HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-8, Page 1A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 SEVENTY-FIBS?YI[AR-Na �7e • • f Burtnn ryK f1. no_t.Jwvahf EIODRRICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 8. 1914 • 1 • �,} �� AS'y5 ys MI, Sb��Ys THE SIGNAL for the remainder of 1919 for THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED. Puat.l,Ne■ THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA FARMERS --KEEP IN TOUCH Successful farmers must keep in touch with outside business conditions. It affects their livelihood. There is no better way of having complete information than by a regular visit to your bank manager. The local manager of the Sterling Bank welcomes farmers who realize of what great benefit a bank's service is to them. You will find him at his desk next time you are in town. ow is the time to start some of those jobs you were putting off UNTIL AFTER THE WAR Fall line of Paints, Beaver Board aad Building Material always in stock. Phone 4 THE GODERICH PLANING MILES, Ltd. JAS. BUCHANAN, Manager . FOR SALE OR RENT. rj OR SALE. -MODERN. RED BRICK 1' how ten Trafalgar street; mop large, Might rooms, every coaeenieece. Apply to R. C HAYS. Goderich. or MRS. L BECK. 1311 Dundas Oreet. Toronto. [)ROPERTY BARGAINS. A well-built frame honse on Trafalgar s rem. d den. close to schools and churches. ace 111.110 Po.essslon May let. Sea vacant lots on Huron road. is Foe Moet; the hest garden ground in God sick for 5420. The W. E. Kelly Muse on Church street. One of the best properties is Godench. All coo vearrces, stationary tuba, garage. etc. for 911,190. A geed frame hoaee, two lots. neve .table, bee Meme. owed And team . her ELIps. T. GUNDIRY. To 11 'Phone 119.Oedericb. W ANTsu. WANTED.- TWO- \MAIDS COOK and hoose paries ma file entire charge seas house, a•aiat with 'laundry. Outside man kept. Thee, adults. Permanent; live in orout. Apply to DO .y SOS. Tekpbmwr IgA. It WAN IED. - ENERGETIC A N D capable women to sell the Uplift comet. Write for our ate active proportion. References ✓ equired. UPLIFT, CORSET CO.. 14 Milligan. Lane. Toronto. It OU'NG LADY WANTEDTO ASSIST in photograph studio. R. R. SM..LOWS. W ANTED.-YOUNI, LADY WITH dry goads eaperience. D. MILLAR & SON. IJ OUSE WANTED. -TO RENT BY jl month or year. Must be modern. with (armee, complete plumbing fireplace. Address J. D., care THE SIGNAL. Gods nch. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In THE E,TATE o, koaaat Melte: DN. LATE OP TNI Towsslne or Cotao.NE. IN Tim Cowry or HURON. MERCHANT. nacassEo. Noma is here's) given. pursuant to R.S. 0.. chap. 1:1. sec. !"41. that as persons having claims against the Mated the said Robert Mcllwain, deceased. who died on the Zit day of March. 1919 are required to send or deliver to the under- •icitor for the executors of the said udtate. on or before the 26th day of May, 1111e. full parlkulars of their claims; and that after such date said executors will distribute the assets of the deceased among the 'parties entitled. having regard only to clump M which they shall then have received nonce. and that they will not he liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received ■t she time of such distribution. Dated the 5th day of May. A. D. 1919. CHARLES GARROW. ILD Solicitor for Andrew McIlwaia and Amelia Mcllwain, Executors. 64 -It CRAiGiE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FORD 1917 Runabout, in first-class condition, newly painted and overhauled. Will be sold at a bargain. VICTORY BONDS - Bought and sold. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance FOR SALE. AUCTION SALES. 11 ABLET SALE OF A COMPORT- ABL,,,,���''OTTAGEAND GOOD GARDEN 51 TED ON BRUCE STREET. GODERIC' I am Instructed by the owner to sell this prnp- arty by public suction. at the auction rooms - Hoodoo' street. Goderich on SATURDAY MAY, 1nth. at o'clock p. in. 1t is well situated m • good part al theetown• convenient to choreas•, school. and facto/1p, Tana,. -Ten per cent. of purchase money at time 01 sale. balance ,n yrs days, or will accept Victory bonds in payment. Premises can be in- spected at any time up to date of sale. Possession at once. T. GUNDRY. Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FUR- ISHINGS. - 1 am instructed by LIR. WM. CADMAN If to sell by publu auction. at his residence. Cow eron street, Goderich. on WF'DNESDAY. MAY lith. commencing at 2 o'clock sharp. a large quantity of household 'furniture. consisting ea put of par- lor. Hmngroom, bedroom and kitchen furniture. .iklad `1 three-piece parlor suite, 1 extension ra We, 3 lane parlor tables. 2 good rugs.2 Ulla nods. 3 mattresses. 2 sets of springs. 2 dreams, 2 wa.Mtaads, 1 hall mirror. 1 lounge. a quantity of linoleum and carpet. 1 kindergarten snot. 1 child's sleigh. 1 Raymond sewing machine, sev- eral rocksr+g chairs, kitchen chain, kitchen tabe . garden tools, clucks. dishes, cutlery. curtail* binds. lamp. 1 stepladder. tub, boilers. and oumerow other articles. Everything must be sold, as Mr. Cadman is leaving dor Eagtand. Terms cash. WM. CADMAN. T GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. PUBLIC NOTICE. (tOURTOF REVISION, The Council of the Muninpabty of West Wawanash will meet May Ie. 1919. at ino'clock m the forenoon, as a Court of Revision on the assessment roil. as per .tatute 4n that behafl. W. A. WILSON, Ckrt. Dated May 1st. 1615. 414-2t TOWN OF GODERiCH• I DEBENTURES FOR SALE. GODERICH COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ROi.L OF HONOR. T. H. R(YfHwhl•L CONTRIBUTES. In order that the G..11ri1)n collegiate Institute honor roll may be reom- pletisl. the following If') of .tude•,11• and ex-stu,1euts who eullsted during the war is published. with tier res(uept that readers note any milli( 10101 to cor- rections osrections that shouhl IN• mulls, Mont let either Miss t'URonl, o1 the G. 4'. I. staff, or the editor of thea paler know of isle sawe at as t trly a slate as passible. Subs-riptons for the purchase of approximately UANTITY OF GOOD •ARD 510.w1.54 local improvement sewer debentures d kawes for sale. Apply to WILLIAM the Town of Goderich will be received by R R No. t, .Godench. Rural Tell= nd uersigned Isom Mon51•Yday. sY 12. to phones r Io. ,q.n Thursday, May 15. ) There are twenty bonds ranging from 1296.3: to ``SEED POTATOES FOR SALE.- NM 37. due in twenty one to twenty years. re- ,) Irma Cobblers. Telephone l9 r ; Dungannon, nnon, • "vel). These bonds are onered to local R. R. ELLIOTT. Sungari. 5441 s 1 bers at a price to yield the purchaser 9 1.2 per cent. WOR SALE.- A PLA (FORM SCALE No on1 person (0 be sold oyez 5•: e4'4 ul these ll' (leo i lbs) Apply to THOS LEGG. butcher. hoods. lir put wdl tie open toms non at the Town L'OR SALE. -ONE COW,ALSO CALF --1_, 1k•s oxice on Mrid.:,y. )' 1.tb, 19111. inti F erre WPM Apply Oo It06ERT DOAK, seer the I •tb :sunCourt o alt albs bonds th street. to those Mvrrlg •pple-d for same. No eibeeriptwn rinemar:or accepted. NOX. SRJrbi.MG owaCkck. AN BRO5. KNITTINL. L. Tema "J w1�1lms sas..alelmeseAsiNia.-awm.inart'ir __ -- -- seed. far sale et • burgeon. AAM1 to •M� W.L. HORTON. 6314 IVOR SALE. -BRED -TO -LAY 1OM ``.' BARRON, S. C.. White Leghocns and Barred Rocks. Ern jos hatching ave cents apiece at farm. JOAN FARRIsH. Lackaoei R. R. No. 7. Applications for the position of cat!. Poore Dungannon. h_•1g. est taker of the Town parks for the year 1919 FOR SALE.-- ONE COW, COMING , °all be received by the undersigned up to as years oM, due in June; one horse. ria 1 and including three years old. No. 1 driver, can pace in 3 minutes; some chickens, all laying and two hogs. WEDNESDAY. MAY 14th. 1919. JOS. MURRAY. King Edward Hotel, Kmeslon Street. 155-1( - TOWN OF GODERICH. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE a at 53 per single curd, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. TENDERS WANTED. � l l► eEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED t to the undersigned and taloned "Tender fnriRetainin�'„Wall at hrs hayfield. Ont." will be re- ceived et this office until 12 O'CLOCK NOON. TUESDAY. MAY an, 1919, for the comtructwn of a retuning wall in lieu of prevent eu erstructure on part of North Pier, at Bayfield, Huron County, Ont. Ram and forms of contract can be seen and specifications and forma of tender obtained at this Department at the ollkc of the District En- gineer, Equity Department, Toronto, (hit , and at the Post Office, Bayfield, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made un printed Jorma supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must he accompanied by an ac- cepted chigoe on a chartered bank minable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. equal to 10 p. c ul the amount of the tende . War Lean Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted se .ecurity,.e War Bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. Nora.- Blue prints can be obtained at this De- Partment by depositing an accepted hank cheque or the sum of 910 payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will he returned if the intending bidder submit a regular hid. By order. R. C DESROCHERS, 'Sea eery. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. April i,l 1519. 11.21 A man has to he mighty conscientious not to try to get rid of a plugged quarter in the same way he received it. T. M. DAVIS. Chairman Parks Committee. 64.24 TOWN OF GODERICH • Melville Anderson 1)utt•an Allls.0 Stewart Aldous Hugh Anderson %%'m. Babb Perry Beattie Itt•nwru 1te11 11'llllam Itlssrt Ken:meth iklyl.- Milton Brndwiu ElIward Itryau Grafton Itnnlette 41• s.d x Mala. Ilrtulkomlle 9.V. Ittlellallan Miry ltradford A. H. maker F'raut•Is Itaeehler 1Mdltp Carey 1 t'unrnd ('arty 1ouis ( 'it n•y • Iteawrt ('urey Loons ni cuff Harald (arrrk Harry Colborne (1wrtukslyu l'oltwr►a Amain ('hisbrlw H. t'alrplaell ('tril 4',aerie Ileus i1. ('new (is'orge ('awl• Howard ('ase N'albe\• ('nuuinghat•• x .tllw•rt l'I,rla•ll Alfred Cornell ('are Campion Attend ('lark I H. X_ 1 S. K. t'Iark ✓ Alrta 1 tani.ey 11' ll f rts1 1(01144231 Albert 1►iekson el }'rank isay t'. t)4ankµ, el. Lm•ulu Eugene Ih'all Thottlsip Elilolt (:. It. Elliott Harold Eolwanl Jobst E. C. Elliott S1'. E. F:Telnet x Ise, Eliot Wm. l- ee ga 11 11'm. Ftllgland Fronk Finglaud 1 Frank Fo.ter 1 Cecil J. Farr Donald it. Flulaywa .glair harrow Meredith l:raham t giver 4:oldthorlle (Segment ,:Ilett %V11bur I:nnrt �'s Florence it. Grouses" Napuhstn If nacelle H. 4'. Hay. (*way Hayden 9.". Y. Hayden Kennet la Horton - Roy Hunt Alex. Hutehiwio C. I). Hamilton Kenneth Hawkins F:rie' Hpwkiu. Itegiaid Halls Charles Inkster Leslie Inkster Harry Inkster • Ernest Jordan . I'Ilaworth Jones ( /Ira u John.tou CLEANUP DAYS. 'Robert J Ih•Ittert Johnston Fenn{ King Terence Kidd ('bas. Kidd F:are Kelly citizens are requested to act accordinglyMarjorie A Kelly t. F. Lithgnw by cleaning up their premises. yards and Flw.yll iw)IIg boulevards in front of tl.eir property. x JI. 1'. Iwaue Saturday, Monday and Tnesday, MAY 10th, 12th and 13th. being set by the Town Council as clean-up days, all By order of the Town Council. L. L. KNOX, E. R. W1GLE, Town Clerk. Mayor. May Oth, 1919. 64-1t TOWN OF GODERIOR WARNING DOG LICENSE in accordance with the Town all dogs must be licensed. and before !Sky 1st. Any dog without a tag is liable to be l.yttle•. twin sepnnlo: MIs. F:IIa Kulp new time. To du any business in the destroyed and the owner or hgrborer erase,. Miss Farm Me('aughey I'm afternoon the boon's het to Ilexes In thereof to prosecution. Clint and MI•. Lanni .Ineksm, ' the folresro ,old elms Inst. n whole Tags and licenses may be obtained ph,pist., and the choir erf Knox ,hnrt•I, 11x3.. 11 1" now, ht order to tate from Mr. Wm. Campbell, Tax Collector, will give two choruses.' The proceeds I till"' he can IN" er lexce home l•twp ii Of tete• 111111441 ere to provide for a 1)14,1 4 0ebre1. for w/1ue tNerttxr) tablet to the we -r of the late Thee. , Isttyhlg, for the store's would all be tm11hun, fnrmertv ono ilk, of Knox '''Ionise when he 'mild get h1. ohnro•h. who ion. 1.il1(el while mil duty ,'hen. again. the hanks cl.eslng on oversea.. and a contrIhutimi to tlw ^`Itt(111•48y+ at 11 o"1lN•k it 1111111)1) *Idler.' N1411,010 }'and of h'Mlerieh. "riQllnlwr., How uutny farmer. with The a,hni.sfua will be L,, -w. their sites east I(nve their wevlesary Chores ores tend work d be ready and 111th roan before 11 •,clink'( Goslerich 111 apparently doing till It Inn to keep the homier. from doing any bumble.. with It. Mishit... relations now twin_ foliated with ether places may be ;s•rmauent. nn,1 lima n lusting injury Is thine hi 4;.alrrlch. If the city fathers wend 1:,wlerhh to IN. 11 "greener G'Nlrrlch"' they must know dist it lutl.t lie ninth, we by mrt- 11ldc mueet being spent in alai Invested hl the town. ?to for the good of the Building, Contracting and General tow° they ta°nol revert to standard Carpeater 'York time• too seem. 1-:. X. iw•wls, M. P. l'Iiarles Lewitt x Killed in aclien Harry Iweppard Roy Meld Louise Maswna Jas. ('. Masson }Mauler Mansell Herbert Mtawlel Huy Munroe 'rhenium ]11111x14 John MIIIlait Mary MllIer Scott Mt -Nally W. Melhssl'l Wither Macdonald Evelyn Macdonald x 1'. K. MacPlierwro ErwMt Mil:rattan 1.1114is Mao tear Harvey Met 'anti INomld Mt•%ethl Angus MI•sevhl, Harvey Mei'Inskey showed MeKay Abeta mier McKenzie Hector Mth i xIe x Gordon IleNetin Chariest McArthur Jansen 3J1.1Tinton • Stewart 1.. MiMordie x Walter J. Moloto.li Beattie*. McNair Gees. Mnel:cyan X Itru,.• Nobe.• F'nar► I,rw r Heeler I',we11 Ernest 1'ridhatn • William I'roo,1f.Ne Ernest Porter Reginald Platt Melville I Ith'14a. d Xrls,u Robison Jack Robert. x F'nsl Robertson Howard Itob•rtwe (:ral,aw (toss -Worthy Ryan (loom- Ib,• - d Huy Rundle Jam .14114. Rrwswell Itotlu'rfor,1 Genteel .1. Rutledge G. Benson Knurly A. V. Sha• kh t.it, Friel Stoke, d Allen Sinclair Thome. Salkeld Walter lianlule•r- Howard Keith 1.,11,11 Snell - Maud Stirling II Harry Shackleton oyes t' Brother. 1."f: lhrru:,Nr • Watsem Strait,u Helen I'. Strang Jack Swart. Harry Symimd. A. E. Sturdy Harold Swan Paul Turnbull Clue ries; Turnbull Archie Toni Mabel Turn • Harold Taylor Austin Trotter Jnines \ Weil» - x !toy S. Walter x iawrene 11'xrk Harry N'ntfliiugton linrokl Watson Ilnrry Watseti Mnrrat• Welsh Orville White Clifford AVM Iam• Wilfred William. Htayd,n Williams !Model Will in ins .1. Mr.. 11'ils,n ,'urn 111tphiugt,I, Stephen Wilkes 1. lieu d Discharged r Resigned i1.N„U.S•A,) WHAT TO CLEAN UP. Mr. T. H. Rothwell, Of , a .111 rags and Who's anti sticks and former well-known resident ofTorontoGoderufi, stones, writes from Minnetonka Beach, Minn., 441,1 boot,: and saluum cans. enclosing a cheque for 510 for the Soldiers' e11 1 Invke•° kitties, cups and plates, Memorial Fund and addressing the fol• Ind kettle. and tin emus. lowing letter to the editor of The Signal: DEAR &R. -Herewith I enclose check a 111,i ,•ar(M•I.1, %Meese, wllgorlt', sle•iglls, for ten dollars (510) in favor of chairman a 4141 skater Awl 1145'1.4') st of Soldiers' Memorial Committee. MY lied {,lout (Nit.. Jaw pots, glass and wife and 1 appreciate the privilege of try y„ contributing to this very worthy object, Girl pails you cannot tilt. and, personally, i feel that it Is up to former residents of the old town l0 put I11 1 putts and oat.. R11d broken glass. their shoulders to the wheel if the amount-lslaes arid dish trash. required is ever to be attained. This Umbrella frame. and stays and stuff amount, if I remember aright. is to be Thrown 1n oolong the ash. 56,000. I notice in the last Issue of The Signal which 1 have seen that the total' Ihud tats and chicken.. rats and miee so tar subscribed is something Tess than That lir awl went the air, 51.400. It is natural to suppose that this And dripphjg from the garbage eau w the "cream." and, if so, the prospect is The garbage eau leaves there. anything but bright for raising the hal- ance Surely the people of Goderich and • A11 orange peel. Manana eking, vicinity will not allow a matter u( this Grape fruit and lemon bedew, kind to drag along for months. The brave I Toltec.., tint and Old Rye tubes boys did not lag when the call came, but -1w1 chewing gum asides. gave of their best -gave, many of them, to the uttermost hake thew together. pile them up, We, who are the beneficiaries of their I And when the "gatherer" tails heroism and sacrifice, should be proud to ; Help him to sweep them all away show our appreciation of their gallant I With every hit that falls. deeds. Let us hope that the response of the .tu11 when you've cleaned the outside • public (a (tends may more xral (l world. the future and that the be sum requirhted may , l'lo,tn 1111 the luoi,1e, too: be speedily realized.Sweep from your mind the. things tin - tours eery y. , ha ' - -- T. 11. ItaTIItrulWELL• And kthotugh Odeon, untrue. A�•T-�ar\ E EE'I'ING With this yoate,'neighhnew all will know G�{+l ``TGE ER i11EETING. Yon'co 11111a• cunt litter bit 1 Tn Wilke our t110.1m a beauty spot. Tb• special t•nluudltee of the 10.81.1 I'hea.,wt. anti clruu, and lit. of Trade which has been investigating rItail prices 111 I:,wkrk h Iwo s. noel ('lean -up Dass In Gotkrieh are Sal- eltIne interesting information. whk•1' Weds). Monday and Tue.da), Na) 10, will Ile II* dell to 11R• puhll.• ill due 1! aiw1 1.4. minor. 1n the meantime. tltc rteee•atly- orgaulxesd litderheh Lodgeof the• inter Wheat for Sale. ua(hunt I' Asanelation of Machinist. A ;fresh quantity of wheat slightly dam. luta taken an Inter -pet In the question, aged by water. Extra gond quality. and went a large rleputatiou to wait ' Apply W. McLean. Opera House Block. upon the cotuwirtee at the meeting autumns -0.d for laid The uholm y night. - Met'ullol,glb Recaptured. chiding the act-oint111Nlatlnll at thee Frank McCullough. the escaped mur- ikmrd of Trade room) rather 1'100 eh deter, was captured this 'Thursday) anal wlshi°I; to nee•' all the n•tldl morning at Toronto. He had never left merchants of the towel, the Mailli1, stn . the city after his s nsattonal escape from are issuing 1111 iIvita11111 to the mor- Toronto jail on April 15th. chants throegh the pre*. to newt then, ' at their beige ream,. the 1'. it. F. hall on West .treet, ou T111441113' evening Own Your Own Houle. next. for the pur(Mea• of Iwtlllg a full i (:,Mk•ri, It t. out.f the ° e• iv,t tow us, and frank di.ea,sinu of gnp•aiVaN of in all Ilutario oto 111. iu. TO own your (1111,111 interest. Town buns• tied enjoy the quletele and Tills 1s all opportune, of Which comforts id v,nlr own home life is every inerelwut in town •homed ava0lanmwhiag to be thankful for. himself, ,end The Signal is tnllhorizwl' i'rt{ert) iu (;i,k•rich is sure to il- ly Mr. W. 4'. 1'ridhum, chit shone of `l•n•aw• fu talus MN' the war is over. ''!,t �.:e•.r•t Ir Toru bi-1 {t@IrtJtIi.'. ��teae.•r4•h, fou sere l.• ('0 a 1142 1:IW cts, tIT td nrt(e' thief , Iqrdant hook" It e i ►Toreno err uuknon 11. Home. to (Osk'- point to lie present at the nceli°g li, I r11•11 111 '1'mewley et ening. Ili order Ihat it •-111.11111) cordial I11iite .ta1111111g With a bn'xe and .11111 (15 6 11111101111 111 body of consumers may he etc. Might) arrivldl at. lir G,Nlerich t sure fu Ifa•n•a se 111 sal Ile, hose, '1% 11 tine settings, e Tree+, good, garden poll, few 1 •. are for sale certain ludlen1ion IMN,in. 'sty on Elgin tn'onue, $1,501, will utake a .ver gets It. 4ny- ld write Silas trnthemue are., AN OPEN LETTER TO THE RETAIL MERCHANTS 01 (iODF.KI('H. of the /Heade')' • The harry pr offeree) for sale et MeV home for win GENTLEMEN,- A visitor to our town owe tnt•restell ph could not fail to be Impressed with the Rttaaleth marry, 43 sign he would see displayed in the win Toronto. dows of many of our storekeepers: "if you buy out of town, and we buy out of town, and our neighbors buy out of town, Edwards' homemade e what will become of our town?rnp11faNw1 all its own. Should he buy a local paper he would Te/1N1111. Try it and see. again find this pertinent challenge pnxninently displayed. If he devoted (iUNORY'S SALE RE(iISTE any further thought t , the matter, his meditations would inevitably lead to the SATURDAY. May 111. -Mortgage sate of t query as to why anyone should buy out of property, by Thomas Gundry, ■ecttoneer, at town If they could get what they wauted auction mart, Hemiuon street. Goderich, at at a reasonable price in town. ntWroNesok o. m. Ptnudloot, Killoran Si C orate, so- Of s Ot course, gentlemen. you will at once AY. May IL -Sale of household fur - say that this is just what they can do. niture and furnishings, property of Mr. William Yet people do not buy out of town just Cadman. at hie residence. Cameron street. Gads - for the lun of the thing, and that they do rich, at 2 o'clock p. m. buy out of town is certain. else why the BORN, e necessity of this slogan . f yours. which is• I hevrrx nese ? ALLI N - In CrJtNune, on Sunda''a May 1, 10 Mr- at once a criticituntand a t hallenge ane Mrs.Wdrum John Allm. •Ann. Goderich Lodge, No. 1'13x, Inver- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Ma Memorial Concert Next T6unday. GODERICH MF.RCH.INTS LOSING national Ast►ociation of htachlmsts may, I r 8. - 1 program of .pe. hal merit het'Iween TRApF.. we think, fairly claim to be a espresso- Pag arranged for the mrtn'.r(al tenitlt to tative body of consumers. We earn our Court of Revision Township of West Wawa - le given in KiNix church next Thnrs- To the Editor of The Signal. money in town, and we want to spend it i nosh• .. ;t filly 1.1'01111g tinder the direction of Mr. MIs,-P)•olohly the merchant. in with you. We are for Goderich just as' Budding. C,nuartnita etc. -Geo. Westbrook, F. T. Fgt•rt•r, Mo.,. Itue. Several nom-I:,Mleriek•it1 • not aware that a goodly much as you are, and we hope you will be M. Bowler j ... (: 1 berm to 1w• given lisr#1r. Egener include ler of farmers 111 4'olirorite and sufficiently interested in this ,matter to Clean-up Days Town of Goderich .... ...... t e :oelo•rk•sl townships the doing business meet us and discuss the situation on I Uncle Tom's Cabin- Victoria Opera Howse.... 1 weir of hIP IIIM.t•I'pIM.'9 of organ 1 )g musk ntol livers of g.esl mo'). .honed w It11 ('lint 011. instead of (oelt'rieli, let.- Tuesday evening, May 1:3, in our lodge I Young lady Wanted -D. Millar & Son t bylaws not miss the opportunity of hearing "11ms• sts• standard time Is olervwl in room, C• O. F. hall, West street, at K p.m., Naimoli -re Dog Licenses - R. C. Posuethwaite 1 ' tagged them. other nmtnb•rs will be by MIs. ' I'Ihit'lll. It Is a groat lueont•e•mlenee as W815 arranged with the retail merchants I Appivateons for Parks Caretaker -T• M. Davis 1 to the G•t•tuers to have the town run oil Notice to Creditors -Charles Garr )w 1 /:Ire -e• Seager. aullnlst : Milts Katr _ 1 .t sly has a here's a WO subcommittee on Wednesday last. The object of sending this letter to the press is to make sure that you may all know of this meeting, and we sincerely hope much gond may comic of it. at the Town Hall. R. C. POSTLETHWAITE, Chief of Police. May 2nd, 1919. 64-21 J. R. FORSTER. ' EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late Hose Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hommel, assistant at Moorefield's Faye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Him -Mr, Will 11 Waiters. win of \Ir, petal London, Ent. ,Waiter. of town, who has been 53 Waterloo St S, Str■Ilord. TeI.phome 287. !springing est ',Milne for .time thee, Is At Redford Hotel. (.nderirh. from *Woes- not. In business for himself. having day. May 21, 7 p. m., to Thursday, -Td, at 1 p. m pitrchnarel ('snipt5.11's shop on King street In that 1lty. Will learned his S Memorial Organ Recital and Concert • IN KNOX CHURCH, THURSDAY EVENINQ, MAY 15 FREDERIC TRISTRAM EGENER, Mug. Buc. assisted by Miss K. Lyttle, Soprano Miss E. Robertson, Piawlst Miss E. McCaughey, Pianist Min L. Jackson, Pianist Miss Grace Seager, Violinist and Knox Church Choir ADMISSION, • - - 'lei CENTS Proceeds for the placing of a tablet to the memory of nbury; late organist of Knox church, and a grant to S tId,ers' a1 Field. trade lir Goderich. The undersigned Are prepared to take contracts end execlte orders for any work in the above lines. Having had year. of experience, they coo Won the public of 6re1-class, dependable work. All order* will receive prompt attention. liEO. 1VF.MTItROOK. Traf*Ig*r Street. M. BOWLER, Napier Street. A lV(IM.IN iN THE COUNTRY. our kr-cream Is Just right-ao our c11.tonwr' say. Try It and see for yourself. H. T. Edwards. New Ranking Hours. Commencing Monday next, May 12th, the hanks of (:ocierieh will be open from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., exempt on Saturdays, when the hairs will be from 9.30 a. m. to 12 o'clock Boom. • $ibscrlbe for The 18811a. Hose Wanted-- J. D.. care The Signal. SeedlPotatnes for Sale -R. R. Elliott 'Two Maids Wanted- Apply to Bos K;p . PIaelnrm Scale for Sale -Thos. Legg e are, gentlemen. - Cow and Calf for Sade- Robert Durk.. 1 Yours for co •peration, Wheat for Sale W. McLean.. . . . 1 GODERICH LODGE.. NO. 1238, Debentures for Sal, -Town of Goderich 9 international A•1 n of Machin sta. Women Wanted -Uplift Corset Co., Toronto1 Gtderich, May 5, 1919. Ynuni Lady Wanted R. R. Sallow,.. 1 BANK OFMONTREAL ESTABLISHED OVER 196 YEARS Collections for Farmers Farmers, who wish to receive prompt returns on shipments of Cattle, Grain, Fruit and Dairy Products, should draw on the con- signee through this bank. A Bank of Montreal Draft is presented promptly and remitted immediately on collection at lowest rates. 911*9 Of fICILMONTa(A6.. s+4 A.W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch. 11