HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-1, Page 4• { 4 --Thursday, Mug 1, 1919 MININrAt THE . SIGNAL aoDzRlCh, ONT. iiis not simply to give you what you pay for, but a iilittle more. We want you to come here not once, but il always. iiTo get your permanent custom, we have determined to offer only Clothes in which we know VALUE is always represented in fullest measure. Our ambition That is why we stake our reputation for value -giving upon i„ Bengard 0 Clothes 5t 11 The highest type of sterling clothes - value in workmanship, durability and finish. These stylish Suits for Spring will convince you that the maker's standard for Quality is high and that the service you will get is fully in garments have earned. keeping with the reputation the Prices $25.00 to $40.00 WALTER C. PRIDHAM Phone 57 Borsalino Hats s- -1 .t. t' -1 t- 1- t 1 1- -t .1. •1 -1 X:ecaCesDOcsCOc5CCcsCCMCXxsoae mcioncocconcmcmcaccoccxxl ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to be able to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes, Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our old-time service and prompt delivery, The Saults Coal Co. Phone No. 75 B. J. Saults' residence W. W. Saults' residence No. 275 No. 202 x xxX,xxx cXxxxxxxxx xxxx DOCK ADVERTISE IN THE SIGNAL. IT PAYS. GRAND TRUNK R°',EM Improved Train Service ' BETWEEN GODLRICH and TORONTO t,1 Lv. Goderich 5.50 AML Ar. Toronto 10 50 AM. Lv. Godenth 2.20 PM, Ar. Toronto 7.35 PM. Parlor -Buffet car between Stratford and Toronto on afternoon true. For further particular as to reservations or tickets, apply to Grand Trunk Town Agents. P. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8 DUNGANNON. Wedwewlay, April 30. Mrs. Atllauu tat lu tondo's this week. We are pleased to sty Harold Nproule ont again atter a short Macau. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Treleareu are holidaying at Lelroit this week. Miss Mary Me('ourt is laid up this week with a 00141. Ralph Usher, Nut owl Harry Irby- ant. rbyand. J. R. and Jack McNabb motored to Goderich and Seaforth on Sunday. quite a number of um -ushers of the local 1. O. O. F. lodge attended serrhee In (loderlrh and Lucknow Sunday last. The 1)uasauuou Lodge, I. l). O. F., will hold their annual s•rvit•e In the Methodist Church Sunda}- evening, May 11. +�� � . II the vide ug leacher n'turnd to tiwir schools last Satiird Iter. M. 1'. t.'ralg is in 'oalsto•k this week attending tits sessions of the Nynod held In that city. M. Rutherford, pastor of Pine aver Presbyterian church fur the lust eight years, who is giving up hiss charge and is going to New York. was presented by the congregation with a Pura of $910 55 a farewell gift. Iter. lturhorfoni was miUlster of the 1)utgsiiou and Port .Vlwrt i'resby- teritu cougregatluu, before going to X Pine River. Rev. Igivld Roger.. wbo was at 01,t' • time pastor of the Jlethesllst chuh-h here and w•ho has for the Inst four years been doing duty as assistant 1R pastor in the Fina Methodist church X at 1•owlua. purposes removing shortly to St. Thomas' mad making his home XII there. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have a X married daughter at St. Thomas. A BusInees Cfmnge.—The More form- erly conducted by McFarlane & Maize X Is to be re -opened shortly by a new . proprietor. Mr. Nonuau Treleaven, who disposed of his Isle -shop to Mr. X T. (:..Olen. awl tool over the stock In Mr. Atleu's store. Watch for hsrguins in the near future. We wish Mr. Tre- leaven $titre$$ in his new venture. 1'reseatstlerta to the Mefferd Bras.— Messrs. Alfred and Will HPRont, whi5 X returned recently from Fraise. wore given a r eptlon and presentation at tlw Orange Hall hast Friday evening. The meeting was under the auspices of the Attglk-en churls. but tlw citizens and the Romeu's Institute took ad- vantage of the o1ssiou to rust's pres- entations of moue} also. Alfred Heford was no unfortunate as to brae his right arm in battle with the Hun. A shirt program was rendered. and a number of speeches made In pratae of the gallant heroes. Afterwards eeoffop and tale were served by the ladles. 'DALLEY( Pure Food Products When bu'ing COFFEE, BAKING POWDER, MUSTARD DRESSING and EXTRACTS, see that the worcl au.l.cv is on the package— and thus he sure of the finest Pure Food Products, The name has stood for quality since 1848. 1 he F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS Limited, Hamilton, Ont. /r ►� V e X X XX ` !� D. M I LLAR SON a XII x X _ r 1 111111 1111111)K)1111111 1sx)i»K)>X)A>[IMO II )•K>•tiNxx111111tilfX1 11 X Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. M X 1 )• X1 r 1X 1 1 and Coverall Aprons iIN ii ` / / �4 x eek � 1� f i��� 1r Vin, IN IN tiIh Iblia'ua .� . 4 ■ X X Practical House Dresses X„�wor..••uuut,. In neat styles, well cut so as to allow free- dom of movement, and in serviceable but attrac- tive materials. AUBURN. WEDNPSDAY. April 30. Rev. R. J. Row is attending a meeting of the Presbyterian Synod at Woodstock this week. _ - The reorganized union Young People's So iety will meet is the Methodist church next Sabbath evening. Pte. Robert Good arrived hotne on Saturday from France. There was a large crowd at the station to welcome him home. It is 'everal years since he went West and he enlisted there at the beginning of the war. He was fortunate in coming through without injury. Mr. Conrad Decker, of Lucknow. spent Sunday in the village visiting Mr. E. Helwig. Miss Sadie Carter was seriously ill the past week. threatened with appendicitis. We are pleased to report her recovery. • MMTHER AND SON ARE BOTH GRATEFUL Fee the Good Dodd's Kidney Pals Did Them. Ragland. Ont., April 28 (Special).—"I am glad to have an opportunity to give fair credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills for the good they did me, and also my family," says Mrs- John S. Larson, a well-known and highly respected resident of this At the time I ordered Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 did it more for a fancy than from any belief in their curing value. But I was all in from an aching back. I caught a bad cold and that settled on my kidneys so bad that I could not sleep, and 1 cou.d not work. When I stooped forward my ba,k was so sore that I had to brace up my body by putting my elbows on my knees and 1 could hardly rise up again. After taking two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills the pain decreased some and my back is fairly good unless I overwork. Also one of my young tons had diseased kidneys. so that he had to get up every half hour during the night. Dudd's Kidney Pills cured him and now he can sleep all night." LEEBU RN. WEDNESDAY. April 30. Pte. Fred J. Glidden returned from over. seas last Thursday looking hale and hearty Welcorre tome. Fred. Miss Annie McKenzie, of ;Kintail. spent a few days with Miss Hunter. Miss Hallman and SMiss Tichbourne have returned after their Easter holidays to resume their work as teachers in Noe 9 and 5. Mia Edith Horton,ittended the funeral of Mrs. Rye at Clintda last Friday. Miss Maedel, of Remitter. is spending a few days at the home of Mn. Robert Bogie. Emile E. Fisher, of (3olertc•h, and Mr. Jonathan Fisher. of Itenrulller, spent Sunday with the former's friend, Miss Iteatrfee ('hlaholm. NILE. TuastAv. April 29. Mrs. J. Hiwy, who hasn 111 the last two weeks. is. we are glad report, very much improved. Mr. Edgar ,end Mia Alice Shepherd, who have been spending the Easter vaca- tion at their home, have returned to Goderich to resume their studies at the Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs James Snell spent Sunday with Mrs. J. EMky at Remitter. Mrs. H Pestlartd has been suffering with a very severe cold the last two weeks. Farmers in this vicinity are very busy on their land when the weather permits them. Misses McDsrmot and McWhinney, of Goderich. spelt Sunday with their parents Outwit Notes.—Tbe regular May quarterly service of Nal circuit wW be bald at Nile chord[ Mem renting. May House Dresses. Good quality print in light and dark colors. Some have elastic waistbands, some have long sleeves others half sleeves, in low and high necks, in a style to suit everyone. Sizes 34 to 50. Priced from $1.5o to 53.95 each. THREE USEFUL COVERALL APRONS We are showing three styles of Coverall Aprons which really protect one dress. Made of good strong material to stand hard wear, in either bungalow style or with belt. Priced at $1.00, 51.25 and $1.50 each. Special Values in Bedspreads White Crochet Quilts, full size, in neat designs, will launder splendidly and IN give excellent satisfaction. Each $4.50. X II Extra out size white Crochet Quilts for the largest size beds. Splendid quality, 11 neat designs. Size 80x90 inches. Each $5.00. White Honeycomb Quilt, exceptional value. These Quilts are well known for their durability. Hemmed. Size 82x90 inches. $4.25 each. X English satin -finished Bedspread, in that beautiful quality which is an orna- X ment to any bedroom. Full size. $7.50 each. ■ \r Sheetings, Sheets and Pillow Cottons X 11 X IN ✓ 11 X ■ ■ ■ pair. Plain Bleached Sheeting 2 yards wide. Special value 89c. X Twilled Bleached Sheeting 2' yards wide. Special value $1.00 yard. ■ Extra heavy quality Unbleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide. 75c yard. 1 Good values in plain Bleached Sheets -that will give extra good service. $5.90 a 11 Circular Pillow Cotton, heavy quality, 40 inches at 60c, 42 inches at 65c, 44 inches at 70c. THE MONTH OF MAY IS HOUSECLEANING TIME 1[ Nemo Corsets Niagara Gloves Kayser Gloves X X XXXXXXXXXXXX■X■XXXXXXXXXXXXXX■/1111/1[■ 11 X PHONE 56 Millar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 11 X _ X XXXXXXi XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4th, at 10.30. A cordial invitation is extended to 'everyone. Sunday school will hold its session at 3 p. m., one-half hour later than the usual hour. The first Sunday of every month is observed as Missionary Sunday by the Nile Sunda school. On Sunday the pastor, Rev. ). Hisey. will address the school on "Mis- sions in the Sunday School —Why ?" The Sunday schools aim for Missionary Sun- day is 100 in attendance. Sii in collection. Come and help make this Sunday school the very best in the district. visitors will End this a friendly Sunday school. t INGSRRIDOE. Moraine. April 2$th. Mess Annie Sullivan. of Detroit, in visltiug at her home here. fir. M. .1. Mutton has returned to Assumption College after spending vacation at lilt, home here. Mr. Dennis Sullivan left for Detroit leaf week. HP WAS accompanied by his gra wide tighter, Miss Kathleen Foley. who will spend a few weeks visiting friends. at I)etrolt stsi London. MIst, Mark' Sullivan hes returned to ler school at Fit. ('olnmlan, Miss (:Pn•{lere (O'Connor to 14tn1on Normal s•htol apd MIs,. Jlsdellne Sullivan to Help Your Digestion Whet acid-dletreased, relieve the indigeetiea wltk K11IOIDS Dimelve sadly on toagae--aa pleasant to take as toady. Keep your stomach sweet, try VJ- .ids MADE S►v SCOTT & DOWN, MAKERS OI SCOTT'S tMut-SN)N 1/5A/ Lembo 6111eglate. After upending their vacation attheir homes hero. esTRATYORO. ONT. Is recognized as one of the most reliable Commercial Schools in Canada. The instructors are ex- perienced and the coarses are ttp-to-date. Graduates are placed in positions and they meet with succeser Students may en- ter at any time. Write at once for free catalogue. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. mix swam ■X■XXX*1r$11XX1XXIi*XtiIXXXXXXXK*XX NIX X 1X11 ■ 11 X X 11 X 11 X 1i X 11 11 11 11 X r1 X r X X X X 11 X X 1 Y1r*1K11A1 XXX/ i•XRRXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1ININI THE NEW SANITARY FOLDING MATTRESS Showing the way we stake the feather beds into the mattress form. Seasonable side:—summer and winter. SANITATION means health to you. our new steam process is unrivalled for the_snccessfnl renovation of feathers, each bed being cleaned separately. All work guaranteed. R. PECKHAM, Mgr. Kingston street, next Dr. Whitely's. • • a ,