HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-20, Page 1210 .Thnradag, Mare lt 20, 1919. Wall Paper 4th us is a SPECIALTY not a sideline. Novi'I:thatthe boy. are re- turning front overseas, make your homes nice and bright to receive , them. WAI,E, i'APER aitl do it. Our stock is -COMPLETE • and PRICES most REAS- ONABLE. Select now 061T1'ART. KF:NNF:1117.-=After a eM►rt Ulatorit Dorothy 4:ndy. wife uI Mr. Patrick K4umtdy. mowed d nwey at her rad - dente. 1'epr»'14 street, 044 'Nadal last. 1'114. 11tse6s041 taus 111 114.1' slxty-wstyad Fear. 1llh•rment sill lake plate In the It. C. et. tern, 1'ulleiraq, blaorrOw 1 Friday). Requiem foam will be held St. Peter's .purees. MONTS:MMF:11Y. -There passe 11 away at her residence. Kenya .trtet. o44 Tues11ay. Sburh 11th. Ellen (lrrer. relict of the Inde William Montgomery. The dtteaseel holy was hurl in th N lye of Armagh. Ireland, nines' years ago. coming to ('aladr4 in her sixteenth pear end settling at Prescott. 1'Iwte she sari 1wu•rt"I to Sir. Mont- gomery and fifty yea re ego tlwy mine to Intro enmity and settled Im the township of Hos Wk. where tlw village of Corrie now salmis. After Iwlug there for a few years they frayed to llukola, hitt after a short neidPnce casae bark to Huron toanty and for the pu't thirty yeure Mrs. Montgomery had lived in (1441erteh. Ming trnitl_turl to INT Mal through illness for the past eleven yt•nrs. 11( the Gamily two wins 11041 two daughters sire left : 11'illlam, of Halston. '1', s.: Joseph. \luutana : Mrs. 11.5141l,10n, Edgerton. Alter. 44wl Miss Eliza. at borne. The 1411141'441 was 110111 ou Freshly last. the services twine i►1 4.h44rge of Rev. I,r. 11411IesIge and i1t' ..1. E. Font. 1'M• pallbearers were sic nephews of the deceased : W. .1. ' 1;rem. W iaghaw : Bert I;neer. I(, route; 11. J. Had .1. 11. 4 ri r, $taUley Itownship; 4.414rer end 51414 in I;reer, .A1,1.uu1. I THE GUI)ERICH MARKETS. ,J 1(1" TTIE.-.1n 1,111 and esteemed .• T14uaeo.r,a1arch441). f resident of (iterirh tout, anti town- s newt. parr bs.h $ r.iS to a YM ship was rent 1 'eat loy (tenth 4,11 Thun+- Ont.. pet ba -h. to : ala}. Alxrch Lith. when Mr. 'Juhn Ntu ler ter. hn.1e ' to "' -- Beattie bird at his 1 o1( the Pow-, pee bu-b - 1. to _ 00 Nuc\wheel. ter bush.. . .•r to ..- Bayfield road in his eighty-fourth, Flout. teu10r. permit ... 54.84 40 54.;5' year, niter a short illness. Mr Belat- rneur. (terror. a cwt 5.73 to 5 410 &"u, .'"F• tie was testi" at Petri' head, Aberdeen• Vet tai 44.o,i to 1_00 aborts, per tau ,. 11 w to CAM shire. Y1t'aald, anal come tit ,'anal("' Ray per tat •• ••-• 15.1(1 to 14.10 i1( 14471. He w'as lagglgt•utau fur the Meats. ,sow. per rlb . kOi to 6An G. T. H. at Win haat for fotozeal's, Ilea Rutter. per lb ... .. .Cato ,i"1 K Cre they) Nutter, per Ib... .N! to ,51 and at Clinton for sootIrl•r'pt.riod of ,fogs, toe -a. per doe .... .06 to . .fir four years. and thea 1"r fifteen years Ponape.. per bush Lm W , held a siwilnr s,.il with the Cattle. bid. her: Owns.. lr1 cwt. II.V► le 111.:0I'-5 1 10101.10, butchers' oordiout.t.e, est.1a:Wto 19,54 G. 'I'. R. in (,o(le►•i(•h, and about IMat Rams. tint weight. per es '• .. 1730 tr 17.50•0 went into the dairy business, 111 which Lambs...... Ism to Illy .Igo, was r 1 during the trutaindrr Hide.. ppa►r lb • •• sett to .tl gytw ebeemittes. ke ,to 2.:6 of his life. fu 1902 he rat to the farts on the Hayfield toad in 4.oalrtie1l Keep )411' tett "u the eart► and township. H'i e was married at Stlg- d"h1 Ix•' tra(hir•g for the 04l 44111. ,tam to Vary l'. I►ickwnl, whoyun Reach ter tie of 1 1idhem the tail?era 'fires, wish three sons and' one dough• soots' t it r lNtit. NMI em n h etre 1 . )O g ,tet. Frank H.. V. T. R. telegraph miry la sly \operator at (:uelp)tc John 11., of (xwle.rieh township: W Harvey. at h and !Writ. Willison Bolton, of Hamilton, :1l1 were 1 fort the klneral, which te141k place to Maitland entetery on Saturday end was under \,aeric auspice.. The officiating .'lergytnen were Rev. R. C. !defter - mill and Hey. James Hamilton, and the pallbearers were A. S. Chrystal.Geo. M ower4}', ,'has. Edward an4P14 W. F. Clark. 4 IKE.-Mr. Eleestt•r V, Oke dirt, of uttureixn after 11 brief illness at his to residence. 117 '1'eMNlbitw avenue, "realm. me the 2stle 4.1 February-. Str. 10 sacs sworn at Be 'Iler thirty-two year. 11411. Hr ens wlnta101I 1,t 110110- ri4.h end Chatham.end went to To- ned., when eighn fleyear- 4,f are. ,He emeses, the empiuynn•ut of the 'Connate ne Clo, ('o.. ).td., with which company 1 he remaimsl until the time of his eke- i Bens•. Ilis position was tint 1(r per- - 1 t•hnsing 1474.11.1. He war greasily- reenlist by his employers, and had a Targe clr,-le of friends. He leules •u wife sod three yogt nIchildren. Norge. 1-10111:111s 11 1141 Sorts. A brother, Signaller 1.. W. like. is with the Can - mitten Expitrlltlutau•v Forex in Siberia, 111141 another brother, 6'11•. A. E. like. son ell 49th the 1'81mM:1n army in Fraw••. He .tis brval111et1 1101110 lust (all, has in7 lost , leg 1,t the battle of 1'1.s'11e11da011'. '('Ip tote 51 r. 4Ike IcII r Metl SPECIAL TO CLEAR 2(1 dozen tueu's, Police Braces made from good quality, to clear at 23c 25 dozen ire!! - Canvas Gloves 11,ctt IDlcol, in grey only, to clear at 22c M. Robins OPEN EVENINGS WEEPING ECZEMA SOON RELIEYED A PerfectTreatmentFor This Distressing Chi t alai WastsO 0,11."1 had an attaok of Weeping Eczema; so bad that air clothes would be wet through at ►Imes. For four months, I sufi'errd terribly. I could get no relief uadl I Wed 'Fruit -a -tires and 'Soothe Salva' The first treatment gave me relief. Altogether, I hen* used three boxes of 'Soothe Save' mad two of ', 'Fruit-a-tivesand asentirely well" W. HALL. Both these sternag remedies are gold by dealers at 111170. a box, s foe $'.50, or sent oa receipt of price by Fruit•a-tires Limited, Ottawa. "Fruit -a fives" lo also put up in a trial alas which sells for 25o. the inertias for the snow ■e 114 41R•ie paid for it. 'I'M" beea good oppor- tunity for the ensue"' (o get a supply 811 11,4,441. The stat meeting sill be at the 14004.• "f 51 re. Ww. 4 ur.y ort1'ut•sliy, .tpril 4th. beginning Nt _ p.m A cordial Ins 'intim, is rt fended to every• one to tome 11 WI you sIII be heerllly aAni"s"es (bM' Itiou to I*In aid of Iry rem SunItn nn ♦frit J. B. (; rubs m, Nev. A. N. A. C. }'rash homemade (wady at 11. T. T* *dwarfs'. '!Lake some bo. slth you. n mode. but friends leets will be [,"axed to know albs is reed ('ring. COLLINSON. - The death aloes place ver} .uddeuly at St. Jima***boaeltal, London. un 11'ettneliday. March 12th. et Mr. John Al- fred Collinear, for many years a resident of Goderich. The late Mr. Collinson was torn On the Base line, Hallett, fifty-seven years ago. and wee a son of the late John Collinear. He Was a carpenter by trade and for the past seventeen years had been in the employ of the (1. T. R. here. He unites eent au operation satisfactorily ilq.Mouday of last week. and his tnex• peeled death from collapse was a severe shock 1(t his friends. The Mei:wafted L was nuniarried 'and made his borne with his slater, Mrs. SVM. Lawns, '-lo- torla street. where the funeral service"'► was held on Monday last. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, of St. Georges church. officiat- ing. Intervent was hoa11e in tolborns cemetery. Ile (caves four slaters and three brother*: Airs. 11'4. la .,hang and Mrs. 1'. E. •Bock. of Guderich; S1ra. John Sands. Vancouver: Mrs. S. Mc- Cool. Heillett- township; George, of Blyth; '1 illiaw. of Cull..rne township, and Robert. of ('hilliwack, B. P Among Hume from ant of tows wbo attt'oded the funeral were: Mr. and Mee. l;eorge Collinson. daughter Mary and sons William and Jobs. of Blyth; Mr. and M. William Brost', linnets township; Robert (ickerliue, Bl'tlr: AV. H. Ball. Boase line; H. H Hili, Auburn: Mr. ars! Mrs. George Collin - SOIL Kiutail: Mr. and Mrs. McCool, Hallett township: Joseph, 11. Bleck, Sarnia. and Mr. Ellison. of London. The pallbearers were Messrs Jesse Mountain, Oliver Clark. James Pipe. Wilson Brownlee. George Westbrook and George Bradford. HI 1111 11T444.N.- (.4•ptahl E11w-441d Itl►Iwrtson. a former resident of 1:4,e1e- rk•h and for many years n prominent 11reat Lakes mariner, diol 1,t Iris hone at Naruia on Saturday night. at the urn' of seventy-three veers. 11IS death 0hIow.i1 an lllntws of ran wleksi dllr- 11 it'll. f"l lowing an HO 111111 14e 111 r4kr. 'optaim Rula•rtwm slim Morn at : IItals•thtos ll. 'weer (:11rmn.sple, and Orange terrier. The high nplp4nr1,1tleu 111 which he wets IIP(d by (1w, many friends 41111 mourn Me fairly Bemis• ems 011110111141 by the wonderful 111S - INN! of norm tributes ut the funeral. 1114interment Meek Mae.. 448 51.441111 1.10rewud-cemetery. Tho 11ltw1Imwl sum a- son of Ow late '1'm. and tint (Ike• of Heurneller. i,twl lessee also 0110 sister, Elsa SI.. a• well as a large circle of frleal,I null rldutll'1•s at Benmlllpt to mourn his early death. He sax mer- riest in Emile to Katie Worrell let Polito, nod IN,111 t4N1k III Ile same dry. and 1,t the time of hes death Ills young •44110 811.0. 114) critleally ill of mien. ij IIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIflHI IIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIL Real Snappy Footwear AT POPULAR PRICES Have les show you our new arrivals in stylish spring and snntlller footwear, in all leathers, with high and low heels. Footwear with snap, and styles that should please \'on. No trouble to show you. Our Repair Department is fitted with the latest mod- ern shoe machinery, including an electric driven stitcher for sewing NEO1,IN and leather roles. Try a pair of our new J. T. S. Rubber Heels. Without doubt the best Rubber Heel on the market. Try a pair and be convinced, They Bost no more. WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN 1111111IIN11AiIHIHIIIIIIHIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII all IR r 1R 14.'51 )11 NRI1 -The lion1111M81a I114rr Lauder," Inky. Inert in the 5blple Lee( )R rr euh•rtaiuuu•ut o11 Friths} war who t'ha pf night. RUTH. Tt'E, WAI. Mar. Is. A M1csioR1\t. I1*L .-A largely at- ,ttmdad slatting wee held in industry Hall for the purpose of discussing the building of a suitable memorial for local 'soldier boys who went oyenw'ae. The general opinion was that the lest memorial would be to erect a town (hall and dedicate it to the soldiers, so ft is now op to the council to subunit a by- law to the people for the raising of money for this purpose, which it Is like'y the) ,A SI do ace soon as they can severe figures and plank . MILLION FF:IT or Loos. -The Gedde* Tyson Company. owners of the Blyth sawmill. bare finished operations In getting one M the largest stocks of logs that bays ever been in the mill yard here. there being about l,(44K1,0110 feet. the family afterwards c-ntue to hale- he, expect to *tart the sawmill this sires. !hiring iNV llml' I I,IIIIeI tf41 With week. Mr. Geddes *tales that he has the Beatty tine 4,f sten users. the late the output all sold at a golf"', 11orvevsl tont to %u ruin nlam►t 1x7 fl are, no it will mean a Lot of work for NISI %is sie essiveIy 444 charge of INffPn•Ilt 1"d" n( flint 11"4,' If," "I" Stubbs CHAPTER OF ACCIDESTb. - Mr. the masers"' for a ter of yens. Stubbs took one of his hones out for until the I,tines it erre ort in exercise oe 4unda}, taking with him his iiia cull 1v+ntiutwtl w itis the latter sister and Miss Johnston. When they gotout u the o the oto oar M into mat until the Sluiu,r'h a'as buuicIied } } g g i11 1S'.NI. Hr saes master ref the hitter stream of water, which was running steamer mail it wee Wunder! on Isle Rowel i11 1104444. Slave that time hr had led11,tl 1,l Sarnia. Hr was IN lee merriest. and Is survived by his seemed wife 1 formerly Miss Sb1'ouiwll of 17011erl4.111. 4,110 son, Homer, nod two daughters. Mrs. Thos. H. Cook of Sarnia and Sirs. I Iuwer 1''rst, of Sault Pate. Marie. A funernl service was held my the residence of Ilis son-ln-law a1 Marline on Monthly evening. and 1,11 Toewdrty 1 11 remains sere brought to I:alerich Hied Interred In 51,1111,11111 cemetery. 'Ile burial seri4e herr sass emeslo mets by Rev. 1t. 1'. 114-- 4Oermld, and the pslllbearers were 1'mit . A. 51. Mlwphent, *'rept. Alex. Lawson, Capt. Wm. 111111110.00 11 MI Mr. Jsun'% Doyle. The n'mnhl. were n0- IY,IIIIN1111111 10 tiooh'rh•h ley Mr. Hurter Itolwrtsotl and 51r. F,dsarel *'tack, sot 111111 7rruldwon 1,r the deenslrl. 1 'apt. Robertson sus One of n family of 010V.n and Is survive, by two six. tees: Mrs. Willis, of Exeter, and Mee, l'etrr. Wylie. of Toronto. and four hnithrrs: $8mnrl, of i.lirltm,w; Bil- lion'. of Port EIgin:.Alfntl, of Super- ior, 11'Is•Itn,ln, awl Jahn A.. of (:ode- Aabneid Soldiers' Aid ('hale. The A. M. A. 1'. met at thele 1,l. of Mrs. 1(d. 5t(Whimey un Mtatyh 7th. 1rein* t10 the last foe shipment ieing sent o44 Slang) Ilth the Circle had to meet the week iwtore in order to get the gaols all In. 1n the business me•Pt• Ing we d4,usted *111 ho Ityron Sani- tarium. *25 to one of aur ,tshtleld ,bops who I. In that sanitarinm. and the MI - hiller'. *0.011, WAIN w.uf 10 (110 (.MI- 11r1'u'4 shelter. Roderick. Following i. the 11,41 of gaa1N pissed through (:,Merlon censoring committee: : a 1•1,114144 4111414.11141rta, *14.24); 1( 4.1111,'44 'combinations. *111.23:21 pairs woman's irnwers, *21.111); 3 dP•s.lrig NntvlulN, 163.75: 1 (Illd'se nightdress, .Ake; 3 splits pyjamas, $12.54i; :::.[slits, 712.110; 59 'lairs children's NIoeking,., *444.75; �h plain $01'ks, *:74.73: 1 item and ,evert, *2.25; :t padre bny'x pants, *3.00; 7 1441"'1 (hi1d's (omh111M loll. *54,73; 21 chll,'N underskirts. *:11.25; 0 pair" seeks, *11.215; 2 pairs stockings. ;2.00: 4 pllr. mta•klnjp, 5.1111: 2 pairs Oak - ingot. rine: It einfiniii.4I garment's, PAM: 1 (bud's dress. $_'.:I,; * skirt", *al440: 1 oIdM'. waist. 25e: 2 pairs child's drawer", Alk•; 2 ehlld'n Milt11, *1,110; 10 towel*, *2.01; 1 cap, lake; 12 lbs. yarn, 1111,00; A 1M.. j'arn, *14.0440; total, $257.110'. 1'h., amount of tote! shlptn0mt for 4iere•h was *237,*. - Tle Circle Mg un 1111 IA a quentky of pool scotch fingering yarn for male, s1, nnyhrw' wishing to pw,rchese any eon get It from the committee or at ' �oLaolalr>v, rtiaotpaLi . atea.res.1 t1,.a to r Was vd+intry Margter_.. 1 It 1 senate the road. In some manner the horse overturned the buggy, tipping the memento( Into the water. but Inckily no damage was done. They all got very wet. They phoned Into tows for an- other rig. which Henry Juhnotou took out. When he WWI home and was turning into the stable, 1'-w. Leabul was driving slung and ran into the other dg breaking both buggies, but none of the occupants were injured. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. A meeting, especially for the ladles, of the Colborne Farmers' Club will be held HAVE YOU NICE !IANDS? Toa sen bays 1f you ase Tams Bak regularly, Women who ds their own housework. and con- stantly have their bands in water. say nothing equals s.tm-Duk for keeping the hancs In good condition. Or, 11 your hands are chapped. one thorough application of Zam-Auk at n1; -ht will bring ease by mnrn(ng, ant continued ass of this balm 0111 heal the cracks and roughness. Mies salla Martel. of 36 McKay t1t., Ottawa, say. " For two winters 1 'suffered aru.ely from tracked and chapped hands. 1 tried various salves, which scrmrd to do them good tor a time, but as soon as I went rat doors my hands would be- come just as bad as ever. A friend advleed me to try 7.am-Duk, and 1t was really wonderful how even the first application of+thisbalm stopped the smarting and drew out tbe sore- ness. in a very short time my hands were quite smooth again. Now I rub Zane -Bak on my bands ores - 'tonsil all through the winter. and never have any trouble from (racks or chaps." Por (rest -bite, chilblains, cold SONIC wawa. bolls. *deers, blood - poisoning, cuts, burns and scalds, Lam -Bot Is equally good. All dealers, bee. box. am•Bu 1 ■ 1A ■K■■••N■■XXXXXXUIll **1*XINXII NINXIIIRKIR■ swe'ersifte THE COLBORNE STORE "aYie FOR the coming Beason we are showing a wonderful range of materials that are adapted to spring wear, in Silks for dresses, skirts and suits, and Serges for suits and dresses. New Coatings in the seasons latest patterns are now being shown in coat lengths. This means that no two coats will be alike, giving each customer something different. SILKS Taffeta Silk is a favorite and i5 being shown 181 a Targe range of shades in the beat ie.. ' Silk Poplins tire gout( and no cloth is as reasonable in price. They come in the best colorings, at 312.00 a yard. i)nchess Silks are always good, and we have them in all colors and at several A.peeiul shoo iu_ of Week silk 111 all otialities 111141 stain' prin.:. DRESS GINGHAIMS These (iinghauts are i1( large and small cheeks, in gouts colorings, 27 iu. wide, at :tic a yd. l:iugttatus have been hard to get, lint we are fortunate i1( having good pat- terns sow in stock. [rite.. HOUSE FURNISHINGS l,inolenuls in four yards wide, at $1.54) and $1.25 a yd. (oilcloths and heavy Felt Floor ('overings, at 15e a yd. l'ongoleion rugs, at 916.00, in 334 011.00 in nx31:j. $12.00 in tfiS.(K) in 2x2. A good showing of Curtain !Ilateri,ls in seri11ts in. all shades l'urtain., ready-made, i1( ,the newest designs milt tit wally price.. BLOUSES It a 1 r 1 We have 8 real stock of blouses, and they represent the very beat. Each Blouse i. new 111111 up -to -duty. They conte in Voiles, I;eorttette mod Crepe de Chine. CORSETS I1. & A. is the reeognized leader in 4'onsets. Our range is Targe and complete in every price. (iottdeals (aced in frout is a solder, and the Iht'.t styles are being shown here. We are eielu.ive agents fur these two lines D. & A. Corsets THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY J. H. COLBORNE 1 Standard Patterns. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX at Benmiller on Monday, March 'loth, at 2.30 p. m. All are invited. A Neighbor -Is .110. -The neighbors Neal friends of Mr. ('au1 Abseiled grave Min is pleasant 4411 rprise one afternoon recently, coming to his place stud saw- ing enough' w'o.wl 10 keep 11w•w from fnexing the fouling year, as Mr. Steedel pmts It. Mr.' and )tars. Mandel 01•.11 to rxpnwm their sl►.ere gratitude for the kindless shown tneui. Mr. Charlie Ainslie'. of F:wsrx, goes home for a fes daps 1IsIting his parents and treated the members of the em- prise poorly loo oyster.. 'CREWE. Motw.xr, Mar. 17. Miss Ethel Finnigan is spending a few days visiting her brother at Seaforth. Miss !da McQuoid visited at Mr. J. Little's a few days last week. Mrs. N. Saunders spent a few days last week with friends around here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sherwood visited at the home of Wm. McDonald. Kinloss, Thursday last. KINTAIL. MONDAY. March 17. DRENNAN-MACDOHALD.--A quiet wed- ding was solemnized, at 12 o'clock on Wednesday . March 12th, at the Presby- terian manse. when Ella, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald, Laurier. was united in marriage to Mr. Gordon Drennan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drennan, of Kintail. In the even- ing a rection was held at the home of the bride s parents. when the young couple were made the recipients of many handsome and useful presents. Later Mr. and Mrs. Drennanel (t for Saskatoon. where they intend to make their home. Mrs. Wm. N. Johnston and son Ken- neth have returned from Goderich. Mr. Fred MacGregor was in Goderich one day last week. LOTHIAN. MONDAY, March 17. Mr. Kenneth Campbell d..sposed of a fine horse to Will McCrostie. of Goderich, and delivered it on Monday and pur- chased another in its place. Mr. Matthew Gaynor, of Lucknow. was the guest of J. P. Hogan on Sunday. A number of young people from here attended the dance at Dungannon on Friday night and report a good time. Mr. Barger, of Toronto, has purchased the McLean farm And we expect to wel- come him to our midst. Mr. George Swan has moved to the Thomas McKeith farm. which he has purchased. Mr. John Swan has rented Miss Kirk's farm for a term. LANES. MONDAY, Mar 17. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott are on a three *woke' visit t3 friend,' at Grimsby an, f ngeeeol I . Mnx. Fronk and Mrs, Archie John- *tbnc visited friends near Auburn. Wm. Ritchie lost a valuable horse: cause unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dowler bare moved heck from St. Angeetine to Michael Bowker'"' haiwe. Much sympathy Is eatamded to Mir. and Mee. J Ft O)'f.nughlln In the death of their five mnntheold Infant daughter. rhomas and Pat WVallaoe, from the West, are exiting Menthe -must here. ■INr1RIRXXXXX>AI•XXXXXXXIN1A/111111 1 1R ■ A FOR A AT 1R 1R 1R RESERVE EASTER MONDAY EVENING GAUL'S GREAT ORATORIO "THE HOLY CITY" KNOX CHURCH CHORUS OF til) VOICES Miss Kata I-yttle, .soprano Miss Mande Millian, contralto Mr. B. V. Cott, tenor Frederic Tristram [;goner, Mus. l�c , Baritone and Cond'r 1001 seats at 25c. 1 t ' a 11�a ■1R■.!■■1R/Irl<Rm•IR1Rr1 1alwi<r ■at KODAK AS THEY GROW Let your Kodak keep the autographic picture record of the children as they grow. The dates will make the story complete. Developing and Printing. Campbell's Drug Store The Penslar Store Phone yo North Street and Squat* tr •