The Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 10r':
10 Thur..lay, March 27, 1119
TSS town •
0ODUIO1 01?.
Wall Paper
wthlus is a
not a sideline. 1
Nowi that' the lays. are re-
turning from overseas, make
s our bomes4uice and �irigbt
t.., receite their. VW'ALI.
PAPER will do it.
Ourrstoi.kjis COMPLETE
.n.1 PRICES most REAS-
Select now
11.. ower, Much .7.
$1.00/ too $ `sun
., to .tin
1.w• to 2t
• art:
• s.a. to 5.75
5.75 to 5.90
41.00 to 42.00
,. II 00 to 41
15.41 to 1).1
• oinks. loos!. per 1011 . 5 b,toi_ to 9.0a
• MiryHuuee meth ..
Itot+hevikl Might as Well Have 11,
Says Rey 7tiesmse.
Many readers of The Signal will re-
member Roy Thomson. sat of Mr. Fred
Thomson (now of Southampton), tholtdt
he was only a small boy when the famlly
lived in Goderich. 'Kuy is now with the
Canadian troops in Sibrna, and his aunt.
Mrs. Walters. of town, kufdly allows The
Signal to publish one of his letters from
that tar country.
February 1st. 1919.
Dear Aunt Ada. -You no doubt have
r eceived my letter written before we left
Victoria We loaded on to the S. S. Pro-
testiano, and had a fair trip across.
There was quite a lot of wind at times
and one heavy blow. One young chap
was buried at sea. Ile gut caught be-
tween a refrigerator which had broken
loose and a hatcMconbing, and lived
Only a very short time afterwards. He
was buried the same afternoon. We had
also quite a number with .mall injuries
from falling and other causes.
After leaving the Canadian coast we
saw no land till we reached the Japanese
islands. which took us hfteen days from
Victoria. We passed between the north
and (he main island of their empire and
after crossing the Sea of Japan came to
the Manchurian coast. and you may be
sure we were glad to get across, as the
boat we came on was a freighter and not
ince. ded for passengers and the accommo-
dations were poor. We are now in a
Russian barracks a kw miles from .tadi-
vostte k and are quite warm and comfort-
able. I was down to the city yesterday
and took in some of the sights. and com
paring at with other cities it is very old
and a lot behind our times.
There are troops of many countries
here and none of us knows what will be
done with us. but if none of Siberia is
any better than what we see here I think
it would be wise to let the Bolshesiki, or
anyone who wants it, have it. 11 is bar-
ren and desolate. the only nice part being
II the climate, It has been .toady sunshine
all daylong every day since we came.
Of course it is cold. but not any colder
than I have seen in Canada. although
000 reports from the interior speak of very
cold weather.
a You can now address me as No.
w teat. 1.01 bush
4),e1.. per bosh.. .... ....
ProI. y. ler bust.
Pett.. ret tops . .. •
• tucks heat, leer, ..
*tour. (amity. pet cert
Flow. .•Treat. per cwt
lisMI., (50(0.'
Bhort.. per too ... .....
llsy, per 100 - .
Groomer) Hutt", per Ib.....• to .alt
Trigs. tre.h. pet dor.. ... ... I.. s; to .40
Potatoes. pot bush. to i.25
rellle. Lariat,' choice, per car. 1:) to 13.50
4 'SI I. I" butcher.: u.edluae,per tort to .., (o 1.:..511.
Sue., lire wrtat.t. per eat 1+7.: to 1•'.r
1.amh..... .. .. ... .. _.. I...4) to 13.10
HNL ler Ib ... . . .. .. .11 to .11
ybr.e-Urw. _ .. 1. t. to 2.:4
Combination and two-piece
garments. Penman's, Wat-
son's. -Tiger brand, and -all
good Makes.
75 garments, Watson'
t lake, iu brown only, , all
sires, to clear -
50 combination Tiger bland.
heavy elastic ribbed. to clear
2:. combination Pen Angle
inediutu weight, all sizes. to
.dear at
$1 95
3215546. Rfn. F. R. Thomson. C Co'y
260 Can. Rifles. C. E. F. in Siberia. and
your letter will eventually reach me. 1
am enclosing a set of tux cards. You will
note that they are nunfbered and by
placing them in rotation y.l.0 get a fair
panoramic vter`Qt the city and harbor
With love and best wishes to, you all.
Your loving nephew.
Fresh hwiwmude ca tidy :.t H: T.
I:chord-. Take some ken.. f:la yon.
A few cages of• Gt• iTO to
clear at 10c a package.
to clear at 12ic.
DRUDGE 10c package forte.
A can of good CLEANSER
fpr 5c a tin.
Small can of good Salmon 1aF.
Small c:an of Red Salmon 20c.
Can Pilchards, worth 20c, for
Another kind, worth 25c, for
20c. .
Some RED ROSE TIiA left
at 55c a Ib., worth 70c.
J. J. McEwen
1.' n.1 NO. •4.7441.1
We Are As Full of Deadly
Poisons As A Gana
Real SnappyFootwear 35
Have u. show fou our new
arrivals in stylish spring and
summer footwear, in all
leathers, with high and low
heels. Footwear with snap,
and styles that should please
you. No trouble to show
Our Repair Demise*
is fitted with the latest mod-
ern shoe machinery, including
an electric driten stitcher for
sewing NEOLIN and leather
Try a pair of our new J. T.
S. Rubber Heels. Without
doubt the best Rubber Heel
on tine market. Try a pair
and be convinced, They cost
no more.
AInInIIfhjtfHnnlfluhlluhlI1N(ft IINIIN In uIUhII hIIunmIUIItI
y ; `aise :
"FRUIT -A -'HIVES" AMalately Pre -
rat. This Dangerous Coad.tia.
The chi(/' tone of poor health is
our neglect of the bowels. Waste
matter, instead of passing from the
lower intestine regularly every day,
is allowed to remain there, generating
poisons which are absorbed by the
1n other words, a person who is
hat>ilually cuastipated, is poisoning
himself. We know now that Arlo-
rato.t-iceliow, due le eon -action of the
bowels, is dircrlly resfrowtrhle for
serious Kidney and Bladder Troubles;
that it upsets the Stomach, causes
Indigestion, Loss of Appetite w.1
Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheum-
atism, (.out, Pain In The Beek, aro
relieved as sooner; the bowels become
regular; and that Pimples, Rashes,
Eczema and other Skin Affections
disappear when "Fruit-a-tives" are
taken to correct Constipation.
"Fruit a -lives" will Propel yon
against Auto -intoxication because
this vionderfut fruit medicine acts
directly on all the eliminating organs.
50c. a boz for .50, trial size 25e.
At all dealers-drsent on receipt of
price by Fru it-a-tivesLim ited,Ottawa.
Meii..etiene canoe flub
W. J. Powell
W._1'. Mill,."
H. 'I•. F:AN a ids
1. O. Youl0
Bin,. ft. Millar
Maitland I.INIge, A.F'aA.11.
(feuera I I%roligh Clot pier, 1. G.
t. 1'
,T it. ltuuwlle
R. (i. Ctrlss
11. 1..
]lett Lavin M.
*1 .11. 11ayls
.Nlel Tltt•utre tw•Iwat
Ulwlrririn 1 hrht•stra
M. Itol in'.
11.wlel 'l'heatre IN•nt•ct
Helwkitlt I..alite•
.1 ll'i.sol
1'IN.s. I : u,,1h•y
tVunteu's Institute
lkMterk•li Agricultural $oelrty 1111 On
25 On
1511) 111►
25 (1)
5 410
10 IMI
1 irren
$ 100 00
10 00
5 141
5 (I0
5 lilt
50 110
25 00
25 141
10 (MI
1 00
5 00
10 (MI
10 vu
•25 25
A. 50 00
5 0
"1 01'
50 IMI
4'. 4). P
Maple 1..•$f %alder. 1.11.1).E,
1►.., illar
& Son
W en's wear Auxiliary
J. W. Stultlt
(iolerirh Township Putriutk•
Model Theatre Iwiwtit•
Holy Name Society. pro•r.ds
eneh e•.• ii' Fair
11'w. latito
Judge liirk.n11
41. 11Holman
1'rotrt•dl. 1'arraut I.. hare
11'. Yel..•wt. I Opera House
11r. and Mrs. JAI.. Y11111. I:.ale-
eh•h towiship
Mr.' r1t.I Mr.. lteg. Sturdy,
Iiorleril h township
i)r. J. 11. Field
( 'ha Hes (:arrow -
1. It. Meals
1:. ti. Nets ton
Wesley Walker
14010 I'..II.It"
Jae. 1'. Thomson
.thwerk-('lurpt.•r. 4.11.11.F:.. ,
Mon lay 1 West St. laundry,
lisoptwy Bros
11. J. Curry
J. F:. :mach
tin.ith's .ort Store...,
31,-a. %V. 1.. Horton......... .
Permanent Leader for Province to Ire
Toronto. March • 25. -While no an-
nouncement is anticipated before the end
of the present .ttecsion. It is understood
that a tentative decision has been arrived
at by the Liberals in the Legislature to
call a Provincial convention for the selec-
tion of a permanent leader of the party
in Ontario shortly after the Nouse Pro-
rogues. The date will probably be fixed
for about the end of May or early in
J une..
Present indications are that the Liber-
als of the Province will have to appont
delegates to attend two conventions for
ion of leaders. Latest advices
frorn Ottawa state that it is doubtful if a
I kaninlon convention will be held before
it is stated that the plans of the Lib-
' eral members in the local House provide
for the holding of a convention altogether
separate from the Federal gathering. It
had been suggested some weeks ago that
the Provincial leader would he selected by
Ontario Literals at the same time they
were assisting in choosing a permanent
successor to Sir Wilfrid Launer.
Wm. Pr,udtoot. K. C.. M. P. P.. has
been the leader of the Liberal Opposition
in the Legislature for one session previous
t1 this. He is thoroughly in acc••rd wish
the calling of a convention after proroga-
tion. for he accepted the p0satian only in
a temporary capacity.
25 00
40 75
25 00
10 (Mt
25 00
5 011
• 5 IMI
-10 IMI
5 (M►
23 IMI
1 IM►
15 IN/
2 44)
5 00
:NI 00
Toad $$1(40 $5.11
4111BITUARY. ' ■
NAFTEL.- Qn Friday evening last
Mr. Alfred Naftel, of the 13aytield road, , 1•
Goder:th township. answered the final
summons. his death coming after a long
period during which he had been unwell.
He was a son of the late Mr. John T.
Naftclard occupied the old homestead
about nine males south of Goderich, on
which he was ban. For some years in
his young manhood he had lived in Col-
borne township. Mr. Naftel was a Con-
servative in politics. an ardent (range- I
man, and a member of the Anglican
church. Fur years he was secretary of
' the school hoard of this section. He was
of a genial disposition and had mauy
friends. by whom has death is mourned.
• His wife 'formerly Miss Pinkerton) pre-
deceased him some thirty years, but
his family of seven (two sons and five
daughters all survive, and all were
tame for the funeral: Rev. Lionel
Naftel. rector at Elora: Miss Amy Naf-
tel. of Ottawa Miss Ida. of Toronto;
Mrs. Edward Kehoe, of Detroit; Mrs.
Geo. Greenslade, of Bayfield, and Mr.
Reginald Naftel and Miss Effie at home.
T he funeral took place on Tuesday after-
noon. Rev. Mr. Ashe Everest. of Hay-
field, conducting the services at the house
and at the. grave. Tlx pallbearers were
the two sons and the :two sons-in-law ,of
the deceased. 1 he interment was made
in Maitland cemetery, a large number of
friends following the remains to their last
resting plats Dir. Charles J. S. Naftel,
Bafar Id road is a brother of the de -
'1'11(1. F'11R FOR ceased.
WEST w-.1wANOsH. KENNEDY.-Doratha Ryan, wile of
- Patrick Kennedy. Cypress street. who
I►r aniration F.rraxd-Fair to Bedied on Tuesday. lith inst., had been a
g' resident of (soder ch for thirty-five years
11.111 al St. Ho Iemt. She was a native of Ireland, where she
1 u,,e!iiac of the public schooI was born sixty-two years ago. About ten
1.•;"•hers and trustees of West Wawa- days before her death she took a stroke.
cosh was held in the township hall which proved fatal. Besides the bereaved
List Saturday, for the purpose of or- husband.she leaves a family of five soar
rIuiziiir for the holding of a ,tl; and four daughters. Of the sons tw•o-
(iir. The dlstriet repr....Putative. Mr. Patrick and Joseph -are overseas in
S. It. Soothers, B. S. A.. gave an ad- military service, and another, William.
Tress mailable the work necessary for returned wounded some time ago and is
the devrlag)wCnt of -the school fair. A now working at Brantford. The other
.'olnwitter consisting of :Messrs. Me- sans are Michael. of Goderich, and John,
e!nillan, cross nn.l Rutherford, and of Port Huron, and the daughters are
yiisst•. Murray an.l Rollie ryas ap Mrs. Rose, of Smith's FII5, Mrs. Joseph
pointe.) to work with the district nage- Burke. of London. Mrs. Garner, of
sentntiv.•, the fair to Iia held at St. Hamilton, and Mrs Jas. Durnin, of
Goderich. All were home fur the funeral
There wens a 'sisal representation of except the two boys who are overseas.
teacleers a1N1 1rlistees at the meeting The remains were interred in the Catholic
aidl much interest and enthusiasm cemetery- in Colborne on morning
%err shown In the plans. This is a
worthy rinse and should hare the (0-
op•ratlou of every Seinoot in the town-
Erato a Subscriber in Etats
Received you calendar f r 1919 and
assure you 1 prize it highly. Wishing The
Signal and the town of Goderich every
pro petity, 1 remain. yours sincerely. lack
O'Keefe. Ogden. Utah.
with a remedy, as with evetything.
Zammitenjoys an enviable repu-
tation amnngst remedies.Why'
Because 0 justices the claims made
for It. Not only dors lam -Bok cure
skin tronbtps and in urtes quickly.
and permanently. bur the quick-
ness with wbleln ft ends pain and
irritation makes It the most popu-
lar remedy wherever 0 Is used.
Then, too. Zam Auk is the best
preventive of blood polaoning. Ap-
piled to an Ini.iry as soon as sus-
tained• 1t destroys all germs and
prevents festering. Zam-But Is
best for eczema, plies, rashes. bS ls.
pimples. .hewn. barns. cuts and
scalds. Ali dealers. 400. boa.
ain Bu
last after the funeral service in St. Peter's
church, of which the deceased had been a
faithful member. 1•M pallbearers were
John McEvoy. Con. Stapleton, John
Dean. John Webb, J. J. Moser and D.
Carney. Mrs Burke. who had come up
from London to attend her mother s
funeral. was called horse again on Satur-
day by the s udden illneaa of her husband,
who dild on Monday. leaving three little
children. Coming so soon after her
mother's death. Mrs.'s second
bereavement is particularly sad.
late•% for Harbor Works.
The estimates presented in the House
of Commons at Ottawa last week contain
the following votes for Lake Huron
Bayfield, repairs to piers. 11.000.
Goderich. repairs to dock,, $2,760.
Grand Bend, repairs to docks. $1,2.500.
Kincardine, repairs to piers, 12.400.
Pbrt Elgin, repairs to wharf, 15.000.
Southampton. repairs to harbor works.
OR the coming season we are showing a wonderful range of materials that are
adapted to spring wear, in Silks for dresses, skirts and suits, and Servs for
suits and dresses. New Coatings in the season's latest patterns are now being shown
in coat lengths. This means that no two coats will be alike, giving each customer
something different.
Taffeta Silk is a favorite and is being shown in a larree range of shades in the best
qualities. lbw&8 a
Silk Poplins are good and 110 cloth is as reasonable iu prier. They come in the
best colorings, at $2.00 u yard. ��.
Duchess Silks are always good, and we have theta in all colors and at several
A special showing of black bilk in all qualities and many priees.
These Oinghatus are in large and sulnll cheek., i11 goof( coloring., 27 in. wide, at
35c u yd. l:inghams have been hard to get. but we are fortunate in having good pat-
terns now in stock.-
Linoleuins in four yards wide, at $1.50 and $1._'5 u yd.
Oileloths and heavy Felt Floor Coverings, at 75c a yd.
l'ongoleulu rugs, at $18.00, in 3x5, $11•(1(1 in 3x3! , $12.00 in '313, $10.00 in
"n _•s3. $8.(4) in 2x2.
A good showing of Curtain Materials iii scrims iti all ahades.
Curtains. ready --wade, in the wettest ile.12145 and at Many prices.
�1 a have a real stock of Blouses. and they represent the very best. Each Itl,ln�••
is new and up-tu-date. They come in Voiles, Gosergette anti'('repe de Chine.
1). 8 A. is the recognized leader in Corseto,. Our range is litrge and complete
in every price.
Goddess laced in front is a wonder, and the best styles are being shown here.
�t a are exclusive agents for these two lines.
D. & A.
1•■■ r1•/1•sr■■>•a1.1.1• ammo six a ar■nom 1.1.1• MCC
for Peterlr(Iru igh to install machinery
for the Hill eayrruill there.
Mr. Frank Stanley has rented
Mrs. T. Hamilton's ferns un the fith
J 404 14i"n "f (:411..rne.
Mesers.Ge•o. end Noah Plaetzer have
moved their effects to the Wm. Ham-
ilton Vertu recently bought by then in
Mr. Wo,. Moeda has moved to the
MacKay faros in Colborne, having
engaged with Mr. MnrKay as mana-
Mr. Feagan has mos .•l .n his faro.
recently bought fr.•ut Mr. Ja... Howatt.
Monday. /larch
Mr. Jack Curran returned home last
Tuesday after siwu,Nng the past tea
years at Detroit.
Miss Eva Itrown hes•n•tnrned to
l,iukiNow after spending a few days
with Ter sister. Mrs. S. Aherwood.
Mr. Rohl. Higgins and Mrs. A. Mc-
Ih,oiol ere on tine sick list at present.
,1 manlier from here attended the
t-unccrt at ittn,;cannon Friday night.
Bev. ('. M. Itntherford I. leavIng
Pine Miser, where he has 'ween the
Presbyterian minister for n nnmher of
ye:u•s. and svIll resile at New York.
Hi. resignation come. hefo(e Maitland
Presbytery at int. Hel.t., today.
A1'B1"RN. •
t5-50*ttan.t Y .11'or.:0.
Mrs. Alei. Rhea and child, of Tor-
onto. are visiting her father, Mr.
Martin 1)yer.
llr. Albert King heel the iniafo,tsine
to 1..14. w tattiable row Ihis week.
Mr*. Wm. Dobie, sr , visited her sem
at Guelph over Standby.
Mr. Robert Ntalter tett on Friday
Tuesday. Manch 15th.
The '•Irl.h *slat- held in the lat.-
went Id st. Andrew's 111111'1'11 nu Nies-
.toy ere•nf1ag was a dr4•111.41 .aliases.,. 1n
.pito of 4.•ry w.•1 0entlel' and tad
51iss .t.ia I:"watt returned ou Tuw-
day from 1letrolt, o'Iw•t'I• AN. had leen
with Ler .'•other, who has jest nndcr-
gone 11,, oper:ItiOu.
Mfr nod .lis. (;o'.. of Seafurth.
are s i-:riva 111 the hover of Sirs. Win
Ferrnt•ott. •
51 i-- tt•hlh•, *Ito 111111 leen vl•iting
511-- 51:1 lel M. -Gregor for the post few
w ...•L.. left last 1Tnrseh1- to stw•lul el
.hot tial.• %illi friends at Holnasville.
51.-. .haler -n is holding special
0, 0.1Inc. io 1ietI -I .inin•II (with Tart
wo•.•L and this week.
11,•.. .t. SLifarlam• mass nt io.ndn
for :1 4 11pl.- ..f days lost week attend -
ti met tins .•f the hlwe WL•alott
1'011111111 4(.•.
Tur..lay. Blotch 25th.
The numeral of the late Alfred
Naftel t.+.1. ',Mos. this (Tuesolayl
afternoon to the eetnelery at (hsterleh
Yrs. 1'ulltenl and 11111r da lighter
tt•hlrn.rl to 1a.n.k.n on 1ahirday.
5113. Petty. of Hetu.all. is the guest
of ylrs. ltrow nice.
We tore pdenee.l to learn that both
Iltw. t'tnrl ■rid Mrs. Itonatt, who are
In the l..w•plh.l hu I tetroit, ars- retvvers
lug ui.rlr.
Wedded at Exeter.- .'in interesting
r: eat ,o.•nrre.l at I: ,'ter en Wednea-
day. M,r.h nes aIle,, 5li•s ith.Nln .1atle.
.laughter u( Mr. John Ker.lalr. ora•.
1111111.1 ❑. tnsrrit,4e to Mr. L'ohs•rt 11
Heid of Stanley. The e,•n•tuluy w0.
performed I... Iter. Mr. haled. pastor
of Eveler Mlefhorll.t churI•h, and tlw
twa-ly married t..uple left at otaw for
the INlttw• of the groom tlw obl lteId
homestead ou 1114• Itayn.•Id road. where.
n 11ntuls•r of friends and relative,. were
aaeenoded t1 wet.. • them The Inst
wishes of the .s.iutminify an.) esl..r-.
Tally of Sl. An.hre%'s ..mgr••Crtlio11.
whish the gr.s.m has 11111 hes•o n meta-
ls'r and otli.e-bearer. are extruded to
11r. owl Mrs. 1011.
We sell the Government
standard strength
Phone 90
It is easy to make with your Kodak or Brownie and
easy to keep in a neat loose-leaf Album. We sl a'l be -
glad to explain to you the simple Kodak way.
"THE PENSLAR STORE ' North St. and Square