HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 91
, chose a "WOO (what to tutorial ALL IS DISORDER
Tiii.:'sany. March 7, 191)
everyone. "Ikanobilizatiou."
lien. 4;11,4.4101 referred to the tralD4-
401.111,04111 prithiellAS itIVItiVett illt the r.. -
turn of the emits; to 4'41 Initial.
"There IN :14.u,- he routillued, "the - - -
'plc./ion of Massing 17.0.11110 to 2410,oun World Situation ‘lore Sedalia Tina a
111411 14N666*' on the 11141w:tries uf Ola. I ear Ago.
1 .10 lint ilitikk there 4,4 a great. dual in l'orb+. I49 '1* .2.-. - IToroitto Star
that. 1 thiuk uniet wen will lw able 4%4 141e.4- 'rile %arid fueeu ao intl.'s/Rely
to MO ...awaiting to do. Wit then+ are .1 inire 4.44r4on14 ...itaation today than it
k•ople nho ,44-441.4.. to think tide is n i 4411 al year • ago. •ulieli the I:ennuis
%i•Ty merlons loaner. 1 think it Is a \ super.afeitsii.. was tat its height, ac
sisse.tison of %%hat I. going to happen to iconling to 1111. twitet exult...so...I in eel -
t hem. ( 141 tighter 4 . ;lain ottieial quarters. 'rids. dismile
I lite fact the artnislier was signed five
lis ago alai the Pear" Conlerence
has heell in session Oliva. months.
Instead of 11111441.ry defeat, it is
ecotioniW, Intainciiil and ...dal Ildluisse
flint Is now threatening. Ecoltolilie
exiwns agree that every day lost in
signing pea, .• brings the general erisi.
that tuneli nearer.
There was a tendency today, 111 11,et,
to regard Hungary's &lethal 10 forming
it 444*' 441 republic in alliance with the
1111.4111 1101141se%ik1 awl 414141(1 r11444 war
WI the allie. W. meaning 1114. 441.1.4
already lia. been reached.
-A Year ago everyone in the world
iva• at nork." said One of thelending
eet1114.11111e a IA 11 sia 1 ler 1 sant 110titie. W,
v The boot and shoe repair
shop of the late Thos. Hall,
corner of Hamilton and New-
gate streets, has been re-
opened and orders are solic.
ited for all kinds of
Footwear Repairs
Good work and reason-
able prices guaranteed
Sad. Ward & Son
64„........40040••••••••••••"1 THE GENERAL'S FARF.WELI-
ON account of pres-•
ent weather con-
ditions the wholesale
companies have been
able to make better
deliveries of Coal and
we are now able to
supply :
Pea and
Egg Coal
Soft and Cannel Coal
in any quantities.
MacEwan Estate
Feb. 1st, 1919
Land at hautittunplatt.
"Tint %V 111 lie It•aVitut liert.." le. 1,40
tit' brigade. "alarrit tIte 17111 Ur tiii.
tuoittli, for 1111' re. Yon will Intel at
skiiitleinittbni tout go to itramshott or
1 ,Io not kiarw ulna tiomp.
In Elittraii.1 11wre will toe earring tett
ektoul Sus 1 14)11. 31,411 WOJ he
exalulsis.1 from *stein to 1114111‘002: 1111111
if uny 1111111 thillk. he 14 suffering Irian
tiny st•rions ailment ttuit lw tlw
lipit. t.1 say (1). 11.41111/W illiP1 will aff.x.t
pensions. You will 1.4 givets
1.1441041*4414011 1111)1 il.wittueittatiun will
is. goo.. 1111 with. Wi• n he in Eng -
1140'41 411.4)114 two n....k.. ilitriug
• • will be graittetl. Abotit
*1 ,"'I 31arelt stimuli1 see mots
1"If Iiiry %%ere snit tigh sig Ilsey ws
meat of IF' 44)4P'1 from (Ills division.
Ottveritun'ist Ilan In 11(1.14414ot, patri.itie .
lo" pill... %is. .peeding werk. 'Fite
14 4)44 tip
reseonsildlit connect ion with the
return to Canada of the dependents
W f
.1( Valisislinis wo1411.•ro ill Log
p.1p1111(114)11 III (*alma*. awl u hut 44r4ler. c.ollUter 11.41.st' s.
I n 110
t:Overiiiiients tool eitilt 1•4/1 IIIf44 everyone.
had 1,4 do something. lint everything
is headed fur stagnittimi and dis-
Imetti•r taitt ni• 411
w1V4.•4 i•Iiilaireti a tile men
w 140
luive 10..11 lighting for t'amitht 1st tlits
1 .4.
A Notable Speeth trem Rrig.-Gea.
tairsharh to Mien of the First
notion ing is ....,st her letter trout
sergt. 14' . E. Ell i. o I 141 The latudott
Frei. l'ress:
11011taiii 1:I:venue, lielgitno. Feb.
1.- i.41,41 itellenti elerti011 ill l'aiinibl
the eon...HM..11,y of Edmonton chose a
rolslier ...rving in the field 10 repre-
%sent thew isi the lion.. of 4.010 iiiiiii it.
At lei*.o the %filet, It t hours K ere
about evenly diyideil hi the waiter,
but the voter. 0%er....4,1. gay.. Wig A ;en.
W, .t. Grie-litteli. 4'. ill., 4'. 11. 41., 11. S.
14.1., about 2.-.00 majority. Sine,. then
lie lin. earned on the more important
1 duties eimmaleid w 44 14 strafing the
Him. hist t.itsiorrow he rettirtet tei take
up his IleW work 161.1,0m, .1r. Siwuker.
so ilie lsi l'autitliali Infantry Brigade
l"...Tlieitt'irigg.n.K1..r.uiliaraded at Flamm? 111114
morning for a final iiispeetroti 1411)1 a
few vi ords, of farewell frosts it. voni-
uusinler. lat, rird, :bid aml 4411 !tat -
ninon. in elose fortuation. 'rile Kell -
end nide up ami .1.,wri the ecautatides,
aissouliiinied by 1,1t.tit. 4',,I. NV. NV.
Sperling. D. S. 4,. 4 1.1 6'6611614111a11 in_
fanny ' Itattallon I, In charge of the
8 is
and delivi.reil him heal address. lie
Wolcott Muddle let.
"In the mean:nue, the Peas... 4*.111-
ferell.ge 04 in the wor.t 114114171144 mince
et try.! KO littlrriett men
their units in England unit eollect their lit ..peite.l. '11e hour of decision14
w 4* l'4 and the l'Illillrell Ihry litoe tho‘ing arrived. It eilll he %anted
necillnillatefl and pr4.-eed to Canada atifiniritatively that the 44ituation k a.
%vitli 016.111. is *pa 111 1*. ships. 'final follows:
they wilt go to their demobilization "'There k a ,,,,,,,,Taiit 1,41,10,,.y 4,4
cent re.
'•I ladies*. the. l'auudlau 4:overtitaent
lia14 snit only aftetuptes1 to treat tIve
I'dissislisiss moldier. justly, hitt getter-
ointly, and 1 think you *4.111 agree Hwy
ha ,•
'Ugh Reputation.
-Tile Canadian conies ha. eurneit, a
high reputation. You fellows Who
truant ur ttttt UPI private soldiers and
form fours ant1 all that sort of thing,
140I11 know, and yon wastil LlsoW for
sons. time, esaetly the Uounoire of
sitiminttion the 11*11101.• tiretit
Britain, and the iwople of France sina
!Belgium. and even Germany, have for
the Canadian soldier. know that.
Iretinse 1 PLPr% eft ft. ft iirivate lu sz.nith
Afrieu. It was only after 1 got hone%
ma r riial a 114I wet that 110%Vtl HMI read
bOoku, Ilisit 1 realized Itwne things. in
-Gen. Jaculies. the VPry
tinguished °Mer, who re-
lents -Is 1111.4 division In L.iege da
Isefore ye.lerslay. wan ttttt idea that
tier four tear. af war we (villa ARA%
dill( 4•N I raillefill. i4111,4. F. It'
puiratle: then ttttttt eft a 4;. . %Mal
Correct style worst by win-
drows/ irons, Botta is all
Ioc•Iltleo. Lace boot -
snediura narrow recodo toe,
Iow heel-nsode in Mock, nut
or patent call
Your Safeguard in Buying Shoes
WIEN you buy shoes, you take somebody's ward for value.
It is CONFIDENCE which leads you, in the end, to lay
down your hard-earned dollars for shoes. And you are right in
buying where you feel the most confidence.
This confidence on the part of the buying public is the biggest asset whirls
any dealer, or any manufacturer can have. The reputable, established
dealer has YOUR interests in mind when he buys his stock ; the manu-
facturer hears them in mind when he makes it.
Your safeguard in buying shoes is to set that your confidence is well placed.
Co to a dealer whose Judgment you can truat. And see that the manu-
facturer's trade mark is on the shoes you select. Thus you may buy With
DOUBLE confidence.
Our booklet " How to Buy Shoes," will be sent, with our compliments, to
any address in Canada upon request to our head office at Montreal.
"ShOtITIOkitt t the Notion"
roton-ro w000PEG IMMONTON VAMC
Whoa ON bete Shoo* Nob ter-
-eras Trade-mm.4 ea roma ma
instnira...the Sreititi question was taken
and Oeit. klleithy nu. hroutlit
from Egypt to .11....uss it, although the1
Syrian proldesu hitI4 11111 hearing ulna-
eier 011 41011,e Kith tiet311.1111Y.
"The questi•.11 a territorial rights.
litylinutin 4.4 cult.talitly i..,ittung
0141101001 it i. purely one for:inter-
"'rite Polish question ha.4 keen nib, -
handled wur Conrail Saturday
refielied the point where it .tartell oil
this matter and el...141.4LP to adopt the
iirognim originally propo...1.
"111 ecolioulls• and financial
the )"result sire '41 411 elitigla to
the hope of 61U intersuitional W01 of
war eXPellinf wee, wilieh the
states, would 4440' the majority of the
nu alternative, they suggest
internationalizati4111 of exeltiinge. The
effect of this we..I.1 Ise to bring up the
.194.0114.1111ie frail,. with eon-
sequient loss in the pr...."10 %able of the
France Must jet.
111.1111. sneli •tal •leatil • "Meanw hile. Frew,. bus .1mbe
.14 trassi.pssrt, field ''°' to .kite to meet 'Ow tenons fi-
.414-11 164r..... Ile said he %wild
ina have 111.1ielVd 11.
"1 want you to maintain your good
order Ulla 411.4•illihte. null retain the
essslit NIA reputation that yon hltVe.
...‘11141 1141K a word about uiy.4441f. 1
have bad the honor for the past two
yens'. of eimunsiuding this hrigatle. 1
am a W6.16it•rli U111 U. and this is au
Eustis brigade, and we We.stern men
lione.tly believe. quite erroneotedy, no
.144‘1141, hut lione.tly believe.. that Ne
:Ill. the 41'441 m of the population of
I 'n nada . 1 luring the past two years
1 link. learned 10 tny opinion.
1 shall go bock to Canada ti broader -
minded Canadian than Ioetore. 1 shall
realize, 1 think, ha 1 all 1 'a stadia se,
a re god. Du matter %viten' they 1*01114.
from. a 1 shall have the greatest
iseasa-t and tolinirathai 1..r the men of
Inttairi.., tile oldest provinves-the
unalwr provinne-of Canadathe place
where all good people and 1411 wise men
COMP frIIII) --when 4111.3' get sudielently
nise they e • West 1 Laughter ).
Stirring Times Together.
-We have wen some stirring Howe
together and aocomplistesi sotne great
things. )Ve have the 1-t 1trigade, not
only in the mutter of a number, but
`ttitto in the matter of achievement
%Ve ha,Ve always been first in -these
111.4 two years. Wt. 111140 lieVer fatted
411 Ility respect. 14113' 1111)". nitylvitere,
isnil I am very. very proud of yom.and
p 1 11111Vl. had the holier of effill-
ii111 1161111g
-. 1 looked up frOni lay inaelsiok to
see why the speaker t11,1 111,1 continue.
Ile wits gone. I Spurting wan
climbing into the w.11(011 giV4.
.tructionp. for the march pant. and the
general wit. 10.1killg .1111/W at
111. fort /I 1111 1,101%111g 111$ 140,./. very
ha ril.
"I want you to m reit past I411 you
ei" did before. 1441
"lilt! Sind t tiros. ,•1
Oen. tiriesbach telni.or of the
l'assatliiin hod contissgent. 1., 111111144 0Ver
st14 a major We.tern .4I&*) r3'. Later
he returned to 01117111A 1111114 "fgattliZett
Ihe 49th (overseas Battalion. a.
a Milt of the Albert's lf..giuscut
nusdere.1 exeeptiolla I ...r% isa. in he
delft. In February, 1917. he was unol,•
brittadier-genernl. In the general
,•14tion of 1917 lie Wis1* ele,ted to the
!louse of 4' ttttt . . .So an
Ontario officer will have to take the
lodged*. 11111111. n10111li.
gesterni has the gift of exptaaol-
ing himself In Very forcible pltra.e-
',logy. We OWslit with ilitereld a re-
port ..f his speech Parliament 110.
first time someone attempts to "put
so, 'thing over- on Edmonton or the
retiirtlell soldiery.
Everything in Men's Wear at
right prices
fawii-ic &Bars ass Gelb' Far;
ictiadal mittiati tttt confronting her. due
to thi14 444)44*4 of 4.4t4le Oiternallonal
arrangement. The Friaielt people
have not 110641 16144.41 tviillitt fifty per
vent. as heavily a. the and
AnWrie1111. for earryine Oil the war,
with the pre.ent 4dliiation its the re-
"Against the 4.1 program of
all 4‘11111111ittee report. submitted by
%iamb s, only two major eominittee.
have coutpleted their work- the
and naval twilit... These term.
are IICW randy for inetie. in the
peace treaty. exeept for a few minor
111411 1161. 41.4144 rat 1.m. ries aud
post-nar econotni.• term. are gall iu
a Mail state.
•'At the pre”ollii rate or pi...ere.. tlw
di.seusisions must drag on for week..
eertain conferee -1 agree this caw
not he the %len of reports
from 11U11,61ry 1111 some
drastie action 'I'1' r- likely 10 be
taken within a few day..
"The Presklent tool &her leader.
have pitt in long boor. and the com-
mittees have 41.10e '41(111*'. but Ihry
htlVe 111414' to ldboW for their efforts
ghee the Preddent.. retnru.
-Whether the peaee treaty is eom-
eivted l.y nest-rjilturday, its planned,
depends npon whether a different pro-
gram from the pre.esit dickering is
foree.1 through.
A Suspitionq Chartge.
told Jenkins was 111.141 with rake•
For twelVe 111411It4,. he had taken the
plate nr 1 sit the local elisirels every
Sunday. Now someohe else had been
askell to perform the ditty.
"1 mumbler 1 hate ben grossly In-
sulted." he said to n friend.
"lint," %lid the hitter, "1 don't think
there is any haul feeling toward you"
don't know about that,' roared
ieukin., "but it hooks. Very .1114111,10;1.
Tiw fellow they have asked to do the
lias only one ann." .
., tor 0111.
Many i, mother who know. 1,11
about the uork of the inl.mionarle. 144
the interior villagen of the Fiji Islands
hasn't the remotest idea what her
ellteell-yeltr-41111 1401 44 11011I44 11045 It
town till midnight. Mt at's mare she
doesn't .14.161 to think it her business
to know.
"What Good Is (Ito Robin?"
"Now, what good is the robin ? Every-
body knows the robin. A boy came along
the road with a .22:Tifle, saw a robin
sitting there, and killed it. I went
over and picked the robin up. Two cut
worms were squirming on the ground; the
robin had had thein in his te..ak. 1 held
the bird un. and two mire tell out of his
Honest Opinion Doctor Gave
His Patient
Bedford, Ohio. -"I was in a pitiful
condition, weak, nervous and run
down ao I could not do my housework.
I had doctored for Asters and tried
cut down flVe tomato plants M a nurht. 1 everything under the sun. AInc
mouth, member, one cutworm
The cutworm does his work and then 1 told me about Vinol I asked my
hides under the soil; Mr. Robin comes doctor about it, and he replied, 'It
braining along, picks in there and pulls certainly is the best medicine that can
him out and turns hun into a robin. 141 be had today. I couldn't give you
anyone tells you that a robin will destroy 1 any better.' I took it, and today I
one hundred cutworms in a day. take it I an% as well and strong as any woman
from him that it is true." -1k Miner at i could wish to be. and it was Vinol
the National Gmference of Game and ' that saved me." -M'. Frank A. Hof -
Wild Lite. kes. Ash St., Bedford, Ohio.
We guarantee this famous cod liver
sold iron tonic for all such conditione.
.1. A. 4 • A NI I' It F.1.1., OruggiNt.
(1odesich, Ont.
The Signal esti mare you money on
your (hilly taper ifre the dubbing
list on page 7 of this. issue.
We are pleased to be able to form th.. public that wk
quantity of hard coil
are now in a position to supply
in all sizes. Also any quantity of ft coal for dome.,tic use
We wish to extend thanks to oii custoincrs, who have
been very patient (luring the stress of', he coal shortage, and
now that it has been relieved we wfl give. our uld-tiine
service and prompt delivery.
The Saults Coal Co.
Phone No.
B. J. Saults' residence Vs'. W. nits' residence
N o 20'2
!Net coat per kw.
Yrt163, Hr. 4 CUM.( .c-
1914 • 45
I tuella wood
14 4 -47--
41:91i7 ii
ma 1 11 7
2 6
.------"":---- ITITC;111191114-766 ''.1---111:1-4-rir----. 2 -r -t--.4- -
1 1
grei&-e7-44, 419911: 1
2 6
3 6
1 2
1916 -1-1------
STY1-.060; V-TiVr14-1-441r---111
1043 36
191 7_ I 30
f 00,,, Vol 2 loth Annu•1 Report of Hydro
Elwin. POI., Cariinutoon ol Ontario
IN contrast with the rising cost of almost
every other commodity. Hydro Power was
furnished in 1918 to 203 Municipalities at less
cost than in any previous year.
A constant downward trend in cost to con-
sumers indicates that the Hydro Electric Power
Commission of Ontario is attaining its object
to provide electrical service at low rates.
The Commission is vitally interested in the
user of Hydro Power. The Commission recom-
mends only those accessories and appliancea
which will live thorough satisfaction. HYDRO
que,lity Lamps are endorsed by the Commis-
sion for lighting purposes.
HYDRO Quality Lamps are tested for bril-
liancy. current caniumption and durability.
They have a definitely known rating for each
of these essential features.
OF ONTARIOsoul sv_
Waterworks and Electric Light Commission
se --"411111°1