HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-10, Page 5s!• it WE NOW STOCK r GENUINE FORD PARTS _�_ Al -= FORD LIST PRICES STORAGE BATTERY REPAIRS Batteries charged 41 NEW STOCK OF BICYCLES just arrived --is'—e East Street Garage "thvat `'`' `' a CODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover • _Advertise la The Niguel. It pays. 1111111111111111111101111.1111 • N Reform Monograms ■ 111 11>r 111( ■ 1/ X ■ • ■ Something New ill 11111 All initials iu stock. IN al Ask for your initials and ▪ combine your monogram ▪ to suit yourself. IN 'Useful for marking linens, IN etc. • • Novelfies and Notions A call solicited. MISS S. NOBLE 111 ■ ■ •■)♦)�I�lfllr)•f1�)t)•J•■ A Consider This After all, it is not the ques- tion of. price which is the train consideration when having pho- tographs taken,but the questions of likeness and permanence. Which are cheaper—photo- graphs which last a year or so, and then fade, or those which last for fifty years and then are as good as the day they were taken ' Our photographs are permanent and our prices reason- able. J. T. FELL PHOTOGRAPHER LOCAL TOPICS. Knox College (unvocatl. . At the annual convocatltw of Knox College. Toronto, on Tuesday. the degree of doctor of divinity was con- ferred upon Rev. David Perrie, of Winghaui. Among those who have passed that third -year examinations in theology at Knox 1 stilton W. 'Cyn - dal, B. A., of Carlow, who I% &Iso announced as the winner of the Smith schudarahip. Ne Reduction to Goderieb. Announcement is made of reductions in charges for power by the Ou tario Hydro electric Power Commie siun to EASTER GIFTS "Tke Return from Calvary" "The Resurrection Morn" These are two beautiful Easter copyrighted Pictures. Lovely (artificial but very natural)Faster Lilies, Daffodils, Daisies, American Beauty Roses, Sweet Peas, etc. Easter Booklets and Folders, from 3c up to 25c. Dainty Easter Boxes, Rabbits, Chickens, Buunies, etc., for 5c. Faster Post Cards in great variety. We invite all to see them. Smith's Art Sto East St. Phos 198 any -one municipalities). Go8aroas 1n. not among these municipalities; the only places in Hurou county in the fortunate list are Exeter. lieusall, Dashwood and Zurich, which, we understand, get their power un a lune from London. New l'lerk of Colborne. At the meeting of the township council of Colborne on Tuesday Captain Isaac Hetherington was • ppx,inted clerk in suc- cession ue cession to the late Robert. Mcllwain. The appointment commends itself as a very suitable one, the Captain having been a member of the council before going over- seas and thus having a knowledge of the affairs of the municipality which will be of go,dservice to him in his new capacity. Besides, the Captain is by nature one of the most courteous and obliging of men, and he will perform the duties of the office capably and conscientiously. Mr. Russell Fox Back to Town. Friends 1)111r, Rumen Fox are glad to welcome blm hark to ltotk'rlrh after 'emend years elurhlg which he ham been with the futon Bank at St. t'alllr(n1•N I id other places. He has now engaged with the Sterling Bank and _tins been placed oil the 4:uderlch staff os acrouutaut, taking over his 1N'w duties thin week. As thin Ie Mr. Fox's home town. the move Is a good our all round, and the Sternal( Bank iv to be congratulated upon securing the service•. of Mo diligent and capahle a young eau. Can eillor Was Too Soon. The wix up in time lust Solidity con- fusco1 u good many church-g.wni. At our .'11111,11 at 1414.4 some of the wor- shippers were on hand at half -past now to the morning toot hod to waft apt hour and a half brture se•rvll•e began. 11 t. told of one staunch Pres- byterian— a member of 4Ife town r.aul- rll, fly Ile wily --that laKt year when the rlwtige in time we !made tie came to church an hour Inter This time he wasn't going to be cupght and accord - 'ugly he 01oc111 Ill,. watell one hour ahead_. When he i(ut to chnn•h Le futnol that the Ken ices were to be held that day by "old Cum.,- and lie Nils all hour toss soon. ,kt least, that Is the stems. "Aunt Sewn M halt.' There was much a rush to enjoy "Aunt Susan' Visit" last Friday even- ing that tl Ls -tore room of North str,r•t Me loilist rhumb could not a.'••11III iii*o tP all w110 wished to ile present, lid a number were turned from t door. The affair was under the J. tit auspieeN of ttie Epworth I.ragt •N of the two Methodist Thur ies. "Aunt Suwiu'1s VI -it'' ix a Ida et •leseriblig the visit of an olel- fafouel rout to some of IN•r more p trut hnis relative., who... hick of spree iation of her qualities finally urns to affectionate regard. Humor - ons dialogue and wirth-;a•ovok1ng wow's ulouiel. and the irrudnrtiou was enjoyed hugely. Between the scenes {plata, solos were given by Misses Ellkltt, N.1.tt and I'altridge. Nearly 111ml was taken in at the flour, and the pruceeb w i11 go to low missionary fuels. The Perlis of Pease. Y1•Mtenlay morning a driverless ?H1 1111114111. oOD%131Cg, OIf'P. umbago is 1matist of1he back. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. 1f the kid- neys did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the k•dneys do their wog/it-The sure, positive and only cure for Lumbago is Dodd's Kidney Pills pts swat m ist.ng. he wishes to know, before going on with his plans, to what extent the scheme will have the approval and support of the town. It has been frequently pointed out that Coderich, In companion with other resorts, is lacking in amusement facilities, and it is lust the: want that Mr. Craigie proposes to till. 'STORY OF "THE GREAT LOVE." horse and cart dashed up Hamilton street, and turning into Newgate street the horse slipped on the cement crossing awl went down. It was taken in charge by bystanders alai had just got oil i(M feet again when Capt. Isaac Hetherington, its ow 1141', came along in an automobile, Lacing (((lowed it from where it starred Its run, at Brad- ford's blacksmith shop en Victoria sirs•t. one of the Hues had broken, and the captain. having escaped with lite and limb from the daug•'rs of our and out caring to risk either in an aimless trip in IN•aeeful Canada, de- rided to leave his frightened horse and Wanting cart and Mo rolled out oil the road and followed in an automobile which happe'ued to he Dear. Very little damage was dome, but h'fore hP drives that horse again the ('aptafn Y1Nt1111 give his steed a .• 'esu in mlll- tary ,diw•lpllne and teach it to halt at the w•unl of command. To Provide Amusement Facilities. Mr. .1. W. Craigie is working on a proposition for the establishing of an amusement park on the lake bank at Lighthouse Point. The idea is to prov,de up-to-date amusement accornmodaton for ummer visitors, as well as for residents of the town. The plans include a pavilion. 118 by 46 feet, for dancing. with an tight - foot promenade all around it. On the beach below he proposes to erect an adequate bathing -house, and to connect this with the pavilic.n by means of an inclined elevator to be operated by electricity. In this way patrons could be carried from the pavilion to the beach. and back again. in comfort and safety. The pavilion would ie pprrovrded w th ladles ar.d gentlemen's dressing roo0i', and other modern equipment, and there would also be refreshment rooms in ci n- necti.m. Mr. Craigia will probably have his pro(o'itlon before the town council at J :•••••••••••••••••••• M it ■ i • • • •• • •• •• • •• •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • L THEATRE nidi • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • • • • • • Wednesday and Thursday, April 16th and 17th D. GRIFFITH T MASTER MIND OF MOTION PICTURES PESENTS HIS STUPENDOUS PRODUCTION e Great Love" mighty story of woman's With practically the same cast that appeared in "The Birth of a Nation" and "Hearts of the World," includ- ing Lillian Gish, George Fawcett, Robert Harron, George Siegman, Henry Walthal, Maxfield Stanley, Rosemary Theby, Gloria Hope. regeneration by war LI L1.IAN (iCii D GRIP I TI -L G 'The Great Love' ..Ainmwra... For the first time in the history of motion pictures the very flower of England's finest womanhood is shown engaged in the noble task of succoring the brave sons of Britain, France and America in their time of great ; i r.` r ing and sacrifice. Among the many notable personages who take part in the development of the storyi aretiincluded Queen Alexandra, Lady Diana Manners and Miss Elizabeth Asquith, daughter of the form!r Prim! Minister of England. PRICES: Matinee 15c and 20c. evenings 25c and 35c. All returned soldiers admitted free at matinee. Matinee Wednesday at 3 o'clock, evenings at 8 o'clock NOTE : Owing to the nnttt•ua1 length of this photoplay please come early. Music by the Goderich Orchestra both nights NEN GRIFFITH PI('TI RE TELLS Or NATION'S SACRIFICES. 1'butoplay Ideals with 'toting Anwriran in the Mar and with %sr Work of Nubility in Great Britain. THE ('AST JIw Young of Youngstowu, Pa. !filbert Herron Sir Roger Brighton. Henry rt. Wattled' Jessle Loi cacti taoria Hope Susie ({tnwdpbalns 11111au Gish Juhu Ifrladplatius.—Maxfield Stanley Res. Jow'phus Itnwdplaius.... .4 eorge Fawcett aladepeulw•Il• 4'ortute .Rlsk•mary Tbe'hy Mr. Seymour tit Brasil. formerly of Ik'rlill 4:1•urge Selgmann THE STORY When Jiw Young of Yongstown, Iia.. receives news of German atra•Itie. in Belgium, it ruual•N hitt to great auger, and he proceeds forthwith to 1'analla and enlists f4* the British army, thus beotniug u forerunner of f the Aus•rfrau tones that are suh- sequeutly to leave fur the battlefields in Europe. on his arrival in London,_ Young observes the war prwlstratiotul there with great interest and Ire is at owe sent to his fra' ' it camp uu the Outskirts of that city, aad b'gins artier trainiug While C11J11i1g a few flours 11arP of shwas•, 1 • meets Susie Broad - plains, a young Australian girl, who fa lulNsene personified, and who is wait nattered by the attention paid her by a real live, vigoronN American soldier, rousted iu the cause of the Allies itgainat 4:ernwuy. They west fre- quently and their friendship won rils•ns into five. Susie falls heir to 211./1$) pounds and tit else (Neuw*N . the objet of much w,li.itudr on tow part of Sir Roger Brighton, on unscrupulous fyrnuu'-hooter, who has resolved to win her ut any rust. He vvntr,ives to tore his unwelcome attentions upon the girl, and when Toting is ,'thiel to the front with his regiment Sir Roger seeks to force her to marry him before he leavers on a business trip for France. She repels him and at a final meeting with Young assures hili of her love and bids him a cheerful adieu as he leaves for the front. The story now deals with the ad- ventures of Susie and her two suitors, which are iuterruptel frepwntly by interuatiolal • ompiicatious awl the wochhwtions of 4:erwau adventurers maaqueradiug as radicals, with whom Sir Boger becomes vorooglel. Tlw 1riusfortwlhou of the fair wuun•n and ws•[ei butterflies of Es:land to workers in h4e•pitals awl munition factories is shown in n series of re- markable pictures. Among the many notable personages who take tart in the development of the story' are included Queen Alex- andra, the I'rinles1 Monaco, the c"ount- PsN of Mlisserene, Lady John Lavery, Miss Bettina Stuart -Wortley, Miss Violet Kepgs•I, the 4'ouuH•ss of Drughdn, faddy I)iatu4 Manners, daughter of the ihike of Holland, aiNt the most buttons beauty hi English society, Mi.s Elizabeth Asquith, daughter of the former i'rime Minister of Englund. and others. Antong•these celebt•afel workers for their ennrtry is Susie. wllo tfud• "the' great lose" in service for the cause of dewa•racy and of her country. Big iattlr wear+, such aN late milk'! materially to the fame of 1). W. Griffith as preelwsr. are shown in this picture and 11y acid great interest to the development of at unusually dramatic and 111.41ealilig Tie "Great Love' w111 IM' .Rowell at the Model Theatre next Wednesday and Thursday evruings wid matinee Wednesday tit 3 o'clock. • • • '• • • • •• • •• •• •• • •• • •• s� ST% LE DEMONSTRATION. Tilurs41a0, April 10, 1919 s Capital a..1 Iteaer'e, - - $',11O0.111)4) T Aaarta,, Nov. 3041., 11)IN. over Et53.0(N).000 Prosperity Often Hides the fact that it is necesetiry to prepare for tho Iran years that may conte. Von u. 1 t r can tell. Safety lies in ,a, ing. Open a wrings atccsint and let your money earn money kr you. Husband and wile often open •joint anvings accocnt. Ask for particulars. ata UNION BANK OF CANADA ingGODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLLCOMBE. . - Maaagor. The Signal eau save you money on your dally paper. Net the dabbing list oIi page 7 of URN issue. A demonstration of latest New fork designs anti styles In ladies' dresses will be given by Mr. Kuria, designer and memb- r of nue of the largest New York and Montreal firms making hlgh- class gowns, at W. Acheson & Son's store on April 17th and 111th. FOOTWEAR FOR EASTER Easter is the opening of the season for Oxford Shoes. At my store may be• seen a variety 9f Oxfords to please every taste.' The selection is so exten- sive that we're sure we can please you if you'll only let els try. that prefer to e have the lttyliyh and tion attractive shoes. All of these patterns—both high and low—are offered ni all the popular leathers and style of heels. Our priers are most reasonabk. —REPAIRING - Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Godericb •••••+••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Massey -Harris Shop —FOR— BINDERS, MOWERS AND CULTIVATORS. DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS. GRAY AND McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE PENCE. BLD HOMESTEAD Fri RTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich AVOID COUGH'S' Lula COUGHERJ'! ng 303prreaads 4 Wert 1170 HI'LO 30 DRORf-STOP/ OMJGKf MLI TBU FOR CIBLDRLII Have Your Auto Painted in readiness for the approaching season. Jack Kay Opera House Block DEAN'S SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE }fere are four reasons why our Coffee has the right, flavor 1. it is fresh roasted ai)1t ea pressed to us weekly. 2. We grind it fresh for .... h customer in a Cole eke. tilt coffee Hill ;i. It is a special blend of the finest Mocha and Java Cork a. .Ve get out Coffee from a famous Coffer -peetaky house [Stone Ph nr 110 11.,u"• I'h.+oe Ilii You will like out l'• 1..v Price 55c pound D.:AN BROS. 4 .kt ii I'.Rs h 1GLEYS In the sealed Package All of its goodness sealed in - Protected. preserved. The flavour lasts! SK for. and be SURE to get WRIGLEY'S. It's in a sealed package. but look for the name—the Greatest Name in Goody -Land. WRIGLEYS SPEARM/Nr s.PERiE T M1 V.AeiNr [ Fi4I Pi -A troa.•,ZPs Made In Canada Sealed Tight—Kept Right