The Signal, 1919-5-1, Page 3TEE SIGNAL • ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON THE MEB1T5 OF UNBENT MEDICAL. FAREWELL TO REV. C. M. RUTHERFORD. CongreaatioC Presents Him with en Ad- dress and Purse. Rev. C. M. Rutherford on Sunday preached his farewell sermon as mini- ster of Pine River Presbyterian con- gregation to a well-flllsd church, from the text "Ye shall be witnesses." Mr. Rutherford will leave this week for his'! new flekl of labor in New York City. On Friday evening the members of the congregation met in the Woodman's Hall and presented blm with a purse of Virl and the following address: Dear Mr. and \Irs. Rutherford and Little Jesu: With sino•re regret we learn of your resolve to sever your connection with the pastorate of our church. For nearly nine years you have labored faithfully to advance the social. intel- lectual. moral and spiritual well-being of those directly under your care and guidance. The work of a sincere and DR. �R. GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO- PATH, specialist in women', and children' dioceses. acute, chromic and nervous diorama. eye gar, nose and throat. partial deafness, lumbago and rheumatic condition.. Adenoids remove( without the knife. (Alice at residence. corner', Nelson and St Andrew. streets. At home office Mondays. Thursdays and SstudaYs, any evening be appointment. DRNTISTRY. UR. H. G. MAcDONELL.-HONOR Graduate Toronto Umvnv,ty. Graduate Rey al Cortege of Dental Surgeon. •Jecce 0r to the late Mayor Sarr Otters corner Squire and west street. Gudersh. AUCTIONEER. COULD HAVE SAVED EI) TTHOUSANDSOF DOLLARS. Brown Sorry He Didn't Know About - QODETIOI;. ONT. Thursday, May 1, 1919.-3 Touter Sooner -Gain; 17 founds. NARMBRtl' MARKET. "II I had had Tallies:live years ago I Wll a world of side tering but more than a thousand dollars. besides," said N. F. Brown, of 1:i2 York- ville avenue, Torooto, Ontario, Canada. recently. �r 1 had a terrible case of stomach sere�l tease per ton13 W U 00 trouble. • he continued, "and would bloat Straw, oat, buedled, per up with gas something awful. 1 would • ton 17 a is a suffer with agonizing pains in my stomach Dairy roduce. eess. new per t :- SOL, 45 to 80 66 and was never tree from headaches. For Bulk going at 0 49 0 60 t ine month, 1 was on a light diet, and Butter, farmers' dairy0 56 0 70 became so weak 1 could hardly drewmy- Bulk going at 0 40 self I lost weight until I oas little more Spring chickens, Ib o 7 5 Roasting cowl, lb 0 45 050 Bolling fowlPreened,0 40 0 46 Farm Preened, Wrfetesale. Butter, creamery. fresh - made, lb. arivares..•.•80 65 to 8•... Butter choice dairy, do. do. cut solids 0 63 sass I0. 0 5s. o 32 a ii 047 040 TORONTO, April 29.-Quotatioaa no could have saved t Yon the Farmers' Market yesterday were as follows:- Hay and atraw- Hay, No, 1, per ton.. 828 00 to 130 00 Hoy. No. 3, per ton... 24 00 37 00 Strs , rye. per ton.... 28 W 30 00 nervous than skin and bones and was so I could hardly sleep. I took every kind of treatment and spent months in hospitals, but only got worse and was so bad pogg that 1 was given up to die. "One day my brother-lmlaw suggested Oleomargarine. Ib. earnest minister is not easy. Preach- that I try Tanlac. and 1 did so, and I am Oleo , rsstI c.• dos tog is a mau's calling; and you have feeling a thousand tunes better. l have Ease. srlected, in cartons. 0 So done your part well. 1t is difficult -1 already gained seventeen pounds, my dozen almost impossible -to please all. appetite is fine. the gas and those av(ul cheese year-old Btllton, Fault-finding and criticism have ever most anything wit been the action of public men who ) g fearlessly and conacfentiouely try to do wards." their duty. ('brut was Misjudged and Wigle, Is odd In 4. criticized. Woodrow Wilsou and Lloyd In $eefurth j'y (Jeorge, two of the most uutstandiug Wingham by J. Walton r,.•...... n tad A. Sill E. Hem THOMAS GUNDRY, 1 AUCTIONEER. Bos 47, Godrich. Al1i�J instruction battended to mail or tett at Signal Unice w'Q be promptly rereence telephone 11 L&OAL. per Ib. 0 33 s have disap. red and 1 can eat, d'heeae, r,e Dlember. Ib 35 t suffering after- (hoose, new. Ib 0 2154 Honey. 5. 10 and 00-1b, lerlch by E. * I Dalt. Per Ib o 23 Alwrhart, 1u I Honey, sections, each U 30 Pun lardt- McKibbon, 111 , Tierces. Ib. io 29 to 8.... 111. ill Blyth 20-1b. pails ' • 0 36% u Wroxeter Pound prints 0 33 ail s een Ili Juhn ah2s-rtIb, palflgns W ii to i..•. Y ",%. a• Pound prints •••• 066 0 25 and Chrietiau men In the world today. are being savagely attacked by -shore by White City Drug Store, not in accord with their ideals of right by J. N. Allen, in Lond e:rho and justice. O. lunndsherry, in Exeter Big men and big ideals thrive and Ho eyLas.lvlvnoiitrue deli)Tieby Bete Ed grow under oppoidtiou. You said in one of your serloons, ••I in ('rvtlit„u t.v J. W. Orme, b Would rather be a dog and bay at the w ill tn,rrte Moon than he a hypocrite," and it Is because we have [(mud you ;o be a true man that we desire to honor you this eveuing. No man in your Rion could be less pretentious or offk:ions. Vanity. con• wise and said: crit, and hypocrisy are abhorrent to Young men, unsteady. you. We have not been over -preached. Girls, burin, wising. and in demand. You have endeavored) to break the Papas vera. but declining. "bread of life' and hold up lemur Mammas, unsettled, but waiting lir Christ and the Crone to the very best higher bids. of your ability, and we know that your Coffee, b, considerably mired. ministry high a good) fruit. Your Fresh fish. active and slippery. philosophy and ideals have been In be thanbarley. 0 40 Bowey, /rash Meats. Wholesale. aumnanummmmonumuummumimmmmmnnmmmmmnmmmmmunnunnnmmnnn�mn� Refreshing Time; troffer,', Beef. hindquarters. cot $29 00 to $31 00 Ea Clin- Beet. choice sides. cwt.. 23 00 a 00 = Beef , forequarter, cwt.. IA 00 19 00 ton by W r lt. H.me•, in Shepkerrd- Beef, medium, cwtf 20 60 22 00 _ Um by J.H. Simpson, b is.. Beef. common, ow h V. Artnstruug, and 1u Fordwlch by 11. Lambe, iydabliapc lb lions ria. i mutton cwt. ADI'T. J real, Ifo. 1, cwt Val, medium. cwt 1 `Hogs, 120 to 150 Ib.. cwt. 26 1.0 27 00 ga. heavy. cwt , 20 00 22 00 itry Prices Seine Paid to Producer, .• Weight Prices- , = CflJckehs, crate -fed, Ib..00 35 to 8.••• Ch kens, 1b. •••• Hine under 4% lbs.. Ib0 30 S Hens, 414 to 6 lbs. Ib0 33 Hens Over 6 lbs„ 500 34 0 23 •••• - Roostsr'l. Ib. •••• Ducks. 10. , 0 35 sass ,..- ILA G. CAMERON. K. C., BARRIS TRS. solicitor, notary tk publi i Othre ilemedtoa Street. (.oderrch• roal aesre. 'Irina Wilda to Iwo at lowest est.0. e C. HAYS. �tK�, B ARlt18TPUBSIOI SOLICITOR,. uarce- Sterling Bank' Block. Haadlton Suisse Gedercb. Tekyhone M. Real Estate. Loam and Insurance. ...` PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. Once on the !Num ah e, NA. und,door from 44ass0 oe buret. bade+ Private Iced to loan at lowest rates] W.Peo0tw0UT. K C. J L..KIU.0.Aa it. .1 D Coma. �Ia ARLEES GARROW, LL. B., BAR RIS•) kR. at Wlnay. eota:,tur, etc., Godasiek• �a//ewaa�ell Wawa in lived rate. ,, SEAGER BAkRiSTER. SOL- 'spired nulery, public and d �r �0 oe-f.osrt Hour, Godrrkh spired) by tae life and teaching of Jeans thrust. y, Oftentimes we might have aided and s Nlhiskey, still going down. encouraged )'041 fusee in your goal ions, strong and rising. Breadstuff h 15 nn 17 00 12 iso 14 00 = n 28 0 30 5= 22 105 2400 •2 24 les 2000 Deaard- Wheat. a grain Cir Eggs, quiet, but espect (0 open up' Chickens. cute -ted. Ib..f0 34 to 10 3e Hens ns, Ib. 0 32 0 35 >_ Hens under 45 la., Ib0 30. .. • • ,ft,, - Hens Hens oyer 6'lbw.. Ib0 35 alas Hens, 414 to 6 ribs., lb0 3..... C Roosters Ib. 0 25 C work, but we are all human and erring• Please accept this purse, as • slight token of our affection and esteem. and may much success and happiness at- tend you and your entv.•med wife and family in yo)(tr new field of labor. except foolscap, which Is stationery. (Signal on behalf JOIIM ;congregation) BE ATTY1on I Tobacco, very low. and has a downward H. COURTNEY. tendency. Silytr, rinse. but not dose enough to get hold of. Cheese, s, cavy. h market I Turkeys.young Ib 0 45 ... I C Boots and shoes. those in the mar 'e Turkeysold, IA 0 17 sass are soled and are constantly going up and Wheises)O Seeds. down. No. 1 alsike, cwt $32208000.060 to f. •.. Hats and caps, not as high as last year. No. 2 shrike. cot .. I C No. 3 alalke. cwt No. 1 red clover, cwt47 00 •„ I.- No. 2 red clover. cwt45 s.1 = No. 3 red clover. cwt40 40 00 cwt • • MOTORIST$: Consideration for the ('onvenienee and Safe)) of Others I'orm. lite Basis of All Reasotablr 1 t se of the Public Highways. Drive carefully at street intersections, particularly when entering a main thor- oughfare. The great majority of acci- dents Happen at street intersections. At street intersections, a motor car approaching from your rght-hand side has the right -et -way. In the presence of danger there is no right-of-way. It is your duty to prevent 1 accident under any circumstances. Reckless driving is always illegal. no I• lively. aocer• matter what the speed. The majority of fast drivers have INWRANCE. LOANS. ETC. nothing to do when they get there They - are a menace to themselves. to those IOP MUTLAL FiRE INSUR-, whom they pass, and a nuisance to &1M CKIL .i Aril E Co. -Fenn and isolated town prop- erty rop 'rted O`ts-Jas. Connolly. Pres. (:oderubP. 0.; Jai, Evac•. Ywe-fres., Beechwood 1'. 0.. Thoma, a:. Hage, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth P.0 .R No. 3, Sea- DDecdora-D. V. McGregor, R. attn. John G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton. Witham k It No. 2. 5nforth: ohn Hennewis. people who reside along the road. W hen you meet a vehicle, pass on the �• right: when you overtake one, pass on the left. Do not "cut in." When you overtake a vehicle, and another is approaching. iters► : Malcolm o. , sea I cuetOnl and safety give the right-of-way to e.°ds'`res' clew. McCartney. rdaching vehicle. 5th, 'Kober'. Eery Harwich: Malcolm Me- ames�vans. Btecbwood, lames the app n a d- Ib not change peed or director u 1050 tie (iodertck. d' nu: J. W. Yeo (,odrlch; Aka. L.eilek.I wtn c hnlw,. J O e a dentia Indicate your intention by hot Ing IC R. No 1, Clinton. William ChesseY• Sedorth, IL. Htrchky. Se•1 la�k1 a ved vl Your band up if you wish to stop. and to ed payments and g is usually a t ar behind you. yorreh's Clothing Store Clinton• R. H. Cott s Do not drive with glaring headlights. Grocery, Kingston street, CROW", or J. H• peid'►l.rnera Store. Hayfield. Pedestrians who have started to Cross a street at a reastti-nable distance from an approaching motor call have the right to do so at the pace of an ordinary walk. and the motorist has no right to compel pedestrians to rush or run for safety by the insolent blowing of the horn. SLACKEN speed when approaching pedestrians. blow the horn if thought necessary to warn them. but permit them to cross the street in safety at a reasonable Remember there are old people, )invalids and chi dren. The foregoing rules for motorists do not excuse pedestrians who fail to LOOK before stepping from the curb or attempt- ing to cross the street. or who inconnder- ately or unnecessarily stroll or stand still in front of a car• compelling the motorist uID. Pobey res Iiw,r tarda recrtps at •.J• the tide if you are going to turn. There ■USIG ISABEL R. SCOTT, TEACHERpIrppeaOF Coaservai'WY aln'rPiano and (hg� a Apply at 64it, P. W CURRIk'S. Britannia road. FREDERIC T. EGENER, Mus. Bac. SINGING TIANOFOR'rE PIPE ORGAN Studio nest' to P. J. MacEwan's Garage i Brophe} Breis. dfl day. 1 Ile Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carefully attended to at all bribes, night. or DOM/RICH END STOMACH TROUBLE, d► • GASES OR DYSPEPSIA e'Pape'e ellapspalna maks sick, noww, gassy stomachs surely feel floe In Ave minutes. If what 7041 jnat ate G enuring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, or you belch gas and •rnetats soar, uadfgeeted food, or lave a feeling of dissimer, heartburn, fullness, nation% had taste in month and stomach -head- ache, you can get relief 1n flve minutes by neutralising aeldlty. Pte an end to arch stomach Motives now by getting a large fifty rest ma* of Papa's T)iapepefa from asy drag store. a Yen rwalls* 1n Owe Warta* how awedloss It is to suffer from ledigestlnr, dyep.pda of any stirs - twit disorder ceased by food ferfpatatles dlae to sz sealve add is stassa11L • to jamb the brakes and shift gears. The I pedestrian should LOOK and have con- sideration for the convenience of the approaching motorist, as well as for his own safety. When on a street of small houses and large families. and the family principally in the street. especially after school hours -DRIVE SLOWLY. A chi'd is not responsible under the law. You are. ' Young and inexperienced drivers fre• quently drive with the muffler open. Un- necessary noise is illegal and objectionable. If you drive for "hire, pay or gala," it is illegal to do so without pawning the prescribed examination and obtaining a t'rovincial license. it is illegal to employ a chauffeur who has not a driver's license, and who is not registered for the year. See that every driver in your employ wears the badge. Iles your tort in king into Ho noted) for grswl and cereful driving' School of Commerce. CLINTON AND GODERICH, Ontario Easter T. Ma 22, '11 • C URS �j.I General General Our work is better than many and equal to any. Special inducements offered to those entering after Easter Holidays. For further particulars write to B. F. Ward, LA., M. CCOA, Phone °OS Clinton, Ont. NiGHT CLASSES Tuesday and Thursday No, 1 timothy, No. 2 timothy. cwt 11 on • , , • No. 3 timothy, cwt 12 00 •... CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. 1-= J. P. Blcke❑ & -Co., Standard Bank the) (•hicago�Beard ofrt the tollowiTradeng prices on C eats- Prev.I Open. High. Low. Close. Close. May .. 169 172 1655 166 170'4 July 16854 170% 1116 145% 168111 Sept ..- 16456 107 102% til% 164% iE Date-. May .... 7274 71% A time to look forward to with pleasure and a time to look back to with satisfaction. That is what you can make of housecleaning time if you visit WALKER'S TWO BIG STORES, where you will find countless ways of brightening up and freshening up your home at little expense. Since Christmas time we have been selecting and preparing for the spring rush and we have two stores full to the doors with all manner of merchandise for the spring trade. - July ... 73% 73 Sept. ... flit 72,4 Pork - May ... 52.75 July. 51.60 Lard- May . 32 90 July 31.50 Rib.- ' May ... 28 SO 28.75 288.50 28.57 21.117 July "rLE MARK> 50 TS Have you renewed your subscription to The Signal for 1919? A Few Lines in Store No. 1 FURNITURE QF ALL KINDS RUGS OILCLOTH LINOLEU MS JAPANESE MATTINGS FURNITURE COVERINGS SILVERWARE CRETONNES STATUARY PICTURES ELECTRIC LAMPS CLUB BAGS TRUNKS SILVER CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS TRAYS LACE AND MADRAS CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS JARDINIERES, IN BRASS AND POTTERY - In Store No. 2 FANCY CHINA OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NOVELTIES PHONOGRAPHS PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, CABINETS, Etc We do Picture Framing neatly and promptly. A visit to our store will be very interesting --no obligation to buy. It is a pleasure to show you through our two stores. You can be the judge as to the best place to spend your money. Wesley Walker House Furnisher Often the Cheapest -Always the Best Phones : Store 89, Res. 197 Undertaking 71567156 724 691,k 70if" 7154 "Y. TOHHHHOHOHHHINUM NHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHOH NHH INNINHOHHHOWNI iHINNOr 6954 63.26 52.75 52.90 63.35 61.60 61.10 51.10 51.75 31.00 22.40 32.60 32.07 32.25 31.220 31.60 31.02 EEE EEi gi UNION NTOL7( YARDS. TORONTO, April 29. -With a run of 2596 head of cattle to be exact, on the Union Stock Yards market yes- terday, following the light receipts of week, the niarket for all classes of cattle with the exception of heavy export steers (of which there was only one toad) was decidedly strong. All classes, especially the lighter Quality butcher steers and heifers, were in active demand, and sold well and more would have found a ready market. Butcher cows and bulls were strong, and there was a good demand 1 for stockers and feeders and their young cows for grazing purposes. There was a heavy run of calves (872), and the price fell away any- where from $1 to 81.50 per cwt., with i sheep and lambs held steady. The hog market. with' ,a run of 2616, held steady, selling at 21%e f.o.b. Beginning to -day the price for fed and watered hogs will be 2214 c, and for f.o.b. hogs 2114c, a straight one dollar difference. A Jewel of the Highlands. The "Lake of Bays- is one of the jewels in the great chain of lakes reached through Huntsville on the Grand Trunk, 14.5 miles north of Toronto, and is one of tle most b alutifui of Ontario's summer resort dis- tricts. Hotels to suit all pockets, good fishing, perfect immunity from hay fever, golf and zany other attractions await the viaih r. The altitude of this lake is 1,1100 feet above the sea level. which ensures j invigorating and pure air. Handsome illustrated derripttve literature sent free. Apply to C. E. Horning. D.P.A.. Tmmnto, Ont. Mirkst Reports. The editor was busy when he called and asked: "How are the markets ^" He was referred to the oMoe wit, wbo looked if in Trouble t• it h a leak in yon::: plumbing, call n< and let US menti it. Don't put it off until it becomes so bail that your place may be flooded). "A stitch in time saves pine." G FRED. HUNT "THC PLUMBLR" Hamilton Meese PlunihinR Eaveatntughing Phone 130 Heating Metal Work IIABT BUFFALO LIVE STOCK- Haat Buffelo, Nilo', S . Cattle -Receipts, 5,500: atees sw, to 50c lower; prime steers $17 to 116; shipping steers. 816 to $16.50; butchers 810 to 811,50; yearlings 810 to 116.50; heifers 00 to 814.50; cows 85.50 to $12.50; bulls 07.60 to 012.50; stockers aha feeder* 84 to 813; flesh cows and springers 163 to 1160. Calves -Receipts. 3,700; active, 15e ' lower; 66 to 113.50. Hag. -Receipts. 16/00• active, 4011 lower. Heavy, mixed and Yorkers., 121; light yorkers 819 to 819.50; pigs 819 to 019.25; roughs. 818.50 to 616.75; stags 812 to 815. • Sheep and lan,be-•-Receipts, 10,000; lambs 25c to 35c lower. 1 Wool lambs. 611 to 820.50: clipped 1 Iambs, 610 to 817.50; yearlings. $10 to 16.50; wethcre, 113.50 to 114: ewes, 86 to 113; mixed .i'•cp 813 to 813.50. CHICAGO LIVE STOCIL Chicago, April 28. -Hogs -Receipts, 11,- 000; market opened 10c to 20c lower; one lad sold at 820.95; estimated tomorrow, 34,000; bulk of sales, $20.60 to 820.76; heavyweight. $215.70 to 320.55; medium eiht, 00 to $20.75. 220.50 to light, 818.Nlwtog 120.66 sows $14.75 to 120.25; pigs, 817.35 u is.71. llattl.-Receipts, 25,000: compared with Thursday. a fey choice beef steers steady; butcher cattle mostly 25c - to 400 )Ower; calves 541c lower; stockers and feeders 25c lower; estimated tomorrow, 10,N00: heavy bees neer., 111.88 to 820; light bed steers. 810.25 to 8(7.05; butcher sows and helfers. 17.66 to 816: canners and cutters. 16.85 to 110.25; vest (Alves. {12 to 113.60; mockers and Metier steers, 01.60 to 115.0. Sheep and lambs--Reealpta, 16,00; opened strong: prised off early; closed steady to the lower; estimated tomorrow, 10000. lambs. 84 I0a down, 017.76 to 111.65; 1115 I55 up, 11715 to 110.00: eons, I to 817 25: springs, 11111 8a to121. F,v es: odium, good and choice, 811.76 to 816.60: rano and common, 0 to 811.76. Grain - 1. 0. filed atlor judge of windanr or sem County, paentaoafa atter a brief Illness. Below Your Equator there is, in the form of the intestinal canal, a wonder- ful laboratory, within which are manufactured the very materials which are vitally necessary to sustain life, and also violent poisons which directly and indirectly cause disease and death. Food waste, if allowed to accumulate, stagnates and gives rise toisonous mat- ter. This,11 allowed to be absorbed into the blood, produces 90% of the dis- ease that attacks mankind, from a transient neuralgia to a permanent hardening of the arteries. Bright's disease, liver trouble heart enlargement, high blood pressure, skin affections, rheumatism, in- somnia,nervous exhaustion, mental affections, all may he caused by such self-poison- ing, the warning of which is obstinate or habitual con- stipation. Nor is it safe or sufficient to take castor oil, pills, salts, mineral waters, etc , in the effort to force the bowels to move. Not only will the constipation grow worse with the continuance of such remedies, but the dose must he constantly in- creased with an ever - weakening effect. But Nujol acts differently - and successfully. Nujol is not a drug --docs not act like any drug. Nujol brings about thorough and natural bowel evacua- tion, at regular intervals, be- cause it helps Nature to re- store and to maintain the proper mechanism by which body waste is removed and its stagnation prevented. Nujol overcomes constipa- tion by removing its causes. Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and send coupon for free booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger." Warning: in sreled holttee hearing the Mika Trade 81I.rk, Insist ow Nn)oI. You may safer from eub•titutea. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. fNRW JERSEY) 50 areadwar: NM Yoh Nujol Laboratories, tadard Oil co. (New Jer..7), S Feeoo. wPros/. New York. Ploss mad me free booklet "Thirty Meager''-esestipstfoa deto•ieloziation is adults. Name Addrtisa._ -----• --- --•