HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-8, Page 4.r•-• • , T.; 44, , •• 4 4 -Thursday, May , 1919 parental roof. Mr. and Mn). Harry Hawkins. of Part bort, Misseausie and Emma Roster, eppatilson. and Thomas Richardson. jr... of this place. moorild to Kincardine last Sunday and spent the day with the former's uncle. Mr. Tout. SELECTING A WIFE -:- for beauty roily will reault in about the same satisfaction which results from selecting a suit only because it looks well when 'pew. Time proves the error in both instances. Really worth- while ('lothes are good through and through. That is a fit description of lothes . Every method at the command of the maker which ensures style retent- goes into their'production. - They are shapely at the starf-and they keep so. ' ii Let' its show yon the new and tasteful Spring Styles. "". Prices $25.00 to $40.00 Walter C. Pridham Phone 57 BCirsalino Hats I..kNE:S. • Monday. May 1. Lanes Lands. -Miss Mary Downey, Of London, spent two weeks at John Bowler's Miss rilleua Foran, of St. Augustinevisited friends around Isere Wilfred Farrish has pur- chased Harley Millet's car. John Fl -risk has purchased a car from Henry 111111110 Mr. Thaw. Garvey, of Port Alberthas bought the Dickson farm John Hackett is helping T. J. Lannon with seeding Master (lids. 51cl-eau is 111 with pneumonia. KINTAIL. MONDAY. May 5. Mia Margaret MacGregor has returned to Duluth. Mr. Albin Griffin is home (.om De rods Mr. D. A. Maclntyre has purchased an Overland car. NW, AN Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. , :t: Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 11( ' .11 • '.�, 4 411,1:141(11 TowNsHlr. The Ladies' Aid of Union church intend holding an ice cream social at the home ot Mrs. T. Johnston, 3rd coocemion, on Empire Day. May 24th. ACRURN. Wedireeday. May 7. 1Itev.) Zeigler. of Phillipsburg. has been flailing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Yituelatit. the past week. Mr. Robert Loekhart. from the Wad, Is here on a visit to hie father, Ms. M. Lockhart. who Is In poor health. tr. Jos. Lawson het delivered a new county road grader for use on the good roads system this spring. Motlwrs' flay was observed la KIWI ebureh Sunday moraine. The choir for the occasion was erstaposed wholly I of married ladies. The pennon and amok were appropriate tel Were ell'. jusail by these present. Meseins. Howson & Inwson expect to Mash their cut of logs this week. , •Motherte laity will he °lowered in the Baptist churls on Sunday twit, at 2.30 p. ni. Speetal forsworn. with mile 'holt'. -Mothers- will he the subjeet of the •sermon by the praetor. lbw. E. 0. Feeds. . Kintall Women's Institute. ' Knout' [Het:Rule markets the fol- 1 The Health Bath For the future welfare of Canada the childrea mast be kept healthy nuw. Protect theca from the germs aind microbes of disease by using Lifebuoy Sosp Fur the bath -nothing equals the healisg, clesnsiag fres- IstAerong vegetable oils in LIFEBUOY sum SOAP and the antiseptic agents dia- %Erect the bruises, ratelses, e to. that might otherwise be a source of danger. A Life- buoy soap bath sends the children to bed glowing with health and happy cleanliness 15. rortmaik . M•me• • ! I1, pro. tem quitter., 1..114 woo/nallise WI - Lever Brothers Limited, Tarosto. Oat. lowing report of %%oil: 11011e for the Canadian Red Cruse for the year end - lug May. 1010. Italance DU handl. Including interest. $1$ .77: !verity(' from islitield l'011111ell. $44111m0; essweeled WI lied Cross work, , military flannels. socks. ete.. *315.92: iltstuation to Canadian Red Cross, S1u1.- 110: hulloes- on heel. $2.,45, 20:00C5CMCDCMICICMCXX:02021:0C XX11C Tiw foll„wing is the venation by It is hard for a man to support a seal- skin wife on a muskrat - • A BUSY YEAR This is going to be a busy year in Goderich. There will be many dwellings and business places to be refitted and rewired Get Your Order in Early. A full line of Electrical Goods always on hand. We ase ex perts and can help •you get what ycu want. We are not tied to any particular make of goods. Call and see us. Robt. Tait West Street :-. Neat Postoffice Phones -Shoe II. House 191 the Heil Cross Society in Goderleh for --- pso& receltril from tlw Woturn's In- LEEBt'RN. stttute »f Mittel,: 17.4 prs. pocks sat $2070r; 17 Freswh shirts at $2.25. Sets.25 ; Its pairs we•ks at 112.00, $215..411): 51 field shirts, at $3.00. *133.- 151; at .5111r. A24.00: skirts at $2.50. 1117.50; donatism to Canadian lied Crows, $100.00: total. insti7.75. 52 pains soeks for boleti for overseas. (Signed) Mrs. Alpert Iteckett. l'ree- klent : Irene McDonald. Sec.-Treas. The Knoell branch of the Women's Institute held its annual meetlim at the homy of Mrs. D. Maclntyre on Thursday. 'May 1. when the following TUESDAY, May 6. Most ot the farmers ia the community have finished seeding. Mr. James Chisholm is sporting a new Car Fred Glickion and Reuben Bogie tooK in Ithe progressive euchre and dance givarni the Odcifellows' Hall last week. The W. F. M S met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bogie last week. The day being fine. a goodly number of ladies sere present. The president. Mrs. Arch. Horton. led the meeting. NIrs. William Cook gave a very Interesting report of the Provincial meeting held earlv in April year : l'resident. Mrs. A. Iteekett: at Guelph. to which she was a delegate. vice-preelslent. Mrs. It. Hamilton: 'Ind Little Slim Dorothy Linklater has been -• quite ill with "flrice-president, Mrs. K. Meet -Yoe: u" the past week. but we' are pleased to know she is better again. eeeret a ryreit su re r. I new Mx c I y It was with deep regret we learned last dinmorrs. MarH. SleKeuzie. Jane Cathcart. Mrs. N. MacDonald: &mil - week of the sudden demise of a former tors. Miss L. Mat -Kay. Mrs. M. c. Mac - resident of Leeburn. in the person of Mr. Kenzil.. Tire following wen. ppOlIttell James Linklater. He eas for years a very consistent member of Leeburn church. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. • Mr. Houten. of Stratford, has moved his family to Mr. Ed. Las son's home, to assist in farm work generally. Mr. E. Flick has decided to "pack all his troubles in his old kit bag and smile, smile. 'mile' -beeause a little girl has come to stay with them. • Ileit Sunday will he conducted the )t, -v. W. 1.. Ruth -dire. Niter's Sunday weets in the •huirrh parlor at 10 a. in. Subject for liscussi ,,,, : s deferens to WOWIII be ligeetell by the granting of w.mati's riglits'!Sunday school and Bible 141100.1,1 Meet at .1 p. m. The morning subject at the Baptist ,mr church next LAwd's Day will be "The xi Power of Prayer" and the evening thane. IN X "A Big Bargain with the Devil." The Bible school meets at 3 p. m. and the B. Y. P. U. at S p. m: The morning ser- vice and the Bible school will be in keep- ing with the spirit of Mother's Day. Tbe , Rev. D. Wearing. of Woodstock, and the ' AvonaVluartette are to be with the con- gregation May 24 and 25. The choir of Victoria street church held a very enjoyable evening last Thursday at the home of Mies Jeer& 'Wilson. They •asH to say itimmiliye to -Mhos Helen sinew. who is leaving town to reside at Toronto. Miss Shaw will be much molested in the church, where she was always espuble anti willing to leer ,weet voice in mow. °Morro were elected for the coming HE INHERITED ALL HIS MANY TROUBLES SHOES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Style and quality -these two predominating essentials to good footwear are most pro- tionnced in our Oxfords and Pumps for these seasons. It has ever been the policy of this store to embody these essentials to the utmost degree, consistent with price, and so strictly and successfully has this policy been adhered to that the footwear we are now showing represents the true essence of good value. Teanis, Outing and Bowling Shoes are now in stock. REPAIRING- Gdoi" MacViciir tin BOW% Goderich KIPPEN. MoNost. May 5. CHURCH SERVICES. --Communion• ler- vices acre held in both churches yesterday and iff spite of the rain very good congre- gations were present. In the Methodist church besides the people here there were a number from the other two appoint, ments. Goshen and Varna The pastor, ' Rev. R. L. Wilson. preached. In the Presbyterian church Mrs. iRev Hann!- : ton. 01 Goderich. spoke on the W. M. S. foraa:d movement in missionary work. At the present lime over 200 workers are employed and. the rece pts are over $200,- 000 annually. but the Society is aiming at a fivefold increase, by placing '1,005 workers in the field and raising i1.000.000 annually for the sixteen departments in which the work is carried on. This for- ward. movement for missions has done wonders for the Presbyterian church One result is that it now has in sight enough men to man its stations in the fore,gp field, whereas there had been a dearthin recent years. to attend the animal eionvetitiop to he held in Gimierich: Mrs. K. Vaelvor. Mrs. It. Itensliton. Mrs. N. MacDonald. THIS IS A,;a Nemo Corset Week 1 Nemo Corsets have long been recognised as the $ world's best Corset and are famous for their durability. The Nemo semi -elastic fabrics, Lastikops Webbing and Lastikops Cloth used Only in Nemo Corsets, are guaranteed to outwear the Corset and retain their elasticity until the end, thus mak- ing them the most economical Corset to buy. They are the best Corset values ofitainable. LITTLE NEMO CORSET NO. 216 NEMO SELF -REDUCING CORSET NO. 322 AT $5.00 AT $2.75 No. 216- -Designed for sleuder and medium figures. The seini-elast ie inserts in the low bust. together with the Nemo "bridge- cotistriletioti. insure perfect free- dom over the diaphragm. Free hip sections and light booing add to its reinifort. White or pink coned: sizes 19 to 30. $2.75. NO. 32'2 is a splendid model for the average moot, figure, of medium height, with excess flesh well distributed. Self-Rediteing Straps reduce and support alelonten. Seini-elast re Nemo Lantieurve hack gives added symmetry and ease. Modish low top and long skirt ; fine white eoutil; iiises 22 to 36. YAW Price. $5.00. *' NEMO Z. AISTFUL BRASSIERES AT $1.50 AND $2.00 Present-day fashion requires a well-ein. esact-ritting brassiere to supplement the eorset. The Nemo Justful Brassieres areult.i oult equal No. IrS4Temo Justful Brassiere of fine lt,stiste for medium figures. $1.50 each. , No. 15 Nemo Justful Brassiere of tine Batiste for medium stout figures. $2.00 eaeh. KAYSER AND NIAGARA SILK GLOVES THE EAR -FAMED MONARCH WOOLS • You ean make a choice of either of these a two well-known Canadian -made Gloves All 1,1 have guaranteed double fbiger-tips whieh will outwear the Gloves. They come inblaek, w ack, white, mode, grey. palm beach, et,- * , . etc, at per pair 75e, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. • lionareh Floss is a delightful yarn for k d erocheting sweaters hug-ine- tights, bed jackets, etc., in all the leading shades. 350 per ,ounee Ronarelt'DOWIR is supreme when a heavier , garment is desiealsji.. All leading ,idiades. go per Y-roinee I,aIla. ' THIS IS HOUSEFURNISHING MONTH The leading mail order store. We prepay all orders. X X XXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X PHONE 56 Millar's Scotch Store PIM" Bat Pound Relief ia aodd's Kidoey Pills. $ Red River. Inverness Go.. .C. B.. May 5 (Special). -That even the moat deeply - rooted kidney disease yields to a treat- ment of Dodd's Kidney Pills is shown by the statement o Mr. James E. Timmons. a well-known r trident here. Mr. Timmons says that he inherited his kidney trouble from his parents and 'uttered severely from it for six years. "1 used two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they did me a lot of good. If I had followed on with the pills I believe they would have completely cured me. 1 am always glad to tell others how much benefit 1 got from taping Dodd's Kidney Mr. Timmons suffered (ram many of the various ills that accompany any kidney trouble. He had rheumatism, cramps in muscles, backache and e ache. His sleep was broken and unre- trashing. He felt heavy and sleepy after meals and he was always tired and nervous. Asidield Soldiers' Aid Circle. The Ashfield Soldiers: Aid Circle held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Carrie, on 1 uesday. April Sth. Over *30 worth of yarn was .disposed o(, but the Circle has quite a quantity yet on hand which is being offered for sale. Scotch lingering yarn at *2 per pound and Lucknow and Benmiller yarn at $1.50' per pound. The collections, amounting I, (0 55. were sent to the Byron Sanitarium. The next meeting will be held in Hackett's church. 10th concession. Ashfield. at 2 o'clock Tuesday. May 13th. Everybody ! is invited to attend. as it is intended to close the Circle in two more meetings. ('HURCH NOTES. The alumni eeillentien of the Gode- rieli district ..... an's Missionary Bo - Hely will be held in Nile Methodist elitirch lie N.1 eihleAtiy afternoon nisi evening the Ministerial AlarViation was held in Knox church The regular meeting of vestry on Monday The next meeting will be the annual gathering on the first .1 Monday in September. when officers will I be elected, for the ensuing year. le MT A1.1tEltl'. ' WEDNESDAY, May 7. Mr. Thomas Green, of this pl ace. is renewing old friendships at Detroit. Miss Hazel Green is visitin g relatives at Carlow. Mr. Reginald McGee intends spending the summer at Detroit. Mrs. H Schoenhals and baby, of this place. spent a week recently with her serviees In North street Methodist parents at London. Mr. Jos ph C. McMillan has returned to Detroit after a pleasant visit among relatives here. • We regret to retsort this week that Mrs. Jas. Crawford is not as well as her msny friends would like to see ber. MISS Minnie Dickson. of Goderich Col. ',elate Institutewas a week end visitor. Fresh hal delivery %agora are to be seen these days rather frequently and we expect to see our friend Mr. David Mc- Connell. formerly of Port Alh rt. now of Saltford, with hs auto truck delivering through those parte. Mrs. Jas. Hayden, of this edace. visited with her inn Mr. Percy Hayden of Winni- peg, returning home by way of Chicago Miss Mae Dickson. of Clinton Ruttiness College. returned last week to her studies lifter spending 4 few days under the Rev. H. Osteshout. the pastor, will have charge of the services next Sunday morning and evening in VictOria street Methodist church. Mothers' Day will be observed in the services and also in connection with the Sunday school session. Tlw seri-Wee lir Knox church next Monday a -ill Is- conducted by the min- ister. The sildes-t of the morning 'sermon will lw -The Mlsslonary Ob- jeetive." In the m -ening Rev. W. I). NIelinoeli. It. A., of Itruevneld. will prowls sedan' whoa! .and Bible class, o'clock. THE EXPLANATION Nature placed the growttro- moth* "yOtamins" in the on o( the cod -fish -this explains why Scott's Emulsion k so definite in its heip to a child of anyeaage. Latter-day science that the "vitamins" are needful for normal growth. /Itsete• Distriele• era &Op soy **Rd wow. Seen & as... N. EMI MATERIAL FOR LOCAL HISTORY. To the Editor of The Signal SIR.- -In connection with the announce- ment of the organization of an Historical Society in this town. Your iseue cf this week contained the notices of the death of Mr. John C. Mar- tin. Mrs. Robert Whitely. at cl Mr. James Linklater, all (Id residents of this com- munity. Scarcely a week has passed since my residence in this town without similar an- nouncements being made. Here is a vast store of personal experience in the growth of this town slipping away from us daily without any concerted action being taken to collect the persona 6mm-onions of the events in which these old residents have taken an active part. We hsve still with us some residents who remember clearly events connected with the early history of our town. Is it not almost criminal neglect on our part to allow this valuable information to be lost through indifference on our part ? Would you make an appeal through your paper to alt residents to get behind the Historical Srciety and make it a suc- cess ? 1( 18 the only way by which inter- views could be secured and the remits tabulated for the benefit of the commun- ity FIS a whole. Soci .1 conditions of fifty years ago compared with those nt todas: the industrial development of our com- munity: the securing of records and im- premions of those engaged in the great war while these impressions are still fresh in memory; the formation of an historical museum in which exhibits wou'd be open to 1 he cornmunit y -surely thew are iects in which everyone would he directly interested and which they would make some *tight effort to help accomplish. T. G. Comrsom. Goderich, May 3. 1019. siks cawerim has been In the efts, trwing the summer aittlinery 814(1 picking up the labial 4111M11011111 &at, Let's Not Forget. There's nothing too good for the man who fought In the hell of Flanders mud; For he's the man who all forgot But the principles of God. • He went to the fight with a heart so stout And a faith that Britons know: His comrades sleep. and their loved ones weep While the Flanders poppies grow. So come, ye folk, who did not fight In the mud and water there: While the hero suffered and bled and died We filled the moats chair. Let's not forget what might have been Had Germany won the show; Let's not forget the boys who rest While the Flanders poppies grow. Come rally round and render thanks Democracy is ours: For God is in His Heaven still And we can pluck the flowers That freedom offers to mankind In that great world below: For many will not come back. hut rest While the Flanders poppies grow. For you their precious blood was shed, And it was shed for me: Shall we demand a place ahead Of the Sons of Liberty? Let es rejoice that we can fall In line, and we can know We'll sod and reap, 'cause heroes sleep While the Flanders poppies grow. - Barry Shannon. Lapse of Memory. Mother -Johnnie. what did 1 say I'd do to you if you touched that jam again ? Johnnie -Why. it's strange. ma, that you should forget. too! 1 can't remember. either !" CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Ws have TEI,E(i RA PUY, ('OM. MERCI AL and HIHORTH AND tepart mentz. glvo Ind i v 14011 just rivet ion. moidents are entering each *seek. (Inc gnsilnaters seenee potation* of trust. (h -t our free catalogue now. It rosy interest yon. D. A. MoLacal.ax, Principal. 1 IN THE BUS\ SPRINCiTIME when you've elimum new apparel that is freak and beeoming and you know you are looking your heMt, 401 the last thue to hare fin PHOTOGRAPH 101. 114, sot.' eed 54/ well With our work in artisticportraiture that we are sure we can piens.- son. -Make appointment this week. J. T. FELL xxxxmocmccoccxxxx,ocx oderich Board of Trade NOTICE. The regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trade ‘s ill he held in the Assembly Room at the Masonic Temple building on Monday evening, May 12th, at the hour of eight, o'elnek. Three or four important matters regarding the welfare of the town will he placed before thio meeting, and 'a fuall attendance is reptexted. G. L. PARSONS, I:resident. - (1, E. CA)1,BORNE, Secretary. Nioy 7th, 1919, VAC., XXXXXIONNICKIIINICCIOCCOC awn. ADVIETUDI TN 15111 NIONA.L. PATS. - „ A.' 4 4,;.' - ( '