HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 1A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 THE SIGNAL CALENDARS Are going steadily. Not nlauy left. Get one by paying your subsiriptiou for 1`J19 at once. ssv urn( -FOIST trash --w MIS OODERIOH. ONTARIO. URSDAY. MAR. f27, 1919 THE TOWN COUNCIL SAVE, Because'- Saving ecause-Saving means greater power of accom- plishment -mastering expenditures that hold neither benefit nor satisfaction. 5 Pon SALE OR MT. PROPERTY BARGAINS. A good new red beck Minus, coatalning all weeremences. Garage, etc. Situated on Newple atnat, Godersch. Pine tiLi 1. SLOW cash W- er* with interest at 7 pa cent. Posaeaslnos May 1.. A.weltbu,lt frame hones on Trafalgar street. ler11. 11 dert1'o• closetoMay 'boots and churches.�S.n vaunt lots on Huron road. ,n cuep1ock; the beat garden ground in God,',ch. for NS() The W S Kelly house on Church street. One N the hest properties ,n Godersch. All con- aearraes stationary tuba. garage. etc. for swaasta. A good frame houses two las. am stable. ben' hose. good fruit trees. lar $1.540. T. GUNDRY, SSD •1 b1ae 119. Goderich. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE, -- Applscatme Inn the position of township rink II d the township o,t Colborne will be received by (the undersigned up Lemon of Tuesday, Apra Mh. Ii GORDON YOUNG, Reeve. R. R. No. 6, Goderich. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN. The United Fanners cif Ontario. having GOOD STORE TO RENT. THE STAND ON THE SQUARE. 1A carver of Kingston street now and kar seamy years occupied as . reetmmnt ala be /r net April 1st seat. Tots IS one ef the bet oda ea the Square. with comfortable Irving rooms w gstatrs, and • convenient back rename A first -Clan opportamly to carry ea • pd bmlinesa. For ler me. ctn.. apply 10 ROBERT MCLEAN. P. O Boa II/2. Godw.ch. Phone Si. 11162t POLI SALE. - AND INSTRUMENT FOR SALE.- A sew Imperial Mellopb0oe, all complete h crooks lsosthpsece, tic . also a good leather car In arse. For sale at a barrio. THOM- BDN'S MUSIC STORE, Godera-h. 30-:1 � 11 T kOSALE.- COMING ONE J yaw aid. Bred by -Meriden Stn ewaa;" dawn a fins dor sari Dark bay is coke As (sora hue smne4. GEO B WILSON la 13e onsmersoa 4, Godersb Township (R f(. No.2. [-oder wh). 56-11 purchased $ neat on the Live Stock Ex- change at the Union Stock Yards, Tor- onto, have procured the services of Mr. Charles McCurdy, a prominent commis- tionman of thirty years experience, and began operations on February 14. Lau week aae live sto le nal consigned to them than to any other commission man on the 1.5. 1.. why not send your live stock through the Par ren• Club and reap the benefit Each In- dividual work add on its own arras, from one bead to a carkoed. Seed • Iso of your fat sleek several weeks .n advance. so as to gees ample tome to arrant. c shads. Seed direct and know you are receiving every pal your stock is worth. Const nor, have the p iv, ege of choosing sorne- ose to aoouapsay thew Nock. One ern conned a bull kr which he wen offered re locally and received. alter paying all escrows. 1117 Another man realised 61.51 mere os ten Meets. Others are receiving umllar laments. 11'1 parties having tattle. stamp or hogs com- ✓ snlcate at once with EZRA FISHER or 1. K. KERNiGHAN, Live Stock �m�llr.ee. Calbarse Township Farmers' aewriar ('HI Rl'H NOTES. Rev. A. E. Jones, of Clinton. occupied the pulpit of North street Methodist church last Sunday and delivered two forceful sermcn. Rev. Dr, Rutledge cooducted the anniversary services at Wesley church, Clinton. Next Sunday will be Educational Day in Victoria street Methodist church. Rev. P. S. Banes, of Benmfller, will preach in the morning and Rev. J. H. Oaterhout in the evening. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 o'clock. All welcome. The services in North street Methodist church will be conductedl next Sunday by the Pastor, Rev. De. Rutledge. In the evening the series on "Pilgrim s Progress" will be continued; subject, "Farewell and PUBLIC NOTICE. rpoWN OF GODERICH-gOURT OF 11 REVISION. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SEWERS. Trial 1M0T1Q Mar 1. Tree Council of the Corporation of the Tows of Godes hr cautructed r a local improve • ant ■ sanitary sewn on Sootb street, between Brunie road and Raglan street. 2. The coat of the work is 5131161, of which Mn/.17 is to he pad -by the Corparatwo. The ap.cial rate per Tout frontage n fifty-nine mita. The special assessment is to be pad en twenty annual lostabneau. S. The estimated ktelame al the work is twenty years. 4. A Court a Revision will pe held on the Itch day of April. 12111. ata o'ebck p. m., at the coun- alchambeek town hall. in the Townof•(:oderich, for the puppet el Maury complaints against the proposed asaesements or the accuracy- a Irml- a measems interest' and. any o4het complaae wktch Pmaoss ,nterested m.y dour, to make sad I maths by lea cognisable by the Court. Dated at Godes oh this 24th day of March. 1919. L. L. KNOX. 40•2t Town Ca(rk SOWN OF GODERICH-COURT OF REVISION. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SEWERS. TA/CR NOTICE THAT 1. The Cothscd ol the Corporation of the Town of Gudernch has constructed as a local t e - smut • aaritary sewer on Broatt H5 road trout Cambrsdge street W Regent street. The cast of the work is 346••.2, of which • ailed r is to be pad bx the Corp ratan. The special rate per 100t Pontiac is 4A.4 tents. The special aeeassetnt s to he peed in twenty annual mitten/Knit. a The estimated laetrile of the work Is towel earl 4 A Court of Nevlson will be held on the 10th day of Aped 1u,9 at • o'clock p.m, at the cowa- rd chambers. town hall. in the Town of Guderiek, for OS porpoise n1 heartencomplaints amorist the proposed aaaesren1e ar the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other complaint which usletsted may desire to make and whish by kIFIgam table by the Coact Dated at (pdrr.ch tku ::45 day of March. ISP t. L. KNOX. 1 own Ctett. SHEARS, 9CI0s@le!r. SAws. CLIP- :a.t A7 Unlimited Quantity of PERS sad KNI VkS adline. An workiwd saarantds.heirt ;SHOW N Our (SODER ICH -COURT OF Barber Shoo 1 REVISION. town GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE Marin, se. David's street. or at west street at S.3 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERICII MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglers St.) Phone Al. WANTED. iiR. F. J. R. FORSTER. 1 EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Lake Home Surgeon New York OOpaAhthalm,e ' and Aural Hospital. mutant at k(arefrld'. pElyye IIb M �tt Golden Square Throat Hoe- pita Waterloo 5t S., Strait lord. TekpldNe 'M7. 1 At Bedford Hotel. Godrr ch. from Redoes- ! day. May A. 7 p. m., to Thursday, 2nd. at I CHER WANTED. -FOR UNION orhool section No. 11. Asbaeld and Colborne. -cess preferred Salary pin lutes to mirseence April 211h or moire Churches and patofbce rear school. Apply to J. B GRAHAM. Secretary, R. R. NA 1. Gorlerch WANTED 1 O RENT. - SIX OR oven room, luny -modern houw with garage. Boners man and his wife. no chldeen. Apply K;w S NAL OFFICE. W.24 UrANTEDTO RENT. -FURNISHED honer Of Mama, with all conveniences. Married couple: no children. Apply MRS. WM. MORROW %/VANTED.-EXPERIENCED larmrr and wile to lake charge of w t o0 largo and .n Mex. (:rod wages to ryhl par.,es and steady employment Mast furnish reference. Apply to D. W. MARSHALL, R.K No 3. Myth. (het. VOl" WANTED. -TO LEARN THE, it p,nnng trade. Good opportunity 1w • tory who wants to ken. Apply at THE SIGNAL. ANTED AN APPRENTICE TO p m. AUCTION SALE. AL'C IONuSALE OF HOUSEHOLD MRS. 71101 McEWEN will sell by publr auction. at Gundry'• auction rooms. Hamilton street. on SATURDAY. MARCH 29th. at 2 o'clock p. mthe following: One Belt organ :in good concision). 1 bedroom suites. dreamers. stan& springs and mattress complete. 2 beds, spiry and mattresses. : small tables. 1 parlor table 4 din,nxroom chairs, 6 kitchen c .4. 1 bedhcit and feathers, 1 gasoline stove tersely newt, 1 gaad,ne range.. 1 kitchen range (Gad Cheer). 1 Ifasi G, aunty suing m.rh,nr (rase 04 1M very best machines nn the ma,ket). • number I yards of carpet andod- cloth. 1 parlor couch. 1 bed couch a num er of qurks. p dare.. window -shades, .,heofter. lawn- mower. and other artsl•s too numerous to men e ♦ learn dre•smakiog. Apply to MRS. Terms cash, l'ELLOW. South street. Tt-tl MRS. THOS. Mt E W EN. GIRLS WANTED. -APPLY THE Pitmen rem GODERICH KNITTING CO. Intl _ CARDS OF THANKS. LOST OR FOUND. LOCAL 1MPRUVEMENT SEWERS. TAILS NOTICg THA r 1 The Council of t he Corporation of the Town of Godersch has constructed as • local improve. meet • sanitary sewer on Victoria street between St. Davids street and Britannia rood and on Be.anma read from Victory street 10 Cameros sir eel 2. The cost of 114 work ie 13''.77, of site\ 11.'76." s 15 10 be pat\ikby t e Corporation. Toe •prc..l rate per foot 1 tune is may cents. TM specter mireernent 11 to he paid in twenty anneal Instalments. I, The estimated ragtime of the work is twee y, years. 4 A Court of Rev non will be held on the 1045 day a Acrd lin..., at 6, o'clock p m.. at the council chamber., Coen hall. ,n the Town of Goderich. for the purpose of hearing complaints remit the proposed assessments or 'the accuracy 01 .lroot[yre measurements and any ether comps' nt whseb persons int:Rested may desire e0 make and wait[. 's by law cognizable by Ihe Court. Dated at Gudrrich this 2'8h day of March. 1919 .tin 2t L .Town LIXiNOrk. TOWN OF GODERICH-COURT oF• REVISION. LOCAL IMIROVEMENT SEWERS. TA Kg NUTII ITHAT 1. The Counc11 of the Corporation of the Tewn et Goderich has constructed as a local imignove- ment a sanitary sewer 011 Victoria street. between St. David's street and Nelson street. The coat of the work ,s *Lon. tt. of which 11372.2, is to be paid by tha Corpora in. The T. GUNDRY- : special rate pee fait frontage is witty cent.. The Auctoneer. special assessment is to be paid ,n twenty annual 'net alments. IOST.- ON MARCH 4th OR 5th, A J small, rd rnenxrandum hook, either al Samuel Johnston's sale. Colborne. the 4th contr. eon of Godepcb towed, p, the Goderich Planing Mull, or at Dunlop's hill. Finder will please leave at THE SIGNAL OFFICE and receive reward. The Signal can Rave you money on your daily papier. Her the clubbing alit OD Loge 7 of this issue. 1 CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FORD 1917 Ruflabont, in first-class condition, newly painted and overhauled. Will' be sold at a bargain. VICTORY BONDS Bought and .sold. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance J. Wr CRAIGIE 9. The estimated lifetime of the work is twenty years. 4 A Court of Revision well he held on the 10th VV ISH TO TENDER Ml' SINCERE day of April, 1919, at a o'clock p 01.. at the cool. -,1 chamber., town hall, ,n the Town 01 (;oderch, thanks to the neighbors and friends for many for the purpler 01 hearing complaint a`a,nat the kindnesses extended during the long illness of my popwrd asse.smena or the accuracy of frontage mother,and for exprer(on...I sympathy received me-aurrmrnta and any of her complaint• which upon the occasion of my bereavement by jtr tenons interested may desire to make and which death on the 11th inst. E. MONTGOMERY. is by law cognizable by the Court. - Dated at Godersch thi.2'dh day of March, 1510. NOTICE The Social Dance Chili w I1 hold a EUCHRE: ANI) 1)AN('E in the alasonle plall FRIDAY NIGHT. APRii. 4th, for the Soldiers' Memorial Funds. ('Ards ft 110 till 11 p.m. Dancing rill 3 a.m. Lunch served. .1et- arey's Orchestra. Admission t;enla 50e, ladles 24k•. Evorybod) come. 1- L. KNOX, 49 2t Town Clerk. WATCH FOR AUNT SUSAN'S ViSIT !worth W. lIetho li.f ('hureh F'ridaj. .torn fun See 11lnd.nt Carrs Et THE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON GAi'L'S ORF.AT DRATDR!O "THE HOLY CITY" IN KNOX CHURCH, EASTER MONDAY EVENING CHORUS OF 60 VOICES Miss Kota Lyttle, soprano Miss Mande Million, contralto Mr. B. V. Cott, tenor Frederic Tristram Egener, Moa. Bac., Baritone and Cond'r Tickets 2.Ic Hail." Men's Sunday Chub meets at 10 1. m. in the church .parlor. Sunday school and Bible classes at 3 p. m. At the Baptist church )next L.(wd'i Day the pastor will conclude the twtf series of consideration wish "The Joy of Life" and "The Law of Attainment " The evening subject should be of parti- cular interest to the young people. Bible school at 3 did B. Y. P. U. at 8 o'clock. A wholesome interest is being taken in the prayer services. The meet- ing next week at 8 P rev, April 2, will be in charge of the Young Men's Band. AUCTION,f!ALES• UCTIOfti SALE OVALUABLE FARM. VILLAGE CHATTEL UPERTY. 1 bare received lratraclawnt from MR. NELSON PEARSON to oder for sae at pisbli. melon. at the village ol Port Albert, on FRIDAY, the 1141 DAY ttf APRIL. 111114, at 1 o'clock p. m.. the lowering lands sad chattels Parcel No. 1, commuting 1J acres or tlrre- abasa lad he.na th. no�j1 part o1 lot No. a,in 4M and concarwn W . D.. Atw4444 There a on tow a frame barn dories and driving shed 20114 Wand n weU droned andttod clay loam and well fenced outside - Parcel No. 2. comprwng about 30 acres. being Park lots 1. 4. 3. t and 5 north of Melbour e street. and lot O on east sedan Wellington street. These tie no beikko s 00 t bis parcel. The land is a good black loam and well drained. Parcel No. 6. comprising ab tit 11, acres and being composed of the easterly two-thirds of Park lot No. 1, and Park 1d- 1 and :, south of Melbourne street. Upon thug parcel there p a p110(1 bearing orchard o•mrrmeng 4) apple trees The surd is good. Parcel No 4. The hotd7noprrly in the village of Port Albert. situate upon lot 37 east of Wel- bo0ggtoe street. comprising a tuck velem' hotel baAlding and bare • aa t II,g. granary ant cpen.b..0 and at one ase land. alar a rout - and heahosee. Ther0 • good well on the property 'tarnishing running rr in the house- 4 The above parcels will be red tor sale se m- atey. each subject to a r 1Kl. CHATTEL PROPERTY Hosaan.-On horse, reseal) years old. bred by Buckles Barberry; 1 bond hang .1 years old, bred by Bekeraeld; 1 road horse. 7 years old. weighs shoot MOM.; 1 drlwng horse. rising 7 years; 1 filly colt, riming 1 year old CATTLE,. -Five steers, rims 3 yearn rel 1; a) e ters. rising 2 rears old: 2 Indere. 1 year 414, I steer, 1 Feer old: 5 pelves. dairy 1 yea old; I ' cow, rising 7 years old due to calve May 1st; 2 cows. ring 4 years old. dor to calve May inch; 1 cow. due to calve Sentember 1st; 1 co. renw ` 1 years old, dos to cave klatch 'loth, 1 purebred Durham cow, due to calve. May 1st 1 puretwed Durham cow, wrath all call at aide; 1 purebred Ifurham bull. teem 3 years old, 1 port•' Med Durham heifer. hang 1 year old; 1 heeler. ✓ i)ing 4 Years old. +opposed to be to calf; 1 heifer. meg 2 years old. 2 dry cum. rung .4 years old. Pec One now, wit s pep.; 1 sows. due to pig April 1s1; 4 ewe lambs. lwrtauucrm, Etc. -(err diet drib 113 hoes). 1 steel andrmmer. 1 dm t 2l dram). as Menne make; 1 mower. 1 t\eae-haw eattivator, both Marry - Harris make: 1 74n.ent bolder, 1 rake, both Decnpg make: 7 walking plows. t *curlier, 1 twin plow, I Para No 41 lessl 2 miler` s -ultras attached; 2 lumbar ea I ws5wi hes oh ebsivieg.2 h.yraA, 114 v 1ttMclot le cream ae 14,le h, ten'• v- ,haa�r4lm a, 1 sat eros haw. 1 tr, t tel 1, 4 I I1. 1 on wit organ (good r sew), ore, a gean- Hty of wood and cedar pus's, a number rel 3 -inch and 1 -inch tile. and renseroius other articles. A quantity of hay. 2.9' bushels wed oats 172 O. A. C ). shout S4*) bushels 0l feed barley. ab,tut 1:e bushels of spring wheat and oats mined, about SOH bushels of feed oats. a number of hen. Ti Rrm or SALE,. -Aa to land. --len per Lent. at dim - of sale; bine In at days, when poesess,m will he given. cr possession may he given earlier en satisfactory arrangements briny made Inn balance. As to chattels - all amounts under 110, cash, balance on ten months' tone on furnishing approved font noses. Discount at rate o16 per cent. for cad' nn credit items Dated this 17th day of March. A. D. 1919. THUS-GUNDKY. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK ANL IMPLEMENTS. THE SIGNAL PRINfINGCO.. LIMI'IF D. 4't ei Isms Ss Appeal to Be Taken In O. W. S. Suit. A11 the members were pregent at the regular meetltlg of the tbwu eounell ou Friday evening. T. M. Johnson. town engineer, hub- mitterl lila filial report on the Inert Improve/petit 'sewers. constructed' ' In 1017.18, with the rlr't h s! ■aessmeat roll for each portion of s'wer. It was derided to Iiok a court of revision 1n this wetter on April 11th. The Women's( institute Pent i!1 a reglk•st for assistatkr 11 ...debits Wig a "Test rearm" Iu town fur the use of the travelling public. The Institute cousur mmil a fool for this porpoise heftier Hie war. leu the money had 1me1) wool for Reel ('row work. The rooms in view were - vier Woods' pool- room e1)41 1t was eathnested that the' expense for rent. furllshlyc,, water and light would 1e about #(a► a year. and 11 addition there would be the tost of (tic$ and tie .clary fowls super- intendent. The Iole•a Is to provide atl.owwotirtiuu for women anti chil- dren who come to town for a slat ,of pleasure or sol ppl►g and who would Ie gild to have �p plate to rest a while, perhaps take a sup of tette. and look over the latest newspapers. which slknlld be kept on hand. The natter Wats rcferrtal to (he sp*s•Ial I.)wwlttee. Aluueek Chapter. L'44. 1). E., pot in a. bid for two tag they.---olw .4111 July 1st for the benefit of thj', hospital. a1441 another at fair time fur' \\the soldier. memorial-. This request *as referral to 11)1' goerfad (bonnets•, x0(45*' 41f (4* 14ewbers expressing the opi ion that II stools! hardly do for the ennead! to grant elk• reyueat so .far lu allvtlwe of the days Inrllttu11W1.a It was decided to rruit the annual fee of 51:1 for membership li the 1•141oes of Canadian 11m11cfprllties, Ills Wor- ship declaring that gots TRIM wry Il.a•Ivot for the money. Tllr city council of Hamilton sent for approval a petition to the I'ro- chs-fnl (,overunwut asking that the ecce • from ''(mars lsnueal to owners Of rotor rehieie's SlwHdd (e 411144 over to the respective mnuiclpnlftleea in w•111-11 said ow•In1r- reside. and that the fines and fees Imposed lit• the magti((- tl•ntes in local 1'4,lite ('Hurts. except when the prtserlttlWl nM Haiti( tlterl by a1i oni..r of the Government, 41ka11d Is. paid over fir the wuulctpality. Re- ferred to special e.immittew. The t•Ity cooaell of Toronto slaked c.-itsrrath.l iu rnkr(a bar flee i)swrtIuu of elanw41 la the hallway .Act to re- store the right of munirimalitl.s to rotor., their highways. It was 41'- tided to fierWnrl a resolution to Cittawitalong this Ih5. -► request from thy iNowtuion Atli - amp that use council forward a, peti- tion to the Federal I'arliameut staking that wartime prohibition be made lerwal1rnt w•ms Perot to the special committee. air. Alex. /Stratton tendered his resignation 1441 (own Inetisurer "owing to weight of ' years and Infirmity." T1s eonswi1 ))tlemtni tlw reslglatlon, to take- effect as 11011 as the balks Were .untied. There tens some dls-usslou regard- ing the eyesores( 0111414' annual the river 1111,1 lake hanks by the custom of dumping 1111 c1111" and other refuse at those ponces 111 Siwe 4111e4 it is de - mi ral.l.• that .i.h,'s be usrl for filling-in purposes, but the hndls•rhnhatc dump- ing of all sorts of rubbish is what is *00)tilt! tied of. The cemetery awl parks ,ommitNw was empowered to net In the mutter. Hy11W No. 7. appt!infhng If. 11. Long auditor. and bylaw' Nu. 14. appointing 1', alnrph)•- pul re" s(u•gt•Ilnt, 11(91' put through 1.11 4heir stage•.', au11 the 49)IIIY eft 4114.11 went .Into con11nittee of t1* whole to hear Mr. ('harm, ()arrow, town solicitor. with refereno' to the c nit/trio [West Share Railway lawsuit. Mr. ()arrow .gave 11 cbn-Is' but very livid reeled of the ease and the vitr- iol's points involved. .t(Ya)nl lug t4) the bylaw the •)• fr the gnar- ant4aal bonds was lei IM pelt! out N- th. Toronto General Trusts 4'orle.r- ation.as tn,st4a' pro rata w•Ith the pro- pa11.' of 11e lulgnnrrindeed lends. The nng11arnnfeeff Iw,;HIs Were nerr'r 140144 4111,1 there ser( therefore 1111 "proceeds" froalaBwill, /111,1 al r. (Alrrow tbutendeal rhe rusts 4'orporatlon hal no proper authority for laying any anoint from the proceeds of ole glaral'tnd bonds. The town 414,1 not know until later that the isogon wowed immix hlfd.root 1140.11 !1.141. Then there am( the point of the Apai payment of the fen ler" trot. 1w141 hack smiler the byhte-. An order for (he payment of this 444 11141y watt made by MT. Jostler )11eldheton .m the strength of an Ntlid)4411 of .1. W. 34uye's which,' It wait afterward. learned, was. utterly false. TM gree_ t difficulty now in (-mm4441011 with this point is that flip town Mn(•11 of that date failed. In spite of Mr. ()arrow's a,Ivk1•. to appeal from Judge Middleton's order. JH(ley 1(n4Ierinnl (n'mh,w•tl the original snit In ti judgment which, Sir. O1)rrow• thoayghr, did not deal with tie case 1,4 nIl. 4)n the appeal ('hied Justice Meredith wits ag•lk,t She town, Olive other Judges ass'nfed wlfh 11141 Jndgtnr'ul, and s.1 r. Justle,' Hnlgins gall( a dissenting opinion. halting that the moneys were wrongly mold out by the 7trnsfa ('orpiralfon. K11)(11*(1111* 111111 !futon township olrnphed a stronger position thin the other muni- cipalities. ma they were net r-p1o'menterl 4n (he . matter of Judge 31l,dleton's 41n101. aur. (:arrow put the nntnleipoNties' elnitn14 essecirely 1414 fnllOWP: 1. There were no proper certlfleatow for plying out tiny money. 2. The finml ten per cent. wits paid 41114 I1111or41Ierly. 3. The llteest nn 1.384,4511) (shout $18,000) was paid out without pro - MRS. WESLEY W. FiSHER will sell by public auction. at lots 7 and 8, Maitland concession. Gob inc. near Ben- milkr, on MONDAY. MARCH 31st, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. the fol- low ing : HORSES. -One agricultural gelding, 10 years old; 1 general purpose gelding, 7 yreil old: 1 roadster colt, rising 2 years, sir by Red McKinney; 1 draft colt, rising 1 year CATTLE. -One Holstein cow, 3 years old. milking; 1 Durham cow. 5 years old, milking; 1 Durham cow. .5 years old. i milking. 'The above cows freshened in December an 1 are supposed to he in calf again to Poled Angus 1 ull. One Durham ' cow. 3 years old. due to calve before sale; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old. supposed to; ba in calf; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, � supposed to be in calf: 1 Angus cow, 5 years old, due in September; 2 Durham heifers, 2 years old, supposed to calve in September; 1 purebred Polled Angus bull, rising 2 years old; 1 Angus heifer, 1 year old: 1 Angus steer, I year old4 4 Angus calves. 4 months old. SHEEP, -Six good grade ewe% Pecs. --One registered Berkshire hog. 1 year old: 1 registered Berkshire sow, 2 years old, due -April 12th; 2 York grade sows. due April 280; 2 purebred York SOWS, due June 1st; 2 store pigs. IMPLEMENTS, ETC -()rhe foot -cut Deering binder. 1 3 ft. -cut Sylvester mower: I Frost & Wood steel hayrake, •1 Chatham wagon. 1 Deering steel roller, I set disc harrows. 1 apt farm trucks. 1 riding plow, 1 two -furrowed Crown plow, 1 new No. 21 Fleury plow, 2 single plows, I set sleighs, 1 top buggy (nearly new), 1 open buggy. 1 democrat carriage 1 Maple Leaf plate grinder, S -inch plates: 1 Fleury steel circular saw (frame and taw 24 inches), 1 nearly -new 28 -inch circular saw, 1 set scales (1.000 lbs.), '2 scufHers, 1 s t pea harvesters (nearly new), 1 combined hay and st. ck rack, 1 fanning mill, 1 new set team harness, with canvas tugs; 1 set team harness, leather tugs: 1 set plow harness, 2 sets single harness, I tet team web lines, 1 set 140 -foot douhletrees (nearly new). canvas belting (8 -in. wide), one second-hand threshing telt, 15 gond cedar post* 3 cords rough short wood, for large hnx stove;1 new wagon torgue, com- plete; 50 bushels O. A. C.,72 seed oats, 50 bushels Rennie's heavy yielder teed oats, horsepower, rods and knuckles; machine belt, pulleys. grain bags. forks. hogging Chain, and nurrenait other articles.. Everything advertised must be dis posed of, the farm is sold and proprietress is moving to a smaller p ace. TERMS. -All 411ms of 110 and under, cash; over that amount. 7 months' credit will he riven on furnishing approved )Hint notes. A discount of 4 per cent straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. MRS. WES. W. FISNER. Proprietrea. T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. I-. • "J grera tertlticatn+. 4. The engineer W110 Was t0 Certify the certificates should not have hero the engineer of the construction min - patty : he 1411411114 have been appointed under the Railway Act. 5, The order of Mi-. Jwstl(•e 3diddle- ton was wade upon a fraudulent state- ment of facts. "Since we Rare gorse so far 111111 111- eurresl s) nitwit esp•uae it would he a pity to let the case drop without going to the (motet of last resort. There is a fighting Outlive. and ober* 44) 81,ueb 1he at atake'It would seem an advisable thing to have an appeal." This wail Mr. ()arrow's opinion. and Mr. E. Ihnuglas Armour. K. l'., of Toronto, w114) has been connected with the care, las given the town similar advice. When the committee had rime's and 11x• council resnwtrl Reeve !Meta Moved. srvoodwl 417 Councillor Wallis. that the mourn take .111) further action. t'uuul•Illor Humber moved lu amend- ment. monodist by I' 'floor Parsons, 'Oust this Connell. In touljunetion with the other municipalities interested in tlw West Shore Itatlway, (10 appeal the action to the l'riey ('oui,rlI. each muni- cipality to allure the toast pro rata with the a F of bonds guaranteed, awl in event of winding the omit t11e $mount obtained he dh•idtal pro rata. a There voted for the amendment Coun- ef:tors Mitchell, Walker, Humber and Paratxls: against. Reeve Davis, Deputy Reeve Clark. Councillors Wallis and Story, and Mayor W1g(e broke the tie by voting 'nay," which means that the Tor- onto General Trusts Corporation is to re- main undisturbed and the town is to make no further effort to recover its money; THE LADS IN KHAKI. Capt. Isaac Hetherington. formerly o(' the Ihlst Battalion, sa led on Monday for home. Soldiers are now - returning in large numbers and a score or more have arrived the pa -t week. it is difficult to keep track of them all, but those whose names we have secured the last fen, days are Norman McLeod. Lorne Johnston, A. Kirton, W. Burns, L 11. McLeod, J. Felker, L. Chrystal, James Taylor. J. H. Marshall and A. C. Robertson. Others are expected to arrive within the next few days. So far as pos ible the returning men have been met and welcomed by Mayor Wigle and members of the town council and Sergt. 1'. Pritchard, of the Great War Veterans Association. Pte. Lorne Chrystal arrived on Monday and is visiting his par. nts. Mr. and Mrs. A S. Chrystal. It is thirteen years since he was last in Godes-a-h. He enlisted in Saskatchewan with the 203rd Battalion. tta ion went overseas early in I91S ani was at the front for three or four months during the heavy fight ng last year from Amiens to Louai.,Ile reports at London April 7th and expects to return to Godetich for a week or two before going back to the West. Pte. Harvey 'Sea- ttle, who arrived last th, was u 41 close who enlisted in they early stage of the wear. He was working on tlw 14. T. it. at Strnffonl at the time and went )versals 1y September, 1914. Early in 11115 Ir Went to Frolic** Bud wax with tb' 1st 'Canadian 11attalion In the 'wary fighting In the Ypres salient. .le• was al N4u4-e ('hapelll'. 11H' Sr I battle of 1'prea (where gas was nrst read 1. 1"estulert and La Bassos.. on June 11th, 1915, at l'nlll'lp-• he was hurled In a mine exploulnn and 541)14 In hospital lu France and England _for Ilsnrt sh tits. dater he returned n France 111111 remnhng1 4111 duty there Until January 1)11, of this year. 11.' In the youngest w1n 41f ton• bile John Beattie of the Hayfield rad. DEATH OF ROBERT Me1LWAIN. A Man of Many Aetivitles. His Death Is Fel as a Great law Mr. Itttla•rt %lellw'afu, storekeeper at Nile, mei one of the best-known meta 11 this hart of Huron county, died on Friday night, at the age of sixty-elglit years. 11e hath been seriously 111 (or the last six months; and medical aid teemed of no avail. Throughout his illness he maintained his bright and chirrful disposition, having a solde of welcome and appret•fation for 1,11 who welt tH see 111M. Mr. Siellw-af11 was horn on (he old Mcllwatu homestead In West Wawa- 1a)a11. 11147 mile twat of N11., In lk51. alai' lived there until 1/474, when be (omnw'urwl his btaflwiw career at Nile: lu po11(1(s Ile was a 1.1.1eriel, and being a public-spirited wan his influence was tt•id(•spreail. lie was postmaster of Nile until the oaks was closed last )•(a11•, was clerk of the township of Colborne, secretary of the I)ungauo)u .tgrleullural fl.u•1(•Iy---a podtlon he Ia.1 held for sixteen years -land there- for of the West 1Wawanosll Fire 'mow - mire t'niuiwny. For many rears he had been an active wemler of NUe Iiethoillst church, was a wrwber of tow trustee hoard also 1.1'rreetsry of tlr Sundry school. (ow of the mead uu- amitosiwg of men, he Iwpn'ss•11 erery- • with Ilia honesty and xfulerity, and his deati► (Testes a gnat feeling of hiss In the enwwunity. lits kindly acts sou for 11140 11 heart 4)? friends, N'llie11 w'ai manifested by the large ler ofpeoplee who attended the fun-rat sortie.. in Nile church (111 Ruu- day afternoon. Rev. J, W. Blowy preachwl au exceedingly comforting an14 appropriate sermon from John 14':1-:f. He spoke very feelingly of Mr. Jlcllwalli s 4'hristhtu exlerh•la1', of his clear and definite vision of -tie life Iey.1n1.•' For Iden dearth 14041 mo sting. the grave 1141 vietory. winch syuq)athy is felt fur the Iie- narel family. Resides "Mrs. Ate- Ilw•aiu, there are two daughters. MN. \Wu1..Wah'on of West \t'altmlax,h and Mrs. F'real Jarvis of Alberta, anti two' SOUS. L,a,lwrd and Frank, at holo•. The ilfterinent took phot 111 1)um- galllnon cemetery. The pallbearers Were William Watson, n, Satuuel T)w- leaven, WIllt1lll 3h'Ilw•alu, 1'►evid Mc- Ilw111. Andrew 31'•Ilw•nin 111111 T. 54.- 11714'e•. At 1hulgauulon the funeral prof -motion vial' met by the, business men of tow c111age 111 a body, who luan•hetl at the lintel of the proeessiuu . Io the burial pb(e, a silent but Slope• -- sive 1ribnte to a 'Ban Who was lure,( 1110 rests-141mi by all. The minister will conduct the services in Knox church next Sabbath. In the morning Mr. McDermid %vitt-Rive- the sisth sermon in the series ..n the Lord's rayer. Subject: "Forgiveness, Divine and Human,' The subject of the sermon in the evening will be: "Religion De- fined." in the Sabbath schist)! at 3 o'clock there will be an open session with stere- opticon views of the life and work of ' Dsvid Livingstone. Parents and friends invited. Hope lives eternnl. No don't 4Ie- tpatfr, you have a chaurr 11,155 to have your hope rel,;1se11 -11 141141 Orf clothes 1 „froom I'ridlam the tailor. - ' i ------------- Advertise in The Signal. it pity,.. Mach interest Is bainr taken in the otatorlo, "The Holy City," to be sung in Knox churt h on Easter Monday evening under the direction of Mr. Egener. iB order that all may attend, the admission price has been set at the low ftg1re of 25c. Tickets may be had from members of the choir, at Porter's bookstore or at I' Dunlop's drugstore. GUNDRY'S SAL E REGISTER. 1 FRIDAY, April 11. Sale of farm. ',dace and .. cAllhaer', all (lel propeo'rlycl, ock p by MrmNelson Pearson, at Port Tugsoas, April 1 - Auction sole of fain .'ode and implements, property of Mr. 7' t4. Mc - 1 Carney. lot 11. c,,,wr Bron 16. Gndc rich town -hip. WRoxRvnAY, April 2.- Aucrlon sale o( fatal slick and implement.. lir Mr. lame+ EI.1ey, lot i 3:. concession 13. Mullett THUM sIrA r. Aird 3. Auction .:dr of farm .rock ■n1 ,mp)ements, property of 41r. Hugh Shiclda, 1041 7 and S. once.axm 1. Ashfeld. MARRIED. CORNETT -BLACK. Al Knot church manse, Goderich. on'Wedne day. March .al. by Rev. R C. McIMmd, Mss Get rude C. Black, of Goderich, to Mr. DanielOIED. F. Catlett of Owen Sound. . KAI'TRI-.- In (.nolerich tow,nhi e, net Friday: Much 21, Alfred Mallet, aced (9. years. Me_ILWAIN.- Al Nile. we Friday. March 11, Robert Millirem, aged 4, beau. NEW ADVERT ISEMENTS --March 27. Page Teacher Wanted --L:... 11, Ashh• 1.1 and Colborne 1 Caryl of Thanks-11'4,ss F. Mont gomety L Report Inc 191. -Sun Life An,urance Company 2 M ernorandum (look Last Lent, at Signal .,. 1 Band Instrument io Sok-TM,m,o'a Music Stove 1 F uche and Dance --.social D:Hrr Club .: 1 House Wanted 5n Rent -Apply at Signal Office 1 Clerk Wanted-Townclup of Colborne - 1 Furnished House or Rates Waned -Mrs, WM Marrow.. ..... ......... .. . k Notice re Local Improvement Sewer -Town of Goderich .... 1 Notice re Local Improvement Sewer -Towna t;ldeneh .. . . t Notice re Local Improvement Sewer -Town of Gorierch 1 Notice re Loral improvement Sewer -Town of (i,elehcn ... 1 BANK OFMONTREAL ESTABLISHED OVER 100 mins Collections for Farmers Farmers, who wish to receive prompt returns on shipments of Cattle, Grain, Fruit and Dairy Products, should draw on the con- signee through this bank. A Bank of Montreal Draft is presented promptly and remitted immediately on collection at lowest rates. • 4 2 w a t1A0 berlrt.MOt1n(Ato, A.W. Strickland, manager, Goderich Branch. • 41 - oss,.nar.r.s str .��,�