HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-5-1, Page 1.. ._......•.-..w,,.isdPil'r'.'r'. _ . ."'!tells 1 r 1' ROA A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 4 THE SIGNAL for the remainder of 1919 for $ $SV lTY-F111MT YtiAR-No $7111 j GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 1. 1914 THE SIGNAL PRIN1 ING CO.. LIMITED. Pcatlaraa THE STE1'BANK F CANADA rw SAVE, Because - Your welfare of tomorrow demands it is the time to start some of those Owjobs you were putting off UNTIL AFTER THE WAR Fids Belle of Paints, Beaver Beard and Beading Material always in Steck. Phone 47 THE GODERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltd. JAS. BI'CHANAN, Manager FOR SALE OR RENT. SALE.-MODERNrRED BRICK i how. on Trafalgar *treat; alae targe. bright every convenience. Apply to R. C HAY. Goodrich. or MRS. C. BECK, ISM Dsmdss *.rest. Toronto. OROPERTY BARGAINS. yiA well-built frame hone on Trdalemr Wrest. id r Pew 510. dsePsne Madone to y 1M. and churches. Su vacant beta on Huron rood. in cne block; Ur. bast Arden pound in God n ch. for 1430. The W. E. Kelly loom on Church greet- Ons of the bwt properties in Goderich. M ccoo- Venie * elaronary tube, W.R etc. for MOW.a wad ad frame bow, two Iotaa,, new etabW. he. Irsease. prod fent tress. for al,taa. T. GUNDRY. 1110 Pb'one 115. Goderich. WANTED. COOKCOOK WANTED AT ICE. -APPLY surge INTENDE T of AbrvMra Manilal. l l (WARDERS WANTED. -EL DOR- Jt) ADO, West street. Convenient to Square. and lake. Rates reasonable. M. J. LE, .bII ANTED. -MARRIED WOMAN and kagb.n d. *Doan must be 'mod cook. man .bbl w wait on table and help about ammo and attend to lawn and (bwen ferments' mho with bathroom: four in fanny. gages 1-10 =mint h. Rda erences required. Pus.tn open Gane 1st. Address P. 0. PDX lilt, Goderch. Out. et.2t PUBLIC NOTICE. DR. . F. J. R. FORSTER. 11 EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late Holm Burgeon New York Ophthalmic G ad Aural Hospital, assistant at Molreldd's E ye Hospital aad Golden Square Throat Hole • London Eng. IS Waterton St. S.. Stratford. Telephone IE. At Bedford Hotel, Gorlerich. from Wednee day. May 21, 7 p. in.. to Thursday. ttnd. at 1 MEETINGS. I1ODERICH ELEVATOR A N D lT TRANSIT COMPANY. LIMITED. Take notice that the I general meeting of no shareholders e( the Godench Elevator and Transit Company. Limited will be heed in the *hove tha Unary hank corner North stereeet and Sloan, Goderich. ( tarn on Wed- aeeday• Marr •th. 1910. al 12 o'd-,ck moon for the election of directors for the ennuis'` yes* and the transection of any other buoness that may prop- erly be bought before the meeting. G.L.PARSONS, Sec. -Tree. Gmleeich, Ontario. April 22nd. 1519. r -2t CRAiGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FORD 1917 Rnnabotlt, in first-etas.4 condition, newly painted and overhauled. Will he sold at a bargain. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold. Fire. i,ife and Accident Insurance J. W. CRIIIGIE 'AOT OR FOUND. LOST. -IN GOD 1CH, ON THURS- DAY IN 1st. three ten -dollar bills. finder will be rewarded on lessonnsg at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. JOHN PITBLADO. FOR LLE. AQUANTITY OF GOOD SEED POTATOES to este. Appy to WILLIAM WALTER. R. R. No. C Godencb. Telephone las. 64-11 I IREELMAN BROS. KNITTING 1 / machine..at aloes*/ et 135 and only dare! used. for ask at a brawn Apply to MRS. W. L. HORTON. .s -n B ock. farm Photos CODERICH ORGAN CO. BANQUET. • Happy Occasion When Employees and Employers Gather Together. A Unique .yeti, and Inn' whtob was t•ujoyed by all wile had the privilege of taking part in 11. was the banquet tendered by the president and directors of the (Foderich Organ Company, Ltd., to Itis employers et Hotel Bedford haat Friday eight. About seventy eat rouud the lawn!, the number including. In addltieu to the factory staff, the Mayor anti neaten! of the towu coun- cil, and representatives of other local mauufacturing establishments, r The tw.su was first --lass, and tbe lan- quetters were further eutertahted by a mnsk•al Program played by the "Royal Talking Mat•hite." a phonograph which Is manufactured by the Gole•- rieb organ 4'o. The after-dinner program was com- menced with a few remarks from Mr. 4'has. K. Saunters, oeer(•tery-1rt'asurer of the o'ompmny, who acted as chair- tnau. Mr. 4atmdrre. outlining ole policy of the memlers of the company, iaftd they were a,t trying to line their px•kets, but they wished, along with their employees, to live rightly, t0 exen•ise their prh•flrges as cltizeun, educate their children anal work out their deathly. Mr. A. Saunders''Trip. Mr. Alex. Salimier*, president otthe' Cowpony. who a few days before had returiusl from a three months' trip abrowd. gave a most interesting •e- l-ount of his exterl#nes awl impres- sions. The Lyons fair. which he bad gorse over to attend. was not what ('uiutdian manufacturers hail taro led to lGelieve It would he. They nutter - stood It was to he a witkruul fair under the supervision awl control of the Frena•h Government. taking the place of the Leipsk• fair in Geruauy. Can - Stant manufacturers were Invited to AUCTION SALES. .4UCTION SALE OF A COMFORT- ABLE COTTAGE AND GOOD GARDEN T. SITUATED ON BRUCE STREET. GODERICH. 1 am instructed by the owner to ell obis prop- erty by pablc auction. at the auction rooms. Hamilton street. Goderlch. on SATURDAY MAY. nth. at 2 o'clock p. es. It .s well situated tn a `old pan of the town• oonvenlent to churches, schools and factories. Torras. -Ten per cent. of purchase money at tiara of sale. balance in a' days, or will accept Victory bonds an payment. Premises can be in. spected at any time up Iodate of sale. Poresaun at once. SALE- BLED -TO -LAY TOM T. GUNDRY. Auctioneer. [ S_C Moe Leghorn and Barred botching A SALE O FARI11, FARM liarhve AISH.uck oceans apeecea at ARRlhpl. Leckrrow R. R 52-1*. tw41 r. Lj'OR SALE. - ONE COW. COMING six yeah old, ds* in June, one horse. rwn` three yeas old. No. 1 driver, can n ! minutes: me cb,kens, all layion andtaw NOM - JOS MURRAY Kmg Edward hotel. Kinnton Street. 6�t1 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 33 per single cora. delivered, THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. CARD OF THANES. 11 E WISH TO EXPRESS OUR sincere thanks to neKfi s and friends foe k indorse and sympathy shown during the illness and at the death of our beloved husband and 4.ther. MRS. JACOB ELSLEY AND SON. TENDERS WANTED. .yam. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED 1 to the undersigned and endorsed •Tender (orlRetammg:watl at hayfield. Ont." will be re- ceived at tha place until 120'CLOCK NOON. TUESDAY. MAY 7s'. 1919. for the constrection of a retaining wall in lieu of present superstructure on part of North Pier, at Bayfield. Huron County, Ont. Plans and forme of contract can he seen and specifications and logms of tender obtained at this Department, at the office of the District En• Kinser, Eqquity Huddi g. Toronto. Ont , and at the Post Office, Hayfield. Ont. Tenders roll aril be considered unless made un printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must he accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Woks. equal to 10 p c. of the amount of the tend. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will Gino he accepted as secunty.or War Bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. Ntrrt.-Blue prints can be obtained •t this Ili' partnnnt by depositing en accepted hank cheque For the sum of 110, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. which .01 he returned if the intending bolder submit a regular Md. Hy order, R. C. DESROCHERR. !Sect entry. Department of Public Works, (xuwa, Apra '2x, 1115. 11.21 UCTION F STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR W. ALBERT CAMPBELL will over for ale by public sactlon. et eau part of hot 26. clncess.on S. West Wawanah tihree and a-lall mil, north of Auburn!. on FRIDAY. MAY 9th, commencing at 1 Paw. -Eau part of lot .Y., concession -.. Wen W,.anal. containing SY acres more or less. The son( is • good loam, 15 acres seeded down. mostly to alfalfa. 17 acres of oats sowed, 2 acres an orch- ard and garden, 11 acres in permanent pasture. which is watered by • never -falling spring. also 10 acres fair bush. There n also • never !ailing spring in the barnyard. Barn is e05e feet, with stone .tabltng underneath, all in good repair. Two-story frame house tn120 feet con mens'(. downetatrs. kitchen, pantry. trent and back parlor; upstairs. hall and three bedrooms. There n also • summer kitchen and woodshed 141220 feet. all in good repair. Hard water convenient to kitchen. Morins rte driving horse, 14 years old; 1 diving mare. it years old. CATTIg.-(hie cow. 6 years old. with calf at foo; 1 cow. rising IS yein old. due August N; 1 cow, rising 6 years old- supposed to be in calf; 1 tow, rising P years old, with call at loot, 1 cow rising 6 year. old, due n erne, 1 eo, rising old. due in June ( cow. nsi� g h years) old; supposed to be focal!; 1 heeler, rising 4 years old. nearly fat; 1 heifer. rising 2 yeah old; 2 steers, rising 2 years old. 1 heifers, tion[ 1 year old; 1 steer, Hung 1 year old; 1 heifer, 7 months old; 1 steer calf, 8 menthe old. PIGS. -One Yorkshire Mood sow and 6 pigs 5 1-2 weeks old; 1 sow. ddr before sale. One collie dog, M hens mostly last year's pullets. IMnastor rs. Etc. -One good top buggy, 1 Perrin two -furrow plow. 1 Massey -Hans disc harrow. 1 set single ha nes, I cook stove. Teats. -Farm -Ten per cent. on day of ale. balance in ten days, when ponesuon Nide be even. Chattels -Sun. under $10, coal; over that amount, a months' credit wilt be given on lurni•h- iwg approved joint notes Four pet rent. discount straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. The farm to he sold subject to reserved bid, but everything eine will he sold, es the proprieter is pomp We.l. W, ALBERT CAMPBELL, T. GUNDRY Proprietor. Auctioneer. sen) their goods *r exhibition and Nile, with the prespect of meeting buyers from alluv the world. They toted that. h of its being a natiotul fair, It .woe uwnd and con- trolled by the Ma and members of tip• count -if of Lyng, and ■dtantege wax taken of the oefask,n by the mer- chants anti hete4Yreylers of the city to double or treble Ir prices. Thin was evidently a detllerate plan, for the pentane -1St residents of the city were furnished wfth cards by menu. of which they could purchase article. at the regular price. Buyers came 10 the fair, but not 15 the numbers ex- pected: must were looking for agea'le.. ra The exltlbt. +11 M dixtribnte Gamest of duty [wind there woe INFORMAL DANCE by the GODERiCH ORCHESTRA in Oddfellows' Hall WEDNESDAY EVE., MAY 7th Dancing 9 to 1 o'clock Admission 50c w 1111 Memorial Organ Recital and Concert IN KNOX CHURCH, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 15 • •FRF.DERIC TRISTRAM KORNER, Mus. Rte. slatted by Mina K. Lyttle, Soprano Miss E. Robertson. Pianist Mist E. McCaughey. Pianist Mina L. Judson, Pianist Mies Grace Seager. Violinist and Knox Church Choir 25 CZNTS ADMISSION, Proceeds for tM placing of a tahlet to the memory of Theo. Sunbury. late organist of Knox church, and a grant to Soldiers' Memorial Fund. for the manufact tort were not al catalogues without upon them, and th(T au embargo In Ilium* na forelgu sanufaetured good" The French ex- pected to tell t'saKulinua their silks, Gating, perfumes, jewellery, wines, etc., two did not wars to buy Canadian goals, except fua¢4nea. Their ex- cuse. when taken to task for this attitude, was that they had auffered severely from the war and wished to keep their uwrkets for their own people. When It tots suggested that *hey shindd open their doors to those who had helped triune in the war. the French slid not r'espntl. The ('an- adians were greatly appreciated, but Hwy was no irerriple in clanging them about font prier : they were supposed to be milltotairee. However, W spite of thew• draw - (sacks, Mr. Maunders said he expected good restdt, eventually from Isla visit to Lyons. He took the names of all visitors to his exhibit, awl made Gr- raugenwntx to! doing brutineiea through agent. in European and North African e111111trips. - Mr. Saunders vlidted Britain and was able to dome :no tame eery con- siderable I. uilnesr there. In France ttarelllitg Conditions were sen vexatious that I.e did not make a visit to the derasta:wt areas. Speaking of the poor military ar- rangements in Fn nee, Mr. Hauutlere mold the deetrue•tlol, -vttused by the war might he a hlram(n - is dbiptise, if the 1111 unsanitary to rug were rebuilt under cameleer' c•+ Alt ions. He had .'iota# hack to Cana la and to Ontario with the feeling 111.•• we were blssiwrl with tie ardent i•uurery ander the wen. In F'nsnee he saw a Llrge forests, no tarns such as we 6..rr lin Ontario, to herb of cattle or .'Leap lit t4W Breda. The French darasero were thrifty to I the punt of t1resa ".a 1.g thew- ' spites ('140 ts,Vtntlt'Af. 11te in order to gave money. AR an lfltwtration of the lack of modern c onreulet (es, Mr. Saunders stated that In J yons, with a peruam1'nt population' of4110,1100 people, he Was told there were perhaps tweuty-flys bathrooms. The horrors were well built, but were loll71t1 dis- mal. Mr. Saunders+ had an idea that Great Britain might dessert its, flee tra(Te polk7 ■wd become ■ "tariff country," The manufacturers were trying to dare the special war tariff retain l or ' w r n s's!. In Canada there should he an effort to maintain a large volume of exports, which would require the co-operation of all workers. The preu*nt high transportation rates were a grist haudiesp, lout alien the troops were all in -might home the rates would 1e r1• - ductal. Panda must prepare for strung competition. hut elle had the fittest timber, the anent metals. an Ox- tlu.dve psoession In her nickel. and great resources in her fisheries and gra ht-pr.alueing lands. Labor troubles in Britain were so acute that menu- fneturers were talking of moving ont ani valuing to Canada. There was never a more favorable opportunity for onr hoard of Trade to reach out with all aggressive policy to mecum m•ulnfactitring Industries for the town. G4111F:RIt'1f," gelid Mr. Saunders, "IS THE ('ENTRE. OF TIIE WORLD." That was the right way to look at it. M,nufal•turets could Phil) from lwre just as readily as from any other plate In- the world. alnnufseturert In (ioslp- rich 11111111 ship by the (WO MR 111 Can- adian railways, or by lake, could pro- cure cheap Inn!, eould 'secure abunl- anee of labor by advertising for It, and would he granted all reasonable cun•plxoms loy the town. ''ower prices were a bit wrong, but he hoped the Board of Trade would continue 1110 cunip algu with regard to this. A vine-lkaur Day. Mr. Sauaalerx then made the an- nouncement that the l'owpany had dos -biro! to Inaugurate ou May 1st the nine -hour day, gls•lug the employees' the name pa)' as for ten hours. (This announcement wan reeeived with en- thnalasm.l The men, he mold, must realise that work must be produced to meet eowpetition. It must he borne in 11111111, (00, that living condition in the clues were not so geaxi am lu (,ode- rich. Workmen's 1101111.14 were not so gdaal, rent, fuel and provisions were hitcher; so that if city wages were higher no were city expenses. -You may visit the clues." said Mr. Saun- ders in cont•luslou, "and you will not flan anywhere such a tine, reepctable, gtPsl-latklug lot of fellows as we have here tonight." (Applause.) Other ],payor SV Speeches. coulated Mr. Nauudera ou lila Rafe return, 00 the sin's$$ of his trip. ata{ on the an- nouncement he had Just wade In Idle with the movement for shorter hqurs. He wax glad to tar labor awl capital were nnuing closer together. Otte W/1/1 of 110 tae without the other. Mr. F. G. Weir, of the 4./!'gall Co. staff, gave the gathering a "bit of Fkotch"-a nn•Itatfou of "Tam o' Shatter," which he rendeae(1 in good 5(714' nal with the rent thing in Soots a(vellt. Mr. ('has. K. Saunders. made a refer- ,eu1w to the campaign of the \Vestern rarmrr' for tariff realuvtlou. Aug a movement which would open ',Canadian markets to United States maiufactureri, he maid that the ('an- ad1an Manufacturer was handicapped for snc'h t•ompetltlon in the absetxw of such a large market 11. the 111auu- facturers across the line bud. There they could standardize goats, produce fu large quautltiss anti place thew on the market cheaply. air: C. I.. More, of the Dominion Road Machinery Co., spoke of what Goderich owed to Mr. Alex. Saunlerl for his enteryrMw. He lad built up , hos htsfless by the saute "Tell' he had ',shown in inking this trip across the 1 mew Hts einployees should is• prowl of him -"a man who at his age would make ouch efforts to build, up Imehtergt for hi, firs'- and for you." The t{,raker Pahl the workingmen of Goole - 'rich were as intelligent as any, and mach swore NO than in some plates he had seen. He urged them to 'tan, by Mr. 4xmuders by sticking to Mishit -ea mud Daving not ■ god output. He endorsed ole previous mp aker•s re- marks ou the tariff gn.o'tiou and pro - waled a motion calling upon the Gov- ernment not to hake any dreatic chnnige•a In tistariff at the prasent there. . Mr. It. J. aeegaw, of the Western Canada Flour 31111.. Co., seconded Mr. 31. -tort's motion. 110 stoke of the Pleasure with which he attended this lanpnet when. employers and em- ' ployees met together under such Pleasant conditions. The revolution on the tariff aa/1 put to the meeting and was carried by a stowing/ tote. air. Alex. Saunders said two gentle- ' men were pr•*rnt who had' assisted hint financially in his younger days -- 1 Sheriff Reynolds alai Mr. A. 4. ('hrystal. Sheriff 111•[11(/111/1 WAS /skl'11 for a recitation. 1114 he didn't give ft, de- livering ioaten d a (11 1111t1' to 31r. Saunders, w1 he said lie had ktimtn from sellout days anti had slwnys r1•sps•tld. He sal' x self-made 11151 11, w•1/0 11,,sI What IW hill to his own industry and intelligence. The Sheriff thought the announe- talent which hall Just been made, of 'hurter working hours, wing n splendid evidence that labor WKS eomItnE into Its ow -11. He thought labor should not be too aggressive; progress wins 11)x(14' only by gradual improvement. air. Chrystal sated If he had .ssisted Mr. Saunders in utguue times the !woe - fit wag not till on one side --"if i IWlmsl him, 111' Ix•lIsd 1114'." lie hoped that after showing such pluck in going overseas to look up business Mr. Pelulders w•1111141 Ie amply rewarded. In return for the confidence 0111) h• hod Moms! in then! 111' Is•lilk'cd Mr. Saunders' employees' would (ho a/1 much work In little hours as they had form- erly done in tel. It wax after 11 O(•la•k w'IWI' •4101 Hare the Xing" was sung, followed, on the suggestion of one 01 the factory - men, by "He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and thew cheers for President 4a u ndt•rs. Docx=c5CxxXXxxXXxxxXxxXXxXX Goderich Board of Trade Efforts to have Goderich choxn as the place of meeting for the Lon- don Methodist Conference have been successful, and it is estimated that three hundred Ministerial and Lay Delegates will attend the session which will be held during the first week in June. Delegates are to h • billeted in the homes of the people, and the local hilleting committee will be pleased to hear of anyone who can accommodate delegates in their home during the session. it i. an honor to Goderich to have the privilege to welcome and en- tertain representatives from all parts of Western Ontario. and the co- operation of every citizen is veru much desired to make this event a real SUM'S!. ' Kindly hand in your name. stating the number of delegates you can accommodate, to Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, or to the officers of the hilleting committee. The Loral Billeting Committee, •- REV. J. E. FORD, W. S. BOWDEN, Chairman. Secretary. May 1st, 1919 M188 DOULTON'S VISIT. Danquetted by 1. O. D. E. and liter Gives an Address in /be Court Holme. A very pleasing *atilt took plaee In the alasoulc Temple mt Monday even- ing, when the three chapters of the Ifaughters of the Empire Joined to do honor to Miss /'onetatce Boulton, of Toronto. Seventy ladies were present. A dainty Kopper was served by Mr. Blackstone and a plest'ant social time was spent over ole tea -table. Mrs. ('arrie, regent of the Abmeek Chapter, {weighted anti Illtrohletd the ip.ttkrr of the evening. intim Boulton aeaure(1 her hearer. that, although the I. G. I). E. throughout the Ihmainlon had 0ou- trlbuted 44.4(00,004) In money, besides tons of 'supplies, during the four years of war, their work was not nearly done yet. There were still the problems of the MAfmpd ?will lerx anti the erinetttlon of children and of foreigiwr', Her ad- dte,w was most interesting amt was flattened to with great attention. At the close a hearty vote of thanks wan tendered to her, 1111 motion of Mims Dleksou and Mrs. WI11Iamo, . This was, it bK said, the nett banquet ever given by the ladles of Goderich and it was greatly enjoyed. Later In the evt•iii 1g a public meet- ing held In the court house was ad - dreamed by a1I.s button, who gave a most titrre•stiaig (t)wtneutary on 11 aeries of I'.S British official war pictures thrown on the s•r(•1•n by stere-optheoi. Thr heroism and dogged perseverance of the 7'otimiew, the vital rqulpment 111111 the splendid organiza- tion built up by the British army dur- ing the war, the daring attack upon Zeebrugge-- • of the moa.( brilliant episodes of the whole wur-and other plass of the great conflict were illus- trated by word and picture, anti the photographs of many of the leading p•rs4Iallttes of the war were shown. At the *lose of the address. W10ch was given in an able manner, a vote of dunks wax teudersd to Miss Itoulto, nu motion of Judge Dk•laou and 'tet•. .1. II. theerhuut. Rev. A. h. G. Clarke acted an chair- men shit made a brief appeal 111 be- half of the Navy league, under whose anspirn. along with the i. 0, 1). F., the address was given. 1. 0. 0. F. ANNIE ERS %Rl . do their hest in the rcOnsterwtISR clays to slake the world the best pea - Able place 111 which to dwell. The sermon was very pleasing to the members of the (order, and several wee 114,41 111 to declare it was the best dellt•eralsr of the kind they had ever heard. .Able Sermon Preached to Huron Lodge by ijiev. J. H. 0sterhout. Thr hundredth anniversary 1f 1h4d- feliiinshlp 111 ('tinaia was ula#n'1'I by Hnnm Lodge. No. 412 1. 4), 41. F., on Sunday. when oyer a hutalrsl members attended the morning serrke in T•kttrfa 11ttel'1 MetholUat linrt•h. 'The pastor, Hp',. J. Ii. Osterhont, read as the NI•ripture lessons the stony of Jonathan and David and the parable of the goal Samaritan, and tack as him text the (h1416.14co si motto. "Friend- ship, 'wore and Truth." Thede three worts. he Kali, to the cru(• (hldfellow represent cardinal virtues which he deems 1t ineumbent bt hen to Inor- pirate Into his life. Th1411• three Vir- tues form the earner -Krone of Odd - fellowship and on its solid basis the whole sup•rstnicture 11/15 s1r•urely rested these many years and. he be- lieved, IK dest inert innorably to teles• este! time shall be 10 more. !'hese cardinal airtufs are represent.'d by the three links and they form tine of the strongest links in the 1011It t•hnin of moral V111111.5 *l,ieh 11111. man to (dal. 7'111• true 1)1111f4'1Iow \1'111 IN' grnt1'1.11 t0 his Creator, faithful 4o his home anti eonutry, /1114 fraternal to his fcllow- 11111 11, and he w•111 find his richest bts•s.- I ug, hes ebbe,-Kt m'rvil•e am11 1115 lent safeguard from the ills oof life 111 the practice of the cardium vlrhes of frien(Iship, 10s,• x1111 1x(1111. There (an Ile 110 friendship w•ilhatt Ion- fldect, end here 31r. 4)sterhont made n strong apbxsl to the mets to decline any friendship that could be purchas94 only by twcrlffce of prliclplss. There out IK• no neap friendship .4 ith.nt love. To love God with all the power/ and onr neighbor as onnorit-s is the duty of men. There can he no real friend - .hip or love that dosis not manifest itself in se'rviee. There eau be no real friendship that has not as Its Node principle the friendship of Jestts. Ile is the truth. Mr. thderbout appealed to the 1111'11 to give (hemse•Iros to J1's11s for their own makes and for the sake of the gond they coded 1111. He cloud his nsldress ',cilli a 'tring appeal to the members of tilt. (I*der to KINTAIL. MONDAY, April 28. Miss Anna Mackenzie visited Muds in Colborne last week. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thomson and family, of Goderich, are visiting at the home of Mr. K. MacLean. Gtr. John Inose has returned to King- ston. Sergeant Wilbur West, who west overseas in 19111 with a Western Canada Battalion. is visiting friends and re-atives here. LEF:B1'RN. WEDNESDAY, April 23. Mr. Oliver Cook hid the misfortune to have has arm broken one day last week. Among the Easter via:tors were Mess Ruth Shaw, Miss Jean Clutton. Miss Ina Williams, Misses Etta and Anna Stewart. and Masses Laura and Lillian Lauten- slay'er. Miss Jessie Linklater and 'Mrs. Wil- liams, of town. called on friends in this vicinity one day last week. Sergt. E. Lautenslayer accompanied bis sisters to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Roy Linklater has engaged the services of Mr. Brindley tor seeding. Miss Bodkin, of Toronto, spent a few days the guest of Miss Violet Bogie. Mrs. Tichborne, of Goderich, visited her daughter, Mrs. Horace Horton, the day last week. A sale of homemade :cooking will toe held at Miss Noble's More, Saturday afternoon. May loth, melee the awe pices of Ft. George's Girli Guild. The sale will begin at 4 o'clock. The Wmien ut1 Atealhsry of St. George" s church Intenli holding a social evening in the perish hall 'Olt Wednesday. Alay 7th. There will le a randy table• soil refn•'hownts w-111 be Rernd. .11.1 a gess) pr.ogrem will be given during the sI ening. Admission 2 M'. Last Semen's Straw Hat.-Dou't threw away your 111.1 straw hats just !..'nese they are ...oiler. t'onvert them into new oul•' through the use of a good Hat Dye. We have two kinds, ('olejite anti Parkes. They work quickly and effectively. We have them In nearly all the colors, -E. a. Wigle, druggist. Goderich. I Our ice-cream is Just right -sol oar 11.u/1tontrrs 'any. Try 1t nod ger 104 yourself, H. T. Edwards. Mr. 1'. '1'. 1a•au, w11..41 hon• is now lit Buffalo, lam bean 111 town the {stet twit weeks anal Is tart -Aiming G/ dispose of some of 111.. property Iter.. Hls awe Ito1,•rt J. a1.o w -as here for a few dnyt. The two. fntln•r nod sew, hat it gone Into Mashie's In the Orli Heal 1 supply lire at ltnffelt. It. J. being au expert 111 that lie. GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER. SATURDAY, May 3.- Sale of real estate, store aatures, etc.. by Mr. P T. than, on Lighthouse street. opposite the public library. FRIDAY, May 5. -Sale of farm. farm stock aid implement.. property of Mr. W.A Camppbell,at the eau part o1 lot 26, concession 4 West Waeanosh. three and a.half males north of Auburn, at I o'clock p. m. SortmooY. May lib -Mortgage sale of town property. by Thomas Gundry, auctioneer, •t kis auction mart, Hamilton street, Godertch. at 2 O'clock p. m. Proud(om, Killoran a Cooke. so- licitors. DIED. WHITELY. --In Goderich, on Sunday. April 77. Mary Rutledge. widow of the, late Robert Whitely, to her Med year. MARTIN. -In Goderich. on Saturday, Aprd at. John C. Martin. aged 7:f years and a moniM. The funeral will take place•Irom his late resi- dence. An11eseastreet. on Friday. May 2nd, at 3 o'clock p, m., to 1t utland cemetery. Service at the house at. .1111 m. FINN. -At Clinton, on Saturday. April 19 Thomas Finn, in his 77th year. Interment in Colborne R. C. cemetery. on April !let. LINKLATE R. -In Goderich. on Thursday. May 1, James Linklater, to his PIMA year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 1. Pose Get the Best -Elliott Business College. Tomato 7 C k Wanted- Alexandra 110.94tal ...... .... 1 Seed Potatoes for Sale -Wm. Walter 1 Auction Sale -Thee. Gundry. . . . . . 1 Knitting Machine for Sale -hon. W. L. Hots 1 Card of Thanks -Mr. J. Elsley. . . .. . 1 Tenders for Work at Hayfield -Department of Public Woks . 1 Informal Dance-Goderich Orchestra.. 1 Money Lost -John Pntblado 1 Dunlop Tins . ............. ....... ... . 2 Fier Home lorsale-Elisabeth Barry. Toronto 1 SANK OF'MON GSTARLU$RED OVEI 150 YEARS A Joint Bank Account A Joint Bank Account enables man and wife, or two members of the same family, to have a Savings Account in common, and make deposits and with- drawals individually. A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch.