The Signal, 1919-4-10, Page 9ew THE SIGNAL Have yourepewedyour Sbscription tSignal for 1919? Irrigation source of wealth ova. olrr. GODERICH TOWNSHIP FARMEiii, CLUB. -- Owes Course of Winder Meeting's with a Box Serial. Lust Friday night the 4:.14lerh h 'I'.N'ustily FMrwe'rs' flub hell 1411 elan tue•tllg in the titling.. Ila11 «itli a 5arlwl progrum and u record atteud - do r•. The u(M•utut( 1luwlwr was u duet, Ne11 14111141 by the Mimics Helen 411141 1111111 1(411. who were aceoutpauiet 1111 the organ by their mother, Mrs. .1. Bell. Mies Marjorie: Burke foklarnivl vi it u recital ion whirls was well creel 1'.r i. Mr. Marella's, of the poultry depart- ment, 4Uttar rio Agrieudtural College, Rave at short talk on poultry, after a brief ,umwendutloln of the spirit of 111e t'hab, 11114I, 4Ie uualler lu atteudun'4'. He regretted that 011 loamy of the fern's Iw visits in all parte of 4luturlo poultry Is not glen the 14414114 cure an other brunt -hem of lire stock. Il14tll•14) 114114 N01111• poultry speelaliete, but the hulk of its (MiIltry pr(iducte must al- ways rotor from the ferule, and' it Is to the tamer's interest to pay wore alteration to the cure of his poultry. Mr. Mur(elliw stated that Ilse K041'1,- 1(011 of eggs' was the most iu'otihll'Ie branch of the poultry b(IMhiess, but that It Nae profitable only under cer- tain 1u11ditio1N. First of all, it wits sieve eery to get s good laying 'drain of the breed the former de'i(k'N to adopt us hie standard. A good laying 'trail of buff Orpington", will give leper ret tartars 1ha11 a poor laying strain of Plymouth Rorke, awl vies- cerwa. It NUM 11t41.1Mary fMet only to get a satisfactory breed. but to get the best 14trakln pr1Nilde of that bred. It was ale, neceswlry to late pullets hotelier' very early. No that they can grow to fully matured bind," before the I ,,hurt day. IA the fall. A pullet need• ' f..11 for three purpose -A, which ahwwb it in the follow tug order :- Orr" tli-- m1lilltelu.111' -('g4 (rroduil1011. Ill the 'hurt days of full and winter it is jut - 'erosible for a Pullet (o pk'k up Gull asehnisate fool for all three, and it is obvione flat if the bird br not fully matured the egg pr.Mlucliwn maei be .,it off. 'Chis 1114111114 that 110 eggs eau IW •'X1141•1ed 111011 Miring, w•tsen the. protttable market is over, anal the bird's laying seaw,n Is eetabli'llell at the wooer time of the year. Pullet. moot 114• ruled to/ lay through the «Inter In order to pct the lighted prices for eggs, x111 it Ivo be dune by fanner, elm give a little time and iut,re't to tide branch of tie•ir work. Two return...I wd(Here. Metiers. Keith Itosx uud t,1•w. Juliustolie, were then inviter) to take seats on the platform I41 rwwice a weI,ome berate, and honorary wrullwrship in the Farmer.' Club. Mr. Dermot M.Evoy spoke nu behalf of the Club. and Mr. Harry Unusual Things Anything about the home that needs washing and that will not be hurt by pure water itself may be safely immersed in the creamy, pure, cleans- ing Lux lather. Silk shades, hanging*. oil- plctu.e• and their biomes, jewelry, bric-a-brac. heir- looms, etc.. all are purified like new with Luz. LEVER BROTHERS LIMIT LD, TORONTO S9 Salkeld for the floder1t'h tow "whip couIM•il, after which three vigorous I hag nut the /•rase fur euMrtliumeut Iq ,he•r,, ala! a "tiger" were given for the (aewut der, and deploring the fact the new member., (1111f (MY/(vie were not sett -nisi with the air. N. It, ttfuth1,'. wan ag- ul facilities which their oma 110110,4 111141 al representative, an pre'e•uL and {lu ms afforded flew for the full u'e' while he was erranging the moving of their fnr•rgk'N, (1c else against (114' ph -tore machine Brock Orr delighted. of f t (lunging the 1111dtr11(e with a ;patriotic emit - 301011. Mr. Keith Itevell wing a huulut•ot114 song In the ,burn' u1 whdeh the audicu.r• edited with Nptrit. Mho Irene Stilkeld platyhig• the ae,rw(wnt- lii int. The picture released by Mr. St,thrrM were de•w•riptive of the Gov- ern sent work in ,1,111141•tkou with the 111411 11.lnetry in Lake Siphon) +1101 showed lour( .lelrh,r111i.1 with fish tugs leaving the docks, and ecu putting off in 'Mot. to lift the net.: the reeling of the nets uu the 1M1uts 11111 taking off the Heli; the 'mistier of the p.uill nets Ned 1 packing,1 icing f file erect a bull. $0119' might think that taking money fur a hell 'oat of a ,raw annuity wunld interfere wills (miming funds for the 11141iiitwul1144' of the chur'lie., which were more 144'•11(M*ry. In 110• s(Mvkern opinion. if the (•010- 11 t1111tty undertook the building of the hall in at proper spirit, .o.r.Vau11lg the ditMl•nitles together as they pr•.s•atel Iheu'w•Ice+, 44[01 Porklu4 together in harm ', 1he cuur 10� would Ile ad- V111N111 ural 01117 .pirit1a11.S. but mater- ially at. well. 'Ilo•n' were gulag to Ire dlttl'nitiee awl it would be a stiff up- hill grade to get • hall built, but there Pr swilling worth while achieving which k not Lw't with diffieultie•s, and the worth is generally in direct pro- (.irtton to the .1iMp•ultiee to be over- rotu(•. He asked ter u ularaiWOus vote in fatur of 111/1/111141 11 community hall. Gar. John tione•rby followed. point - • F4W agricultural* districts have grown to prosperity more quick- ly and founded It more substan- tially than the country tributary to Lethbridge In Southern Alberta. Driving through this territory to- wards the end of last summer, a prominent official of the Dominion Government at Ottawa, who had been maklag an extensive tour of Western Canada. remarked that here were the most prosperous agricultural com- munities he had seen w this during gmthe he whole of his trip. 1* relative. All over Western Canada there are very prosperous districts, where modern homes. spacious barns, well Oiled granaries_ good sized herds signs of livestock and many other reflect the welfare of their owne1s. reason may be given in ons word— irrigation. Driving Into one of thews districts from the east. nue cannot help but be drought from its purchaser now immediately Impressed. Thie"com- of IMs than $1&O an sere, poet settlement, the deep gr b4. beard to remark be would settlement, the deep green fields of caro to sell at that price. alfalfa, Ida which ADRs, sheep or cattle The number of tenant farmers are pasturing• the euudaathal farm throughout the Lethbridge district buildings, mostly surrounded by trees, who are purchasing Irrigated land at the well fenced farms. all these are similar price* Is a good Illustration evidence of a proepertty which is b► of Its productive value. Men who Ing hu11t up on sound noes. A mea- have farmed land hero for a year or sure of the fast development of the two on •rental basis an purchasltlR whole of the territory east of i.etb• it now at ninety and a hundred dol bridge is the village of Coaldale, for tars an sere. instenePe of such per thisillage has grow • for bat sat •a w•Iti the di* v becoming numerous and the Isfereare e met. Aral a very short time age • 1411 active siding soy. toaldale I •ow is that the buyers have made sun an salve huslnea centre. with • I etent money out of their crops to he lumber yard, hardwareelat to purchase the ds 044pwhirr general stores, hay thea wee" grown. faellt 0 hank and ether b„slnevOn one of the most striking facts la ad ah. 'Pik eommunity is also served by one nectlon with the development of the best and most up-to-date condbtrlet. for tbe men whit have bowehe solidabed schools In the West. these lands knew what they Probablyno other coremunity 1^ capable of producing. 1 remade' Das received more settlers As for renting. the demand for •and whe have purchased lands at the ilei hr truants 114 unprecedented. notwlth average pet^P which hes 1fePn P h' standing the sons with other, districts. The cen' (Pcsus of opinion of these men to that the facilities for ttrlgatlon In South- ern Alberta equal ►r are superior to those to which they have been accuse tomed. A farmer who came frost one of the Irrigated districts in Idaho early this season was at tint some. what dlecoura4Pd with conditions la Alberta. But business matters ree qulrin4 his return to Idaho later Is the season he had an opportunity to compare conditions and crops is his old community with those In the Lethbridge district, and he cams hack highly elated. -Conditions In Alberta are ever so much better.•' he said. These fable about the Lethbridge district are interesting because they reflect the enormous possibilities of the gjher Irrigable areas of Southern Alberta. From like coaditlont like moults may be expected. And what Is being accomplished at Lethbridge can be a(eompliehed In other parts of Southern Alberta where similar con- ditions prevail, it 1s only during the last few years that people have b.Rnn to appreelMe at their proper value the fact the( rents Mice b7 shoe* who have settled among e doubled to many eases dnrlag the last O•aldsle community during the ,thrM 'Nies. whettas at that t me two years. Manz f theme settlers A Doing rented at IR IrrlgahiP lands near Lethbridge. lel lave come from the I of the States, p•ttleu f{1t an ingten, Idaho and California. An owners who rented their land on the illustration will them t0 h land Atha crop plan rerPlvPd much more than Valu,. placed by th1e in man? tns'anCP0- this re. A slice r whe nus- The district has been favored by the elle a w Zinn fon? e, re west of Coal- •rH<a1 and Nttleme•t there •'t • tale at 1102 ee sere, re,Pntlyhtrei fee largo lumber of settlers of high aver are considerably latter than tM path- ( f therm bevy bridge district the offset of (hoer die wit he'd the to g le a halll it menu 1 � � the temple o1 the township 141le dr". �sul5C1XIIJeWJe>l>< � r1f1�IMIC ri(rr11 and fr his standpoint it lot O. tie I�1�t�:/j�lt��llfkkll(�f5[�1fAh[et7f1�� though people 5ith families to bring 44(R 411141 WOW 111 thein With mortgug41. un thrlr Garan•, would terve a hard hole *lentil of theta without any in- creased ave • rat ex(Meuditur'. I(e believed in plainly stating -his views mit that 'everybody remold know' just where be etss1 with regard to 111[ matter. - The Eue.;-mann was never 1 hy(.M'rite, hr never said nue thing to n mate. how and another twl' 1 his hawk. 111411 111• w11e glad to be an M.11g- the serer ug. 1119 r 1 0 1(.111411411. He p0ilnlrl to evumple" of fish for shipment in refrigerator cars I"'tuwnui 14 11411' which bud IN''u which were loaded 111141 411lie l on their journey to (hrtario markets for (tome (1111M11w(1t 14,11. 111(4,,• MIm' showed the e>-(gN•rath'e hlia11111g of 4hitt' rio grown wood from the sheering of dlw'p 11y "machinery 10 the insert' of the Meow, the detail of the spe..ia1 lox for Thurstlay, April 10, 1919 I) xxxaesxxyexmsxsecxXXtcxXrXas NEW Spring Hats ARRIVING DOCK COME IN AND SEE THEM Everything in Men's Wear at right prices ALL THE TIME McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers The SQUARE GODERICH lltXXXrf111f'11 X firXfitIllsXXIA[XXAllXXXX111of11 xxscxxxxxxs�exxxssxxscx�scx�x� ANNOUNCEMENT x We are pleased to be ahle to, inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hart: coati in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our old-time service and protnpt delivery, The Saults Coal Co. Phone No, B. J. Smits' residence W. W. Saaul�lresidence No. 2. o 9111[ 1 11Ing the Mer1', 4111(1 the proper arrangement of the (.1(.•r twine for tying it. Then ,woe the srrtIng nod powk11•41, and mime pictures showing defects which it iN waw' for fanners to guar( against. if they Pi.11 to get the 1114110'141 market prl'1e for tl0'lr wool. The picture of the wurrhouse with its immense piles of e'nurinnas baton was sufficient el Weiser. that Ontark) farmers arc a11te to the benefits of ,'ooperatice wiling of their wlod. Mr. Oliver Edward sang a hninoroue MOOR h' title style' and obliged 511th an enrols-, Mrs. }Alward playing hit ac' "l 'ilment. The president tl.oI Rare a shout talk hl favor of building a erm ty hall. While the• matter had 1141'1 vrrtr1 en et a previous meeting. It Nuns felt that meny were present at ihie meeting who *ere' not niemb.'rs of the Ferment' Chili,9mad 1( w'as a better opportunity to get 'lie eenlhneut of the 511101e vom- nntllity. Hr expecte(' .here would he n certain pm0Ilnt wf opposition. but he thought it those who tion thorong it would not w ^ Irrigated lar was ,4'141.11'1 d(Ptrtete and Is an $141e as 18141411 as 110 and Isince they have began to r,-*11se their Iarly from each• ore mak paid to tele; while worth development of the country has gone on apace. The effect of this de- velopment has been an awakening n1 Istersst In other irrigable areas in the the province and a mere •rapid settlement of thea. As these areas the gnats' P-lnn adlolninR T lige 4n PIIIgenM. Meet e u(M1 y nee* The was mashy and ltmprovwtaPnta as14apl • 1118Mhy mss ih•d Pxf+rtesee with lrveRstlen air- vwlopw+ent en lbs prosperity elf sjas eters rd ah •b1i M �• "Aiarb Prev1•es ���' - tY�► 1�Y mom lop s« ~ *. . would come chiefly from d not Nh01ie1 the slhlu- tv, end were afraid tint mint the "ps'u'ine of 411e 114ressir7 itplount of m011ey 40 etlarte11 at IAel11'11 111111 ('4,11)1.44 11411 wlei,h mer.- now either dilayldulwl n'r,.-ks or bud 1.1.11 removed from their original location to 1.• used for other Purprs•s. \While these were III. t4Pw M, Ile N0111(1 not tote against it if a 1w4- jority were for It. e Mr. .lo1111 aleelure then ',poke in furor • of the propowMl hall. He mid that. like many others, 11114 interest In the hall would t.' in proportion, to the paw of merest from hie home; if It %AM 1.N•11led 111 same .1101 (14414 alt• those lutere.t.rl in it 'meld eueily get to, lw thought it world be at benefit to the community. He did not share h1 the precious speaker's opinion that such hard tines were ahead, brit thought that if the community really wanted. It they ,wall finance the project with- out very much difficulty. Mr. 11. K. Revell spoke 111 favor of the hall 11ud outlined the work already Inoue by the i•oodu14te In obtaining information dud making planar. Sir. Isla, Shield motel that the meeting etpreee its approval of the building of a community hall and urge 411114 a committee .arrange at 4/1ce (4 11114111Ml with the tleeNM^ry steles 111 tint direct low Mr. K. E. Nnftel wrondel the mutton, 5.111(11 NOR thl'u put to the Meet h.ig 441111 tarried without a div - wilting vote. Mr. John McClure acting as anetko6- e'r then dilipwel of the bo51,1 of Imt- ahles to (11e highest bidders falai the .01 ial (part of the programa►, which hinted till the witehin41 hour of night, was touch enjoyed by everybody. Positive—Convincing Pro 'f Many so-called remedies for an r- mia are only so in name. Their in; t- en are afraid to prove their claims y telling what their medicines cont. a. The only way to be honest with e people is to let them know what to y are paying for. Here is the Vi rl formula- When the doctor kno •s what a medicine contains, it cea 11 to be • "patent" medicine. 1L Cd Limo and fleet Peplionec, inn end /1 Yeyenese PepNdtee, Nee ad Am- monium CiInte, Lime nae Sees Glycen- phosphatea, Cunene. Any doctor win tell you that the (is-' gredients of Vinol, as named above, will enrich the blood and banishnae- mia and create strength. When the blood is pure and rich and red, the body is strong and robust You can prove this at tt returned pee because our �rloney will if Vinol does not improve your health. J. A. r'.t\1l'i1I l.I., Druggist, G(Mlericb. Ont. What Home Means to Them. To thf Small Boy —Inc service of sup D'Y• To the Young Lady—The theatre of operations. • To the Young Man—Headquarters expeditionary forces. Io Grandma—A rest lector. T'o the Black Sheep --An awkward salient. To the Maiden Aunt No man's land. To Mother --The base hospital, sal- vage depot and camp commissary. To Father—headquarters disbursing office ad,uster of claims.—Li(e. FREEDOM !ROM DEFECTS fl.R.P. COMM. Or war Economy. it's heartbreaking the way some girls are careless in these hard tiniest. Aunt Martha w nt in!n the kitchen the other evening and four her young ser vent sitting by the tire, ,,0h was gaily consuming much coal. "•Goolneasme!" leis the old lady. "You should always bu'n cinders in the evening, hsrnerakia." Nest day auntie saw r'an,ralda heap- ing coal on to a huge bit re in the beck garden. She couldn't speak for rage, hut the girl understood her gesture. '•Pkrar, mum," she eeplained, "i'm making cinders to burn lite evening!"— Answers;London . First Test for Candle Power Second Test for Current Consumption Third Test for Mechanical Defects Fourth Test. for Length of Life PORTION of every shipment of HYDRO AQuality Lamps is taken at random to be tested. If any Tamp fails to paw the rigid tests the entire shipment is rejected. All tests are conducted by experts in the labor- atories of the Hydro Electric Power Commission e of Ontario— the most completely equipped trical testing laboratories in Canada. The tests of HYDRO Quality Lampsaid the Commission in realizing the objects for Which it was created --to furnish the best possible service at the lowest possible rates. When HYDRO Quality Lamps are used for home lighting the consumer is assured maximum brilliancy and long Cue combined with minimutn current consumption. HYDRO Quality Lamps are obtainable at the. Hydro Shop. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION SOLD ST-- OF ONTARIO WIWTWOrks sad Electric Light Commission HYDRO SHOP