HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-3, Page 6f. 1I r.1;1>. Ap .I l'al
School of Commerce
Young men -and wou►en are •
more and more finding that
without a business training
tlitcy are under : a serious
utdicap. Even if they do
not inteud to engage *in
tturely commercial work, they
require a knowledge of mod-
ern business methods in order
to succeed in almost any line
of activity.
An investment in a
sound commercial
education will yield
big dividend: in the
years to Come.
Schools at Clinton
aid Goderlich
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
I .a further particulars write to
B. F. Ward, B.A., M. Accts.,
,.•o!, : 1.1.•11,,,,
Stutenla mai enter any tine.
Improved Train Service
Lw aiader.ch 5.50 AM.
Ar. Toronto 10 50 A"^.
La GaAench 2 23 PM,
Ar. Toromo 7.)5 PM.
Fedor Buffed car iaetvueen Soufad and
To.wwo on afternoon orison.
Fes further part.cdars as to reservat.ois
or ockets. spa'. to Grand Trunk Town
Ageism •
own Agents Phone s
MR UI•]IEei AI►IIRt:Sti.
Globe's WW1 I,,1 I $utt siee on Poore
for emelt -ipuility bearing a *bare
if. the cont of tnittomtsduu, reegarhlrw
u. of its relation to the sourer of supply'.
Rate JJIs,ollatlotl, Whole People Should Benefit.
The Cline's report of the dhcusniun ' The r•sdutlou, he explained, was
ou hydro power rates Kt the flaunt bowel upttu the l Ikf Haat tfie Niagara
of Trade euuveatlnu at Toronto was Ittntss of1ethe Tlrntretire
e s •(ter t : neve Iot,ll tinter., but were the herl-
A>ih r cuniilM•rahic dhcaoIUtlt which
a`� limes waxed hot, a resolution, pre- trio. trale or he wholttndr River had Wiipi
seated to the hpeCtad ;rto•rn1 meet lug
f the Dmitri° Associated Rtmnls of been p'o)hie+l by Nabors., with falls
Tracie yesterday afternoon In fns or of
meuoriallzIng the llydro.•Ie•trk
Power Commission Ili Ontario to ahopt
• uniforms rate for the .delivery of
p,w tai• tit municipalities throughout
the Pro%hlow. regardless of Their dts-
I;ille• tram the sonar of supply. woo
paswrt un 1n the incoming se•utive,
with but two or three diss•ntkws.
The resolution was subwitlet by
the 1 twlerirh Board of Trade and the
mover. Mr. J. P. Mame, spoke to it at
. • 11•algllt. He declared that while
be heartily approved of the principle
'anina1Ma; the Ilvdro-cleetr(e project,
it with now high time fur the Coto-
miss- to take an advati el step. and
One which he believed would redo 1
10 the lest interests of eh,• 1•rovitwr
and rapids along the course it tool
Muter 'hal tame, but, he claimed.
when that mime water reached iia•
gtara t'alls the people of Galt. Brant-
ford and Caleloulx attere entitle) to
alto benefits to 14• derlteti from it. as
much as if its falls were at their doors.
By equalizing the cost of dlstribu-
lion of power. he held. every tomer
of law Prot -Mee world he given a fair
rhatar of growth, with the result that
4 tee tiopulntion wuu ld oat Iw h.rled In
large centres. but spread over a large
arta. to the great betterment of living
cendltluww and the production of it
higher type of citizenship.
Mr. hoer poiuted to the equal-
ization et postage rates. atrret rail-
way rates. citnrg1• for etttwation and
ns a whole, and lead 10 development the fiat rates given by cheese factories
ylomag br'a'd uewesl•ratic limes which for the deliver) of milk through their
would Maur,• a more coital distribution I immediate ue:_Ide.rh.wei.. :ts evidenee•ii
of the trend of Ihr times toward
el un Brat ion.
Hr offered figures to show that It
would Iw possible l0 charge es uniform
rate of ilk.:O tor power, and urge)
that those situ sere paying lower
notes Hunt this stoma be only trio glad
s teat w• to Ivy the additional cost iu urth•r
1 I said that all might Ietwttt.
of population and ind1.1ry. This he
la•Iieteol lay in the equalising of 11w
batt•o for power rhrotighollt rho whole
Prosiha-e. Ile held that the water-
leotl•r of the Province belonged to the
p•oplt• as 1ndi'idu,t1s, and that thrre-
torr all Iu•nw•tlts derived therefrom
I I I t Wlpttlil•d till an equal Iasis
ht ail. .\ uuotorat rate, he Mr. Mrusirn of l►w'rit Bound elite
houl,l le fuel schirh would provide ts.rtt•d the resolution, claiming that
— -- taw Hydro sus -the property of the
1'rovinar, and as such sl utllti bit
shard in equally Icy all the people.
Mr. Hannigan Objects.
"No stitch thing!" Mr. T. .1. Nonni -
Min of l:'nelph rose to a point of order
to ettrtarl 11r. Menzies' ntateuromt.
Tlw Ilydrut•le,lrie. lie declared. loath
nothing VIluttelibr to du with the
Province. It wits twit uwnel by 11n
1•ryorimr. hitt Ly taw municipalit1's
wh1, it voted to take over the l►ntario
foiier 1'umpauv. These municipal-
ities. he Pointed out. were paying boo*"
beet tit production. while,' meant 1h.
east of laking Ile• face ter to the ,M•vet...
panty of disc rlitution. olit•r:tliltg co.
Bens... depre•i•Itton. iutrre.Iattt sir,
ing fond charges. Seven luunk11t
hies'had originally put up the money
awl litter a dozen or more had gone
lido the p_ruLausit6111 Olt 111.• same Ita>i-
They were distinctly told by the 1:11•
Ih•rmier that Ile Govcruwcnt sodic
be in no shay responsible t,n.1 that the
h•iptliri,•s alone would have to
'War the lttl•dea. "Nies'." hr Con -
•'tits t r municipalities which ,
had conn• ill w•t.111 to repudiate tlwir i
ubl igit IOU.:*
ii r. .IiIt1lle of. Niagara Falls '
wanted to kla,w wlo•ther su••h a plan
would be expected to apply to all
puldirly-owiel servters Bud if whe•u
the nodosity,. were natiunalisel freight
rates would I. equalized all over the
Ili . att'v $pec •fic
1 - Iemove•)
Ne r Fail g R. nc u,
App. ICS►
indlgeetion, Stouterh I]korlar
Appendicitis and l:i In••y
are ohoa causr•t /,yGa}I
ani mislead r pl: until
b s.1 attack 3 of G ::1 Stone Co:'
anpxu. Cant one in tea G�!:
Stone Sufferers knows:what
die trouble Marlatt's Speci:ic
will cure w-i;nca,t alfa or oper-
For sale exclusively In Code -
rich by
Ara you aware that an oint-
ment applied to the skin 1.
absorbed into the system Just
Y surely as medicine that la
swallowed t 1t Isl You see,
thotofore, how necessary 1t 1s
we skowld use • pure oint-
ment; and the purest you can
get for Tosrtselt and your
cilldren Is Zam-Buk.
Dr. Scott. Use great English
aaalyst, says! "I have analysed
Zam-Buk. sad hays ao bestia-
l/ea In certifying Its purity."
There is smother reass• why
u should prefer Zeta -auk. It
bel sack • refuted ■.tore that
u can peat to the very neat
M itis Morales; whereas ordinary
el•tments. •wino to their coarse
Iagredve•ts. remain on the surface
stun. Shin diseases, lake plants,
have their "roots." Zam Buk eaa
get down to tbe very root .f the
disease, kill the germs and thus
elect lasting cures.
There is nothing like Zam-oak
for ending ecsema, •1d sires, a
eruptions; nothing that can ss
gushckly draw out the soreness of
a cat, burn or scald. Try it 1
. s.f Mrs. A. J. Cameros of
Melita, Man., writes: "My iittle
sea's head and bads were com-
pletely covered Witt eczema. I
tried numerous ointments, and be
was under doctor's treatment ler
some tome, but sousing would cure
hots. Then I tried Zam-Buk.
Alter a week's treatment 1 noticed
• marked Improvement, sad per-
mtera•ce with "Lam -Butt resulted
is • complete and permanent cure."
all tnasi.,a .d .tore fop lot or Imo.
B•11 Co. T.,••••• 1ar vr.wo awe lop
sump 4r tree 'nal boa.
1.4110.11.. leiug lo. Ib. short. iter load of
2,1Ctll II.. Iwlug :10 Ib. swam, and oma
load of 1,4110 being :t . IL. over weight.
Tlw other leadx were within it pouml
or leo. The committee rtvvwwrudtd
that the chief c,otti • to make thew
periodic inspect loos and 1u awwtlain
of the hookers are etiufoot•luing with the
arty .tintutt• with referrmr to the
height of a standar' Itat of breed.
The public works and s t tow-
witthw, reported Jointly u{a the
uuotter pf drniglrathttt ihr streets
torwtng ettrtwk.us of the county high-
way system w9thiu the town -Ilrults,
and rot,•wtnwMleol that the streets so
designated 1e the ihm►tt road, Toronto
street. Elgin arnuun jroru Toronto.
strut to i'leturta street. taw Mayfield
road, Victoria start. L;Inaeeete•r Ter -
rave from Vktoria street to Bridge
Hill. and bridge Hill road to Salttord
The last report sun amended) by
providing that 1ht• deslglatel raids
I within the town ballade also Kingston
street, Hamilton street and the portion
of the Soma re betwe•u these• woo
street t. 'I'Ite reports were all adopted.
Dollar Day at Lueknaw.
The Lucknow• Sentinel of last we k had
1 the following: -
There is but one verdict regarding;
"th,llar L)ay" in Lucknow—it was an
A 1 success. The larger merchants
simply had all the business they could
hauoie, and a number of others did a
• good big day's husuirss.
Shoppers were on hand quite early in
Ihr morning, w that corm stores took ill
as much ntutiey by 9 o'clock a. m. as
they ordinarily do all day. rt rougtaiut
the afternoon the street had the appear-
ance of a fall fair or a celebration da),
while inside the stores and shops ever\-
thing was bustle and business. t'erhaus
a grad deal of the business was not
uirtctly profitable, hut much of it was,
and evtry ne is entirely sati•hed with the
venture. We believe that all of the
customers were satisfied too. and no
doubt when another Dollar Day is ar-
ranged for, as it no doubt will be by
and b'. it will be "bigger and better than
Tit, day was euceptiorally fine. the
county roads were fairly good. the
country tclk were not busy and they
' came in from far and near. Let us make
()oiler Day an annual event. It has got
away to a good start.
I aid North Huron 11uniripalitiea
IWant Hydro Power.•
Toronto. March 27.— Urging upon Sir
!Adam Beck that the district which they
reprt rented desired ft)dro power. a large
delegation from Huron and Bruce counties
conferred with the chairman of the the -I
tario Hy'iro-tlectric Power Commission
1 yesterday. They submitted a statement
lot their probable requirements and Sir
Full weight of tea in
every package
TEAS good tea'
• Sold only in sealed packages
Adam agreed that the engineers should be I
•s at on the matter at once. The district could
instructed to go ahead and make a report
Nigro Fnl1 n
Milling skill, special machinery
plus all the old time care
(Government Standard)
same superiority en-
joyed in the old days.
"More Bread and Better
Bread and Better
makes better
to the registrar's office.
"Are you quite sure." he asked, "that
that gas a marriage license you, gave me
three months ago ?"
' Quite—quite• of course!" said the
registrar. -Why do you ask'"
"Because I've led a dog's life ever
the sitar a1 u a since." said the weary one.—Answers.
supplied from Eugenia Fails, by an
Windsor. blastula as the trek Burs -be lP
curried the sante iower that peers.
t ' extension of the line from Goderich, or by ,
tooth pho'es and tl t therefore tl e
an extension of the Niagara system. ,
Iisern at Ni iit.illt
Ih�lrttil�nr.+ xlleu of \\'nitle•bnrg held I WIMP rah• t.- those at distant point- corned are: VSutghaln, .AO h. p.. Tats usual
w'ater„1C0: Biyth, iSO; L : Pott'. 100: ss
that the cost of produckne power was I A n::t! .•: rit mrnAxrs ru-e and et p ht up
tir•swvf tt:r 1<•iirf that the Matter wilt apo; Fordwi h� 50: orrie 50; Brussetls, peade
1,111s should pay" the The requirements of the places con.: „�•
Danger of Explosion.
as Maud.' makat);-o.0 as obstous a$1
at the part) last night ?"
as it ? Mercy' whenever her Lace
1 was afraid it would set elf the
r."—Boston Transcrtpt.
Motbelieve everything you hear—without the proof. I)o
1J not permit mere sales talk to influence you in purchasing a
When you are pi ning the purchase of the greatest of all musical instru-
ments let your EA' , EWES and BRAIN compose the jury that will
return the verdict as 1. which is the best phonograph for you. Compare
the Pathephone with any ether phonograph and in your comparison note
particularly the following
Rich, full, rnueical and natural —a true re-
production of the original.
Reproduction being by means of a sapphire
ball, there are no needles to change and no
wear on the record.
rtarORYAN(E It will play any record. Do not knowingly
limit yourself to only one kind of record.
Beautiful reproduction of classical furni-
ture instead of ugly hones.
cOasTRUcTO* Note with what care and expert workman -
ARO rlaLia ship the Pathephone is built and the extra
Ane finish not only on the front but all
over, the quality goes right through.
Although the Pathephone is better built,
better finished, better designed and better
value than any other phonograph it costa
no more money than the ordinary phones-
it,... tris oa
ie J.•ebe+•• ().k. M.tt.a..v awl Wife
The Pathe' dealer will .how you how easy it is to own a Pathephone, how a small
cash payment —probably leas than you expected to pay—will bring to your home
the greatest entertainer ever invented.
Mseteral op", ,no New B.ree Ride.
Genuine Path,' products raw *ray he tite...ed fn.•w
Wesley Walker
t le 1414•1 with
t •• i
to melt the . r.••.Lan os the 1 Mistaken.
Me•^•:tis.• f,s a repot
( tialaIrtTEE RE:'OBT:`• man, who wa, pretuatweh grey, c a
1t.a 1 fosse. t• 100: Paisley, 100.
more etlwtdenatfou and It was de.lakel y•
otter t . w• a May Be
Weary and worn and sad. the ,ouai
.‘dditiau to 1. ►•• ltitek's Report of
't'ow'n Council 'Ixtiu;.
'Cite rei+•" t. of ,..smut,•,- . dealt
with :•t the itot meeting of tl:t• town .
1111194.11 wt•n• etch -i 1,om the report
;lien in Inst week's :aimed.
•('..• tinhite comnui ter p tiers1 it
tit' t:•' e•. ,•f ne•nnntt, and reported flat
the National `11111d,utldinit Co. had paid
$ .:.lana;. the q.nlemt;t due las per
agreement. Ilial that the 191• auditor**
rrtert %vas stelae printed.
The water. tight nail harbor com-
mittee reported baring exaIiteel the
town water account for 191., as
rendered by tow statrt nod tight com-
mission. anti revona entlei its follows:
tat That the water ami light tom-
uoisslnn Iw htstru,'fiel to charge the
-(grietiltiir,tl Society ami the various
witted hoards for their respective
water Nervine.,.
flit That taw .larges against the
town for drinking anter .cervicis to
the f t, -tortes he taken up w ith the eow-
ti,.i...t by this vo irtre.
• 1 c 1 '1'hnt the touuuission 1w in-
formal tit it the wett•t• elrtrge for diall-
ing sewers Is tow high HMI sI 141 1440
rein' ed. al.() that charges for fo
fain at Harbor fork are tea high. as
three manila* ase Iter year is sulne/eta
for these ,ferric+•s.
Regarding t!w town street lighting
ni•tomtt, the eonimlttee• re•untntetalel
ti t the einnml++dott Ise• infurinedl that
Comfort of Body
Many children and adults
are constant sufferers from cold
hands and feet and are acutely
susceptible to every chill and
sudden climatic change. There
is definite help in
which furnishes fuel to worm
the body, helps make pure,
red blood and maintain the system
in a state of robustness, so that
the buffeting winds or the sudden
chill of evening are enjoyed rather
than feared. For comfort of
body and bouyant health,
take Scott's Emulsion.
I . rt ?. n•.wnr Tomato. Ooh. 18 13
the etlltk'II tolttltiiFs the street light-
ing el. trees tees blah anal requests that
Hint. Ie remit I.1
7'Iw tin• esmmttte a r•t•nmmetalel
than A. M. (:Inver he permitted to erect
n t, ncmte building at the rear of his
g:ar.axe an C. lit s:rret, providitog that
thi• pft►t of the building is approved ,
by the the warden and that the alibi-
ing eintfiytn n-itlt its r'quireteuts of
the Ilre h -law. tither rrommend-
titlon. wen• that the tire warden in• re-
que•deol to mala• an inspection et tem.
tie Kul hllug+. garages and all factories";
ftt the (nun. nod send In is report to
the cotutnlitee•; suit that prices be ods
rained on a toal'dnation ,betides! antl
fire here car. on n ane -tau Ford
c;w.as to tarry 1111x1 feet of 21or-iii.
The pnldtc works etutinittee• n'eom-
rta•Inhel that the furling wool Skating
.tswa•INtlent Ix• notified of the 41,111141T-
rotu11tlt)I of sift• preud.e. lit the
tuner of \Vest and N',th•19tnt streets
uud reiaeenrrd to laavesthe renes put
in prop•r coalition; ail that Engineer
Johnson report on the twitter of eon -
tonality' sewers on Hillocks street and
the Moron red. The committer re-
ported tont an agreement had been
entered info with tit- Itarrett Mfg. 1'o.
for (hoe delivery of at bast n,:asr gnl-
hsrns of tart da It not pater thnn .1 line
15th. aid that the wewrt at the town
Nish was nrarty all tilt anal was being
Mold to 11w citizens in any quantity
The aye•lal tomnatttee reported that
It had examined the report of the
chiet of poli, -a on his ht.lar•tktn of
weigbta and measures and found It
malt, tgNafne•tory. Thr bread from
taw various pokers war all up to
weight. The loads of tont welglel
«err alai) ranslett•net wltlora etory,
quake being very accurateoneIwd of
If 5n Trouble
with a leak in your plumbing,
call ns and let ns mend it.
Don't put it off until it
becomes so bad that your
place may be flooded. "A
stitch in time saves nine."
atamillen alreet rho•• lag
Plumbing Healing
Raved r.nghing Metal Work
c�l�Ta� l
Is recognized as one of the most
reliable' Commercial Schools in
Canada. The instructors are ex-
perienced and the courses are
up-to-date. Graduates are
placed in positions and they meet
with success Students may en-
ter at any time. Write at once
for free catalogue.
D. A. McLACet.an, Pagel
The loot and shoe repair
shop of the late Thos. Hall,
corner of Hamilton and New.
gate streets, - has .been re-
opened and orders are sodic.
ited for all kinds of
Footwear Repairs
Good work and reason-
able prices guaranteed
Sarni. Ward & Son
Hulesc•rihe for The 'tiguai.
For the balance of this month you will find some
We have gone through our immense stock and bavc
selected sotue real bargains. Below you will get an idea as to
.t'eal values :
Oilcloth, 2 yards wide, old stock, well seasoned, lovely
patterus. 60 y ar11
One Iron Bed, regular value 1126.000 The price ticl-et
is 116.00.
We have about 1 doz. Mattresses to .ell at the old prices.
Froth $5 rt0 not
o $R.f)0,
One only Suitcaae. Regular 14.150, for 1:1.;5,
Club Bag, Walker's special, 87 50 Worth 19.50.
We have several pieces of Furniture, taken in ex-
change tor other goods, that we are selling AWAY
AWAY below their value. Come in and ask to
see two Extension Tables. We have one at 110,
the other at 19.00. Worth double this amount.
Il\ ou want an Extension Table, don't wait.
in store No. 2 we have two real bargains on Phono•
graphs. Visit our music room, where comfort awaits you. A
pleasure to select records. We have records for all snakes of
A visit through our store will convince you that Walker's
is the place to buy.
"Often the Cheapest, Always the Best"
O -O -0 -E -11t -1 -C -ti