HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-24, Page 1A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 3RY*NTY•FIRST YrAR-Ila STU (' 11941 TIE STERLINGii1CANK OF CANADA • __ SAVE, Because - Your ability is judged more by what you save than by what you earn. Now is the _time to start some of those jobs you were putting off UNTIL AFTER THE WAR Fts l lice of Paints, Beaver Beard aid Building Material always in stock. Phone 47 THE GODERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltd. JAS. BUCHANAN, Manager X:C0l,f ll Klof lRf lgaf le FOR SALE OR UST. L'ARM FOR SALE. -HALF LOT 6. concession 9. Ashfield (ore and s4.Y1 saes from Kinlaili. containing 160 acre. Theism is ail cleared. has rood house and bars: .tabard; ane fences. water Iron artesian well end Woes never-lad.eg spring creek. A valuable property, hot must be sold to clime an estate Appy to JOHN 1. O'REILLY. (lu.ncey Point. Mamm- a . hollow.It • WELL LOCATED HOUSE FOR SALE. --1 built rase as prmawaat mad complete r poisibie for my own ter. Hr laundry tubs. wired lar -al electric MVP ,aaca. etc. Clam, to and Bruce sums. between Honchos 11pp~��ea and�NNoorth.�es mirth side h*OWELL GI()R QUiCK SALE --$1,800 WILL 111• buy three lots. two homes and a tarn, on FOR SALE --ONE COW, COMING eras, d Ys and a1enuo. bmwe 111 yew. ,id. baa lv Iona cAe hese. [dein has bath and ; sae W light One and wee yeas old. Ni.. 1 dames tall a a Awe- �y tort [teem. Not to maara Na tee, moo charkea., an lar aid two hems- 1 awl!. est Me Apply to N. w. pg� tMpfr, St. A. dimes street. is MURRAY.HURRAYgang Edward Hotel, Kingston ms I FOR SALE. tIObERiaH, ONTARIO. I1ENMILLEK. Wednesday, .(prll Death of Jacek Elaley,-This eons. sunny 111111 144110111.r ehureh time ta1INr1 et deep 4.ess in the p'Miog of Mr. Jacob I•:IMiry on Good Friday. I)e- eeaetd hail lawn (ogling In health for thew yeses, but It was not uutll about two year. ago that he Num forefeet. though very reluctantly, to give up work. anti hey- add,. the resplm.11rlIMy 4.4' managing the farm. Neuritis Ur vrlopd Into anaemia. 111141 toe' a trip tie the Mayo Institute Iasi eprhyg failed to effect a cure. Mr. EI.ley eufferel a great deal of pain at time*, 'rut retained his usttarrlle•rfuln,.,,* and brightness slm.alt to tier end. Large of helm, as well ar of Is..1y. Mr. E:dalry was well known and highly esteemed lu a Wray section of Hee country... For thirty -tire year. he had been a 11111- AlMlwlt mru1m'r of the Mrth,Mllnt rhun-le x1111 he was fuieI,cly Mime). red In all that wade for the purer...). of the work of God 11n1 the written• of tit' people. Ikr,'ssl wart 911y -seven years of age, was horn in the town.h4p of Woolwich. \\'oterl'ar eoury, and at the age M g eleven motel with his parent. 4.e Colborne, where he had Mln•ei re- sided. Idle hone- was ever op•u to all. aINl miufstrrm hi lartle11lar found there n hearty Melt • NIA slwwn• sympathy. He leaves to munnl the 1,11114 of a guclug buatsud and a kind fatter hi. wif• mud one rani. \1'lllfam, *t berme. Redder. there lire fix mother 11011 twit 'deters, Ml..' Ido and alible Elva, at AVadkerville. another sinter, Mrs. Jon. .tillsley of Leamington, aryl two brother.. Jame... of Hnllrtt. and .(ilrn. of Detroit. The f,urrel s•rti.w. which MMA IW'kI at his late uesl.len.e ou Smithey at l fe. m., ase, ,*,nd,e•ted by hex Mietor. Hey. 1'. S. Bare'.. 41..t.. hl tllr pn•Meoww of a Targe number of eynpatblzing ne•ighM,rs and friends. Interment t(ax made in Colborne eem- .•t.'ry. AUCTION SALES. 1 AUCTION SALE OF A SPLENDID R SALE, -BRED -TO -LAS' TOM Y UNG LOT OF DURHAM COWS AND BARRON. S. C.. White Leghorn. and Barred ks. Eggs for haschiog 6ve cents apen al farm. JOIN FARRIti1L Linton, R R. No \f R. IOHN'A. NICH:)LSON Floors agas000. e_ -It. .:t -at I will tall by pobin auction. at Laotian's Hotel i (oder 'eh. on OR SALE.-iRISH COBBLER SEED plasmas. at APRIL :plasmas.N at II •al anal. J.'BENSOS - commencing at 2o'clock sheep v R. R. No. S. G•d,rich. Phone 174 Ben- i aillM. y.calved cows; S young cows. to - freshen this month, 3 you/Nicolas. to trnhen in ( heifers Young grass cows. Is yearling steers and [� IGH STANDARD PAINT FOR Twat came have been carefully rel cued, are n t,1 SALE.-t.un ted quantity. u pier ler . good condition and will be Tins r one d the aa it could he haft w tr' m 4b• make.• waay. sensed• guaranteed r more Tues. -Cash. or approved pant rotes. at r, a, sdy sn.. d paw. ow the markn. M. W aLL. �j OR inset;SALE.-MODERN. RED BRiCK 1' home as Trafalgar inset; mane large. Might reams, every convenience. Apply to R C HAYS. Goderich. or MRS. C. BECK. 1161 Hamada* stmet. Toronto. PROPERTY BARGAINS. A well-built frame home on Trafalgar street. Nkndd garden. doss to schools and churches. Pr.0 *1.260 Pason May In. Sla vacaafaa.lota oo Hume road. ,n one block. tbe• best garden pound in God sink for INN The W E KePy house oa Church street. One M the hest properties in Goderich. Al cow ve uerwes statnary tubs, garage. etc, for ron K. A god fm.rame hare. two los. new agaric, bpi house. good Iron trees. for T. GUNDRY, 6LU 'Phone 111. Godericb. WANTED. (ZOARDERS WANTED. -EL DOR- 15 ADO, West street. Convenrnt to Square. paalolhee and lake. Rates reasonable. M. J. YLE. ' el -It WANTED -MARRIED WOMAN and husband, woman mast be good cook, and man able to wart on table and help about home. and attend to lawn and Rowers; ser vents' wing with bathroom; four ,n Wooly. Wages 114 pee warmth. References required. Position open May 1st. Address P. O. BOX Inc. Gnderwch, Ont. (2-21 BOY WANTED. -GOOD STRONG boy sgwanto drive delivery rig. D. M. BRIEN, East Street Meat Market. IRL WANTED TO LEARN OPER- ATING. Apply to BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. A repatriation committee lam been formed by the citizens of NeI*on, R. ('., h, I..'14. in every way p)..*Ihle to obtain piebald'. employment for returning sol- diers. CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FORD 1917 Runabout, in first-class condition, newly painted and overhauled. Will he sold at a bargain. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance J. W. CRAIGIE ane to eteem(ve acid in et omits*. • sr v months beano( interest at a par cent per anrwm J. APNICHOLSON. T. GUNDRY. Aeetsoswe.t. . tLEARiN(., AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FUR- ISHINGS. BUFF ORPINGTON EGGS FOR Mr. Thomas Gundry auctioneer. 0 instructed HATCHING. - Flock has proved to los entre good ky(r.. M. W. HOWELL, al -2t I by MR. J. P. BROWN. esecutw of the estate of the late Men. Charlotte URE SEED OATS FORSALE.-NO.' Green• to sell by public auction. at the premises. Trafalgar street, Goderrh. on SATURDAY. APRIL 2141h. P72. A. H. CLCTTON, Phone H.., Bess.I miler. 60-11 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 113 per single cord, delivered, THE CODER iCH MANUFACTURING ' CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angksea St.) Phone 61. LOST OR FOUND. at to'crock p m Parlor and diningroom furniture. 1 hdroea sets, carpets, rugs. mats, refnierata. I1 machne.'t al toter and coal-onl heater.. reties( -a- idfen. T11e • OMt.(ilce ging lamps. ' sofas, wow dishes, Department theatre, rend It urns well 011 in tow crockery- and many other things too numerous to n_m.. ea 00 responsibility for loss do turnlng houra bm•fure• the. hall was menton. aaam* Everything will he sold without reserve. cane;, and on all COnnt*, therefore. l lew•rtrrl. Terms cask. bosholder, sh.,uld exercise more care. J. P. BROWN- T.GUVDRY, Elecutr. Auctioneer. OBSDAY. APR' 24. 1919 MAS' DEL'tiLOr RAI (.EEN. WANTED -WAR RECORDS OF GODERI('H 01 11 ROI ti Prejert fee of fewer to Wing - heal and Othrg- • rei.ds, 'Tier fnllow•Itlg levn•r 444s is*, re- ceived be the r/WlruMtl of the ,oral water 111111 Tight eruumaasiou from glue lhrecin1111 Il)'dru-eiretek• 4'/xuwlsslull 11101 uuswers a point raked is s letter to 41w w1Uor rtt-rully yyldisllr,l fu Thr Signal : 1'omnto, April 1•i, 11119. W. T. Mantel, beat.. 4'hairwau, Pt/bite (libelee 4'otum'n, G.mleri'h, 1 .,t. 1kar Mir. --In reply' to your letter of April 13th, regarding thtl.ptF of lance to the pones north of Gielerleh, ee lug 10 point raft glut Rus matter hex tree reelvt,g the MIrrntiou of our enghwrrw for some. blur. It is quite et Wast plat in enter to supply N1e_Hnafe 'scatty dixtrk•t with potter at it reamsnoble Inure r develop- ment will be .lane on the S.05*.'n, and from there waver 11ulg1Jhal north and south. \\'r have hart. Aft tam tex pre- 1areaou s remedy ts. the Niagara .y.trw am ing It1ylh. nhas'Ia, N7rlg- br.w 1101 I.urkuow, 11101 believe 411111 e. entuwlly suet, a lisle will Ile h rel It. it i• 1111104 1111. bOlirt.n.r. If the next of Lower from tie Niaair'a *yatrm will la• a. e4N'sp our Wil/gbam an power from the. Saultv.'u, Nisi as you ka ow toter will is. supplier, from whatever moons. lit,•.. tlir ehespent post'e'r. 1 •omelet a figures n re mot at percent a VannIlr 011 tare development pending 1114. 1n1n•h11ae 411 the power sites on 11w Krug.. -i.. We tun soaure you, 1ow- ever. that IIN• interred. of ole• Goelerieh (ttrusion are lx4ng taken mire 114. Yours troy, 111.1mi l-P:Ll' i "Fftll' 1'b 4%'Elt (',151- MISNIuN UF' (INTAH11), P'• 4 GNhs 4.:reef E:ngllax•r. A SERIOUS 4*FENCE. bang Girls (' Mmes from P of Strafing Beet.. - Two young gide we before Magis- trate Reid ou Mused* st on charges of atealieg lettere ming money team the possolliee. is not an In- frequent thing roe sore to leave his I key In the lock of hen A s at the post- , crake. and the Orli Wok ulyantage of this to abetract ieiters !,vol the boxes and open theta- In one case one of the girls not $3'4. In another i ease (nae of the W I* tcryk a postal note from aletter, enured the. name of the payee, Inserted the n, {le of her own mater and then togged * sinter'% name and got the mosey. envy penalties are provided for *4 .41 . frescos, bat oe account of the yrs IM 'estate girl* they wore allowed taga•...t st - prated *catmint Marg families formerly reefdhug In I.odrrich or in the %Wilily and now I4 .Ing elsewhere hair sena who bate been otrfweas helping hi the big fight fur world freedom. Their old feint& herr woteld be glad to bear of these buys and to know what the) hate been doing, and Thr Signal finite, *moue eh.r knons the war record of any former rreklent of three parts to write a paragraph said send it to us for prb- liralion. It a111 be a %slued and wel- come. addition to the local history of the war. 111 KO\ E:NCAMP.MENT REVIVED. l'errnott iI and Social Oeeastes -Ames Goderieh Oddtellewa. G.mlerk•h Ikklfelkrwxhip bad a [treat !day on (rout! Friday. when Huruu En- esuipiewnt, No. 214, which Hume years mgn was one of tllr leading fraternal organization/4 of this pert of the Prov- ince. weer resuscitated tinder most auspit'iuus (•Ir•uulxtMI(w$, 1n the aftern.,u 4kldfellow,' limb held a notable lr l.• gathrrlu( nC high lettfeene, with a large representation of 4:la lel' hit 4hilfello's. The follow lug others took cert fu the degree work : 51. Slim -lair. Grit 1Ul High Priest : 4'. Park.. !'est (:rsisl Master: :s. Mar - • P. 11. 1). Greed Master: John Teenier. I'. C. Peetriareh: • 1'. 1'. Patriarch; JIM. Tompkins, 1'. 11. 11. 1:. Patrlamh; S. Wright, i). D. 1.. }'atrlan•h : air. A. Sursdell, 1'. G. ; E. 11. Itoi,c I ria, I'. 1'. 1'.: \V. Marnhull, 1•. ('. P.; Jas. l-Ian'I11y, r. 1'. : W. J. Johnston, Inside Sentinel : J. 1.. it 1'. I4. 4). G. l'arriareir and Grand Auditor tall the foregoing being from -Tolerator. oat A. K. liowahl, of Ezrtrr, D. 1l. Grand Martyr of Huron 111..- trill No. R,h Sixty-ure member-, of Huron E:u- (sewpmeut laud alma seven brethren fnrn Exeter received tier I'atrlan'hal, Golden Ride aryl Royal lhurplr degrees. Ti.. follow•Ing were elmtel ofdkvree of time Eiesewpenent: Chief I'strian•h, : Senior 1\'ar.k•n, J. It, Mr- .abi'. 1rnilgMmouc Juulor 33'ardrn, \C u,. 11.114.': High fetes[, \1'slllM; Res. Scrlla•, 4'. A. Heid: Flit Brent»•, W. F. clerk : Treasurer, W. It. bider. Guide. W. .1.. Stewart, 1)uu- g11,uou : iMI Wal•h, \V. 11. Tl 1..011 : 2I141 \\'etch. W. t'. Patton; :3rd R'et(h, 1'n•a lrI'igie; 4141 Wattle, r4. Wesstla►e; held*. Sentinel, J. W. M'*ore, ('tllton: 4 hit..ide Sentinel. .1. W. Neweouil*. 1e't Guard of Tent, Norma, M.Aulay; :hid Guard of Tent, \V. J. fallow. The oaken, were installer.' in their • pseat ations by Gand Hlgh l'rieat MRlerllu SIIN•lalr. Tlw prare.Ililgni of the day were e.fra•luded with an 'ear hem,." IIr1A In [tree rs'ru11I( Juiuth ly the 04111 1llosrn (Ighglrte. Itwh}(Ihlg the big ocruir. Use l anal the HrlwkaMr. Ilene STIR a very rtadialls were to lea( year while glee large attendants.. After a game of pr..gr•s'.iv,• euchre, in which the prizes were won by Air.. Hownie and dlr. H. 4'. Fibeinger, an interesting lir...cru, was •given. Senger were reuderol by and an opportunity sr se given them d -Ming neeettatioa. `fey are afro to report each week kir a eete'taln pertolt to the Children's All Society omeer, sod their parents went aecBetty for their goof behavior 1,1 the future. Assistant Postoflee Inmpeetor Mc- Lean. of Losdon, conducted the inves- tigatlon which resulted in the convic- tions. PosWMce Galt says harpy a day passes bnt some hoxholder leaven the key in his ;box. 'Thus, In a.kiitk, to the risk of lone of valuable letters, temptation is laced in the way of THE SIGNAL for the remainder of 1919 for e e 3 3 THE SIGNAL. PR Hsi IN(. (u. LI1tIITED. PUatliNiI A LITTLE HERO AT KINT.tll_ Tess)' O'Keefe Rescues His Brother 1. Danger of Drowning. til Growl Friday 11fteroon two 41444,. boys, sous of Mr. and firs, l'orneliew (I'Keefe of Kilda ii. went risking - Thomas, aged eight year.., maul Ilia Ilttle• brother Eugt•,e•, aye years of age. !N went well until Euge,le fu him efforts to Mud a elm') got Into 414e water, which was 4's, deep for him. He was ler danger of belug drowned and would p,sslhly Imre perished but for the henele efforts of his older breaker. Thomas. They were ■hunt sixty reels fruw the near'st inure, However. with great pnae'uw of mind and a great effort Thuluts gut him to Laud and called for help. alaste•r' Alvin Collinson tt'a. the arm[ to hear him and he promptly told hies father. Mr. 4..tlluwte hurried to the repot and (serried the little fellow to his h11,aet% when. he .rout rollkrl from the slur'k and rued. Mr. and at rs. t 1'Ke•te err very tlmukful that little Eugene is ..heel lr• very grateful to Mr. ental airs, ('.11141Is,14 ler thew kIndurss and *Imo to all w'IP. 114.1pr1 10 restore Eugene. The Whole'-.olnuuoity appreciates [very much the r'urngr' of little Thr foam, w ho ha. .host -el himselfto be real little hero at Lethbridge and Reel Deer, and is now at the home of her son. Mr. H. R. Long. in town. She torted her return to poet her son Elwyn, who is expected this week from oversells. ' Lieut. R. W. Stephens of H. M. de- stroyer Melanctun, is visiting his cousin, Mayor Wigle, this week. Lieut. Stephens. who is a Wiarton boy, was on service in the Mediterranean during a great part alt the war and had some very interesting experiences in hunting enemy submarines. They were detected by means of an ap- paratus affected by vibration in [fir wale,, and a seaplane hunted along well the destroyer. which was capable of forts - two miles an hour. On one occa,iun they destroyed three submarines in one mot fling. LOCAL Torics 14 salute. The m.wt ldy ue etli g the 'teed 4'noss st..•irty will take ee in 11ee Jury room of the eruct bourse t 8. m. P on 'Tuesday. April ly!). Police Magistrate Mottos of\Whig- ham has sent three, men -John mine John Armstrong and Wm. Burk - up for trial on charges 44 forging der•- tor's prescriptions for the obtaining of liquor, Attention is again called to the ad- dress 011 war work 10 be given in the wort house next Monday evening by Wet Constance Boulton, of Toronto nneler the auspices of the Daughters of the Empire and the Navy League. Mr. Thos, Gundry has purchased the Logan farm of thirty-seven acres on the Huron road about tl ren miles from town. Another deal he has just put through is the sale �I Mrs Rose's house on Newgate street to Mr. C. Sanderson. .S big brow 11{(11101141 Saddle 1M EE41111031.!holnl.1. soli of air. and airs. John Melhru 1.1, I'etrk street, who arrived home Ttlrslay night after three and r half years lu 01•01•011441101 a et1e4'a•r-ire. Hr went over fu the fall of 11115 with a draft from tthe71st 1.iettnHon. which ens then being organiraet1. 111141 went immediately to Trams.. being trate• ferrel to the 13411 Itoyul Mehra relent of Moutreal. He few ■ lot of henry Mr. Al.'',. Saunders arrived house )4ondsy night atter three month+ro abroad, [.eves! weeks of which be spout at the Lyon% fair in the interest,. the. Gorlerlcb Organ Co. His daughter Miss Al.,,, who hart been at Vancouver for a year assisting in military hospital work, arrived home on Wednesday foe several weeks' hohdaye. Lt. Walter Saunders. who retinae &recently tree oversewn, and Mrs Walter Saunters also are here tsu that [burr is quite a plea.ant reunion of the family clreh. Mr. andMrs.Frank Saunders were op trent Tomuto for a brief vitt at tire week • end. SPE('IAL OPTICAL SALE of warranted high-gratk', Rota -aunt rimmed 'spectacles and a;yr-glaas•s lilted with lest quality spherical lens's. Reveler Y.:14141Y.:14141 value for only $2.:10. Eyes examliwil free by air '14'11-k1l'd, 111141 painstaking spe.Iali.r, Mn. !Nehmen. forw*rly edgiest expe-rt for Kent'A Jewelry store, Toronto.The prices of all optienl mauls Isar adratyoue,l mr neue11 y.will oto well to take mica lunge of this chane and da lege .rty. '1'10.0• days only --Thur.- day. Frldac rued Saturday, Awn 24111,270 .ul and _;nab. Snaffles Art Mere, MiI r:oderieh. Field Crop ('.wpetitloR- t'ongm•tltore. 111 a standing field crop ru 11pet ition 1u con need.,, w it le the G.rlerIch IoelustrlNl Nail Agricultural 14.,elety are invited. Them mum[ he ,its least ten entrk'm to secure r'(r,gulliu, fmgn tltr Provincial IWon i faired of Agriculture MINI t1111se Willing in ewer should r»matnnleute et otkv Witt' I Ir. W. F. (lark, nte'retary, Goo.k'ri•h. Seven prime amounting In all to Y7:. are offered for this rompetitk,s and other red.',. Heal (send Itlone may he learned nil e1,p,Hiy(iu11 to 1110 secretary. Gee -mate were hehig Oren their walk• lug ticket from France. He ea. three [Imes wo111Nled and wan in hospital for s • time lu 11)141, lint has quite m- eet Lurk*. ate• •1111 at, rind weighs Mitoses hyttlr, ('hxpwan and N'anrrN•r 'nearly :NMI p,uudm. He has receiver! aryl Mr. !tee. Pinder, a recitation by his bis huff. and intends to remain In Misr Money. and *addresses by meters' [novo. of the visitors from Toronto. Lu1N•h wan ffellOMerl by dancing, the music being furnished by the Goderich Or - Mise Edith Murney Some from Tor- onto. ACCTiON SALE OF FARM. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. ilIGNAL OFFICE and receive reward. OST.- TUESDAY. APRiL 22,' • bunch of keys Finder will please leave at a IGNAL OFFICE and receive reward. MR. W. ALBERT CAMPBELL well offer for sale by public auct,on,at east *anal tot 'A;. ctmcemlon 5. Kest *swanned' (three and -half miles north of Auburn). on FRIDAY. MAY 9th. commencing at 1 o'clock: FAR*. -East part of lot n'. cncesuon Sea Welt W anosh. containing So acres more or leis. The Roil a a good loam. 1S acres seeded down, locally ,' LOST. -ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT` betwe.a West street and Rt. avenue, a gold wrist -watch with the initials E. Y. td enar� on it. Pinder will leave at SIGNAL OF- FICE and receive reward. a PUBLIC NOTICIC. DR. F. J• R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late Howe Surgeon New York Ophthalmic 14,4 Aural H,spwal amntant at Morefield's Rye Hospital and (Bolden Square Throat How d piW London, Eng. M Waterloo St. 5.. Stratford. Telephone 4117. Al Bedford Hotel. Goderich, from W.dne- day. May 21, 7 p. m., w Thursday, t_'nA, at 1 c p.m. Ir Is Spitting in Piddle ?Isere. Dear l-.IItor. .3 women ripen ker who recently gave an lii*tructlre ad- dress In Goderich .tatel that tuber- culosis email be grit rid of In the term of one genet -Ht. if 11 stop could be put to the habit of .pitting 014 the *mets and In other paddle plans. In snnk•ieut care tieing taken In Goderich In thlx respect? Outside of the public danger. It. 411 dirrgnxting to se robin -re o allano 17 acres of oats sowed. a acres in arch- juke )IIIb other filth ern AhIPR•NIk. MINI rd and garden, 11 acres m permanent pasture, tri.. where ynnng Inen eoregrega te. winch s watered by_a never -ling spring. also 10 11_ *IIINIld Illi be mxt•NNary to +peak of spring mine barnyard. There .srnwn a never•lailing thew" things in a town like Goderich. Kone stabling underneath. all in good SU feet. Two-story frame borne 20.90 feet containing. • •\ \\'UMAN, downstairs, kitchen, pantry. front and tack Attraetien at victoria parlor; upstairs. hall and three bedrooms. There Opera noose ✓ alio • summer kitchen and woodshed lisa0 tent, A px,ptlar ath'aelfon hag hee•n Ml - all lcbt food repair. Hard water convenient to - gaged for Victoria Opera Howie for the Hbe.ls. tie drivirig borne, H yeah ad; 1 i evening of Friday, May 2ntl, when the raving Harr, •years old. I Athol }Hghlanders will appear in a C+Tn. - One cow. 6 years old, with calf at prago'ani of (lancing,, comedy and pipe not. I cow. rising a years old, due August 11; 1 I band muni,. The O n includes cow, tieing et years old, supposed to hem call; 1 m/M y nes, rasing .M years old, with calf at toot; , cow!! Charles McCarthy. cornetist, champion ions 6 years old. due in .lune: 1 rose. rising S boy piper and all -mood entettalner, rears old. due ,n Ione: 1 cow, list s s yers}aId; • who ham achieved remarkable Rneeemk imposed to he ,n calf: 1 healer. Ono; 2 years old, nearly fat; 1 hr.fer. rising 2 yeanrrM; 2 we, 1 In hie various roles. The plan of meat; rising - years old a heifers, riling 1 year old 1 will open Wednesday morning at H. 1'. leer, rung t I year old; I heifer.; months old; 1 I Edward,. new *laud, ear months old. Pias. -(hoe Yorkshire Mood sow and m pigs 1 . weeks old, 1 sow, doe befresak. :\ slight 51.1214,11 play Im9'om(• intended (Joe collie dog. 1-, hens. masi year• ostly I' Pullen. and emirs, !WHIMS ennpli.sefMns. iie' 1I.Ht.Mur NT., ET,: --One fond lop fuggy. 11 wHr• of a slight .1•rsteh. motet bites, loon two -furrow plow. t Mass y -Har,, disc wounds, rte., 'filch may 11/1414131. ill - harrow. 1 set single barrette. 1 cook stove. TTRW.. • Farm -Ten per cent on nay of mak, „.eget. Krrp a !Pottle of Hydrogenbalance in `en days, w, en - n win be fhi en. vex Me 114 y011 r nlellirfue MI billet to amount'. months' credit wilt 14 he given on furnish. over that - rete.[ finch 1•lnergelll•ll'N. it IR a germ IM approv.d joint rote. Four per cent. discount 11wmtrryer, with hen ting properties; strange ammo' for cash on crec",amosititareams atsn Ike ,earl sir M gargle and The far tm o be ssM elbjert to reserved bid, merit tar N'Hell. \\'e m•II it he 2.1eIN4f1(eN. t everything, pr el a will be soldas the prnietr j goingvest. E, R, Wigle. I)nngglst, (:c*lrrielt. , ALBERT CAMPBELL, T GUNDRY - -- Proprietor. Auctioneer. Gtwlerk'h Iteh.l,,I. Lodge, No. SO, "•••' winsome.. holding s ..a•lal evening our MEETINGS. (1ODERICH ELEVATOR A N D TRANSIT COMPANY, LIMITED. Take notice that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Goderich Elevator and I P Tramiel Coot any. Limited will be held in the rooms shove the Union bank, corner North street and Square, Goderich. Ontario, on Wed. rieed■r. May .th, 1410. at 12.1 clock rmson• for the election .,1 directors for the ensuing year and the transaction o1 any other Intones that may prop- erly be bought before lbe meeting. G. L. PARSONS Godeoch, Ontario, April &redo 19[4. ISec.-Treie, bu n *2-2t W ff Memorial Organ Recital and Concert • IN KNOX CHURCH, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 15 FREDERIC TRISTRAItf EC.BNER, Mas. Buc. assisted by Mitt K. Lyttle, Soprano Min E. Robertson. Pianist Miss E. McCaughey, Pianist Miss L. Jackson, Pianist Miss Grace Seager. Violinist and Knox Church Choir ADMIS.SION, - - - 25 CENTS Proceeds for the placing of a tablet to the memory of Theo. Sunbury. late organist of Krk,t church. r Titesalsy..tprll 2".4111. in the (hldfellow•N' 1h111. i'r.Mrvrls foulards e•nte:mist endowment fluid. l41*'•k,trrna-fltt, kley or•htstr,, 111 ieftenth, nee. 4'aHIS S.13 fife rp. Thank. are extend•sl to Moue enh- m•riber' who have remitted for Thr $ta2a1 Miring recent weeks. There are 111111 n good many others who have W4 (bine woo and wv .hound he glad to hear from them !benefit the Nlapie Lent Chapter, I. 0. D. E.. by attending "Till 1 Come Beek" at the Melel Theatre, \Vetnea- day. April 30, attl Tllur'lay, Story 1. Admberti rn Edwanla' 111 hrndgtu,rtere for pure lsllse_sde candy -'the kind you like. PERSONAL MENTI- ON. OBITUARY. Mins Olive Goldthorpe was up from Toronto for the holiday, . Mr. Will Spahr, of Toronto. wen towing lite 11011410y visitors in town. Mr. Roy W. Foster was up from Tor• \\'ITIS. -The den th ,meurre'l mud- onto this week un a visit to the parental dimly at Brantford on the 14111 Inet:x home. I f Mine Laura K. Wins, who wax fl known to tunny in Gorierl.h through g pat Hood, ' na.; (th, ''am ver her unnn,11 visits here aM g est of Mrs. Thomas Gundry over goyertNw" to Hn day. . the family of i)r. and 31r.. Marquis. al ( brother. Air. 4'. \\'itis, lives at ton. ,Ind the r,ula1rls wet•.• brought [bene for burin. CHURCH NOTES. Divine service next Sabbath i'. Knox church will be conducted by the minister, Rev. R. C. McDermid. Subject of the morning sermon: "Thrift and Waste." Evening sermon: "Estimating a Great Deed." Sabbath school and Bib4 classes at 3 o'clock. Next Lord's Day at the Baptist church the subjects considered will be "Departing to Heaven" and "Active in Heaven," The Bible school meets at 3 p. m and the B.Y.P.tJ. at 8 o'clock. The prayer service on Wednesday, May 7, at 8 p. m , will he conducted by the Young Men's Band. Subject, "Some Songs of the Bible." The congregation is looking forward to Dr. Wearing's addre+sea on May 24 and 25. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Osterhout B.D., will have charge of the services in Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday morning and eve nine. The Oddfcll:ow,' lodge will attend at the morning service and Bro. Osterhout will preach a special sermon to the lodge members. Sunday school and Bible clam at 3 o'cle ick. Cor- dial wekome to all. The annual convention of the Dods - rich District Woman's Miexionary So clet), will De held in Nile Methodist church on Wednesday, May 14th An attractive program has been prepared and a successful gathering in looked for. The ..melees In No1111 street Metho- dist church will ime rondnetel twit Smithey by the pllrtor, Rev. i)r. Rut- ledge. Morning muhJea't, "The Em - hence of God"; evening. "A lh.y in Nnzareth.'' Mena Sunday Chili Hotels in ehnreh parlor at 10 a. m. Smithey nehool and ISlble egg*fire meet at 3 paw. -PrIz*4nInsrra at Model Theatre, The Wide! Theatre is giving prises of thrift *tamps in proportions of $1, 50c anti 25c (m children's tickets at the Satur; day matinees The prise -winners last Saturday were: 1st, Rhoda McNevin; 2nd, Ruth Mc'Adatn; 3rd, Mated Garrick. Sinclair has returned to her home n Bnt@nnia road after visiting for several months Leamington. Mr. EI'.Symonds and his son, Mast( r Norris, of Brantford, were among the Faster holiday visitors in town. Allss F. .1. McCarthy, of Toronto, spent the Emitter holidays with her sister. Mn. \V. A, ('nullleurst. Mr. R. R. RoImnnd. teacher of the Westfield ewhool, (M a bending the meeting of the 1 )nfyrlo F:.IIIeaI I.os1 .\sMM•IH4lull at Tnrn,,t/l this week aM M delegate from the Weed VGinet Tench- ers' Asso•hutlon. Mr. Hubert Dlckinmon, of fat. Marys, sting a solo, -The Holy C " very effectively in North etrcet thodiet S church nn Sunday evening. Mr. infirm wag a holielay.visitor at the of Mr. and Mrm..1. L. Aitken. )Ick- - ttle Mrs. Jas. Long, of Benmiller, rete Monday night from Alberta, where she had spent the past year visiting her sons I Our kr-•n•am is Just right -.n our euntnuter, may. Try It and sea for yourself. H. T. Edwarlx. DR GUNY'S SAL E REGISTER, emsr'April air -Auction sale of grade Dors Mint cows and young cattle, by 1 A. Nicholson,at Lannan'a hotel, G.d,nch. at 2 o'clock sharp. SATURDAY. April M. -Sale of h,raehold furoit- eand furnishings. by Mr J. P Brown. eamc4lw the tonne of the late Mrs. Charlotte Green, at premises. Trafalgar street, Goderich. at :4 o clock p.111. Slily/WAY, May 3.- Sale of real ,sot,, stare natures, etc.. by Mr. P T. than. on Lighthouse *reef. opposite the public library. FRIDAY. May -Sale of farm. farm tock and laplem,nts, property of Mr W A Campphell,at th, east part of lot 24, cnnce.a'nn S. West Wawanosh.or three and a.half miles nth of Auburn, at 1 o'clock p. m. SATURDAY. May to.-Atortgare sale of town property. by Thomas (:undo?. auctioneer. at his anclion mart. Hamilton street, Goderich. at o'clock p. m. Proudfoot.:K,Iloran4E Cooke, a. lkitrs. IN MEMORIAM.•'n ARMSTRONG. --In loving mnosy of Kenneth Ales/oder, second von of Iter. and Mrs. Harry K. Armstrn a. who died April -1741, 1111, aged 7 years and 2 months. A little Rower of love blossomedThat blossomed but to dv, Transplanted now on heavrn above To bloom with God on high. Daddy. Mother and Brother. NEW ADVERT ISEMENTS 24. Page .. 9 . Ouster Brown Stocking, .. Farm for Sal.-J..I,n J. O'Reilly . . C'h, kers for Sale John Farrah Auction Sale -W. Albert Campbell.••• I Budding Material Goderich Planing' Mills, I Limited. -. 1 � Boarders Wanted -M 1. Doyle ... - t Annual Meeting-Godertch Elevator A Transit Co., Limited .. I Potatoes for Siwe -J. Benson Cos .. .1 1 Keys LHC -Leave at Signal Office:. r.... 1 Help the Y. M C. A. Finish Its Work for Sol- dier. ....... arra . 6 Help Wanted-P.O. Bo* Le .. I Watch Lost -Leave at Signal Office ... 1 Auction Sale P. T. Than ,\ Athol Highlanders -Victoria Opera (louse 5 Boston Cafe - The Kees. Proprietors. 1.) molal ()Tian Recital and C °lifer, NK OFMONTREA ESTABLISHED OVER too YEARS Remittances toSoldiers Remittances to soldiers in England, Belgium, France or Eastem Countries may be made through the Bank of Montreal either by cable, if haste is essential; or by Draft or Bank Money Order if to be sent by letter post. MEAD Ore*C(,MO•srleg/y„ A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch.