The Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 44-Thurs,I:.', Nl;trell 27, 1'119 os••••••••••••••••••••••• • Your Clothes Problems • • • won't be problems at all if you let us look out • for your spring requirements. • • We know Clothes values and we use that • knowledge to the limit when we order our clothing. • • You will find in our • Spring Suits and Overcoats •• good taste, distinctiveness and serviceability, features which once realized by actual wear, will convince you • that the maker has set a standard which you would • do well to remember. • • We can fit you perfectly --and your purse • exactly. •• • WALTER C. PRIDHAM • • Phone 57 • 00000000••••i•••••••••••••• • • • - • • 14; • •• • • •• - • - --_ and Elmer West. Tic judge's are their recision for the (legative. Mr. Roderick McKenzie. of (rood Bay, Ont., who hall been *gwniing several mouths visiting at (tr. K F. Mac- Leunan's and with other relatives in this vicinity, left on Tue day ruing for his h, Mr. Lorne MaeLeiman, aat.'onlpauild him t , Goderieli. K I NT.t I I .. M lay. March 24. Miss Mary MaeMnrchy las returned frnw T01111110. MI -S. \\'nl. Fhdnywu►. of Lorne, is vi*it Ina Nt the h • of her brother. Mr. Charles Stewart Miss Wel Griffin is hone frnw Whig - haw. having er,nlpleted her /course at the itnsiul's$ College there. Miss Rater Hartwell, of (,teterich, spent the w1ek1.1111 a., the guest /1f Miss Anna Mackenzie. )Ire. (:eel. Ferguson and wen Stuart. of Ssltford. are visiting at the home of the former's father, Mr. Alex. Mac- Mur•Iy. 1 Mr. Alex. Dingwall. of Itlyth. is cisitIi5 at Mr. Donna") dlNIKay's. :1 number of farpuers have begun waking maple syrup. Rebate. A 41.111111• WAN 111111 1111 11nu•.4111y evening under the auspice.. of the Woullg People's S1i•lety of Ash- field Presbyterian church on the 111111- j1.•t. "He•w,Ivel. that the ...lie of the bite war are greater than the befits derived from It. 1111 atarui.tive side wan upheld by Messrs. Bain Stewart and D. A. MHr IA•In111111: the Negative by Meagre. John MnclntoMh • THE . BIO1IAL OODIlIc. OINT. DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHYARD is the agg of aur THE SIGNAL at 1)uagannon. Older* lett with him lir eubaci eplluaa. advertisements or lob printing rill receive prompt attentwo. Telephone tGodera h Ra,al) r39. sr Thos. G. Allen DUNGANNON Issuer of Marriage Licenses C.,mmi3a190Hr fox Affidavits. etc.. and Conveyancer Wit.. Deed.. Mo, *.hat. Aareel,r'1. e,. Carefully cue tad .rid Mone, Sup- pled I« Mata.s.' AGENT FOR Fae. Wand and fid.1 law e .,, the boo Companies ono. KINGSI1H11)GI . Tuesday. Ytan•h Frank Mil '1 rtIiv and Josrpb lO'Reilly left Inst week for Young. Sask.. wheel• they iutetHl spending the summer. Thomas N-alIH14• huh left • for 111a 4,4114• at 4ougrlw. Alta.. and Patrick iVolhe• for Manitoba. after visiting their fatter Ion'. Mrs. SI. Griffin, or Flint.. Mich.. visite) err Gather. Mr. P. Wallace. - Ed. Dalton left for the West on Notably utter spending the winter with his mother. Mrs. F. Pape left for her home at earlmitie after n visit of a few weeks with frivol. here. . Floreemw Mel'11rthy 14.ft for the West on 31u11d1y \We•elue.d*y, M iireh 4i. Mr. Thos. Johnston returned home I/1,1 w,s•k 1 • Auburn. where he had I11491 4 isitlug ..for w,we tlmr. Mr. Saw Swan has rented Hugh Shields' (,Iron. 31r. Shields intends hMg into his house at 1'rausford. }Mild l':rrington a\Vis. Parr spent a few busy days tri I the vil- lage the twist week till 11R woad With their Iautzslw•. ley tlw look of the wood phew. Jack Frost will get a warm n'1c•ptioo here next whiter. Mrs. B..1. l'rawforl is spending a few days In the etmilllty tion this week. Mrs. Allium and Mrs. Ross visited Gl*lrrieh on Monday of this Werk. The lover Valley Creamery received two cars of butter -boxes *his week. This 41d':111s busilltas. The roads were hl pretty bad condi- tion for a while. but with the tine weather are 1111% drying up aitely. The order of the day -waking maple syrup HIH1 rutting wood. Pte. Norman M. Kirk retnnietl to the military hospital at 1 'trnit ou Monday after 11 furhmgh of ten days. Mr. load \ll•s..1. Dunstan I3t'IM n/ft. of East \Vnwallesh. visited at tow home of the letter's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Ki'k. user 1814111114'. \\'or1 nn. received last week teat Mrs. John Parks. who is residing w-ftl► her daughter in the \Vest. fell also re- ceived a lard shaking rip slap with her years i. not Impruylug very quickly. "Early to bed soil early 111 rise" If well *11111 1111 111(1•I1 a (Mil 011 1r after is•xt Muiday. All time 011 ter 4i. T. H. system is to I1• moved 11114.311 Dur 1 1111 111111 1111\', .,I 1. 111 1111) LIP 1v11aa11•t at the labeler. the -daylight saving(" 1 two. huv4,lg again IMeu adopted in Ga. Mr. Wtn. CIA tv,tui has eeturur 1 to 'States. his home Jerre atter spending the part Say. how is your garl.0 doing? Are two weeks at Stratford aud Wood - priers going to pieces?• Isis it look stock like it WWit1, 1)1/R4 $1t1.3A 44. the fanner. tattle h,yers sir oun.1 looking up ss•k 1 '111 around 131- UPI'. M. 1'. Craig sax 4. ail widows 4)u the public library. its benefit* *11(1 UM 11wM1M. His remarks were Instructive anti w)wrtlwes I,aiuorotls. A very Important feu tare of the eveulug's proceedings Wee, the prew•utatlon of purses to Ham Bellamy and Itobt. Moore on 118111111 of the cltizena and of a beautiful chair to Norman Kirk on 1.,•14141f of the Draloge Lodge. The re- cipl.uts, who ane returned moldier*, 'Herr addressed in suing nlalwltr by Rev. T. A. Stedman, and responded with worda of thanks and appreelatton for the honor 111114 1.11111111 41a P1 11•111114.1 to them by the people. In conclusion, 'the younger set, wishing to treat thew- . X w•Ires to still more tun, eIjuyel a Wee little hop for about two hours, while 1 the rulers who w.•re sorry for their Iran year., wended tlelr way h11we- ward. XXMXRXXXXXXX%XX•XXxj(•XXXXXXXXXXXXMXXXX*: 111 X ■ ST. AI'G:l'STINK. 7'tl.•wla)', March 25. NI Exuma Ea and Mary Hurley. of '\alla(who rg, 11 411141 hone last Thursday after spending two weeks ith friends In this 4 t inity. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest l►uR, of I)tlu- gall11on. visited )l r.. J. Thompson one day last week. Mix Dula N41 \I, Ihnutld, of J11 111141- (11W11, ret ur11141 1 last Wednewtay after a two weeks' visit with Sirs. Wm. Me .tlltster. Mrs. 1). Parks and Mrs. \\'111 Begley, of Ashtleld, visited Mrs. Mason: Me- .\ list, -r rrlwlltly. t \L•. 1. Edwards. of Toronto, Is *pw1- tug a few weeks with 111* uuele, Mr. lei,. Henry. BENM l LLEIL K EDNESDAY, March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Stewart and son. of Kansas. have been visiting at the former's parental home for a few days. Miss Helen Stewart accompanied them to Toronto last Monday. Mr. iA aldon Fisher., of Dundurn, Sask., is visiting relatives in this vicinity after an absence of a number of years. Miss Irene Long is visiting friends at Nile this week. Their many friends rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Albin upon the safe re- turn of their son, I'te. Secord AIIm. from active service at the front. We con gratulate Sapper Roy Mohring and friends also upon his safe arrival in Canada. Societies of Epworth League of Chris- tian Endeavor have been organized at Benmiller and North Zan churches. "Come thou with us and we will do thee good.". Services on Benmiller circuit next Sun- day will be as follows: Bethel 11 a. m., N. Zion 2.30 p. m.. Benmilier 7 p. m. Subject: "The Christian's Vital Breath n CARD 11\'. Wednesday. Man•h 2ti. THE SPRING TONIC FOR - PALE, THIN PEOPLE. If You Want to Gain Weight and Recover Your Appetite, Energy and Ambition, Try This Well Known Remedy. With the passing of winter many people feel weak. depressed aid easily tired. The both' larks that vital foree and energy which• pure blond alone can give. In a word, while not exactly sick, the in- door life of winter has left its mark upon them, aud a blolyd-building, serve -restoring tonic is needed to give renewed health and ene?' y. Dr. Williams' fink Pills are an all -year-round --blood builder and nerve tonic, but they are especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to retake new, rich, red blood, and with this new blood returning strength, cheerfulness and good health quickly follows. 1f you are pale anti sallow, easily tired, or breathless at the least exertion; if your complexion is poor, or if you are troubled with pimples or eruptions, I)r. Williams' Pink Pills are just what you need to put you right. If you have twinges of rheumatism. are subject to headaches or backaches, if you are irritable or nervous, if your sleep does not refresh you, or your appetite ispoor, you need the treatment which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone can give -yon • need the new blood, uew health and new energy this medicine always Ilrings. A ('omplete N'r+eek. Gained In Wright. Mrs. C. Forsythe, H. 1t. No. 2. F'Ish- erv111., int.. say*: "At the ..g4. of feurteti my daughter Viola war feel- ing very- much run 41111.1 111 the spring. Then she *4445 Nttekel with wh..plllg rough which left her a complete arek. *1111• I111/I INI Ilpllrti(P, /'1111)11 11/11 ,.I.rp N.'ll nights 111111 was sldljes't to cIIIIIM which sometime. kept her In bell for the ably. She war. (.*•poring steadily, ba not apparently getting the tenet benefit. awl 1 na111nt1ly grew very anxious. (me of my neighbors Mn5- 5.•st.tl giving err Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. nod 1 gut a box. When shP began using the pills she weighed only 47 pounds. Before the 4.05 waft all gone 1 sent 111111 got mix more 111xes, end moiler their 11.1• she rui,MtNlltIy grew stronger. Her appetite Improv- e). the color cam)' tuck 111 her cheeks, she ...odd sleep well. )11141 feels and inks like n different prr141), and with all 111ls'.1111. 4111115 the pills she Kailas! 1.1) ponds 111 weight... :A Sallow ('ornplecion. S1Is4 Gladys Marshall, Chatham, that., says: '! snff.rel Ir nen 0us- Ness and 111y Lks1) ens 111 a very poor Walllntillll. 31y fare broke toast 111 pim- ples owl my 1,1mpI.xInn wean ver)' arlktw. 1 took 41,x -tori. medicine Mil without beneficial re*„ Its. 1 was f.el- lin.: mach discouraged wle11 a friend r,-•ommended Dr. \VllIIamM ('Ink 1'))).' ➢ used In all ndx boxes, enol waw orer- Ji';:e1 to and that my complexion had M•:• ' 'mite clear, pimples had IiIM- appear.'11. my nerves were strengthen- ed 141111 my old time health and ambi- tion returned, 1 shall always have a aullgoblobsivaLisl wont to say for 1)r. 1\'I)lianla' 1,L 1'I I ls." S(r.. M. B. Rickert. I:It. honer, Int.. mays: "I was weak. 1.1111 Ilow11. H1111 10s - Ing weight whrll 1 began wing Itr. Williams' I'Ink Pills. 1 t.s,k the pills Mteadlly for a mouth. 111111 the differ- ence they Made in m) condition was st gratifying. 1 gained both In strength and weight. :111ti feel *lute 1 112111 the pills like a new person. 1 IIi*1 n•IYIII1metided the use 1.f the pills to my danghter•ll-leu, 4411), w*m pale, thin wad-vfenk. When she began using the pill* she w'elghel 1.111y UCS Iwlutll* 111111 When Mlle (11w•1,1114,,i,,'l) their ane she weighed 1:17 pounds. For all weak people. 1 think town• is 110 medicine can equal Dr. N'llllnul•' 1'hk ('111*." for the grass an' pal. g t tents-- w.• hear of ole semi lot t at brought 1 -l4• -a&1 the big Iwn as well as Jack Howltt'r chicks with their ears Ilr.teiIug for the is 1 of an export demand for eggs'' Well. we should sly it dbwsu't look too bad. Welcome Hese.--4lur Weal Moldier 1, oys are n•tur►h►g mw Ly o11r. Harold Sproul arrived home on Saturday 1lgh4. He war. 5144.1) a warm and hearty reception by the - citizens im- mediately on his arrival. Words of welemne were given by Dr. Case and Miss Jean Young, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her parental. Mr. and Mrs H. M. Young. Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton. of liodrnch, eondueted the services in Smith's Hi 1 church on Sunday. Miss L.'tty Gallagher is visiting friends at Guelph. The Colborne Farmers' Club shipped a carload of hogs from McCiaw on Friday. Johnston Fares told. -Mr. Andrew Johnston has . ,111 his farm on the Sth concession to Mr. IWillwm Cantwell. who for w • years prat has IMeu a marine engineer on the Great Laken. J 1 \hllloogh, ex-Heeve of W141( '1111' J1111111to11 fans is one of the Moat A Spring Cold. Chas. Wlm•gnrden. Delhi, say.: "Last spring nH ,h11,ghter Ruby vcn11 taken with a lad col.l. Sue l• M•111- e1 weak, had a elnsta111 iN1III 111 her sod)', grew pale, and 11. the r,meillem 11.111111)• 1111411 hl rases of this kind .1111 not 114.1p her WP feared .1111 was guh15 into a decline. 1 des•14e1 to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and got Mx 1Beforeo,xes. efore she had 1tsvl them all. she was 11 again well (111 strou5. The 1'4.11511 11/111 left her, she hada goodappetite. the pain In her aIle, diaap- paeerd. and 11 nice rosy color had re - hinted 10111•r cheeks. 1 have therefore much reason to speak warmly In ;intim.of Or. Williams' fink 1'111*." l atwithatanding the increased emit of all drug*, there has been pa sshone in the price of our 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. They can he had through any mediieine dealer at 50 cents a box, or Hix boxes for .2.80, or will be sent ou reeeipt of price by The Dr. Williams' Medi - sew Co., Brookville, Ont. 48. 1C111%11111n4h. Harold 4•Xpresse41 his drslrnhie 4111 ph -:Luer at bring hnmr again 111111 Mr. I'nutwe me•tIng old friends once more. Ion IIpil 1,1" Ion Tuesday afternoon Iwortw Johnston fr' 140' Or" and Balfour Simpsm arrived in the and Mrs. . village. Slam an assemblage gathere41 "'wilding G. wpleomt• 1)r- 14,11171 IS. bac Ice. In the township. and II Is to to congratulate)rrasa 1'1•II1) W'. Poslou is 111)4 uulil 4)ttober Int, and Mr. ,h l,nstnn, who hare been e w inter et Auburn. w-111 k on taw farm for the sum- mer sea14li. We shall all 1e glad to Milthem with u., again, 44.4441 for No short a time. TUK L.Hutr,s VVtx. - The young people of Smith's Hill ::hureh spent a very enjoyable time in the township hall on Friday evening, the program taking the form of a (h-bete between the young ladies' Bible claim and the young lnen•11 Bible class. The subject was. "Resolved, that woman suffrage will be re beneficial than detrimental to our country." Theof irulatire side was very ably upheld by Miss Flot•ence' Yisung, Ml'*. MeV.) Rn*s and Miss Hill of Credit•in, who is now te)u•hing at Ifo. 1 school. The ladies delivered excellent addressee, showing the splendid work done by the woven during the present war, not only at home but also behind the lines in ',ranee and Flanders. They hadalso some very convincing argu- ments regarding New Zealand, where the women have had the fl•anehi,w for some tinge. The negative mule of the debate was taken by Messrs. Reg Glen, Thos. Wilton and John Krrni- ghan, who endeavored to show that the woman suffrage movement war not desired by the Majority of the shier themselves, as torts clearly shown in the hoot election in Great Britain, and also presented 1 very goodialglllllrllts on the temperance fluent' . The judges. Mise Linfield, Mr. E. V. Lawson and Reeve ming, gave their dec(s' in favor of the Ladies. but ',latest that they hail won by a very smell margin. there being in their eltiulathon a difference of only one point After the debate short addresses were given by R1v. R. J. Roes. Reeve Young and Mr. R. M. to cheer and grist the rivals. 1)r. Case and Rev. M. 1'. Craig made brief addresses of welcome anal els er to theme men w -Ito had 14) gal- lantly upheld the honor of 4'amula fu battle. Pres station to Pte. Norman Kirk -- The following address was read by Mr. John Johnston at the ptblll library concert held in the Agricul- tural }11111 on Friday 1115111 hast : Dungan . March 17, 1919, 1.. 1). 1No. 324 SL•. Nornu11l M. Kirk. ih•ir Sir Hnd Rrother.--\We a* 1 urn 11g)'m11'11 feel that we ow.• a debt of gratitude to those who have taken part in the great war. We 81111 our Allies fought for principles dear to the heart of every 4rue 4)rnngenleu. Thos• pi -iodides of liberty and Justice, "Fwptil right,. for 1111, and special privileges to 11011." have !wen the f INtloi of our !Inter since its f lathe. They are twiny the prin- elplea for which we *brad and for whie11 thou$auds of our brethren have la l4 down their Inns 011 the battlefields of Enrolw. the member of our own 111i15e lies In those lipids where poppies Won-. 11nd other,. are returning Maimed In body or in health. We feel that we would 111• recreant to our duty If ear dLI 1110 M11111V In some tangible manner our appreciation of your services 11114 our rejoicing et your wife return. 11'e therefcre ask you to Neeept this chair as a token of our regard ami hope Him may long be spared to uphold Gawp pl•111•iplbs which we Irl leve to 1* v1ti1 to the welfare of the world. 1S1Rt1e1 111 111.111 If of the Ledgeo .11,1111 Johnston, Thome," (jnlllrt. Mr. Thomas 4'nlbert made the pre*- enh4tlon, after whirl) Norman replied 1n a flew well-eho*Pn sentences, flank - Ing the lodge for their handsln.• gift. A Big Night. --'Ph.• postponed enter- taiutnl'nt for the benefit of the politic library ,•111111' off last Friday evening and wall 11 Mtge 111/Yes*. TII.'Iw watt a full hr.lap, the proreelm anlouuthl5 to $!.7. Those taking part IneItide'd Mims harm•1 Augustine. Rev. T. A. Mtellnum and H. 1Sailey, 14.lolats: Mien Verna Hamilton nod Mrs. Harvey Tr•learen, WI/0 Rave readings: Mlas FAIR ll Treleaven sod Mr*. Cecil Tee - 1111V1.111. 111 instrumental (hien.: Messrs. Harvey and t'e'll Treleaven. 31rr.. 1'. a1111 \14141) Edith Treleaven. In orches- tra numbers : Meagre. Thos. 11.1.4..n, Harry ltellinly, It. Bailey, Bert Tre- leaven and Ralph 1)lmher. in qunrtt•tte mmnlln•re ; Mr.. A. E. Treleaven and Ralph 1►isher, *erv.mpanl*tn. Then a plat' wax put on by nine of the girlie of the village: Mime. 1.11. Elliott, Fdna PPtltl*INI, Ilanpl Allgmiths', Mary Me - Court. Verna Hamilton, Myrtle Begley, Rola Hasty, E.Iith and It*r Mtnehers. The whole program war heartily en• joyed, and everything was euc•ored. a► Hours of Business 8 a.m. to6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. IN ■ The Newest in Coats and Capes• • THE express has just delivered to us the very newest creations in Coats and Capes, in the latest New York styles. The styles will at once appeal to you, they are so suggestive of spring. The materials are Velours, Tricotines, Serges and Gaberdines. The newest colorings are cub, victory, bark, sand, castor and reindeer. Priced from $22.50 up SPECIAL SHOWING OF COTTON FABRICS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Never in the whole history of Fashiondom have Cottons been so popular as for the coming season. The designs and weaves are more charming than ever. Voiles, Ginghams, Cottons, Ratines, Beach Cloths, Batistes and Zephyrs are the favored materials. Voiles in the newest designs in in- dividual dress lengths, in a great variety dresses for women and children. Their of designs, are priced at 89c to $1.50 per wearing and washing qualities are not yard. equaled. In plaids, checks and stripes. Piques, Gaberdines and Palm Beach Cloths in suits. skirts, dresses and trimming. Priced from 50c per yard up. THE NEW 'SPRING AND SUMMER KNITTED COATS AND PULLOVERS From the Monarch Knitting Co. we have received our spring and summer shipment of knitted Coats and Pullovers. The styles this season are so different and so varied that no woman's outfit will be complete without rine or more of these useful and attractive garments. They come in all pure wool in light weight, in the newest colorings. Many of the new Pullovers are sleeveless. They must be seen to be appreciated. Priced from $3.95 up to $20.00. What are the special recowmewla- tions for McCall Patterns:' Individ• uality, the newest authentic fashions and REAL econonls. Those are the rea*ons w lay thousand* of women are now having their clothes wade at hone. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Monarch Floss and Down Nemo and P. C. Corsets Kayser Gloves and Penman's Hosiery Our mail order department is always at your service f PHONE 56 J'Vlillars Scotch Store PHONE 56 XX■■XXXXXXXXXXXXXIIXXXXX*XXXXXX ■ XXX XXXXXX Young, also readings by Miss Vesta Fisher and Mr. John Roberton, after which an excellent slipper was served. LEEItI'RN. Tieywl1y. moral 25. Iter-. J. F.. Ford, of Goiderlch. pr.•alhel a very Interesting and Im- pressive serua,u in I,ewbnrn ( nevi. last Monday. We are worry to report Mrs. ('lark's IlIIH'MM of t1* past week, 1111t hope to hear of her .,purely recovery. Sir. Toni 1h151e• left on Saturday to take Ids Moat at 4'ollingw0014 for another s•1114011 011 the Greet lake*. \\-e wish him "11,11 voyage" 141141 a mate return. We are ple.*n1 to 11e' Reg. Williams lu unr midst again after two years of active N4wvice overarms. Str. and Mrs. Arch. Horton visited friends at Auburn one day last week. The W. F. M. S. nut at the home of Mrs. F'lllford, with a good attentlat4e. Mr. G. Frw'mal, has been laid rip with an attack of lumbago. \\-e hope 511011 (0 MPI' elm around again. Mr. and Mrs. (Iliddon returned home leaf week, after a lengthy %lett with frie•m11 at Hamilton and Mltrh.11. Joe Mitchell hes engaged with JR 111141 Chisholm for a )'ear. A social evening under the auspices of Rebekah Lodge No. s h and Huron Lodge, No. 62. I. 0. O. F.. is to be held at Odd - fellows Hall on Thursday evening, April 3rd. invitations are being Issued. THE GROWTH OF HABIT Robustness to many is almost entirely a matter of habit, the habit of taking care and the consistent use of S EMUISION The energizing properties of Scott's have been proved in thousands of homes nearly everywhere. The habit of using Scott's regularly at trying periods as a means of building up strength and thwarting weakness is a habit well worth cultivating. Try Sasft's EwasaIalsw ter Ilacreasad Strength. lava a N..... 'dace sea. O.t. fru Goderich Board of Trade !! The development of the flan growing 111,hlstry in thin Province, especially In Weetern Ontario. dmriug the war. has been one of the most remarkable economic ,repts of the past four years. A new anx-pulling machfillr'tsrnmw 1114' product of thin progress, _. and will mit only prove to he's. labor mai h is device, hut will 1r a NMI to this new Canadian Industry. TWO PSI/1411111y I1W features of this Industry are the granting of r bounty by the Dominion Government. and the 1114• of (h4' inferior flax straw in the manufacture of binder twine. All farmers and m4iufa,•turers should hook carefully into Gals question. W. T. Marney. Chairman of Agriculture I'outwit t,•.•. W. S. Bowden, Industrial Sas•retnry. March 20, 1919.0o1��1o��r �t ;�y�o�a�t�rt�t �1 •• •• >tyg>f'71ai1t Iflair.Riehl(to/\tffYf/Sof�phtlflrtt'11of1oflr N11.E. Thursday. March 27. Mabel Ih1(11.' and SII's (:race 1.)01.•I41 addressee a very .nthusli*t le meeting un JI lay et 1k',,nlller, on (hP 1111)144 of woman's Fran libse. _ \1 r. (bluer Swath WAS o;M'rlt.sl on at 1,1. 11411l, 01) Tnes11ay morning for npp•lldicitia Nnd IM doing fairly well. Sp,eelal Mtrvkrw.- Thp Prl41g111.11c VH111*a lgn 1* now 111 full awing 1)1)41 the interest and elthn,.farm are IncreapIng each tiny. The meetings, have (leen Neil attended and the mea.a51a of the evangelist are riper, straight (*onpt'I ser that are taking .Re•t. laow't forget the wouenH meeting nn slimier at :1 p. ribs, anbJe•t: -The woman TM►i I;ay.at Me." Su1.J.eta for the week: Friday, March 24 --Peace Not Made in Germany. M lay. March :40. 10.30 a. m. -What Think ye of Christ? a p. m. --Tie Woman Thon GH rpi.t Me. 7.311 p. m.-TIe itreakhlg of Home Tie.. Monday, Man•h 31 - iJli'1eM,. Tws.IHy. April 1-ltark.lhlere. Weil- newlH); April 2--Amnwrnpnts. Thnra- day. April R- The 11th Commandment. F'rMq, April 4-T1ta Prodigal Now• Consider This After all, it is not the goes - tion of price which is the plain consideration when ha%.ng pho tographs taken,but the questions of likeness and permanence. Which are cheaper -photo- graphs which last a year or *o, and then fade, or those which last for fifty years and then are as good as the day they were taken? Our photographs are permanent and our prices reason ahle. J. T. FELL PHOTOGRAPHER Mrs. Hamlink and Miss 1.. Millar are. ' spending a les days at Toronto.