HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-1, Page 7r tl
YES, he reached the top first, but at the expense of his stockings.
- Perhaps this was .our boy and you gave him a scolding. \ But
it really wasn't his fault, h wouldn't be normal if he- wasn't hard on
' Because we kltrw boys, we igned Buster Brown Stockifigs. • Made
them to stand the strenuous use Of the average boy.
We knitted them from extra -long yarn made by ourselves to ensure
uniform quality. Our employees have had years of .pecial training in
knitting Buster Br, 'wit quality into hosiery.
We knitted good look: as well as durabilit into Buster Brown stockings. They
are made to At --to give a dressy, gentlemanly appearance. They are suitable for
any occasion.
Because of all these features, Buster Brown s
lass tending.
Sold everywhere. Ask your dealer for Buster Brown durable hosiery.
The Chipman -Holton Knitting Co., Limited
Hamilton, Ont. -Mills also at Welland
ings cost less -and they require
Miss Isabel Gunn haat returned home
aftor spending three years overseas
nursing in military hospitals.
Dr J. A. Macdonald. formerly editor
of The Toronto (.lobe, and Mrs Ma'-
dottill were the 'nests of 1)r awl Mrs
(!anter for a few days.
Tho' Hanley•h'istfer revival te'sin is
holding %pecial meetings here for (our
weeks. under the auspices of the two
Mdbolist congregatiuus
The death occurred in (Tinton on
April Inth of Mary Jane AVOW, w hiow
tot the late William Wyllie, in her
nine•S'.flnh year. The tect•aired re-
sided in the vicinity of llelgrase for
many yeses.
1'hi:r,d.at. Nay 1. I919 7a
M l'udmorr 1,t tsetse louse th4 i/1p/'tliflrflofld7ifltif7rtlltXif\cif\rXXXXXXtAsiflrtXX) illoXX
bride of Harvey J. Perkins of 1'eborw'.
COUNTY AND DISTRICT Ti... d4nh1e e•remeny err performed
II (t1, 'l'hurslyy, April 17, at Stratford,
NlIss bila May Smalliteouthe, thtitghtei
A memorial hall is to he bulli hi the ti( M r. and M rm. 4:e11rice. t'tllndlaeowlie,
Hnnett tow ustilp a •II at lAmiles- formerly of Exeter, wait uuu•riel to
lane, this Mummer: !'laude 4'. Titanium, of St rat (lira.
Join! B. Mustard. of Brite•tteld, has
by Rec. John (tall, uncle of the brides.
11.gioMVI of his sawmill and, stock of DISEASE COMES _
Imps to the 'Ibtyfl•Id muwwlll item.
Wilber J•htiwti11 hint sold him :40 -acre
farm 1)11 the I:,wheu 111r•. Stanley town-
ship, to '('humus livid, aur 34010. Mr.
Reid already 11N'11e1 tit• fifty acres
The school twtard Of S. S. No. (1, I•:ast
\\'al N'a llmwb, has 11. 1'111411141M' It. R. UM"
11101111a44 teacher, at a sultry of $(4l)I(,
the thrives. 111 4444441114414' W1111 Jruu-
at:y, 41119.
on April 2Ist. at St. John's rectory,
Brussels, Will I'. Thuell, of. Morris.
and Miss Ruth E. Breckenridge, of
'f'urulo•rry, were uuittst 11, 1114u•riag4' that causes disfiguring skin diseases like
by` Rev. 11. eczema, and salt rheum, pimples and
eruptions. The severity of the trouble
1'lu• t r,'n4a of S. S. Xo. 7. Morris. indicates how impure the blood is. and it
have engaged Harvey 114444ter, of Grey goes always from bad 1 4 worse unless
t,ovushtp, us teacher at a salary ' l steps are promptly taken to enrich and
67.1 a mouth to smg-ee 1 Miss Ada purify the blood. There is no use trying
Futon', resigned. 'rhe new teacher a different medicine for each disease. for
loos recently returnee! from the war. ( they all come through the one trouble--
bad blood. To cure any of these troubles
At lielgratp un Welneeday. April ' you must get right down to the root of
141. SOMA 11 Gnriry, widow of the late the trouble in the blood. That is just
.lnn14e44 Mortal!, i'axwvl away in her what Dr. Will ams' bink Pills do. They
akerighty-seventh year. She was a ma- {Pur fytiand soew, ne hie blood. aridlood.ythe ditempts-
ease Disappears. That is why Dr. %Villiams
Pink Pills have cured thousands of cases
To Cure Common Ailments the
Blood Must Be Made Rich
and Red.
Nearly all the common diseases that
afflict mankind are caused by bad blood -
weak. watery blood poisoned by impur-
ities. Bad blood is the cause of headaches
and backaches. lumbago and rheumatism.
debility and indigestion, neuraig,a• sciatica
and other nerve troubles. Itis bad blood
dent of East \\•uw'4uoosh fur many
years Threw daughters and two 5441144
silrrive: \les. P. ltubhison. Toronto: latter other medicines Iliad (ailed. Here is,
JLtggle, 1:11lma end !held, at 114)11,4': ' proof of the power of Dr. Williams Pink
ctrl JAUNT,. of East \\'rwwtro+b. 1Pills to cure. Mrs. M. Stills, who resides
near the town of Napanee, says: "1 can- I
Anti • Tyndall, an 11111 cud re- not praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too l
Xlrrtel resident 1,f' the township of highly. l was very much rundown in
TuckerstultIl. PA 11/4191 awry 4444 Mlouday health, suffered from frequent spells of :
of last week 11, lads eightieth yen•• indigestion. biliousness and sick headache
The 1114140411 was horn i1, Ireland. i 1 had an almost constant pain in my
Summer Is Just Around the
Be ready to meet it with a new
Summer Outfit.
We can supply you with
Everything in Men's Wear
except boots and shoes.
Our Goods are right
Our Prices are right
Call and see
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
dread. In fact I felt so mi•erable that DOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
nen and resided for /I 1111 WIWI' of years
111 11141 10 tiliM country tifty-tive years head and my housework was a course of
l'shoriii. and for the hist thirty-two hell but little enjoyment. I was ad -
the farm ilLT(Wlier. vised to try Ur. Williams' Pink Pills,
yenrs hail lived on
smith ,rn wide!' Ile 111191. OW mum ; which I did, and the result was eimplv
. Imarvellous,and can best be summed up by
1 1.1111 Illytic St M111111 Ill says: Rumor saying that they made_me feel like a new
, w man and fully restored my health. I
got 40144415 1111 Saturday
that ' . i would advise every woman and girl who
I I '1111441101. the escaped :demo' from
Toronto gaol. was in town and there has poor blood, Or 15 rundown m health.
to give these wonderful pills a trial. I am
wn. .11111.. ti coin ..... t' for about /III IleVer without them in the house. -
1 Moir as the X1100 reward offi•red by At the first sign that the b'ood is out o!
the 4:05.1.111Illellt tor his appreliem.inon
, note the speedy improvement they make
: order take IR. Williams' Pink Pills, and
I Hooted here's. the eyes of more to li i in the appetite, health and spirits.
: You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Dill 11114'1 1 111' IIIMIel'illti011 of Nlat Id-, through any medicine dealer, or by mail
lough hilt ill few resi* peels. and then". at 50 cents a hos ar six boxee for 12.50
wits nothing iMartietilarly suspicioms in fr°"IlivtIlee, rctt. Williams Medicine Ca.
his appearance. It WIIM HMUMillg 10 .. 1
S1m. 1105%' crestfallen motile were us they
sly.' that low grisotheteks pass into
who has recently returned from over -
meats was on burialay evening last
formally inducted as rector of St.
Pwril's church before a large congrega-
tion. Archdeacon Richard, on, t
London, officiated sad the sermon wax
preached by Rev. Canon Gonne, of
ndon. Rev. Canon Hill. of Ocxicrich,
*leo took ran in the service.
Electric Starting and Lighting System
-Consisting of Generator, Starting
Motor and Storage Battery.
-An electric system made for Ford cars
by the Ford Motor Company of Canada
in their own factory ; built into the Ford
motor which has been re -designed for
the purpose.
-Controlled from a complete instru-
ment board on the cowl. -
Standard Equipment
on Sedans and Coupes
.11 dosed models now have electric starting and lighting
system as Standard Equipment.
Ford Sedan ;1175 Ford Coupe $975
(Including Ford St•rter and Lighting System)
Prices are f.o. b. Ford, Ont., and are subject to War Tax.
Ford Closed Models will, for a time, take the entire
production of Starting and Lighting Systems.
By June lo, however, Ford Touring Cars and Roadsters
will be supplied with Starting and Lighting as Optional
Equipment at an extra charge.
Sampl.s of It* Ford Starting and Lighting Notre( are now
ow exhifrit at all Ford Branches. In the near future we alas
etre( to b. able to show a complete asoipla outfit. You are
MacEwan Dealer
- Goderich
1111/**1 '11 illIpr1/1-141 ill lawn h and
iVIN4:11.%M. will spend Ili*. ',mower here.
Airs It 1.eggatt. ar.. died hcre on '1114. rli$111,11e over the ownership of
places dose ....med. and eimsnmers sre in the
W: ham business • ti e not tieing hilted for their
MI III 111
Wednesday afternoon of each week torn
May 1st to September 1st.
Thieves broke into Harry Brosen's
stable one evening recently and stole over
31.000 worth of furs. About S400 worth
of furs were found in the river, where
the thieves had evidently tried to hide
part of their booty. The authorities are
working on the ea e. cis
H. C. Hinveliffe. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hinsdiffe of Wingham, was married
at Galt on April ard, Lis bride being
Miss Elsie Cadiow. The young couple
will reside at Waterloo. The groom is a
returned soldier.
Will am Cornyn. wha died at his home
here on April 19th at the age of eighty-
eight years. was the tiret white man to set
foot in the forest where now stands the
tosn of Wingham. Ile was born near
Ottawa and in 1853 carne up to this dis
trict, which was then a dehse forest. He
was the last of a family of four brothers
and four sisters, but is swerved by five
sons and two daughters.
On April lei, at the home of the bride's
grandmother. Mrs. S. Jane Hill, 'Toronto,
the wedding was solemnized of Cora
Teressa Hill. dauglUer of Robert J. -Mc.
Ewen. of Windsor, Ont.. and Adam Allen
Isbister, B. A., youngest son of Reeve and
was performed by Ptev. W A. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Isbister spent Easter at the
home of the groom's parents in Wingham.
They will reside at Toronto.
Y1111', 'My O. a 44 4,1111111.1111161 telt 111.141
oll /411111111y by the local brawl' of the
and dos:united with flags and flowers
t he gra ces of Ines. Nicholls 11 WI
POIMM.k, W1111 111191 Ki1111` returning from
ollIcted 11 brief service at 1`111.11 Of the
graves. In 111. 111'111 Ilg 110•111111iAl
si•rvive was held nt the town hall lit
MI1Prerne M/111.111{111 in France awl
chair and the local clergymen took
part 111 the service.
Owing to the unexpected death of his
wife, Roy NIcKav has dectde.1 to go
out of business in Brussels and will likely
remove from here. Ile has sold his
restaurant business to Will Harris and
Alex. isicCluskie and family are coming
to town ham McClelland, Algoma, and
have purchased the house and ten acres
of land from the estate of the lite Mrs.
Jarnes Wilson
Isaac J. Tuck. seventv-five years of age,
who had been confined to his bed for
several months as the remit of a broken
hip. died at the home of his sister, Mrs.
D. Robb, Brussels. on Thursday lard. He
epent his boyhood daj s in the township o'
Grey. but of late years had made hnhome.
in Chicago
milting In a project to erect fountain
betneen the library and the town hall
ns a soldiers' memorial.
Nlitehell April 21st, wits horn nehr
Exeter. I lis two sons, Will and Fred,
are mo.mhera of the firm Of J01111`M
Nlay Exeter.
.% ',noble wedding took place nt
W114.11 Miss Mottle Ornee Cutionore. of
Igseter. 1118.11 1114' hr• bride of William
L. Butler of Loudon, 111141 1114W Rosetta
Miss Helen Pritchard, a former well -
know Imeknow y 'lady. was mar-
Fletrber, of that vity. The erre-
was performed toy: Rev. .114111er4
Seafood!' 14%1411. Immler4 hate organ -
I/.141 for the year With Wiltrailn Alnellt
n* president and John Broderick lier
The result of the pleltiselte on day-
light sat lag 111 Settforth was :72 tor
the measure and :i41) Kea.
forth therefore will coati ttttt to 11/14.
the -ode time.
NI. Broderick. the. municipal atoms -
sem. has Miklos! his work for thim year
H1141 1114. 1111141 111M IIMMemmgliorlIt
The total its...sated value or nava tiros,-
erty is $1,0-19,477: 41114/1111. 11.0:4`1041114.11t,
$4141,*411; 1/1101110.111 UmMemM1210111t, $114,0:141:
111111111ntints. 2,1r27.
Robert Hawthorne, au old and highly
oung and hal Iv, tits , Tereobe
I, noted throughout Canada r te ele
Lamm,* raluc at or. Enter now. Write roc
catalogue. W El1.10T r.
ersteerneel resident of Egmoudville, .1,. -
parted this life 1111 Wednesday, April
16tn. in bin ninety -scrotal year. 'rho
oleneased wane, native .4 Sc.otie.n.11 And
On the eve of 1114 departitie for l'ae.
outs. Waideugion, where he will resitio
In tutor°. William Reid was 'plc-
sented the tire brigade wttli a gold
wat 11. Mr. Reid Wag & urelllher
ot the, Seatorth are department for
thirty yearn, has tilted all the utilearM4
Mad Wait. a member of the team's which
still tioltle the international record.
"Congratulations, My Daughter, You
Are Looking Fine"
4gAND why shouldn't I look well after
using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food?"
"Is That what has made such a
change in your appearance? You were so
pale and thin, I was rathPr anxious about
your health."
"Why, 1 have gained fifteen pounds, and
I feel so well, too."
"And yoU have such a good, healthy
color. Your blood must be rich and red."
"I knew you were suspicious of anything
that our doctor did not prescribe, so 1 said
nothing about it to you."
"Well, I will not have any doubts about
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food in the future after
what a healthy looking girl it has made
of you."
"Yes, and feel so differently, too. I
was so nervous and irritable that 1 was
very ettaily annoyed and upset. Then 1
would have those fearful nervous head-
-aches. But, thank goodness, that is all
over, and know what to give credit to for
the change."
"1 am very glad you are so wc11 again
n.nd think Dr. Chase's Nerve Food a %cry
valuable medicine, since it has done you
so much good."
Miss Gertrude M. Burrell, Clementsport,
"i titive titea Dr. Outer's Nerve Food with
woe afflicted with nervetuanesa, and mix yearn
eigo had 0. complete brossiodownY I hag no
control of my nei yea and had terrible hynteri-
cal npetin. could nut sleep, had night
ay/pate, awful dreams abd nightmare. My
physician rave me medicine to put Mg to
Meer Peery night, and another kind to take'
',my two hours during the day, but it d1411
not +seem to do me any good only while I wan
taking it. I never really expected to get
well. 'tending /shout lir. Mope's Nerve Food
one day. 1 1/11sP It a trial. And the result,' from
the fired hew encouraged MP. so. I continued
its woo, and found my nerven getting steady
and etronger. My appetite improved and I
gained In strength, anibition and fle.h. Now
1 sin able to do conniderable work, and can
highly rocorotwod Dr. Chsiose's Nerve Food
RP a good tonic. for the whole syortem."
(Mimeo W Dante*, . mayo. -11 gives
me great salisfnetion to vouch for the teatt-
mony of doe young Indy and the benefit ehoo
ham received from your wonderful dionovery.")
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 50 cents a box,
6 for $2.75, all dealers, or Edmanson, Rates
& Co., Ltd., Toronto. On every box of the
genuine you will find the portrait and sig-
nature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous
Receipt Book author.