HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-3, Page 7-.
cies ets• LYE
kills rats,
•• ra destroys
Massey -Harris
Robert Wilson,
I n•to r >:. Gtslcrlch
'1-h.• marriage I,s.k IIIm•, at the house
..f the bride'. father here. on \Lurch
_Ytih. .,f i nus.•.. daughter 1,f .110 1.....
ti.s.n. to Kenneth McK.•IIIIr .,f 11f1•1..•rt
ON account of pres-
ent weather con-
ditions the wholesale
companies have been
able to make better
deliveries of Coal and
we are now able to
supply :
Percy Ward 1111. Ismlht the 11111 war•
..Ira of Wm. haleeot1, nth I.,11le$4i011
n1 1;1.'1'.
Clary Dean, widow of the late Wt*.
I lallahan. dial in East Wawarosh March
211th, aged seventy four years.
y1fr, and Mt'. }'. W. twullal.lulle,
Idol I4111111.•11-kuowu r,•.ideut, of Hon-
)11111. are lea%iag to reside hl Iles West.
Henry Clark 11104 %111 Ills 11a1•uere
fares ah the lith roltesslun of l;rey
tri Howard 1h'lgherty, of M.'Ki11„p,
for $1? -410.
The Lochalsh Literary Society has pur-
chased the old school building and it will
be used as a club house, for entertain-
ments, debates, etc.
The limo &lore. ou 111e 11111 1111e of
Morris. known as the \Lill+ property.
Ins IM•.•u lore ..
hu.l L)• Ernest and
lt.dn. tIir11e, who ow, the adjoining
Ur. and Urs. 'Wyk! 111 'alors, of
}ahel,.lwcr relented their fart' for u
yeur'f, H1rlr urigI It r. .U0117.0 Heath, 1
owl will take a holiday u•Ip to the
Went this smuttier.
Archie McGregor, of the 2nd conces-
of Tuckersmtth, has purchased the
dwelling of the late David McLean at
Kippen and with Mrs. McGregor will
retire from farm lite.
Rupert T. Dodds has sold the old
1hulas Itllueste•ad, use the :.111 eau..
�iau of .IcKtllup, to Joseph NleFarlaae.
..f Seaforth, the price being $54510.
Mr. IMM. Intends relirhgg to Seafurt1.
4 Mrs. Frank Graham and family, of I ...ass
G�^"moires onT
Saves Them
1'uur woollens must be made to
last as lung as pouible-it's •
war time duty. Sunlight Soap
is the purest and hest of •II
laundry soaps so it's the safest
cleanser- and its the most eeea-
omic•I because. berg pure, it
hikes kw to do the wash tbes
cummoa soaps.
Gnus always sell S.•lrghr.
Terows• O.I. 12
In to London, -
Kipper, who are rei nd% g
Stove • were waited upon by a number of neigh -
Pea and . bora and friends and presented with an
address and a set of Limoges china as a
Egg Coal parting gift.
U..oty 11011i111.1'u.'
l .soldIlls farm of
Soft and Cannel Coal I'111 .•t•e. ,a the 14111 1WIN'e10110H of
WI.I\II .p, t, Walter I►atbison, of 1114•
in any quantities. .,11111• ...o 11411110. for x-..:.11111. Mr. 1101-
j In rrl loud Gamily arae leam.%lug to
The death of Mrs. S Paul occurred sud
denly at htr (erne a, Bluevale Monday
morning of last week. She had not beenom
In the best of health for se time. Her,
husband died in July last, and three
daught'rs survive.
John Lane, of Belmont. met with a
+serious .itieblent while assititinK his son,
11c was
tiered a
r the
MacEwan Estate
Feb. 1st, I(19
- ---.- George }.ane, in the ban
tooii.hip. It1•c. Ju.„.., F,Nde• oI1F•50b••1. %truck by a falling tree auill
J. E. Jerkell. of Montreal, form- bw1 fracture of the left leg n
As Mr. Lane i« &/Ivan
irl) of Exeter, 1. rr that tits uU March nate.
yearn, the accident et all the tale baby indoors. He is 4 ften confined to •or '• ' '
_Yilh far lettere, 11,11?. to assemble N AlJfu C'19 -
II.- Ihlrrthy Robertson
timelier of lecoutalh,'. Lulls by th.• serious. overheated. badly ventilated rooms and illi alumina .\Ilio 1;1:1, Lucy Hurd}
fin, for whkh IN Nur"let int the George D. C. Hare and Comity, of Mc catrhes colds whiff rack his whole system. ,1710, Wilbert Thom :1;2. Jr. 11.- -
Italian Boreruel/ent. Prom there he Killup. were made the recipients of a To guard against this a box of Baby's INicrr ARM. 5.-.a. •\\'illir Treble 479.
ggt•n t, smith Afrk•r. He expects to i farewell presentation by friends and Own fab:ets should be kept in the house J1wke \Nu119••rs 41ti, wind.. Million till.
I,4'aw1.. a ,rear neighbors prtl)r to their removal to Tor- and an occasional dose given the baby W Sr. 1.-- l*'r'. •r 'hardy 2sa. Jr. 1.- •
After un 11111.•«« of •several month. unto, where they will reside. Mr. Hurn keep his ,sternach and bowels working Verne 'tall 1.1�. Arnold Milli 247.
rhe d.mtb cs. urrsl on Saturday, March has been one of tie prominent residents regularly. This will prevent voids. well.
Douglas Feat ru 24'2, Frank Alllu 227.
•"'tel ..f \Its VII `4 'II hr 'her sixty• iof McKillop, a member for some years of stipalion or c die and keep beepsRest spellers ,r the nitwit' ore: Kru-
The Tablets are sold by tnediEirre .rulers p ' net Thom, Worthy
was nuitt«1 In'marriuee h, Eurl Balser.
.sf t'rtdituu. Rec. W..1. l'age'r ollk•fat-
hug. Tile young etatide will reside uI
the intends furl, su Stephen.
Robert Garrett has .,4141 him fes' LYat-
erre faro in M'Killop twreaship, tear
Thursday. April :i, 1!11'). 7
prior to II•r death.
flu a charge of forgiug liyuur pec-
w•rlpti41o' upon nrogsiat mitaese m, of
town, \\'111111111 Small, n men about fifty
year.* of age.. N114 arr.s.h%I by Thief
Allen Friday night awl lalg.«I las the
.ell.. Ile 1•uwr up (ser u hearing au
Saturday betid • Pollee )Lief. ntle
Murtuu 111141 the .-u o' esus c',1/rg,'4
until April 3 set int o'clock. /'row 0
Attorina- Seeger. of l;lsle•rich, le act-
ing us pow'1•ulor.
A etaiiiiiit les• 111 thf town e0111N•lI aloof
Hoard of 'erode sI.itlsll \1'ulkercllbe in
eo11hw•tion with the legotiulious for
the heating here of the S.mgrace
Maunfaenlriug I'll. .t• aha( Phu•.•, and
fount' that 1411• 1' lwuly had 1.•.•11
uuuurfaeturiug cm -talent urtl.•I.w in the
way of tin -fighting upplfuIIs' Used a
104+444.' 'motor truck and dolt
there way u Irripht future fur the busi-
ness. It was decided. However, that
the proposition W11s tial 'urge a 011' for
the {triple' of \1'fugb,t10 to handle.
ikdlur Hay was •, great «,/.'est.
Mrs. Reuben Spindler is uwu•lulp to
Toronto this work las reside with her
John Howe has w11d his ry siAenNr 10
Mrs. .loss }taker, of St. Helens, who lei riming to Lnekltlw to reside.
blr. and Mr... (:. t4. Flow left late I
week for Mentors', where Mr. Free
w111 open u pIIut..gra p11 studio.
The e•.udur 10 the \',.est kw: meow-
u•,'ii.•.%l. Six fatuities left here 011 011e'
truth this. Neck for different points 11.
IIN• 111'st.
\I:Il.,dw 1t1va.n. west of town, has 1
sold hitt 1:,11-u,tt fartu to Jetties $tau -
key, of Purple /;roc.•, for,$11,gm1. This
is said to 1e the hest price 'ever
r -alias! for u farm in this section.
Mr. !Meso, in nN..Ii.g In II farm whit•b
h' Iwo pureliaw'I near Se•aforth.
Mr. aloof Airs. U. K-. Webster and
family, of the 1 Ivry west of town.
have wotwl to Nevin, Alberta. Mr.
\\'eb.ter had hsm a r.•siAett of this
neighborhood for sixty -torr years, mov-
ing fu with 111" parents when he was
Malcolm It. t f mar fire years of age Before they left
� x�exxxxaencxxxxxxxxxx�c�x
Spring Hats
at Cc
Everything in Men's Wear at
right prices ALL THE TIME
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
}tell forth, 111 •al use, 1e '
i.wkuow, for %Mimeo. The farm It blr.mial Mrs. Webster were glade the Ix XX)C)CXXX 1C < 4 C 4 ,e < C ' >nn De
one set the hast fu the iamisty, it rnn- recipient. of farewell presentation..
c1•ule'utl)• situated a,.l Ila. ex.vllellt front Iw•wler•s of the 4.rleklulw \letho-
Ia1fIllllttgs. Ur. I :arrow pelt e•. 11p pt/.- 111.1 1'11111•'1,. •
sesslou this spring, but retains pow
0.14044 of tlw rr.ideueey he tam .s s SCHOOL IMPORTS.
topics mdjoi11111g the turtu. --
-� 1111.It4 ►It�X}:.
Baby's r r e81 t h The fallow Iutg ie the report of S. N.
X,. a, 1•.,uwlrw•. foot sew *11 Of 1 We are pleased to be able to inform the pnhlic that we
in the Spring. Nisi. . 1.. Those unitised • at.seut for -are now in a position to supply any quantity of hart: coal
iu all sizes. Al. quantity r ']ftcoal for domestic use
,n• or wore exaulhwti,11.: Jr. -1V.--
K1q11114h .\Ilia 771. I'lite Alllu I _h;,
The spring is the time of anxiety. 10 sl anuuu F.•:,g:ul :a:Y. Kr. 111. --Janet I
mothers who have little ones in the home.
Conditions make it neceksary to keep the Tii'm :,:•h Jr- III.- ':1isays Treble 1
7111 •\\' tl • Fowiw• -11 curt r i
fifth ),ears TN. ,...arid was Moro at the township council, and active in other
I I.hNNa, but for the
Mst furtyfce community affairs.
y.ror, had litld inStephen and Exeter. \]r. N11d \Irs. 1)i*MO
tt,•sid.+ the hula nils thus' sows Ned !kudos 1..11. 011 1\'1dnew
two Ih1ughters surcit'e•, ww•k, their daughter, !'ora,
the bo11,•
11ea r
Ise -t
"Oh, You Do Look So
Strong and Well"
4A ND why shouldn't I ?"
"You always wrote about how
well you were, but we never
thought you would be so hearty -looking
,as you are after all the hardships of camp
and trench life."
"Oh, we had our share of hardships,
all right, but except on rare occasions we
hed plenty of good, wholesome food and
Tots of fresh air and exercise. That is
what makes a person strong and well. But
I don't think I have it much over you.
What have you been doing to look so
hearty ?"
"Didn't 1 tell you I was using Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food ?"
"You don't mean to say that has made
such a'diference. You were so thin and
pale when I went away."
"Yes, it certainly has, and sftcr you
w: at awry ; I Ind
end was in a brad rtate for some months
I had nervous•headaches, could not sleep,
and grew down -hearted and discouraged.
Mother got after me to try the Nerve
Food, and I am so glad I did, for I did want
to be well to welcome you home."
"It is a joy to me to find you so well.
And now that we have such a good start
surely we can keep well and enjoy life.
My experience overseas has caused me to
place a greater value on life and health
than I ever did before, and your experi-
ence with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food con-
vinces me that you women folks need not
be pale and weak and nervous if you will
but use it when you feel tired out and run
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 10c a box, 6
for $2.75, all dealers, or Edmanaon, Bates
St Co., Ltd., Torcato. Every box of the
genuine bears the portrait end signature
. f A. W. Ch: -•e, = i.P., the famous Recclpt
Fbnr' r..'ithor.
or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr, Int I A111u;
Williams Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Fowlers Iheruthy tuh•r(wm. Margaret
\lilt, \\'folie Tre k•. Monty• pr." -.•hr
The Seaforth spring show will be he d
on Friday of this seek.
Hugh McDiarmid died at his home at
Harpurhey on Tuesday of last week.
Lieut. Jackson. youngest son of the late
Gorge E. Jackson, of Egmondville, has
been awarded the Military Cro11e.
At the Presbyterian manse, on March
10th, Miss Jean Allen. only daughter of
Mrs, Cyrus Ballet,. was united in marriage
to Lawrence Cummings, formerly of
Watton. The young couple will reside in
et cry day . K,ruwtyl .\11111. 4 1ifo1.I
AIIiu, [:L•Idy. 'tela 1.uty' Hur.1).
I4nn.iI Holertsun. NHwe•r Hardy,
Iry ttjlas Fellatio. Nllader un roll 21. 1 .
.\cerage attendance 19. Lila NI.
Howatt. Trio her.
+0 any yaau t y o. s
We wish to extend thanks to our customer., who have Xbeen very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and 14c
now that it has been relieved we will give our old-time
service and protnpt delivery.
The Saults' Coal Co
Phone No. 75
B. J. Saults' residence W. W. Saults' residence s�t
No. 275 No. 20'3 rP1i
ifliafllxxxtflrnx xxxxxxxxxI1th ocecXXsfl X
Who Have Frond Relief ip Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Larchwood, Algoma Ont.. March 31
Bridget Doyle. widow of the late John nod and 1 want everybody to know it. '
Duncan. died at her hung here on Much says Mr. Cyrus Correll, a well•known
24th in her sixty seventh year. She had farmer living near here.
been a resident of Seaforth for nearly "1 was sick four months. My trouble
forty-one years. Mr. Duncan died many
yea'; ago. hut 'he is survived by a family started from a combined cold and strain.
I suffered from neuralgia. and -had pains
in my back. 1 was often dizzy. My
sleep was broken and unrefreshing. 1 was
tired and nervous and had a nasty taste
in my mouth in the mornings. I was
depressand low-spirited. 1 felt heavy_
who is the honorary president and an and sleepy after meals. and there was a
enthusiastic golfer. has given the use of heavy, dragging senwtion across the loins.
fifty acre' o his farm pro,)erl y n x. h of I didn't bother with the doctor. i had
is Alanac bme, and I went Seaforth for the purposes of the club. °ddoff for two Flslxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. right
Irl �S}:LS. Bef,re 1 had taken ha'f a box 1 began to
W. A. Brews ho 1s naw ill 1'&11- feel better. Now 1 want everybody to
tondo, intend. returning to lira ...elm know how good 1 (eel, and that Dodd's
and has 11111'11110441 lois loudness former ldness Kidney Pills did its"
from William Little and w ill take
po.s.•s'ion shortly.
W. A. Lowry, who bus Inst return..I Not That Bad.
frau a bashes. hip to Cobalt and JiThis is the wording of the telegram he
ilslleyhury. says they are organizing received:
a }}wrote ! ►lot Boys' A,4ws ixt foil in that ..fir John -Come as soon as you can.
ynurt of the,',,n'try Am dying -Kate."
1;Jirarh•th Mary Angus, widow of the .1b«Why-what did you mean by wiring
lore Ieln•nzo Ku yen. formerly of you were dying '" he asked.
Itrusse•ts, 111491 rtrently set Hamilton at ee she said, "1 wanted to say that
the apo of fifty -nice years.. The re- I was dying to see you, but my ten words
ii.,1111.1 were brought to Ih"nirew•I« 'for ren out and I had to 4top." -Louisville
interment. Ur. Raven was drowned 1,ourier Journal.
in the Empreme of Ireland ditaa.•r.fiye
year.' ago.
(Spal). sKidney Pills did me
of four sons and four daughters.
The Seaforth golf club. which was or-
ganized last year, has held its tirst annual
meeting. R. M. Jones is the president
and J C Greig captain Thomas Dodds,
fTi17't►ti: _ ...
I:enrtre \Narre ser, an 411,1 roolde•nt of
I.111.L111, 111111 nn 'ruff's lacy of hest week
U1 lira ugo of eighty -theta. yentas.
After un .'.l ors a estila3 year"' Y11OI.I1Ij,i1/[S
Alien bAltild41 \hs, e, N fie of John 1
Id/h•rtwlit df1.l ml re, %coins of last
week at the home of her sinter. Mr.. J.
Miss Janet Milton died on Tnewlay
of last wet•k after an extended Hates",.
She was for many years a member of 1
the public *lipid staff 111141 oil« sixty-
two years of age.
\It's. T..1. Watt Linseed away on the
22nd ult. at the Clinton hospital, after
/111 ()Pent The de%rased was horn
in 1111• township of Stanley. being a
daughter of the late' Thuw:ls 31111,4.
II"r husband surtft,s.
Many a man lives a cat -and -dog lifer.
He purrs in the parlor and barks to the
Tht cause of
New steel pan« are being installed
:11 the \\'hlghnm •alt works.
Miss ihtl«y French, a former Wing -
ham young Indy, die%! at !Amami on
the 21.1 nit. at the Burly lige of twenty-
1.11ee year«.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stratton have
rrutl%ed to Hamilton, where Mr.
Stratton has it inanition with the 11nunl
Trunk hallway.
}}ugh Altf«ou, who ons huttertnnk.•r
lot the \\'ingh:,ul erenul.•ry for .
time, is mincing with his family to
Emit, but ling a..•epted a position there.
in her nhety-flfth year Mrs. beery
Tre.ett passel) away In \Ninghnm on
the Lash alt. She hail been enjoying
fairly good health up to a short time
J...11•••••••••••••••• *•.... ..,..+.-... r owes.s
A Constitutional Remedy
That We Guarantee
Lagrange. N. C, -"For years I
suffered with a chronic cough, so I
could not sleep nights and continued
to lose flesh. My druggist asked me
to try Vinol. It cured my cough. I
can sleep nights and have gained
twelve pounds. Vinol is the best
tonic and tissue builder I have ever
token." -W. D. Ren, Lagrange, N. C.
We guarantee Vinol for chronic
coughs, eollds and bronchitis. Not a
instant medicine. Formula on every
bottle. Your money back it it fails,
J. ,\. !'.\\11'14};1.1., Druggist,
()Wench, OnL
L‘OR thousands of years the waterfalls of
1` Ontario have %tasted energy that the 1lvdro-
1.lectric Power (o.nlmissicn of Ontario now has
yoked to productive dynamos.
What was formerlyy-mostly sound and spray is
being transformed ,ihto electrical energy --
willing, obedient, tireless servant. It lights
homes. stores and offices; operates street cars
and factories; makes work easier and life mese
It is the object of the Hydro -Electric !'ower
Commission. to render the best possible service
at a reasonable rate. To attain that end the
most modern electrical equipment is installed
in power houses and distributing stations.
It is just as essential for you to use electrical
appliances equally as modern and reliable in
your home.
LampsHYDRO the Commission , on for home lighQuality Lamps are the ting.
They are tested in the laboratories of the Com-
mission for brilliancy of light. minimum cur-
rent consumption and length 4 fife.
sow 1/T -
W aterworks and Electric Light Commission
.��r .- -�• _- •