HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-3, Page 8-. ae • ewer .....yt.,•oV '+w..... ...
Thursday, April 8, 99.
,a --
Wall Paper
For every room
in the house
The fittest range of Papers
for any roots that we hale
vier shown. Remember our
Wall Paper is priced to cont
pete with pedlars and mail
e,rdei pliers, and besides that
111 11.h better value. Coni
pare them and see.
1'Iw rhlef eugiow ret. with their
crews, are bray titling out the Can-
adian Ihet that lows wintered In Gode-
rich Ilartoor. Some of the steatt4fa
are having more llgtsusive work pat
on thew tluiti others. hoot all etre help)}
ghee a general tit,•rlueuliug. For
some time lir. W. .1. Jotws, of Port
Colborne. has had a uuwM•r of turn
at wort ou the different C. S. 1.. boats.
making the various woodwork aarl
'Puerta repairs, and in a few days
the r w ill he euwplettva. Mr. ttobt.
7':tit, Ow West street electrician. has
charge of the electrical work uu the
different Stint werx litrido a the
general inspect' anti repairs to the
etc tt i.• light wiring, he is Installing
a eowplete telephone system on the
Marti.su, a new' owbtchlsmerd uu the
Negaunee, sod connecting up the wire -
Its:. on the ltrleIuug. e'ruw the ex-
tent of the work flirt Is to Iw come
pleted on the Canadian hats hetet*
tlwy leave port an early opening of
naslgation, aw far as I:oderich hsrbur
Ls concerts -e1, is not in prospect.
The appointments for the Mason of
the different Canadian heals which
have wintered iu Goderich harbor are:
Algoma l'eutral Fleet.
wt--t'apt. JI.ateoIw I,icitr'wtou.
of l'ollingn nod : chief engineer, 1Y. J.
Smith. of l'olliugwaol. Capt: J. P.
Montgomery. 'Rho eowmanded this
vessel last year, has been iipopooiuted
to the Str. Prater Taylor.
Home Swath -Capt. Alex. McIntyre,
of ('oiliugwcrosl; chief engineer, Dun-
can McLeod. of lulliugwood ; 1st mate,
A. F.. McGee, 11'larton; Sud maty, John
Lidstotw. of 1'icprria harbor: wheels -
wen, Walter Melkewld and C. Mc•
1tot aId, of 4k)dellch.
Panton Steamship 1.11*..
Martian-4'apt. Itoht. McIntyre, of
Owen Sound chief engineer. Rua*rl
Foote, of (►wen Sound.
N11111/1 1111 ging-('rpt. A. Aikl►ts. of
1'otrl tright : chief engineer. Andrew
Kennedy, of • Kingston.
Ionic ---('apt. 4). Wing. 1,4 fort C'ol-
Iana: chief engineer, George Ceoor
wait.. of Montreal.
Itiekerslbke- .'apt. Thos. Johnston,
1.4 port lhnlhousie: chief engineer, J.
Ashton. of Toronto.
Cleveland -Cliff iron 4'0.
This company has thrr vessels,
wintering here•:- Charlotte• Itrkttteig,
Negturae• and 1'e,tns( -\Vest. They
are of American register and win do
very little repairing In this pert, for
the rra.uu that on tbrlr entering ■
rutted State. port It would to neces-
sary for the owner: to pay duty Ira the
r. • pit rs. As yet chert• f. no activity
,;.INiani them --all threw being in charge,
ml a watehmau- -aryl Thr Signal las
' !wen tunable to learn whether their
Twuaso4V. Apr.l3.
*I' hest. ter bums, ... ...4 LOU
4.0.1o,ewei b,..it... .... ........ .... .SS to .60
11441.4 pet bosh .... .00 tos'.
lees-. pet bu-t. 1.91. to 2 W
luckwI.et.t, per buaki.. .. .. 6010 62
flour. family. Veit -014 .6.11M to S.72
/lour. poem, por owl 1,75 to 4.90
.u., per wet 43.00 to 41.00
r'•I.ore., per too ... tii 00 to 17.10
Tiny. per Ion 15.00 to 1 .l0
Pune. l00 -r. WO .04. 500 too &o•
heirs IH.tle.. We Ib . 112 to .1"
Oeealurrl 9oir,. pet ib..... .60 t0 .F.
Isom tre-h. ply. Ao... Yi to ,a,
Potatota pet hu.h . .,. �'.• . I.00 to 1.25
(.ante. butA.hres e40110e. pe, oat. 1160 to l3.'0
*tattle, buuehev- noshum,pet oat IMO 011 12,50
Boa.. live avita t. nor cwt46t* to 1%00
Lomb.... .. . 1200.to 1140
Hides. per It. .1t to .14
ear•rnrkn.• ... Li U to 2.30
Combination and two-piece
garments, Penman' Wat-
son's. Tiger brand, and all
good slakes.
75 garments, Watson's
stake, in brown ouly, all
size:, to clear
:50 combination Tiger bland,
heavy elastic Dished, to clear
25 combination Peu Angle,
medium weight, all sizes, to
clear at
M. RobIns
A tew cases of GUSTO to
clear at 10c a package. •
• to clear at 12ec.
DRUDGE 10c package for 5c.
,A can of good CLEANSER
for 5c a tin.
Small can of good Salinon 15c.
Smaif can of Red Salmon 20c.
Can Pilchard., worth 20c, for
Another kind, ,worth 25c, for
Some RED ROSE TEA left
at 55c a lb., worth70c.
J. J. McEwen
License No. 6-7443
Real Snappy Footwear
Have us show you our new
arrivals in stylish spring and
slimmer footwear, in all
leathers. with high and lots
heels. Footwear with snap,
and styles that should please
you. No trcnble to show
1 . Itt.
Our Repair Departing
is fitted With the latest mod-
ern shoe machinery. ittcluding
an electric drilen stitcher for
sewing NEOLIN and leather
Try a pair of ournew J. T.
S. Rubber Heels. Without
doubt the lest Rubber Heel
on the market. Try a pair
and be convinced. They cost
no more.
"Fruit-a-tlns" puldch
Relieved This CIwNcTroubN
M ('asoaAIN f.'}raner, Motrraa.L.
"In my opiaioa, so other medtbioo
is a curative for Constipation and
Indigestion as'Fruit-a-Ryes'.
1 was a sufferer from those com-
plaints for five years, and my
sedeutary 000upatiou, Music,brought
about a kind of l.lssNwal Paralysis;
sl•ili ossify !lwde'4*s belching gear
drowsiness after eating, and pda is
the bee/.
I was lnduoed to My'Fruit-a-ti.vea'
and now for spa mosesa 1 have been
entirely well". A. ROSF.\BL'RG.
boo. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa.
Mr11et4ittig ranee l'hab 4 ILMI 111
W. J. Lowell 10 (10
N'. '1'. Millar 5 OD
H. T. I:dwarfs 5 a
1.. 1:. Young 5 (MI
Mrs. Ir. Millar 5 00
lin i1L•uhl Lodge. A.F.6A.l1., fit► 00
General !trough Chapter, I. ().
It. F. 25 111
T It. Rundle 25 10)
E. C. Truss 1 IMI
K. I.. Lloyd 10 IML
Mrs. t:itvlu H. Green ' 1 00
W. Somerville 5IML
T. M. Isovis 10 00
Model Theatre I. in*4t 441 31)
limier lull IJrche.t ra 10 1►1)
M. Ih,1411'-. 5 00
Mcs1e1 't'heatrw Iwnstit 25 23
Rebekah I A,IIge 50 (0)
A Friend 5 (MI
Tho.. 4:uudry 25 011
\\bweu's institute 50 011
I:alerich .tgricultural Soviety 1(021111
1'. H. I' 25 410
Manic Loaf Chapter. 1.4►.D.IL 50 00
1). Sldin r A Fin 23 00
11'on,.•u s 11',1- .tu\Ilia ry 5 00
10 (1►
oppabutnieuls have heel/ iutdr or not.
It areas probable that the general
opening of navigation will Iw consider-
ably delayed this year owing to the
almwute of cargo offerings. Wide tl*
ice, '41ich eeusrnll-r interferes with
early navigation. is entirely absent
this spring, the elevators on both
lower anti upper lakes etre crowded to
their capacity and there is very- little
grain moving at the seaboanl. in
1:,wlsrbch harbor the steamers Home
Smith and Nrgannee are st111 lying
with their storage cargoes es for wont of
space in the elevators, and this same
ce.labition is apparent in other l'an-
mdion ports. ()pinion in marine circles
is that there will he few, if upy,e•orgoes
offering before May 1st, anti probably
loiter that that if shipments across the-
At7tIll ic ars deloyeti.
f3111.SS Uaaages Awarded in the ('tae
of Met'ahe vs. 11ePhee.
The manta +kitting o1 the Invision
(court wits held on Wednesday hist.
with .Itnlge• Lewis presiding. The list
tsa,asteol of ave txsr.. but only our
was of nay length, and it was triol
h•fon. a jury. A 04.11141W was reached
!in this ensn•. but Of the other four'
} three were adjourned and the other
was adjourned for argument:
1'Is• Jury Cass was that of W. J.
M, -Cabe vs. Wlllitw 31t•1'lew. The
act' arms• from the sale of n hone
from Mcl'h.e to 11c4 'tibia which at the
time 1.4 stile was apparently sound hut
tl hh-h 44 ithin a 'wry shuts tin*. h was.
tanned. dendoped a serious malady.
Drs. Clark and Foreman gave expert
hest' , nisi the tame lasted all after-
noon and it was late h1 the evening
h•fore the jury returned their verdict
J. 11 saheb
4 :oder n 11 Toow'whip Patriotic
Model 7'h.•atre benefit
Holy Nola* Society, pnmeedo
Parsons' Fair
Wm. La tw
Judge 111,•kx.m
C. W. Holman
Pros -....Is Durrant lecture
NI. 11.1 011, 4'pera House
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Yulll, GNI
rich township,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Stnrdy,
4., w 1e1'ieh
Or. J. )1. t'h-Id
('harts. I:arrow t
F. H. Words
l:. 1:. Nsxtol
Wesl•v Walker
hntli. 1'.11tlos
Jas. 1''. TINIn11Ne111
A ru Chapter. 11
h eek der. 1. 41.1).E
Mon lily 1 West St. Laundry)
Brophy). itrus
U. J. furry
J. E. Muteh
Smith's Art Store
Mrs. W. L. Horton
Huno, 1iulptc, No. 412. I.1 ).11.17
J. i:. Tum
Mrs. Win. Taylor
40 75
89 SS)
5 (1)
50 00
5 00
Ifo 50
'2„5 00
10 00
5 00
2 i 00
5 IM)
5 (MI
10 00
25 IM►
1 00
15(No lx
., IM►11
211)+ ■
25 410
1111 00 IMI
:, 411 1
on la
Total $1294 t.44
h1 M u.-Vlr•ar's shoe ,.tore . as repair'
roan. H. had a genial. pk4lwut per -
sour lit anti altletuab of a quirt dis-
position haft many friuINLs. 11e is
snn•lrel 1.•v Ids wife t fonurrly Miss
Fella of Se:eforthl ars( a six-year-old
lata, Janusz.. Much sympathy h telt
for them in the low- of a luving hus-
band and father. There tine also four
hrotlwr, and two sisters: t1-Illia m, of
Klagshridg4•: John MINI Patrick, of
Hollrtt ; 40 MOM. of ltetrolt : Mrs.
Tighe. of Hallett. and Sirs. Krattakauf,
of (hthliu. The remains were taken
to SenfoHh. anti .0 %t'edns,iay
morning were interred there after
o.f $30.41) damages for the plaintiff, re;ulem wets,. in St. Juno-ei church.
'.1th Poet, side paying lbs own e.osfN. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dolton. of tow 11,
11. 1:.1'amerou. K. 4'., for the plaintiff weut to seater/1i Wednealay warning
land Phos. Garrow for the defendant. to attend the funeral.
E. 31aso.n vs. Havu.•s tt'iltshire t141
fo. anti 1'ulon Bank. Adjourned.
AWN. Mclean vs. It. McKay and W.
McLean. --This was an action in r4-
ifhrl to wagt•s and after the evident*
ons token the crow was ottJ(,utrned for
ani ume•nt.
G.olerich Phuong 11111* vs. Rolt.
Fleury. Adjourned.
Gluvrr.vx Walker. Adjoursd.
Triumphal Arches to ('omnenunate
the Great War.
()ntialo, like the United States. may.
fn l.•r good toads cnustni.tisu pro-
gnnu, 81410 0116. 1111.11 11M of coom-
noo•us.niting the great tietory of 11*
allies. tint the whole Amcriean
scheme. pa.rtirulnrty the time
••Metunrial," to hw applied to sw14-11
highways, 140PN taut find favor with
those who have to do with Ontario's
g.ssl roads projects. 7'Iw surest thing
about the Outarfo vi.•tory memorial
ronnls is that, If they 1/0 come. they
t. ill be called -Triumphal Highway..."
Ito the other side of taw bonier it
11'.UtItI:NER.- Mr. George 11'nr-
rwwr. fatl*r of Mr. Thomas 11-urreuer
of (itaterich, diel at 4'linton uu Tows -
day.. Man•h With. The News-ttt.onl
g11 -Pa (he following particulars:
hennas• Warr.•ts•r was horn in York-
shire, England. where he spent his
youth and nu,nbood. )ie was
rm,rr1,41 Stir -Y111i� ihrteiy
started fo (`wnaita with his bride,
coming dlrrt to Clinton, where 1*
h:., continue' to resile. with the ex-
eptiou of nine or ten years spent iu
farming in Mullett township. \safely
three years. ago Mr. anI Sirs. War -
retie!' celebrated the sixtieth anniver-
sary of their wedding. :ors. Warrener
survives her hnaband. Eight of their
children also wnrrire: John, of Sarnia :
George. Wsllot'hurg: Thomas. Goole-
; Richard, Toledo. Ohio; Hobert,
t'Ituton: Nathan. Artisan, and Mrs;
Allen anti Mrs. 1'allary, Toronto.
There are twenty -aloe grandchildren
sod eight great-grandchildren. Mrs.
Blacker of town 0. a sboter Mud the
0/niy remaining nemher of his uw'u
fa to. Some years agm Mr. 1v'orreiler
was thrown from a buggy and vert
twrboualy Injured and he had never
is ',raison -41 M construct interstate reeovetel fully from the effe:ts of the
"�[rmorhnl HIg11w"nye." flu each side injury. He hall lawn failing for moose
'mf ti,.- road* will he planted rows of time gnat and pnonmunia setting In
trees. 111111 each tree will tie detieated h• moon surumlowl.
11. Mud Isar the name of an American
soldier killer In battle. They are to
he ,primarily monuments to the dead,
and he trees w111 illllbvIthm11i7A• the
memento. There is Just re suggestion
of the monrnfstl about it. t/tie would
feel like talking in whimpers or walk-
ing 1st re-114.101Pd along inch an nvenn*.
It is probable that Onto rio ,. s•hpm.
will take the brighter 1/111.•. oral wom-
memonate our boys' aehlevement..
Grimsby, which Is aireedy on rt
Trot Int MI highway running frim
liamlltnn to Qneetu.ton, has sugeested
u s•h,me for municipalities along
that rote. it I. that each munici-
pality construct Ito "Triumplsl -Arch"
over the existing highway. The mug-
g.•.tion vertu hronght to the attention
of Deputy Minister of Highways 5Y. A- Th1e services were conducted by Rev. J.H.
McL.nn the other day by lir. Homll Osterhowt and Rev. J E. Ford and the
ton 1114110ng anal Lieut. Livingstone pallbearers were nephews of the deceased:
of the Crhnthy (:. W. 1'. A. Tile de- Charles Walters. of Carlow; Charles
partinsnt has contented to prepare Walters, of Goderich township; Clarence
obam and estimates of the ret for Walters of Benmiller. and Thos. Walter*.
I:rtmtthy, and although no nfflrmntive of town.
answer has ns yet been given to IIs
remits* for permiosIo, to sondtrnet the
arches along the highway, the idea Is
looked nn very f,rorahly by depart-
ment ofidelals.
There is talk along the mate of the
pmpnwel Hnmtltnn to Sonnhl highway
mf makhyr it the first -Memorial High-
way." -Toronto (ilde.
WALTERS.-A lifelong resident of
Colborne township and Goderich. Mr.
Richard J. Walters, passed away on Sun-
day atollis home. Regent street, at the
good old age of eighty-one years. He had
been is failing health for the last three
years. It is sixteen years since Mr. Wal-
ters came to town from his farm near
Benmiller. He was a lifelong Methodist,
and in politica a Conservative. but not a
narrow partisan. He had been a regular
and esteemed subscriber to The Signal for
forty years or more. Besides his wife. six
children wrvive him: Mrs. Ben. Allen,
of town; Charles, of Windsor; Reuben, of
Merlin; Mrs. Neil Fisher. of Detroit;
Mra Redfern and Mrs. C. E. Young. of
town. The funeral took place to the
Colborne cemetery on Tuesday afternoon,
ORIT4'.- RV.
111'111h.I:Y The olroth os' nrr.d on
Shanley morning. nt his home on St.
iM'I,I'm street. of Thorns. Quigley
opted aft' -two years Mr Quigley hod
hewn in apparently good health nntll
abort two weeks before hie death,
when he was token in unite sud.lrnly.
He rallied and was. improving up to
bast Saturday night, when he w•ua
taken with a wpcnnti and more severe.
stroke which riadte.l fatally some,
hones later. Mr. 1)ulglev was o native
of taw township of Hallett and had no -
atom In tl.wlerk-h about ten yearn.
firing engaged during thl* whole period
The warder meeting of th. 11,41
4'rows SVr•ietr rook plate on the evening
of Mont, 24. The working sommit-
tern reported a ahlpment of articles of
clothing for the children of the invaded
dlstrlcta valued at 4t14; 344 Inns. alb-
tnrlwut cotton for n!•e In Red Cross
Irowpltalli of this military dt*trict,
worth $18.20; 2"4 pair w irks, 9 jaeketa,
64 caps, 1 wear(. veined at 1.312.50:
Yarn worth 11119.00: the .Mol value of
taw .hlpnlent Iwing 41312.70.
The ala1N•IAI statement is am fol-
lows' Relant' last ninth's report.
41x.1 hank Interest. $0.3s; War
Auxiliary grant not previously ac-
knowledged,' git0.00: KIntell Women's
inst'tot.e grant not prevlomdy ar-
knowledgcd, 425,00; ward enn.setionw,
4116.51: 1411P of wool at a profit.
*4.77: total, *251).01. Paid for fowl.
1C(.'65: twhanee, 4257.31. of this .tum
*2010 waw voted to Med roam for relief
work, IParing a Lakin' of $5TJ11.
NM■■■111�M10111K1K11111XXXX1111■■011X 110•111XX•
xililtll(1111■■■■■1111>K111111■011111[X1)••0■■■XXXX X
This is the season of the year when people are
buying new dresses, and to bring out the style of the
gown one must have new Corsets. The Dominion
Corset Co., who make D. & A. and Goddess Corsets,
are renowned all over the world and their Corsets are
known by every woman who is well dressed. These
two lines of Corsets comprise the newest in Corsets.
Each season pew styles are brougT'it out to suit and
give style to the. new dresses.
Never have w shown such a large range of
Goddess and D. fr A. orsets as at the present time .
We have a style for ev- model and at a price for
every purse.
Goddess hag the bisgest gale of any front laced Corset on the uarket and the reason
for this is that thy give service and have stele. Ever pair of G. les.. (corsets that we
Neil has a writtenn'guarautee for one year
A5112 is mate of imported Brodie, white embroidery trinnued and el tic baek, with
a tongue under lacing to assure perfect comfort. Height of bust 21 in., le • th of clasp.
4)1:2 in. This ('unset comes at $150 a pair.
A616. This model it ade fpr an average future and has tin elastic insert n the
bark and trimmed with �e Ini ery. Made from domestic contd. This Corset all bus
a tongue under the toeing mw makes the (corset comfortable. $3.75 a pair.
A$08. Average full figt 'e oriel, Made cof fancy sleuth, bilk embroidery trimmmeel.
Elastic Lack, with tongue nude lacing. -14.00 at pair.
AS20. Topless..med. un figure' !Ode!, Hanle ..f Eugliah email and has aii ela.ti
around waist. Haa ton le fouler lacing and retail. at $4J0 a pair.
n & A models all me in hack -Ince Corsets. 1n this (corset the tarry a very large
assortment of styles • high. medium aiili\low bust match., with many different hip
lengths. Nearly all oriels have elastic inserts at aides and back. giving the C'or'sets the
maximum of comfyt•t. These models start Yet $1.50 and range iu price up to $S00.
The most fa/cored hack -laced (corset t ay is Nm. 506, which has an elastic top,
and gives wondeful eoutfort. This model cin * at $3.00 a pair. -
We have a Corset to satisfy every woman
gee these line. displayed i11 our windows.
D. & A.
New Minister at St. Helens.
The Presbytery of Maitland met on
Thursday.atSL'Hetets for induction of
Rev. Peter Jamieson into the pastoral
charge' of St. Helens and Eaat Ashfield.
The sermon was preached by Rev. M. P.
Craig. of Dungannon; Rev. J. G. Reid, of
South Kinloss. addressed the minister,
audRev. R. McCallum. of Lucknow, ad-
dressed the congregation. At the close of
the service the interim moderator, Mr.
McCallum, was presented with an address
midge purse of money in recognition of his
services during the vacancy. Rev. C. M.
Rutherford resigned his charge a Pine
River yo accept a charge in New York.
The resignation was accepted. to take
effect after the last Sabbath in April.
Rev. George Gilmore. of Ripley, was ap-
pointed interim moderator to declare the
Ipit vacant sal the first Sabbath in
retire Wit.
' What's his rh4.•f characteristi.''•"
asked the policeman of the cast lady.
olnu w*s trying to detw•Dire the man
tv ho had rul.lwel 1*r.
••.1 large Roman tone." maid the lady.
"1111.' replied the constable. "Then
It's no use try Ing to look for him. A
nos• like that r*ver turn. up
Many a p:ctu•e i'Iustratos the story cf
the artaet's turd Tuck.
Sapper Roy Mohnng returned from
France last Thursday evening. His old
friends at Benmiller are delighted to see
ay. I him. He was anion' the first boys to
leave here.
Thesok at Mr. Wesley Fisher's was
well attended last Monday. though the
weather was very cold.
I. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Prouse'schildren
' are ill. We trust they will soon recover.
Rev. P. S. Banes was visiting at Grand
Bend this week.
Last Sunday a tame number of women
from the Benmiller circuit attended the
women's meeting addre sed by Evangelist
Rutherford at Nile. Everyone enoy'ed
the 'urging.
Wednesday. April 9th, the women of
1 Bmunlller circuit are in ited to attend a
�I' ""meeting at Remitter church at 3 o'clock,
be addressed by Mrs Hick. of Godo
I Miss Elsa Oke returned from Toronto
last Monday evening. She had been
!visiting Mn.. Chester Oke for the post
Wessell the Government
standard strength
Phone 90
It is easy to make with your Kodak or Brownie rind
easy to keep in a neat•loose-leaf Album. We shall be
glad to explain to you the simple Kodak way.
"THE PENSLAR STORE' North St. and Square