The Signal, 1919-5-8, Page 5joartosp'
Illicycle Week May 3 to 10
/11IN .1/4,
h's ckeaper to ride than to walk when fon ride a Bicycle like the
why not get in line with the rowd and pick yours out of the
new ones just armed from the factors,.
1 East Street Garage "OwaajPraalcitIcalPfAraV " a
1 GODERICH - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
1111 1
schedule (Inc paper said 6 o'clock. the The above refers to a former townsmah.
other said 7. and the business man better known and elsewhere in the
thought lie %would have to 'solo the newspaper field as '..Tip.. O'Neill. Prob-
a y before long Goderich people will
Groom Society took place la Ma $ry
114,111 Of the conrt 1 se nn the evening
of April 2P. with Mrs. !holm' In the
'rbc itet•retary reported hal-
linty from lad month ot $57.31, awl
receipt.. as follows: Wnt collection,'
13s.741. WON of yarn 50.-, making a
tidal Of II 1116.57. It Wax decided to
14.1141 $1511 111 !WW1 °Mee to aid in relief
work. awl to Doer for sale the knitting
mueliine ...tied by the Six
A Good More by G. T. It.
An its/proved bt.;rviee for paseekers
from Gotlerich for pointa mirth (111)1
south ..f Clinton 1111111wen put in effeet
by Hie it. T. It. The morning freight
train with passenger t•mich attached
now leaves Goderieli at a regular hour,
7.43 a. in.. giving 11 41001. COn1W4114111
at t'lluton with tlw train leaving there
at WA) for laamlon, Detroit 411411 other
southern points. The train fur Wing -
bate 111111.0 111111011 111 11.11 N. tn. Thr
nettservice unto out two hours' wait
at Clinton for trains leaving for north
4)1 swath. and is an improvement that
will he 1. appn.lated by travellers.
Tip on a New Shine.
James O'Neill. local ntwaroperman, has
applied for a patent in Canada aod the
United States for a new automobile and
furniture cream; one free from oils and
greases and guaranteed to leave a lasting.
brilliant shine. When manufactured. Mr.
Olsigeirs, an absolute guarantee will
acc y each sale.-Sarma Canadian
Te Organize ter July Pb.*.
A public meeting ha. twee called I.)
Mayor Wiefe, to he held at the town
hall on Friday evening of this week, to
make arrangements for the First of
Jai v vele/motion in ,•ticalerit. h. •
b0.1) invited.
1.00d Old ltasebell•
A meeting to organiz- the town baseball
club for the coming season will he held at
the town hall on Monday evening next. at
s o'clock. There are sev ral meetings on
that evening, but this is the most import-
ant of all. Be there.
A Question of Time.
!lasing read both the local papers last
wed.. a business man expreSsed him -ell
at a I eta to know when the morning
C P. R. train was to leave on the new
difference- and call it 630. The cur-
e a chance to test the qualities of Mr.
rect tune is to'ciock. as stated in The
I O'Neill's discovery.
Signal last week.
Minister Not l'oale.
3layor %Vial.. wit. in rutin iiiii Mutton
with Ottawa last week in an effort tit
111111. 114111. F. 11. Carvell. Iliniater of
Pistilli. Works. who was amionneed to
be 1.1..i1114 to inspect public work,' at
Windsor and POrt Stonier. extend
his vidt 4, 4 1thierielt. TM; Miniater
rcpiii-d 11(411 by entail not get to Gude-
rirl. Trip. Hun. Mr. Carrell
114,1•1 111...11.11 11.!. 1..1411-1.M1111111174
41 4.0 ralr• 'Ig1.' 01111110i
1111.. 14.411111 111• 11 K.11111 1/111111111111111y 44)
g'..1 111111 111111.11,11.11 040111' 111411141r 14ork,..
Kest Cross 3leeting.
The monody meeting of the Red
Yon/. 1)14 11 feat her bed- Ir into the 1111111111,41
1114• •
Mr. J. H. Castor, district engineer far
, the Ontario Hydro•Electric Commission.
was Th rode last and ad-
dressed a meeting of business men at the
Masonic Temple in the evening. His idea
evidently west() win Goderich away from
the advocacy of a flat rate. and he told in
much detail of the beauties of the present
f h r 'n for power. However.
, when he got through with a fairly long
i iddrese Mr. J. P. Hume. chairman of the
Hydro committee of the Board of Trade,
in a few sentences put the case for a uni-
form totems clearly and convincingly that
the meeting was concluded without any
further loss of time.
Hiss SkImingii' Eightieth Sarthday. Flore.nce! Hell. of erich. acted as sirs, • A. Callender am •
t the
oon wow 011T.
la a symptom of Kidney
Disease. A weil-known
4octor has 111141, •• I never
yet made a post-mortem ex-
WailiflaliCt• in/ Citaor 01 death
from Heart Disease with-
out finding the kidneys
wereat fault ." The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the Market, most suramas-
ful for Heart Dkease end
all Kidney Trouble., and
moat widery imitated is
• •
1Hen. Dr. Cody Expected.
..• It is expected that tle Hon. Dr. Cody.
Munster of Education.- will visit Gods
rtch on Monday, May 19th. He MS
visit the schools and In the evening
deliver an address to the Board ig Trade.
Cadet Inspection:
Capt. Barclay, cadet inspector for
military district No. I. will he in Gode•
rich next Monday to inspect the Colleg-
iate Institute cadets. The inspection
will take place sit vicixia Park at 2
1 tale Tom's labia.
After an absence of some years Uncle
Toot's Cabin will be presented at the
Victoria Opesa House on Monday evening
I next. May 12. See Topsy. l!ncle Tom.
ILittle Eva, Lawyer Marks, and Buster
• and Tige, the largest bloodhounds in
America. As a special inducement to
I the children Manager McLean will admit
free of charge the first twenty•five school
children at the box office Monday night if
'accompanied by their parents.
Mr. H. Promo' Strang •4114 up front
Toronto for a few days last week.
Mr. Howard Casco( Leingannon. spent
a few days with friends in town during Us*
• week.
Miss Elsie Galt is home from Boston.
Ft/wile. The tnetutters aerepted the .N14".. she
has been in training WS a
10W11 (1/1111.11.14 atatiotatice for the rest
roonu',.and are going to give it at SIX I.r. Al. Mails,.
months trial in ordi r ant
4114. general public etre in favor tbf tonto last week.i,
patronizing and helping the nieethers .
..,t'•11111:111 111141 l'Ottinstml
iu their effort. Preparations are be- from Klteltener after at 11f several
ing tuade to 011441 10.11 141111r118,. MaY week. tiwre.
17th, when „the public are invited to
Miss Macara. who spent the winter
Inept -et ate moms, which are over Mr. months at lomdon. has returned to her
Woode' imoiroom. Mho Da Odeon bas home m St. Vincent street
beoli elantged as the superintent ti
Niko Iteettice in Is iiiii from
NIelktno-lietraum. Ictal Mr.'. F. J. Priditam.
St. au 's church, Stratford. Saturday
afternoon at 230 o'clock. when Florence
lice, only daughter of Mrs. rotary
• sol +tin if it olalisl the 'dew al
and Dr. N11111101101
11110 I.1111011 at '1'4)-
system o c a gi
tetraum. 128 King street. and James
Frederick Mellon were ,oined together in .
performed 4"penbling th.
marriage. The ceremony was
mother. Mrs.
by Rev. Mr. McDonald and..„alter the
service a dairity luncheon wad provided ; Rev. Canon
at the home of the bride The happy • Hill and Mrs.
for T 'turf- to London last
• to and other cdts east. Otos , s •
1 laughter
bridesmaid and Mr. Albert Betraum as iiis, of Port (,-edit. were v %Mint a
31i -s Skimings. -the poetess of Lake
Mias 3111'01,01, of 'Damao,
visited her friend, idiot 1'.y Elliott,
l'obourg street. lad week.
1 Jolanaton. of ,1•Yeatoti,
• week with her grand-
Velister, Newmitt. street.
Hill, Mrs. Hill. Captain
W. L Horton motored
week and apeat several
couple left on the 6.05 tram
Tloirstlav 'May H. 1919 --6
Clopleal mead lliewervv. - $/4,600.000
Total Amami). Nov. 301 14 194 N. ever $153.11100.000
Thrift, personal and national, is the great-
est Deed of the hour. " Waste not, wood
Molluis the lesson every Canadian must
learn and practise.
Start now ! Make your first contril.ution
to Thrift, and your country's %c Harr a
Savings Account in this Bank. lute:est
paid et current rates.
F. WOOLLCOM114 . - Manager.
be held on Monday, May 12, in the court 5 dozen eggs: Mrs. Charloi liarper,
house. at 4.15. dozen eggs and 111111-a4.0,411 jars of
Dr Macklin has received the appoint pickho 1111.1 fruit . A Friend, 2 AM
fruit ; Mr. It. H. Cutt, vivetables.
ment of medical representative. Depart-
ment of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment,
tor the town of Goderich.
The W. C. T. U. will meet Monday,
May 12th, at Mrs Aitken's home at the
library. Every superintendent is -re-
quested to bring a written report of her
work. Visitors always welcome.
Mr. AV. T. 3Iillar. treading. of the
111/1111.1'.4. Memorial Fund, arknow-
ledges the following euntrilaithins: T.
11. itothwi.II, Toronto $111; It. H. Cutt,
The Children's Aid Sitietywilrrirrts
last meeting for the summer next Tues-
day, May 13th, at 4.15 p. m., in the court
house. Leave your housecleaning or
gard$n long enough to attend this meet-
ing and encourage the officers by your
presence and interest. ,
The Athol Highlanders had a small
audience at Victoria Opera House on
Friday evening, but gave a line entertain-
ment- and doubtless will draw a better
house if they appear here again.
4 tor diligent 111141 c.f....toed 1/un-
eorrrapontlent has ndsaed eint-
neetiort thlm 14114 1. -the first awe in a
long pet•Itsl. Dungannon. however, te
0111 limp and Will he duly heard
from ueri\week.
14elebrut...1 vigl.ttletli birth -Mr. Geo. "IP. Sawyer, of. the Morris
best man. The groom's gift to the'bride home of Mr sad Mot. R. C. McDenuitl
Alac.hine Worits Baldwinsville. N. Y.,
;fay on Friday hod Several of her was a pearl roocT,whilethe brideamaid last week • was here this week installing an electric
friends 111114.1 011 11.1' 1.1 l•%1O11.1 feheita- received a very pretty amethyst brooch n... Mitutrs. 31rDermid WW1 Handl- mp at the municipal power -house.' The
I'm- a lei reeerted messages of and the best man was the recipient of a
11:114.8141?.14.1141,1 1.114V1ing of the Synod nen pump, which takes the place of an -
1 r tie• ocasion. T1wre is under whitegeorgette dress and bridal veil aoo iso oo.
__. Eitimotott bum ...onion at Woodstoek other which never worked satisfactorily,
congratulation 1.101 kiiPllY X1110 in pearl tiepin. The bride was attired in
I t ark the earr a bouquet of white roses. appears to be doing the`vsork all right.
13 of Same. " -------------------------,iave been
I attaining of the fourseore mark by ottr the bride:n:7M was dressed in white silk Mr. AllanBrunton. Phm.
▪ t it ist townswomen by 1114' and carried pink carnations. On their was the guest ot his brother pharmacist. received by Alexandra hOapital
len.idermlion a pronteat .1 Ili
Ilf a convert or it public enter- I return to Stratford, Mr. and o hlr. J. 11. Lauder, for a day or two this the 111411011 of Aloril and are gratefully
ta intuoit of 1.1 .ort hi t lie 'war lots will reside -et 128 King street. the week. The two were college mates. to I. I.dg..1: Mrs. • W. `. Musket',
future. 'This Vit111111 afford the towath !home oi the hitter's mother, who is leas- 'Mr. J. W. Craigte was at fort Stan- i„,,km ;um win. Graham.
lasiple a desired opportunity of dohig ing shortly on an extended trip to Eng- ' ley last week getting some pointers in shoat,' neon. 2
1.W/61i eggs 111141 u 1111N
it honor to 01144 who his. for many years
' • aannection with his project for a summer of apples: NIr. MIlupM�It. Sla.ppurrIton.
!wisest to keep Goderii•li before tlie Lawn Bowlers organize for .11111.
al world. The aninuti meeting of the tiodroleli
$ Womens Institute. 1141411 IN/W1111g 411111 *US 1W111 011 Friday
$ ins. oil meeting of 11114 W41110411.1. ...eniug last, with a fairly good attend-
Ilistitine on May Ist was well at- 1111.14. Ot14)114 for the year
• X tended. The following officers were were eieried as fuIl," lIou.. presi•
111 elected for the o11.1111mg year: Primi- .lent, Mel. IJr. Meklnint. Cleveland. to.:
preshienl. 1)r. H. I 1. Martiouw11: vhme
11ra. SII/111..011: 1St 1 1.1.-ipreokletit.
Mrs. Abell 2nal vicep
-realtient,' Mrs. D. iimeddent. C. rtuiptuan•.
111 a I, MrNevite: bweretary-treasurer. Nils% NI. W. Lane: treasurer. 4'. A.
a our Dew ',team 111.04s4S41 unrivall..1 ft.r the•liceessfial renovation
of feathers, mu+ bed heing cleaned separately. gm italkeld: directors. 'Sirs. NIstrA11111, ' Mea.ra. Hmit. T. Metierrotat anti c.
All work guaranteed
, ins...ling. the president, the secretary.
King -ton stool, 11 '4 %Vhitely
asii••• m•••••• • • • 111111 II* NUN sirs.. strwart. Ilra. AN•11 111111 Mn1,
P. Mrs. ittielgrove a lid 311.. F11W11.4; lilac,. were aloprblitte.l miltlitimull meta -
1 Mrs. vitas. Young Knit
,311m. biers of tile ,'11414i1 1'.' contruitt...
Messrs. It. S. Williams Toronto). J.
111. Tig..rt 11antiltrat Ja.
111talerte111, 1.. 14)1werly 4 St -
font ). Fre.I IM.I., 31. I'. I'. 'Alberta 4.
mud lie. C. Fletcher il'huttles 1(08414
were nuclei 114.1mo-wry tibo•nibers. Th..
a iiiiii ft.. was again 415,41 Si The
Ili------''.' ne•ii. I st t entt.tit for last ) ea r
• - R. PECKHAM, Mgr. IM I . T. 31urewy ; pianiat. Mr.. utp-
, man : repreeentativea to district ri I
111 • Mr.. MeCiaciwrty; Mrs. Chas. Reid
111111 Mrs. Pinder: program committee,
xxx xxx
Monday and Tuesday
IN -
"Eve's Daughter
Wednesday and Thursday
IN -
"Wolves ofilhe Rail"
Friday and Saturday
(Star of "The Biggest Show on Earth")
-- IN
"The Vamp."
"Ladies First'
Maria* Specific
- 111
24 llour,s
Never-Faihng Remedy for
Indigestion, Stomach Disorders,
Appendicitis and Kidney Stones
are often canard by Gall Stones,
and mislead people until those
had attacks cf Gull Stone Colic
appear. Not one in ten Gall
Stone Sufferers knows what is
the trouble Market's Specific
will cure without pain or oper-
For Rale exclusively in Gode-
rich by
amuoment resort in Goderich.
Zerieti Hermit! : Mr. Daniel Stauhus
luis realms! f • Goslerich and ha..
moved into the house nailed hy Mr.
John Sietuan un Walnut street.
Private Harold Johnston, o f Detroit
is visiting his aunt and uncle. Mr. and
Mrs. James Johnston, Huron road. Pte.
Johnston spent three and a half years
covet seas.
I soot.- Ma jor Artloor P. Itch', C. A•
31. C.. who recently returned to his
I lama. at Seaforth after 'several )ears'
s•41.04.4• OVO11.44141, is visiting Meads 111
too 11 this week.
I Mr. Jack Proudfoot, who recently re
turned to his how at Detroit alter
spending ten months overseas, was in town
• for a few dayslast week He was with the
' United States troops in France.
I Mr. and Mrs. 11. McFadyen have been
The matter of forming 1/ colony as• Polley, the past week. After residing for
' visiting the latter's father. Mr. A. M
showed a 1.111/11WO Of Mk..
idecided to eommunicate with all the 'SOrne time at Calgary. they have d. tided
sokitton was coomillered, and it *NS
otlwr rinla. in the comity asking co- ; leave shortly
to make their home in the East and will
for Toledo, 0., where thl
Mr. C. H. Humber offered a medal
for rompetition in mingles among mein -
hen. of the local club, the rides of the
competition to be decided later. l'he
question of holding a tournament also
la to he derided later.
a Th• e
e Singer Store •
*111 reStde.
Mr. It. It. a
Sallow,.and Mr. end Mrs.
Wm. I troplit•y %vent 'to l'ort
hill roll
yesterday to attend tile 1.111111'Ni Of N11..
Jas. Greet., who died at that plats. on
Slontlay night. The 114.11.11,11411 lady
111141 N sister of 3Ir. Sallows and 31r...
Pte. Fred Bates, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. D. Bates, returned last week from
overseas. He has not yet recovered from
the wound in his leg which he received in
the fighting last fall, and after a few
days at home.mill return to hospital for
several months' furtoer treatment. His
brother, John, who went over with the
same battalion, was killed in July, 1917,
at the battlefront in France.
Lient. J. G. Rol .ertson. aioompetitied
by Slot. Robertson 111111 'their little mon,
is visiting his cousins, Nibut Margaret
111141 Messrs. A. NI. 111111 NV. H. Itolwrt•
Nom for a few frays this week. Lieut.
Robertiom returned some months Iwo
from 4/4erN4'NS after spending over it
year in 1111S111141 the moult of a
S141-11.14 1t11111111 11.4.114011 Ht the front hi
Fn. me. Helot.. enlist ing he was
nianager of it large. farm at Davidson,
Mitsk.. and recently he ham received an
appointment Its live 'gag'. emumlis
•t• for the Province of Saakat-
1.1WW/111, H1111 he 11411VOS 11O144 week to
take up his new ditties.
Popular fioderieh Girl Wedded.
Many in Goderich w ill read with
interest the following front 117.41.W
York paper, which rerun's the %%44141111w
of Mime Marjorie Kelly, daughter of
Mr. and Nira. J. It. Kelly of town.
'Plie bride with 11 general favorite in
ooderit•11, and her friends ain't her
every happiness throneliont life:
On Sunday 141'111111N 1,11)111 27. at 7,
n'ethrk, very pretty ronnt...... in the
burial life at General Hospital No. 34)
clime to a clone whet, Ills. 31ar.jorle
Amos Kelly, a Rol Croiis nurse at the
1101.1/11/11, wan 11111rriAl 4,. Lion.
gusirtermastisr Harry Joseph Strk•kler.
I'. 8. A.. also connected with the mule
inetitutiitti. The W14141illg was a
'brilliant event. The eeremoity was
perfornusl by 144-Y. rather Ilea wy of
Poesintico 1111111, In the auditorium at
41* hoopital, which (so utifully
oleo -orate(' for the 04.111141011 41R11 4141111111.
line.. and other 11114NOI, 1•1111111114`41 by
the lted l'rows. The bride and groom.
accompanied coy their attendant.. Lieut.
Nenhauser and Mimi. Alice 314•44hane.
me retest up through the venni. aisle of
the ehailiel flail -WWII a lane formed hy
the staff offieens and littrmem, to the
howl" of patina where the officiating
pried stood. The wedding march
W11.1 played by Captain Baker. N144111111
l'orps, I'. S. A. Tim. wedding was
largely attended hy the 111)111y friends.
retatives and who knew* the
young (simple. Ft/flowing tile cere-
mony. there was a re...lotion held in
the mirsem' ress•ption parlor. at whielt
a large nmober were present.
- The wrrlding presenta were 4411 of
/diver and/atuong them were cheet
of diver from the staff officers, larg.•
State platter frotti the tinarternmaters
f'orpa, a salver coffer set from th..
nurses and 11 silver tea set from the
lied Cmaa. After the reception with
nrer John Fiewel, who with sipecially
t1.111t11 te41, drove the 11O1(14 weda outfely
thetargh storm of old Owes mai
rkv to the N. Y. reittnd It H. !dation,
where they line riled ia train for
"1-14theynaron lend," atitl on their n'-
tnrn reside In Tarrytown.
The contract ing 414r41011 are hot i)
very popular lit the imapital at I.:mat
View. where they have teen et t toned
fol. ladle month a peat. The groom fo.
a reattlrat of Loormiter, Pa., and the
bride's. 11(141)4' la In, ()uteri°,
Ladies' and Child-
• ren's Underwear s
The New Collars 11
with pleated effects a $
Jost in
la II
01. Stamped Goods $
a of all kinds for ladies' 111
a fancywork $
-- -
A call (solicited.
a East side Square
During May and June the hens of the
country produce ready half of the lay for
the year. In these months the cold
storage men gather in their eggs in enor-
mous quantities to sell them later on at
prices that will repay them for their en-
terprise. No wonder then that putting
down fresh eggs during these months is
growing in popularity among thrifty
housewives. We have just received a
fresh supply of Egg Saver (waterglase)
which we s II for 25 cents a tin, sufficient
fn preserve from nine to ten dozen. E.R.
Wigle, druggist, Goderich.
The fire brigade was nut for practice on
Tuesday evening at Victoria Park.
A local baseball team will play
Clinton on the 24th of May.
The We Ikertnn town (seinen has
decidist on the purchase of 11 motor
fire truck 111 /1 O0.41 or $1,570.
At Mr. P.T. Dean's auction sale on Sat-
urday the property no Lighthouse strait
Was purchased by Mr. George Gould at
The regular monthly meeting of the
General Brandi Chapter, 1.0. D. E.. will
30 okoar-sToPsCOUKK,
liAlZ Tar Mt OM=
. -
A pale of homemade 000kiug will be
held at MIS% NO11140.1 store, Saturday
afternoon, slay 14011. under the ans.
pieta 01 144. tileorge'e Girlm' l'Is
sale will Itegiu at
Victoria Opera House
Nfonday Evening
May 12
Palmer's Amusement Company pre-
sent the spectacular production ol
Uncle Tom's
t • 1 r .
Not a Moving Picture Shaw
srEc1.111, • NOTtIllit- The lied 2.•
bwhool chikiren at the hox of% v.
Monday evening will be astinitbal
?REF. 11 aiTeotopassied
PRICES t Children 25t, Adults 3!t
and war tax
• 0'
Be Sure to Get
HE wax -wrapped
sealed package
upon It is a guar-
antee of quality.
The largest chewing -
gum factories in the
world -the largest
selling gum In the
world: that is what
WRIGLEY'S means.
Naas ea
The Flavour Lasts!