HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 5pidaosdawedsdoSodierfteNese WE NOW TOCK (GENUINE FORD PARTS -- AT - FORD LIST PRICES STORAGE.. BATTERY RL.PALRS 1i:tttrttes charged 61 NEW STOCK OF BICYCLES just arrived S "Owned gad Operate d by a East Street Garage Practical Mao" GOD RICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover >t[ a l• ■ II ■ 1t1t11i>rx>. LOCAL TOPICS, M1lsallpt/ ht Asi1i11eId. smallpox kgs the Board of Trade r-presentatives may aypNarerl 111 AshMe Id, ▪ ht Ibe Kingsbridge ue•ighlsrrlusaL els° give part of their time to this gather - Then• ai re two saws uud INetln are quite mg' MI mild. 1rr. of Khatuil. the Presentation to Mr. Wm. Gould. II tomo -bile tsosli.•al health ntlk.'i•. 111114 A Large number "f the w.'tulers of the situation welt in hind. and there SI. John's rhumb, 1L.Ine,vllle, inset at Npjs•ta'N to he no occasion to fere' the 4Iie howl of Mr. William I:o01o1 urs• • Npre."I of 111e dread disease. rveufng recently atsd ',resigned Itis fust with n wet of church hooka, 111111P,II Hortieuhurrl Satiety fJ4-tr�tstioa prayerlswek and hyluulso,k, the pre - The Goderichlikelkvltural Society is eeutntiou being wade by Mr. I'. 11. piepanng for its annual distribution to Sturdy, churchwarden. on belailf of members. which this year will be of pota 111e cwtgi't auntie while• Rev. W. II. toes and gladiolus. Each member may lloultuu mad an address expressing 111 Choose which of the two articles he is to the ,-.augr.•gutioii s appreciation nt Mr. receive and is requested to notify Mr. I:.14dd'" s•rriees to the chore's a1441 the II W. Lane, secretary of the Society. of rowtuuuity. Tin• ns•ipleut suede a . his choice as soon as possible. in order suitable response. Mr. tiould fs ise- .that the Society may send in its order routing a citizen of Iiiiderirh, after promptly. I litany year.' residence at Mika' :stile. Leaving for England. ('ontribuliorre Aelittewledged the II Something New ▪ Reform Monograms • Ali initials in stock. Ask for your initials and a combine your monogram X to suit yourself. ■ Useful for marking linens, X etc. ■ II MISS S. NOBLE Novelties and Notions A cell solicited. uewspapet women, acid she was presented with a alive loving cup, which contained letters of congratulations from friends in the city and throughout the State. Mrs. Conlon is a sister of Mrs. R. J. Phelan, Britannia road, Goderich. Meetings at Toronto. The annual meeting of the Associated Boards of Trade of Ontario is being held 'at Toronto on Thursday and Friday of this week. Two resolutions submitted by the Goderich Board of Trade are to come before the meeting --one advocating the fiat rate for Hydro power, the other pro- posing certain measures for fire preven- tion. Messrs. Parson'. Hume and Bowden are attending as representatives of the local Board. Another gathering, in connec- tion with the Provincial highway project, is being heki at Toronto today. Deputy Reeve Clark is attending, and if possible lI iII Toronto papers announce d to Etlaeparture . The treasurer of the Muskoka row John C. Kukw.wd of Iluapltal fur 1'onsuuiptives desire* lard where he well tale Charge of 1 1 the f 11 tw TSE KO= OODUIOB ONT. NOW RAISES 600 CHICKENS After Being Relieved of Or- ganic Trouble by Lydia E. Pii>altham a Vegetable Compound. (O�r e�t�OeIrli 111.-" I took Lydia t TIMM haxn . V.gstable Compound for an sr - genie trouble which pulled Inc down un- til I could not put my foot to the floor and could scarcely do my work, and as I live on a small farm and raise Ws hundred chickens every year it made it very hard for me. 1 saw the Com- pound advertised is our paper, and tried it. It has restored my health so I can do all my work alai 1 am se grateful that I am recommend) Mg it to my friends."- Mrs. D. M. At.'rrtts, R. R. 4, Oregon IIL Onlywomen who bave sufferedMret! ..r.. e alongR from day toof meta lda can es and arrealise gttf/ relief which this famous root aad herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound, brought to Mrs. Attars. Women everywhere ha Mrs. Alters'. condition should profit by her meow mandation, and if there are any 410 plications write Lydia E. Pi hasn'S Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. 1.O(':►l. TOPICS IN BRIM Neat Tuesday will be "April Fool Day." Don't &eget. A remedy that will stimulate lacy livers -\'tigle's Little Liver Pills, 25c a box. The G. W. V. A. is holding a box seta in the dub rooms next Monday etretung Mr. C. Wurtek, manager of the Gode - rich Salt Co.. has purchased the Morrison -house on St. Vincent street. A beautiful design notable for a soldiers' memorial has been sketched by Mr. T. Pritchard and is un view in Brophey Bros.' store window. 'there was a large a(Iruducarr at the "11ig11 Um" given by the (adfe4 of Koos chun•h hist Tlursduy..eveuoy„ and the e\1•11t wad wi1r11 t•11j.er,'1 b)' 1110 pr•s•ul . The uew•s' et tie utsexpwetel death of Mr. A. 11. Johnston, of Winnipeg, whose wife I formerly Miss Kvel} ts ('ratgie4 is a sksltrlc11 girl well known and highly rshs•we.t, was received in touts with a utsiversal expresslmt of regret. Mrs. 4'raigie left on Monday fur Winnipeg to be with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John It. Kelly, Light. house strsi't, aualotshee the engagement of their youngest daughter, Shaw llurjurte Aim Kelly, A. N. C., to LieuN•rwnt Ilsery Joseph Strickler, 1'. S. .t., stationed at 1'. S. tIeneral i Hospital No." .11f, • trust View, N. Y. , Lieutenant Strickler 111 the sou of Mr.: a,N4 Mrs. A. F. Strickler of I.tiwe*ster, 1'a. The wedding is to talc place Its , \pall. Tie resider monthly meeting of rite'. ilmilerk-Ii brsuclt car the Moms -nit ln- slilute wilt he 11ced at the hove of Mrs. 4'Iws. III:irk, .utter of Elglts a 'eine and Vuutr.-al 't reet, on 'l'llurs. 1 day, April :trd. A barge uttendanee grrtrtully to aekastw w ge e o e _ is desired, a•' important bnsiu.•" 0111 . publications and Inabhc y for the The result of their 40 years ezpssMaM be dil.ttssal. Members *111 please Federation of Brawl Industries, lug •outrlbutiuns receive.' in t:u.lerich w g by the field s r terry of ole NatWest sat your service.slole the ch:rage of meeting place. 1 which is comti•rsed of large and influential Srnlhiium Awss prtfou: 1.1111001/111,Programa : IM i.uuration, tempting 1 manufacturers to promote 011.13; tkslerich Elevator 1'o., E•'t00' I 1.1,1,141,11:::::u111.0 siicsk rh f.N,ur wun tirvalid; roll .all, 111,114 for 1Lsierk'h 4)rpu Co., $3.00; Gotlerieh . Knitting I'o., $5.4111; Judge 1.. H. iiw•. incksou, 14.1.404; J. P. 1'ro0dfitot. S..00: Pt:R�ONAL MENTION. British export trade. Mr. hirkwood is BI 1r Jill ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Ii the brother of Mrs. Urquhart of the Godench Collegiate Institute staff. He -" has long been connected with Canadian advertising circles, and for a while. some years ago, he was with the advertising department of the Harmsworth snow Northcliffe) publications in England. Woroau Editor Honored. Detroit papers of recent date contain notices of the twenty fifth anniversary of the ccnnection of Mr Josephine B. Sullivan -Conlon with The Michigan Catholic. of which she is now editor and a publisher. A luncheon and reception in her honor was given in celebration of the occasion by her club friends fellow• - HONEY We have just received shipment of Pure Clover Honey Put up in convenient -sized glasses, 20c, 30c, 45c and 50c each Keep your eyes on our window display Robertson & Mair Grocers Moor 141. Cor.Ha mlioon St.snd Square Canada Food Board License No 1-2141 For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring Esti Sir/et. Opeos.re Kno. Church Give Us a Trial ani Fancy Work Just in Table Runners, Centres and Cushions on brown oatmeal cloth, tan and grey linen. Beautiful stamped ;Nightgowns, Day Slips, Dresser Runners. «'Rite linen Centres and Tray Cloths. All shades in Em- broidery and Crochet Silks. Tatting and Crochet',Cottons. Gold, Steel and Colored Bead. Designs for beading. Phone and mail orders promptly filled. Smith's Art Store Ea -t `t Phone 19R trait will leave nt 4.50 o'clock by tows tl and our 0u throughout the time- table -unless. indeed, the town to 'k es w•Ide1i iN twit likely to The 1 1 1 Star 1 Wartatter A milliner action. 44• a Ie doom' nnlew. the change becomes )nettle i$3: The KElliott.I W. H. general. The local 4'. P. 11- people {Lulertsaut. S1./141; t;, 11. F:Ili-.IMI: H. T. Edwards. 42.10; 1:. K. \Wigle. hove had our word of r change of •time *2.IM): 1'. 1'. K. nMee staff, 82.QI: Rev. 011 their s} -stew. K. C. Msl►rriukl, SIM): F. wool ombe, Lieut. -Eng. McInnes Returns. $1.111: M. !Whim. S1.110: Thos. Lei: lt. SLIM►; G. 11. New'torl. $1.00; ; J. B. Kelly. 81.410; 1). Millar & :4011, $1.110: I'arseis Fair, $1.tei; K. it. itallgws, 81.ret: J. F. Thomson. :Ale: A. .1. ('.oyer, SIAM; Notal $.'4.03, 1;11. A. Reid. 1w•retrr}•-to the OIa Gentry three years ago to Treasurer, Toronto. help subdue the Germans was a marine, The Maple Leaf Entertallsrwed.engineer well known and very popular in I Goderich, has been "doing his bit" in and now, that Lieut. -Eng. A. M. McInnes arrived in town Wednesday night from overseas and left this morning for Midland to assume' his duties as chief engineer of the steamer Franz. "'Mac," who before going back 1'iwl.'r the roomier- or maple Leaf chapter. 1. I t. 10. E.. one of the nowt en)oyable entertalu.uetst4 of the sawn war hell Inst Fri.lay eveuitig at Vic- toria I qua {liaise. 'Ilse 1lautro ehlldr w, Kati aisI Inor4Ity, of 1 ,iotou, trade their first 111111ara1111' ha 1;11110.- deli, ;.s1e-deli, ■tai pruv.sl to he eseisdtiigly elreev little vitertahaers. They sang and dawwl with the delightful fu- wuelaw•e of youth end there was no doubt ahuut the appr.vs1 141441 411.11wnre with which the andfew.• regarded their varies) p•rforiwiwow. YOIIgr, Kuus Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin are spendor the week with their sur Frank, its Detroit. Mr. J. G. McHattie left on'Monday for Collingwood to commence his season's work as chief engineer of the steamer 1'alcartier. Miss Marjorie Kelly, who has been serving the past yearns a military nurse in New fork State, is visiting her parents, , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kelly. Mr. Thomas Quigley. St. David's ir street, has been laid up for some days with something in the nature cf a slight,' stroke. His friends hope for his speedy T1u1rsda'y, March :2'7, 1919.- jr Capitol wd H 11•9.1100,000 Total A a.ef., Nov. 30th. 191S, over $1:,3,000.000 Education Worth All It Costs It is a great satisfaction Inlay mocee adde four the etiolation of your children. linked yowl could not well spend money to grr,lter advan. Cage. Let your money arttwntlale in a sae tugs a.couut where interest will help to Swell tire' total. Ask our local wanagsr about opining an account. ;lit UNION BANK OF CANADA GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLLCOMIE. • • - Manager. ittle job well done, has returned to Can- ada to resume his former occupation: On January :'lith last he was married at Glasgow to a lady of that city. Miss Belk Barrie. He was unable to secure passage for her when he ea led for Can- ada, but she will come over early in the summer and they may make their home in Goderich. "Mac's" many 1 friends here will be glad to have his genial presence once more amongst them and will join in congratulations upon his mar ital adventure and in the heartiest good t Inas been dubbed "the I'Nuadiats (tarry wishes for himself and the lady of his 1.audrr," 114 he sines the original 'choice. Lander's songs with N goal imitation of the inimitable Ham. It is to be hoped The Maple 1.1114. or somebody else, w01 bring 1411111 11u41 I►Urotllr Iwek NgVtiN before long: they will 1e• warmly 1 1 l orient t o took part Some of the common indications of impure blood are evidenced in a sense of langour and loss of nerve force. This condition is apt to exist in the spm recovery. Mrs. P. Gerrie sailed yesterday from Montreal, acc,mpaned by her two chil- dren. Terence and Greta, on a vial to her old home in Scotland, Mr. Gorr* ac- companied her as far as Toronto. Mr. James MacKay. of Egmondville, and his son. Mr. Hugh MacKay. nave been visiting the former's brother, Mr. Malcolm MacKay. The young man has recently returned from overseas after several years' military service, first with the artillery and latterly with the flying corps. Mr. C. Buckley returned to town lastYork and on Sunday resumed his duties suds week alter a visit of several weeks to New Dwelase s sneer 1 tsso as Monist of St. George's church. Mrs. ��i�O' Footwear For Spring The season for spring footwear is here. In anticipation of the demand we are carry- ing a selection of Shoes that is so extensive that we're sure we can please you if you'll only Int us try. Come in and see what a variety of leathers and patterns we can show you in OUT store. -REPAIRING - Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich in readiness dor the approaching season. Buckley remained at New York for a further visit of a week or two with hsr sister. During Mr. Buckley's absence Mrs. T M Davis presided at the organ in St. George's. with much acceptance. AVOID COUGHJ' and OOUGHERJ1 spring. COMM!' !LUX rnu tart cffrw fickle appetite. poor digestion: inactive liver and kidneys and constipation. if BACK- 30__Dit0Ef-STOEf t*rwte.. swill a w R JI ht ole programs bliss Hume and Miss 1\' t td f our most popular w wen. o n %oculists, were heard nit!' apprs•ia- rim' : Mise Seager w'us at her best lu her •toltit windier., anal the skit by \IesNr14. Parsons and Sturdy was a 4011 Cure for the blurs. 'There was also a very pretty drill skilfully eseruteil by Collegiate Institute girls. Everything was ".'i 'once," and the event was au all -r 1 $u.•.•ss. G. T. R. to Move Clouts Ahead. The e:rawl Tenni( Hallway Is adopt- ing the "daylight-saving'• time, to conform with the Change of thew which ...ne14 Into ef.s-t its the States spat Numlxy. The local agent has received w•unl to this .•Rett, sgd uu Sunday is•xt all clicks will he moved ahead one honer. As the change In time Is not general, the result of the Netball by tine 1:. T. K. will be a great dead of confusion It caroms flax! the w011111g when the blood is impure, and result in a you are afflicted with a tired -out feeling, we urge you to try Dr. Brown's Blood Purifier. This remedy is both a tonic and a blood purifier. It vitalizes and enriches the blood. regulates the bowels, stimulates the appetite and promptly increases strength and arxrgy. Sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist. Goderich. An entertainment entitled "Aunt Snwmn's Visit" is to le giver aft North street Methodist church on Friday, April 4th, by the united Epworth Leagues of the two Methodist churches. A sitting of the County Court. His Honor Judge Dickson presiding, sill open on Tuesday next. April 1st. lit > THEATRE -1- MONDAY AND TUESDAY Wednesday and Thursday MARCH 31 and APRIL, 1 APRIL 2 and 1 iiTHOS. H. BICEpresents Charles Ray MARY PICKFORD iN HisMother'sBoy iN - "M' LISS" A pi.turization of Rupert Hugh,' story "When Life is Marked Down" A corking story of ' Making Goal ALSO PICTURES 0F The youthful star, his thrilling adventures, and the tingling heart interest element of this picture make it one of the greatest pictures ever screened. "Famous Canadian Regiments in France" CLOSE 1'P VIEWS OP EVER MAN IN THE DON'T MISS iT ■)•)iMIN Rini >AIiii1AN■ ■ 111 ■ 11IB10 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY \I'lli1. 4 and n ' JACK PICKFORD IN - "His Majesty Bunker Bean" JACK P1CK> �;tensMke .1166. 44r There's en idea in this picture - an ides that feet the stoney for Bunker. Perhaps you ran make it pay. You'll have a wonderful night a cam 't+un- went anyw..y. A Paramount Mack Sennett Comedy "An lnternatioaal Sneak" with Chester Conklin. Billy Ansi- stiong and Ethel Lease. ACHE If you have Rad.ache you have Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backache it will develop into something worse -Bright s Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is no use rubbing and doctoring your back. Cure the kidneys. There Is only one kidney medicine tut it cures Backache every time-- Dodd's Kidney Pills WEEK END SPECIALS HOTHOUSE and IMPORTED VEGETABLES WHITE:CAULIFLOWER REDeRHUBARB FRESH. CURLY LETTUCE GREEN SHALLOT ONIONS CALIFORNIA CELERY RED RADISH GREEN PARSLEY CABBAGE We have a supply of good SPY APPLES They are specially good for late in the season. DEAN BROS. GROCERS License No. fs-4856 Mon * ph ne 110 H.wIM' Phone 167 JIIIIIIII:UI WATER TA,KERS SAVE YOUR DISCOUNT A discount 01 1•7. ht -r cent will be alloed off the next quarter's water rates if pool on or before April 1st, 1919 DON'T FORGET DO IT NOW - Water and I,ightRates pay able to Mr. J. B. Kelly, Col- lector, at the "Hydro" store and office, on the Square Water and Light Conuniasion Town of Goderich RIGLEYS. The Greatest Name In Goody -Land IIIIIIullll t OU know the realm of child- hood dreams is a land of sweets. Make some of those dreams a delightful reality by taking home WRIGLEY'S frequently. How about tonight? SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT The Flavour Lasts! MARC IN CANADA Ih.riatiiiiwlUllilillllllllilNl1l1illlt1Hilillulllll1ll • . Uu16iliINI11FUNllpl