HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-24, Page 4• 4-7bursday, April 24, 1919. , 1, sa .fROIAL 41, 11.4m the trauswrrt sere ire We aI( all pleased to w•l• him luoklug No well. The lecture and e u ecrt on, Friday night was well IatruulzIYI u1111 was enjoyed by all. Mr. Thos. MI.1:illleudy, of Toronto. upheld his reputation ax a lecturer. 111% N1I11n•Nw 11,U111i,111g wit cull hntuur 44'1111 g11011 111141„•.. The Dmigli.11111111 ljUII11ette 11.111h -red several • s•Iw'tluun in good style. Miss Topping, of London, delighted the audience ail I1 her s,1(1'.. I'r.N1..I'. Nen- $6.4; the 1111.111•\ to lie 114op141MI 411 the funds of the public library. Mrs. Nelson Armstrong and children. of town. visited her 1111b•r, Mrs. E. Yullgblut, for the wle-k-elsi. Mis. Ellen Phillips and Miss Alma Y uIIgId11t spent the holidays akar Clin- ton 1rteu11s. Thr Ca rulers 11'.41• a11'start.Yl (vending this '.eek +111(1 ore waking every day e,rtlllt. \D'. Nelson 11111 las moved Into the village from Mallet: township anti in- tends taking (11. the lutenist tonal mal•Iltuen Ig.•mcy. Miss Sadie Carter left for !'ort Elgin on '1'm•slay to visit her brother. \lies Maggie Suall„s{L•ut a hew days in the village. looking touch itupruvtrl in Ile/11111. f F k- so' / Beapardiposig. Truth telling entitles no merchant to any special credit. It is the only way. But the truth is not enough. There must be no "falling down" in value given for every dol- lar spent. BENGARD CLOTHES art building confidence upon the sterling repute of the maker. Their merits have been proved by the quality of the garments and their in- variably good worl-manship. Add to these features the style that distinguishes them and you have reason enough for wanting to see the Spring Models we are now showing. Walter C. Pridham FLAVOR J X■■■I•ii■XXXXXX■■XXXX■■X1 XiXXXiiXXXXXXs. X. • 1 4 DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WRYARD is the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orders left rah lyra lot subscriptions. advertisements or iub punting will receive prompt attention. Telephone (Goder,ch Rural) r39. FRAGRANT SATISFYING Dalley Coffee brings to your cup just the right blend of finest coffees roasted by our improved process. IDENTIFIED SY THIS < I Z9 MARK OF QUALITY The F. F, CORPORATIONS HAMILTON. HAMILTON. CANADA semlllltg the holidays at their horst ate of the big lair freighters. i hen•. Miss Irene YIn111g, of hosteler, and \lies Idx F ll•h c I• .p Ioliup the til _ x o 1 dl all Mabel Vona* of 1'urouto, have 1V41.1311RNE. Monday. April 21st. Mr. IL F. Sclw,uu spent last week attending 111• F:vaugeliclll Conference a 1. T11 ista•k. Mrs. 1.. Grote: and flintily are making 14u extended visit under the parental eisof. 1'tr. S. .Orli .111111 was down at To- ralnr la'.4 wee', 111 luuuerliou t4it1, 111N slfw•harar papers. Mr. M. IIhlrr bus ptirohse ad a new Briscoele tar. Mr. \\'m. Snyder finished seeding hist •vreek. W11111.111 144111 that? The Infant sun of Mr. Rud Nies. Wm. 4serelul Ix seriously ill this week. Mr. and ND's. J. 4'. Durst and Mr. Ind Mrs. 1Vm., anydcr mottatrl down kir Hensel) on Snottily. Thos. G. Allen DUNGANNON Issuer of Marriage Licensesm Comos.oner for Afbdaous, et.. and Conveyancer Will. Deed.. Noma.+. Ap.ee er.,. r.. Carefully rem rad and Mone' S`•n Mortgages p4ed for Mees. AGENT FOR Fore. W ,nd and Life Insurance. ei rhe bra Coenp.n,.s ante. Ij s. days at ler bowl Mt Mouuf Forest. IMwo hoII,kylty at the home of their \lis. Lila 11'girlie is spending a few parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dawes Young. 1.Is's with frb•u11. at 1 Kl+sago. A number from This ueighhorhood Mrs. Bolt. Finnigan has returned were in town uu Monday night to !tear hoose after spending the past few the oratorio. '•Tice Holy t'ity." at Know wlwks with friernls lit Se,+forll. church. I MD -s. Itit1'Iiie Is 4i.it Ong her laughter, Mixo Marton Glen. we regret to 4'. - Mrs. \Vee Tw,tltlle%. port, las been 4,u the sick plat (of late. Mr. and Mfrs. It. t'. Mclaehlan utttl 1V14hwstay, April 2:t. The pie social held 111 the church 1 herr' GINNI Friday 1111011 4454 a de1•idrd $.„Mixx luta Wise. of 'I'oruutn. ■re clsit- entrrxs. The proceeds amounted to Ing at the home of Mr. Mud Mrs. A. W. fi.2.1 Wise. Tattle are beginning to 11104P. alai 4.4'Y.tl.. the prices are the highest ever known. 1y14haslay, April 21. John ('lark Mold a hooch at 1-1142c. Seeding is in full swing. 1V. F.. John Hwtthesou will 4.e foreman this ou11g !l Sons a 111 hove forty or fifty j Menson on Thos. Chlsholm's farm, 11th u,•res slw'14 by the end of the week. 1 evueexa1011. The ground i,. in Rowe condition. I Mr. John Young. our serer'.nt. was \ number of persons 1n our tom- laid up all last week with 1111 attack of nuu11ty have been suffering from ( lumbago, but was able to start out 4,11 r'.[her severe attacks of the grippe. Moseley with his "shop on wleels'.- nacludina Sir.. Alex. Voting Nod room-' Mr. 4V111iam McIntyre has out lawn sers of the Clark faintly. In 111e test of lewlth lately. HI• luta Miss Hill. our school teacher. is wren nine (Il'tladrs 111111 IS probably the -.,•riling the holidays at her home at oldest person in the 44,44 uslttp. 1'r,Ylituu. 4 I the lett afternoon of the term theotlplls gate Mu entertain- SINTAIL. moot flat 441). much enjoyed by those M1,IIdey. A{KU 21. present Miss Margaret llniiregor, of Sir. Joules Young. Jr.. after spending Duluth, la vieitrng at D. MacKay's. part of the whiter at the parental Mr. Frank Griffin has returned from home. left 4,m Sxlnrday for Chicago to ! 11'inglam. rt•.uwe his 11Wi4•s as chief engineer 011 MINN Bernie Drennan. of Toronto. Miss Gtorgie A11en i. spending the violation at Wl.ri,gvllle. • Mrs. F:. 4,. lolig and two Iw,ys are visiting friends at IVInglam this week. Mr. ti. F:. .Augustine and sou Red - Vers, of !Moulton!. spent a few days visiting friends and 0111 ad,luaint'.n(es lar the %i11:11:1' /I1 the week -end. Mr. arnl Mrs. F'. Ito.:+ snort 4,11 a motor trip to Awlerley and l.a•halsh this week. The hunk of nor barber. \Ir. Jarvis Anderson, was made brighter lost week by the arrival of a young girl. NI r'.. IMei' ny visited her 114ughtl•r. Mrs. Dunlin, in bio erirh this week. Mil'. Geo. Vase was home from To- ronto University ftw a few days and returned oil lyldnt+ti1Y al,omputie(1 by Ilk brut her Benson. who will spend a few days III the city. Mr. It. A. Bailey and Miss Ruby Allen spent Faster vacation visiting friends tit Stratford. The farmers are now Lousy tilling the soil. and from all Appearance a large acreage will he s,vrn. There was 1111 0111 tittle ,btu,". ill the 111111 nu Mlunday night. Ind mother Oar Ttlr.dac Might. Dungannon is still on the old time 111111 navy ar0urnl hire wanting to do loudness In town and gertt0a in a little AI'Itl'ItX. Wednesday. April 211. 31.'.. R. J. Rom. was 1'1111141 Io lliek- Sou baa w14tk ovring In the illness of MN father. who passel Harty 011 Thant - onfind "Huron's 1:0111.•11 Irate''.1,1setl oar therm. Miss (towers. of St Thomas, is herr visiting her aunt. Mlr'.. D Sproul. Everett H 1 village was in t Ke this week. His tar. ny friends were pll•Nsrl to sr !dui ,hair. He wens in Fraise for some time. l'nl•.t1xy night of this week was it big flight at the l wldfelluw.' lodge rs,ms. About thirty menders of 31 'iron i.odge, G,slerll'11, motored out and put on the second 511.1 third de- grees in tine fors. Afterwards 1tn1•11 was s•rv,rl anti the n'nlaiuder of the evening was spent in 44ee4•11e. and 1111a/•lug. \Ir. and 'Sirs. 11. l:dlnrly left on Tnesllly morning for 'Toronto, where they purpose residing in the future. Their household 1419'4. were '.hipp•11 from M(41/1W station. MD'. and Mrs. D. Fowler. of 1111• lith ton,,•.'.inn. 11•.Nt 11.11 w•. nosh. -141 their 1•ff14'ts to the village this week. We welcome 411/•m N• c41izens of our village. Rev. T. A. and 1h••. Ste.dtunu and family left on Monday morning on ■ motoring !rip to Sarni. Nod Other sottlern towns. A number of our villagers book In the lecture and v ,•rt at .Anburu last Friday evening. UI reis.Tt hitting had a splendid time. The following teacher, ore 11 • for their Easter holidays: Ethel Case. Pearl MacKenzie 1111.1 .lean St,ther.. of. Toronto: Mi.. D Ryan. of Depot Harbor: \11" .1. Clnff. Itine- rate: Mp1s5 1,. Pentland, of F:..e‘: Mr. Bert Wiggins, Auburn. 1111r villsg.• i. the home of eleven teacher. 111 present. ray. 414.4 Topping. of Loudon. is visiting at the manse. Pte. Albert itrunt4.on is ap'ndina a few days with friends nftcr an absence 0Y s•vcrxl ”411'x. having re ently re- turned from orers•N'.. lie enlisted In 'lac \Cost nod wits two years in France KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward off the indi- gestion of tomorrow- try ,KI-lr[OlDS the new aid to digestion. As pleasant and as safe to take as candy. NAltft h aoorr & DOWNIE MANESS OF aoaTrs EMULSION ALWAYS SOMETHi;NG NEW CARDS for All Occasions Birthdays Weddings Wedding Anniversaries Hirth Announcements Congratulations Cards of Thanks .1 Cards of Sympathy Greeting Cards EYE SPECIALIST, Mr. Hughson, will he here April 24, 26, 26 Smith's Art Store Thune 198 ST. A1'(;1'STINi•:. Tuesday, .April ":nil. Miss Moe Redmond is spending the hoIIANys et her home hen.. lithe Elva Kearney i home from Ieomloh at present Mr. SIctor Johnston. of Tornado. IN spending a few trays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston. Mr'.. Etl. Fowler x11(1 Mi.. ElIna left for Windsor on Flatnrdny to visit Mrs. Fowler's sister, Mrs. [toss. Mr. Cecil Begley. of A0119..111. I. visit - Ing Mit sunt. Mrs. Mason MacAllister. Mise Mary Stafford, of lilwh•tIeh, la vbiting in this vicinity. Mrs. Chas. Robinson visited wing - 11111111 friends on Tue,wl'y. Alr. W111 Thotnpeon, of Glwlerleh , wean home over the week -end. ('RF:WE. Monday. April 21. Mea, Wm. Shackleton. of Int it - 'pennon. arena Sunday at the hors of Ur. Mathew Shackleton. Mina Violet Kilpatrick. of Minden, and MINI Roby, of the G. C. 1.. are a As Old as his Arteries The doctor can't help it. I le knows that the man has hard arteries, high blood pressure. and beginning kidney and heart disease, due to long neglected chronic constipation. It isn't the other man's fault -directly. He's only 4S -but he never realized that his constipation was a serious thing. H.! - never knew how to treat i` He has taken bushels of pills, p}\llons of castor oil, mineral waters and sats, which hay battered and tortured his alimentary canal from one end the other; arid he wonders why his health keeps tuning worse. He doesn't know that his food waste has poisoned him, and has bred disease that is going to "get him" before his time. Nujol is for just such a roan -for ever; person wnoee bowels do not move easily and thoroughly at regular intervals --especially fcrthose in advancing years whose body machinery will not stand rough t eatrnent. Nujol softens the acc umulated food waste in the large inter tine, and moves it gently out of the system, carrying those poisons with it, which, if allow, d to remain, cause over 907e of human illness. Nujol supplies the 1-nhriration that Nature can't supply as age begins to make itself felt. This man might have known in time-- but Nujol is new the accepted modern treatment for constipation. You can tr.-0A such a misfortune ns his. G -t a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and send for free booklet " Thirty Feet of Danger" expressing clearly th" soundest medical authority on constipation and self - poisoning. WarninS • Nupl u sold only on rated • bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. At all druggists. Insist on Nujol. You may s1J/rr from substitutes. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) SO Broadway. New York • Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jerlerl. SO Broad- way, New York. Please send me free booklet " Thirty Post of Danger'' constipation and auto-into.ication in adults. Name Address e D.MILLAR&SON Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. House-cleaning Time has Arrived The delightful weather of the last few days forewarns us of the ad- vance o summer. Now is the time the housewife delights in giving the house a thorough cleaning rom cellar to garret, and the great comfort and satisfaction in having the home beautiful. New Curtains and Curtain Materials Special display of Bungalow Nets, Scrims, Marquisette, Filet Nets. Scotch Madras by the yard. Marquisette, Voile, Swiss and Point Arab Curtains. Bungalow Nets in neat block and lacy effects, in white, cream and ecru. From 35c to $1.50 yard. Marquisette in plain and hemstitched border, highly mercerised finish, eve n weave, heavy quality, in white, cream and ecru. Special 50c yard. Scotch Madras Grenadine in neat designs and scalloped borders, in white and cream. 36 inches wide, much under present prices. Special 39c yard. Voile and Marquisette Curtains in endless variety, to suit every room in the house. in whigee\cream and ecru. Priced from $2.25 to $10.00 pair. Handsome Point Arab Curtains, $9.50 and $12.50 per pair. Beautiful Materials for Overdrapes No window is completely draped unless there are Overdrapes. They beautify the X appearance of a room at very little added expense. Rich Silk Madras for Over- X drapes. in colors of tan, rose and green, absolutely fast colors, 40 inches wide. Spec- X ial $1.50 per yard. Handsome colored Marquisettes in rich designs to harmonize X with any color schema The bird designs are very popular. Special 90c a yard. ■ Cretonnes, Velours, Repps and Chintzes. "Remember from both the outside and in- X side the window is the moat decorative feature of the home.' $ i 111 i Nairn's Scotch Linoleums These celebrated Scotch Linoleums are well known for their great wearing qual- ities, and with good care ate known to last many a year. They come in the best block designs and are 4 yards wide. covering the entire room without any unseemly joins. Price, per square yard $1.50. Measurements taken and estimates given. Just to hand as we are going to press: New Coats, Capes, Dolmans and Waists. 1/ X X IN The leading mail order store. i 1118 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiXXXXXXX)•>tii•Xi X • i X ■XnnNInnnX>•>••XIN.XnnXnelf•nXXXXINXXXIrItRXXn>w XX PHONE Si JVIilla r' s Scotch Store PHONE K spent the vocation at her home tete. Mis.'s Mary Maclvor, Istel Mae - !amok!. and Violet Maclennan. of Luck now vont notation school : and • t ' tt anti Dottrel MnclCrnzir. Benito Beckett Lottie \lacireuxie. .1 4:oderieh Col- legiate Institute. are spending their yatlatluu Mt tlwlr respective homes. 14'1• wrb,mte home again Nnb le John- ston, who went overseas to September. 1917. • Miss 1t''.sie M,.keurie, of StrxtfAtfl Normal Shoot. is home for the race- tlott. 1)r '..truold Cowan, of Toronto. gent a few days at the home of his father at F:Mstrr. The Women'. Destitute will meet on May 1st xt flu' home of Mrs. I). A. MMclray re. Miss Marguerite Ms'l.eunan, of Khan. is strewn ug her vacation at home. Miss Ella Cowan, of Iuudfwhoru, is home for E,n.ter. - Mrs. Italert MacKay. of Kim'aN11te. ix visiting,t the home of her brother. Mr. thin. Mxo'tiregor. Mr. Nell MtaclbnAhl has pun -Imam! a new Ford (ear. - • "Eighty students are enrolled st the Agricultural College. Winnipeg. to start the thiol two months' course he ginning April 1st. '`' -1- i 1 April 21th, 1919. ' II f. if1afof1tlfltsfIto IC 1oAnf1t1f1cIMlttfC1iot11rlrfofYaf1rifltsf141=1gl =274,84,=11 oderichT Boardf o rade The next meeting of the Ezeet,Mve Council will be hell no Mon- day evening next, April 24th, at K o' :Iow•k, at the Hoard room. Ma.onic Temple Building. A meeting•of the Special ConuuittP* appointed to con*ider the "HIGH !•091' OF I.i\'ING" and prices ehargwl In (it,derich, as compared with other place*. will be held on 'Thursday evening, May Ist, at the Board room. Masonic Temple Building. at the I of B o'clock. The meeting will he open to any citizen who may he interested, or IA./anyone who Ilse any information to offer. on this subjoct. W. C. PRI DHAM, W. B. BOWDEN, Chairman of Committee. Industrial Seo' y. Xil•i iniaXiimairaiXiXiXXiiXXXXXXXXXXXX N x THE NEW SANITARY FOLDING MATTRESS Showing the way we make the feather beds into the mattress form. ■ Seasonable side: -summer and winter. 113 X X X X X X 1118 X X 1111[ N SANITATION 1 i i r X X i X X X X mean.4 health to you. X Our new steam process is unrivalled for the successful flnovation of feathers, each bed being X cleaned separately. A1I work guaranteed. R. PECKHAM, Mgr. II III Kingston street, next Dr. Whitely'.. 1N X Xi•iXXXXXXOURNXINXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiXXX