HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-15, Page 6• €- 1'iturttday. May 15, 1919. • What COMFORT LYE • • • • • • • Otos/err Lye .• • very powerful cleanser. It is used for clfeu..g up the oldest and hardest Jirt. g c♦eajerf Lye se hoe for nuking sinks, drains sad closets •weer aoJ clean. Comfort Lye Kills rat•, MIC C. conchae sad outset pad•. C.wferr LN will du the hardest spine .fencing you're ger. C. reser Lye is good for making soap. It'.powdered ,per(awed tied tell% pure. is splendid for — Artilkiste • A smelly thing. forsooth What have you there?" A sonnet addressed by Svlbcon to a lady's eyebrow.' FasiAy 8ati►flei "it ou;ttt to please the lade." '1 don't know :about that. Scribson A maiden once. of certain age, to teats the sulgect as a work 4.1 art and not catch a hut:baud did engage: but a ueasterp.c: of nature.''—liirtmngham having pas -ed the prime of life in Age-Ncrald. I striving to become a wife, without none$$. 1.11r thought it time to wend me. isn't it '" "Yes." said the man. ' that's my name, but I thought you must have put me down as Samson! 1 my friend the follies of her prime. Departing The Western Fair -September 6 to 13. from the usual course of paint and such Visitors to the Western Fair. London, Tike. for resource, with all her sight Ontano. in September next tiler propose this ancient niald beneath an oak tree to conte m their autom(•biles will hid knelt and prayed; uueonacious that s ams.k• accommodation for teen' cars in grate old ow 1 was perched „bur a—the the targe parking grounds within the half- mousing fowl t "Oh give—a It usband mak hack. This is reached through the giver" she cried. "while yet I may new entrance at the corner of Dundas and Egerton atrtet„ just east of the pies( ol Dundas street entrance. Arrange melts have been made whereby all love, and none to meet me there above. °commits of the car will be admitted Opt, 'tis a fate tea hard to bear: then answer this my humble prayer. and oh! a husband give to me!" Just then the owl, up in the tree, in.deep low tones cried. "Who! what! whoop" "Who, Lord:e And dost thou ask me who' 1Vhy, any ratan, guod Lord. will do." become a bride: teen will nlc day of grace be o'er, and then. like many maids before. 111 die without an early AID FOR THE VETERANS. Government Gel. Power of Larger trace. of Grind. OTTAWA, May 13. — Sir Edward Kemp took his seat on the 'front Gov- ernunent bench in the House of Com, mons Monday, and Immediatelytabled the report for 1918 of the overseas military forces in Canada. Sir Edward was welcomed with ap- plause on the Govet'nwept side, of the House. Hon. Arthur Meighen presented a bill to assist returned soldiers in set- tling upon the laud. E:xpleinIng his bill, Mr. Meighen said. that in 1917 Parliament passed a soldiers' settle - meat act .which had the same gen- eral object in view. but the seope.ot its operations was confined to land owned by the Dominion. The main purpose of the present legislation was to provide means of acquiring lauds now held privately or by cor- porations or Governments for the purpose of disposing of the lands 10 returned soldiers. In this respect the bill followed an order -in -council passed In February, by which. auth- ority to this end was given to the soldiers' settlement board. But beyond the powers given by the order -in -council the bill provided a system and machinery whereby lands might be acquired by expro- priation. The expropriating clauses contained means whereby lands which are being retarded from cul- .tivation are set aside as settlement areas and thereby subject to the ex- propriators' provisions. The bill was read- a ant time. Mr. Meighen pre- sented another bill respecting Dom- inion water powers. The purpose of the bill Is to form a statutory foun- dation for the adtaihistraUon of Canadian water power in so far as they are the property of the Dom- inion and for co-operation with the ', provinces in other cases. gnough the regular entrance by the cutn- tonttplkd turnstile, chile the driver with his car will pas- on through the new suttees under the track. The price of adnu:ston for car and driver is el, which includes parking privileges all day and eves ng if required. Parties may return to tieeir cars fax lunching pr.vileges If they desire. 1 his should furnish the very best of accutnntedation fa visitors from outside the city. All information regarding the Exhibition promptly given on epplicatiop to the secretary, A. M. Hunt, General Office'. London, Ontario, A man in a lumber camp in Canada find crane (rent the (Nd Country and did not quite realize what was expected of him. After the first morning's work— cal a ging baulks of timber about front one end of the camp to another -h• went to the foreman and said. "Say. hav4ynu got my name down right ?" "Yes. certainly." said the foreman. "Well, what have you got " '• mpson:' that is what you tied Thr Other Way Abet. Mrs. Etta—So you and your t.usbard have septarat:d because of a nisutder- standing Mrs. Wye—Not at all. my dear. We parted because we understood each other only too eel!. When things look blue in the dairy business, buy a cow like this one adver- tised inla Western paper: "For sale: A Guernsey cow; gives a good quality of milk. also hay. rope, pulleys and small refriaeratar.''—Farm Journal. STRENGTH FOR THE DAY'S WORK DEPENDS UPON GOOD BLOOD TO NOURISH THE NEW AUSTRIAN FRONTIER. Italy et i11 Be Siren Strong Strategic Heigltte. PARIS. May 13.—The peace treaty with Austria is nearing completion and an official summary of it is be - Ing prepared, as was done in the case of the German treaty. Although it is not so stated In the treaty, the new Austrian frontier is the one designated by the secret Treaty of London. giving Italy all the strategic heights and defensive passes. The French Foreign Office, having been Informed that the Austrian peace delegation might be expected to arrive this week, work is being hastened on the delegation's quer-' ten at St. Germain, where the palace of Francis 1 is being put in order for the reception of the visitors. Used for years as .a museum, 1t contains a wodderful collection of Gallic relies ranging from pre- historic times to the era of the Gallic kings. It is planned that the presentation of the terms of peace will occur in the most beautiful apartment of the old palaetr, which is located on the first floor and approached by a grand staircase, the walls of which are emblazoned with royal devices. BODY Two groups of nearby villas have been requisitinned for the Austrian -"lig°. and Hungarian delegates. Weak People Need a Tonic, One Which Acts Directly NEUTRALS INDIGNANT. THE . f(IGHIL • OODILTOZ, ONT. IF YOU IF OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OM OF TONIN, WHAT Wlli BECOME. OF OUR TOWN? r Signal x The Dollar You Spend in Goderlch will "Come Home to Boost` `BUV=AT=HOME' Campaign Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't .thought of before. Patronize the people whose ads are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money yon spend with them stays in cir- culation in Goderich and neighborhood. NEW VOHE BLOl'sE8.—THE very latest is teeluig shown in voile biomes and the values are ex- ceptiomal. Each waist has as in- dividual touch whirls trtakes it different from auythiug ever tdtown before. Every waist is: new and the materials are of the ^lifinest. luNew skirtings are Who) the newest and best checks. they are shown In small ends to make them distinctive.. See the goods we are shoe lug Is•fore sanding out of town. —4. H. ('elherne. OUR NEW STAND•—WE EXPECT ro move to our ts•w laud. corner \Iou1'etal Street at ted the• `.105 re. about the let of Juno. and will tlwti be able to give our customers better st•rvie•e• than ever. Yet aim to have H11 up-to-date Grocery Store of which our customers and ourselves may he proud. --J. H. Leech. NO MATTER HOW MUCH GOOD times are enjoyed. they are soon for- acle..n unless Kodak serves as the memory jogger. V. carry * full line of Kaiaks and supplies. l.rt us do your audshlug.—R. R. Sallewa. Upon the Blood and that Does notWeaken the $pndltta.lanre DoNot Like zeros • Body by Useless Purging. of Peace. •STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 13.— Thele are th .usands of people through- cup of cold water, and even that distressed I Scandinavian public opinion, aa re - out Canada who are without ambition or me. As a result l was verymuch chreade- fleeted in the newspapers, reveals it - ion ngth to do their day's work. and who down, and slept so p> y self vociferously in disapproval of Iw•ays tired outhave but little night coming on. I was continually taking the peace treaty. About half of the i dCost They can- medians, but was actually growing worse WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW spring shipment of the latest styles mei Marilee in weddings. Bring hi Bios.• picture you linee laid Awe soli have thein frnlu.sl. They will leentify your how.•.—Singles Art More, East street. l't bee are a app et to and a pax gen i not get a refreshing night's sleep and are tistead of better. Having often read the subject to headaches. backaches and cures made by Dr. Williams Pink Pills. i nervousness becauselheirblood is impure. finally decided to give them a trial. I Swedish, Danish and Norweigan editorial comment is beam ink led with phrases that would be strongly resented if uttered in conversation To men and women in this condition. Dr. have had gra! cause to bless this a with a citizen of one of Germany's Williams' Pink Pilis give quick relief and cision. for by the time 1 had used a couple, victorious opponents. Not a single permanent cure because of their direct of boxes there was no doubt the pills were editorial approves of the treaty, action on (he blood which they buildup to helping me, and in less time than i had though two or three condone It, and its normal strength As the blood becomes anticipated the pills had cured me. and i say that it is forunderstandable under tch and red it strengthens the muscles. was again enjoying not only good dies - the the cireumetaicee. t nes up the nerves. makes the stomach tion, but better health in every way than Comment in diplomatic and big �a hie of digesting food, and repairs the bet ire." I bualneas circles is that the terms of the treaty were expected, but the verdict, on the justness depends upon the sympathies and business amlle- lions of each speaker. The time Miss Jessie McLean, Trenton, N. S.. blood, and by making the vital fluid rich I limit of two months for neutrals to says: "1 was as weak as it was possible and red strengthen every organ and every ] aesept unconditionally- the invitation for anyone to be, and yet be able to go nerve, thus driving out disease and pain, i to enter the League of Nations seems about. Me blood seemed to have turned and making weak. despondent people t to arouse resentment. almost to water 1 was pale, the least bright. active and strong. Mr. W. Tl NOTHING LIKE LE.ATHER— e-.lar•iully when used in the right lines.. Anybody wanting scything in harness or other rather gaols will find satisfaction he . Trunks. 1'Inb (tags. Sultevase•s. etc.—A. J. Paltridge. Hamilton Street. LISTEN! Bl l 101 K GRO('ERIE' et Pipe's +1111 you will be is•rfectly- satisfied isdb in price anti quality. e THE AFTERMATH OF INFLUENZA. --('olds. grippe and influenza tend to hover one's litality. To overcome this entldltiou rheas Is nothing letter than Wigle's Iron I'll's. They a re a reconstructive milk. tine hundred pills for 3.1e. We have not advanced the price. w is caused by worry or work. In a ALWAYS FEELS FiT. woedeehe us= of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills The wonderful success of Dr. Williams' means restoration to perfect health. Pink fills is due to the (act that they go BLOOD TURNED TO WATER. right to the root of the disease in the NEW LINES OF are now ■rrivi asm.rttteut of here to tlo bits with the mull exertion would leave me breathless, and Johnson, one of (the best known and most when 1 went upstairs I would have to stop highly esteemed men in Lunenhurg and rest on the say. 1 often had severe county. N. S., says: "1 am a Provincial headaches and at times my heart would land surveyor. and am exposed the greater palpitate alarmingly'. A good friend urged part of the year to very hard work travel• me to try Dr. Will ams' Pink Pilis and I lung through the forests by day and camp - have reason to be grateful that 1 took the ing out by night. and 1 find that the only advice. Soon after binning the use of thing that will keep me up to the mark is the p,lls t began to get stronger. and by Dr. Williams' Pink Pith. When 1 leave the time 1 had taken seven boxes i fe't home for a trip in the woods 1 am as in - that 1 was again enjoying goad health. I terested in having my supply of pills as think isr. Williams' Pin: Pills are a provisions. and on such occasions 1 take blessing to weak girls and i shall always them regularly. The result is 1 am always wam' Iy recommend them." fit. 1 never take cold. and can digest all RHEUMATIC PAiNS. - kisof food such as we have to put up wit Lily cooked in the woxls. Having proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pelts, as * tonic and health -builder, i am never without them and I lose no oppor- tunity in recommending them to weak people 1 meet." Tbesufferer from rheonatism wlr) ex- pelae•Ilts with Outward app icat.ets 14 only wasting valuable time and good menet in deoendine upon such treatment. the tumble still remains. and is all the time becoming more firmly rooted harder to cure when the proper treatment is applied. '(crest this disease through the blood and you will soon he rid of the pains and tortures. As a cure for rheumatism ler. Williams' Pink Pills are unequalled. They act directly on the impure. weak blood. they purify and strengthen it, and eo root oat the cause of rheumatism. Mr. D. Lewis. poet master at F.scuminac. N.B , ,!Lays: "i was attacked with rheumatism, 'which fettled in my elbow. shoulder and knee joints, and at limes caused me great suffering. The tmubl • was particularly aware last spring and 1 decided to try Dr Williams' Pink (tills. After taking the pills for ertflne time the rheumatic pins and stiffness in the joints divap- peared and 1 have not had any return of she I r n ohle." A GOOD DiGESTiON. Willis It i laic, Midland. Ont.• says: for a Tong time from a severe ,on and had doctored so benefit that I had all but getting better. Every - me ityense pain and Vetch a thing but a SKiN TROUBLE CURED. Mrs. W. Ritchie, Parkbeg, Sask., says: SeTwo years ago 1 was attacked with e zema on my hands. I tried almost everything that was advised. but as the trouble was growing worse i consulted a doctor and took his treatment for some time with no better results. Ry'this time my hands were a mass of 111011.1 and 1 began to deape r of finding a cure. A friend strongly advised me to toe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and i derided to do so. Aker using two boxes i could see an improve- ment and 1 got a further supply. i used altogether eight boxes. by which time every trace of the eczema had disappared, and there has been not a single symptom of the trouble since that time. 1 gladly recommend Dr. Williams' rink Pilis for troubles of this kind. ' De: Williams' Pink Pills should be kept in every home and their occasional use will keep the blood pure and ward nfT illrwiw. You can get these pills thorough any medicine dealer,or by mail at 58 cent' a hoe or six bogie for 82.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. SPRING GOODS ug. 1'otne II u11 wee• our Spring Caps•. We are 1 e•14 *1111 tan eomp•te order houses or amy- l. Newton. body else. --C. SPRING IS COMING.—AVOID THE rush. Have your hoose wired now for e•I,•.drlc lighting sol be up-to- date. We furnish everything but the ill lee and the work will be done right. -Hebert Tail, West street, Text I'ostomce. Defeat the Afghans. LONDON, May 13. — The news from Afghanistan where Afghan tribesmen have been taking British positions on the Indian frontier was scanty, but satisfactory over the week end. The British drove the Af- ghans from Ashraslakhel on Friday while airplanes crossed the frontier and bombed the enemy positions at Loldatta, with good results. The Af- ghans maintain their positions went of Lotdatta. Previous despatches on the situa- tion on the Afghanistan -Indian bor- der have placed the centre of the flghting around the important Khy- ber Pasa, west of Peshawar. I HAVE A LARdE ASSORTMENT of Spring and Summer Jfllltuery In the new shape' and ideas: also a nice lime of ready -to -wears at 12.75 anal 83.25.—Mise Cameron, Hamilton street. YOU CAN GET BETTER SATiSFAC- tlon and a lower price on printing In town than you don by 'ending to the city. If you doubt this let ua hare a talk with you. Itestlles, when you have your printing done In town, the printer's wages are agent In town.—Tose Signal Piloting Coe Limited. Operations In Rarsata. STOCKHOLM, May 13. -- Entente forces are preparing military oper- ations, with Helsingfors as a base, for an attack upon Petrograd, ac- cordtttg to a Helsingfors despatch to the Afton Tldengen. Fifty thousand troops are expected to take part In the operation. accord- ing to the despatch, which says the French cruisers are now lying in the Gulf of Finland off Helaingfors. CALI, AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN hay Quaker and Parity Package /hits for on' Friday and Saturday.— J. Spahr. S I&In Takes Han Ships. MADRID. May 13. --With a view to preventing posalhle acts of sabot age• the maritime authorities hart taken charge of the German ships in- terned in Spanish porta. Six of these ships have already- been pro- vided with French crews and are dy- ing the Inter -allied flag. German papers In discussing the Niue terms say that their oataM mast will rula the country aM Whig • state of anarchy. THE GREAT FUNDAMENTAL factor in winning and keeping the better trade at home is to handle the hest merehandiee. Hats that attract are of Quality, Exclusive- ness end Refinement.—Miss M. R. MaeVLear. MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR GAR - age. If your auto is Nick w•P ('a11 rla•tnr it quick. Full line of sweet, millet; and tires on hand. Of course you know we handle the Ford, the universal ear. Get in your order for spring.--rP. J. MacEwan. NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR ON 1lP- tn-the-minute lams. We 1111 re them in plain and colored eomhlnntions. loth on the Cuban and Lolls heels. See these new styles at BMratan's Shoe Stere. JUST PiCK OUT ANY ARTICLE IN your catalogue. then Nee ns. We will not only .•ompwtc in pri(•es, but will MR you money In Hardware. Store., Toole, Boat Supplies. etc. Try us and see.—(.:aa. C. Lee. A WORD TO Housewives. JUST simply Infect on having your Treed order-' mine from home bakeries. Every loaf of out-of-town bread yon est }net hurts our town that mach. Try our home-made producta.— J. W. Smith. BUYER PROTECTED BY ADVERTISING. Manufacturer Must Maintain Quality of Goods Bearing His Name—His Reputation At Stake—Man Who Buys Standard Brands From Local Merchants Knows That He Is Getting Full Value for His Money. (Copyright.) Time teas when advertising did not occupy the place in the world of trade that it does today. It has not been so very many years ago that .the people were suspicious of advertising. They were itaeliued to believe that the .mer- ehant w•as trying tit "fool" them with his advertising, that he exaggerated the value of the merehandise he advertised and took that Method of trying to get thein to bin' goods that he could not sell by the old established methods of merchandising. Those days are gone. The public' now realizes that it is the greatest beneficiary of advertising,. Advertising has done more in a decade .10 establish certain standards in merchandise than could have been accomplished in a hundred years by any other agency. The manufacturer who a few years ago merely made and sold clothes now makes and sells the Blank brand of. clothes. The man who formerly just made hats now makes Blank's hats. And so it is with everything that one buys today. The manufacturer. by his advertising. has built up his busi- ness around a trade name and if. he is to continue in business" -he must protect that trade name by maintaining such a high standard of quality that people, when they buy his products, will know just what they are getting. The consumer, when he goes into a store today. does not bin' merchandise blindly, with the HOPE that it will prove to be worth the money. He buys standard goods that bear' the trade -mark of the manufacturer and that are hacked by the reputation not only of the merehant who sells them but the manufacturer who makes them. This has been brought about by adyer- tising. No Reputation to Protect. All thus applies to the retail merehants as a. close but it • aloes not apply to the mail order business. The man or woman who buys goods from a catalogue house is not pro- tected by the manufacturer of the goods. for the reason that most manutaeturers who sell goods to the mail order houses do not plaee their names upon the goods and therefore have no reputation to protect. The great majority of articles listed and illustrated in the mail order catalogues are ,included in what is known among manufacturers as "stneil" staff. These articles bear the name of the mail order horse which sells them in- stead of that of the manufacturer whoeruakes them. It can readily be understood that any manufarttring concern which turns nut goods th13t do not bear its name or trade- mark is likely to be.* 'very unreliable institution. It is not building up any reputation on the quality of its goads, for its products have nothing to distinguish 'Them from the products of any other concern. With no reputation' to sue- tain and no-ehanee of creating a general demand for its goods the only concent of a manufacturing institution of this kind is to make stuff as cheaply as possible in older to obtain the largest possible profit on its products. Same Price World Over. These facts are chiefly responsible for the generally prevailing idea that the home merchants do not sell goods as cheaply as the mail order house. They do sell the same quality of goods•that the mail order honse sells as cheaply as the mail order house sells it, fiat they cannot sell the Mandate', guaranteed produets of responsible manufacturers at the sante price at which the mail order house sells its r nameless, unbranded merchandise. Standard goods bearing a registered trade -mark sell for the same price the world over and the manufacturer's guarantee stands heels of them when they are sold in the smallest village in the country just the same as when they are sold in the stores of the largest cities. This is what the national advertising of the manu- facturers has Clone for the consumers of the country. It has enabled them to go into their home stores and buy mer- ehandise which they know from past experience or from the reputation and guarantee of the manufacturer will give them satisfaetion. They are not buying blindly and hope- fully when they buy from the merehants in their home towns. They are buying with the knowledge that they are getting their money's worth. When they buy advertised brands they are getting double protection, that which is afforded by the responsibility of the retail merehant and that which is given by the reputation and guarantee of the manufacturer. When they buy the unknown brands of goods that are offered by the mail order houses they are getting neither kind of protection. I11 DRO IS CHEAPER THAN COAL oil. (:et my figures for wiring your home with a complete outfit. No money required until peeped by the Hydra In.p.etor, which PnNurc's you w tatlsfacfory job.--Cita*. J. Harper. PAINT.—HIGH-GRADE. REUABLIZ anti durehle . wide of best quality pigments and llquhlr. improved grinding and boiling presses-. put affected by atmospheric (•eHMI I11ouW. The lowest priced quality paint 10 be 1.. 1 hear•. Huy y at home. — Parsecs► Fair WHITE ROTARY!OWING MA- 4'HINE:. At this Irws() of the year wlwu you rn' busy with your spring sew log and are having difficulties. remember there 1s a goal remedy. I'aII at Tbsasaon's Store and buy a Rotary White. Your troubles will .rase and you will wonder how you rerr got along without a White. HONEST GOODS AT HONEST prices (k•trlatal Iwn•st coisfeh•rstlon. Quality cousidert'l. we guarantee our prices to be as low as enyedwere in tYtwtent Outarh..—Rebertaea t Malr. DEANS' SPECIAL BLEND TEA AT 70c proud will plaster you. Black or mixed. WE BELIEVE THAT A MAN OR wounan who places; his or her con- fidence lit us la .utlticel to the beet merchandise anti the best store ser- vicee to be 'secured anywhere. --Gee. MacVlear. BUY 1O1 R KODAK NOW AND Darn you w 111 1e• prepared for taking early spring sevurs. Developing atsl Printing. Prompt servke. Give tut a trial order. --Campbell's Dreg Stowe. WALL PAPER WiTH US IS A. .pes•Ialty, not a side line. Let fie help you In your dettrating prob- lems, which Is more !luau mail order lionises two do for you. Remember our prime are lower and values- letter.— aluesletter.— Porter's. A SAFE STORE TO rI N YOUR. faith to 1s the Scotch Store. where goods are sued on titter real merits. not 1111 puffed-up velure. If It la any -thing in lirygoutis you want, tall on tis rnr we will do our beet to please you.- D. Maier S Slee WAR CLOUDS ARE PARTED. - Now let us all booed for a bigger ant. better Gak'rkc•h. We can do It by all of ns buying our supplies at home. It will help wonderfully. Pee tie for Hardware, Stoves and Plumbing. --Fred Hurt. ALL WE ASK 18 A COMPARiSOM of our line of Furniture with others. Get our prices, tio-n draw your con- clusions. Big stock to climate from. Our Undertaking Department 1e complete. 1047 at home.—Brwpbey Bre. 101 WiU. FIND BY 1WVING your Floor and Feed from no yon will 1.e well pleats) with our way of doing bnsittwsa. (lost sank rat right prler's. We 'believe In trading pt home. It well help ns all.-- Videfill & Co. HERE iS AUR TROUBLE—WHEN. we have to repair 'dually leatlwer shoes with Aper soles. When shoes- come hoescome from our local dealers we do not have this trouble. Wet do ale kind' of 'hoe repairing and we do 1t right.—$iennuel �th. YOU WILL FiNI) YOU CAN ALWAYS- save LWAYSsave money by doing your trading in Groceries.. i)rygpods and General Merchandise with ns. I)ur prices are an objets lesson lu buying at home every time.—J. J. McEwen. MAIL ORDiR HOUSES DO NOT partlrtalarly hurt our husfneee. but we are In line with any move that help; oar town end our merehants. For fine Confectionery and lee Cream you will find the pure thing at our .tore.—C. Blackstone. CONSULT YOU$ CATALOGUE,. then consult -um and note the saving in Harness and Horse Goods. Trunks. liege, horse Blankets, or anything for the stable. We will not be undersold by any mail order bonne.—H. J. irisher. LiVE AND LET LIVE.—THAT I8 A good working motto for everyday life. Give the home merchant n cltantce to do buslne•e with you on a fair basis. You will find it the beet plan taking everything Into evon- Nlderatlon. Live and let -live•—The Signal Printing Co. Ltd. \ IT 1S FAR BETTER ANI) SAFER to have your old photographs copied or enlarged by a rseponslble firm like ours than M intrust them to the fleet agent who calla at your Lack door. They are safe with ata. We understand dais work and do not overcharge. --J. T. Fell. NO NERD TO GO PAST OUR STORE 1f you are looking for Art Goods, snit as Stamped (Mahlon*, Scarfs and Centrepdeees, 1.nnch and Tray Cloths, Crochet Thread*. Crochet (`,ort/tine, Hath Towels, and other ave LIPS. Always a pleasure to show out Steck.--MYs 8. Noble. BEWARE OF CATALOGUE FURNJ- tnre; it all looks alike in pictures. Better trade at home. We carry • fit11 lite of Furniture] for every room In the house, et pricvw thee will Meat any mall order hoose. -- W. Walker. You owe a Citizen's Duty to Your Own Town 511. 5"