HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-15, Page 2. 4.. TIB .IItt:AAL The "Quality" Character of tonal i this brand has an International Reputation. ran 81liNAL PRINTING OU., LTD. Pests umur Thursday, Nifty 15, 1919, EDITORIAL NOTES• How does your garden grow ? The Germans don't like the peace terms. There would be something wrong with them if they did. ATrial Packet will bring speedy conviction Th., sunshine of the first summer of peace in five long years will perhaps do as current International p litics. which much to cure the world unrest as MI the , ought to Ix• fixed fotrerer to every man's speeches and treatises and investigaaaona memory', but witch we have seen are on the problems of the times. , too easily forgotten. %owe of these facts are lir If forced A cal lation has been made that at least six[ ve per cent. of the extra money pal • •y the people of Canada in purchases aft ed by the customs surtax vie of seven and a- If per cent. goes to the emit ,manufacturers. I other words. for every wort inua dollar of extra reve ue brought into the''1•re4•h Federal treasury by • surtax, two dol- beo•u bl,, tars go into the pock- s of protected , uutillahle manufacturers. The . x should be' been. Germany wiped clean off the slate a . the present .and octopi session of Parliament. The war is over.' expense, iota and Canada should begin to get\ck to i e..a tions saki d peace conjitions. \ I her war omits fro `\ Fiance and Eag Mr. D. D. McKenzie. the leader pro America. and there tem. of the Opposition at Ottawa, q ave\m0ro Belgium. comfort to the protectionists by a speech ' --- in the House of Commons last week in which. while stating that he was not a B�. H F. G high protectionist. he declared that pro- Ottalga May 1?. -Sir Ed d Lection had built up certain industries in' [ding a May the ocean to t - his own part of the country. and left it to meet all he ws about Argy be inferred that lie was not inclined to and one hu ed and nineteen Pr ess for a low tariff. Mr. McKenzie dollars "ip,euc s for which." may have had some particular object 05 i Aoditor-Gfneral s report states, view in making such a statement at this loot beSir ednvr ad v1 d."\create a welcome day juncture. and it may not be fair to judge s10n fur the Go ernmee*t� has about ru hen by a single expression of his views: out of subjects tent o stavtsotI that dreg there will be opportunity later on in the ; spectre which is at the hack of every - session for him to show definitely where brand will tlminds-to nit. the t the audit af.o[Sir Edl • he stands. It is now up to the 61'esterners Housqeccounts ehich has been`�going gin• ape. if they really want a lessening of • the to tilf last year -an audit which 'she late there burden of customs duties. to vote the way AAudilorG him. but Mr. auditFraser. conies fid worth t� hearing they talk. - something at least fur Sir Edward (° during hath a story on. carved i h Fred (;ardner. a boilermaker who ad- pith reasonable success Sir Edward creme by dres-ed the inlustrial relations commis- ought to be able to use a week or d. 'n to his mien at Fort William the other day. is re- two explaining the Canadian over rift He d tanto the t ported as saying that "increase of wages seas military administration. 1 he parted -om o general line of defence will probably be colonel spok was no use. As s Non as wages rose, up* that things cost a 'ot of money because went the prices of grub. The speculators they had to be done in a hurry: but when poor rnanu cturer were watching wages. and shoving up that tale has been told over and over Lection at a wou again. what [text? There is still a baa gal paving the co mer t prices so that they more than ate up any between th order paper and Pr -mien In short. Cd• l Cu s followin : Germany started the war. France was ores 1410 it against her will by Herman eg- ression. Every cent spent by France 1 Englaud and Italy and America - 1 Iielgituu -111 fighting the war to try was an expense directly nee• ted by Germany's attack on the German industries are *nil German field* are unravagetl. and Helgtan industries have eel out anti French land made •herever the Germans have slide c maquered nations territories pay her war as the most Ingenious wsibte• 1t she had ve exacted the rest of what remained of lGeurge overthrew and for which he re- ' l llltti States. d and Italy and ceived the Cobden me dal. New, thdugh The I.rcad and pngtmssive p lic{ea ouhl have been no , as strong a tree trader as ever. he seems and the splenultd se•lliug organisation `to cnastise the tariff more in sorrow th in roriginatel amt parte. tel by lir. G. F. in anger and says as little about it as Milts, international dl.tributor of \It1w+W,can be helped Other doughty cham- Teniae, are x g the l'e't examples pions from the West complain mildly that of metho al anal system yet prordiNc•t1 lu • the tariff should nut be a political ques- hush.. .1.1 they las. Isa•u Chaady tion -as if it could ever be anything else fudlowval by many other euterprieing • -while others again treat it as a sort of anal sur„•ssfut vow -erns. Kemp is interdicted religion -something too arm- The Tanta,. pauper hay,. ' always GODERIOH, ONT. • Wes*I Bureau tar Safety First. 4 despatch from llctroit says: The t,r•uperntlou of marine interests is ,sought by officials of the United Stater \V,•atlwr Bureau In carrylu$ out a safety -find ramtwigu this season ua the threat baker to conserve life and propene. &loot of the large steam- ship eowpaideo have assured t:orenr Went officials that they are fu ae'ord with the Weather lino -earl's efforts to keep et,sclwe, Narued of , hahges iu the aariher and the contemplated rs ui ai lgu x'111 tw estt•ieled to 5tulade boatmen of small craft, fho in the Inst have failed to keep themselves lufortnetl through weather hlorean ita- (bu s. TIw annual wariue disaster toll Includes n large percentage of small boats. Thew' 'were vessels, usually launches, fishing boats and small yachts. whose masters, were caunmanned (-aught of sodden strm. Thr 1'nitel Stales Weather Bureau loot neouth ou the great Lake, opened la1 displa *tat bow and :t) regular offices for the homing of storm warn - Ingo. The lN'Iroit weather Miler is supplying daily reverts to vermeils prising Petri/It through the marine le est -Odle•. some in Parliament -say that the tariff is the victim of two groups of extremists; One -group that would keep it as high as the tower of Babel, the other group that would leave only a furrow in the ground where the tariff wall was before -in other words. the Eastern manufacturers and the Western farmers. Our moderate friends are inclined to say "a curse on both your houses'." and look for the leen wpualleil in the history of the middle course. which is to reduce the dreg trade. tariff and somehow or oth-r, by a toll on 1 The statement i1Wt Taular is now his capital investment. make the farmer, i tux• west la,pular preparati,•u and the in return for freer markets. pay a greater biggest seller among all net Iywade share of the national taxes than he has. medias' to declared to be neither a done in the part. ` I sue• rmisnor an estimate, bse lout is lad This is one gospel. Another gospel is upe.0 euretnl ilvestigutiou mrd Is sup - that the tariff is a bully and a robber. I ported by the signed statements ut, and that it never will behave until Par- Henn-. of the largest drug Jobbers o liament takes it by the throat and shakes tlw Ildtel States and Canada. This the life out of it. Once upon a time. Dr. 1111W famous remedy las lea-uWe Just MichaelClark contended that the tariff ! as well known semis the hueruatienut as th great original dragon that St. 1 Is.umlary line as it is throughout the CENTRAL Parlia-, fol to be talked about. maintained that the best advertisement Hnuae , These valiant gentlemen have not gone is a ea tisane' customer, 41x1 t.. that enol iilion' back on their free trade convictions. Not have struts sought t1 make ,'llxI4)11WM the at all. They are simply content to let _nor mem saleSud to build up that ve the matter lie until the time corns to chat -meter of public conditional. which give battle. They still believe that there uleaas Brasile,$ integrity and spells - is a high tariff and that it is worth fight- lasting >fte"e'ess• Yet like all ,v1N,•rua ing doing it Tuition -wide bushiest.. they Not so Colonel John, Currie. who tWye• recognized the cater *114 akes barbed Aire or finita or some other necessity of a general presentation of ch usetul article. As a manufacturer, their pr•parktiwu by the lose ,•f clean, nel John argues that practically reliable mwxpapoo' adcenisiuK• -int there is no tariff at all -or, if But Ta lilac advertising "copy {a ,, it tL so small as to be hardy erwsuth,lly different from twist otters. entioning. I had the pleasure of it consists almost wholly of the diem[, oionrl Curate speak lot an hour, signed statements of thus• who have hath [ages, slice by slice, he , 1 the ruellelue. These people are tariff down from The Globes I dfxtita f ly 'detained by name and rd- lthesis fit forty-two per teat 1 des. They tell very plainly what was the matter with them and what Tauter tux done for them. Tanlae ad- vertising has been happily free from the -ell rest ll" e•xmmeth ti11n. Instead of adverts -Our extraveunut claims ax to what their preparation -will do," Its manufacturers awl distributors prefer to let those who have used Taular tell would one of I in their own w -ac what It has [MIN•. •TRATFORO. ONT.. \Y•• has. 'I'E1.E6ItAP111', �IEltt'I L and MiiOItTHAND Departments. We give individu,I ivatruetion. students are entering each week. Our graduates seer's. positions of trust. -fist our free catalogue now. It may interest yOat. D. A. McLicHtr 1, Principal. s n modest computation of it. as 1 recollect. by sub - aft on raw materials its - countries. If the another blade heur the ould have had no pro - indeed have been buy his g sods. e and his friends little increa'se." There is the beginning f Borden's return with the five cents on the handle the tariff . other dna _able a wisdom in that statement. t see it fust it is fully ettt a large factor in production costs, and I issue. Sir Robert and his distingwatned but inferior associates (as Foxy Quiller worn on the top when wages are increased the prices of ! would say) will no doubt stay' to th bit-' When you see it ear I calor u[ uewsports•r space. publicity L lx as flat as. a pancake• modest) commodities are raised accordingly and ter end for tete great privilege witch has y slows w,reikl not create tsar maintain the increased wages go no farther than been accorded es of sign ng on the dotted hidden under the wares s, a - The ale s is• yt„•uinot create nor ani t of line. As the Germans are not expected quickness of the hand -nay' ye then this pmI.erat oc. 1'anlae uniloabtwlly given to the discovery oI I the end n( Aiay. it follows that' covering is there just the same aro. economic "leaks," and to their stoppage, I'remierBorden and his tittle band wi ; trot be dnied. M'. own opinion is that statesmen Iw real progress might be made in the probe' are sailfor justi(omeheirbefore ong that visit me. if they yiy there is no tariff are talking throw tem of making living conditions easier. At Y will look like darn- question cannot In other words, the their opera hats,but the q p••sent we are all just travelling in a phools if they are not in at the finish. I be discussed until Premier Borden 1 The robins' return. as 1 guess it. is of t Wages are dollar which is to becloud every those collapsible Shen yen and proudly the head. t it Their sensible business philosophy was briefly but forrefnlly stated by one of the Millar executives, r•cantly when he soil: "With all due regard to the before in purchasing goods. 11 mored to make up their wilds to eat the leek ;aye with regard to opera hats tension were untt h •ll n- has merit snit extraordbary power as medicine. which have confirmed Ito rwlue In the minds of the people. No matter where you go Tante is a house- hold word a lid le one of the most Irby talked of medklnee it the today." PROM BIG STONE GAP. ' I circle about the tenth of lune; and that means The Republicans of the United States mid -duly before Parliament treaks up. The Congress are said to be framing a tariff ' only way to end it wallet is to Jettison a number of bills which ur gang good that will aenously curtail the sale of service just now in the way of using up Canadian live stock and other farm I discussine that g theht tariff. da Thedrailroad embit products in the United States market 1 has been a serviceable time -lei ler: so has This would mean, if carried into effect, a , the bankruptcy bill: and so can Mr. heavy drop in the values of the products l Nickle's divorce bill be. if it is -[rung out of Canadian farms. Mr. J. S. Williscn. , judiciously, Mr. Nickle's divorce hill. b} the way. writing to The Glotx, says the situation!, is sn artful time waster. N,ebody has "goes to show how unwise it would to to any idea that it will go throu,th. because enter into a trade compact liable to dis- I it carnes the germs of defeat on the face turbance at any time by change of feeling of it. No divorce hill which essays to force divorce courts on Quebec has a in the United States and change of Cov- chane of success in the Canadian Par;ia- ernments at Washington." It seems to us sent. The influences against it arc too that the correct view is directly con rary. I strong. But a divorce bill which should In the absence of a compact there is noy • ask for divorce courts for Ontario would the prospect of legislation by the United', have a fair chance of success: and what t States which would be little less than retormeryhavez ee er tackled the dmatter disastrous to Canadian agriculture. If a along that lie. Let Quebec act accord• reciprocity agreement between Canada ing to the dictates of her conscierce. and let Ontario do likewise and if she wants and the States were in force it would be divorce marts let her have them on her much less liable to disturbance on either own merits. It never seems to have without doubt this ata side than is the voluntary legislation of I occurred either to Mr. Nickle or to Mr. 1 mail with the keenest interest. no either country. If the course of events', this b npng question s hthatis atn 1l place i only tail li 1i axclw (Rist' but by the general on this continent during the last seven Ontarkr txi the acme Gxohng with regard I:ri.•fiv xnmmartzerl, the outsraudfnR e fully ascus poses home. A STORY OF SUCCESS. Hard Wood • w - ANI) — Light Wood From $2.00 to $6.00 per cord Delivered to any part of the town. Also a quantity of KINDLING WOOD Phone 165 Robert Wilson Hatuilton St. Goderich aim (Table Linens Extra 1 Bleached, 72 inches wide, heavy yli doubleeSatfin 1)handsome k all pure linen Tabling. A g h , desigpar. Qualities are beat we ever offered. Per yard $2.75. $8.00 and $3.60 NAPKINS All pure linen fine Satin Damask, � ;2'2 anti 24 ch,Ob at per dozen TOWELS All pure linen hemstitch Nuck Towels, sizes 22i44 SIM Old stuck, worth $3.00, at per pAir LINEN TOWELLING 16 to 114 inch, all pure linen Holler, Tea or Hand Towel- ling, heavy crash. Old stock. Special at per add PILLOW COTTONS IIett1'iest, best tlnality made. Circular Pillow Cottons 40-42. 44-46 inch, at per yard MEETINGS 72 -inch heavy Bleached Sheeting, heavy round thread and free from dressing.* Reduced to 36 -inch Twill Sheeting, bleached, 40e, for 28c TAPESTRY, WILTON AND AXMINSTER RUGS All sizes III stoek and designs, patterns and colorings are new aid most pleasing. For May cleaning priers are redueed. MATI1NGS Japan !llattings and Rugs with heavy cotton warp, wear well and splendid appearance, at moderate priers CONGOI.EUM RUGS All sizes in stuck, at per square yard $1.4b tip W. ACHESON & SON Some Po Phenomenal I)eyelopnient of a Itusi- seas Ihuilt on Public Confidence. Mr. W. G. Icy Harrison \le lIKII II. ' Va., in sendin Attal11a, 1:a.. may 1_ 1 Serial t'or- subscription to oespot5hetwe 1.-Ii'hls is a story of sat•- his town is settin ,rs"-the kind everybody likes to read. 1 paredness and s Surplxmiur 'Merest Rh,ilys attends the E your -own -home cam telling of low a gees[ business has I on all over the U.S.A. Leen hunt. Tills City pres.•ult., n very • adds that their organ striking imitative of remarkable braid- "Young Mens Club.- a woo: snc,es.'. whlelt has keen n,'li•vwl gent y gra chi gieativebebotitng This 111he n very short space of time.. The announcement has Just leen :club is sending out 1,000 mad • dere that Tenho% the well-known twice a month of the local paps mealtime, which readers of this paper , about h town know 'Mlle and the editor i have often :wen mentioned to the are I aboutet•. himself. Very few of the co Inrgelylg e41 tn.ib ti today the most borarealized that their town had the tre argely add mellvlte of its kind ton I dos resources and possibilities that c the .\nwa•h an market : that in little , more Chau tour yeah time it has be listed and described when the effort t - i made.The young men's club pays the ta11Nr1 a definite position fit perreeditor three cents a copy for the sample eminence *moue proprietary me leires- I .in 1a• copies. These sample copies are being vent mostly to former citizens and to young men who were brought up in the town, "and the editor told me," rays Mr, Coutts, "it was wonderful the replies he was getting." Mr. Coutts continues: I want to urge on you to put tour boosters wise to the possibilities of the Goderich old boys. Our little venture has been so successful that we now have arranged to get out a big special booster edition of our local paper and send sample copies to everyone on the mailing list of our big coal com- panies and furnace and other big indus- tries. 1 still firmly believe that the C.P R. is Goderich's greatest possibility and that It's a long im_ they will eventually carry out their plans f T »lace The to make Goderich their big gateway to going to do when the cider paper is t tr►I1111r 1 telex at [1110 the immense Canadian West. I firmly cleared. Knighthood has been a good I Plaut has fit titres.• In tact. Len found believe a live agitation will help spend up procrastinator, so has the novitiate 'at, itxnfil,-lent to supply the trade neluln` the time they will do it. I positively manes. .\ brooch lalxeratory with produces potash from uelph, and the railway hill, and x acral know that Germany prod t.ers that I could mention. but an end I v,1N11) (agues daily capaClty leas bee_ I salt and that several years back some .shushed et Windsor. Canada, i1 it Germans paid a visit to Goderich looking cera t0 GolerlcIs Boosters from Original Booster. Us. of Big Stone Gap, is his cheque to renew his he Signal informs us that the pace (or peaceipre- things as the owe • ign that he -aye is good fir eat. He lion is called the for real intelli- a never seen oung Men's pie co to let farts t ns 11! in Trouble with a leak iu your plumbing, call us and let us mend it. Don't pttt it off until it becomes so bad that your place tnay be flooded. "A stitch in time saves nine." FRED. HUNT THE PLVMBLR" [raw peen street ►ho... tan Plumbing Jlrating tfavestrr•ughing 'Metal Work . s�essxao�s ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to be able to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes, Also auy quantity of soft a )al for dontestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our old-time service and protnpt delivery. The Saults Coal Co. Phone No. 75 B. J. Saults' residence W. W. Santis' No. 275 i ADVERTISE IN THE SIGNAL. IT PAYS. he Easiest Way o Invest years has proved anyth ng, 0 has shown that Canada made an enormous blunder in rejecting the reciprocity offer of 1911. WHAT OTHERS SAY. The World Has Moved. London Indy 51. ,1 The war has brought a complete revo- tun in in our ideas of social values. Those who dream of going back to the co:sditiorls of 1914 are living in a fool's paradise The first need of the revalua- tion which is taking place is that there should he a resolute elimination of waste. idleness, and unproductiveness. It is universally recognised that the life of th of or worker must beimproved.transformattin of way he Parliament is comes to tlthings. Some muat get round day the tariff. f. � , -,ler to sumo. 1110 t'anailien demand. over the potash situation. 1 am to er open worker'so N ooMip The marvellone expansion of this potash lies under the salt bed. There is vitalhtheh and workers status. Buts it is Premier Meanwhile Hall eyes "Sisterisnn . Si er business will easily foaled comparison no doubt in my mind Huron county vital that workers scan only the Anne, is there n.anybodyo ng'' Sister with .un of the remarkable bnslnesa would gladly aid any inte.ligent effort to fact that the better will givethenationltime re - 'Anne, ' is somebody mi gof course, Taome I ,.,.htvv,•uf•ats of recant tines. AS 111W exploit the immense salt and potash.re- eftectl h chtime tut not yet. of the la MVO 1 R J of flu' sources it it was made convenient for them effect the change, and it they accept the Whtn the House out airy ur I natant .antes I 1 tiv It rep�tr,r. to do so. in dosing 1 wish to add a bit output must the re thatlimitationsandproc(i� releveticles to til w1m,• effort of ale R of advice to the young men of Goderich: output be removed plod a septa of academic t cs such as n allrn• the auionl, f 1 1 that 1x If you want to boost your town and keep increased. In th hripern, it man such up the morale of your boosters, your local receive more than h carne without each Revolved that Sir Sam fogies 13 a p pular press is the one ata sure and cheapest consequences as have followed in Russia to , WhY is Mr. Rowell, and deo Its of Tahla, gained I h r abort way known to do It. where the day -wage is ,.'l or 11 in paper, but will buynothing, because There iss being produced to buy. itlsattattstible reserve �v wealth such e community • reserves before the war, but they have waisted in that great catastrophe: [{orale Things to Remember. N.. Yerk Tice.. 1 he (11re to recall a few y and obvious facts of to divorce as Briti=h Columbia or New Incidents In this story of stumps,. are . Brunswick or Nova Scotia would enlist The discovery of Taular:'the wrfel-• the support of the House. whereas a bill tion .f its. formula by painstaking to impose it on Quebec also would meet I study. extrinslve ' smell and ex- th strenuous opposition The conclusion It Nati+the ewes • the hesiuuios of its wi s renu is inevitable that Mr. Nickh's bill is a ma nmtnitmre lu N omall way • the i, - time waster, a straw man put up to be' knocked down after it has served da pur- pose of delaying the day of wrath - namely. the tariff debate. •till the end of May and I really don't know what the House is split demand for the product created ,,uec•xshll use, and finally the e•stnl.11,hme•at of tbs, large i fid mag - 11111.4.M iils.rat°rks at Dayton'. N1dto ,sc•u ivltlg more than 111),11114[ wpm re feet of door spine, 10 supply the ever- Incr,-ssing demnud or Ta nine. rai*tette o o' Canada, following the example of other Allied countries, has made it possible for wage earners—men and women—to invest in safe securities without effort. These securities are called War Savings Stamps. The now $4.04, but by compounding interest, the $4.04 you invest w will be worth $5.00 in 1924. There is no other security in which u can invest such a small amount that is as safe and t bears so high a rate of interest. Or you can start with 25 cents, by buying k'Thrift Stamp. When you have sixteen Thrift Stamps, you can exchange them for a War Savings Stamp. You take no risks. The Government of Canada guarantees to pay you back your money -with interest—at any time during the five years, or to pay you in 1924 $5.00 for every $4.00 (and a fraction) you invest now. rune nu - k about i would sug- gest i greater general than Napoleon Bona - hoe!" and other% which will readily oc- cur to the ingenious minds that frame the daily menu for the Hnu..r o f Commons. The one thing that must be avoided is a head-on collision with the thrift before Premier Borden gets back with the fro- phies of hi% diplomacy -if any It he has trophies so much the better -i( Ise hasn't. then sotmuch ulrhe hworse;or thet rare Moderne psi Osco / ru ohle•rx v sac recently. to t o hominess iii being d • by tills r ern. adding his belief tI1a1 the nation-wide Iw n such time Is nothing less than phenomenal. Thla Latter statement lvax mile fol- 1'arnpa�Nar� bow arae the uniW11M,•nent In the as fly only acus) A (.44(5.1'4 111111 lever twelve million tx,rtl,* "Your father was making of Tonne- had been add In four ysarx. year when 1 married hint." Itha to .tannery 1st, 1919, and that dnr- "Shucks, ma Jim pay -tliore than that i Ing the first ten week. of the present , few his income lea." year corer 11111. mh111ot1 bottle,. had been distributed - thereby eutaMlsWnt a record which has relieve never beforei T1 Advertise 1s s 81PaL-It pays. to May W.S.S. Coat $4.04 la 1aa. ws.s, Coat $1.05 War Seepage Stamm .an b. t a.aefir wAat- aaar thin slow 1a Ji..laral. ake Your Savings Serve You and Serve Your Country—Invest in War HOW N►