HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 88 ---Thursday, March 27, 1919. THZ IROIAL GODZ1isI0$ OIiT. 11 AN IDOL FABLE. By H. F. GADSBY. Ottawa. March 24. -Thr great god Tar Iff tilled the sanctuary with !da presence. lie was, as 1 reweutwr. solid gold- -a taken golden god of overwhelming stature. 1.1't we de- scribe him as well as 1 eau. Ills fare .as a strange blending of jest and earnest -a smile flat soule•- Iww or other had merged In a threat. They told me that this strange ex - preadult lad grow" ou him within the last fbrty years- the smile (wing a relic of the `happy days of long ago so hen he was the protector of helpless lafatils, while the threat was the curdle of Itis later years whew be devoured men alive. This tuiugieti aspect of benevolence and ferocity jr.,'.-to be seen in his south, which turned up at one corner and down at the other --a caress and a leer. On the while. It was a caul mouth -11w lips thick and Itoaw•, the eyeteeth alarp to bite, anti the under- shot jaw firm to hung ou. 11 was a large mouth. moreover. which bespoke a prodigious appetite, and it was auto - tended by a double chin frilling law snort thick nevi- which gore with oier- fedbug and apoplexy. The eyes. blazing under their peut- hoUse tir,w's. were two 41i11Ino1da, thirty -flee carat ; and thew., with anwllwr smaller dlauonl of seven carats, winch did duly as a wart on the extreme eel of a fat moue. brought the [now value of the idol up to forty- two per (snit. The s'vetowarut dia- mond. I Was told, was a late addition and was tot really u11 **scuba' part of the idol, haying been part there only fire years ago to strike terror into the Hans. It las mis•arriei• however, and had only succeeded in striking terror into the god's uwu worshippers, who w011111 now remove It and divide the pi -tweeds among the sufferers from the god's extortions. Indeed, the small diamond already showed mark's at chipping, anti it was only a matte' of days when it would fall off. The votaries of Tar Iff told me that this would Ir a good thing. bemuse the amall diamond, situated •aa it was, interfered with the god's breathing and gave him a bloated feeling. They further informed ear that Tar IR would tae able to see tetter when the small diawuud sial removed. Just now, It had a tendency to make him cross -ryes$. which was too bad, because. NO they said, his eyes originally had a benigrult expression. Time and the credulity of humsO culture hat altered their gaze. opening one eye and par tislly shutting the other, whlelt gave the deity a most evil and distressing wink. 1101 at all in tune will his nathe gowitiess of heart. AI10111er amazing feature of Tar IA was Ids hands-- lung. strong. grasping hands 4111 long. ,I ling, 04 er-reachltg arms. One 41t these Ilatda was labelled Specific anal the other Ad a'aloren. The tails were sharp meal curvlug, the {alma cupped to clutch greedy twits lugs. "Tar Iff,- said our of the attendant priests whom 1 11114 buttonholed. "tau grab four tires as winch as auy other goal in the business. That is why his hands are big and 1o11owed. We would be gnat fouls 10 exchange Tar Iff 'Stir Internet .\x or Karp Runts, 41r half -a -dozen utter little deities 1 could 1111111•. tient is Tar iff. The nest are as nothing beside hiw. Tar IR alkali rule 111111 tit others minister to him." "Alin where." I asked, "Is Erect 1st." uu•otiouiilg a small wafer 1w1wr- 111n1'N used in the worship of Tar M. ••(►h, that," o1111 118y guide, with a shrug. "that 1s a blasphemy against Tar Iff. Hr spits i1 out. What we (sol him now is 1ulportew Wargo. It does not make hint sick at'the stomach, and is more in keeling without es41feric .1.'v-iue. We do our hest to keep the Minh wire. WI," hw added with a wittily. "w'1' hate our troubles." "You will obs•rrc.- he went on. "u little bun -i1 of spinach on Tar itis 0111. I ►hylullsly 11.14 giue1 0". 11 111 lot au integral tart of the celestial i1,tul(Iluae. .ts you yourself w7a1141 sty, it does not belong. It can ie pulled off. pelt tack, liwreassl or dim- inished. as sir diose. That little bunch of spinach is" Brhtishpre Far tens. a flimsy W,I.1 elf ornament, nlustiy gauze mud paper, which we have *1141451 t. cake Tar IR look Kettle' to the low brows. We priests of Tar IIT do not louses in it our- selves. We think the god looks snore Imp. ,sing with a clean slut re.- -More bare -(aced certainly. I should think whiskers would be a merciful disguise." Edit he chose to overlook my ribaldry. "Taw gr." itlg scepticism of the fgt.," said my guide sadly. "has dealt sums• Its rd blows 111 Ta r Iff. For instance, tight years ago Inc got this." Ile pointed to a big Hist in the tumid, golden belly of the gIM1. "lea," he eontiuu1'11 sadly. "Iwre ran ltecipro ('Pty's dagger not through -it did not. as you will see, puncture the skin -- 1111t quite innohgh 141 hurt.- -St l urt."••W, • tlnw after 11r werlligerol stroke," he Ionlluuel nlourtduily, "Tar IR broke out all mer in red *10114 w hich are known hi The Sebetule" - our hole bMI1,k-11. Fre•k .1.1111' and Prows Ileal, dneole slgml that unr ,em•ra1 sl dote' had 10144t 41)111am11111ttd by F'reel Italie, nn l lwr goal of ro 11 I4,14.11•y „Iagll we prk•sh1 u( Tar 111 :are swuro to 114'41145y 1 tell yew," he went loll. his eye la fine frenzy roiling. --"if Itt'.111ro I'Ity reneger its nnt- ragt.,us assault, Tar iR w111 suffer intestinal cumpl1cut 141104 W111411 .4111 prevent hien digesting the National I,I "Tor ift. thea." 1 quitted. "is the god of lure. the god who -tem -Ms, 111114* chitdlro to caulk, 1110 god silo up - 1.111414: while F'rceb Italie is the hard- hearted god who lets pM.,plc renal for lheneradves. the gout who near. down - in au word. the Devil. In, 1 get you right?" "You do," be said, awl turning on his heel wade Ids way to the high altar ghee he presently db54'p1M•nr451 pug Ong a huge dol of gold, wllicll he 11114r extrouted from Tar LB's cap"•' interior by 11s• simple prorc'' ..f 01,41 1111: the 1111.•k door of Ih,• 'lu-iue and letting the precious stuff limbi' out. �8- MyLimbs Would Twitch We'll 'Make It out of him." Whets MMA Arg had mimed down eosugh for reasonable speech t asked !situ why Tar IR shiniest tio touch to the East. 'l'Iw eyes ',mauled that way, the mouth was twisted that way 111141 now. as 11 seemed to tau', the whole body of tlw god lunched to starl'ard like a drunken sailor. • II's very simple." amid Mah 0'(� -Tar Iff. us you will utserve, sheets of two legs maimed East and West. The Eastern leg Is shorter Weimar the god throws his weight In that direction, while the W'e'+teru leg 1s longer tweatow it has been pulled adl often. if we can't get it on an even fading, we'll pull it down -that's all." • And Waken Me ---Unable to UM or Sleep, I Walked the Floc! in Nervous State - When Specialiste Failed I Totlnd a Cure. This is the kind of cure that baa met Windsor people thinking and talk- ing about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Tn• action of this food sure 1. su radically different to the usual treat- ments fur the nerves that •verybodr wants t0 try It. Uradually and cer- tanay it nourlaher the starved nerves bank to health and vigor and the bene- fits obtalnea are both thorough and 'amebae or other the ,wordy of this luting. 1 to117.t of Tar IB were too, ewe'(. s, 1 )Ars. M. Amlthson, t? Arthur street, '' '. .u11nk the coIgregaIion to 114141rWindsor, Ont., writes: "I was alter - Ing from nervous breakdown. which 1 g what they might tar. Just as 1 r011111 was caused by a shock when fire broke out in the adjoining house. My nerves were In such a tato that, after going to bed I could not gat my nerve• quieted down sufficiently to go to sleep. - I used to get up and walk around the room. or go downstairs. Even when 1 would be dropping oft to sleep my limbs would twltoh and waken me. 1 used to haus cold. nerv- ous, night sweats, sometimes would beoom• unayascious and lie that way for quite a tittle while. I was always °old and It seemed Impossible for me to get warm or keep warm. When an the street I would re two er three e bj•tea at once, and did not want aay person to speak to in. or bother ma any heti• noise Irritated and annoy one vary much. I had consult 0•eislistu and tried many remedies d uring this time, but could not gala relict. At lot I tried Dr. Chaa•'i Nerve rood, and before long could act that til• treatment w.. proving of benefit. I am now tooting so musk batter that I own go out on (hc `creel treet without •ny dlfaoalty, oan go Mae river end go about the same M Usual. T sleep well at night and am ling mon like myself every MAY, am pleased to be able to writ• Toll tell you how much good the Neave °d haa don. me. It haa strange!. Med and built 11p my whole system. I am recommending It to everybody I find suffering from nervousness : 51 Lay kind." • Dt Chase's Nerve rood. 111 rents • Milk a full tra•Am•nt of 1 bozos for 111.TI, at *11 dealers. or iillmanson, ed, Toronto. Da WA be talked Into accepptitlng a Nom' lute. Imitations any dtsappOtne LUCKNOW. Word has been received of the death in England of Pte. Henderson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson. A. E. Durnin has bought a well- equipped farm near Clinton, but we understand it is not the present intention of the family to remove to the farm. "Lite Lucknow Sentinel says that few families have a better war recrd than that of the family cf Jchn Loftus, of Riversdale. Mr. Loftus has six sons, all fine able-bodied fellows. and all six en- listed for military service and went to the front. Strange to say, not one of them was ever reported among the casualties - all cane through without a sctateh. Mr. and Mra. William K Stewart on March 17th celebrated eta sixtieth amu versary of their wedding. Mr. Stewart was horn at Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1214, and Mrs. Stewart is a native of Inverness. They were married at Woodstock, Ont. They have ten children living. twenty- six grandchildren. and two great and- chldoccasion n n. On the a the "diamond wedding" celebration they were presented with an address from tett session and board of managers of the Lucklow Presbyterian church and also received remembrances from memners d their family. The remains of Joseph A. holt, who died at New York of pneumonia, were brought to Lucknow and were interred in Greenhill cemetery on Sunday. The wife of deceased was formerly Miss Jean Mur- ray of Lucknow, and besides his wife he leaves two sons. loth in the U. S. army. Mr. Wilt was a buyer for a large New 1'ork'busi ess house. not help noticing that 11e priests of Tar IB were pink mud sleek. cold -eyed ..nod soft -handled, high -fed and rtrhly clothed. is., 1 could out help uotlrbng that the congregation w-a.c pens 111141 111urI-bitten. callous-hMndtd. toil -driven itnd fall of erre. Moreover, the con- g,rcgnllon was not praying -it was twittering. MP temple of Tar iff. i ads•, „b.cr,t.l, fa/ trl }:o1Nt where (hc 1.1'1141+ look Ih4.i1' stal11111. and ale pt•losls Were conljM'rn11iIv few w14111. the t.ntgregatio1 wits a multitude. With very Bole asking I found that the congregation consisted 1114/411y 41f ihP (.ruingro Wets, a Western trite of pastoral pursuits, who cotupiafuel that Tar IB took less even of their plough/: the Yu.ffs, another neral tribe, who were simbal-1y put upon: the Lata Rites. an artisan 44/014, who grumbled that 1hPir drink was weaken's' for the grnt11iea11nu of 1411 ascetic set called 1 Id Ift : and the ('oust Niers. or oily' dn,lh'rs, who said twat Tar IIT look the very bead out of their months awl the very coats off their lacks. "Tar IB Ihi a hog," Maid one pale - faced Comm Mer. "He not only devours our offerings, but he charges us a temple fee so that we pay twtt't'." "Itnt we've gut hint allowing," chortled ■ brawny Lala, Inks. "Tar IRM afraid. He tines full pages In the newspapers lo bolster lilt gospel. The ('PP -Eau -Eh -or Sacred ('olleege-seek* to divide n' by claim hatred.. PO that Tar IR may prey1111... "1'erlaps," said Metal i' rs, n 1111.1 little man. 'Tar IIs mey have pity. The: fowls 41f oar 14111 -the thrashers. hinders, tractors .rarely Tar IR will not batten is, Item forever." '•.a hsps thought'.- rnnlhlel Hit -liar 'Mon the merit*. "Nee ritual lope for pity.'' "To-. that's It plfy," 'P' 1' 11p Rwlnll 4'bsPl. "For 034', 1 worship Free, Rade, loot I do not abandon Tar IB knoll the other goal Is met np In his plat,. Besides. 1 have fern getting eighteen yenta a pound toeing hots." -Pity!" exclaimed Fiel Ding. the philosopher. "Yon may 111 well expert blond from m 'tone am pity teem Tar IQ. 1 speak with authority, because 1 knew the bowels of the machine." Pity,' an*rltd Mah Arg, the head- man of the Oraingro Wers "We don't want Tar Mrs pity : We want Ju.tiee. Leso w•heedllttg and more action. I'm ask of this talk of partial patrols we won't pray to Tar IS match Longer. VETERAN TELLS OF .1 TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Before He Found Relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Hereford. Que.. March 24 (Special). - Mr. A. Peabody, the veteran p isttnastet here. 1s one of the many old people who; claim to have received a new lease of life through the use of Dtxld's Kidney Pills. Mr. Peabody is in his eighty-fourth year, but wonderfully strong and active for one of hat age. But he was not :always thus. "Fox six years," he says. 111 telling his story. "I stulerrl from ksln'y and bladder Inalblr. I had tilt Or sharp, streaky. lightning pains through my muscles even to my linger tips 1 a 'In March, l.rlc, l was token with shaking chill and deathly pains through my abdoo a 1, groins and tie small of my track. 1 was confined to my 1051 lot lhtrt weeks, during which time 1 often had to get up as often as twenty or thirty tines a day. 1 tried many remedies. but got little benefit till 1 tried 'kaki's Kidney Pith. In three days 1 got rel.el. and ihr'e boxes cleared all the pains tau oil my system. 1 also rest much letter at nights." IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN? The Dollar You Spend it; Goderich will "Come Home to Boost[} 1 The Signal `BUY=AT-HOM ECampaign Patronise the people with them stays in circ i Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't whose ads are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. eulation in Goderich and neighborhood. thought of before. The money you spend i NEW \'DILE B1.OI'SES.-THE very latest is being shawl fu V0114' triune's slut 111. values are ex- ceptional. Each waist has au In- dividual touch w11k•h hakes it different f anythhlg ever abown before. livery waist is new and thy uaterisia are of the finest. New %timings are (Ming shown in Ilse newest and last clerks. They are oiler lu 'anuli etu1N to make them distinctive. See the go'MM we are showing Iwfore Feuding out of town. -J. IL l'olborrte. NEW LINI*t OF SPRING GOODS arc low• arriving. (' • u1111 se cant 11,141114 11111511 of Spring 4'ups. We are Is•r• 10 du blwltwlw and lila compete with the mail order hot 8W'a or aq-- Iwaly els'.-('. G. New' SPRING IS COMING.1YOII1 THE . rush. Ilare your house *head now for electric lighting and 1e tip -te- state. We (tarnish every t !bug but taw juke and the work will he duple right. -Robert Tait, ‘y,•-1 st nett I'ustutl'•'. MILLINER\ -TRIMMED ANI) l'N• trimmest 11111+. cbe'rer 111•w designs: 111rhu15 soil unser 10,Mlish shapes, nod ample dressy sailors. Taw SP/10011.P 114.41 millinery offerings in point 1.1 quality and economy. Nialt•rhals and worknsuship of pro - 1101111t111 stau11an1. You eat sou' hoe ,yourself of their tu'rlla by hooking them ove'r.-Parsoras Fair. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Is recognised as one of the most reliable Commercial Schools in Canada. The instructors are ex- perienced and the courses are tlp-to-date. Grad nates are ;:a inpositions and they meet with seeress. Students may en- ter at ins tiro*. Write at once fear free cattltstte - Y.V. LAN, Principal. 1111 DWI LS CHEAPER TITAN COAL oil. CO my figures for siring your bolus with a (sa1104.1e unlet. NO w.mcy retook..I until peas44441 by tit 11rdro lu 11. tor, 4lili t P11llres yon a ell i'faetory job. -Cha'.. J. harper. Effect of the .lrwistire on Hoarded Money. There is reason to think that hoarding was practised a great deal more during the war than is generally believed. With peace a.sured, the boarded money is now beginning to appear. and it is to be hoped that quite a lot of it may go to buy war savings stamps. in the United States it is estimated that $1,500.Mal.i1110 were hoarded by foreigners during the war period. Banking authorities say that since the signing 01 the armistice this hoarded money has come out to a surprising extent and this opinion is confirmed by the savings bank deposits. In New York State this class of deposits increased by 139.400.000 during the period from December 28th, 1918, to January 12th, 1919. Undoubtedly the cessation of hostilities has had a similar effect on boarded money in Canada, for it is well known that hundreds of people of foreign birth drew mosey out of tne bank and either carried it on their person or hid it. The question is -how much of this money will go into war savings stamps? The whole country is vitally interested in seeing that a larke portion of it is thus invested. while it is to the interest of the person holding such money td put it to this use. Massey -Harris Shop -FOR- BINDERS, MOWERS AND CULTIVATORS. DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCi1BATORS. GRAY AND Md.AUGHLiN CARRiAGIE,S. ('.AS ENG! NES. WIRE FENCE. Oi,f) (HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich 1 HAVE A 1 ARGE ASSORTMENT of Spring and Summer 1lillils•ry in 11w new shapes 111111 1/14':14: !11/111 a oke line of .rally-lo-we'aars at $2.75 anti $3.25.- Mises Cameron, llaulillou NI reel. S.t1.1AWS 11.18 GI's IsN 1115 I'a1lMrrw 11 4P11're teat during the past seek ..r se. '1'u lieml low long a face It could take he had a disgrn11lle11 I:rit to "it fur his plc•ftarc• aid N, wee Iu1w wide 11 could take he gut a Tory elated with reentry 10 sit for bis photo, and the Instrument *fowl the I lest . Ol' K MOTTO - A spare deal to all. Phone Ilii. Robertson 1 Mair. YOU ('AN GET BETTER SATISFAC- lion null a lower prier on printing in town than you don by rending to the lily. If you 1141nlet thin let 111 hate it talk with yml. itet.idw• wlu•n you have your printing dote lu town, the printer's wages are spent In town. -The Signal Printing C... Limited-- - - - ('ALI. .1N1) SEE WHAT IOU ('AN buy Quaker and Purity Package (tuts for on Friday and Saturday. - .1. Spahr. - THE GREAT FUNDAMENTAL factor In winning and keeping the better trade at home is to handle the test merelandila. IieU that attract are of Quality, Exclusive- ness and Refinement. -Miss M. R. Mar\kar. - IN THE SPRING WHEN YOU ARE tt'uublet with that tired feeling take WigIe'a iron Pills. One hnn11nsi iu ■ bottle for 3.w'. MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR GAR - age. if your auto It .ick we can dn'tor it quick. Full line -off seeew- sories and tire!. lou 11111111. of course you know we handle the Ford, the universal ear. Ort in your order for aprfllg.-P. J. Moamar'. A WORD ABOUT BUYING GRO- eenes out of town. Just get our prlt'es first and your money will May here to help build up our own town. Think this over and buy at home every time. -J. H. Pipe. NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR ON UP - to -the -minute /amts. W'e here them in PIN 111 awl edorSI cotnbinn1lons, 110th on the 4'111ah nal 1nmis Mels. Mer thee' new Myna at $harenan'a Shoe Store. JUST I'l('K 01'T ANY AK'Pi(i E IN your catalogue. Men pre Ns. '1'e sill not only tomdet.' In prima, Intl 1/1111 54414' you money 111 Ilard*are. Stores. 'earl,, Boat Ruyplk'n, We. Try lis awl PPS.- -Chalk C A WORD TO HOUSEWIVES. JUST .amply Inadpt on having your brood orders come from h►ae hakerir.. Every loaf of Ant of -town breed you eat }neat Marts our tows that notch. Try our home-made products. - W. Smith. PICTURES ARE NOT ALWAYS TRUTHFUL Some Mail Order Houses Find Them Very Useful in Their Business -Can "Doctor" Photograph -Concerns Can Give Wrong Impressions With Illustrations While Sticking to Truth in Descriptions. tCapy'right. ) "Figures never r, it has been claimed, but this is far from the truth. The defaulter who has "doctored" his books in such a way that he has escaped detection for years knows that figures can be matte to lie. The shrewd poli- tician, who knows how to juggle statistics, knows that they can be made to tell a story that is far from the troth. But there is another medium of expression which is &lett supposed to 1* a stickler for truth, but which is a greater prevaricator than figures. That is a picture. A picture of any person or thing, supposedly-, is an exact reproduction of the original, hut this is frequently only a wild suppo- 8itiou. The photographer who did not make his picture tell a little fib maw and then would soon go out of business from lack of patronage. Pictures Better Than Words. Pitures have come to ot•eupy a very ,important place in the I e of the world in recent years. It has been said that for 1 WMpaper purposes a pieture which tells its story strikingly 1 worth more than columns of written words on the dame snb'ect. Newspapers and magazines have realized the truth of t 'a fact and as a result piet urea are. used pro- fusely in illustr tinge the news and fiction of the day. No one Inas heel quicker to realize the possibilities of the picture when pt'uperly-or it might Ise said improperly - used, than the mail\order man. Ile has realized that a pietnre will (IA wore t sell his kind of snerchandille than a enhaunt of words anal ft res. One reason for this is that it is harder to estop a pietIi ge in a lie than it is printed'Mtords and theorem. For installer, 'f y'ou sell a man a table on the strength 111 a printed 4tatem t that it is -IA inehes wide and if when the table reaehex the ►iatomer it is only 36 inches wide, the customer not only h a Moral right to kick, but he has a legal rig t to accuse the seller of obtaining money und,'r false pre[ Imes. Ilowever, if the customer leaves 'a table whit. in a picture to he •1{1 inches wide, but which pro es up..m its arrival to be only 36 inehes wide, he has no legal grounds upon which to bast, a complaint if the seller has not told him in so many words t`,bat the table was 48 inches wide. Stick to Truth in Figures. Some uuseroptluue mail order houses have taken- ad- vantage of this selling power of pictures in as very ingenious way. -They adhere strietly to the truth in the actual meas- urements given in their catalogues of the articles which they have to sell. They inay employ deseription' w ich exaggerate the qualities and appearances of the artie s offered, but when it comes down to actual mea'uremen the descriptions given are technically correct. Then these coneenis rely upon their pictures to sell the merchandise, realizing that a picture will make a far deeper impression upon the mind of the prospective buyer than the actual figures given. A picture of a wide, roomy bed will attract the eye and the reader probably will not stop to measure off the width of the bed as it 18 described in the catalogue to see whether it int as wide as desired. Figures, in the ab- stract, mean little to the average reader and do not convey the impression that is given in the picture. A former manager of a mail order house tells how his concern manipulated pictures in this way to suit its pur- poses. It had pictures of its chairs retouched so that the - legs seemed to be an inch and a half in diameter, when they were really leafs than an inch. It made narrow beda appear in the picture to be wide and comfortable. Posts of iron beds that were really an inch in 'diameter were made to appear as if they were three imlchesin thickness. These things are easy for any rompetent artist to do. Patrons Had No Recourse. This concern, however, adhered rigidly to the truth in the measurements included in the descriptions. Uurtomera who found, when they received their goods, that they were not what they expected, could kick, but it would do them no good. The mail order bowie could show that it had setjrth the measurements truthfully in.catelogues, and there was no recourse for the customer. There is no question but that pictures will lie, some- times without any manipulate , and the person who buys an artiele of merehsndise from a picture is taking big chances, even ti gat the picture is not intentionally altered to give a wrong impress' . Any a►laatenr photographer knows from experien'c how the remora often will give a wrong fan of proportions. The only safe method is to buy from the loe:l merehattt Wt'11ere one sees the artiele itself and not a pieture of it The artiele itself cannot lie about its dimensions, at (east. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS week. -hate I pright Plato, in good eo dltluu, a snap at $210.00. One O-Ot'have 1'1e91T lease Organ, beauti- ful walnut case, as good as new, $75.00. Call early and take advan- tage of a Marian --Jamas F. Thew Des, Music Share. SOME NICE STYLES LN LADIES' fancy and plain Pomba, lie rrrttem, ilalr I'Itts, Brads, Rloume Igor and Earrings are to ►r foutsh at South's Art Store, East street l'Iwtw Its. WE BELIEVE THAT A MAN OR w4111aa w110 places his or her con- fldels•e In us Is entitled to the beat mere arslbs' and Ilw hest. More .er- vi(s' to Iw' nurse anywhere. -tie. Mae%'Sear. BUY 10111 KODAK NOW AND then you w111 be prepared for taking early spring .rims. 1Seve4uping anti Printing. I'rvmpt Trete. Give pis a trial under.-'amphell's Drug Store. WALL PAPER WITH I'S 18 A spwrislty. not a side line. Let ns. Iwip you In yopr decorating prob- lems. which 1s more than mail order houses can do for you. Remember our prices are lower awl values Ism ter --Pest/ea. A SAKE STORE TO PLN YOUR faith to Is the Mdoteh Store, where growls are mold on their awl merits, not 4111 -puffed-np valuta. If It M anything In 1)rygoods you want, call on ns ■041 we will 1141 our deist to please you. -1). Millar S Masa Bl'1' YOUR 110115E BLANKETS mut hairs •t aortae when you can get them. at 911 per tent off regular prkx'n. - A. J. Pahridge. QUALITY ('ONNIDERED. OUR pricer' are re,io,mlble. We handle the beat. -Doan Brom. WAR l'LOULII4 AKE PARTED. Now lel no all boost for a bigger and Iwtter Ooderieh. We tam eb It by all of us bhying our supplies at PomNee us 11 15 forMhell Hardware, f " lly. re, Stoves141141 1'Innlbing.-Frei Uuut. ALL WE ASK 1S A COMPARISON of our line of Furniture with otters. (let our prices, then draw your con - Outdone. Big .cork to choose from. our Undertaking Ikepartmeut is complete. Buy at tome.-Biipiey Ii5RE int OUR TROUBLE -WHEN we have to repair shoddy leather aloes with paper poles, When oboes tome from 41111 local dealers we do not have this emote' We do all kinds of show repairing and we do It right. -Memel EtasItb. IOU WILL FIND YOU CAN ALWAYS pare sauaey by doing your trading In Groceries, 1)rygtsMls and General Merchandise with us. Our prier* are am object lateen fu buying at home every time. -J. J. McEwes. MAIL 051)ER HOUNEN DO NOT particularly hurt our bumtnes's, bat we ■r' In line with any move that helps. our town and our merchant'. For flue l'onfe'tlonery and lest ('ream you will final the pore thing at our stere.. -C. Blackstone. CONSULT YOUR CATALOGUE. then eouaul t us and note the mn of Ing In Ha mean and Horse O«lets, Trunks, Maga, Horse Blankets, or anything for the .table. Wt' will not be undersold by any mall order honer. - H. J. Fisher. LIl"lIE AND LET 1.11'E-TILtT 18 :1 g,.1141 working motto for everyday life. (.Ire taw home men•hsnt • chance to do I,u*l11Mw with you on a fair immix. You will find It the heat plan taking everything Into eon- .iderstlon. Lire and let ilve.---The Mlgn•I Printing Co., Ltd IT IS FAR BETTER AND SAFER to have your old photographs copied or enlarged by a responsible area llke rears than to Intrust them to the first agent who rally at your hack dolor. They are tate with tie. We nnderdanl this work and dot not orertlarge. J. T. Fell. NO NEED TO GO PAST OUR STOii If yon ane looking for Art JY` 411411 as Mtn my d Cushion., *IAD 111141 Ce'ntrepiees, brach and Cloths. t'ruchet TItn.Ids, 4' C'nrin11,14, (both Towels, 111111 Novelties. Always a pleas ea Burow our stork.-MHaa S. Noble. THE DOLLAR YOU SPEND AT hMtw stays iere and you are liable 10 get 11 hnek next dny. if you rant it out of town It la goue forever. Ort our priers' on (from.$'a and save mosey by buying here.- J. H. Leaer. YOU W112. PINI) HY B1JYiNG your Floor amp Feel from no you will Ion w,Il plelasrl with our way of doing bnulnc.t.. 1100d .tack tot right priers. We believe in trading at home. 1t will Iwlp n. all. --Videos 8 Cha NEWARK OF CATAIAWI'E F11R141- thee; it all look. alike in picture•. (tetter trade at hone. We carry • fall nue of Furniture for every room In the honor, at priers that will beat any tall order Loose.-, W. Walker. You owe s Citizen's. Duty to Your .Own