HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-24, Page 5--•-K-•e11•1•i.
Storage Batteries for all cars in stock
East Street Garage "OwnedPractice Mated by a
GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
• ■.
Auction Sale
Real Estate, Store
Fittings, etc.
At one o'clock there will be offered for sale the two
Tots on Lighthouse Si., opposite the public library, on
Saturday afternoon, May 3
There are erected on the premises three barnsone
dwelling house. „This is one of the best building sites
in Goderich and is only one minute's walk from the
Square. This property will be sold en bloc, or the
buildings can be bought and moved off. There will
also be offered for sale at the same time and place
One 2000 -Ib. Platform Scales
Show Cases Lumber
Raisin and Currant Cleaner
25 -ft. Awning and Frame
Several Awning Frames
Some Furniture
Other numerous small useful articles
Also at 7 o'clock on the evening of the same
day I will offer for sale by auction at the L=ast St. store
the balance of the stock of
Ladies' Ready-to-wear Clothing
Dry Goods
and all the other lines being the balance of this stock.
These will be sold without reserve, as I am closing out
the business.
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Anther lluekal Treat In Store.
Mr F. T. Egener announces an import-
ant musical event to take place in K' ox
church on the evenipg of May 15th, when
a memorial organ recital and concert will
be given -with a splendid array of talent.
Mould Attend This Meeting.
The 110111110y meeting of the liole-
rlclt branch of tow \Yuwen'$ 1nstIt to
w111 I.,• held at the Inoue of .1n+..\144!.
Elgin ave •. 1111 'Thursday. May 1st,
at a p. us. As this Is the *initial meet-
ing a -large attendants- is urgently re-
quested. .\s a rode 1he Lai utet-
hlg it wit well alttmiel. 'L'hts is un-
fortunate awl hardly fair to the retir-
ing utfi,-•r", its It sl Id Iw the most
important 11us•ting of the year.
Gaping lade Business Again.
Mr. Welter ilrrn hue decided to go
Iota business agutu and h+ taking the
,store 11u tlw mirth sole of the ihtllar•
next t1 Ti tits it. store nail will
put in a stack of tine footwear. The
store will be oelittel anal a new fruit
' IIIIIIN181101ffhu110uuu01pIUuluuluulu1111UIIlluluuuu111U0u1UUN1=
Week commencing April 28th
Monday and Tuesday
THOS- H. INCE presents
A typical Ray picture -off with the gun at the jump• a mad
rush, and whirlwind finiih- Don't miss it.
W nesday and Thursday
Cec B. De Mille's
Presented under the ausl ices of the Maple Leaf Chapter,
One performance daily at 8 o'clock
Friday and Saturday
Speed 1 speed! nothing but speed in this lightning -fast
• thriller and laugh -maker. Whatever you do,
don't miss it.
"His Smothered Love
Told by Mrs. Lynch From
Own Experience.
Providence, R. L--"1 was all tats
Iowa in health, was bead-
ier ous orb• k
ached all the time.
1 was tired and had
no ambition for any-
thing. 1 bad takes
a number of mem'
fines which did Ilse
no good. One day
I read about Lydia
E. Pinkbam'aVege-
table Compound sad
what it had done for
women, so 1 tried
it My nervousness
and backache and
pal in. Mr. Hero uses hi the wine beadachss disappeared. 1 gained In
business formerly in Godericlt and as weight and fee nes so 1 can honestly
lie lwlrfposes to carry a complete litw o
boots and slaws of the winder makes
he Will no doubt lx• sturtssful In bis
new venture.
Bandmaster Scott Itlere.
`lir. Alfred J. Seutt, of IVasslsts•k.
has been engage) as bendwust•r of
the :turd Regiment Iwllwl,*1111 the first
practice teeter his direet ban Was held
on 'Tuesday night. \Ir. Seott was
bandmaster of the ililst Overseas
Battalion and has here at tow head of
other military (rands and le regtardasl
Ise a first --lass man, He is r veteran
of the Smith African war. Mr. Geld -
ring. w Io tv as firs( engaged as the
bandinastmr% retnnucl to Tumuli) after
spending a fee days lu town.
Bwtrbers to Resume Delivery.
The best butchers are preparing to
resume the delitery of uw:at 1111 Msy
1st. This will r•1111.vt 11 grievaIIe• of
Which Uole•rieh hnu'eke•It•r. hate
Iws•rl complaining ter .:a • lis-. Tlw
butchers stated Butt it was iugwwsible
Ito get aloe is•rseu le aha the delivering
' for them. and the result was that rus-
touters had to .e • II 111w a and carry
II home the meet themselves. Atotlwr
result was that a number of people
atilt 'eating weal nether than take all
:the trunhle entailed in procuring it.
The resumption of delivery a III give
;general satisfuetiun.
j Citizens Invited to .%ttend.
An open meting of the special com-
Amittee of the Board of Trade appointed
Ito look into the question of retail prices
in Goderich will he held at the Board of
Trade•room. in the Masonic Temple. on
Thursday evening next, May 14, at -8
o'clock. Any citizen who is interested is
invited to attend and to give any v inform-
ation or make any suggestion* in regard
to this matter 01 general public interest.
The !signal is in receipt of a communi-
cation from Goderich Lodge. No. 1218.
!International Association of Machinists.
' on this subject, and owould draw the at
tentioti of metnbers f thus lodge
-to the
meeting above announced, as a fitting
opportunity for the presentation of their
recommend Lydia E. Ptnkhtam's Vege-
table Semp al:xi tp anywoman who la
(mfenng ss. I was. '- n. AOaUN6 B.
LYNCH. 100 Plain St, Providence, R.I.
Backache and nervousness are symp-
toms or nature's warnings, which in-
dicate a functional diaturbanee or eta
unhealthy condition which often devel-
ops into a more serious ailment
Women in this condlti n .a d not
continue to drag along ithout p, bet
profit by Mn. yncb a experience, and
try this famous root and berb remedy,
Lydia E. i Ut tufa Vegetable Coo-
ppo tuanp ,,gyp firs al advice write to
Lydia E. Piakham Med. Co., Lyaq, Mw
W ▪ OW
Aitken, sop alio, Mrs. If. C. 1)unlol• and
Mies McClinton. contralto; Messrs. Chas
K. Saunders and B. U. Cutt, tenor; and
Messrs. Geo. Belcher and Chas. H. Hum-
ber, bass; and a ladies' chorus included
Misses K. Lyttle, E. Hume, A. Watson
and G. Bedford`sup ane, hisses A. Nairn,
M. Aitken anU C. McClinton, second
aoprane, and Mrs. Dunlop, Mises Million
and E. McManus. contralto. Mr. Egener,
the conductor, was also in charge of the
organ Mrs. Chas. Doty was at the piano,
and Mrs. Oakley assisted with the violin
and Mr. Harold Blackstone with the flute.
It is worth noting that the production
was given wholly by home talent, the
only person from out of town taking part
being Mr. Bert Cutt, of Fergus, who is a
well-known Goderich boy.
Mr. Egener and all who took part de-
serve the thanks of the music -loving
pub is for devoting their time and talent
such excellent effect. The widespread
interest in the event is shown by the fact
that the audience included people from
Lucknow, Clinton, Auburn, Blyth, and
other points in the surrounding country.
and at midnight \lnnlay the 4'etitrul
\\'e•st 11 'apt. ltotn-ell clears' for
l,u►nt I't.
l'he mutineer's crew luta been tilting
11111 tlw itrritutrg. but there is still no
activity on the Sesames..
'rile first arrivals are cxpe•tel early
nest week with grain for tow Goderich
Elevator ('o. The elevator 1s (wing
cleanrl at the rate of about 90,I(K)
bushels a day, nowt of the grain iwhtg
shipped for export. M4wgt'r I'artems
reports gaud prospects fur a brisk
spring humin - s in the luttoll log of
xrain esrlews.
The folfowleg uigwlfntmentt to limits
of tow ('Mvel*11d-1'Idffs Run
fleet are ilt1111111n141:
Negaune-W. F. Morriwm,
: 11. J. Fritz, -hlef engineer.
Central Fent-P. 'E. Motive!,
: \\'..1. liwla,rnee chief engineer.
4'. IT. Itreltuug-J. Buchanan,
: R. 0. 'lodge, chief engineer.
To Purchase X -Ray Outfit.
A special t,mneittee of the Isnud of
.tie:unarm hospital has iee11 rtrin'l
to finance tow plrcluese of au X-ray
outfit for the hospital. Tele slmmittr•
Is smlp 'tl of Rex, J. F. Fond. 1)r. A.
11 latkliu an1 Mayor W)gle. Mayor
'.V1*1e is treasurer of the a '11 e•
*1111 11 is reIuesteI Ihat contributions
tow's rim the purchase of the taew
apparatus he forwarded to hila. The
outfit which it 1s protases' to purchase
constitutes the very latest *pplialige
fur the Ilse of the X-ray. and is em -
played lu the diagnosis of various (Ite-
mises a. well as III a Yet 1011 with
011•1*14111101. iM COSI 1s in the neigh-
borhood of ,$'_',IKI), evil It will be it
most valuable addition to the hospital
Tine first OY.111rihitiou to the fund is
from the dhll1,41 i'atriotI- !4w•lety of
Iiolerdel township. which has for-
warded it 11114111e for $.0 for the fnnl.
Barber Notes.
it r.
SI r.
St r.
iw ster
11111y neo-Iwiats of the winter fleetthe Netcau:Ilee and- the Rreltiug-now
remain in the harbor. As reported
hast week. four of the big freighters
cleareil Iasi Thursday morning: the
Agnea leapt. Livingston) and the
Hume Smith (4'apt. McIntyre) left
Saturday • evening for Fort \\'illtnw.
a1Fi•+. \1'. A. ('11ulthurst left for , T-
route this week for a short visit.
Mr. Arden Aitken was home from
London for several dant the pant week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Egenur, of Waterloo,
are visiting their sou, Mr. F. T.
Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe, of New Lis-
keard, spent a few days u town the
past week.
• Mrs. F. Jordan lett *last week for Tor-
onto, where she will make her home for a
Mr. W. G. Luwhy has retnrned from
Kitchener and is again at kis old post
Stet etnion---C'ex.
A very pretty wedding wan villein -
nixed Wednesday. the 23rd inst., at
"Springbank Farre," Goderich town-
ship, the home of Mr. and Mn Thos.
C. Cox, when Agnea Olive, the second
daughter. was united in ui to
George Herbert Stevenson, B
youngest son of Mr. and'klre- ck
Yates Stevenson of Hamilton. The
Rev. James Hamilton, 13. A., tialerich,
assisted by Res. 1'. 1'. Ziemann ofl
Toronto, cousin of the bride, performed
the ceremony In the presence of imme-
diate relatives and a few friends. The
bride. charmingly gowned in white silk
crepe de chine with satin and pearl
trimmings and wearing the regulation
veil and carrying • bouquet of bridal
roses, entered the drawing -room on the
ann of her fattier to the
strains of the wedding march
played by the groom's only sister,
During the signing of the register Mies
Lulu Lobb. of Clinton, sang very
sweetly. After congtvtulatiuns a
deliclois wedding luichoou was nerved
and at the claw inesnages were tread
from overseas and from the Newmarket
military hospital, on the staff of which
Moth bride and groom were valued
workers. The toast to the bride was
proposed by her minister and responded
to in fisting terms by tlfe groom.
Many gifts expressed the esteem in
which the happy couple are held by
friends near and far. Amidst a shower
of confetti and good wishes Mr. and
Mrs. Stevenson heft by motor for
Detroit. On their return they will
reside at Toronto.
All life -time is a school of
strategy- a game of war upon JK. fleet, , 1 Brophey,
germs and tendencies which,
unless thwarted, weaken the
system and invite disease.
Modern health -strategy
dictates the use of
of Dodd's Kidney Tills are
legion. The box is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are
dangerous The original is safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a reputation. imita-
tors have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
original. Dodd's is the name to be care-
ful about -
Thursday, April 24, 1919. 5
• Capital and Reserve..
$5.600.000Almada.Total Almada. Nov. 30th. 11)114. over 5153.000.000
You Want Your Money
as quickly as possible when you ship your live
stock or gram. Consult our local manager 115
10 the -quickest and safest way to bat returns
front shipments.
Why mot get all you can io the way of 0-n ee
Prow your local branch of the tip
[lF.WOOLLCOMBE. •s . Marpe.
in the West street barber shop.
Itlyth Standard: Mrs, W. Felker and
K011, of Gal -rich, are speutEug a few
days us guests of Miss Allie Emigh.
Miss Helen Strang arrived home at
noon today after two years' service abroad
as a nursing sister with the Imperial
Miss Agnes Hamilton, of Kincardine
High School, is spending the
week with her parents. Rev. J. and Mrs.
A. M. Robertson. \I. A., d the Col-
legiate Institute staff, is attending the
Ontario Educational Association meeting
at Toronto this week.
Mr. Roy Munro, who since returning
from overseas has resumed his stu•bes in
law at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, was in
town dunn g the week.
Mt. /:esrge's Vestry Meeting.
The Ka,tur vestry Meeting of St.
Gettge's elmr-ii was held on Monday
evening. The Mianclial report for tow
year Watt very favorable. The debt
ret by was Irsluey $1,000. 111111 the Easter
offering will be enmaidentbiy In excess
of the amount asked. $500. Mr. (:en,
W ililatns was nptobItel rs•tor's war-
den and '.1 r. 4i. 1.. i'arstnts w
td people's as TP-
eler'pple" s witrden. 111114.1, men
were appolntetl as follows: Messrs. 1'.
.1. Harper. Jas. Carrie, ,las. Hollnnd,
i,s. rop
1.lonel Macklin, Ernest Ise, W. T.
King, F. IIIiglunn. 11. Leggett and 1'.
I,. Walton. The following were elet•tell
menth'rs of a select vestry. three more
to be appointed by the reefer: Messrs.
.1. S. 1'Iatt, (.. McNeil, .1. Salkeld, F.
itingiunn and 'W. T.' King. Mr, F. W.
%',8,114 be wits roti p inted tress-
tirer nal 11r. 11. J. 1). ('coke was lip -
pointed vestry clerk. The rector's
Mtip•nl was Increased $3.",). making it
$1?0) in addition to the endowment.
.lodge iNeksem and Mr. ('hits. Seeger
were nutl1ed ■s delegates to Synwl,
with :Beige Lewis and Mr. i . dtalkcld
ns alternates. The various organisa-
tions of the ehur,h submitted reports
s1 •ing ,'x,elh•ut results of tow' year's
t•ffnrts. 1)tu'itar the year the congre-
gation rni.etl. in routed figure., $4,000
for para•hiel purposes anti $77:5 for
missions. Two new ,ao•Ietiita were
formed during the year ---tow Mission
Rani, of which Mrs. McKim I. presi-
dent, and the flirts: 1:11141, with bliss
V. Roberts as president.
A Notable \fuslral Event.
One nf'the largest audiences that have
ever git)beret in Knox church arsrmbled
on om'ay evening to hear Gaul's
oratorio 'The Holy City," which was
rendered under the direction of Mr. F. T.
Egener. The production was very
effectively conducted and a Ada another
notably successful event to the musical
history of the town. The chorus of sixty
voices was in excellent tune, the result of
painstaking training- The soloists were
Miss K. Lytt e. inprano,
Million, contralto, Mr.t
• tenor, and Mr. F -genes, baritone: and all
fang with good effect. A double quartette
was composed of Misers A. Nairn and M.
aas a reliable means of thwart -
Iing the enemies of strength.
Scbtt's is Nature's ally and
Iits rich tonic and strength -
! supporting properties are known,
with satisfaction, to millions.
Build up your strength with
the*nourishing qualities of
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott a New.. T...••., net
Easter is the opening of the
season for Oxford Shoes.
At my store may be seen a
variety of Oxfords to please
every taste.
The selection is so exten-
sive that we're sure we can
pease you if you'll only let
tis try.
For those that prefer to
wear high boots we have the
astral variety of stylish and
attractive shoes.
All of these patterns -both
high and low -are offered in
all the popular leathers and
style of heels. Our prices
are mast reasonable.
Geo. MacVicar
North side Square, Goderich
Easter Week
White Cauliflower
Florida Tomatoes
California Celery
Hothouse Lett nee
Hothouse Radish
Green Onions
Green Parsley
Florida Grapefruit
Louisiana Strawberr!'t
Navel Oranges
Victoria Opera House
Athol Highlanders
Celebrated Entertainers, featuring
National and Fancy Dancing
Latest Comedy Hits
Pipe Band Selections
Friday, -May 2nd, 1919
8.15 o'clock
Prices 25c, 50c. Few Reserved Seats 75c
Seats will be on sale Wednesday morning at 1f. 'I'. IGlwxltis.
new stand.
Metre Ph' ne 110 House Phone UA7
sealed in its wax -
wrapped package. air-
tight. impurity proof -
is hygienic and whole-
some. The goody
that's good for young
and old.
The Flavour Lasts
to sot s to set
Loeb ter 111
....r-....- _.n.,,n. Mss . •M►-••r'iMiL4.,+/► 'N..rr.., -,.-.- ;•••••••••00..01•••••••••••-••00~•......,