HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-10, Page 44 -Thursday, April 30, 1919.
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aotrsiWCh Olt
P a
• In quality, style and appearance -our models are the •
• last word in stylish men's spring attire. ••
Young Men
See the new waist seam model, the very
smartest creation for young men. They are
selling well in the cities, and are bdund to
be great favorites in Goderich. See them
in our window.
Borsalino Mats
No need to say anything about Borsalino •
Hats, they are the best-known hat in the •
• world, they are worn [everywhere by the •
• best dressers. Price - - - - - - - - $S•• •
Phone 57 20th Century Clothing •
MONDAY. April 7.
Miss Violet Finnigan is spending a few
daye with her mother at Seaforth.
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Will Ilasty, a
son. Congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Shackleton visited
friends at Lucknow Saturday last.
A number of the young people took in
the dance at Auburn.
A "pie social" will be held in the church
here Good Friday, April Pith. A good
program is being provided by the ladies.
A lecture will be given by Rev. T. A.
Steadman on his travels through Europe.
after which pie and coffee will be served.
Admission 25c and 15c. Everybody wel-
WELCOME IioME!-A very 'enjoyable
evening was spent in the school house [.ere
on Friday evening. Mood program was
provided, after which Mrs. R.McWhinney
and Mrs. J. Menary presented Pte. Isaac
Gauley with a suitable address and a
purse of tnonec. Pte. Gauley thanked
them very kindly and gave a very inter-
esting talk on his travels through England
and France. A dainty hunch was then
served by the ladies of the section
Monday, April 7.
Mrs. .1. I huh.. of St. Augtstiue,
vent last w.wk visiting bar parents,
1-T �
� 1� I
JL �/
You Tray be able to defend yourself from n frontal
a'tack but how about it if you are held up from
the rea
Your bo
It isn't al
a treacheu
cognize unti
I:.rr;e intestine
hinders you fro
poisoning causes
You may be
y bast() fiuh! constantlyag iinrt disease.
ays a fair fight, because con41tipa' on is
s enemy that you usually don't re -
loo late.
icon -forming fond waste in y• 1
helps d pease to attack you r,n.
defer•dir.g yourself '.c:) t
ver 90% of human illness.
rt for monthi in the grin cf
constipation, trying\visual? to free yourse.if by
tak-ing castor oil, phis, saits, tninelal waters, etc.,
th order to force the b wets to move. Not on:).
will the constipation g ew worse with the con-
tinuance of such remedy but you will Le less
able toiclefend yourself a lost the attack when
it comes.
On the other hand, Nujol ove omes eonetipatic•1
and brings about the habit 'f easy, thorot,.,h
bowel evacuation el -regular i enals• It : '+
gently and herm!cesly, at all es er.d, r
Take Nujol and constipation can't oak tip c:1
you and cripple you When ,you least xp.ct it.
Get 1 bottle of Nujol from your dru�.'s: tod y
and write for free b3oklet " f limy 'c: t t f
-Warning • 1\ajol i. s:d cniy in
• lodes Learing flee K• .1
Trade Mark. A11 d•ugg'at.. Ina„[ oat Nu, .1. l ��
may suffer from su :.:tures.
Nujol Laboratories
50 1 ro.Jway, New Yoa:c
aPeqular as_ Clockwork"
Noio1 Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jewry)
INtlimasiway. NewYnrk. Meese *ern' mo free booklet "Thirty
Prat of Dasger cenatrpatien and auto-inteneetio" lar stinks.
Ur. and Mrs. M. Dean.
Mr. J. Royle anent Sunday et Mr.
M. 1 h•a n's.
Mis,a•s J,largnret hurley and stella
man 'arriv,4l.home last week lifter
w Vng the winter -In Winnipeg.
r*. M. IMttuu laud chidden, of
\\'1u1tpeg, are visiting friends here.
Walter (Dalton. has arrived home
after spending six 'weeks at Stratford,
Mr. ISennis Sullivan visited 3tr. Wm.
Yung at loyal this wtwk.
Mobility. April 7.
The Kest Hume lmprsiemetlt
Scheme.-- In atrordaute with the pub-
lished plums of Ute iVest Huron teach-
Trs. a delegation of them. consisting
of Messrs. Johnston and Hoffman and
Jliss'$ Elliott and t 'oleins n. wa IIWI
011 the Stanley township ,.ninth today
at Varna and s'
prenttel their case tor
a gana $
rof 2:1 to le paid in prizes or
rewilyd•, to the three s$,a.l sections
that will snake the greatest amount
of Iwpnitemcnt in this township 11e -
fun' the tit'Mt of next tk•tulwr. The
61111114'11 rtM•ogrlinsi the red woiablelress
Of the result -at and granted it, stipulat-
Ittg that it Iw dividwl into three prizes,
1st. Ian(. oral ::rd, of $12, $$ and =.5.
Tiw Teachers .\ssM•lation Is offering
a further prize as a similar reward
fur the section .doing the best work In
W,''1t Huron. They are also doing the
pioneer work in advertising and urging
tie (sr,ple to take hold of it. A
gritif}'ing interest on the (art of the
rartuers Is (wing aroused nod it is to
Is. hulas! that everyone will take Hold
of work a1a1 thus with a tong pull, *
'strong pull and a pull altogether great
things may Iw done. It Is to tie helped
that tt'a,4lt'rs anti (lamella. trusters
and others in other lowuships mIU
follow Stanley's splendid example.
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
agent for THE SIC Mr% at Dungannon.
Orders left with hem Lsr wbaert9tion$,
advertisements or sob pronto* will receive
prompt artenuon. Telephone (Goderlch
Rural) rag.
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Commissioner for Afbdav,ts.
and Conveyancer
W.P. Deeds. Montages. Agree,nen,• e,c .
Cartfah exec ,ed lad Money Sup-
rl,•d for Mortgage.
Fere. W xd ane L.fo insurance. '1s OW bey
Coo,p.n,es only.
Jolla Asides la.Like New Now Sasc•
Taking Ta1111ac-Gained Tlwtg
The best evidence of the merits of a
medicine is what pe ogle who have actually
taken it have to say about it. And this
is true and beyond all question when
such statements are made by people of
high character and published right in the
community where each fact can be in-
vestigated and verified.
John Ashley, a well-known and highly
respected citizen of BIO mfield, Ontario,
called at the City drug store in Picton
recently and made the following remark-
able statement regaiding the benefits he
had derived from Tanlac:
"Tie best proof I can give that Tanlac
was the right medicine for me is the way
it has relieved my suffering and built me
up. My normal weight is around 150
pounds. but I had fella oft as the result
of a bad stomach and other troubles until
1 was getting to look Ike a skeleton.
Why, when I first started on Tanlac 1
weighed only 117 pounds, and now I tip
the scales at 147. Think of it; i have
actually gained thirty pounds and have
only taken four bottles of Tanlac.
"Last June my stomach got all out of
order, so that 1 couldn't eat without suf-
feting from indigestion. 1 was also badly
constipated, suffered from a sluggish
liver, and would often have dizzy spels
when my bead seemed to go round and
round. 1 was under treatment for several
months, but in place of getting better 1
was going down -hill rapidly, i cou dn't
work and simply felt rundown and miser-
able all the time.
"Finally one of my neighbors advised
me to try Tanlac and almost as soon as i
commenced taking it 1 started to straighten
up. 1 have taken four bottles now, and
without going into deta I about my won-
derful improvement with each bottle, I'll
just say that I am like a new man. I
haven't lost a day from work in two
months. Tanlac is a great. medicine for
the stomach and for constipation. 1 have
never run across anything so good as
Tanlac Laxative Tablets. By using the
two together all my indigestion, constip-
ation. dizziness and everything that
troubled me have been relieved. I want
my statement to be published in all the
papers, as I want -to do what I can to
let those who are suffering like I was
know about this wonderful medicine."
Tanta(' is sold in t:..tt•rit•h by E. R.
While, in Seaforth 1' t'. Aberhart, iu
Wiughaw by J. Walton McKi1.1"n, in
Mansell by A. M. E. Hemphill. in Blyth
• by White city Drug Store. in Wroxeter
by J. N: Allen, In 1.o11111.1410r) by John
G. l.onntlsberry, in Exeter by W. S.
Noway, fu Itnmefield by Peter Mowry.
In 1)usIiw,,od by T1.•nl:ill & Etllghoffer.
• In c'rerldton by J. W. Orme. In ('lin-
ton by W. S. R. Holm.... to gheppanl-
ton I,y J.H. Slmpsou, in Corrie by 11.
V. Armstrong, an4 In Fordwit•h
Ss, ttsom.
\1 EDNEv'AY, April 9.
Mr. J. R. McNabb was on a busireis
trip to Toronto this week. He returned
on Tuesday evening with the Case boys„
Mr. and Mn., George Irwin have
)onng daughter•sarir.d test wreak.
Miss Beth Fin'rtab ads home fur the.
week -end.
Our euterprltdog farmer Mr. James
moved into the village this week. We I ('11'11101[1 111141 purchased the farm
welcome them to oir peaceful community.. owned by Mrs. Andrews of Goderieh,
Miss Rae Stothers attended the funeral , better known as the.l'rux (arm.
of the. late Dr. Strang at Goderich on! urs. Will I hu k 7r'i t to Gnelph thla
Monday afternoon. i week as a delegate for the IV. F. M. S.
Mr. Haney Bellamy went to Toronto to- I lel tow Pruvinvl,l "'tire held in that
ward the week -end. oily'
Our school is being organized to com- ; What might have proved a very
pete in agricultural products at the' serious accident happened to Mr. stud
s:hool fair to be held in West Wawanosh Mr+• J.~141 ('tW'k one day last week
next fall. dost of the seeds have already 4'1911' tht'y were driving on tie bike
been secured from the district represen- SIHlnc read. Another rig ,v.11tiled
native. Mr. S. B. Stothers. Clinton. with theirs, throwing the (M'cll(Anfi
Miss Payne, our millinrie�rr. and 't out. Apart from a severe shaking up
Verna Hamilton drove to BlythMison Wed- nothing, toeri°ns it sularl:
nerlday, Miss ina Williams left on Friday to
Robert Armstrong. our proficient mail ' take charge of a school wear Amherst -
carrier. and Miss Edith Stothers, of the 1'nrg.
postofiice, set the pace for the day's oc- atrx,- Arch. Morton and Miss tiara
cupatan. The rest follow the sun. Fulford attemh',1 a missionary meeting
Bert Roach and family have moved in-' 1011 at Ude house of MTN, Will Sallows
to the village this week. Mr. Roach is , last week.
ggaged with Mr. McNabb for the season, 1 Mr. George Freeman is not improv-
J.f(. says the hens always set the pace
for him.
Howard and Benson Case arrived h•ame
on 1 uesday evening. after an absence cf very instructive sermon.
four years in France and England. A very
hearty reception awaited them. Our eager
citizens paraded the streets and hung on
every corner awaiting the arrival of the
'expected sold boys from McGaw
station. About o'clock p. m. the
pealing of the villa bell proclaimed the
arrival, and the crowd immediately
marched to the Methodist church, where
the gurgle were brought to receive a right
royal welcome home. Rev T. A. Stead-
man occupied the chair and after words
of welcome and brief prayer for the safe
return of our soldiers a short program was
given, including speeches by Rev,
'M. P. Craig. Mrs. Alliston, Joseph
Mallough and Miss, Thompson,
solos by Miss Hazel Augustine �
and Mn. R. A. Bailey, and quartette
selections by the Dungannon Male Quar-
tette. Mr. Benson Case replied, spe-ik ng
Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. IN
The showing of the season's newest styles in Coats, Capes and
Dolmans is now at its best. The styles are truly delightful, so entirely
different from what has been shown for many seasons. For those who
favor the Cape or Dolman your are sure to be impressed, the styles are so
suitable to spring and summer wear, and then there are the more conser-
vative Coats, which are exceedingly smart and dressy.
The favored materials are Velours, Jersey Cloth, Tricotines and
Serges, in the season's newest colors. Prices range from
$16.50 to $45.00
Special Purchase of Silk Poplin
A special purchase of Silk Poplins just
to hand in an extra nice firm weave,
splendid finish, will give great satisfaction.
In colors of navy, taupe, nigger, copen,
grey, prune. 36 inches wide. $1.25 per
Novelty Silks in Great Variety
The demand for Novelty Silks is most
complete in all that is new in stripes,
checks and plaids. At $2.25 to $3.75
per yard.
Prepare for April Showers
A new stock of women's Parasols, in
all the latest styles of handles, in good
quality Gloria coverings. Priced at
$ I.75 to $5.00 each.
Black Harishike Raw Silk
Something new for serviceable wear,
in black only. For skirts, dresses for
motoring and travelling, nitre firm weave,
all pure silk, 34 inches wide. Special
$1.95 per yard.
White Shiotz Silk
This is an extra heavy quality Silk in
a nice even weave, for skirts and dresses,
will stand all kinds of hard wear and
washes perfectly. 36 inches wide. $2.95
per yard,
Women's Raincoats
No women's spring wardrobe is com-
plete without one of these useful and
practical Raincoats. They come in the
newest styles, in plain colors and Tweed
effects. They make ideal garments for
motoring. Priced from $6.00 to $20.00
We appreciate the co-operation of our customers in shopping early on Satur-
day evening since the beginning of the year, but owing to the new time which would
make it inconvenient for the farmers to come iri to town so early we will keep open
till 10 p.m. Saturday evening.
WIN x11R»•X1/1<x11LIMIUXNNISS*A1111/r1INIES 1A•
I'Vlillars s Scotch Store PHONE 56
lag en rase 44M his many friends would El-. **xxxxxxx 1x1111.11/11 ••R•)IR/1K••/)<al.a1M/■
Bet-. it. C. Wiwi -mid preat•*wd at
1 1 M lay w ruing giving a
,ee tern . lou u ,
very feelingly of the pleasure at being
back to Canada, and to the good old
village of Dungannon again. The meet-
ing was brought to a close by three rous-
ing cheers for the returned heroes. then
three more for Dr. and Mrs. Case and
Miss Ethel and Mr. George Case.
Monday, April 7.
Miss Pertly. Beckett 1M home from
the G. t'. 1.
Miss Eva i)rennan, of Toronto. Is
spending her Tradition with her parents
here. -
Misses leafed Macirnwld and Mary
:Kaltltrr, of Lucknow Collegiate 111-
W4111 home for the wve'k end
Home frau the war. -Ellwood
1)reonall 11rriv4.11 home Thursday
evenhlg11fter an absence of more than
two years and 11.114411 in England and
Fr'sm,ei-IIwooei looks well In •pate
of the fact that he hail sane very
M1 ii-nnoIIM experiences while on acfh,'
service Mr. John }hole, of (Jowl' s
University. Kingston, Is %lilting him
limit. Mrs. Albert Beckett. after three
y1.11114. M,'1'vIt'y 1,1 1:04111114 and France.
Mr. Hose tinnlillei its a ellpt*ln her
nen! ,11,11-Ner4M aM a guiltier with the
First I'h'islou Kingston Artillery.
He tins wren active servlet at the
S)'1nnH', t'amhrnl. \-imy Ridge and
I'sss•IH•ndael'. On Friday evening a
large rts•t'ptton was held in honor of
the boys' return home.
Monday, April 7th.
Homes; Horton is wearing the smile
that won't route oif-slI because a
" : 1Ix"-sst1
A l: BU RN.
Mrs. R. J. Russ is attending a rneeting
of the W. F. M. S. at Guelph this week.
Capt. I. Hetherington was in our village
on Sunday, looking well. We are all glad
to have him home again.
Mr. H. H Hill has exchanged his farm
on the 10th concession of Mullett with Mr.
Harold Sprung for the Tatter's 100 acres
on the base Incia mile and a -half south of
Auburn. Possession *to be given early
in April.
Mr. Nelson Hill has bills nut for a sale
April 14th. He intends coming to Au-
burn to reside.
Mr. Wm. Craig has started as thir d
man on the C. P. R. section.
Mrs. Hannah, of Toronto, spent the
week -end with her mother, Mrs. William
Mt. E. Matthews was visited over Sun-
day by his father and his uncle from
The important time to lay
a strong foundation for
robust manhood is while life is
young and the body develop-
ing. A growing child needs
every possible help to conserve
energy and confirm the body
in vigorous health. To a
developing child
Wednesday afternoon. April 2nd, thirty
ladles met at the home of Mrs. Isaac
Salkeld and organised what will be
know ss, the Country Women's Club.
The aini of the Clab will be t0 develop
the community spirit, anti help forward
all movements for the betterment of
rural --conditions. A cordial invitee
Is extended to all women in
rho community' to become weul-
bets. The first meeting will be on
Thnr'sday. AprIL 24. at 2.110 p. n1. (old
time) at the home of Mites Alice An-
drews, Bayfield road -F. B. Salke d,
JOHNMtoN-flow FRAY. -A (inlet wed-
ding was solemnised at the rectory of
9t. George's church, Golerich, on the
evening of Tuesday last, when the
rector, Rev. A. L. O. Clarke, united in
holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Regi-
nald John -Johnston, a prrseperous
farmer Of (iolerlch township, and Miss
comes with particular help.
Thousands of the strong men
and women of today were in
youth -feints nourished and
strengthened to withstand
the inroads of •dews by the
consistent use of Stott a
&lo t a .••••4. llwaah Sas. 1�
-. ..'u
Mary '-iowerby, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Mowerby of Goderich
township. The yosng couple begin
their wedded lite on the 4th conc./Msion
with the best wishes of thele wide
circle of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; C.Coll ni,t nce
the engagement of their second daugh-
ter. Olive Agnes. to Dr. George Herbert
Stevenson, the marriage to take place
the latter part of this month.
The services In Knot church next
Sabbath will be condnctt'tl by the
minister. R,'r. Mr. Melwernlirl is nt
Iugerwcdl tills week delivering ad-
dresses In the Interest of the Forward
Next Sunday will he annivertwry
Sunday In Victoria street Me1ho11Mt
elnn'h. Rev. Henry Irvine, of ilam-
Ilton. a former (Astor, will preach
wonting and evening. Sunday ishool
111111 Bible t-Iii*u at 3 o'clock. All well -
R -v. D-. Rutledge and Mrs. Rutledge
are visiting their daughter at Sout't
fiend. Indiana. Rw. J. E. Ford will
conduct the services in North street
Methodist church for two Sundays in the
absent* of Dr. Rutleige. His subject for
next Sunday morning is "Christian Cour-
age." in the evening the c,ingregatlo-s
are expected to worship with the congre-
gation of Victoria street church, who are
celebrating their church anniversary.
1)r. Simpson. metlleal health °Meer
of ,\slitleid, reports That the suullpoz
patients at Kingsbridge err gMtlrtg
along *veil and that there are no new
At the regular meeting of the public
school hoard on Monday night the resig-
nation of Mr. A. Straiton, secretary -
treasurer of the board, was received, and
it was decided to advertise for applica-
tions for the position.
■x/ 11XXr1I1 xx■11■x•U111IX11xxxxxll*XXNxxxll•XxI■
x Showing the way we snake the feather beds into the mattress form.
■ Seasonable side:-sumtner and winter.
means health to you.
Our new steam process is unrivalled for the successful renovation of feathers, each bed being x
cleaned separately. All work guaranteed. X
■ R. PECKHAM, Mgr. X
Kingstoq.street , next Dr. Whitcly'n.
X •'' •r