HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-15, Page 5• THE SIGNAL Bicycle Week May 3 to 10 . I LOCAL TOPICS. DO YOU KNOW It's cheaper to ride than to walk when you ride a Bicycle like the C. C. M. RED BIRD OR MASSEY! Why not get in line with lite crowd awl pick yours out of the new ones iu.t arrived from the, factory' East Street Garage GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover "Owned and Operated by a Practical Mao" If your neighbor is prosperv,u%, let 111111 prosper. Uuu't grunt. growl ire(truusbie. Say a good word for tutu and let it go at that. tronabe a knocker. Your tura w111 come. No line man is the *hole show. It you nee that the town 1a moving along nicely. feel goodabout it. Help things along. ahmve a I Weekly Nalf-IlulMlay. The grocers of town have agreed to close their stores at 1 o'clock sharp every Wednesday afternoon during the months of June, July and August. ('aunty Temperance Convention. A meeting of the Huron County Tem- perance Association was held at Clinton on Wednesday to make arrangements for the annual temperance convention, which is to be held at Clinton on June lath. 1 An invitation is being extended 'to Mr. ' Geo. A. Warburton. of Toronto, to ad- dress the evening meeting of the conven- tion. Ili. Tees's Visit. Hon. Dr. Cody. Minister of Education. has agreed to attend and give an address at a luncheon of the Board of trade on Monday evening next. The luncheon will be given In the Masonic Temple, at 15.30 o'clock. Afterwards Dr. Cody will ad - Idress a public meeting in Victoria Opera House. the meeting commencing at 8.30 o'clock and to oe open to everybody without any admission tee. Leta a New Start. 1.Indou At' -itis•,•: Ihtvid Hyde, 11 hu n week ago asked ('hied of yeah* tv. T. T. %voltam. to hip lilia went% a new start in life. left pollee hemd- • Iiota rters Tuesday us the r•ault of efforts made by the otticlals, to ram- tueuce life anew on a farm a few • in es tre.al the .its. Hyde some time ago little. Try to gra ,2,110- of the twucflt yourw•If. Duet eti/1221 aroundlike a chilly old cadaver tronawaste situ. fe.•hug wore 1wc*ase s • fellow has a litrli• mute %and, and *case than you have. 1)11 a little hustliug. yourself. Iton't Ile a knocker. • walked wit of the Gtalerlch jail. where Is• war. a trusty. Following tlw roads he walked from Iiotlerieh to luudon, II 1111 0101 picked up by the pollee wandering around the • streets heft• dr,s.ssl In the garb, Ile was wearing when he left the Gsh-rich jail. Hyde was profuse iu Iba thanks for the - kiudm•sri shear% him by local polee %theists. Judgotent lar Plaintiff. Judgment has lawn given by Hls I Intim Judge 1 )Ieksuu In the Comity XXtlnitlmf1a CXXXXXir1 XXX/tio/1ttf1ttflufltl/ XXX X X WH ITE STAR LINE ��i � � SII/ll//tell/lTlllllll/I//lIl!l1l�I.�Z��1� ANNUAL EXCURSION x GODERICH 10 DETROIT \'.I1 RETURN Steamer Greyhound leaves Goderich Tuesday, June 17 is Is1 a. m. old • 11,..21 a. 111. new tame I Arrives Donut .)il11 p.m. Returning. leaves Detroit Thursday. June 19th. 1 p.m. iletMlt time ; 1,,4noit tnu,• it ilio same• as Ga1e1ich old time) $2.25 Round Trip, $1.75 Single Children 1.twee% e; and 12 halt far, !snit miss this.NIlm.rr11onny to ristt AIa1•ri1•ns most' I2•rlotdal il and moat pro -porous city .t million popolntion, a .its of I2•mntifnl perks. grans) boulevards and a llonderfiil waterfront 1'umldIaua ,vining to Detroit for a temporary stay ore not rsplircd to vary a tax or snake a deposit. 1'. S. iu,neigrltl,.i 14441, 114 will le on the steamer to pass etenar rslonists r;,t n,it- ' ulsl I2 , ing en mo1re . 11e este iia lst Irl,. -I, 1•,10111 .4ls%1 1,1 -I,•Ni,icr BAND MOONLIGHT nut al Goderich. MONDAY EVENING, JI -NE Pith. 7 8 old time. x:s1 Goderich time. Roc. - Thrce hours on leautitul lake hill,.,% Orchestra music and dancing in steamer's ballroom XXX 5S151r) MON 1' AND TUESDAY R1IIpIgIIIII1111H111111111111111111111111111111111111U11111111111111111111111111111H111110IIL �CIIARLES RAY 2 1 .ssr A�eemov+e$ GallOones 24 1i.- ofN THt enver-Fail.ng Re:nedy far Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorder), Appendicitis and E Orley Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacksof Gall Stone Colic appear. A^•t one in ten Gall Stone sufferers knows what is the lrotihlc Marlatt's Specific will cure without pain or oper- ation. For sale exclusively in Gode- rich by ...JAS A. ('AMPBELL... J . W. MARLATT &cO sal ONTARIO ST. TORONTO Alt? Model T PROG Week HE&RT DISEA GODERICB, ONT. •1 ,'POSE YOU HEARD." is a symptom of Kidney Ihsease. A well-known doctor has said, "I never yet made a post-mortem a x- l.,ninetion inaceseol death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys were at fault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles. and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills "No. 1 didn't." "Get . ut; is that so' Gee whiz! Sold his farm, eh ? Who to ? What's Tom want with it :' l thoull'ht he'd quit farm- ing. After Isaac's, tow .Oh. got aeoption on it. What's that ? One thousand acres, all on the 1st concession! Say. thatut 1 be tame big concern. A smelting plant 1 Say, I'll het there'll be some smells when that gets going. It '11 he worse than that ' smelting plant Murnev used to run in the shack on has place. Some say that brass works kills every living thing in the shape of crops or trees in live miles of it. Get -What's that :'Who said so out! A menagerie ? What would they want so much land for? Grow hay for ths elephants ? Oh, and train (het cus. Well, we won't have to paye big three-ring show if that locates here. Surely they'd tet the neighbors have a look. Going to run the C. P. R. up the rnk for the circus trains. too ? Say. I'm going to get a job with that bunch; ; think I'd like working round a circus if it wasn't moving round all the time. They say they feed 'em well when they're on the road anyway. "You hear Tom was looking for a whiskey still round here some place. Sure. 1 think he's en the tracks of it, too. You. bet they'd have to make some quick . tracks to get ahead of Tom." "Hello, Bill' You hear about all these fellers on the 1st selling their farms ? (bort eao' of Cooper v. Brown. The yep! Two hundred dollarsanacre. I've got some land 1'd like them to 1 ok at. l•1 1 have to see Tom. "You heard what :' An aeroplane fac- tory ? Oh, a flying machine station. Yes. it is good and flat all along there. Going to make this headquarters for the airship route to the West. Well, I dunno. 1 think it would make me sort of seasick to be up in one of those things: They plaintiff, A. J. Cooler, mud the de- fendant, 'meld Brown, Issth 111 (:oale- rieh, entered 1t►to au mgreemt'lit iu June, 1917. for the pnreUmne and sale lir wool un shmres. The plaintiff ad - [Well the money and the dell udaut purclmssl the wool. but when his pur- chases wt•re completed there was %1111 in his hands, atrol•flilgt 22, plNlllflffa lay' Ccatgits going to have shoot t 'chino a Wilton* of s.l:glt)_ of the Shoots and chute the chutes and Thutstlay', May 1:,, 1919.--5 Capital and R *8„800.000 �� Total £...t.. Nem. ;Otb.•1918. ower S153Isj00. Sending Money Away? Nothing safer than a onion Rank moneyorder or draft fur making remittances. No fss, no bother, and only sufficient formality to ensure your money safely reaching the party fur whom it is intended. A Union Rank "1odey order really .s the best way la remit al 4. sum up to 5a0 through the mails stn UNION BANK OF CANADA GODERICH BRANCH, F. grlpOtl�COM(ifta • - Manager. Stupid persons with themselves. moneys addalwed by the platutiff. switchback railways and humpback '1111• wtsd Nohl by the plNiuliR 82 sidewalks, and bathing beaches and 1 'rl 160 _ rounds. and a dancing pavil5.,n, and a , summer tourist, and all sorts of other I excitement down along the bank south of town before long. so .it hooks to me as though the smelting factory. and the a net Kraft of $.87...4. of w hieh defendant was entitled to ole -halt• 01!54.77. The defendant w•a11 01141x1- (illgly indebted to plaintiff for the [difference between $43t.1r2 wad $1!1+.77, namely, g'240.'2.i. Ills Manor gave Judgment in favor of the phuntiR fur „brats works, and the menagerie, and the this weenie with costs. I a'rship factory will have to get a move on A deputation representing the So'diers' I Koen he gets started. and believe me Memorial Fund waited upon the township ; going, some now. Well, good-bye. boys. council of Colborne at its regular meeting 1 hope they'•II fence that farm good and. I at Carlow on Tuesday and presented the I strong where they keep the elephants. 1 plan for a memorial for the fallen soldiers Seven number nines with a barb on top, from this district. including the township won't do for those chaps. I'd put trench of Colborne and such other portions of I posts, 12 -foot high. as close together as 1 the neighboring townships as may wish to they would stand. with two rows of 48 -in. be included, in addition to the town of I web fence. one above the other. Safety Goderich. Reeve Young and the other members of the counc 1 received the deputation very courteously. and inti - bathing suit' peaches. and merry -go - i ri u The Soldiers' Memorial. tt get ahead of him. J. W's a husker first." A Scotch preacher one Sunday found n goingto sleep before he inti- mated that the plan would receive .here hiadcfairl un. Onseeing this he stop• careful consideration. Last week the �� council of Goderich township was waited !Ped exclaimed: Brethren, it's no lair - Wait till i get a start, and then if 1 upon ina kindlylway, and the Both cdepouncilsation no' worth listening tae. gang to sleep; I was very received. until al ds but dinna nod ser pnws before f get com- stowed adisposition to wait aft , , menced. Gie a buddy a chance." -The \the June seseion of the county c 1 Continent. before coming to a definite decision as to 1 what action they will take in the m titer I "Do you think there's any chance for of a memorial. . me to buy one o' them tanks ?" asked Farmer Cobbes BOnlsall Monday ev. "Why, 1 don't kcov. What in the (On everting there was a fair l world do you want with a tank :'" attendance at the reorganization meeting I'm tired v these road hogs in big of the local baseball 'cluh. and players the , tourin' cars crowdin' my flivver into enthusiasm displayed by the and ditches. 1'd like to jog down the road a "fans" present there is no doubt Goderich piece in a tank• just to see what would hap- will have a ball team worth while this pen "-Birmingham Age -Herald. summa. Thewteam has been already 'I Prof.Brander Matthews, in a book re- • booked for two 2lt and engagements, Blyth June at view: "As 1 read its pages. with both Clinton on May lith at Blyth I pleasure and profit I was reminded of an 3rd Both are tournament games. We i p d to Emerson once lent a transla- are seldom dissatisfied Fofr Good Reliable Shoe \Repairs, try Smith di Ring 30 East Street. Crpesue Knox Church Gere Us a Trial hope ourtownspeopledation of All the latest and Electrical ppliances will give the team ane- ° 'Plato to one of his rustic neigh - goodsalt there ton nothing line a i bars at Concord. and when the Yankee ap.l team to keep the old townaon I farmer returned it he did it with this the map. There are several new players characteristic remark: '1 see this man on the team this year. 1 Plato has a good many of my ideas. ' " e a t r e The following are the officers elected at the meeting: Pre•ident, Reg. Sharman; I AM vice-president C. L. Moore; 2nd vice - May 1$F. W. Doty; secretary. L. G. Young. president. R.J. Megaw; 3rd vice-president, MODEL THEATR g Marguerite Clark "Bab's Matinee Idol" One of the famous "Sub -Deb• stories by Mary Roberts Rinehart IN E P. 1"A NINE 0 CLOCK TOWN`" N'I:DNESTIAI' AND TH1 ESD:11 1 Zomen 1 WHAT IS A "SUB -DEB" ? A "sub -deb" is a younger sister just before she is out in society. If you saw "Bab's Burg you P won't need urging to see this one. Next Wednesday and Thursday May 2tat and 22n d HIHHIIIHIiiIIIIIIIIIIIHI IIIHIIHHI IIIIIIIIHI I IHHIIIII I I II tome WIMP MARGUERITE CLARK in "BAB'S MATINEE IDOL" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DOROTHY DALTON 1''Ril).AY in "LOVE ME" ANI) SATURDAY TRIM WEEK ENiD BENNETT 111 "THE VAMP" and a Mack -Sennett Comedy "Ladies First" .1 Natural Mistake. 'The new cook is dropping kitchenware all over the stove,' exclaimed Mrs. Cross - treasurer. Geo. Hurd; executive commit- - l lots. tee, C. H. Trembly. W. G. Lumby and .�U she isn't;' answered her husband. MBabb; manager, Bi Barlow; patrons. I after listening carefully- "she is merely Mayor Wigle, L. H.rs Mios, hell, Dr. J. a playing jazz records on the phonograph." and G. Parsons, Wesley Walker _Washington Star. and T. M. Davis. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Myrtle Begley, of Dungannon, is visiting 111 frown this week. Mi s Aggie R. Nairn returned to her home at Detroit on Wednesday after several weeks' visit with relatives in town. Miss Polley returned home on Tuesday after a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. V. Major, at Toledo, Ohio. Mr. It 1111 Mrs. D. Johnston, of Pres- ton, were the guests of the lady's mother. Mrs. S. A. Webster. over the week -end. Rev. James Hamilton was at Hensall on Sunday supplying for Rev. J. A. Mc- Connell. Presbyterian minister there. who ie seri..usly ill. >i><)mm ■1K■siAXE : :The Singer Sure isLadies' and Child- ■ 1/ 1 1/ ren's Underwear im The New Collars II with pleated effects 1 ,a last let Corp. George Kay, of Detroit, is visit- ing his father, Mr. Robert Kay, after returning from overseas service with the United States troops. He is accompanied I by his wife and child and is spending the week here. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warnock have re- turned to their home here after spending the winter -et Brantford with their son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. War- nock, jr., and family accompanied them on their return and will spend the sum- mer in Goderich. Pte. Gordon Holmen, son of Comity 'reek 11. W. 1101 ma 11, arrived hou1,' 011 To•ridny evening after ever four years of military service. l'le. Holman e,mliate'l 111 the fall of 1914. went oveY- 241)5 the te.t year rind had tarn in the trenches from the first of September. 1913. He wits in the fighting to the end of the war, taking part In all the engagements la the 1st. ,f1altaliou, to Which he belonged. Ypres. lite !l,muu•. Vimy lodge, Amiens, I'assehendaele. .trine and Mous thew' are 54)1110 of the outstanding 111111-. of Ills career 1122 m soldier. Be woes wonderfully fortunate in rnming through all this wlthoat (owe being in 1111. 1•1.11101y flat. Both of ('minty Clerk Dolma 11'22 5411122 have plmy.vl N splendid pert to the war. The older 0110. Q. M. i(ergtWilton Mimeo, 122 now at KI '1 ('amp swelling trarallm/rtatiou home. Stamped Goods IN of all ` kinds for ladies' 1/ fancywork ■ A call solicited. it M MISS S. NOBLE MI Nast side Square 11 XXX11 111r■■■11MX RANOIR NKRAIL AV SYSTEM The Double Track Route . t Wert) MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT :tad CHICAGO - i' o, Xct.11ed dining ear s0rvli u s ...•ping ears 4)11 night transit. a& parlor Vats .00 principal day wane. Full information from any (band Trunk Ticket .Agent. or t'. E. }lura - lug. District l'assgnges Agent.. ft. • mita. • ,■ -! - (i. H. Lauder, Station Agent, phone Cl F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS se ++ Town Agents KEEP STRONG As an aid to robustness, thousands upon thousands use Emulsion Scolt's as regular as dock -work the year around. A rich tonic, Scott's- abounds cotis-abounds in elements that con- tribute to the up -building of streng h. ^ Be sure that you buy cotta Emulsion. t 500)1 a ass.. T04044444, 002. 10 1 Thep . M. S of Victoria street Metho- dist church has jest cloned a year of rasc- cessful work. 1 he interest in the work has been well kept up. Aftsr all the ex- penses of the auxiliary had been:met there was the sum of Pau 50 to send tothe branch treasurer. The incoming year looks happy and bright kw good to be dans. Window Shades .1/0(1101 kwisslifeekr The Hydro Store Are a specialty with us. We keep all the differefft sizes and colors right in stock. Odd sized Shades made to order at short notice. Shades delivered and hung for you free of charge. All lengths in brass and wood Curtain Poles. . Single and double brass Extension Rods, from 10c up. Call, phone or write. Smith's Art Store East St. Phone 198 North side Square ON account of pres- ent weather con- ditions the wholesale companies have been able to make better deliveries of Coal and we are now able to supply : Chestnut Stove Pea 4d Egg Coal Soft and Cannel Coal in any quantities. 1 MacEwan Estate Feb. 1st, 1419 Y All three brands sealed in air -tight Packages. ,Easy to find - it is on sale everywhere. r Look for. ask tor. be sure to get WRIGLEY'S The Greatest Name in Goody - Land WRIGLEYS w. II SPEARMINT FEU 9e1 dr,wivrzcni sAoa.,..„2,4' SEALED TIGHT Kerr RIGHT TheFlavburLasts;