, at 2 p. m.; from Victoria general session. Thursday. at 9.30 a. m. A pub'ic service will be held on Wednesday evening, at which an address will be given by Rev. H. D. Moyer. At Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday Mr. W. H. Leavens will preach in the morning and Rev. Jariws Hamilton in the evening. Sunday school and Bibie class at 3 o'clock. The servicesin Knox church next Sate tath will be conducted by the minister. The subject o' the morningserrnon will be "The Ministry of the Spirit." In the evening the subject will be "Rebuilding and Rededication." Sunday school and Bible classes at 3 o'clock. The servhe. in North street Meth.). dist church ir111 he eomlueted by the pastor next Sunttay. alen'a Sunda, 1'Itt summa fa rhe churelt parlor at 10 N. m. Suhjt•t•t for dis•tisslou: "How can we overtone. the habit of 'knoek- iug"!" b ►slay school mud Noble clasw•s meet at .3 p. m. The Goderich district W. M. S. conven- tion held at Nile Methodist church yes- terday was a splendid success. The attendance was larger than ever before, 160 delegates being registered. The fol- lowing ladies from Goderich were present: Mesdames Wilson, Tabb, Knight, Buch- anan, Elliott. Million, Postlethwaite, Hawkins, Allen, Johnston and Hoggarth St- church. and Mesdames Rutledge, Leech, Hick, Bradford, Arm-' strong, F. Elliott, Mair, McNee, Nowell, Girvin, Dustow, Aitken, Colborne Tiffin, m F. Murney, Grumett. Ryan. A. Colborne, and the Misses Bathe, Davidson and Tiffin. of North street Methodist church. 1 School of Commerce CLINTON AND GODERICH, Ontario COURSES : Commercial Sten•graphk - and General Our work is better than many and equal to any. Studs alit may enter et any time For pe rs write to B. F. Ward, lam.`, M. Accts., Principal Phone '208 Clinton, Ont. Night Classes, Tues. and Thum. MODEL BOOT AND SHOE REPAIR DEPOT The hoot and shoe repair shop of the late Thos. Hall, corner of Hamilton and New_ gate streets, has been re- opened and orders are soli ited for all kinds'of Footwear Repairs Good work and reason_ able prices guaranteed Saml. Ward & Son Always take Kodak Films with you. The East- man non -curling film. Then you will get the results. if you have rhe s1iatic pain try Penslar Rheumatic Compound A splendid preparation that in- endorsed sendorsed by many of our patrons who have relieved themselves of even the moat acute forms of rheu- matism with it. Penslar Rheumatic Compound is sold in ftOc and $l.00 bottles, and fdrry'our informatioli the formula is on, the bottle. Don't continue to suffer. Get this remedy at ewe, CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE, Phone 90 ' "THE PENSLAR STORE" North St. and Sguar* • • , •it ,i l