HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-10, Page 2in Canada is t is: Y OTTAWA, April 6. — Announce -
Mies are to be granted. Herleditar tides
now held in Canada are to expre ment was made by Hon. Arthur
their pr sent wearers -so far as Canada
1111 pi(efghen in the House of Commons
concerned.Of course, if Sir Joseph Fut.!
Monday that the charges against the
velle wants to take his baronetcy Jesuit Novitiate at -Guelph, Ont., of
to England and live in a part of the harboring young men who were
world there baronets have long been evading military service would be in-
[ of the social scenery there is no vestigated by a royal commission. In
v Iled nasty s ou the words of the Minister of the In-
terior. "the whole thing is to be dug
to the bottom," and "nothing Is to
be concealed."
The decision In Parliament was
initiated by Gen. Sir Sam Hughes,
and 1s the sequel to the midnight
raid on the Nov ltlate last June
which set the whole country talking.
A son of Hon. C. J. Doherty, Minister
of Justice, and one of the Roman
Catholic members of the Cabinet,
wax a novlee In the college at the
time of the visit of the military po-
lice, and Roman Catholics see In the
whole unfortunate affair "nothing
but a conspiracy to hold in contempt
the Jesuit Order in Canada," to quote
the words of Hon. Rodolphe Lem-
ieux. In the course of his argument,
Oen. Hughes charged that the Jeauits
In authority at the Novitiate assumed
the attitude that "we are above the
law„” and resisted Capt MacAulay,
the officer in charge of the eleven
military policemen who carried out
the raid.
Sir Sam alleged that the Depart-
ment of Justice ordered the press of
the country to maintain silence, and
that the order could be reared to Hon.
Kr. Doherty himself. The whole
thing wax to be hushed up, and Capt.
MacAulay was rapped over the An-
gers for his unseemly conduct and
"shipped to Winnipeg in disgrace."
The Military Service Act, Sir Sam de-
clared. was "not administered equit-
ably," and the favoritism which was
shown "bred a *plait of rebellion."
In his opinion, "the Intolerance was
all on the part of the Novitiate," and
the young Jesuit novices were hold-
ing back when "our men were beteg
pounded by the Hun and driven back
from St. Quentin." Wax It any win-
der that "loyal Orangemen of the
Province of Ontario" got their beets
Sir Sam delivered his Indictment
In an exceedingly calor and moderate
e1 tie sseresk has upoot loamy a-
siala's rest. 11 ewes etesor:h ie add•
dlrcrbad, ihrorthss M et three
as dm. beret before reside. sod er
- '--'-•1.f.w. T • rali y ..d
fr s`__ of Wi oosi err+sseed im
seem • *Oriels
susses OF sorra sattassso
The council of nations at 1`arla hart
determined to bring 11w ex-Kxleet to
trial for bis part In the par.
• • weir"''" ..ale t'-" "
Mrillitqllir"r1WIRIPOnlIee'"" "7.
Thursday, April 10, 191 9r,
Thursday, April 10, 1919.
Its Richness inQuality
gives Tea -Pot results
equalled by no other
Teas on sale anywhere
— I �cs�s0ec�eec� �Xess�s�o0s��
�' �OWER.I Carpets and House Furnishings
Nr of roustruatliig
These days bring again an anniversary
of the great and glorious battle of Vimy
Ridge, in which the Canadians dealt the I
whole war, and in which, ton, sad to recall, I
Black Green or Miali
many of the best and bravest boys whom i _ . --- --
Canada sent overseas paid with their lives fin`s ,rel ,.nudrynrra. ('an it Iso flat
for the victory gained. Goderich must I outside asslstalltr in the taro of
remember the boys from this town who orality buildings, grab* elevators sad
sleep at Vimy Ridge, and on this anni•' spired ver nuiei t hdea harbor grants bus
F itt-
versary it is fitting to remind our people inI also cuutribute its mite ler Falls
of the project fora memorial of the heroes (:aterirlf'
who will not return. Who, indeed, is' The `geuUf•nlsn wlNr,wrrnnat ks It eosts
wa u.
there among our citizens who will not l i Falls alh SII produce
roducer ower it to allow•
want to have a share in the erection of for the 1.0
enemy one of the mightiest blows of the
allot malu-
uusmiss{ou Iltws. It is true
this token of remembrance of the dear, ! t„luiug tr
d d bo who have honored us in i ., .., Niag:li•a Fells, for flu• f. 1ivti hoi e
Irl Sealed Packets Only.
evott Ys
their sacrifice ? or the nest of the l'rovlut. , has to Icy
for stepping up the power for long-
-- • distance transmission. Put this is to
THE HOSPITAL QUESTION. I argument fat• clatti411I. 'that the cost of
pnslucti„i, at Niagara Fulls lens
The Clinton News -Record makes a ape„old include the expense of trona -
proposal which deserves careful consider- forming flu' voltage for !mg -distant*
at it says
get the big money. To some .people it
may seem a great hardship not to have
an abundant supply of butter; but we
know one man who hasn't eaten an
ounce of it since the war started -except,
of course. whatever was an ingredient in
cooked articles -and. what is more, he
doesn't intend to commence eating i
when the price climbs down. So that it
i, not exactly an essential article of diet
Knighthood -for Canadians -is not in
Hower these days. There is reason to be- I
lieve that Mr. Nickle's anti -knighthood
resolution, when it crones up -if it ever
does --cannot be headed off, as it was last
tune, by a peevish want ot-confidence
bluff on the part of Premier Borden.
As a nutter of fact, want of confidence
in Union Government is not an unknown
quantity throughout the country, and
1 therefore Union Government would be
' ill-advised to take chances with want -of
confidence motions. It is just conceiv-
able that Parliament might take Premier
Borden at his word and jolt him and his
associates off the lob. Above all, Union
�vh . The avoid
made safe fur democracy and this country
kb more than ever confirmed in its opinion
that the tinpot stuff w no good.
t I Rumor has it that there are still some
' snots in Canada who would likto h be
knights some day, but considering
there are about right million other people
who are opposed to titles it is not bkely
that the tuft -hunting few will get their
• way. Only the other day swill
• gentlemen in the Militia Department
shook the dust of Ottawa off their feet in
. some dudgeon. Their promised titles had
been so long delayed that their hearts
were sick. They had been expecting the
stroke ever morning fora year -past` and
A large range of patterns in following
sizes, '21x3, 3ff3, 3x3Ji, 3x4, 4x4 yards,
at $25, 1130, $35, $10 IKs
Good showing of new and excellent pat-
terns, in all sizes. Ranging ce
=12 poise=s
ion• Iluwrv4.r, the pw,ple of Niagara 'I Several in ere tut, matter, rami before were itld playfully calking
The county council at its January "Sir but King George didn't come
upmeetingtheappointed a committee to take 1 Falls are used to being eand will
for scram.
the question of a •county memoriatl Hie benefit of other people and w81 out the House fur discussion outside of the i As a matter of fact, Union Govern-�
•ob e•t to the pn•w•mt prop sal if the usual routine during the past week
There was a motion brought in by Wm. meet -strong as it may be in the eyes or 1
hospital and report at the June meeting. llydn.� Iw•nic ('owwlssiuu will, take , ptoses of the people -wasn't strong enough
There seems to be some agitation just! 1111 the railroads and establish aerie McDonald of North Bruce. seconded by to put it over. Already it in wrong
now for. the maintenance n( say three fame prices, h1 tin' 1'revh"" for ,11111 Mr. Carter u( Guelph, asserting that the f
smaller hospitalsrather at different points in. Iuullw•r, iron ole, ra., not forgetting with one dver. uAlrea and h • is in toper'
the aunty than of one large one tut amt ii o • I represrntati.•n in the Ontario Legislature ` wi Loeral ltnionist wM) went over to the
placed at a central pint. tt A. �. Myer, • is too large, unwieldy and expensive, and l winning side on the express understand -
There are already three hospitals in big that no ntcxr atlas should be handed
the county. at Godench. 11'tngham and p Ii t [ r.indemmt) pe pa out. He went over. 1 said and rix
Clinton and each is no doubt doing good weeks latera dozen enure knights work. If one large hospital were estab-
lished it might be considered necessary to
maintain also one or two of the smaller
ones and the cost to the county would be
much increased without. perhaps, adding
much w the efficiency of the work done.
If each of the three hospitals already
established were made memorial hospitals
andolarger a yearlygrants
sin ere t ven by
county, perhaps
people would be served.
This plan has a good deal to commend
it, as compared with the proposal to
establish one memorial hospital with a,
large county grant. Setting aside the
difficulty of locating the one hospita. so
that it would serve the needs of the whole
county, there is the financial question.
if a large hospital were established in any
one town• under county auspices. its
maintenance would c r-;itute a heavy
financial burden upon both the county
and the town. paesuming that the county;
would not undertake) to establish and
maintain it in perpetuity. With smaller
hospitals distributed about the county,
local assistance would be greater and the
burden of maintenance bein; distributed
would be more easily borne. Without
committing itself to any particular pro-
posal at the present time. The Signal
admits there are some strong uy,nt, in the
new pro
-fte•..titainfunl Board of Trade. ; •poiming to the huge sum of over 1150.000
Niagara Falls South, ont.
and expenses iltomem-
The alslve letter lin The t:htls' of •bers during the past year. Alr. McDonald
:wtunlar last is ia•rhnlrs u't t.. be ' desired a reduction of the number of con -
taken quite seriously but it affords stituencies to conform with the repres n:
some indieatlun of the argument that talion from Optario to the Federal House,
will be employed against uniform namely from 11110 eighty nine. After a
mirthful discussion Mr. McDonald with-
iower rates. Htatlers 41 this part of drew his motion. He was supported in it
to t.nutra• w s t Who thought Id have
•1 tarot anal If
Ill mile at the reference by Mr. Prouditot. the Oppositto o lea er,
as ,
bered this fair land. He considers this.
very properly as I think, a breach of faith
and it will take only one more knight to
land him back where then belongs.
are probably
Unionist party who are in the same frame
of mind. not like the knights.
This country dors
ikes the nights so little that many of
hou ht the motion shoo t rel
a, clw,lp better ono eggs• been received more seriously, theus seek to add to the days by stealing an
r for the summer months Even at
HAL- We ran *soon,. Mir- Niagara membership was reduced to eighty nine it that. Canada has more knights than days
Falls g (revel that 'three . His
e o would
that the
n might have ybeen l ip the year. The average knight is as
fly. He is ego -
even ler t:fNlrricl,. Ills tis'' '1f ,, advisable to consiitr a reduction. Mr. puffed up as a bar -room Y•
tld• eutupartwm, however ' suggests Sam Carter believed that the foundation tistical. As the poet says, the knight has
i that Mr. • Ryer has not smite of representation should be population. a thousand
hous mete day it Thomas one. The White,
grasp 1 posed. tldeed a serious menace t
tlw idea tut The mo,i.ai• towrver, was general Y op.;
N't „ snlirul teaturr of the situs- Intoes not fit into our democracy. He is.
0 our life as a
Hon. This i.. that the produetlesu of I A'remarkable vote took place upon a I he tion He has only acre eye in Canada
in ahlch rrstav't differs Toronto. in connection with the Mother
1 f d theopening of the Legis- amK tC.h M.(� s
waterpower partakes hiu[ the character diff s i odder Apert the Mr. Hartleymotion
� Dewwarttof -the other a on the utlegiven in
ft lllf rN b England
of monopoly, Southwest T I [ instructed that , .
rnmlurt ou o
d,stltrttlp from the { women's rose at ape r Country Was run out of 1,.,y lists. the calendar is more than
butter and t'RRa One can start a lature.
Seamless, in bright clear patterns, heavy
British snake, 2}x:: yards $9.00, 3x3
yards $10.00, 3x3j yards $12.00.
25 pair Scotch Madras Ivory Curtains,
dainty patterns and lull size. Regular
$4.00. At per pair.. ... ...........
Two and four yards wide, in tile and
block patterns. At per square yard, $1.00
and . $1.26
FLOOR OILCLOTHS at per square yard
CARPETS, Brussels, yard wide, all wool,
reversible. At 11.0(1 and ........ s1-26
SHEETINGS Extra 'heavy plain
bleached or unbleached 72 -inch Sheeting.
Regular 80c, reduced to a woo
Twill Middy Cloth, Nightgown Cloth or
Sheeting, yard -wide it is, and heavy, soft,
free from dressing. 40c, for 1160
36 -inch Lonsdale Cambric, best, 30c, for
Cottonades and best blue Denim,
Dress Ginghatns, American plaids and
checks in all colors. A large range.
Regular 40c and 50c, for 30c and.. iso
White Flannelette, yard -wide, our very
best quality. 50c, for sap
Ladies' Suits, Coats,
Dresses and Skirts
A very select showing of stylish garments, no
two alike and of splendid materials.
W. Acheson & Son
' tlfllt>r1nf11tl1nAof1t�loflo C ' "^ —'
The Government moved an h.C.B.'s. K.B.'s and other big potatoes for
amendment to Mr. Dew•art's motion, the automats and all that she hat 00 hand' crowd,st with 55 Inter kuightN. spring
dairy or a pNdtry run r1nN,fd any-kuightN. and uildNnmin,., knight's Thr
I substituting congratulations . s to the services
rvi a now is O. B. E.'s, which is the mere spin -
in nthwar.Province d their iplettdla added anot worth having. , only night. we 1511 ''all "Ilr own are
in the war, wed to this was a soli of wrist cy and well cut 1 the sermon tights, and they trot tire
furtherThat being 4! • we can very
amendment by Mark Inch of •
the knigptll lout. It will be for the ,statugle, with stars. Even Ow jewel-
r,c auto d the eft service that tete House good of oar national health to say good- 1 11st firmament had got the habit -and
reco be p the groat of the women Bc1 wow in for decorations.
{n the production non of be caughtt4 The bye y titles. which are a disease of , and • g”
Libw'als were not to voting cracy-the symptoms pride, conceit, and . t •,1T111fan17: NVIiiior of pleat
against these amendments antherefore vanity. the three grand divisions of the
the motion as amended was carried an. social L. The rich men want to pose as , book t.. snake a dog laugh. line old
zntlemen. while the officially great want boy. .it I reiii,'lnls•r. got it for placing
animouslY amid a great deal of laughs r. I W piee as persons of imperial significance. • a royal thigh. His specialty was (4111.
TAX ABOLISHED. The rich man wants the stimp on his I suwpth-e sufttariumN. The first ala•
The Provincial Treasurer introduced a I dollars, while the big wig wants hr called the 6hlg Edward truitwr-
resolution to abolish the Provincial war I the same stamp on his meth- Imo. the wr.,ud the tJul1•u Alexandra'
tax, which was agreed to and referred to I acre talents. it u the weak spot of dem- ! ss,lnitnrillul, the thiel the (jue•u Nary
where In the Province. tint one caulot
build or fiery r Niagara Falls and set I
1t down In' Ids iwekyard.
Mr. Myer 1s on somewhat more sulk!
ground when Iso refers to coal. Coal,
like 'wat,Ipower, is pretty •mnelt a
inot')poly: and w, Is the transportation
of coal -the railways. lint neither
proposition. I the emit mines ntr the railways are,
ion far. publicly owned, and until they
r the other. but both of
A1'Li(: the committee of the whole House in con- oceany that we are all so fond o
THE ('1111.UREN'S HEALTH. thein--.wl sail waterpower will shawl 1ection with a hill to repeal the Provincial everybtedy wants to be an inch higher
Ion different f.N.tint-. When the pe,ppe'� War Tax Act. 1 ver everybody else. We have pro -
COST OF HAMILTON HIGHWAY. 1 tba nee equa'd y and have thereby do -
Even from the statldpoi�t of the towns- buy up the mai mines and the roll- I Glared the rights air the envious. This
Pe )pie serious objection can be raised to ways they will wen have to decide side In raepro the question from
ro the Liberal
I country has many second-rate ambitions
the -daylight-saving” plan. In the end low they air going t.. run them -fur and Hamilton highway, whether that would fain be esteemed first. Such
found finitely injurious to the Iw nrHt h d been completed and if is the philosophy of the curse of knight -
it may be
the health of the people. It is difficult to
while it t' complete it, the pe editary
p-ersuade young chi'dren to sleep
is still daylight in the summer -time, l-ttand
the result is that they g the new” time
d y
old" time and get up Y 1 Is tis• beat thing to he done In the
thus losing an hour's sleep. To grown -
interval. bderval. of the country as u whole?
ills this might not make much differen !e,
bit in the case of growing children it is a
serious matter. Sch rol teachers say that
last year the effects of the change in time
were plainly discernible in the young
The question is complicated for Canada
by the action of the United Stts in
adopting the 'daylight-saving" plan,
it is difficult to discover aroblemo nil
satisfactory solution of the p
the health of the children of the nation is
of such paramount importance that this
phase of the question should have the
most serious consideration.
Satillb1$'alit$. and he was jilt 111.'111 to
fill his 11/4 1141 with ,1 King George Reid -
Ds 'Mink when knighlhrosl trllm p..I in 1
and stopped the game.
tlwi-'s•dt"(a few .' It a _
of the whole tweialr told the question not what additional Minister of Public fiord. went status n[ the title problem I Royal ('an Catholic
to investigate
h' No more r Roman Catholic Novitiate.
with rP"Peet t.,ill' n will IN' pn•c•isely I
'tf Works stated that up to Januarje 31st an
the question n that is being raised In !expenditure had been made on construes
e,r11NV't{O11 With power rates: What
extrra costof widening rxoedwaya. storm -
sewers, etc.. to be paid bi the radial rail-
way and local municipalities. The road
has not yet been completed and 'an ad-
ditional cost will be an estimated
charge u ion the Commi•sion of 418,300 a eature h Ido t
which doet not include the Ham -
reason why the Fla e Y
ilton entrance, radial railway track mov-Igo on forever Illrt a string of sausages.
fog. or Commission's share of bridge con.But if he stays lyre the son and heir will
They say butter never was xo high struction, which items have to be adjusted beplain Mr. with no trimmings. Even
--- Ontario Rails ,c •.,A Municipal in ngland. titles will not be safe very
long because there is a sort of arrogant Bolshevik
reaction against this
anachronism in a word which
has fought
o ngst
a great war and upset
It is a safe bet th it twenty-five
rwHty-fiv making head
frow now -the Labor party
-the man tato calls himself a Lord in
England will look foolish and the one who
calls himself a knight in Canada a sight
more ser.
At all events, we have seen the last of
the barons and the banmets. We were
never in great danger from them. because
the titles usually cancelled themselves -the
- the
Downing Street policy being to per
barren in baronet as far as possibm le.
Now that our law has stamped
also. we can feel pretty sure that we
shrill no longer be troubled with the
nuisance. Of barons We have only three
in captivity at present -one. Lord Ayl-
mer on a fruit ranch in British aCoiumbia.
and two,' Lord Shaughnessy whd ich has
Athoitan, in Montreal. a city of harems.
in time past been prole
Lord ShaughnessY's title puts a golden
edge in the C. P. R. dividend and Lord
Atholatan is as good as the absent being
Graham bred. We can forgive them.
To the Editor of Tiw (Ibis•: iii N
resent Issue of The GIo1N• it was re-
ported that the Goth -rich Board of
Trude at a meeting 'f the tnntario
Asws•late(1 lhardr of 'Prada adyos•atel
that the uniform 11)11m-electric
irati' for power
charge a
The promoters of tide ,,hem*. "Wein
to have overlooked the effect of ,ow•11
a pule;y upon ele•tro.chenllf•at plants
In Ontario. These must have ('11esp
power and mart be twitted at the
wen.' of eietrlea1 ',embolism. A uni-
form rate of 114.311 pe horsepower
would drive all electro-•henlhra1 works
f lluhrlo. Alnsdy the eurtall-
tnrnt of power at Niagara Fal1N bite but shove all
driven such 1ndurtriet as the 4'auxdlan range of interest as pcxlsible,
Al.''"ttanal the Amertcaq eyaliNmlrf things voicing the farmers' viewpoint and
1 '"
the pudic affairs of the day-"
fore since the night the cow jumped
er the moonn.
The Toronto Telegram describes Sir
The commission appointed by the Gov-
ernment to investigate the charges made
Thomas White as "hest of all Canada's by H.H.Dewart, the Toronto member. in
Finance Ministers." Sure: it was License IkDartment an t e a minis
Toronto crowd put him there, wasn't it :1 ' tration of the Ontario Temperance Act
1 has held its first sitting. The work of
weeklyinvestigation in the Public Accounts cam -
With a fine brass hand giving mittee of the Legislature is also well under
concerts on the Square, "the good old way, and considerable interest is being
summer -time" will be the gladsome season evincedrvlof theh out the Provincein
i the
in Goderich it was in before -the -war days. spired before the committee that 1,003.000
quarts of liquor had been issued upon
That was a fine large lemon Parlia- doctors prescriptions s nee the inaugur-
ation of the O. T. A. The Government
has changed its attitude in regard to per-
mitting counsel to the Opposition, and
ill wit( be represented in the probe
before Chief Justice Meredith by Robert
McKay. K. C.
theconnection with the operation of the
d h d
ment handed out to the farm^rs when it
rejected "daylight-saving" and then
allowed the railways to adopt it. What
the farmers would like to know now is.
who is running the country, Par:iament or
the railways. r
The Weekly Sun is now being issued as
The Farmers' Sun having become the
The city of Ottawa has been granted
permission to adopt the single tax method
of raising{ revenue.
The Workmen's Compensation Act has
been amended whereby the monthly al-
oflici it organ of the United Farmers of 'I I�nncesr to wd idows
maximum for all
Ontario. 'It announces as its aim ' to be dependents raised from I140 to 660.
a farmers' newspaper, covering as wide a
4 whey to wok further expansion ..
(jtr.lsr and the United State.. leading in the independent discussion of
It IN s cell-establlshel'iurml/Falls
that all places-4'xct'p Niagkra
- are entitled to reap the benefit.' of
Holt- ks.ltlon. No one has yet 'mg-
greateol that the prkr of coal stonbe
••epnallrxd.. by compelling tlw ter I
of t ra IwpN r the rthnea alt Ion to too•It lir'ry the
tortoni'tely situated landhren. Even
Qoderlch selHshl' takes advantage of
a itr Pit uatitan !Awaited far fr the
flininetrial nspnrtatton centres. rater'. protectednd
triery their cheap flatter and oat..
4004 and Oak mrwln1ty without
of the hardships of their leas
The price of putter appears to be
approaching the dimensions of %irrationall
problem, judging fromthe space detiota
to it in the city papers. The Govern-
ment may be calkd upon to prohibit
the expert of butter, in order that the
Canadian peopl may not be deprived of
it oaring to the aimed prohibitive price.
in the meantime. we pfesume thoseaihe
make butter are not complaining tha
if the makers, and not the "middlemen."
The heroneta we do not forgive sn
readily. bec'snfre-will, becsnw• as a
.-lsaa thy' are reaponllble for Sir
Jnw'ph novelle, who has w1 smeared
his lamer proftts with prayer that we
are a little sick at the stomach. Mr
J,1so•ph's special brwrsl of piety gets 1,11
the other baronets in wrong. As eOhI-
tanmers we don't mild Iwt»g robbed -
we're 110151 to that --but we hate eg1fe
gemmed at the same time.
However. as 1 said Iwfore, barons.
and baronet. are wretched from now
on. There renialn the knights, some
one hundred and fifty actnel and as
many" More yearning. Parliament
1 might to dM w,iaething almuft it this
1 w•sslnn--sntnething 111 w.,Mh It for
gond. Knighthood) has Iw'en a lard
thing to cs''spe, In ('anada. What
with New Yf-rtr'a hewer lists, King's
ltlrththy honer lists and Dominion
Unexpected Company
Finds You Ready
15 cents for 16 oz. tin -
'`HE door bell
rings. You
have had a busy
morning, but you
s1ii5 off your
apron and go to
the door.
"How do you dol I'm
so glad to see you. Come
right in. Of course you'll
stay to lunch?"
What a comfort to know that on the
shelf, handy- and ready, you have
cans of
Pork and Beans
when friends drop in unexpectedly. You are
never too busy—never caught unprepared.
All you have to do is to heat a can or two of
Davies Pork' and Beans, (plain or with
Tomato Sauce), slice some bread and butter
and boil the kettle for tea. And you have a
delicious appetising luncheon, ready at a
moment's notice.
Substantial too. Allo the nutriment of
whole, well cooked, mealy beans, with the
delicious flavor of choice pork. Tomato
Sauce to give an additional zest if you want it.
Packed in 11, 16 and 20 ounce tins, plain
or with tomato sauce.
Order from your dealer.
The William Davies Co., Limited
Toronto and Montreal
(awes& Incl honed ISr-bn,' 11.n.. Nnt 1 Co(n..1 1 1 'I