HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-10, Page 1A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 ioudii. THE SIGNAL CALENDARS Are going steadily. Not many left. Get one by paying your subscription for 1919 at once. U VQfTY•IsiJT YEAR -No S1% OOD&RICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. A 111. 111, 1919 THE ,l(.1A1 10UIN1It ( CU. LIh11TED, Pt outcome Old op P,t° mut J' liw STERL1MiIK OF CANADA'- _ SAVE, Because- To ecause- To spend carelessly is to sacrifice the big things for the little. FOR SALR OR RUT. ritQUICK SALE. -$1.800 WILL es t In14 two houses sad a bern. on cher of Victoria and Bruce streets. Ons hoses km bath and closet. cam has fight. bath and ¢tart. Pay port down. rest to remain on mart- ssa�ae-- -10 p suit the purchaser. Apply to N. W. Iallr"f. St. As draw's street. 1t FOR SALE. -MODERN, RED BRICK a- Morar an Trafalgar street. 0450 large. bright esprasS (sedevery .nchcour M[lSnvenience A)pIy ECto KR,. C 14 YY . . 1.B 1111 Modes street. Toronto. J)ROPERTY BARGAINS. A well -bout[ Irate honor on Trafalgar wrest. =e��eedd dose ues to schools and churches. did Poessa.-- May 1.1. Sea vaunt lots on Huron road, as ow block. oke best gardep woad in Gad rich for 145u. The W. R. Kelly bozos so Church street. Ons of the bet properties ,n Godrtch. All toa- vswrncea. statlarrry tabs, garage. etc. for Kept.. A good frame hones. two lot sew stable. low bombe. good fruit trees. for 11.,'00. T. GUNDRY. 10-41 'Pbose 115 Goderich. FOR SALE. /UILIC NOTICE. PUBLIC SCHOOL HOARD. Applications for a marelary-treasurer for the Goderich Public School Beard will be received py the undersigned. Dates au commence at onde. Salary 11511 per year. Applications to be an by the (745 moat J. W CRAIGI[, Chairman Godencb Public School Board. Warning to Bicyclists. Keep Off the Sidewalk. PERSONAL MENTION. Sergt. Scott McNally. C. A. M. C., Was home from Loudon for a few days. Mho ('leweititw 4. Willlanas, of Dunlop, las takeu a school at Ituthveu, I:rua•x vaulty. MISS P. .i. ihorrington, of town, Is apt -tiding it few weeks visiting at the home of :Nes. A. H. ('Ionto'', l.e'burn. Mrs. .1. t+. 1'Intt has returned from a etch with lwr daughter, Mrs. Down- ing. of Toronto. Mr. Walm a Taylor, who reeeutly roturrxd from overent.. Is attending a few clays with friends at Midland. Tum (:nudry, Jr.. is 'bottle from Upper l'aluidn ('allege for the Easter vacation. Mr. k:arl I:Iliott. of Upper Canada 4'olhae, I'aruuto, fa spending( the Furter 'millibars 111 taw 11. ('apt. H. 4 Ha)den. C. A. D. 4'., was up front Isntoluu for it few days the past week. 111rn. ltamiltuh aad Mrs. loin are attending a meeting et Guelph of the Presbyterian Woman's Missionary So- ciety. Miss JPni Taylor returibel to To- ronto Tuesday atter spending a month with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Elgin avenue. Mrs. Ernest Fraser, who has been Ifvtng'with her parents at Toronto, has returned to town with her husband. who haw returned from overseas atter three yearn' military (*mi.*. A Spring Safeguard.-lf your 6100.1 fn lllsonlend you Will suffer from lowered vitality and a hos of ,energy-. Yon meed 1 Ir. Brown's Sit Pulpy rill& to 1011111 up the blood. It will Amin a1 Pn.1WI the trend Mon. luno w b 14.11 canoe 1so11a. pimples all other skits 1.ro111114. Pelee a1W MAI/sr n Mottle. scold by E. R. Wlgie, lrrugght. Glsk-rleh. TAKE NOTICE that the the b law The monthly meeting of the General y prohibiting the riding of Brough Chapter, I. Q. D. E.. will be held bicycles on any sidewalks of the town in the cohouse on Monday. April 14. will be strictly enforced. at x.15 p.urt m. R. C. POSTi-ETIINAITE. �i SALE. -ONE G M 1W. COMING Chief of Police. 1- as year. old. der in June. ane horse, mama three yeah old. Nos 1 driver, nn n 3 sasawdee Mase chickens. a111ay1 a iso hap. InMURRAY. Kies dward Hoot Kmntoa R, F. J. R. FORSTER. tir,4 U - - EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. RE SEED OATS FOR SALE. -NO. Lau HoOae Surgeon New York ophthalaie T2, A. N. CLITTTON. P1soeM IM(, Res- d Aural Hosatal'aaeitant at Mooreaeld's Ss-tt Ere and (. Throat Hospital and Square Thrt ttos- LE CHEAP. -S LIGHTLY 0taL Loaders. Eng 33 Waterloo St S_• Steadied Telephone 117. alograin. Apply W. MCLEAN. y At Bedford HoteHotel,(epaeroch. from N'edtMa- da. May h. 7 p. a . to hursday, .,,-et. et I R SA Mail G. L. PARSO .-FORD CAR, 1917 - -- - - GOOD MIXED tity of FOR SALE at S3 per single cord. de 'tree, THE GODERICH MANUFA 1 RING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.1 Phone WANTED. W ANTED TO RENT.-.\ BABY cartinge In good co.drnoa Apply BOX R. THE SIGNAL. ANTED, -BY APRIL i9th. A ��eerewrrral crook. Apppp11TTto the MATRON. ERINTrtNDENT a(Altaandra Marine and Genual Hospital. - _ __ _ - I1IRLS WANTED, =APPLY THE GODERICH KNITTING CO. 10-11 MEETINGS. CURLING AND SKATING ASSO- CIATION. -_-_ The annual meeting of above Aseo_tation will be held ,n the court house on Monday evening. April lots at 1s o'clock. for election of directors and other general business. WM C'AMPBELL, `•ec ret a r y .treasurer. Goderich. April Srd, 1919 59:21 • LOST OR FOUND. e LOST.-MONDAt', ON THE SQUARE, a sunburst pin with forty -Oa pearls. valued as a gift. Will party Reding same plasm leave over MacVicar's shoe store and re- ceive reward. - The Blackstone -Buckley Orchestra plays toailjh/ again et Clinton for the Parttime Club and en Friday night at Fordwlch. Other engagements for the scar future are at Wingham and Wroxeter. CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SAI,1- FORD 1917 Runabout, in first -claws condition, newly painted and overhauled. Will be sold at a bargain. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold. Fire, E,ife and Accident Insurance J. W. CRAIGIE iILEARINC AUCTION SALE OF HOUNEILOLD FURNITURE AND FUR NISHINGS Thomas Gundry. auct,o0eer, is instructed by the adsanrtratr,a of the late Mn. Price to sell by public auction. at the premises. Montreal street. Goderxh. oe SATURDAY, APRIL 12th, commencing it 1 o'clock sharp, the following' Parlor,-dinagrmm. bedroom and kitchen fur- niture, including Noedhe,mer upright piano, m splendid emulation. mahogany sideboard, ill. Briton plate mucor, several Mut and Ian. -y tables, walnut book - • and content/. I roan range. Wh,te seat marhtne, refrigerator, cosy corner (up - hoist - . ), dishes. ,h,na. glassware, cutlery. cy,- pets a aura, haokems. and numerous other articles. TIRMS - Everyth,ng uat he disposed Ill, as the premises ■ re to be ren OS. GUN DRY. Auctioneer. AUC ION SA ' OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FURNISHINGS. MRS. THOMAS Q LEY sol ell by public auction, at her .dence, St. David's street. Gbderich, on THURSDAY. APRiL 1715. commencing at LSO o'clock sharp All the content of the house, connstin of parlor, rlinmecornek bedroom and kitchen f nature. carppeets linoleum, and 1 congokum• rug. curtains, bhnda, 1 complete dinner set, other dishes china, glassware, pictures, cutlery. lamps, clocks refrigerator, kitchen) range with reservoir. 1 Quebec heater, 1 ba.eburner, 1 Detroit gasoline range. lawn mown, child's crib child's carriage. garden tools, saws. rakes, spade. garden hose, e quantity of coal, a quantity of chicken wire and numerous other ertcks. Everything must beduposed ol, as Mrs. (fo'g'ey lshong up housekeeping. Tana rash. T. GUNDRY. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE& t UCTiON SALE OF FARM STOCK. ti IMPL' MENTs AND HOUSEHOLD FU'RNI1CRE MR NELSON HILL will offer tor sale ly public auction. r la 37. cot•. common 11. township of Hallett. on MONDAY, APRIL duh. consummate at 1 nal o'clock. Boasts. -One matched team. black. rising -• and n sears. 1 gelding, rising 4, 1 general purpose jgelding. route 6. 1 driving gelding. rising 2. - C•Tna -Oahe ew►rcetaad co ikt,'7, [stress ksA* sail: 1 saes, Apra 1 h : e.o April Jath: 1pray. aa/•w e horses. 1 ouae calf. Re:..- Eight st re pop: 1 IOW. date April O. IMn.rMg0T. ETC -floe new 1t -cut binder 1 mower. 1 rake, 1 cultivator, 1 seed droll. I hay Wader I roller. 2 one. plows. 1 twin plow, 1 bag - bottler, 1 bag truck. 7 cart, 1 cutting -boa, I set of wales (tole lbs. '1 new muffler. 2 wagons, 2 buggies. 1 cutter. 1 set o1 harrows, 1 corn culti- c vator. 1 McGill r attachment for Feed car. 1 (ammum tall, 1 De Laval cream sepurarur, 1 root pulpy,. 1 Nock rack. 1 watertrough. 1 hayrack, 1 wagon box. 2 arts team harnrm, I set pow hat, nems I set of single harness, 1 up pan. about MX sap pails and mals. I cider barrel. a quantity of roots and potatoes. about 5 t. m of clover hay, about In tom of timothy hay. about oto bushels of Iwo -rowed barley. about 4s bushels of silo -rowed barky. about 360 bushels oats, about 3041 bushels mixed grain. about 2+1, bushels of barley and wheat m,xed, a number of nap, a quantity of 3 - inch 1,1e, about .o Rock hens 6 Rock rooster, hay fork. slangs ropes and pulleys. 1 churn. and other articles too numerous to menton. Also a quantity of household furmture. Tuve.- Hay. grain and roots, rash All sum of /10 and under. cash: nver that amount. s months' credit sol he riven on furnishing 'approved )slot rote. A discount of 4 per cent. snowed for cash nn credit amounts Everything advertised must be disposed of. as the farm has been sold. NELSON HILL. T GCNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. DEATH OF DR. H. 1. -STRANG. Goderich's Distinguished Citizen Passes After • a Life of Earnest and Ilucceasfel Endeavor -A Leader in the Educational Cir- cles of Ontarjo and a High-minded Gentleman. The news of the deNlh of Dr. H. 1. Strang which spread about town on Pri(Ly afternlwal wart reeioel with H general ,•xprtesslou of morrow. Fur the last two mouths 1h, StratsR a health had been very prontelous anal he had hewn confined to has home. but 1414)111 tiro weeks Iwforr Ills death his strength again rall¢'d TIMI he spoke hopefully of being stent[ town before long. The Improvement, IMlwever. `did not teat lung: the heart weakliest. which had troubled hem again mani- fested itself, II 1111 01 Friday shortly offer n(sn Iw plowed awry quietly. He• w -as quite t•ouwt'dons 111 the real. rail his mental activity during hi. loot days showed 111) decline lir. Strang was la Mi. seventy-elghtlt Year. haying beet horn rt 1:not 1h.•.11: - ter 14th, 1!441. Ills fuller. the late Jaules Strang, war a minister of the l'resbyterlall church. Ile attended Ur. Tasoie's facto" a•lnoo in lila (some town. end after ghlduatiug from til• University of Toronto with the It. -t degree in lsti2 4.tuturmwl his life- work as a teyaeher. t'..r r short time he taught 10 a peblk• *hoot. ilea Ie•- (11LLlt• ■aalstatt Itlaafer iia the 1101,5, active nud proiuinent Member of Ktwa .hurrh, 'wing secretary of the 1'lolgre- gallon 'or n great many years and a member of the bard of managers. As It.' It. 4'. Mel iermid stated diring !h.• timer/II w'rvhw off )luudHy, he was 011 1•t•e'rit1 I4.-a$i11n$ 514L(M1 to Imo.iui' 11 IroMli41Hh' for eld,'cshlp, but with rh0ra(terht4' hutnlllty he declined the sacred loftier. 1)r. Strloug w'Hs for tunny years lobs: n member of the t;e.leri,h 1011111e library board and took an active inl- tevest in its ufniInc • In politics he was a staunch Literal, with a spirit of sturdy ('011Hd15mi11 411 Ida outlook 6n national oi.Iro. He was a slits re anal syniplathrtie ndwlrrr of the late air Wilfrid Laurier, and the lives of the two 111011 (oyrrei a r,u-ionsly o1m11ar lwrhsl and were n11 -Is alike In their nwuuer of ending. 1►r. Strang is survived by his wife 1 who wits formerly Miss MPrrlwro of :hien SeruMl4 nud It fainly of six otanghlers 01111 011e sou. The dauglitrrs ore Hever, of the 5tafr of Uxbridge High S,-Me)1 : Nolen, who Is overarms Ns a military nurse: Jlargar't, of Ton • Grata-. 111 11e 4/re itgevllle High Schaal THE OhE) MASTER.'• A4 UCTiON SALE OF A SPLENDID LOT OF GRADE DURHAM CONS AND Y t:NGCATTLE. MR. JOHN A. NICHOLSON will 'sell by public auction, at Lannan's Hofkl, Goderich. on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16th. commencing at 2 o'clock ,harp: ve newly -calved cows: ` young cows. to fr ha' month: 9 young cows to freshen in Mas 11Nerarling steer and heifers. cattle have been carefully selected. are in 'ton and wilt be guaranteed r raw e - gond seated. TeRMc. - or 11 months, annum. J. A. NiCHOLS Proprietor. mh, or approved joint notes. at S. e anng Interest at 6 per cent. per T. GUNDRY• Auctioneer. Confectionery tri Eclwards' Ice Cream Parlor OPEN SATURDAY IN THE NEW STAND, WEST SIDE SQUARE mocxxoccoaccicxxxxxxxxxx THE MUSICAL EVENT . OF THE SEASON GAUL'S GREAT (IR.\1(11410 "THE HOLY car' ' IN KNOX CHURCH, EASTER MONDAY EVENING CHORUS OF 60 VOICES Mise Kata•I,yttle, soprano Miss Maude Millian, contralto Mr. B. IT. Cutt, tenor Frederic Teistreen P,genev, Mus. ac„ Baritone and Cond'r Tickets 25c. s, H. i.STRANG. B.A.•L.L.D, whom hundreds of men and women scattered over as the chief figure of their High School days. the earth remember F1 1 High S,'h,101. HI+ (ouneetluu 4cith %lust Is How the I :aleelel► Collegiate Institut. 041111- ntexwl 111 1%71 11 1141 04011 11111041 •Datil Ida retirement from active work at 4'hrlstivas. 1!117, a erutiuuoua poria) of over forty-six }wars. For thirty- four y-elrs he wits hl•atlntaster. and In 1!4Ei he voluntarily relinquished the print•IpalothilY, remaining at Jjle head of the department of classics' HMI history. During this 1011g period. ex - Bawling into five ,l,', -Hiles. he gay.• hitu- self unreservedly- to his work as n teacher. and tul1tr hi., able control the old Gra Iuuwr al•h,sd ck9r1.10111941 11111 • of the leading 1'ollr•ghitt. Iustltat.•s of the 5'rot4Isl. 1)r. Strang for many years had I,wn recognised as nue of the leading elneationists of the Prnrine•. ills nd41('et 4yn4 frequently sought by tlw Department of E411N•N 114.11. NMi he was for 11444. time 11 memlwr of the Ad- rMory Council in eonn,•tioh with the D.•partmeit. Ile was 01w of the (end- ers 111 the 1.lntnrfo Edit'atlousl Ammo - els thut 111141 ens its ptrsklent for a term. He was for Nome years n 04010' Iwr of the senate of the University of Toronto 111111 was the author of m•Veral 1.1144)1 t,'xt-Iwoks fu I:ng1I4h. in 11.4)7 the 1'nlrorstty of Tonnfn, hl rreogptllon of 110 eminent servhrs to •etnrntlon hl the I'rovitx4% .of usrio, 5onferrNl upon hem the de- g esg of ihw'tur of Lahti. In August of 1 • same year 11 grand reunion of kis 01 pupils ens helot at the 1•hal and he •Ms the object of n nnfque demonstrt) on of affection anal estle'tn by his "boy's' and -Orli.... among *•5010 were untulw 1 many fu different pe rot of Canada, and 114,1111111. who hind i(ttalnel dhtined In life. The fol- lowing year. lists. 1 and Sits. Strang made 0 trip to Brit, 1, •19l in 1912, W1)1911 1149 visited West*. Commie'. he Read again tlw r.N'Iple Irf many 11o1w,r4 at the 114n/ln of fo .er pupils living In the Hester'' 1'rovin 14 was (1111• of the greatest I errata of Ill,. life to keep 111 40(5.5 wet hire pupils after they left the school, 1 deserts., he neotnplishol del In a m,rvplleserts•, a195 to the end msintsind an Int1nlntr (orre'pn41.19e with former pooh. that mss one of the great pdeasnres. n:al !wrinkle, one of the greatest Intiu,'ne's, of hl. life. In other columns of this paper enc 10t0111 w-hlch have tomo to The MIgtanl from two of theme former pxtptlet whh'h re- tool somewhat of the streong fee•Itwg of littnehlli,nt wWelt exlnt.et beta-e•n t.ar•t('r and !tuella. Dr. Mining was fhrouglrmt the long period of his residence in Oo derk-h •n staff : \4114th at home. x1141 Mrs. F. H. IIeN•srn, of New Liskeard. out. Mr. ,11. Preston Streng, the only eon, llv,•s wt Toronto. aUIwewere Moine for the funeral except Miss He11.11 Strang. ons, it l'xpeeted In n'tnrn shortly from her pat riotir service 111 Europe. The funeral service was hell at the home on 'Iunotay afternoon and 4411,' eon/Meted by the 1 -try Reverend 4'4,1fu Fl,'tcher, 1). D., neaten' tor of the ' 1 Presbyterian 4;tutrnl Assentbl-, Its'. It. 4'. Nielt,rtlll.I pllMtol• of Knox church. 111141 11er. .lames Ibnt111tnn. Tia' pallbearers were Sheriff IteyiMrlds. 1 11r. .1. F.. Tom. l ir..1. 51. Field. 'Ii'..1. P. H •, Nr..\. \I. Hohertsm and Mr. .1'. A. Nairn. 7'11• pliplls of the Col- legiate Institute took part ha the 1111101.11 praewsloH, and nu•udwrs of the Collegiate Institute triste• Iemrd allld Of the town (•unu,tl. ns well ns many other (iota',,-, attendee. tl h' It 111141 I140l 114041 that 110 f,, ,'s•s he sent. there Nell. Mal ley 1wenitltul 1101111 offerings, mostly from nit of tow -it. The remains were IR 111 at rest In 11tlel e'tue•tery. ldwldes the meuiltero of the flintily already mend I. then• were pn'seut It the fnnernl lir. .111111es $irnng. of 'IoRHt. 4'nt., 1 Dr. Strang's only sur- viving brother 1. MIrs. SInse.utl and Messrs. .fumes JGlcmnley Mild nimbi,. Masson, of Toronto: and \ir. F. H. Jleu•snb of Ne•w IJskenr.1. "FAREWELL, OLD MASTER!" - A Personal Tribute frons One of Or. Strang's Old Student[[. The death of Dr. Strung deprived (kalr'rIrh of Its moat dlstingilslied citizen and m•hnl$r and hlo feldtw• townsmen do well to honor hitt memory. for It Is a Metter Iloderle•h t.w1•ty heen a1' IN' li1'INI 111x1 Irl lwrred III It so long - Having 11(99) unable to join with tisc,' who showed thele loving n'ganl n4 they laid. him In 1114 last reeling place. 1 Atonic' like to pity my ielmpb• [(Mute to OM 0.114(0,' life and IHf lenee meant 4a alneh to ole. 11e woe great. 11tw'rintltely great 1 weld sn�-, In 1114 dealings 0It11 the -S and girls who in former drys left n1 home 1.1111''1 4195 Mme no to the High 'howl looking out itito the nn• known attire with the ardor of youth. It wow 1 nierely the clever. the 11101- 4 Ingunhed is•44ngulhel tr,Mnt. but the common everyday Ino diffident of 114 pleats, whom be he 1 and hen 110/14.11 i Shall never 1n hes words of ehe•r and e19e/nrngcmo'n when 1 first pre rented Iareelf, tants hen tort, ye1Ir ago. a country lad, the tiuderlib ......... High 40Iwol. His expressed hope that some day he might Nee me going up fur a first -elan. certificate bore fruit, 11141 In due time 1 taunt• lack to prepare tut that examination. 1 kuow that who W1111 prouder, Dr. Strang or 1, when, 111 18162, the honor 1atnc to we of twine the 'fret from the s•hal to pose for a s•nlor leaving. or, as we ta11e1 It then. a first-cllso twrtineate. lours of exp•rier-I' lu his own pro- fe'ssbu. Ia-iglitei1el by many- visite to the• old town and the old headm0ster, 111rresel my despot and veneration for him. Ills high ideals and lofty rlarnrt,R were ti ,'r iltefone Inc. and wise wiscounsel r I sywpathet ir Interest in my .,u..ss tlaeerel w,' again and again. Everything I knew of Ilio. Ilia Ie'ntltltul home lift'. ills church life, his relation to the town anal tow icy. and his nim' 1wriot le eltfya'Ilshlp, but in,reass11 my admir- ation for 11111. 1 have hewn prllud duahng the years. as wady others of Ids old boys hate lawn. to 5110w 11101 1 WSW IMIlM,nst by hi. .'saws and friem41- .111p. More that that. the youthful frieu41Shlpw form[ 4 in thc.q' old days worn. richer. and the ter that held Ile as the years IHI.14411 woo, tenderer. lacaus' we had all been 1►r. Strang's Isoys. 5 Irousriou.l- he wits N uni- fying furze. I am sure Illy 0141 friends. M11(l:illfo•uy. Solt !ISOM R444•rt101, ('rassweller, Duncan, I►ntJds.Il, Ilog. steel,, Dickson. La lie. and a host of others, will lasir Ilse out in thI.. We are all glad non to [Bilk that he knew how mutat we honored and 110e1 1,1111. if 1 were asked to may what hu. prewar' rue ''lost_ In his rlisrnt•ter 1 11 Id say hi. unselfish kindly interest In -other p*''.h'. this tnusp.r(•nt honesty and slne•rity, of porpsee•. 111111 his simple fit ith. that tou,hel and quickened his intellect and 1U'IIIs! to make him the unhurt -41 s'hM11Nr nud genl11rwan hr was. La fir last letter I received front him, written an 11r 111th of Manch In hes wewkw'ss. he expre.sd himself hs su(h beautiful yet sample anal trustful words. J441 sacred to 11.1. repeated here. that 1 found myself (111coneeloisby re- peating the pwt's Iltws: "Iluwe're It be. it s'e'ws to me only Hold,• to be gtosl." Farew,•11, "(11,1 Master:" T11011 art Kole to "join the choir iucf,11.le• 1If tips• luuuorr111 dead Who 114.0 again 111 1111111114 11n41e• I.•ttrr by their prey- - 0as')•... May ear who are following on week 115. last we'. dean to emulate thy nl- s•Iflslt 111111 helpful life .14IIIN 11:1.1.1.)TT. Ja11tmiw11. Dolt. .4 GREAT TEACHEK. Strang Gate His 'rimy and -Strength 1 Iagnldgingl to Ills Pupils. t M. The lotion Inc letter has reached The Signal from Mr. 1:eorg,' I:. 1hn•haiw11. barrister. .5 Sudbury, who Is one of the MIIe..•xsflll exptq,ils of the late 1)r. Strang: DEAR EDITOR, -In reading today in one of the Toronto dailies. 1 Nas grieved to learn of the death of my old teacher, Dr. Strang. All his students owe him a debt of gratitude which can never be repaid, and all will feel a personal sense of loss. In a recent article in the Toronto Uni versify Monthly on Dr. Cody. the new Minister of Education, Profesanr Hutton, after describing the brilliant career of Dr. Cody at college and In the church. dis- cusses the subject of education in Ontario, and uses these words: "Ontario has en- joyed some devoted and apostolic teach- ers. like Dr. Strang and Mr. Lyman Smith and the late Mr. Luton and others: and occasionally ohe reads how their pupils gather from all parts of the continent to celebrate their jubilee: and generations arise to call them blessed. But it s un- deniable. 1 th.nk. that the most energetic and ambitious spirits are carried else- where. What can a Minister of Education do. to fill the profession with the old type of Scotch dominie and to give the profes- non ihr halo of respect, even reverence, with which an earlier generation. both in Scotland and in Ontario, surrounded that grey head "" -• Dr, Strang's students were, i am sure, pleased with Professor Hutton's just and graceful compliment to their old teacher. i always felt that he resembled so much in character and in devotion to his work ' the fine type of the English headmaster I and Scotch dominie, who contributed so.� much to higher education in England and Scot land. Int writing a few wards of tributejIt may be permitted to indulge in a few rPminis- cences of Goderich High School, later the Continued 0n page 1o. ADS EitTISERS PLEASE NOTE. Change tat copy for aelvertlaeuiente uHiat be received at this office uext week not later than Tuesday evening, in order that the paper may be lasted before the holiday. The W. and 1.. Commission. To the Editor of The Signal. Sir, -Sy reduction in Hydro for Goderich. 'Why did our cowwlsslon allow the li es from London ter supply Lucan. Clan bloye, Centralia, Exeter. Hensal' ad Y.urich without a tight for their rights? Had these places been con- nect:tl with our line at Clinton, see what a help they would be W reducing • liue charge. What (molar commis - :don doing now" Are they going to allow the N ugeula Fella ayl}ttem to get to Wingham without a tight for it' Wake up. gentlemen: go to Toronto and see the Hydro Commission and place- our case before theta. Uou't let everything slip through your nfgers. And why not complete the cot11mhaalou with a Koss: financial busineaa wan' Dk,n't upend all your time hounding the water and light takers to pay a few arrear.. 1 Be big men, with an eye to business. HATER ASP LIGHT TAKER. .t Good Time ('orating. H. T. Edwards' new confectionery and ice cream parlor. on the west side of the Square, will be open for business on Sat- urday next. Everybody and his girl should salt and see the fine new store. STI LE UEMONSTR.tTION. A (lewuu,tratkon of latest New lurk designs and styles lu 10111,••1' dresses w ill lir given by Jnr. Kittle'. designer. awl member of ane of the largest New York Dud Moutrt'n1 firms narking high- cM., grow a at W. Acheson & Am's store sin 1)' ' 1'17111 and Pith. The Ilennllller Nurseries. .\ tisk to the greenhouses at the Iknlmlll.•r Nurseries Is of sp.-.MI tH• ter'st • Just MM. The greenhouses Nva. blu-n.N1 Inst April and 4la41' MtiM•e I*.'Is rebuilt. The neem- stnletur' is Iarai•r 1111111 the old and e•weut has tarn lists! ill rebuilding. The hoists lire %tell tilled tit peesevlt with the • .tacky bedding plants of dlff,•r.•nt kind• and n good Variety of nunlalls 111111 4'47'l,l1I' pltut5, 011(11 RV trona toe... {eelery. etc. All retnnad sldiers 01.111 le nil• mulct free to the %Vision•solay after• n ot1 showing of 1). 1\'. Griffith's pro - diction 'rte• I:rest 1s,ce," which is to be 11 the 11nIr1 7'Iweetrr [text \Veil- he•wh1y Olid Thursday. Jlatdne• \Cel- ta'wlty 111 :1 ei,•ta•k : evenings N o'clock .harp. Special u1114i, by the 4:alerlell 1 Ir-Ii.'.tra l..t Ii nights. (iUNDRY'S SALE REtaISTER. MONDAY, April 11 -Sale of farm stock. 'mole. ments and household furniture, properly 01 qtr. Nelson 14,11. at lot 37, concession 11, township of Hutiett, at 1.70 o'clock. WNNg0DAY, April 16. --Sale of grade Durham i cows and toung cattle. br Mr. John A. Nichol. son, at Lannan's hotel. Goderich. at 2 o'clock Tlw• ;asosT. Aad 17. --Sale of household furnit- ure and furnishangs-by Mrs Thomas Quigley, at her residence. Sl. David's street. Godetich, at I.1' p. m. sharp. OIED. STRANG. -In Geder,ch, on Friday. April 4, Hugh Innis Strang. B. A, LL. D.. In has.7sth year. WARREN.- In Godes h, on Monday. April 7. Elisabeth Hardy, widow of Allen P. Warren, aged 69 years. LANE. -At Toronto. on Thursday, April b: � Mary Dancey, wife of H. J. Lane. and daughter of the late Captain T. N. Dancey of (.oderch. ' BROPIIEY.-In Goder:ell. on Friday. April I. Jane Brophey, eldest daughter of the late John Brophey. CIHAIIB.-At (hit ia. on Wednesday. April 9. Janet McIntosh Nasmyth, widow of the late Christopher Crabb, in her math year. HOLMES.-In Goderich township, on Suuday.r April o. Agnes, wife of John Hglrnes, aged 71 year. NEW ADVER I ISEMENTS-April 10. Pug. Auction Sale -Nelson 111'1. .. Auction Sale-- Estate Mrs. Price 1 Howse for 5 le -Mrs. C. Beck, Toronto , I Baby Carriage Nanted -Box 57, The SIgoalI Au -tarn Sale -Mrs Thos. .Quigley 1 Pearl Pin Lost -Leave Over MtcV,car's Shoe Store .'... ... . ... . I Applications for SecretaryTreaaune-Public School Board. ... - t Warning to Bicyclists -Chief of Police.. 1 For Quick Sal -N. M. Nott I Cook Wanted -Alexandra Hospital ..... „ 1 -Auction Sale -John A. Nicholson .. . 1 Open Saturday -H. T Edwards ......... 1 Stock for Sale -Joseph Murray.. .. . , 1 NK OF*IONTRE ESTAnLISRED OVER tee YEARS Savings Department Deposits of $1. and up- ward received, and Interest allowed at highest current rates. Savings Department accounts given special attention. Deposits may be made, and withdrawn, by mail as easily, readily and safely as in person. Mr 00 notelet, MOWTagAI, A.W. Strickland, Manager. Goderich Branch. .14 vim