HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-1, Page 8{ Wall Pa That beautifies the home. not cheapens it. When you are told that you can buy cheaper from cata_ logues or pedlars come to us and we will show you better stock. better patterns and 'better colors, for the same price aud often cheaper. • Photographs of Masquerades— of Pa rt ies— of Banquets -- bring back as nothing else can t hose red-letter day s ',and nights) when you, and perhaps someone else, expetienced the best time you ever had. Let us help you this year to put your "parties" on photographs. J. FELL PHOTOGRAPHER PIEWE Grrs THE HAT. Steamer Sands the First le Arrive at Gederieh Harbor Ms Reuse& Cain. It. V. Pyette, master of the steamer Sarnisen, wait the centre of pleasant little gathering in the town •il chamber on Monday aftentoon. The Sr rola u war the first arrival of the seas.•11 at Coderich harbor, making aceordance with time-honored eitstom lwr captain was presented with a Lott, the gift of Ilie eorporatiou. The pres 01111010U was made by His Worship Mayor Wigle iti the presence of mem- bers of the town comm.(' and other eit and 'a pl. Pyet te replied SPECIALS 1 few cases of GUSTO to clear at 10c a package. QUAKER CORN FLAKES, to clear at 12ic. liOMINION CORN FLAKES 10c. liRUDGE 10c package for 5c. A can of good CLEANSER for 5c a;tin. Small can of good Salmon 15c. Small can of Red Salmon 20c. Car Pilchards, worth 20c, for Another kind, worth 25c. for Some RED ROSE TEA left J. J. McEwen License No. S-7,443 A BUSY YEAR This is going to be a busy year in Goderich. There will be many dwellings and business places to be refitted and rewired. Get Tear Order in Early. A full line of Electrical Goods always on hand. We are ex- perts and can help you get what ycu want- We are not tied to any particular make of goods Call and se,e us Robt. Tait West Street Next Pouoff.ce Phoosis-Shap 12. Hausa 199 —1 CLEA RINGS Men's Underwear Conibination and two-piece garments, Penman's, Wato_ son's, Tiger brand, and all good makes. 75 garments, Watson's make, in brown only, all sizes, to clear 95C 50 combination Tiger titan& heavy elastic ribbed, to clear at 25 combination Pen Angle, medium weight, all tO clear at M.Robins OPEN EVENINGS COULD NOT STOP THE HEADACHES Until She Tried "Frult-a-tires" — Made Fro Fruit Juices "I fool I Mind tell you of the great benefit I have received frogs your I have been • sufferer for many yeara front Violent Headaches. and could get no permanent relief. A friend advised me to take 'Fruit- s -taus' and I did so with great 11191111008/ ; and now I am entirely fres of Headaches, thanks to your splendid amodloine". MRS. ALEXA.NDEft SHAW, 80e. a box for 82.60, trial sine 25e. At all dealers or seat on receipt of prise, postpaid, hy Frult-a-tives Limited" Ottawa. with a few modest words of thank's. lieputy RAwve Clark MI Mr. W. 8. Bowden, industrial seeretary of the Beard of Trade. also addresseil a few mina rico of emigre BIM tiou to the This W11 t Ile third "first arrival" l'yette had made this treason, his boat luiving beet. the first to enter the harbors of Port MeNicoll and Port Arthur, as well as of floderlch. In ten years of commanding a ves.sei. be hail never before got in first and been handed the hat, but having got a good start this year he will require a good - winnings. He is pleasant -rayed, filr Ina lit 114.• 11 been dont' With be NEW SUMMER STYLES = in Fashionable Dressy Footwear We have some very new styles in high and low-cut footwear for this season's showing. Styles that will appeal to you as a nice clreSS shoe. Our pumps are built on pump lasts, which enable us to fit you properly. These new styles we arr showing in pat., kid and calf leathers. in grey, brown and black, in pumps, oxfords and high - cut footwear. In A -dote- shoes we are showing a very large range, awl as usual priced at popular prices. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW YOU THE SHOE MAN 1 ON account of pres- ent weather con- ditions the wholesale companies have been able to make better deliveries of Coal and we are now able to supply : Chestnut Stove Pea and Egg Coal Soft and Cannel Coal in any qpantities. MacEwan Estate Feb. 1st, 1919 INGNAL talked quite t•auelldly and iutetnwtiugly of Ib• harbor herr. which hr and hail bees overtly Iwpruved by the construc- tion of the uutable breakwater. He lord sellar iu withtaet the alIKilteet tumble ou a draught of 19 feet, 5 ineftes. Before the breakwater war bull( he IWIdd Irl be afraid of !lila Iwr- latr. Still further improvement took] Iw made, he said, lily an extrusion of the north breakwater say :MMI feet to the westward, giving vessels more room to sbrkt'u speed iwfure entering the unser piers. TlK Iwtble ha (lair was hardly deep enough for tits' largest steamers, drawing about L'o feet, tt Inches, but hr could not see Why this depth could not he given and a 11rst• class harbor made atrommtslatiug all ('lasses of vessels. Iu reply to a spies- tiuu. he said flits was tit• only harbor uu Lake Huron that caapi he entered Iti safety by '1 e.011111.: of the Sat'alau class. The $atruin ti brought town a cargo of wheat for the taaderlch elevator from Fort 't, I1Ium. It was her swvual ramp Utis '..•Mein. the first haviuk been taken to Port MuNit•ttll. Capt. Pyrite said the elevators at tlw head of the lakes were all full, and. he hat heard there was: .Mill a great dual of wheat to come from the West. W11 Ile tb• big Non was on on lake Huruu last week lie was on Lake Superior anti did not encounter any Leavy wentIwt•. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. A new eimerete foundation is being ("truer of East street. Mr. W. T. Millar. treasurer of the Soldiers' IMemorial Fund. acknowledges the reteipt ot 55 from Mr. George Mac - Vicar. Be sure and see Margurite Clark in "Bab's Burglar" at the Model Theatre, W'edne9:lay and Thurgiay, May 7 and 8. An informal dance will be held by the Godench Orchestra in Oddfellows' Hall on Wednesday evening, May 7th, com- mencing at 9 o'clock. Admission 50c. The animal tournament of tlw AVeat• he held U t 14/11114.11 1111 t he Week tof July All members of the 33rd Regiment band are requested to attend practice next hlonday night, v hen the new kader will he present. MODEL BOOT AND SHOE REPAIR DEPOT The boot and shoe repair shop of the late Thos. Hall, corner of Hamilton and New. gate streets, has been re- opened and orders are solic- ited for all kinds -of FootweakRepairs Good work and reason_ able prices guaranteed Saail. Ward & Son OODERION. ONT. sax • won IMMULORMISIE11111111111111111119110•11111111111 StoreZae THE COLBORNE STORE lis",,r" That Mr. F. F. Lawrenc is a veteran Oddfrilow everybody knovs. but it is interesting to learn that in fifty five years .ne has attended the annual church service tor the Order fifty-four times., That is surely a re.ord of which very few can The winners of thrift stamp prizes at the Model Theatre last Saturday were: , 1st Frank Gallow, 2nd Benson Sanderson. NI 3rd Harold McDonald. We would ask the children to please attend the matinee instead of evening performances and have a chance of sharing the prizes. • MI 1 All tbe latest and best Electrical Appliances fond week Mr. Melvin Jewell. of Collowetw. delivered to Mr. the live stork buyer at MeCorw. two hogs for widelt he reeelved the hand- . . .otoppot of g197:141. Thim is the clie.lit.• Mr. Allin has ever issued for pair of hogs. The record for a single bog atill stays with -the big one delivered to Mr. A11111 tam year 5107.25 wag PH The Hydro Store North side Square MIR SICKNESS TRY GM IIER VINOL And She Soon Got Back Her Strength Mew Castle. Ind.—"The measles Wt me run down, no appetite, could not rest at night. and I took a severe cold widch settled on my lungs. so I was unable to keep about ray house- work. My doctor advised me to take Virol, and six bottles restored my health so I do all my housework, ui- chiding washing. Vinol is the best medicine I ever used."—Alice Record. We guarantee this wonderful cod live' and iron tonic, Vinol. for all weak run-down, nervous conditions. J. A. CAMPBELL, Druggist, tioderich. Ont. SPECIALS for Friday, Saturday and Monday MAY 2nd, 3rd and 5th The following reductions will be for these three days only White Cottons Every piece of White Cotton will be reduced for these three days Fine Madapolam, 42 inches wide. Regular 60c and 55c, for 49c. fine Madapolam, 42 inches wide. Regular 50c, for 45c. Special Underwear Cloth, 42 inches wide, for undergartuents. Regular 5.5c, for 49c. Extra special Underwear Cloth. Regiilar 4.ric, for 39c. This cloth is 42 inches wide. .Longcloth, 36 iuches wide, in a very fine cloth. Regular 35c, for 30c. Nainsooks. 36 inches wide. Regular 45c and 50c, for 40c a yard. Heavy white Cotton. 34 inches wide. Regular 25c, for 19c a yard. Pillow Cottons and Sheetings 40 and 42 -inch Pillow Cottons, circular, in extra good qualities. Regular 60c for 53c, and reviler 65c for 58c a yard. ,-inch Sheeting all reduced to 10c a yard, for these three days. Here is a chance to buy Sheetings much below today's prices. Silks Silks We are showiug a beautiful range of Silk Poplins, 36 inches wide and of the best quality. We have had this cloth for two seasons and it has given wonderful satisfaction. Regular price *1.95, but on these three days it will be sold for $1.70 a yard. Taffeta Silks, 36 inches wide. Regular $2.00, for 51.70. This cloth comes in a large range of colors, as well as black. For these three days it will be reduced to $1.70. Be sure and see these values. Serges For suits, dreses and coats we are showing a large range of Serges- These cloths are now marked lower than maker's prices, but for the three sale days they will he further reduced. Space will not allow further remarks on this line, but they will be displayed in the store with prices marked. Corsets With a new gown it is necessary to have a new Corset, and for sale days we are putting on sale two lines of Corsets. We are carrying a large range and a heavy stock in these two numbers. so they must be reduced. No. 254 is a well-built Corset, made of coutil, for an average figure. Has four hose supporters and is reinforced in front. The regular price of this line is $1.75, but for these days will be reduced to $1.40. No. 414. This is another medium model and conies in all sizes, has four hose suppotters and is well built. Regular 12.25, for $1.75. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR THE -SE THREE DAYS ONLY ). THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY 111 at It It sr It Corsets D. & A. J. H. COLBORNE Standardj CHURCH NOTES. The services in Knox church next 1411111h&Th ea 111 be conducted by Rev. St. Andrew's church, Blyth. The Ladies' Aid Society of North street Methodist church held its annual meeting on Thursday afternixm last. Reports were read and the following officers wee 'elected: Pressdent. Mrs. Sinclair; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Glen; secretary, Mrs. L. Aitken; treasurer, Mrs. J. Rob - The servises in North street Metho- dist church will be conducted next Sundry lpy the pastor. Rev. Dr. Rut- ledge. -Morning snippet, "The Sigulti- 1)11` of the !April's Snippet--; evening, **Life's Drawbacks.- Quarterly fel- lowship meeting at n. Sdera- :tient of Lord's Supper 11 t morning At. the Baptist church next Lord's Day the sot..teets emialderesi will be -The Power of Music- and ••What and Where la Bible selniol at prayer seri ire on May 7 will lie in The ehurell ittothersary is Maimed for May 24 and the pastor. will have charge of the 144mi-ch. The .1111•111 11/ellt t he Lord t hal 1% it 11 the morning servios.. Sun- day -,Iss,1 and Bible plass at :i UNCLE SAM HEALTH FOOD Thfs popnlar health food eaten once a day acts as a natural food laxative. Cures constipation. Is endorsed' by physicians. Composed of flaxseed and toasted barley flakes, flavored with salt and celery, properly proportioned and 'thor- oughly blerded. You will like the taste. Price 4oc package DEAN BROS. GROC ERS Store Ph -De 110 /loose Phone Ur Mrs. Thon. Gundry. Mrs. Wm. MacMath, who spent several months with her daughter at Holmesville. bas returned to her home on the Hayfield road. Mr. F. Stevenson has returned from Toronto and is again with Mr, Robert Vlilson. the implement agent. tor a short tune before leaving for England to visit his sister living there. He is not sure whether he will return to Canada or not. Mrs. H. H. Palmer, Britannia road. leaves neat Tuesday from Montreal, whence she sails, accompanied by her little son. on a visa to her forrner home at Wolverhampton. England. Mr. Grafton Burdette, of Detroit, was visiting friends an town for a few clays enty-tvro months on the Mexican border as a soidier in the United States army. Mrs. Will. Tighe refurossl this week from a visit of six mouths with her smumanimmeman tyulgley have gone to Sealort h. where !"'" Hwy will rt-,ide. Mr. J. 21. Laird. of Buffalo, wail in town the part week visiting his sister, I Taking a House doesn't mean that you must re- tain every ugly attribute. The charm of many attractive honies lies in neat, harmonizng WINDOW SHADES We supply these in many styles, the lutist reliablT qualities and artistic effecte. When can we measure your windows ? Smith's Art Store East St Phone- 19)4 maim son. Mr John Tighe. at ktilwanker. and is again at lwr Mune ma Britannia matt Mrs. Chaa. bar returned to - her home in fit. David's street sitar & very pleasant visit of sever*/ mouths with Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas at Brantford. MUM Torrance. of Clinton. came up with Mrs. Simone and spent • few days here with her. Disease MIMICS 1670 -4170P, COUGH/ SAW MILT CELDRIIM MODEL THEATRE Friday and Saturday today and tomorrow is "MILE -A -MINUTE KENDALL" Speed and action -New Yorkers call it "ja2z----lift this picture into the class of a masterpiece. You simply can't afford to miss it. Mao A PARAMOUNT MACK SENNETT COMEDY "His Smothered Love"