HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-15, Page 7•
• .into=-e—a
latitated—never equalled
There is as much difference be-
tween Sunlight Soap and its
imitators am there is between sunlight •ad
artificial light. Wby ? Ab.oluts purity
with superior cleansing powers—mon rad
soap fur your mossy—you get them in Sunlight Soap.
Full weight of tea in
every package
TEAIS good sea
Sold only in sealed packages
Cheapest of all Foods
«ODEAR Everything
good to eat costs so
much these days."
"Not everything. li•t'.e y,'u
tried Davies Pork and Beans:"
Cheapest of all nutritious,
completely balanced, ready -
prepared foods are pork and
Everybody will tell you th.,t the
chief body-building and tilers) -tNo-
decing elements that nature requires
to keep teen, women and children
active and strong are um fined inn
palatable, easily -digested,
- form in
15 ets. for 15 ox. tist.,
Pork and Beans
Hand picked and perfectly
cooked until each white bean be-
comes soft, mealy and easily di-
In each can is placed a piece of
aelected pork which completes
the perfect food balance and adds
that delicious flavor which
with real old-time pork
Th. William Davies Company, Limited
Toronto and Montreal
C.rJ. I ••J/i.,,. J ' . kr, • t.wow" Y•• ti -v, am/ I1-(4 IN
Tomato saure to add another
zest—If you want it.
Try a can for lunchepn to-
morrow—nothing quicker, noth-
ing niter.
Sold in 11, 16 and 20 ounce
tins. Plain or with tomato
t. Order from pl.. dealer.
T8! . 1111111111.
Miss Carrie E. Eisenhart' unit E. N.
Willett were marred al ihisllw'1NN1 ou
May 1st. The yonug couple will ttesirle
at Ilasliw1NNk
J. E. Hniiiu -t1 11111 1W411/ appointed
Iowirshtp clerk of Stanley, sneceedtllg
It. J. Richardson, deceased. • Air. fines•
well tilled the position for 'line years
irefore his sojourn In the West.
1 lu her tifly•fourtli year Mary Oliver,
wife of .John It. )tell. towniship of
i Morris. IM1ti'MI away 1111 W1111larrhlY.
April :1ll, }krlldI' 11W husllalul, 1Wo
W+nn and oia• daughter survive.
Juhl1 14well er, of 1'rtrliton. diel 110
\L1y 1st tin his slx1h411 year. Much of
his life WAS sprint In the this lousiness,
hal for the last few years he had twee
cl.uducting a Muir mill. His wife and
one sun. 1.nrnit survive. -
The London Free Press publiehes the
! following letter from Dr. Kennedy, of
WEditor Free Press: 1 noticed an editwial
to your paper of May 5. regarding hos-
pital. in Huron county. 1 am very glad
Positive ---Convincing Proof I u•deed that the county is at last taking
this trotter up. The county
c f Huron is
It is all very well to make claims, 'ice of tie wealthiest counties in the
but can they be proven? We publish Province, aid is well able to erect and
the formula of Vinol to prove the , assist m tht maintenance of hospitals. So
statements we make about it. lar, however, it has done very little along
4r4} cos t.lv.rend s..rr.rtooee, 1,05.55 this line as compared with surruunci.ng
•e si, cies . Lin..a... Ito. e.d veecountles. The
ph..Peai« Comann ••aa s.olrt..o Wellington, Micdleisex,lElgi and faint-
Any doctor will tell you that the ' ton leave given thousands
regards dollars
ingredients of Vinol as published supporthhospitals.
above, combine the very elements we happen to Kaye three or four all about
needed to make strength. the same site and population. There s
All weak, run-down, overworked 'noune large centrein It., • county. bode -
nervous men and women may prove rich has the ,largtat population, but s
this at our expense shut oil in one side by the lake. Their
There is nothinlike Vinol to re- are already heepitals at three of these
store strength andvitality to feeble , towns 01 operation.- To build a oig. iios-
old people, delicate children and all pail in any one of the towns would be a
persons who need more strength. piece ui monumental folly. as it would
P ,.re- rPrs,v anv taUens or anY support
Mrs. Jos di l'awpt'elt. of Walton.
aged righty-'t'o•il years, 11 1141 ou Run-
Try it If you are not entirely sat-
.• -....un- itfied, we yell! return your money 'from the doctors of any other towt.s
I day May 401. 14111. 11V011 ill without question; that proves our ' b vu'.gf hospital: It could be nothing ,
awl 1llblert before moving to Me-
• Klllop. Her Meliuld diel) uauy peso;
ago. and three' sous and three daugh-
ter* survive.
(1n Monday, May 7.1 II, St. 1'etrr's
rhun'h, Ury'lu1,1, Was the wrIie of tlw
wwhUng of Miss Sarah Bedard to -Mr.
Hull, of Chatham, and on the following
1 day. 111 the manse 4-lIlircll. Mina Melte'
li rlard of St. Joseph INN'awe tie bride
of t:. JeQn•y.
On Sunday, May ;la 11. Annie Mclw'an,
widow of the lute John Strachan of
.1atin •stowti. passed away in her
seventy-elghttr year. The etitl tame
quite sud11enly an the result 'of an at-
tack of linen ttttt 1. Three sone and
ithree daughters survive.
0 ne ett the old resident's of Tucker'
smith, us the 'tenon of Janne% Mc"
Farlaue. passer) away on Friday, May
2nd. in hie ninetieth year. 'fie dee
I ceased wale unmarried and for a 11 her
of yeas% had wade II Is home with the
family of his late hrother-in-law, John
Wuod, near Henlsll.
fairness and yoar protection. uta ai ole.
county and a white elephant for the nest
.i A. O'AMI'1(1.1 1.. Irruggi-I. lefty years c.r longer.
t:orlerbI,. (*hiss I You say "the beat hospitals today arc
located le the larger cities.'1 oeg w take -
new with you here. The Mayo Chnlc, in
done about the electricc., light' plant, of I Rochester, Minn., is the largest surgical
which neither the council nor Mr. centre ul the world. and Rochester is only
Stewart. the former proprietor. wishes a small town. The late Ur. R. W. Bruer
to asimene the ownership. 'Thele are Smith, inspector of hospitals for Ontario,
some rumors of a lawsuit between Mr. i in has report for 1910, speaks as follow,:
Stewart and the village corporation.any of the town hospitals are better
• lMequlpped than larger city institutions for
sulical and medical work. and the recog-
nition of this !act accounts for the large
increase in the number of admissions to
a source of extxnse to the
Thr arrival at his lomte to Grey
: township of Mie. John R. Kirkeonnell
Inas like a story c1/we trtU•. After tlw
O'awbral, when for e• of battle
months' nothing woo 'land of him, It
was presumed that hr suras 11.1011. A
rw'na,rlal service won 'rill at il•altou
soul general regret was expr4M' !1 over
111% s11pjM1s4Ml d.atll 1111 'tile field of
bottle. 1.tter tante 1111ws tlml le had
ts-en captured I. the Iaroma we Hr
had written to hill home folks on the
first. opportunity, lout the . letter was
deter received. In the tight at raw-
' heal 19e. Klrkconiwll'N right foot was
shattered and he lay for four days
before he WAS f 1 and given medical
treatment. His Ing was amputated
Iabout Ilalf-ccay IM't'.r•ti 1111' ankle owl
1 the knee.
N. Cleft A SODS are slaking an exten-
sive addition to their mill on Goderich
Mrs. Robert 4'bompnlm. who lived
with her daughter, Mrs. Noble Steele,
died on Saturday' night, :ill into , at the
age of Mfty-tour years. She had been e smaller hu -petals."
ill for several enmities. She and her a am not afraid to s ate and to prove
vicinity of Whitechurch. icvalue to l.uctnow Irons the• I that in our local hospital here we do as
vnity rod and sometimes better work than is.
The wedding took place quietly on done in some 01 the lariter city institu•
Wednesday, April V. at the home of
.i0H. Carruth, Lueknow, tions Since our hou
hospital was opened n
Mr. and Mrs. J
of their socond daughter, Margaret
Emily, to Williarn Jobn Hackett. a
prosperous, farther of Aahheld. 1 h
ceremony was perfomr'm�ed by Rev. Mr.
Scottie of Whiteehurete. Mr. and Mrs.
Hackett will wake their home In Luck•
Finlay Malcolm had his toot badly
1 ce. n
• distal h - a
nu ail
wasdroc of t
will! he mah %
combed one day last week Thursday, theinti t e h g
555.5 loading a .wagon with Mrew•ood• I and the consensus of opinion was that if • *41455) of Nigniny the reglwter," In an
ills team starteunexpectedly and the 11
the county council decided to give the ac lot of a rvoent wedding to which
rear wheel of the wagon went over his proposed grant towards hospitals, the Owen Rounders were particularly
foot. fie will be fain for. Motile tulle• hatter thing 10 do would be to divide t interested. While ore Ifnotype may
among them pro rata according to the have been right in fact, there are
BLYTH. i value of their buildings and equipment% ' who believe that it was not far wrung
Pw.L+r • 'bt
•I'hurs4la% Ma 1., 1'111 7
Summer Is Just Around the
Be ready to sleet it with a new
Summer Outfit.
We can supply you with
Everything in Men's Wear
except boots and shoes.
Our foods are right
Our Prices are right
Call and see
Septi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
eleven y sea ago, 2.000 have had inner IKs _XXXXX,orlon,tit,�tl�r>VIItJr+VrlVr•tJ�rXXrxr'X11 I j
treatment nearly patientx sol i tttfJltt�Ywr 11tf7sAtfliAllf11f1tf1tfltRlt .
counting the cases of minor operatidls ` �—o
which went home the day of operation. n. 1 GET THE BEST. IT PAYS.
can name some of these patients who 1 M A Wise Machine.
would surely have died had a hospital not i Llnoty{w a are peculiar contrivance.; ELLIOTT
been Gose at hand. sad have dose maoy peculiar things.
At a meeting of the Huron Mtrctiral A week ago it made the tetatewent that
Association held in Goderich last „Mrs.—sing 'l.uve'le t'or•,natide. dl,r•
At -the last meeting of the village coun-
ouncil the resignation of A. Elder a. village
clerk was accepted with regret and Rohert
B. McGowan was appointed in les place.
The executive of the North Iluron
Liberal Association met here on Monday
of this week to make arrangements for
the annual n eaing of whkh is to be held at Wingham �eou J1ay
J. T. Wood has returned from a holiday
trip to California.
The staff of the Brussels, Grey & Morris
Arch. Scott, who has hewn on a bete-
' news trip to the West, and Mrs. Scott.
1 who has been spending the winter with
her ds '
Early closing wits inaugurated here
for the *lesson on Wednesday of last
week. when the drygoodM, clothing.
grocery. boot and shoe, hardware and
' furniture stores and the barber shoes
'domed at 12.e9 noon. This will conttn-
. i ne each Wednesday during may, June,
II July and Augu at.
IAuuiversary services were held in
the Presbyterian, church on Sunday.
with Rev. M. B. Davison, of Galt, an
the speaker of the day.
The May meeting of the village OD10-
1'il iIRN passed and still nothing has been
It was also thought advisable b m emir s in practice• 'Che pn'oofr
of the Association that each of theism- the error before it gut to the peens.
picots (quip a wig -g or ward esp••ctadY i Owen Sound yen.
'fitted to for the care rf returned eoldiers.I
As you sty, "Huron is a Brea: c'unty." i Tit For Tal.
gad 1 sincerely hope that they will give 1 deet
the hospitals a substantial grant. and in A meted French artist. whose pet
such a way as will hest -serve the intens s was ailing,sent for a grrat throat spectate t
of her citizens at t-irge and with due c 'n- Though highly offended on arriving and
sideration to the best interests w the seeing his patient, the specialist made no
county in the tuture. • complaint but treated the animal and
Yours sincerely,• pocketed his iso. morninghe ,int lost
J. P. KENNEDY. The followinga rens the
Wingham, Ont.. M1ay u• haste for the artist, who, g
Telephone Co. struck for higher wages,
and tie directors accepted the resignations
of three of the four operators and pt t
new ones in their place.
The Hanky -Fisher evangelistic meet-
ings in Wesley church are being
Leonard Fair, who died suddenly at the
home of his father at Listowel on the 4th
inst., was formerly accountant of the
Royal Bank here and married Miss
Isabella O'Neil. of this town.
The death occurred at Hamilton on
fe of John Hawkins ApriloofFannah that cityF, form-
erly of Clinton. The remains were brought
here for internment.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cantelon, widow of the
late Peter Cantelon of the 7th concession
of Goderich township. died on Thursday.
May 1st. after a week's illness. She was
seventy-three years of age and is survived
by two sons—Robert J. Cantelon, of Day
ton, Ohio, and Goldie. at Mone - and two
daughters—Mrs. Harry Corey,of Goderich
township, and Bertha, at home.
Mrs. Arthur Cook fell at her home one
day recently and fractured her leg.
Exeter business men will have a half -
holiday each Wednesday afternoon during
June, July and August.
Mrs. Geo. Connor and daughter Thelma
left last week for Windsor,
Connor has been for some time and whe e
they will res de in tut .re.
News of Irene, been
hter of Dr. and Mrs. Quacver! of the k-
enbush, of Gt n treat], tilt., formerly of
Exeter, 'to Robert William Burnley, of
takingToronto, the event place Mr. Rumley is connectedwith the staff of
Knox College.
o,wlwal srdtl go Twles. Ird0 - -
l}Ii.' ll old 1t4 ToeriNS SI40J ^- . -
pill,,-get1MFow Townie. 1:571 , - '
play, Si: TOVl'.I. . • , iaJsf
f. o. b. IVut Tont'
Oh Boy!
The owner of an Overland owns all nut of doors. In
his Model 90 he goes in comfort and .with njoymn't
possible only because of the high qultflan appearance
pP e
and unfailing performance of his car.
I•ast month in Oklahoma, U. S. A., a .rock Model 90
Overland car broke the world's non-stop high gear record,
4,370 miles in 7 days and nights in high gear, over bad roads
wttha gas record of Thiis durability y ty 20.66 gallon.
d economy s an every -day advantage
kr Model 90 owners—order yours now.
(I10,O. JOHNSTON St.,(Jntierich
Telephone 259
/rises, mkd• 11.•4 Otise
c. a Writs, West Tweet.
alb• -a' li
Aewde,t MmU'wt. WeedLs.legf.e. -
u, v' ah,jrjiLtr,tn, n1K'NV•eu'l•• ya r
tt • txi
Aseessor McLean has returned his roll
it 1919. It shows the total as.4easment
of Wingham for this year to be 192 i 6 1
about 86,000 less than last year. The
decrease is in land, buildings, and
business assetement. fie populancn is
2,35$, a decrease of twenty-four from last
year's figures.
Jack Holmes, of the Dominion Bank ,
staff. has been promoted to a branch of�
this Bank at Ottawa.
An old resident of Wingham, Matilda
Waller Tiews widow of the late John
Galbraith. passed away on May 4th, aged
eighty-four years.
Predict Busy Summer.
Following the unprecedented rush for
the winter resorts in the South. summer
rsgnrt hotel people in Ontario are looking
forward to a big summer business I'm -
pi trots anti managers of hotels through-
out the Lake of Bays dlotrict express the
opinion that the summer of 1919 will
mark a record in the popularity of that
section Many are already making
extentive improvements in anticipation of
unprecedented trade. They point
that the war i% new over and the beauties
and t;olitudes of nature PO vividly exemp-
lified among these lakes will offer a
tremendous appeal to those in .parch of
quiet and rest. The Wawa hotel. at
i9nrway Point, ev'i'l open its %neon on
JU1e 2feh,N r A 1'. 1 hompson. of Her -
muds, rettferling as manner with many
new and novel idess,all lex the comext and
care of its gouts. Illustrated descriptiv
literatu.e pent on request. Apply
Horning, Grana Trunk Railway. Union
Station. Toronto.
louse and l-latle, is.., Torontd
1• noted through'•• CNrda I4 h, hlevate
bovine.. education. Enr nOer Prim, foe
gore- W I ELLI
, r D•d-
call was with reference to the dog, hurried
to the appointment.
"How do you do ?" was the specialist s
greeting "l wanted to see you abut
having iuy tont door punted.'
.\,leertise In The Signal. 11 pays•
Ik't1I d.
"Pa, what's an economst .'"
"An economise. my won. s a man who,
can save Money by cutting down oil er
people's expenses.'
��,1s.r.JaYa'rY'•M`a'.r W uau, � �"`r..
i 1 n
(l-sllll �.. • 're- _!'r�►/s'M)JIM�
/. .,,.ea loo/O'. .. •.•fes
it l! /f
0 P •
"I Am So Afraid it is My Heart"
RY many people live in constant
of heart trouble when the
heart is in no way diseased.
There is perhaps no organ in the hu-
man system which is worked so hard and
yet the heart seldom goes wrong so long
as it is supplied with plenty of rich, red
In fact the heart repairs its own waste
and plods on, lifting tons of blood each
year and pumping it through the body.
But the heart's action is the result of
the contraction and expansion of muscles
and these muscles are operated by the
.nervous system. When the blood gets
thin and watery and the nervous system
is starved the action of the heart, fust like
that of the stomach, bowels and other
organs, is slowed down.
As a result, you are easily tired out,
experience shortness of breath, palpita-
tion of the heart and general bodily weak-
The quickest and most rational way to
'overcome this condition is by the use of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to enrich the blood
and build up the exhausted nerves.
With the nerves in a run-down condi-
tion you are sure to get downhearted and
discouraged and to imagine that all sortn
of dreadful things are likely to happen to
But when you have been using the
Nerve Food for a week or two you will be-
gin to see the silver lining to the cloud
and to realize that you are on the way to
health, courage and happiness.
Afro NPilie 15Prtinger, tlmeete, Ont., writes: "1
waw a great solderer with my nerve". and with
pains about the heart. I could hot sleep s.1
nights and though i tried y".veral doctors retold
not get ,,,urh relief. A friend advlaed the tow
Or. c'hase'r. Nerve Food and 1 sin happy1h• r".opts have been a surprise. My heath has
been hunt vp wnnderfully. 1 have no more pain■
ghoul the heart. my nerves are nosey and 1 sleep
and r art well."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, 6
for $2.75, all dealers or Fdmanson Bates
& Co., Ltd., Toronto. The portrait and
'denature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the fam-
ous Receipt Book author, are on every box.