The Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 61•
Mit• •l, _ 1'111
Oilman Liter' on Milk and Eggs for
Mouths -Takes 7'aadar and
It Is a Race Between Peace and (:aisr !S I'n,UWMIs. p'AItalEita• MARKET.
Anarchy. • "1 hate come twenty-six miles to tell TORONTO, Match 35. -Quotations
Iw what Tanta. has done for me," said
Oa 1hr r'arwera' Market ycsterdry
GENUINE inane..
OlO11u.r+1 'Witty by Raising L00 O M. Vinson. oto a well phis farmer of were as follows:
Plan fur ttati.'sin love, Mos.. whtlr in Memphis recently. asy and atraw-
"lhrrr yraIS age," hr continued, "my tia>, Nu 1. per ton4.±s a' u• 828 00
6etwanv llteftl4ayun Iaw.k. `rel'- I tlontath got all tacit of order. I couldn't Hay. Nu. 2, per ton24 00 2;. 00
IOOtII anti Diphaaulta Are Coos- digest a lhtng and fur right months 1 Straw. roe. per ton2a 00 so 00
tltas.rhig to Fear That Chao* lived on buttermilk and the whites of Bnaw. loose. per ton14 W 16 00
Strum, oat. bundled. per 17 On IS 00
MEM Result Throughout Europe. eggs. 1 was too nervous to sleep well, ton
gas on my stomach made me ntillerablr. 1 DlilaasP. peR a 80 40 w $0 50
LONDON, March 25. - Reuter's had spells of dizziness, would almost taint Buik soles at a 43 20 as
Paris correspondent says (he urgency and could hardly g.t my breath. 1 had Butler, (turners' drier0 43 62
for concluding peace may be read in splitting headaches and wail 00 bilious bpnng chickens. Ib - 00 3Y 0 41
the decision of the Creat Powers yrs- that 1 would often vomit. tattooing.. Ib.
Bodine fowl. Ib 0 35 0 40
terday to make a big effort to have "Since taking Tarlac my health is 35 Turkeys. Ib. 0th u 6s
good as anybody's and 1 feel like a new farm Produce. Waolesale.
roan. I eat anything I want. steer) like a Butter. creamery, fresh -
rock, all the misery and swelling has gone made. Ib. squares 10 57 to $0 53
from my stomach, I have gaited fifteen dn. do cut .code 1 51 ass
SOLD ON the Peace Treat" ready* week hence.
The final shaping of the peace terms,
THE; the Torrespondent adds. will tar the
sole subject of discussion between
MERITS OF lite Premiers and President Wilmot
within the next few days. and during
That period it is not likely the Su-
preme Council will tweet.
"An one delegate puts it," the eor-
r'•.pundtnt adds. " •it has become a
rare between peace and anarchy'."
With irritation manifesting itself
Ettore plainly every hour. with the
reqs of Bolshevist success in Hua-
gary pointing a direct moral. with
unrest throughout the world growing
in intensity the Peace Conference took
a step backward Sunday when it be- Crediton by J. W. Orate. In anton by Pound :meta Meats, Woe 0 27
b, ,
anew known that the French had W. S. R. Hoboes. in Sheppardton by Beef hlodruariers. c,WI,o2 00 to 816 tis
formulated new objections to the .1 H• Simpson, in Gonne by H. V. Ann -
. ,none • et-.
d alt b H Stitlatg Beef, forequarter, cwtis 00 20 o0
ADVT. Beef. medium. cwt 13 00 20 eu
1J ?&I H. spec
d.e•a.e'. acute. chroo.c and nervous diseases. eye
ev rose and throat. partial dealne4', lumbago
ass rbeumar,c c.anda.ues Adenoids removed
IMeaoe sad St. Andrew'. strne eets At home orrice
1111 M mists. Thie Ilya and Satuday.. any enhung
d d(> hard days work. ) Butler. dairy. Ib 0 n 0 50
pounds an Can a Oleumrrganne• 0 33 0 14
wouldn't be in the same fix l was before Egg,. cold-etorale, doNo market.
taking Tarlac for my farm and the stock Eggs, P -laid. dosgtlltntt. 0 43 0 43
thru*D in.'' per m 0 Sr.
Tarlac is sold in Goderich by E. R. cheese. Septemtyef. 1b0 23
Wigle. in Seaforth by C. Aberhart. in Honey. 5. 10 and 60.1b.
0 23 Hingham be J. Walton hicKibbon. in H n,y. rsections. each .....0 30 0 io
er lb
tlensall by A M. E. tlemphill• in Blyth Pon urs -
by White City Drug'Store. in Wroxeter Tiereea• ib
by J. N. Allen, in Londesboru' by John 20-u'. pails
O. LAundaberry, in Exeter by W. S. P0un,1 prints
Howey, in Brltcefieki by Peter Bowey, in T,errea Ib
20 -Ib. 'rilw
0 30
be 26 to 1 ...
0 27 ....
0 26 .•..
Dashwood by Tiernan &
Edi hofler in
$024L 1....
Id cwt.. 21 SNI 24 et
execution of the British agreement `troog. sial et Fordo ' y n•
rationed. I Beet common cwt 13 M 17 00
as a resthe Sow of food into that i --- --
MAY ASK INDEMNITY. ; Mutton' eat. 22 ae 24 Ott
whereby Germany was to be
Iambs. yen,lmgs, Ib a a 0 se
I country had heed held up. and, if
Veal, medium. cwt I6 tit, 22 M
serious results ere feared.
Hogs Cis to 130 lbs., cwt. 23 (s, 25 Oa
The matter has been thrown back Gernet►n) l.hould Pay What war Cost Hus h, a > cwt.. o0 20 Ott
R H. G. MAcOCINELL.-HONOR to the Supreme Council for con-
Gradate Tor�rrlo U,nrv"tY. ("dilate sideration. France's reluc•lanee to go -
C I Dental Surgeon.
from Germany rhoutd be 'hotted sad be made to pay fort a avow they
DENTISTRY. conditions are not cored immediately.
Veal No. 1, cwt 54 00 26 110
al olIege
a,d Vie+, fete a4aiur Sate Off ce4 career tag gh her ns Chia linty arises and those in league with her should
tegw+re and wr.'.lt sees Guden.h. y Through her insigleM'e That exports h h
1101 67,-G �de.,cl,. All .n..,ruf:,-,ni bac mail
sift n Sy al Oft , will be 4..•o,latr at (aided
,Order..e lNeV1 :N,• IiY '
Priority of delivery should be accord- wrought during 1! he war to the ex -
ed the Allies. wtio'tifibuld have the tent that they are able to pay. and
nest to fix the prices they are to pay no consideration of mercy should be
for such exports as they take. There entertained. .in the opinion of Sir
to a further question of payment In
francs and lireo which would compel Thomas White. Actipg Pritne.Minis-
Germany to make good the loss tit ler of Canada. Sir Thomas gave his
exchange or throw the los* upon the views on the ,subject in. lite House -
American purveyors of ('onlluoaa Mdnday• speaking on a
A member of the comnais,i..n who resolution tntludIuted by Mi. P. R. 11.
LEGAL. Is a s
believes France has come to the con- t2, (he effect That Canada is entitled
Ake (a. CAMl.1tON, h. C.. U.ARRLS• riusion that her safety rests In per- to an 'indemnity an a belligerent na-
Yttt, toosite. not..,y isat'1' .e mel milting the disintegrnton of (ler- -lion. Sir Thomas. agreed with Mr.
gins i�tu,, Saco. Gogerscb [turd door Goa many, and that ghe is pursuing that Du Tremblay that there 1N every realit"? Mode -
hrewd observer said that b- Du Tremblay (Laurier-0ulrewont)
r r syn why Get•mnay should be com-
are loW+t.xtgwe,twtra policy by drldYs sari objections. He
__ -- polled to pay to the extent that clic
is ably. artmill y and potentially, to.
I'U)$LtL. 1.1C.
Office -Steely, h>anK 11114..a 5, 41>ndu.n 5Ne.(
••gfeilorea. itltip13, ie MA
Real Estate. L,a..v aad Imo/ince.
differs from the wisdom of this view
and fears that. with Germany in
chars, the rest of the world. and par-
ticularly France. w111 travel the same
The general situation is serious.
and 1t would b•• foolish to attempt
to disguise the fact.
One member of the conference
$&0 1S ER . S(>t.lCltORn hOTARIEb said that the attitude In Paris was
PUttLIC.EIC. I having its reflex in Germany. and
O4.ceonlhe`ut•1•e, ariurdtdax iron Hamill that the German signature to a peace
owSlreel.GtAen:h. I treaty was growing less probable
Private tows to lose at tarot retest
eaeh day because. it she signed. she
W.Pwtlaeta+L K C . 3. t.. Ktu.Oaaa would be. in her people's eyes• ac -
N 1 1) Coosa. - • cepting slavery. which would bring
s _ _• - oa Bolshevism: and if she did not
%BABIES GARROW. LL. • B., BAR- sign oho would be thrown Into Bol-
t RIS k.K, attornay, solicitor. etc , Goderich. be teat
rosy Warned at lowest rate..
CITOK. nolery tpi�abt uv.rtm
-..Court Hou.r..t.odencn
.01 A k. CQ -Fun and isolated town prop-
utyy matte \
paifera- as Caerotty, Pres, Goderich P.O.;
J t+ &vans, we -Pres, UUteChwuud t'. U.. Chooses
E lay.. Sec Teta.. eaford, P.
Directory -t1\ F. McGregor, R. K No. I.Sea-
rrth. John G \Grieve. No. l Welton, William
Wrest, K. H��'l Seafotlh; John Benntr,ee,
a r R.. K t`o. •s. Ser
bfakdm Mc-
m";h. vanv, brood. Jam,
`` 1 i
0nnal(y. Goriern.h.. ter i
lig cuts. J W. Ye
it. . No 1, Clinton.
L H,ncbky. Sealorth
���arrr,,,ymenls and get R tl Call e
•a(urrish. Clothing Stor ck
rocery. K,ng..,0n .s,e,t, f udench. J. H.
Iterd's l.en, r.d St o e.
-. ■US[C.
Jervdb Kul.etI le'.'a.a� Geu It I ,
E a„�
y.n, ha 4p,
Goderich:, A et.
.!4,141 ChdpeY. Sealortbi
4.c y -taolders call pair au
arils rece.pted at R
Voter. Piano and 0.tan. Pant
Mtic. bac.
`I% ea. ,(tor 11011(11-` Dalt Store
15111.'2' la
test P. W.
E K,
ahevism anyway: It mayfee has been appointed whose duty
after all, the military terms will be it is to make careful inquiry as to
whoa, Germany and her Allies are
saes are encountered. able to pay. The clainis Pf Canada
There IA a lack of Unison and have not been overlooked. Sir Robert -
Borden has been turntnhed
pay the Allies for the losses sustain- J 1' Blckell & tics, lttandard Bank
d t dib made un ac
, .. .. .. 13
Poultry Priem, Selma Paid to Producer.
Lave-We.ght Prlces-
Chiel.rus, crate -fwd. Ib..8' 34 to 1....
Chickens. 27 ••••
Herta under 4'4 IM.. lb.. 0 25 ..,.
Hen.. 4S to 6 Inc Ib... 0 30 ....
Hens over 6 12s.. 113 0 33 ••••
Cootters. Ib. 0 35 ••••
Ducks, Ib. -••••
Dressed- - ; l to M t/
chickens. crate -ted, Ib. •Eta 27 O. 111
Chickens. Ib.
Hent under 4y, lbs. . lb0 25 ....
Hens, 4y to 6IM. Ib0 344
Hens over 4. lbs.. ib...,•• 0 0 33 ••••
Roisters. Ib. ••
Tnrke,s. young. lb
Turkeys, old. Ib 0 27 ••••
Wholesale Mede.
No. 1 alsike, cwt 630 Mir to 1.....
Nn. 2 alnike, cwt 24.
No. 3 *'sake, cwt 21 nn
No. t rest clover,• cwt47 0t,
No. 2 red clover. cwt45 00
No. 3 red clover. cwt40 M,
No. -1. timothy. cwt.... 15 "5
No. 2 timothy. cwt 1.1 00
No. 3 timothy. cwt
towinr'sslun W111 Investigate Denart
4 largos.
TORONTO. March 25. -Chief Jus -
tire Sir William Meredith will con-
duct the Investigation talo the
charge* wade in the Legislature tart
week by Hartley Dewar!, K.C..
against Provincial License Inspector
J. A. Ayearat. and will be asatiated
by Peter White. K.C. Announcement
to this effect was Heade In the Legit-
lature Monday by Sir William Hearst.
The statement that Sir William
Meredith would conduct the enquiry
occasioned no surprise. but the Prime
Minister's announcement gave the
House something new to talk over
In telling of the resignation of Pro-
vincial Inspector Gorge Morrison.
TInto whose ansscial interests enquiry
will be made. Sir William told the
House that Chief Inspector Ayearst
bad been relieved of his duties pend-
ing Investigation and the report of
the commissioner upon the charges
against him.
Leat Opposition critics find fault �1 et
with the- extent of the enquiry the V your
Prime Minister it opening up every-
thing in connection with the License
Board administration to searching
investigation. He announced that the
Public Accounts Committee would
be empowered to enquire into not
only the accounts for the financial
year closed but accounts In connec-
tion with the enforcement of the
0. T. A. and the Liquor License Act
dating back to 1913 as well as those
front the close of the last fiscal year
tip to the end of February. A motion
to that effect .was later introduced'
24 Years the same
" good" tea
TEAS good tel
Sold only in sealed packages
ed an the expenditure t1 - Seabee. report the following prices os
conal of the war. He added. how- the ISI sago Board of Trade:
ever. That "1 !are grave doubts as Prev.
to whether Germany. actually or po- { Corn-Otren fah. Ino. Clone. Close,
lentially. will he able to pay in full Marra .. Iso . $7 154 1L6y 15411
the colossal expenditure which has 141'4 14711t47t.. 147 14'56
bet14t�P 'nem red ,y the tea , J„ly +
Th Iter. lyatt-
There should be a cold, economic March $'u V,,„,41 £S Kvk atuil
calculation as to what Germany. iJtua1 "' • • gi3 4.141 O t' -'i
Austria-Hungary. Turkey and Bul- ''ug, k'
t h All' in de -May . - * 136 1334, 13- 13.3. 1375.
by Hon. T. W. McGarry.
Bolshevlkl Driven !Sack by Siberian
PARIS. March 25. - Siberian
troolfis of the Kolehak Governiuent
have successfully begun an offensive
west of the Unita on a line from
Perot to the trans -Siberian railway,
advices from Owak say. At certain
points the Bolaheviki have been driv-
en back mote than thirty wiles. The
Siberians have captured Okanak, 50
miles southwest of Perm.
On a fifty -utile front between
Okanak and Osa, along the Kama
river, the Bolshevik' have been driv-
en back twenty miles.
The Koli•hak furore also are re-
ported to have obtained marked sur
cess in the region of Birsk, north-
west of Ufa.
r - -
garia can pay. earl then. i• 7
opinion. . they should be ,na
pay. That is one of the questions Mayr••.as.On "8.1n 2T.l0 27.9e 27.64.
under consideration at Ifle Peace July -27,30 27.50 27.30 27.35 27.1/
n my ]lar .. 45.00a 41.2
de to Jetty ...43.13 43.25 42.141.00 42.3
t.a d-
Airgrs a to Aviators.
MONTREAL. March 2:,. -The Mar-
coni Wtrelesa Company has complet-
ed arrangements for supplying air -
grants to aviators who may attempt
to cross the Atlantic. A eomplete
series of bulletins about weather con-
ditions over the area to be traversed
will be complied from advices to
ships at sea, and will be sent out
from the co: npany's Glace Bay sta-
tion and picked up by the arbiters.
.\u entertainment entitled ".taut
Conference. I understand a commit_ Stismis, Visit" is to be guru at North
Ribs- 2-.e7 24.N 24.90 2� 17
Mar ...15.NI .turf 111r•flWr'tli-t church on Friday.
jets ...23.85 23.40 23.77 21.77 21..
submitted to the Germans secretly
before further delays In other
ph t 1
Broplie} Bros.
1 ae Leading
Funt:ral Directors
ail Emkalam r 4
Order, care NHit atiended to
.t all h r, oigbt or day.
with a
absence of progress that has become full statement of Canada's war ex -
marked in the last three days, and pendlUnrs and also with a roll stat?
It is reacting gravely upon the whole tient as to the losses which have been
body of the Paris proceedings. A sustained by citizens of Canada dur-
shake-up is needed In the opinion of hag the war. I refer particularly,
all who are conversant with the situ- but not exclusively. to the Stases sus-
allon here.
Mined by owners of craft on our
Atlantic coast, which were destroyed
MUST GUARD EX -KAISER. by German suuhnarines. Canada's
statement of claim will be full and
Wm. HohenzollernReceives Two Can
adIes claim for indemnity was
Threatening Lettere. warmly supported by Mr. Daniel D.
AMERONCEN. March 25. -There j McKenzie. Leader of the Opposition,
was a state Of extreme alertness
around the ion Bentinck Castle
throughout Friday night and Sabur-
day in consequence of the former
Gorman Emperor having received on
Friday two violently threatening let-
ters, one emanating from Amsterdam
and the other front the Belgian fron-
tier, and also a telegram front •
All t
warning 1,1111 of menacing
he Dutch gendarmes watch -
Ing over'sthe ea -emperor's welfare
were kept `on duty, instead of half
their iuinber being allowed their
accustomed rest. Saturday morning
all the garden paths in the neighbor-
hood of the shed where William
Hohenzollern was engaged in sawidg
wood were eonstantly patrolled by
armed guards, while even outside the
oaths of the castle gendarmes were
art•ying loaded carbines.
One man was watching each of
1 the four sides of the castle, and
other precautions were taken tO en-
• sure safety.
Over 8,9440 Jean Mahsacred.
NEW yolUC, March 25. -Thr Bol-
shevik' Invasion of the Ukraine has
resulted in pogroms in which thou-
sands of Jews were massacred. 5,000
being killed or wounded in Prosku-
row, according to cable messages
from the Copenhagen Zionist bureau
trade public here by the Zionist of
America. Hundreds of Jews were
killed In Berdichev. Zhitomir _and
other places. said the message. hich
declared the pogroms were Instigat-
ed by Polish anti-Semites.
"Pape's Dlapepeln" neutralizes •sces-
stve acid In stomach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
• distress at once.
Time it. in gee minutes. all stom-
ach dIatres., doe to acidity, will go.
No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or
belching of gas or er,etations of nndl-
Chrf fond. no dirainese, bloating. foul
wth or bcadeche.
4)P 'a T$spepein Is anted for its
fa regnlati$G upset stomachs.
lifa the Purest, quickest .tomarh swpst-
tPwer in the whole world, sad Amide* f0
is hamster's ilut an earl to stomata'
dhtreas at once M getting a largo fifty-
. e* arae e1 Paapr'a itiseor la trout any
• 4rug afore 'Yoe ?•slum in die manses
how needle... it la tit gaffer free lads•
.go.)lw. dyap►Iwia 00 tiny stnnaart' .4 .-
cannel by termrntatlp due to
.aurreedve a6MF 10 *t'ra'sh.
who contended that 'our case for
indemnity and reparation is Just as
strong in internaytionat law against
Germany as Is the claim of Belgium
or France. Therefore we have a
right to press that claim just as they
have the right to do so.
The resolution was withdrawn
on 111. suggestion of the Acting
Trotsky Mobilises Force.
PARIS. March 25. -The F:slhon-
ian-Lettfah ofenkive against the Bol-
shevik' Is menacing Petrograd so
seriously that '.eon Trotsky, the Bol-
shevik Minister of War and Marine,
has ordered the general mobiHzatlon-t
of all .men up to the age of forty-
slx, aerording to a 7.urich despatch
to the Malin.
rot -fugal Aska Large Iteleennity.
PA HIV, March 25 --- The Pnrtii-
gtrese delegation at the Peace Con-
ference has transmitted to Lisbon
more than two doses reports drafted
by the various eoaferenee eommla-
sloes. aecording to a telegram front
habeas One of these reports the
demands for ortugal
•sasaga adds,
II r)Nt i0s111112 y of E 124.000.400.
Toar Labor C4wals--even- ounce
or work you do helps some solater who
it fighting over there! This war h being
fought sa truly in the household and in
the workiihop as it is iu the trenches.
Some Of our Canadian women are stockers and feeder.. $3 to 112; cows and
borne down physically and mentally, tpeli,aerg, N4.s 1. 1130.
by the w.sknestes of their sex. Tbey Hogn---Keeeip(s. 13.60e: 23c to 50c tow -
suffer from backache. dragging *snag- er. Heavy. 120.10 to $30.2i: mired. 830 to
110.10: earlier*, 820: light >orkerw and
ppiss.sre 115s. 8 t2 fit 3610; rought. 116.50 to
Csives--Hece4pta, 2.101. slow and 30e
lower, 15 to 818.
April 4th, by the united Epworth
. D��r�p \ Lragmt• "f the two Methodist
TORONTO, March 25. - WiIh •a
ru; of 3293 cattle on the Union Stock
l zebange yesterday. there was a
fairly good steady market for heavy
weight butcher Battle. butcher cows
and bulls. The one exception to the
rue was the steers with weight and
qudlity commonly known as the ex-
port class, and which sold off a
straight 50 cents per cut from last
week's trading.
There was a light run of sheep an&J
lambs. about 460, and the market
held steady, with last week, choice
Iambs selling from 18 '4c to 19 tic,
light handy sheep. 12 54r to 13 '4c.
and heavy., fat sheep and bucks 100
to 12e.
There was a fair lot of calves. a
little over 500. with all (lenses show-
ing a sharp decline front 81 off front
last Monday. Choice veal calve sold
front 15%c 2 e, and grassers and
t0 11134
common calves, 6c to 9c.
The hog market, with a run of
about 2500 head, is easier, and 1t
looks as though the packer buyers
are out to cut the price, the. quota-
tions for the balant•e of the week
beMg 1l tic per Ib.. f.o.b.. and 10e,
fed and watered. '.ower quotations
on the old countnsibleryfortarket the suggested
re said
to be responsible
weakoeea in the local market.
Chicano. March 24.-(U.
Markets,-Bogs-Recetpta. 70,0.0: noir
kot lac to lar lower: dosed firm: esti-
mated tomu!row 23.000. Hulk of gales.
119.50 to 619.65: heavyweight. $19.65 t0
119 7.:; medium weight $19.560 to 61370:
Ilglt weight. 8t8.1') to *13.65; light, 117 50
to $13.0x: pow.. 117.25 to 81840; pig..
816.75 to 117.60.
I•)ost Buffalo. N. 1•., March 24. -Cattle
-Receipts. 4.700; heavy, eanler. Prime
steers. 417.50 to 81a01): shipping steer.
816.50 to 117; butebers, SIO to 16.50;
yearlings. 110 to 117: heifers. I0 to
13.75: cows. 15 to 813: holt. 17.50 to 812:
tion, very nervous and hpain
they in 1011 Fre told
1f they ask their neighwi he
to take a Favorite Prescription
Pierre's which hap been so well and favor-
ably known for the pant half century.
Weak women ehotdd try it now. Don't
wait! Begin today. This woman's tonic
and nervine will bring vim, vigor and
vitality. Send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo,
N. Y., 10c for trial pkg.. tablets.
Pero. ON -"Abort,
three year ago t was E
. RI Aeofllh►. in bed awl ,uaertd
vain. The
do,tor aid I had sail
•Zonet but hie ardi-
neailant hdpnM A
neighbor had bows tak-
ing 'rsmnu Itiewrip-
tion' awl it kit bowa-
Mted ler on moat. that
Me or(.wl an. to try
snow of Item and lit.a
hest dose helped oo m
moth that l feat 04••••
fors bottle 1 web very
e'a • . mnrh wrmerMpd at Ids
prnmpt relict thM.�riwelel•
else a.. l.. rile law tar aorto. b.d
as... rm., hal ..,eh . will war+, but vitiator.? 1
1.el tM haat tot rvn.lwwn fir iw ..,d 011• Wile 1
Ehh.Wks • ra.rw4te Pww iripai s sasia M • fete
It W ..set- 15.1e.1 to motors Ila M Mesr(ood
•--Y, a. tiurrir5 Sew+. P. 0. IeTiL
De Valera to Make Triumphal Entry.
DUBLIN. March 25. - The Sinn
Fein executive makes the following
"President De Valera will arrive
In Ireland Wednesday evening next.
and the executive of the Dail Eireann
(Irish Parliament) will offer him a
national welcome. It la expected
that his home -cooling will be the or -
mutton of national rejolring. Full
arrangements *111 be made for mar -
skating the procession.
"'the Lord Mayor of Dublin will
receive hiss at the gates of the city
grid escort him to the Mansion House,
*Isere he will deliver a message to
the Irish people."
Mr. Tom Moore addressed the
Canadian Club ■t Toronto.
Counter Check
at The Signal
The unexcelled facilities
of our. big mills are
devoted .to making
Government Standard'
Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited
;MITT OATS MACS Curds VO -11 s -ant La eau Ilea
s(Tias PORRIDt:a Si rams 13, IS 17. la, awe 2-00e
A few cents will provide
a delicious
THIS week we are offering our
high-grade line of Pork and Beans
at specially reduced prices -giv-
ing our customers the opportunity to
purchase for a few cents an article of
food at once delicious and sustaining
and one which makes a most welcome
meal at ani time.
rlaie 111 tick Tema* Suet
Here is one of the cheapest
and most appetising food
produces you can place upon
your table.
Pork and Beans
-are a real treat to eat -made from
choice white, sound, band -picked
beans, cooked to perfection, with a
.tasty piece of selected pork to maks
them nicer still
They're flesh-torming and body-builtl-
ing-probahly one of the moat inex-
pensive pure food products you can
buy to -day. Everybody likes them -
particularly the children.
We sell there in 11 -oz., 16 -oz. and
20 -oz. tins -plain or with tomato sauce.
Make up your mind to buy some
to -day. Serve them for Slosh or supper,
and give the family a real treat!
Don't buy"just a ti n." Order several tins.
Keep a few in the Muse -ready for
emergencies. They're easily and
quickly serve.! - and wonderfully
good valve l
t )r.ler frmn your dealer.
The William Davies Company, Limited
Toronto and Montreal
('mala Foal /Roe,' Pot kers' f.lerwsr Not. 73-50 awl 7j-54