HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-4-3, Page 1i Sto i efereuregresekeregrearesWartemeekeorenselAmee A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 '!4 cy‘iouni. tiitVIDr4TY.►ZRST Ytt*R-•JN IRM HUUERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APit. 3. 19'9 THE THE SIGNAL CALENDARS Are going steadily. Not many left. Get one by paying your subscription for 1919 at once. isomearesesemseseseeelliefekelhe SIGNAL PRIN1INGCO.. LIMITED. Punas • eer,' -l� STERLII� ,'z,,&NK OF C N �A•.- 4'4,0 SAVE, Because - Like begets like --careless spending leads to shallow living. FOR SALE OR RENT. PROPERTY BARGAINS A good new red bock boos, containing an oowveolence.. usage, etc, Seamed oo N. -gate tercet, Goderich. Poor V.1.260. S1.oso cash bY- aaoe Wilk Inters. a1 7 per ceol. Potarwron M., 1.. A mea -Milt frame boom on Trafalgar street, aeleedld garden. close to schools and churches. ! oe al.1W. I'0eeeeswn May 1st. S.z vacant lou oa Huron rood. In cne block; the hew garden ground in (,ud .lett, for 1450 Thew E. Kelly home on Chinch street. Oaa d the best properties ,n Goderich. All cos. vestment,.. stationary tuba, imago. etc. los 53,aa. A good frame blame, two tots, new ,table. Ilea ..Ere, good (run trees. for altos. T. GUNDRY. 66.11 'Pias 119. Goderich. FOR SALE. PURE SEED OATS FUR SALE. -NO. 7!. A. H. C C LITTON. Phone 1414. Ben. m.aer.- slsel L)R SALE. -WHITE WYANDOTTE (C; .segs for hatching. ALP roaster, brown and •OA.Ot.t-Ct [wTrendier Wyandotte. MRIt s. Y. 1917 FORD CAR FOR SALE - Overbaal.d mid newly printed. cud hm frobeizApply a J. L. DLMEon IteRL:NG. r. SALE CHEAP. -S LIGHTLY damaged parrs Apply W.-MCtEAN, a Home Block. iLLOR SALE. -FORD CAR. 1917 ` touring model Engine m Al condition. Spore Ors and tube. rgam for quick cash oak. G. L. PARSONS. gOR SALE. -TRICYCLE, NEARLY S. .e.. Appy D. VOIIIDLLCOS4118, Trafalgar Oran. - It • DASD WSTRU1NENT FOR SALE. - A.a.w so thpirial a4aaaober ale T - QQ�� ��trwi Iyspns.��tt__ oo���� etc., slap • .nae • 4s MUSIC STORE, G.dertb. 61-_t C(510LT I OR SALE:- COMING ONE year old. sired by Ston t.aa:' dm a mot dor mar Dark ,n toles. An estra fine animal GEO B. LSON. lot IS. n.wcessse, 4. Goderich Township (R. R. No. 2. Goderzh+. .56-11 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 83 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesey St.) Phone 61. WANTED. L15ACHER WANTED. -FOR UNiON school sct.on No. 11, Ashfield and Colborne. -class preferred. Salary a1n0. Duties to evansence April !th• or s000er. Churches and p.lo*ice near school. Appppl1y to J. B. GRAHAM. Secretary. R. R. Na 2.(,nders:h WANTED 10 RENT. -SIX OR seven room fully -modern hoose with garage. Bwsinos man and his wile. no childrt9. Apply at SIGNAL. OFFICE. • Wit `,/ANTED. -EXPERIENCED tarttrssnd wife 10 lake charge of work on loran •ml ,n bane. Good wage• to right parties and oteady employment. Must furnish reference. Appy to 4). W. MARSHALL R.R. No. 3. Blyth. Ont GIRLS WAET, D.. APCotat Y THE 1.111.11GOD[RIGNH G �- MEETINGS. RLiNG AND SKATING ASSO- / CIATION. The annual meeting of above Association will he held .n the court hour on Monday evening. April 14th, at It o'clock. for election of director* ■n other general business WM. CAMPBELL, Secretary -Treasurer. Goderich, April 3rd. 1919. • a.2t CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FORD • 1917 Runabout, in first-class condition, newly painted and overhauled. Will be sold at a bargain. VICTORY BONDS Bought and solea. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance J. W. CRAIGIE • sos PUBLIC NOTICE. TOWN OF GODERICH-COURT OF L REVISION. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SEWERS. Tana NOTIC= TEAT 1. Th. Comma 01 ahs Corporation of the Town Of Goderich hr cmmructetl r a local improve- ent a sanitary sewer on booth street, between Br manor road and Raglan street 2 The cost of the work is AllSO.61. of which 5016.17 is to be ped by the Corpot•tinx The weecctat rate per loot (rootage as fifty-nine •sats. The spocsal asaesaent is to be pad b tgvwy annual instalments. c 3. The estimated hteume of the woitbteaaty years. 4. A Court of Reveson wul be teed es the Pith day d April. 19141 at 8 o'clock p. m., at the coun- cHchambers, town hall. in the Town of Goderich. for the purpose ol hear mg complaints .ga,ost the proposed am.mmeot5 or the accuracy- 04 front- age m.awr.ments and4 any other complaint which person. interested may desire to make and which as by law coen,sable by the Court. Dated at Godetich this 23th day of Marc).. 1519, 55.71 L Town perk WAt4IMl-WAR RECORDS OF GODERICH OLD BOYS. fafdlles fonss.rly residing in or In the vicinity and now Nv131g elsewhere laic sons who have been oversean helping in the Ng fight for world freedom. Their old friends herr wo*Id be glad to hear of thine bo!'. and to know what they have boos doing, sad The Signal Milks atnon5 wbs known the war reword of an Unser resident of three part• to write a paragraph and nerd U to us for pub - 'Walloon. It is ill be a valued and wel- come edroute addition to the local historl of the war. Baby Day at Mallows'. May 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be Baby Days at Sallows' photograph studio! Each baby under eighteen months will be given a photo free of charge, National Liberal Convention. The national Liberal ennaventfon will be held at Ottawa on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, August 5. 6 and I next, accordingep[ to a decision of the Liberal 111•111 !male of Parliament announced this week. • Precaution Plus.-$4-ahlt•sx potatoes, swutle-sn grain and other perfect pro- ducts of garden and field may be In- our.41 tIrongl the lime of a reltjblr grail. of I'm ueatekhyde•. The kind we s.•II is guaranteed to give satisfactory results. It cords bort a trifle to free 14441 of elle smut genu •1111 there are lout a fete lustarwts where No small an .x Noontime Will yield m) large a profit. We have the Iltstrm-dons printed on our labels. If you have not limed the brand of Formaldehyde we sell let us supply you this year. -S. R. Wigle, 1'rutrglst, Goderich. CARDS OF THANKS. W E WiSH TO TENDER OUR sincere thanks to neigh on and friends T0WN OF GODERICH-COURT OF for k,nd� sympathy ddvunn` the diner REVISION. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SEWERS. Tema Nonce TWAT 1. The Connell d the Corporation of the Town d Goderich has cu tructed as a laza) improve - anent a sanitary sewer on Britannia rood Iran. Cambridge street to Regent street. 2. The coat 01 the work r 146s. 2. d which $ 11e27 n to be paid by the Corp ration. The special rate per foot grantees n 44.4! cents. The specs& armament is to be pa,d m twenty annual .tetatme.is. L The estimated lifetime 01 the work a twenty Plans. Fed tram AMILY. RICHARD WALTERS AND FAMILY. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. e ApeMzat,ons for the potation of township clerk of the to.nah+p d Colborne will be received by the underwened up to noon of Tuesday. Apd r5h. GORDON YOUNG. Reeve. R. R. No. q Godsr.ch. 4. A Court of Rioteon will be held on the loth16----- Amy 01 April. IMO. N o clock p m , at thrums). AUCTION SALES. MI rhombi.. town W1. in the Town of Goderich. 1 Mr the purpose 01 bearing complainuapi against the j a.wta.mrata ew the anrvaq�l �t;CETION,,, SALE OF VACH!'i • •^d say webs 4 , FARM. OILLAGE AND LUd /aeages INewetd may deur. t. and .50 I P7t0 ITV'. - ta by law cagniaabk by the Court. Dated at Gudtrrch tin lith day of March. 1911 L L. ENOX 5111,2t Town Clerk. TOWN OF GODERiCH-COURT OF 11 REVISION. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SEWERS. TAKE MOILS! THAT 1. The Council of the Cor •tion of the Town of Godench hos constructed as a local improve• mint a sanitary Teat. on Victoria street between St. David's street and Britannia road and on Britannia road from Victoria street to Cameron 1 street 1 2. The cost of the work ,s I/o)I.77. of shah /1676.00 is to tc pad by the Cap.ranon. The special rate per loot frontage re slaty cent. The 1 special assessment is to be paid in twenty annual instalments. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is [went y year. 4. A Court of Reveion .ill be held on the 10th chambers, town hall, ,n the Town of Godench. for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assesmeols or 11 he acct.acy of ;frontage measurements and any other oompa.,nt which persons interested may dsaire to make and which ,s by law cognizable by the Court. Dated at Godnzh this 36th day of Marc).. 1919 L. L. KNOX. 1.9.2t Town Clerk. N ?TOWOF GODERICH-COURT OF 1 REV.SION. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SEWERS. TARR NOTIca THAT 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Godench has coruitructed as a local,mprove- ment ■ sanitary rower 00 Victoria street. between St. David's street and Nelson street.or 2. The cost of the wk Sr 52.7[1.: a, d which 11177.20 w to be pad by the Corporation. The special rate pet foot frontage is sixty cents. The special asesament r to be paid in twenty annual Muniments 3. The estimated lifetime d the work s twenty yeses. 4. A Court of Revision will be held on the 10th day of April, 1919. at 3 o'clock p m., at the coun- cil chambers, town hall, in the Town of Goderich.for the purpose M harms'complaint against the s proposed aeaamente or the acerae of frontage complaints and any other coplaints which person. interested may desire to make and which is by law cognisable by the Court. day d April 1919, at 8 o'clock p m., at the counc,l Dated at Goderich this 25th day of March, 1919.1 L L KNOX, 59•2t - Town Clerk. UR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late Hour Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, sistant at Mooreheld'f Eye Hospital and ( m ,olden Square Throat Hoe. Otal, London. 511 Waterloo St. S.. Strap lord. Telephone INF. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednes- day. May 21. 7 p. m., to Thorsday, Vnd, at 1 P a 1 have reserved titatrwctloer from MR. NELSON PEARSON to offer for sale at pudic auction, at the village d Port Albert. on FRIDAY, the 11th DAY of APRIL, 1919. at 1 o'ciock p. m., the following lands and chattel Parcae No 1. comprising 31 acres or there- abouts and heing tete north part 04lot No. 1. ,n I he gid concession W . D,. (Oilfield. There n on the parcel a frame barn 1's46 and driving shed 3011S. The land Is well drained and good clay loam and well tented outside. Parcel No.2. comprising about 30 acres. hung Park lots 1. 2, It 1 and .7 north of Melhour • street and lot 43 on castrate of Wentilaton street. There are no Moldings on this parcel. The land Is a good black loam and well drained. Parcel No. 3, comprising about I!, acres and hang composed of the easterly two-th)tds of Park lot No. 3, and Park Iota 4 and 5 south d Melbourne street. Upon the parcel there is a gond bearing orehard comprising 4o apple trees The soil ,s good. Parcel No 4. The hotel property in the villa`, of Port Albert• situate upon lot 37 east of Wel- lington street, comprising a br,ck veneer hotel budding and barn. an 1 stabling, granary an! pigpen, and about one acre or land; aro a root - house and henhouse. There is a good well on the property furnnhnng running water en the house. The above parcel will be offered for sale ee ar- ately. each subject to a reserved hid. CHATTEL PROPERTY Ho.s,9 -One horse,. ruing 7 years old, bred by Buckton Barberry: 1 horse. rouse 5 years d bred by Bakerbleld; 1 road hone. 7 yeas old, weighs about 1354 lbs.; 1 driving horse. rising 7 years; I filly colt, rising I year old CATT... -Five steers, non' 3 years old; Zn steers, rising 2 years old: 2 holeca. 1 year old;. 1 steer, 1 year old; 5 calves, ruing 1 year old; 1 cow, rising 7 years old, due to calve Slay lat; 7 cows rising 4 years old• due to calve May 101h; 1 aged cont. due to calve September 1st; 1 cow. nn, 3 years old, due t0 calve March 711th; 1 purebred Durham cow, due to calve May b1. 1 purebred Durham co., rsh . hull call at aide; I purebred Ihrham bull. tang 2 years old; 1 pure- bred Durham heifer, riling .1 cres/ old; 1 heifer, rising 4 years old, supposed to 4,e ,n call; I heifer, rising 2 years old; 2rd y cows. rang 5 year, old, PIGS.- One sow. with 6 pigs; 2 news, due to pig Apo l 1.1, 4 ewe lambs. Itertau.NT9, ETC.- Ole disc drill 113 hoes), 1 steel Ia.drotler, I dive (13 disc), alp Deering make; 1 mower, 1 three -hale cultivator, loth Massey - Harris make: 1 .ft. -cul bender, 1 rake, 11.th !leering make; 2 walking plows, 1 stuffier, 1 twin plow, I Pare No 41 twin plow. 2 roiling c ,utters attached; 2 lumber wagon., 1 wagon Mn with shelving, 1 hayrack. I top buggy. 1 Melon, cream operator. 1 root pulpa. 1 tanning mill, I rt rouble barons. 1 set plow harness 1 Dominion reps (gond m new). household lurnrture, a quan- tity of wend and cedar pints a number of 3 -inch and 4 -inch tile. and numerow, otter article. A quantity of hay. '9r brothels red oats (72 0. A. C ), about teen bit thels of feed barley, eh ut 154 bushels of spring wheat and oats mowed. about Stn bushels of feed oats a number of hens. TYRES na SALE.- As to lands -ten per cent. at tim• of sale. balance in 34 days, ohm possession will be given. or prime.a,0n may be g,ven earlier on satmfecoav arrangements tieing made for balance. As to chattels- all aninunte under 110. cash; balance on len months' time on furnishing approved joint notes. Ihscount sl rate of 8 per cent. for cash on credit items Dated this 17th day of Marc).. A. D 1919. • THOS (:UNDRY. Auctioneer. THE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON GAUL'S GREAT ORATORIO "THE HOLY CITY" IN KNOX CHURCH. EASTER MONDAY EVENI-NG CHORUS OF 80 VOICES ' Miss Rata Lyttle, soprano- Mins Mande Million -1, contralto Mr. B. U. Cent, tenor • Frederic Tristram Egener, Mus. Bac., Baritone and Cond'r Tickets 25c. • T • . THE O. W. 8. RAILWAY ('ARE. The Nlgual cannot hitt a ere ,.1111 grave tvarrn the deetslon of (hr town tv/uuc11 Et 14. last erecting In the Matter of the t)atarlo West Shure Railway lawsuit. 'Pure and again, throughout the dreary history of the 111-111141 e1lerprtme. the suIiitleness o! the town mimed has resulted in the passing of opportnaitlees which If resolutely 'wised might have averted much haw. The preeent town evmaa•11 eannnot he held rt'epttnniblr for the' mistaken of the (0U1of pest rears: ear lint It ■pprs that �pt nt cornet ix catalog 'aa1eb tb to opportunity to throw off bort of deed which w-111 lamier the towu In all Its financial operations, Ind t 11 every ratepayer's ise•ktet!eip}k. for the lett twady years. or le 191r wuuklplitka nrsnte.•hl;; the bonds of the D. W. . Railway hare been flimflammed Men beginning to e•IHI of Ihl4 a1Talr. they hair what lx/kx 40 the lay IOW like it .[)'1116 now against ter tt,reu.limt, in this lawsuit. Mr. E. IJOaglaa Ai -moat. K. 4'.. wio has 110141 TtetllkNrl by the tiulni- ciialities, ghees It an his opinion that under the terms of the I,yinw the Dila- ter. atter Toronto 4:eaeru l Tru-ts 4'or- puratiou) had no right to pati out guy of the money reeef9411 froth the pru- ere,ls of the horde gee ratite's! by the mt ni lINtlitkw tint❑ the ungnl(rauteees1 14,11114 were sold, which they ufever were. Thin Is only one of w•rersl grounds ups which 4lalm is made by the municipalities, but It ev)vu•rs the r. THE LADS IN AHiiKL Miss Mabel E. Tom, daughter of Mr. J, E. Tom, public school inspector for West Huron, arrived home on Tuesday after serving twenty months as a United States army nurse in France and Ger- many. Miss Tom went overseas in Au- gust, 1917, with a New York hospital unit and was at No. 9 base hospital in France until the beginning of this year. when she moved to Coblenz, on the Rhine. remaining there about two months in hospital work. She enjoyed her work overseas and was much impressed by the vigor and enterprise of the French people In Germany she noted with intertest the very substantial nature of the bridges and ether structures along the Rhine: Nothing seemed to have been disturbed bre the war and there was little or no evidence of any suffering by the people of Germany. Wallace J. V. Taylor, son of Mr. J. W. Taylor, returned to town last week after nearly two years' service with the U. S. forces. Mr. Taylor lett Goderich five years ago and was residing in California, 1n the employ of the Standard Oil Co., when be oined the U. S. Naval Air Ser- vice in 1917. After a period of training he was despatched to France and was on active service until the signing of the armistice. On the arnval of President Wilson in France the transport George Washington was used to bring a wction of the L'. S. air forces home, and among the number was Mr. Taylor. who had w14ole uulunut of the moa•y4 paid out. risen to the rank of lirat-class petty officer. Mr. Armour goes ou to say : He was then attached for duty to the "Afters great deal of ivmslaeratto, U S. S. Maumee and made another round of the judgment of the alajority of the trip to the Azores and France and on his ('unci. 31)41 ford$,' lir Ihr ri•rslro.lg. arrival in America was discharged. Mr. and i think 504051. reamRlblg of Mr Taylor will likely spend the summer with Jllstler (neigiuo, 1 ase not at all saris- his parents in Godench. tied that the reao.rus given try the najorrity of the t'ourt are 1411111141, and 1.,.lerich luol a vis- it last week from in view of the great importance of the a strut/011g 1'. S. a(dolkr-4j. M. 84e11(t. matters Involved 1 would 54k19.4 an Bert Fisher. will of air. Joseph Fisher, a/pra formerly of town. Mr. Fisher has Mr. (arrow, the to*u's solicitor. I.em ill (lu• United States artily for imps much the We thing, although fire years and wears three ribbons, be goys Do further than to say the. 111..• for the trip to \'era Crux ander town Ina "a flg*fng chimer." (:ousel F'nustou In 1:114, ane• for the Isn't it worth Ilighatlg' The Signal punitive expedition to Met lev ha 1918 lines not protean any great confidence note'• 4;ellera4 Pershing. and the third that tate muukipalltks will win on no for the expellitiou to France. He also appal --tie taw's uncertainties are pro- wears H 111141111 En a pistol expert. verblal; Lint there IN no Ulsvertalhty Store the Crated States mitered 11e a4o11t what will corer if an .ptwal Ix gr.'lt war sent. Fisher 111.1110 four not taken -dais town trill go on paying trips across the Atlantic with horses interest of $'l,BM a year for the next for tie United States army. He has twenty -years old Urn will terve tR 144.1, 011 a visit to 1114 father, who now• meet am amousit remaining unpaid hives at Heatort1*, anal name up to spend NbelpY tef S16fir80a. The a few days in lin old home town, town eoulx•iI, it ne'W3 to as, is trklug which he left whet. he was just a %WON itself a wit eeep)nxibillty 114 )'nluigsH•r. throwing .way a el,alk$ Orf g9'ttiulx ort 1 - from wider such ■ Hardee fur the sake I'te. Norman Newell Was tale cif of saving the n)lapanitively- mall those who rt•tlrl*ll home on Manlnlay. 80011111- -.bolt 82.411443- wtirli will re- Somali was 4)11)' Ire the like a11[I was trralsf.rreil to the :)hal Battalion and later to a machine gun corps. He was in the lighting at Amiens in August last Hud from then all to Nuvemlwr, but did not get a scratch. Early In Not-e4m1x•r he was giv.11 Iran, and on the day the armistlfi . was signed be was in Loudon add saw the big drwuustnition there. • present the tow-u's 51Wn' of (he 'Moots of a final appeal. If the ease is not appealwl, every time the town lays Its $7,:44( annual Interest hill the ratepayer.' 14111 hare °rasion to soy: 1f our town enusa'il had had the backbone to spend a couple of tl saran dollars more In fighting this (•taste we might not hare to pert with this $7.501 this year and $7,5110 every- other year for a long Uwe to tome, LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Privy Connell has 11p$'et the Jlldgmetts Of Canadian courts in the past and may do so again. Should we A smoker is to be held on the evening not give It an opportunity of passing of April 10th in the G. W. V. A.re rooms upon tits cam' of ones, and at Last for the entertainment of all returned hare the mstisfaction of knowing that soldiers. at the haat we hail dole all we could On Saturday afternoon, April 12th, a to secure Justice x11(1 relief? sale of homemade cooking will be held in • M , Noble's store under the auspices of the Girls' Guild of St. George's church. Your patronage is solicited. 3'}ER.MON.1L MENTION. Mrs. Esther Carter has returned from her visit to her son at Assiniboia, Sask. Messrs. Roland and Wilfrid Hutchinson were up from Oakville for a few days this week. Miss Bertha Down is home from Lon- don on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Down. Mr. Jack Lloyd. of Stratford, was in town for a kw days visiting his brother, Mr. R. L. Lloyd. air. and Mrs. Jac.: S.•Igls•r nod son, of Stratford, tire vl+lting at the borne of the lady's panrnts, Mr. and lawn. John Webb, Cnulbria road. Kincardine Reporter: Mrs. D T. Girl - hill returned from Chatham with her son, Herbert, who is recovenng from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. Dr. Edgar Swarts arrived in town on Tue.day evening to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and -.Mrs. TTH>v. Swarts, before leaving for 'Sudbury, where he wiU he located for some time. air. and Mfrs nom ries .A. No fru nii- 1Hn11He the englrgens'nt of their eldest (laughter. Jlary Ilelpbdne, to Mfr. Athol a1,,el,uarrie of Toronto. the no.rrlage to tike plaice the middle of April. Blyth Standard: The househ +Id effects of Mr. John Vincent were moved to Goderich the latter part of the week. We regret the removal of the gamily from town. They have been excellent citizens and we sincerely trust that their new home may be a pleasant one. Mr. Norval Davin, who has been ansietdng his brother, Mr 1•'rel Davie, on his log farm at Irrlcana. Alberta, the haat few yearn, wag In town for a few days thin week. He is making a visit to the parental home at ;tlitchell. Norval wan warmly welcomed by his old trickle island town. Mr. Jas. It. Reynolds, MN linger of the hotp-e of refuge at Clinton, was In town this week assisting his parents In their rt•movnl to Clinton. where thcey will tiow reside. J. It. nays he Bites his new position ti nitrate. 01151 front w•11nt we learn he in proving a mod eatable ma tinier of the county IIIMtltlttltttl. 1t is sometimes better to try and fail than never to have tried at all. Inverness Camp, Sons of Scotland, will meet on Monday, April 7th, at 7.30 p. m. in Mr. Mitchell's office at the Masonic Temple. All members of the Camp are requested t0 attend. The children's Aid .Society Invites you to attend the meeting - next Tuesday, April Soh, at 4.15.p. en., in the, chart h Phar IH always In 'thing iutemstiug to hear abort the childleu. The town is filling up to such an extent that it is difficult for many to rind pouring accommodation. Will the municipality take advantage of the Act lust passed by the Provincial Legislature to provide assistance in the erection of dwelling homier' The Women's institute has a very commendable project for the establishing 01 a "rest room" for the accommodation of worsen and children spending a day in town. The plan has been submitted to the town council and will doubtless meet with substantial encoura;ement from that body. Mr. R. Peckham and family have moved to town from ihmilton and Mr. Peckham has opened up the store on Kingston street next I)r. Whitely's office for the renovation of feather beds. The sanitary iokiing mattress into which he converts feather beds has some unique features which will appeal to those who appreciate the value of sanitation. He invites a call from anyone interested The f011'm- le Is the it'd of dona- tions to Alexandra Marine and (;e11.•rn1 hospital for the mouth of March :- noising- of apples, 51r.. I,. Aid+worth, Roo yfield : m•v1.11 dotes fresh eggs, 111s4et hens.. SII Ilford Jelly and nua•tnalad.. ails Farrow : old Innen. Mrs. Leech and airs. Howell: old lined f other frleudM : well n dishes fr A bowel! Chapter. 1. 11. I r. E. The store at the corner of the Square and Kingston street. in Robert McLe•an's block, is vacant for the first time in a great many years. For about a quarter of a century N has been Used a4 a confectionery stand under successive pro- prietors. Mr. H.T. Edwards, who has just vacated it. is having a hoe new stand fit- ted up in the block between Montreal and West streets and will have it open for business in a week or two. Mr. Edwards and family have removed their place of residence to the house on Song[ street lately occupied by Mrs. Thos. McEwen, CHURCH NOTES. On Monday evening, April 7th. at 7.30 p. m., a meeting of the Girls' Guild of Si George's church will he held in the parish ball. All young ladies of the congregation are cordially invited. The pastor. Iter. J. If. (lst.rhout, et'lll lave churl/No of the services 111 Victoria mitre4•I Methodist t -hunch next $11111111 y. morning and evening. Sun- day w 11ut11 and Bible ,class at 3 o'clock. All are welcome. The congregation of Victoria street Methodist church is to spend a social evening together in the church on the evening of Tuesday, April 8th. A cor- dial invitation is extended to every family connected with Victoria street church. The a I meeting of the Anglican Syn.Ml of Huron w111 open at Loudon 1111 Maly 13th. One of the mention* to be taken tW at this meeting is that of clanging the date of the a11111a1 vestry meetings from Faster Monday to Januar. The services in Koos church next Sunday w111 be rouduettrl hq• the minister. In the morning Mr. Ilc- 1lermid will complete the series on the 1311111'.4 Prayer, the subject of the set:: I4•lug '•Nafe•guaMling the Future." In the evening the subj(et•t will be "Chaos Ella I11110r.- MKll'PING A WEEK. '1'111. 11g1141'44 Iluy-at•Home l'amli•ign is NI%iu4 n r,-st this week, but will he lark again next week In all its rigor. We belie%, a great deal of interest haw Leen aroused by the weekly articles [older this leading, and they will he e'nitlimed for some ww'ks longer, nail ave frost will he received with approrat by the people. '193• bleu of cooperation lwtweeen ul.n•Ia11ts anti ivinsuwer4 should be ,I.r,•Iop41 for the benefit of ell coa- e•t•ruwI. If the people stand by darer Mime ne-rchauti. and -the unrn•hENs ill their torn show their apprer•iatfou of this support by giving tltelr ems - miners the Ie'xt possible 'week* nail fair pries, (:olerieh will he a good town to live in slut a good town to (lo WWI news 1,1. ('H.AN(:ES IN ASSESSMENT M'l'. 'Municipalities May Partially Exempt Dwellings. Toronto April 1. -Legislation giving municipalities power to give partial ex- emption from taxation on the homes of people of moderate means will be brought down by the Government at the present session of the House. The special assessment committee of the Legislature tonight adopted a recommendation by Sir Wittam Hearst, providing for a graded exemption upon t11e following basis: Houses assessed at not more than 82.000, to be taxed on 50 per cent. of their value. Houses assessed at not more than $2. - 500, to be taxed un 60 per cent. of their value. Houses assessed at not more than -t3.- 000, to be taxed on a e0 per cent. basis. Houses assessed at not more than 84.- 000, to be taxed on a (0 per cent. basis. All houses exceeding 8.1.000 in value. to pay taxes on their full valuation. Sir William explained that it was pro- posed to give rural municipalit es similar 'power to enable them to exempt all farm buildings upon the basi given. It was also thought well to give authority to ' municipalities to entirely exempt the homes of soldiers. The Prime Minister also announced the readiness of the Government to agree to an increased exemption on per sonal earnings, arid, following his state- ment, a motion was adopted making the exemption to householders aad heads of families in c.ties 81.700. instead of $l,5011, and in other places 81.400 instead of 81.200. The services in North street Methodist church next Sunday will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge. Morning subject: "Open Doors." Evening: "The+ Question of the Selfish Man.' Missionary offering morning and evening. At 10 a.m. the monthly fellowship meeting will be held in the school room. Men's Sunday Club meets in church parlor at 10 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m. The annual meeting of tit, W. M. 8. of Victoria street Methodist church was held at the home of Mrs. C. M. Rnlwl1won on Tuesday alternoon, April 1st, w• i th a gonia attendance. After the Mutineer meeting. in which two of the ehsrter members were made life - members of the Society, the election of officers took place, resulting an follows: President, Mrs. Byron Wil- som; vi •e president, Mrs, 11. 74. Down; recording secretary. Mrs. Benj. Hi)gyarth; corresponding secre- tary, .ales. J. H. Millan; treasurer, MIs, Chris. Sanderson; superinten- dent of systematic giving. Mr,. Thos. Millian. At the close of the meeting a light Iuurh was nerved by the hos- tess and was enjoyed by a11. Rev. J. E. Mr1'uule•c, pastor of the itaptist chump, au ars a wears of sent uus for the month of .April on "H.xct•u," Tlw snhjects are as fo1- ,April 6 1 moruhyt I -"A Coke from Hes ver.'. 1 April 'AI ( morning -"'rh. Han) WW -ay to Heaven." April 211 (evening)-"Iteudy for Heaven. - April 27 Imorning l -"Departing to }leaven." April 27 (evening) -"Active in 144.411-11" Next Sunday evening, April 6, Rev. lir. !tate*, of Toronto, is to ocupy t11e pulpit ausI give an addr•8,) 011 the For- ward Movement, and on April 13 there will he an ei(•hallge of pulpits between Rev. Mr. Mel'auley au111 Bev. E. 0. ''.aril,, prior- of Clinton and Auburn tut inist congregllldone. • The production of "The Holy City" in Knox church on Easter Monday evening will be a musical event of more than or- dinary interest and as many as possible should make it a point to attend. Tickets are only 25c and may be had from mem- bers of the choir or at I'orter's or Dun- lop's store. - •� • The Hund Forecast, The following cutting from The Kol- nische Zeitung, published during Septem- ber, 1917, makes interesting reading just now: 'There will be no such country as Great I Britain at the end of the war in existence. In its pace we shall have little Britain, a narrow strip of island territory, peopled by loutish football -kickers, living on crumbs that Germany will begin to throw to them. Whatever this war may bring' in Its train, certain it is that the laughable and childish military system of Britain will shortly fall to pieces. Then the once' mighty Empire, with her naval strength1 represented by the few old tubs which Germany will have left her, will become the laughing stock of nations. a scarecrow at which children will point their fingers l in disdainful glee." .Advertise i11 The Nign:,l. It lays. Card of Thanks-Mls. Richard Wilton sled 1 Family .. .. . ... . ... ..... II I4. REAL ESTATE DEAL. (oureillor Wesley Walker Buys Throe Storrs Orme •ieMoors Eetate. Ilse of the largest neat imitate &41t* Hest flare taken phi's. 111 1NHkerirll for some time pest was arranged tldw . week then Mr. Wesley Walker par - Outsell the three stores on the west side of the Sotullre from the Arhe•smt estate. The inlet. is underatos1 to he 111 the leighIM)rhoal of 814,100 and the Iea•Ittiun Is among the most deslralde in tie 111sl11194 section of the town. The new proprietor armpil•x 1w., of the stores, while ('ralgle l{ros. o.•ttpy the third. Mr. W',1kt•r ea 1115. 11•re l it n few years ago and today has what is readily admittim1 to he .our of the hest Itpp ointe 1 furniture stores 111 R'esleru (Ontario. He evidently aloes not lock faith in the future of (:ode - rich when le will make a real estate investment Buell as the above. OUNDRY'S'SALE REGISTER. SATURDAY, April 1. -Auction sale of furniture and furnishings, at the Hamilton street suetiem MORN, at Y o'clock. Everything in the place to be sold. FNIDAY. April 11. --Sale of form. village and chattel property. by Mr. Nelson Pearson, at Port Alpert. at 1 o'clock p. m. BORN. • CRAWFORD.- In Ashheld,on Thursday. March 27, 1, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Crawford, a son • DIED. WALTERS.-in Goderich. one Sunday. March 30l Richard J. Walters. aged sl year s. OUThomas IrtGodench. nn Sunday. March Quigley. aged .52 years. NEW ADV ER T I3EMENTS-April 3. Page Ford Cor for Sate.- 1. L. Deme▪ rling ... ...... 1 Sent Oats for sale -A. 14. Clutton L Ki -mold. -Scott & Biome . . -- Ford Car for Sale - G. L. Parsons 1 Sanitary Folding Mattress- R. Peckham.. 1 Damaged Wheat foe Sale --W. McLean t Eggs I. Sae -Mrs Woollcombe..... ... I Tricycle for Sal.- n4 Woollcombe ... I Annual Meeting -Curling and Ska ing Amocia. BANK OFMI5NTREAL s' , SBLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Board of Directors: SIR VINCENT MEREDITH, wan.. hour.(. 311 CHARLES GORDON, G a. E.. Mee-P.s 1.l.s. LORD SHAUGHNESSY. K.C.V.O. C. R. 1103441, Eq. D. FO3EE3 ANGUS, Le. W4. M.111A3T/R.f.mi. HAROLD 1151ED7. L. R. W. gUAUCLERE, 6t COLONEL 144(31 COCKSHUTT J. R. ASHDOWN. lea R. a. ANGU3, f.e. N. R. 01114110440. Esc. LL -C.1.44115411 110L3014. 11.0 GEORGE R. FRASER. Eq. SIR FREDERICK WILLIAMS-TATLOR, Grad Roam. Capital Paid Up • $ 16,000,000 too Rest - - 16,000,000 00 Undivided Profits - 1,901,813 22 Total Assets (Oct. 31st. 1918) 558,413,546.12 Branches throughout Canada and Newfoundland -also In London England, New York, Chicago, Spokane and Mexico City. A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch.