HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-8, Page 8• { • 9 Thurr:.lay, May S. 1919. t:�f1r'I«Waas5to 74.1 e• TNS .110NAL OOD:RIOON. OI T. ., r•rtt;rN,J•.''..'.< ak�'il^') F•Yt'I''• Xie it u;"4':iSw WallPaper That beautifies the home. not cheapetls it. When you are told that you can buy• cheaper from cata. logues or pedlars come to us and We will show you better .tock. better. patterns and better colors,for the satue price anti often cheaper. l; )c/ �1t1'14. - THE TOWN COUNCIL. • I Previous Millaw re West filmes Rail- way Suit 1. Rescinds. School of Commerce CLINTON AND GODERICH, Ontario COURSES : Commercial Stenographic and General (sur work is better than many and equal to any. ' sl lident. may enter •41 any time For particulars write to B. F. Ward, S.A., M. Accts., Principal I'Iwue 20S Clinton, Out. Night. ('lass..-, Tues. *nd.Tlnuv4. Alt the nwwM•rs were present at taw regular meeting of the town ewoell ou Friday night. A Iwtlttou from 'thick. street "prop- erly -owners for the construction of a sewer on 14111 strut, swth from Britannia road. was refernol to the politic works tomutltter for rxsmlua• lion. .t tester faun Mr. J. W. 1'ralglr in vuuurctiun with his proposition for the establishing of an amusement resort at Lighthouse fount was referrot to 1111• a.pe•IaI ,ommittoe. A note wits rereiyel from 11e aeere- tary of trse Women's Institute. accept- ing the et 11's offer of assistance to• umid. providing a rest room. The tisanes. . Witte• recommended that the piddle library loans 1e• paid s250 on the 1:119 grant. and the Col- legiate institute board $1.100 ou this mt'!!` levy. The eomwitter reported that the Ii•tl imixovement sewer de- (14pt11r•s. Ymuunibs* approximately to +I l Iarl, would Iw ready very slwrtly t.. he placed 1111 the market. and It was re..N11mrnkd that the bonds be sold 1..cafly et a prier to yield the 'minimiser per ,cont.: that too our persult be allowed to obtain more than $ .'I) of these bonds, wed that the 1sol,ls may he registered as to principal, if desired. .tea ; the nmennurulhltiulw of the public work committee were: Thal the gravel pit *t tow foot of Wolfe street Ie eleauwi up *1111 the r*nttmtty pat in proper .oi titiou: that the aleteonr.e in Wells survey be cleaned out. and that Eugine•r Johnson Ire asked to come to 4;.ulrrh•II to meet the committee alai report on the matter of constructing sewer. ,this year. These reports were loth ud.q►ted. c ensus illor H Iwr movel..rcontled by 4 .unrillor Parsons, that the action of the rowel! at Its meeting on April 41h, with re•fer'nr to an appeal iu the action *gaiu-t the Toronto general Trusts Corporation re the West Shore lInli 'Ny, )w rescinded. t'oun•illor \YNlli. said that if Ault - new would join with the, other wunl- cionlitiea in the appeal he would be 111 favor of ap(waliug. .. - t'ouncillor Parsons thought the coun- cil was under ubligat' to the people to gra ahead with the suit. "We have McEwen's SPECI ALS s A few cases of GUSTO to clear at 10e a package. QUAKER CORN FLAKES, to clear at 12ic. DOMINION CORN FLAKES Tile. IlittrICE 1(k package for Sc. A can of good CLEANSER for 5c a,tin. - Small can of good Salmon 1..c. :small can of Red Salmon 20e. Car. Pilchards, worth 20c, for I:K - Another kind, worth 25c. for 20c. home RED ROSE. TEA left at r•••c A lb., worth 70c. J. J. McEwen I,ic,•nsc N.. a-714/:1 hero slw5ammel in th1s matter and ear err lout' sports, it we drop 1t." stews.' Davie droplet! a suggestion about admitting the IIUeaetkul of an appeal to the people, and Mayor. Wier followed this up by tsllggeetlug thiit tune tyuw'il, alight take uaaallw.ua anion *Mout *11144 1(111•. Hill ow►s opinion, he saki. had rat clanged. but iw Vats willing to give tow people a chance to express themselves. The motion to resoled was berried by s vote of +5 to 3. Taw --Wallas, Mitchell. *Walker. Humber, lhrsous. \ay-l►ayls, ritory, ('lark. No turthrt action WYK taken at this meeting, awl tow 'stetter tberefore stand* as It was before the /notion against au appal was lolwsol. l'ounfllor Pars(ns mentioned the fact that' the Clay May ltd) was the eightieth amdversary of the birthday of Miss Sktimings. and on his motion. sevlwlel by Reeve Davis. (1 «00 dr - tided to send a montage of birthday greet lugs to her. '1t was the general opiuMu of the eeotsn'h1 that something more tangible should also Iwlloue. and it meeting of the representative.' of various organisations of the town will be called to decide 1111011 some manner or doing 1w11or lo oar 11110 daring her lifetilue has done W. much for Gok'rh•h. aur...Walter Hens. «111 Ilan !Knight tIw store building IIII IIs Square form- erly ocupiei.Ly Mr. Geo. Porter and wIw intends to put ht a new front, naked permission to use halt of the sidewalk while the cluing*. is tieing maple. r lwrtuibsMll was granted. subJart to the usual regulations. Saturday, Monday and Tlwsday, May 111, 12 and 13, a -ere chosen as l'lea11-up lhlys for the town. TIw matter of clearing up the retinae left on 11e+ wharf during the winter was referred to the harbor committer. It was derided to order an addltlonel :14441 copies of the hooklet'being issued by the Hu.i d of Trade, for disposal by the le,llla•ii. The social committer was asked to report on the question of taking ad- vantage of the housing legislation re- cently Iwss'l by the l►ntario Legis- home. .eg1s- ha tut n•. The pone*. bylaw. NO. 11 of 1919. was given its third raaditngand anally plssd. Bylaw No. III, appointing Richard 4'. 1'ostlethwuite chief of police..1treet inspector. truant (Aker and sanitary saver, ill Al salary of $7'(I per annum. mels a litmus of $511 at the expiration of .411.11 year of service, was read three limes and pusses. itylaw Net. 11. appointing 1.. 1.. Knox duan tr",sur'e'r at a yearly artery of x nal, also was put through all its stages and anally passed. 'I'he c tit thou adjourned. 1 CLEARINGS iN--- Men's Underwear Combination and two-piece garments, Penman' s, Wat- .on's, Tiger brand, and all good mikes. 73 garments, stake, in brown size:, to clear 50 combination Tiger btand, heavy elastic ribbed, to clear .it Watson's only, all $2.45 2 combination Pen Angle. medium weight, all sizes, to clear at $1.95 M. Robins OPEN EVENINGS � OBITI'.tR'. I,INKi.4TEIt. - The late James t.iuklater. whew death was rweorlel 111 flow' ..11uulns last week. was born sn the Island of Sandy, Orkney, Stet- ' land. in tlw year. 1339, utlrl came to .*merit- milli his parents stud *uncle (noisily in 1st!). Tow voyage across the 1..V1autle 4Ke'1104e1 ten aee•ks and Isis llife was 11esplirol of In the passage. lie tired at Ibonitton for seven yearn :nod same to the township of (•ollor11r 1 in 1.:141. stmt. which time he liv.rl �COM 1llnougly tot the farm at I.w•bunl for sixty years. The last three years Io' 1441.111 111 town. When quite a your* 1114411 he uslhteh with Knox church. G,Hlt'ncch. under the late Iter. 1)r. 1'r•, and his Ruble and hos rhurels had a Nils' Plats' In his life. 11e neat one of the founders of iwwbur11 ehun•h alai for many years he gave an urgtrudging HMI w111fng--carrier lu 11 as caretaker anal treasurer. He «4414 a warm friend of education and Iw 4411(1 his father did the carpenter work on the first reload he sensor No. ., Colborne, and he with the late Hillary Horton and Mr. .4*reld1 Hetherington 4-44(4.44 11 iit.sl the t 1.11.tre bite IYI t lint built the 4reewnt school '111 that Wwtitln. 1,1 polities Iw adhered to 1.11wrnl prinellle4. He It*d as warm platy in Ills heart for his friends and Iwlghiars, and In turn IT'S UNWISE to pat of today'a duty arta to- morrow. If your stomach is add-dietattbd take mmullunumunllnnnnnlnuOnnssusul011 umumUQul0IUuuunos L NEW SUMMER STYLES I in Fashionable Dressy Footwear I C i I J r We have some very new styles in high and low-cut footwear for this season's showing. Styles that will appeal to you as a nice dress shoe. Our pumps are built on pump lasts, which enable us to fit you properly. These new styles we are showing in pat., kid and calf leathers. in grey, brown and black, in pumps, oxfords and high - cut footwear. In'white shoes we are showing a very large range, and as usual priced at popular prices. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW YOU WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN smammommlioninmommumimiummu IunoIDS the new aid to digestlow cadsst fly. A piwesat relief Rem the diaesmtiset of asidairmegia. MASS ST SCOTT a Sows manse O. s001Ta NO MORE NERVOUS HEADACHES 5lsco So Triad 'FRUIT -A -TIM: The reasons Fruit Medicine. MISS ANNUL WARD 112 Hazen St., St. John, N.B. "It is with -pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I received from the use of your medicine, 'Frail -a -lira'. I was a great sufferer - for mane years from Nervous Head- M aches dad Conslipeliow. I tried everything, consulted doctors ; but El nothing seemed to help ms until I tried 'Fruit-a-tives'. M After I had taken several boxes, I M was completely relieved of these troubles and have Dees unusually well ever since." Mils ANNIE WARD. 'Fruit•a-Lives' is fresh fruit juices, M concentrated and Increased In M strength, combined with finest tonics, M and is* positive and reliable remedy for Headaches and Constipation. We. a box, 6&for$2.50, trial sire 25e. 1 At all dealers or Fruit-a-tivesLimited, M Ottawa. • ■ • ■ M M • 1/ 1N 1N •M • 1N 1 •M M ■ 1N M 1N was highly thought of by them. - Ills M father. James Linklater, diedin 114714. *s.-1 Ids wether. whose name was Jane M Ttwwsotl. are years later. He had live Ittotb.rs. of whom two diel in infancy. His brother William diel 111 M 1":*; while• attending the l'ulversity of Toronto: .4u,Irew, diel In 4'ullorne iu ; M Maki, sod the surviving brother is Mr. lig John 1.iukb1ter of town. The funeral. -s whirls Conk {JINN' 1111 Saturday from the house of Mr. John Linklater. was largely attended by old friends. Iter. James HsMliltnu minister of 1.erbnr11 MMM■■■■MMMMINM■M)11111M■1t■■M■M)NMMMM■MM)• starers*vt 31 THE COLBORNE STORE "eV"' SPECIALSAY �NpSMONDAY These several specials for Saturday and Monday are values that can be had only on these two days. Special finish (•au`l►rie, 36 in. wide, in a very tine cloth, at 370 a yd. Special white Potton, 34 in, wide, in good weight, regular :±c, for 1163.. Special table Linen, 56 in. wide, regular *1.00, for 890. Special table Linen, 't2 in. wide, regular *1.50, for $1.34. Special Corsets, regular *'2.'25. Tor 91.75. Special .Corsets, regular *1.73, for 91.40. All Congoleum Ruga will be 91.00 less ou these two days. SUMMER VOILES We have put into stock a wonderful range of l'ottou Voiles iu plain 'eoiors• and figured designs. These cloths are the season'44 newest creations. They come in dark and light patterns -and are 36 in. wide. They range sill prier from 75o to 91.50 a yard. SUMMER UNDERWEAR 5; Our stock of Summer Underwear is now complete and our range comprises the newest and best at prices that are reasonable. COLORED WAISTS New striped Waists in all the newest stripes t4tid combination*. These Waists are made from good habutai silk and will giCe excellent wear. They come iu all sires, at 96.00 each. Cotton Voile Waists in the newest designs. We have real values to show you in Voile Blouses., SPRING COATING MATERIALS The shades in the cloths shown are what Fashion decrees as the newest and most up-to-the-minute. Man}- different qualities, hand they tome -only in coat lengths. No two alike. Be sure to sere these cloths. 1 r PULL -OVER SWEATERS - A good range of these garments in the best ...loriugs and styles is being shown by ns. Tttey 1•ome in many qualities and prices. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY D. & A. J. H. COLBORNE Standard Corsets Patterns. wnn•b. nth.huwl. and the pallbearers •I'. CMaIRMMA MMMXIINII Nall IIaa/11aaMMRMAIN)r/ wore John Hunter. Joseph (',sol-, 1'. Stewart. Hcury Morton. Edward Slum and A. H. 6'I4sttoi. The interment was in ,',,*born cemetery. MARTIN.- fhe death of Mr. John C. Martin which occurred on Saturday, April 26th, at his home on Angina street. removed one of the best-known residents of Goderich, who for many years was a familiar figure in town affairs. For several years past, however, Mr. Martin had been in failing health, and frit nearly three years he had been confined to his home. He was in his seventy-fourth year. his birth having taken place at Bentniller in etre year 1845. In 1869 -he canoe to Gode- nch and became the proprietor of the Colborne hotel, which be conducted for twenty-six years, retiring twenty-four years ago. He was a member of the town council for a number of terms, and took an active part (41 politics u a supporter of following contributions -since Iasi re- tort : - ItrUsse•I' W. 4'. T. 1'.. 29 jars of fruit, pickles. a hirer glwutlty of 4.1111dre1'4 clothing, stockings, ,caps, etc. -a valu- able selection, also $5.00 cash: alla- mil,tla17 tt.N'+ety of St.Aalrew'a church, Port Allwrt, children's clothing; Mita ' *lie' Andrews. apples and two jars of fruit: airs. A. Porter. two pictures; airs. teem. Moore, Easter eggs. two jars of fruit: airs. U. Millar. clothing; nenMrs. rn Holegarth. jar of fruit and pickles: Mr.. W. 11. McHavin. Walton, throe children's pinnies: Girl's 4'Ink St. Georges church, box of ewntwielies: Sib... Iturritt• vouch; .1. 11. Million, t`rgetgblcs; Mrs. Stem. Graham. Sheep - proem]. two children's dress's, (1111' hag of apple'. ant ve'tte'tahlcs : Mrs. 1 the Liberal party. He was twice married lt. tt•. Mooning". Iwg of applies sod 111 1 -in 1867 to Elizabeth A. Gledhill, who lbs. INaus: a10140n11. Society, cake and I died twelve years ago, and later to Mrs. sandwicls•14 . North St. ('hump (toys 1 Wetmore, who predeceased him by Kim Club, cake: Mrs. W. 1.. Horton, rim- ! years. He is survived by one 4iarb and lettuce, eggs I.. (trans: Mrs. I daughter, Mn St-. George Price. and too T. C. Naftel, two Jura fruit; Mr". E. sons: J. W.. of Calgary. and B. L. of Matthews, Auburn. four Java fruit; Morden, Man.; also by sox grandchildren: Mrs. and Iw,m,lre, there kitchen chrlrs; Harold Martin, Mre� W hack Price;Wm. Bailie. $1 : Jolla Linklater, $1 ; All the latest and best in Electrical Appliances Riaism The Hydro Store North side Square r. J40 J Y , son o r. orlon, Helen. daughter of Mr. 13. L. Martin. Mr. Henry Martin and Mrs. S. A. Web- ster, both of town, are brother and sister of the deceased, another brother, William A. Martin. and a sister, Mrs. Thomas Whitely, having predeceased him. Mr. Martin was a member of Huron Loe No. 62, I.O. O. F., and of Court Godde- , rich, No. 82, C. O. F. In religion he was a Methodist. The tuners' services on Friday after- noon were conducted by Rev. Dr. Rut- ledge. pastor of North street Methodist church, assisted by Rev. W. K. Hager, of Aylmer. Ont.; a former pastor, and the pallbearers were Messrs. George Bisset, John Knax, R. C. Hays. Robert McLean, D. McLaren. W. B. Graham. A. J. Cooper and Wm. Lane. Member of Huron Lodge, 1. O. O. F, attended in a body. Mr. and Mn. J. W. Martin, of Calgary. and Mr. B.L. Martin, of Morden, came from the West for the funeral and others present were .Mrs. D. Johnston, of Preston, Mr. Jas. Stevens, of Clinton. Mr. D. T. Gledhill. of . incar- dine. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert King, of Blyth. Many old friends attended to pay the last tribute of respect. Are Yea Planning Scor t'aeatianf The lbws of the !:rand Trunk itahl- a-ay System rrneh all the famous resort dl?trietu of Emden' Canada, and also give actress to the lopntttlfti Maine .ea-41*ltt ■n1 other few England regions. in the wonderful territory serves by this di1s1�y are Koren of .rammer playground", offering the traveller the wiriest choler of Mdidayn rnrarion. by the shovel of tranquil, trce-trniged lakes, at the mountain resorts, by the Kea -const or in historic cities. Fishing. limiting, boating, bathing, golf. etc.. can to enjoyed antler dsIlghtfnl cn *turn, while the bracing, .nnlmer era are a tonne for tine) men awl women. The aecommo- dation providers for the vinitor in of the highest order. Any Grand Trnnk agent will gladly nest*t you In mapping out your tour and ?apply you with expire of attractive publientlona Orrin by the Orand Trnnk hallway Sye en% including "Muskoka iwkee," "Alton - loth' Park," '9'nrtl*td, ('aico slay and Maisie Resorta," "take of Bay?:' and ••PlaygromuMI,--dicasts of Fish and Game.' CHILDIiN'8 AHEi TRI! NOTES. , Reuse* W. C. T. 17. Detlatea !frit, Clothing and Caples -Maw Other Dorado ts. The Children'? 'Aid Society ae- knowletlges with grateful .ttaeb the • Mrs. John Sinker, Auburn, 81. Received for maiutenasse%g of chil- dren, $311.24. There are ei*ht children in the shelter at present. A little 1ro117 girl was given out host week for adoption in a goof horn. Mr. 1:Iliotl (1114' County secretary. la devoting some time to visiting some of the children posed in tooter - throughout the 4 ty, alto Locating homes for other little children. Inter- asvt In the work for tlw children is growing, *14 shown by the inertia -semi contribut ions. Help it along by a contribution, by finding a home for a" homeless 61110, *iII by reporting cases of neglect. For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 50 Esu Street. Opposite Knox Church Give Us a Trial ON account of pres- ent weather con- ditions the wholesale companies have been able to make better deliveries of Coal and we are now able - to supply :-- Chestnut Stove Pea and Egg Coal Soft and Cannel Coal in any quantities. •MacEwan Estate Feb. Int, 'ow 1111 Jn_., 114 Always take Kodak Films with you. The East- man non -curling film. Then you will get the resuks. Phare 90 • j •l ;16) r;';'. Irraa.�� A WORD ABOUT OUR PICTURE FRAMING The very finest materials, plu* the most skillful work- manship, plus our own per- sonal ,attention to every - picture frame customer, are the guarantees that make the trade mark. Smith's Art Store worth something on the back of a picture frame - and they cost nothing extra. • If you have rheumatic pains try Penslar rIgJ Rheumatic Compound A splendid preparation that is endorsed by many of out patrons who have relieved themselves of even the most acute forms of rheu- matism with it. Penslar Rheuwatic Compound is• sold in 50c and 11.00 bottles, and for your information the formula W- on the bottle. Don't continue to gaper. this remedy at once. Orta ,. . CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE :+F' "THE PENSLAR STORE" J, North St. and Squar